drop md4 i?86 specific asm implementations
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / donkey / donkeyShare.ml
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open CommonGlobals
22 open Md4
23 open CommonFile
24 open CommonShared
25 open CommonTypes
26 open Options
27 open DonkeyProtoCom
28 open DonkeyTypes
29 open DonkeyOptions
30 open CommonOptions
31 open DonkeyComplexOptions
32 open DonkeyGlobals
34 module VB = VerificationBitmap
36 let must_share_file file codedname has_old_impl =
37 match file.file_shared with
38 | Some _ -> ()
39 | None ->
40 let full_name = file_disk_name file in
41 check_magic (as_file file);
42 let impl = {
43 impl_shared_update = 1;
44 impl_shared_fullname = full_name;
45 impl_shared_codedname = codedname;
46 impl_shared_size = file_size file;
47 impl_shared_id = file.file_md4;
48 impl_shared_num = 0;
49 impl_shared_uploaded = Int64.zero;
50 impl_shared_ops = shared_ops;
51 impl_shared_val = file;
52 impl_shared_requests = 0;
53 impl_shared_file = Some (as_file file);
54 impl_shared_servers = []
55 } in
56 file.file_shared <- Some impl;
57 incr CommonGlobals.nshared_files;
58 CommonShared.shared_calculate_total_bytes ();
59 match has_old_impl with
60 None -> update_shared_num impl
61 | Some old_impl -> replace_shared old_impl impl
63 let new_file_to_share sh codedname old_impl =
64 try
65 (* How do we compute the total MD4 of the file ? *)
67 let md4s = sh.sh_md4s in
68 let md4 = match Array.length md4s with
69 1 -> md4s.(0)
70 | 0 -> assert false
71 | _ -> md4_of_array md4s
74 if !verbose_share then
75 lprintf_nl "Sharing file with MD4: %s" (Md4.to_string md4);
77 let user = CommonUserDb.admin_user () in
78 let file = new_file sh.sh_name FileShared md4 sh.sh_size
79 "" false user user.user_default_group in
80 must_share_file file codedname old_impl;
81 file.file_computed_md4s <- md4s;
82 add_file_filenames (as_file file) (Filename.basename sh.sh_name);
83 update_best_name file;
84 (* file.file_chunks <- Array.make file.file_nchunks PresentVerified; *)
85 (* file.file_absent_chunks <- []; *)
86 (* file.file_all_chunks <- String.make file.file_nchunks '1'; *)
87 (* Should we trust mtimes, or reverify each file. If we trust
88 * mtimes, I guess we have to call
89 * CommonSwarming.set_chunks_verified_bitmap "333..."
90 * this seems unspeakably ugly, but the alternative is to reverify
91 * every shared file every hour.
93 * If, however, we could somehow avoid regenerating shared files
94 * when the directory is scanned, verifying everything on startup
95 * might be acceptable.
97 * Also, timestamps would be more resilient if we took the maximum
98 * of mtime and ctime. (Touch will set ctime to the current time
99 * regardless of the mtime being set.)
101 match file.file_swarmer with
102 | Some s ->
103 let len = Array.length md4s in
104 let ver_str = String.make len (VB.state_to_char VB.State_verified) in
105 CommonSwarming.set_chunks_verified_bitmap s
106 (VB.of_string ver_str);
108 CommonSwarming.set_present s [(Int64.zero, file_size file)];
109 (* If we don't verify now, it will never happen! *)
110 CommonSwarming.verify_all_blocks s true;
112 if !verbose_share then
113 lprintf_nl "verified map of %s = %s"
114 (codedname) (VB.to_string (CommonSwarming.chunks_verified_bitmap s))
115 | None ->
116 if !verbose_share then
117 lprintf_nl "no swarmer for %s" codedname;
118 (try
119 file.file_format <- CommonMultimedia.get_info
120 (file_disk_name file)
121 with _ -> ());
123 (try
124 DonkeyOvernet.publish_file file
125 with e ->
126 lprintf "DonkeyOvernet.publish_file: %s" (Printexc2.to_string e);
127 lprint_newline ());
129 if !verbose_share then
130 lprintf_nl "new_file_to_share: Sharing %s" sh.sh_name;
131 with e ->
132 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while sharing %s" (Printexc2.to_string e)
133 sh.sh_name
135 let all_shared () =
136 let shared_files = ref [] in
137 Hashtbl.iter (fun md4 file ->
138 match file.file_shared with
139 None -> ()
140 | Some _ -> shared_files := file :: !shared_files
141 ) files_by_md4;
142 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "scanned shared files, %d files found" (List.length !shared_files);
143 !shared_files
145 (* publish shared files to servers, called once per minute *)
146 let send_new_shared () =
147 (* sort list to publish least published files first *)
148 let ( |> ) x f = f x in
149 let all_shared =
150 all_shared ()
151 |> List.map (fun e ->
152 (match e.file_shared with
153 Some s -> List.length s.impl_shared_servers
154 | _ -> 0) , e)
155 |> List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b)
156 |> List.map snd
159 (* iter through connected servers *)
160 List.iter (fun s ->
162 (* publish files only on master servers and do not publish more files than hard limit allows *)
163 if s.server_master &&
164 (match s.server_hard_limit with
165 Some v when (Int64.to_int v) < List.length s.server_sent_shared -> false
166 | _ -> true) then
168 (* iter through all shared files and check if the file is already published on the current server
169 build a list of files_to_send with yet unpublished files *)
170 begin
171 let files_to_send = ref [] in
172 let can_publish f = not (file_is_largefile f && not s.server_has_largefiles) in
173 List.iter (fun f ->
174 match f.file_shared with
175 Some impl ->
176 if not (List.mem (CommonServer.as_server s.server_server) impl.impl_shared_servers)
177 && List.length !files_to_send < !!max_published_files && can_publish f then
178 files_to_send := f :: !files_to_send
179 else
180 if not (can_publish f) then
181 lprintf_nl "Can not publish largefile %s because server %s does not support largefiles"
182 (file_best_name f) (string_of_server s)
183 | _ -> () (* this case never happens *)
184 ) all_shared;
186 if !files_to_send <> [] then
187 begin
188 if !verbose_share || !verbose then
189 lprintf_nl "publishing %d new files to %s (holds %d files)"
190 (List.length !files_to_send) (string_of_server s)
191 (List.length s.server_sent_shared);
193 (* publish files on server *)
194 do_if_connected s.server_sock (fun sock ->
195 server_send_share s.server_has_zlib sock !files_to_send);
197 (* append new published files to server structure *)
198 s.server_sent_shared <- !files_to_send @ s.server_sent_shared;
200 (* iter through published files and append current server *)
201 List.iter (fun file ->
202 match file.file_shared with
203 Some impl -> impl.impl_shared_servers <-
204 impl.impl_shared_servers @ [(CommonServer.as_server s.server_server)]
205 | _ -> ()) !files_to_send
209 ) (logged_in_servers ());
212 The problem: sh.shared_fd might be closed during the execution of the
213 thread. Moreover, we don't want to open all the filedescs for all the
214 files being shared !
217 exception Wrong_file_size of int64 * int64
219 let computing = ref false
221 (* Compute (at most) one MD4 chunk if needed. *)
222 let rec check_shared_files () =
223 let module M = CommonHasher in
224 if not !computing then
225 match !shared_files with
226 [] -> ()
227 | sh :: files ->
228 let rec job_creater _ =
230 if not (Sys.file_exists sh.shared_name) then
231 raise Not_found;
232 if Unix32.getsize sh.shared_name <> sh.shared_size then
233 raise (Wrong_file_size ((Unix32.getsize sh.shared_name), sh.shared_size));
235 computing := true;
237 let end_pos = sh.shared_pos ++ block_size in
238 let end_pos = min end_pos sh.shared_size in
239 let len = end_pos -- sh.shared_pos in
241 if !verbose_md4 then
242 lprintf_nl "Hashing chunk %d: %Ld-%Ld (%Ld) of %s"
243 sh.shared_chunk sh.shared_pos end_pos len sh.shared_name;
245 M.compute_md4 (Unix32.filename sh.shared_fd) sh.shared_pos len
246 (fun job ->
247 computing := false;
248 if job.M.job_error then begin
249 lprintf_nl "Error prevent sharing %s" sh.shared_name
250 end else
251 let new_md4 = job.M.job_result in
253 sh.shared_list <- new_md4 :: sh.shared_list;
254 sh.shared_pos <- end_pos;
255 sh.shared_chunk <- sh.shared_chunk + 1;
257 if sh.shared_chunk = get_nchunks sh.shared_size then begin
258 let s = {
259 sh_name = sh.shared_name;
260 sh_size = sh.shared_size;
261 sh_md4s = Array.of_list (List.rev sh.shared_list);
262 sh_mtime = Unix32.mtime sh.shared_name;
263 } in
264 lprintf_nl "New shared file %s" sh.shared_name;
265 Hashtbl.add shared_files_info
266 (s.sh_name, s.sh_size, s.sh_mtime) s;
267 known_shared_files =:= s :: !!known_shared_files;
268 shared_files := files;
269 new_file_to_share s sh.shared_shared.impl_shared_codedname (Some sh.shared_shared);
271 else
272 job_creater ();
273 (* only try back-to-back hashing if hashing is
274 handled by a separate thread *)
275 check_shared_files ()
277 with
278 Wrong_file_size (real,computed) ->
279 shared_files := files;
280 lprintf_nl "Computed filesize %Ld does not match physical filesize %Ld, %s not shared"
281 computed real sh.shared_name
282 | e ->
283 shared_files := files;
284 lprintf_nl "Exception %s prevents sharing of %s"
285 (Printexc2.to_string e) sh.shared_name
287 job_creater ()
289 let _ =
290 network.op_network_share <- (fun fullname codedname size ->
291 if !verbose_share then
292 lprintf_nl "op_network_share: Sharing %s" fullname;
295 lprintf "Searching %s" fullname; lprint_newline ();
297 let mtime = Unix32.mtime fullname in
299 let s = Hashtbl.find shared_files_info
300 (fullname, size, mtime) in
301 (* if s.sh_mtime = mtime && s.sh_size = size then begin *)
302 if !verbose_share then
303 lprintf_nl "donkeyShare: Using old MD4s for %s" fullname;
304 new_file_to_share s codedname None
305 (* end else begin
306 if !verbose_share then begin
307 lprintf "Shared file %s has been modified\n" fullname;
308 end;
309 Hashtbl.remove shared_files_info fullname;
310 known_shared_files =:= List2.removeq s !!known_shared_files;
311 raise Not_found
312 end *)
313 with Not_found ->
314 if !verbose_share then
315 lprintf_nl "donkeyShare: No info on %s" fullname;
317 let found = ref false in
318 List.iter (fun sh -> if sh.shared_name = fullname then found := true) !shared_files;
319 if not !found then begin
320 let rec impl = {
321 impl_shared_update = 1;
322 impl_shared_fullname = fullname;
323 impl_shared_codedname = codedname;
324 impl_shared_size = size;
325 impl_shared_num = 0;
326 impl_shared_uploaded = Int64.zero;
327 impl_shared_ops = pre_shared_ops;
328 impl_shared_id = Md4.null;
329 impl_shared_val = pre_shared;
330 impl_shared_requests = 0;
331 impl_shared_file = None;
332 impl_shared_servers = [];
333 } and
334 pre_shared = {
335 shared_shared = impl;
336 shared_name = fullname;
337 shared_size = size;
338 shared_list = [];
339 shared_pos = 0L;
340 shared_chunk = 0;
341 shared_fd = Unix32.create_ro fullname;
342 } in
343 update_shared_num impl;
344 shared_files := pre_shared :: !shared_files;
348 let remember_shared_info file new_name =
349 (* changed 2.5.24: normalization of file names is done in
350 CommonShared.new_shared, so it should be done here too. *)
351 let new_name = Filename2.normalize new_name in
352 (* lprintf "****** remember_shared_info for new file %s\n" new_name; *)
353 if file.file_computed_md4s <> [||] then
355 let mtime =
357 let disk_name = file_disk_name file in
358 Unix32.mtime disk_name
359 with _ ->
360 if !verbose then
361 lprintf_nl "Share: Trying mtime on new name %s, disk_name %s"
362 new_name (file_disk_name file);
363 Unix32.mtime new_name
366 if !verbose_share then
367 lprintf_nl "Remember %s" new_name;
369 let size = file_size file in
370 if not (Hashtbl.mem shared_files_info
371 (new_name, size, mtime) ) then
372 let s = {
373 sh_name = new_name;
374 sh_size = size;
375 sh_mtime = mtime;
376 sh_md4s = file.file_computed_md4s;
377 } in
379 known_shared_files =:= s :: !!known_shared_files;
380 Hashtbl.add shared_files_info (new_name, size, mtime) s
381 with e ->
382 lprintf_nl "Exception %s in remember_shared_info"
383 (Printexc2.to_string e)
385 let must_share_file file = must_share_file file (file_best_name file) None