CryptoPP: drop unnecessary caml/config.h include, fix #86
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Printf2
21 open BasicSocket
22 open TcpBufferedSocket
23 open Options
24 open CommonOptions
25 open CommonUser
26 open CommonServer
27 open CommonTypes
28 open CommonGlobals
30 open DcTypes
31 open DcOptions
32 open DcGlobals
33 open DcProtocol
35 let log_prefix = "[dcSer]"
37 let lprintf_nl fmt =
38 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
40 (*let rec remove_short list list2 =
41 match list with
42 [] -> List.rev list2
43 | s :: list ->
44 if String.length s < 5 then
45 remove_short list list2
46 else
47 remove_short list (s :: list2) *)
49 (*let stem s =
50 let s = String.lowercase (String.copy s) in
51 for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
52 let c = s.[i] in
53 match c with
54 'a'..'z' | '0' .. '9' -> ()
55 | _ -> s.[i] <- ' ';
56 done;
57 remove_short (String2.split s ' ') [] *)
59 let server_addr s = Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr
61 (* disconnect from DC hub *)
62 let disconnect_server s reason =
63 (match s.server_sock with
64 | NoConnection -> ()
65 | ConnectionWaiting token ->
66 cancel_token token;
67 s.server_sock <- NoConnection
68 | Connection sock ->
69 if !verbose_msg_servers then
70 lprintf_nl "Server (%s:%d) CLOSED connection for reason (%s)"
71 (server_addr s) s.server_port (BasicSocket.string_of_reason reason);
72 (try TcpBufferedSocket.close sock reason with _ -> () );
73 connection_failed (s.server_connection_control);
74 s.server_sock <- NoConnection;
75 s.server_hub_state <- Waiting;
76 set_server_state s (NotConnected (reason, -1));
77 remove_connected_server s )
79 (* Server connection handler *)
80 let server_handler s sock event =
81 (match event with
83 disconnect_server s r
84 | _ -> () )
86 (* Get MyInfo Hubs information of connected servers atm *)
87 let get_myhubs_info () =
88 let n_hubs = ref 0 in (* how many servers has sent $Hello *)
89 let r_hubs = ref 0 in (* how many servers we have sent $MyPass *)
90 let o_hubs = ref 0 in (* how many servers has sent $LogedIn *)
91 List.iter (fun server ->
92 (match server.server_sock with
93 | Connection _ ->
94 (match server.server_hub_state with
95 | Opped -> incr o_hubs
96 | Vipped -> incr r_hubs
97 | User -> incr n_hubs
98 | _ -> () )
99 | _ -> () )
100 ) !connected_servers;
101 !n_hubs,!r_hubs,!o_hubs
103 (* MyInfo record sending *)
104 let create_myinfo s = (* every server is sent its own info (nick) (uptime) *)
105 (* <++ V:x,M:x,H:x/y/z,S:x[,O:x]>
106 V(ersion) x = client version
107 M(ode) x = mode (A = Active, P = Passive, 5 = SOCKS5)
108 H(ubs) x = number of hubs connected to where you're not a registered user
109 y = number of hubs you're registered in
110 z = number of hubs you're registered as an operator
111 S(lots) x = number of upload slots you have open (note that they may be in use already)
112 O(pen an extra slot if speed is below)
113 x = if total upload is below this value DC++ will open another slot
114 This part of the tag is only shown when the option for it is enabled.
116 <flag> User status as ascii char (byte)
117 1 normal - 2,3 away - 4,5 server - 6,7 server away - 8,9 fireball - 10,11 fireball away
118 * The server icon is used when the client has uptime > 2 hours, > 2 GB shared, upload > 200 MB.
119 * The fireball icon is used when the client has had an upload > 100 kB/s. *)
120 let version = Autoconf.current_version in
121 let uptime = current_time () -. s.server_connection_time in
122 let mode = ref ( if (!!firewalled = true) then 'P' else 'A') in
123 let own_brand = "MLDC" in
124 let norm_hubs,reg_hubs,opped_hubs = get_myhubs_info () in
125 let time_flag =
126 if (uptime > 7200.) &&
127 (!nshared_bytes > (Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 2) int64_gbyte)) &&
128 (!dc_total_uploaded > (Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 200) int64_mbyte)) then 5
129 else 1
132 dest = "$ALL";
133 nick = s.server_last_nick;
134 client_brand = own_brand;
135 version = version;
136 mode = !mode;
137 hubs = norm_hubs, reg_hubs, opped_hubs ;
138 slots = open_slots ();
139 open_upload_slot = 0; (*TODO Automatically open an extra slot if speed is below kB/s*)
140 description =
141 Printf.sprintf "<%s V:%s,M:%c,H:%d/%d/%d,S:%d>" own_brand version !mode
142 norm_hubs reg_hubs opped_hubs (open_slots ());
143 conn_speed = !!client_speed;
144 flag = time_flag;
145 email = "";
146 sharesize = DcShared.dc_updatesharesize ();
147 bwlimit = !!max_hard_upload_rate;
150 (* Send to all connected servers *)
151 let send_myinfo_connected_servers () =
152 List.iter (fun s -> (* send myinfo to all servers *)
153 (match s.server_sock with
154 | Connection sock ->
155 let dc_myinfo = create_myinfo s in
156 dc_send_msg sock (MyInfoReq (dc_myinfo))
157 | _ -> () )
158 ) !connected_servers
160 (* Server message handler *)
161 let client_to_server s m sock =
163 (match m with
165 | BadPassReq ->
166 if !verbose_msg_servers then
167 lprintf_nl "Bad password for %S on %s" s.server_last_nick (Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr);
168 s.server_hub_state <- User
170 | ConnectToMeReq t -> (* client is unknown at this moment until $MyNick is received *)
171 (try
172 if !verbose_msg_clients then
173 lprintf_nl "$ConnectToMe (%s:%d) (%s) (%s:%d)"
174 (server_addr s) s.server_port t.ConnectToMe.nick (Ip.to_string t.ConnectToMe.ip)
175 t.ConnectToMe.port;
176 let c = new_client () in
177 c.client_name <- Some t.ConnectToMe.nick; (* unknown *)
178 c.client_addr <- Some (t.ConnectToMe.ip, t.ConnectToMe.port);
179 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Upload 0)); (* level is set later*)
180 DcClients.connect_client c
181 with e ->
182 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "%s in ConnectToMe sending" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
184 | ForceMoveReq t ->
185 lprintf_nl "Received ForceMove(%S) from %s" t (Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr);
186 disconnect_server s (Closed_for_error "Forcemove command received")
188 | GetPassReq -> (* After password request from hub ... *)
189 let addr = Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr in
190 let nick = s.server_last_nick in
191 let rec loop i =
192 (match i with
193 | [] -> dc_send_msg sock ( MyPassReq "IDontKnowThePass" ) (* What to do when have no pass ? *)
194 | (a , n, p) :: tl ->
195 if (a = addr) && (n = nick) then begin (* Send pass from .ini if present for this hub *)
196 s.server_hub_state <- Vipped;
197 dc_send_msg sock ( MyPassReq p );
198 end else loop tl )
200 loop !!hubs_passwords
202 | HelloReq n ->
203 if n = s.server_last_nick then begin (* if the $Hello is for me :) *)
204 (match s.server_hub_state with
205 | Waiting | Opped | Vipped ->
206 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "Connected to Hub: %s" s.server_name;
207 add_connected_server s;
208 set_server_state s (Connected (-1));
209 dc_send_msg sock (VersionReq Autoconf.current_version);
210 dc_send_msg sock (GetNickListReq); (* Send even if we don't need *)
211 set_rtimeout sock (float_of_int Date.half_day_in_secs); (* set read socket timeout big enough *)
212 if s.server_hub_state = Waiting then s.server_hub_state <- User; (* set state with hub to User *)
213 ignore (new_user (Some s) s.server_last_nick); (* add myself to this serverlist for sure *)
214 let dc_myinfo = create_myinfo s in
215 dc_send_msg sock (MyInfoReq (dc_myinfo))
216 | User -> (* We have already passed servers negotiations once and are inside... *)
217 set_rtimeout sock (float_of_int Date.half_day_in_secs))
218 end else (* $Hello from hub is not for me so it is a new user *)
219 ignore (new_user (Some s) n)
221 | HubIsFullReq ->
222 disconnect_server s (Closed_for_error (Printf.sprintf "Hub %s is full" (Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr) ) )
224 | HubNameReq name ->
225 s.server_name <- name;
226 server_must_update s
228 | HubTopicReq topic ->
229 s.server_topic <- topic
231 | LockReq lock -> (* After $Lock from hub, answer with possible $Supports followed by $Key and $ValidateNick *)
232 if (lock.Lock.extended_protocol = true) then (* if EXTENDEDPROTOCOL sent from hub, send own $Supports *)
233 dc_send_msg sock ( SupportsReq (HubSupports mldonkey_dc_hub_supports) );
235 dc_send_msg sock ( KeyReq { Key.key = DcKey.calculate_key lock.Lock.key } ); (* Send $Key *)
236 let addr = Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr in (* current server ip as string *)
237 let rec loop passline =
238 match passline with
239 | [] -> (* end of !!hubs_passwords option list *)
240 let my_nick = local_login () in (* use global or local nick if nick/pass pair not set in .ini *)
241 s.server_last_nick <- my_nick;
242 dc_send_msg sock (ValidateNickReq my_nick )
243 | (a , n, _) :: tl -> (* on every line in !!hubs_passwords list check for match *)
244 if (a = addr) then begin
245 s.server_last_nick <- n;
246 dc_send_msg sock ( ValidateNickReq n ) (* send a nick that has password match in .ini *)
247 end else loop tl
249 loop !!hubs_passwords
251 | LogedInReq n ->
252 if n = s.server_last_nick then begin (* if we are really opped *)
253 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "Opped to server %s" (Ip.string_of_addr s.server_addr);
254 s.server_hub_state <- Opped;
255 (*let dc_myinfo = create_myinfo s in
256 dc_send_msg sock (MyInfoReq (dc_myinfo)) *)
259 | MessageReq t ->
260 s.server_messages <- s.server_messages @ [
261 (int_of_float (current_time ()), t.Message.from, PublicMessage (0,t.Message.message))];
263 | MyInfoReq t ->
264 let u = new_user (Some s) t.nick in
265 (* some hubs send empty info fields, so son't update user if already info filled *)
266 if (t.description = empty_string) && (u.user_myinfo.description <> empty_string) then ()
267 else u.user_myinfo <- t;
268 (*if u.user_myinfo.conn_speed = "" then u.user_type <- Bot;*)
269 user_must_update (as_user u.user_user);
270 ignore (DcClients.ask_user_for_download u) (* start downloading pending load immediately *)
272 | NickListReq list ->
273 List.iter (fun nick ->
274 let u = new_user (Some s) nick in
275 user_must_update (as_user u.user_user)
276 ) list
278 | OpListReq list ->
279 List.iter (fun nick ->
280 let u = new_user (Some s) nick in
281 (*u.user_type <- if u.user_myinfo.conn_speed = "" then Bot*)
282 u.user_type <- Op;
283 user_must_update (as_user u.user_user)
284 ) list
286 | QuitReq t ->
287 remove_user s (search_user_by_name t);
289 | RevConnectToMeReq t ->
290 let orig = t.RevConnectToMe.orig in
291 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Received RevConnectToMe (%s)" orig;
292 if not !!firewalled then begin (* we are in active mode, send $ConnectToMe *)
293 (match !dc_tcp_listen_sock with
294 | Some lsock -> (* our listenin socket is active, so send ConnectToMe *)
295 (try
296 let u = search_user_by_name orig in
297 if (u.user_state = UserIdle) then begin
298 u.user_state <- UserPassiveUserInitiating (current_time() );
299 dc_send_msg sock (
300 let module C = ConnectToMe in
301 ConnectToMeReq {
302 C.nick = orig;
303 C.ip = CommonOptions.client_ip (Some sock);
304 C.port = !!dc_port;
307 end (*else lprintf_nl "Reveived Revconnect: User not UserIdle. Cannot send $ConnectToMe %s - " u.user_nick*)
308 with _ -> if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl " No user by name: %s" orig )
309 | _ -> () )
310 end else
311 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl " We are in passive mode and client seems to be also"
313 | SearchReq t ->
314 (try
315 let find () =
316 let amount = if t.Search.passive then 5 else 10 in
317 (match t.Search.filetype with
318 | 9 ->
319 let dcsh = Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_hash t.Search.words_or_tth in
320 [dcsh]
321 | 1 ->
322 let results = ref [] in
323 let words =
324 (match String2.split_simplify t.Search.words_or_tth ' ' with
325 | [] -> raise Not_found
326 | words -> words )
328 let all_match = ref true in
329 let count = ref 0 in
330 (try
331 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ dcsh ->
332 all_match := true;
333 let rec search list =
334 (match list with
335 | [] -> ()
336 | word :: tail ->
337 if String2.contains dcsh.dc_shared_searchname word then search tail
338 else all_match := false )
340 search words;
341 if !all_match then begin
342 results := dcsh :: !results;
343 incr count;
344 if !count = amount then raise BreakIter (* lets stop the search if enough found already *)
346 ) dc_shared_files_by_hash
347 with BreakIter -> () );
348 !results
349 | _ ->
350 [] )
351 (*if t.Search.filetype = 9 then begin
352 (try
353 let dcsh = Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_hash t.Search.words_or_tth in
354 let sh = CommonUploads.find_by_name dcsh.dc_shared_codedname in
355 let index = Hashtbl.find CommonUploads.infos_by_name dcsh.dc_shared_fullname in
356 let info = IndexedSharedFiles.get_result index in
357 [(sh,info)]
358 with _ -> raise Not_found )
359 end else begin
360 CommonUploads.query (
361 let q =
362 (match String2.split_simplify t.Search.words_or_tth ' ' with
363 | [] -> raise Not_found
364 | s :: tail -> List.fold_left (fun q s -> QAnd (q, (QHasWord s))) (QHasWord s) tail )
366 (match t.Search.sizelimit with
367 | NoLimit -> q
368 | AtMost n -> QAnd (QHasMaxVal (Field_Size, n),q)
369 | AtLeast n -> QAnd (QHasMinVal (Field_Size, n),q) )
371 end *)
373 let send_sr_messages files = (* function to send both active and passive messages *)
374 (*lprintf_nl "Results %d" (List.length files);*)
375 List.iter (fun dcsh ->
376 let codedname = String2.replace dcsh.dc_shared_codedname '/' (String2.of_char char92) in
377 (*let length = String.length codedname in*)
378 let directory,filename =
379 (try
380 let pos = String.rindex codedname char92 in
381 (String2.before codedname pos), (String2.after codedname (pos+1))
382 with _ ->
383 if !verbose_unknown_messages then lprintf_nl "Codedname was wrong in Search receiving";
384 raise Not_found )
386 let message = (* message structure for both active and passive messages *)
387 let module S = SR in {
388 S.owner = s.server_last_nick;
389 = directory;
390 S.filename = filename;
391 S.filesize = dcsh.dc_shared_size;
392 S.open_slots = current_slots ();
393 S.all_slots = open_slots ();
394 S.tth = dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root;
395 S.server_name = s.server_name;
396 S.server_ip = Printf.sprintf "%s" (Ip.to_string (Ip.ip_of_addr s.server_addr));
397 S.server_port = Printf.sprintf "%d" s.server_port;
398 S.to_nick = if t.Search.passive then Some t.Search.nick else None;
401 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
402 let mode = if t.Search.passive then 'P' else 'A' in
403 lprintf_nl "Sending $SR: (%s)(%c)(%s)(%s)(%s)" t.Search.nick mode directory filename
404 dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root
405 end;
406 if t.Search.passive then
407 dc_send_msg sock (SRReq ( message ))
408 else
409 DcClients.udp_send (Ip.of_string t.Search.ip) (int_of_string t.Search.port) (SRReq ( message ))
410 ) files
413 if t.Search.passive then begin (* if passive search received *)
414 if not !!firewalled then begin (* and we are in active mode *)
415 if (t.Search.nick <> s.server_last_nick) then begin (* if search is not from ourself ... *)
416 ignore (new_user (Some s) t.Search.nick);
417 let files = find () in
418 send_sr_messages files
420 end (* passive search to passive user, do nothing *)
421 end else begin (* active search received ... *)
422 if (t.Search.ip <> Ip.to_string (CommonOptions.client_ip (Some sock))) ||
423 (t.Search.port <> string_of_int(!!dc_port)) then begin (* check that ip & port is not ours *)
424 let files = find () in
425 send_sr_messages files
428 with _ -> () (*lprintf_nl "Exception %s in SEARCH receiving" (Printexc2.to_string e)*) )
430 | SRReq t -> (* download is resumed automatically, if file is found already to be in file list *)
431 DcClients.received_new_search_result s t
433 | SupportsReq t -> (* After EXTENDEDPROTOCOL support list from hub ... *)
434 (match t with
435 | HubSupports t -> s.server_supports <- Some t (* Save supports into serverdata *)
436 | _ -> () )
438 | ToReq t ->
439 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Received $To: from %s (%s)" t.To.from t.To.message;
440 let u = new_user (Some s) t.To.from in
441 u.user_messages <- u.user_messages @ [
442 (int_of_float (current_time ()), t.To.from, PrivateMessage (0, t.To.message))];
444 | UnknownReq m ->
445 if m <> "" then
446 if !verbose_unexpected_messages || !verbose_msg_servers then
447 let l = String.length m in
448 let txt = Printf.sprintf "Unknown server message: (%s)" (shorten_string s.server_name 20)in
449 if l > 50 then lprintf_nl "%s (%s...%d chars)" txt (shorten_string m 50) l
450 else lprintf_nl "%s (%s)" txt m
452 | UserCommandReq -> () (* Not supported atm *)
454 | UserIPReq st -> (* CHECK *)
455 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "Received $UserIP";
456 let st = UserIP.parse_nameip st in
457 List.iter begin fun (name,addr) ->
458 lprintf_nl "UserIP: %s %s" name (Ip.string_of_addr addr);
460 if name = s.server_last_nick then
461 begin
462 match addr with
463 | Ip.AddrIp ip -> lprintf_nl "Received self IP: %s" (Ip.to_string ip); last_high_id := ip
464 | Ip.AddrName _ -> ()
465 end;
466 let u = search_user_by_name name in
467 u.user_ip <- addr;
468 lprintf_nl "Added ip %s to user %s" (Ip.string_of_addr u.user_ip) u.user_nick
469 with _ ->
470 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "No user by name %s" name
471 end st
473 | ValidateDenideReq n ->
474 let errortxt = Printf.sprintf "Nick %s is already in use" n in
475 if !verbose_unexpected_messages || !verbose_msg_servers then
476 lprintf_nl "%s" errortxt;
477 disconnect_server s (Closed_for_error errortxt )
479 | VersionReq v -> ()
481 | _ ->
482 lprintf_nl "--> Unhandled server message. Implement ?:";
483 DcProtocol.dc_print m )
485 (* connect to DC server *)
486 let connect_server s =
487 if can_open_connection connection_manager then
488 (match s.server_sock with
489 | NoConnection ->
490 let token = add_pending_connection connection_manager (fun token ->
491 (*s.server_sock <- NoConnection;*)
492 (try
493 connection_try s.server_connection_control;
494 (*printf_char 's'; *)
495 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.connect token "directconnect to server"
496 (Ip.to_inet_addr (Ip.ip_of_addr s.server_addr)) s.server_port (server_handler s) in
497 set_server_state s Connecting;
498 TcpBufferedSocket.set_read_controler sock download_control; (* CommonGlobals.download_control *)
499 TcpBufferedSocket.set_write_controler sock upload_control;
500 (*s.server_search_timeout <- last_time () + 30;*)
501 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (dc_handler_server (client_to_server s));
502 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock !!server_connection_timeout (*60.*);
503 TcpBufferedSocket.set_handler sock (BASIC_EVENT RTIMEOUT) (fun s -> close s Closed_for_timeout);
504 s.server_sock <- Connection sock;
505 s.server_ip <- Ip.ip_of_addr s.server_addr;
506 s.server_connection_time <- current_time ();
507 with e ->
508 disconnect_server s (Closed_for_exception e) )
509 ) in
510 s.server_sock <- ConnectionWaiting token
511 | _ -> () )
513 let try_connect_server s =
514 if connection_can_try s.server_connection_control &&
515 s.server_sock = NoConnection then
516 connect_server s
518 (* Make hublist from file f, return hublist *)
519 let make_hublist_from_file f =
520 let s = File.to_string f in
521 let hublist = ref [] in
522 let counter = ref 0 in
523 let lines = String2.split s '\n' in
524 List.iter (fun l ->
525 (match String2.split l '|' with
526 | server_name :: server_addr :: server_info :: server_nusers :: _ ->
527 let ap = String2.split server_addr ':' in
528 let port = ref 411 in
529 let addr = ref "" in
530 let ll = List.length ap in
531 if ll > 0 then begin
532 addr := List.hd ap;
533 if ll = 2 then begin
534 (try
535 port := int_of_string (List.nth ap 1)
536 with e -> () )
537 end;
538 if (ll < 3) && ((String.length !addr) > 2) && (!port > 0) && (!port < 65536) then begin
539 let nusers = ref 0 in begin
541 nusers := int_of_string server_nusers
542 with _ -> ()
543 end;
544 incr counter;
545 let r = {
546 dc_name = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 server_name;
547 dc_ip = Ip.addr_of_string !addr;
548 dc_port = !port;
549 dc_info = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 server_info;
550 dc_nusers = !nusers;
551 } in
552 hublist := r :: !hublist
555 | _ -> () )
556 ) lines;
557 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "Found %d valid servers from hublist" !counter;
558 !hublist
560 let xml_tag name = let name = String.lowercase name in fun x -> String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) = name
562 let rec xml_select names xs =
563 match names with
564 | [] -> xs
565 | [name] -> List.filter (xml_tag name) xs
566 | name::t ->
567 let l = List.filter (xml_tag name) xs in
568 xml_select t (List.concat ( Xml.children l))
570 let ssplit s sub =
572 let n = String2.search_from s 0 sub in
573 Some (String2.before s n, String2.after s (n + String.length sub))
574 with
575 _ -> None
577 exception ADC_not_supported
579 let parse_address s =
580 let s = match ssplit (String.lowercase s) "://" with
581 | Some ("dchub",s) -> s
582 | None -> s
583 | Some (("adc"|"adcs"),_) -> raise ADC_not_supported
584 | Some (proto,_) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unsupported protocol in %S" s)
586 try Scanf.sscanf s "%s@:%u" (fun s n -> s,n) with _ -> s,411
588 let make_hublist_from_xml x =
589 let make_hub x =
590 let name = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 (Xml.attrib x "Name") in
591 let (address,port) = parse_address (Xml.attrib x "Address") in
592 let info = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 (Xml.attrib x "Description") in
593 let nusers = int_of_string (Xml.attrib x "Users") in
595 dc_name = name;
596 dc_ip = Ip.addr_of_string address;
597 dc_port = port;
598 dc_info = info;
599 dc_nusers = nusers;
602 let l = xml_select ["hublist";"hubs";"hub"] [x] in
603 let adc = ref 0 in
604 let add_hub acc x =
605 try
606 make_hub x :: acc
607 with
608 | ADC_not_supported -> incr adc; acc
609 | exn -> lprintf_nl "Skipping hublist entry : %s" (Printexc2.to_string exn); acc
611 let l' = List.fold_left add_hub [] l in
612 if !verbose_msg_servers then
613 lprintf_nl "Servers in hublist : %u total, %u valid, %u adc" (List.length l) (List.length l') !adc;
616 (* Connect to all autoconnect servers once *)
617 let autoconnect_to_servers () =
618 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ s ->
619 if s.server_autoconnect then begin (* only if server is marked as autoconnect *)
620 if not (List.memq s !connected_servers) then begin (* and not already connected *)
621 if s.server_sock = NoConnection then begin (* and not in connection state *)
622 try_connect_server s;
625 end
626 ) servers_by_ip;
628 module P = GuiTypes
630 (* register server operations *)
631 let _ =
632 server_ops.op_server_connect <- (fun s -> connect_server s);
633 server_ops.op_server_disconnect <- (fun s -> disconnect_server s Closed_by_user);
634 server_ops.op_server_query_users <- (fun s ->
635 do_if_connected s.server_sock (fun sock ->
636 dc_send_msg sock (GetNickListReq)
639 server_ops.op_server_users <- (fun s ->
640 let list = ref [] in
641 List.iter (fun u ->
642 list := (as_user u.user_user) :: !list
643 ) s.server_users;
644 !list
646 server_ops.op_server_remove <- (fun s ->
647 disconnect_server s Closed_by_user;
648 server_remove s
650 server_ops.op_server_info <- (fun s ->
651 { (impl_server_info s.server_server) with
652 P.server_num = (server_num s);
653 P.server_network = network.network_num;
654 P.server_addr = s.server_addr;
655 P.server_port = s.server_port;
656 P.server_realport = 0;
657 P.server_score = 0;
658 P.server_tags = [];
659 P.server_nusers = Int64.of_int (List.length s.server_users);
660 P.server_state = server_state s;
661 P.server_name = s.server_name;
662 P.server_description = s.server_info;
663 P.server_preferred = false;
666 server_ops.op_server_set_preferred <- (fun s preferred ->
667 s.server_autoconnect <- preferred;
668 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "Server autoconnection state set to (%s)" (if preferred then "true" else "false")
672 mutable op_server_network : network;
673 mutable op_server_find_user : ('a -> string -> unit);
674 mutable op_server_cid : ('a -> Ip.t);
675 mutable op_server_low_id : ('a -> bool);
676 mutable op_server_rename : ('a -> string -> unit);