options: fix setting network-specific options from command-line
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect / dcInteractive.ml
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Options
21 open Printf2
22 open Md4
23 open BasicSocket
25 open GuiTypes
27 open CommonInteractive
28 open CommonOptions
29 open CommonGlobals
30 open CommonClient
31 open CommonFile
32 open CommonUser
33 open CommonNetwork
34 open CommonServer
35 open CommonTypes
37 open DcTypes
38 open DcOptions
39 open DcGlobals
40 open DcShared
41 open DcProtocol
42 open DcServers
43 open Xml
46 let log_prefix = "[dcInt]"
48 let lprintf_nl fmt =
49 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
51 (* Start new dowload from result *)
52 let start_new_download u tth fdir fname fsize user group =
53 try
54 ignore (Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_hash tth);
55 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "Shared file with same hash exists (%s) (%s)" fname tth;
56 None
57 with _ ->
58 let f = new_file tth fdir fname fsize user group in (* ...create new file *)
59 match (file_state f) with
60 | FileDownloaded | FileShared -> if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File already downloaded"; None
61 | FileDownloading -> if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File being downloaded"; None
62 | FilePaused -> if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File paused"; None
63 | FileAborted _ | FileCancelled | FileQueued ->
64 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File state invalid"; None
65 | FileNew ->
66 file_add f.file_file FileDownloading;
67 match u with
68 | None -> Some f
69 | Some user ->
70 let c = new_client_to_user_with_file user f in
71 c.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting f;
72 if (can_user_start_downloading user) then begin
73 user.user_state <- TryingToSendFirstContact;
74 c.client_state <- DcDownloadConnecting (f,current_time ());
75 ignore (DcClients.try_connect_client c)
76 end;
77 Some f
79 (* Start downloading of a file by user selection from resultlist *)
80 let start_result_download r user group =
81 let filename = List.hd r.result_names in
82 let rinfo = Hashtbl.find dc_result_info r.result_num in
83 let newfile = start_new_download (Some rinfo.user) rinfo.tth rinfo.directory filename r.result_size user group in
84 (match newfile with
85 | Some f -> as_file f.file_file (* return CommonFile.file *)
86 | _ -> raise Not_found )
88 let exn_catch f x = try `Ok (f x) with exn -> `Exn exn
89 let opt_default default = function None -> default | Some v -> v
91 let parse_url url user group =
92 match exn_catch parse_magnet_url url with
93 | `Exn _ -> "Not a magnet url", false
94 | `Ok magnet ->
95 if !verbose then
96 lprintf_nl "Got magnet url %S" url;
97 (* TODO multiple TTHs, multiple xt, automatic merge of downloads from different networks (?!) *)
98 match List2.filter_map (function TigerTree tth -> Some tth | _ -> None) magnet#uids with
99 | [] -> "No TTH found in magnet url", false
100 | tth::_ ->
101 let (_ : _ option) = start_new_download None (TigerTree.to_string tth) "" magnet#name (opt_default 0L magnet#size) user group in
102 magnet#name, true
104 (* register DC commands *)
105 let register_commands list =
106 register_commands (List2.tail_map (fun (n,f,h) -> (n, "Direct Connect", f,h)) list)
108 let command l = String.concat "+" (List.map Url.encode l)
110 let td_command text title ?(blink=false) ?(target=`Output) cmd =
111 Printf.sprintf
112 "\\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" %sonMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
113 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\" title=\\\"%s\\\"
114 onClick=\\\"parent.%s.location.href='submit?q=%s'\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>"
115 (if blink then "style=\\\"text-decoration:blink\\\" " else "")
116 title (match target with `Output -> "output" | `Status -> "fstatus")
117 (command cmd)
118 text
120 (* Print DC hubs header *)
121 let dc_hublist_print_html_header buf ext =
122 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" (Printf.sprintf "servers%s" ext) [
123 ( Num, "srh", "Hub number", "#" ) ;
124 ( Str, "srh", "Add hub to servers", "Add" ) ;
125 ( Str, "srh", "Hub name", "Hub name" ) ;
126 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
127 ( Num, "srh", "Users in hub", "Users" ) ;
128 ( Str, "srh", "Hub info", "Info" ) ]
130 (* print in html or txt list of hubs *)
131 let hublist_print h hnum o =
132 let buf = o.conn_buf in
133 let hname = shorten_string h.dc_name 50 in
134 let hinfo = shorten_string h.dc_info 50 in
135 if use_html_mods o then begin
136 Printf.bprintf buf "
137 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
138 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
140 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
141 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s:%d\\</td\\>
142 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
143 \\<td width=\\\"100%%\\\" class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\n"
144 (html_mods_cntr ())
145 hnum
146 (td_command "Add" "Add" ~target:`Status
147 ["dcn"; Ip.string_of_addr h.dc_ip; string_of_int h.dc_port])
148 hname
149 (Ip.string_of_addr h.dc_ip) h.dc_port
150 h.dc_nusers hinfo
151 end else begin
152 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %20s %25s:%-10d Users:%-8d %20s\n"
153 hnum
154 hname
155 (Ip.string_of_addr h.dc_ip) h.dc_port
156 h.dc_nusers
157 hinfo
160 (* Print DC users header *)
161 let dc_user_print_html_header buf =
162 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
163 ( Num, "srh", "User number", "#" );
164 ( Str, "srh", "User name", "Name" );
165 ( Str, "srh", "User type", "Type" );
166 ( Num, "srh", "Users slots (all/free)", "Slots" );
167 ( Num, "srh", "Users connected hubs (Normal/Vipped/Opped)", "Hubs" );
168 ( Str, "srh", "Users mode", "Mode" );
169 ( Num, "srh", "Users shared size", "Shared" );
170 ( Str, "srh", "User state", "State" );
171 ( Str, "srh", "User description field", "Description" );
172 ( Num, "srh", "User clients number", "Clients" );
173 ( Num, "srh", "Users servers number", "Servers" );
174 ( Str, "srh", "Download this clients filelist", "Filelist" );
175 ( Str, "srh", "Open chat window with this user. Blinking tells there are new unread messages", "Chat");
176 ( Num, "srh", "User total uploaded bytes", "Up" );
177 ( Num, "srh", "User total downloaded bytes", "Down" );
178 ( Str, "srh", "User client supports", "Supports" ); ];
181 (* print in html or txt list of users *)
182 let user_print user num o =
183 let buf = o.conn_buf in
184 let utype =
185 (match user.user_type with
186 | Normal -> "Normal"
187 | Vip -> "Vip"
188 | Op -> "Op"
189 (*| Bot -> "Bot"*) )
191 let state =
192 (match user.user_state with
193 | UserIdle -> "NotDefined"
194 | TryingToSendFirstContact -> "TryingToSendFirstContact"
195 | UserActiveMeInitiating -> "UserActiveMeInitiating"
196 | UserActiveUserInitiating -> "UserActiveUserInitiating"
197 | UserPassiveUserInitiating _ -> "UserPassiveUserInitiating" )
199 let clients = List.length user.user_clients in
200 let servers = List.length user.user_servers in
201 let messages = user_has_new_messages user in
202 let hasmynick = has_my_nick user in
203 let hubs =
204 let a,b,c = user.user_myinfo.hubs in
205 Printf.sprintf "(%d/%d/%d)" a b c
207 let supports =
208 if (List.length user.user_clients > 0) then begin
209 let c = List.hd user.user_clients in
210 (match c.client_supports with
211 | Some supports ->
212 DcProtocol.Supports.create_supports_string (ClientSupports supports)
213 | _ -> empty_string )
214 end else empty_string
216 if use_html_mods o then begin
217 Printf.bprintf buf "
218 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
219 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
220 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
221 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
222 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
223 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
224 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%c\\</td\\>
225 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
226 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
227 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
228 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
229 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
230 %s%s
231 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
232 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
233 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\n"
234 (html_mods_cntr ()) num user.user_nick utype user.user_myinfo.slots hubs user.user_myinfo.mode
235 (size_of_int64 user.user_myinfo.sharesize) state user.user_myinfo.description clients servers
236 (if not hasmynick && (servers > 0) then (* is connected to any servers with us *)
237 td_command "Get List" "Download user filelist" ~target:`Status ["dcloadfilelist"; user.user_nick]
238 else begin
239 let txt =
240 if hasmynick then "Me"
241 else "No connection"
243 Printf.sprintf "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>" txt
244 end )
245 (if not hasmynick then (* not me *)
246 td_command "Open chat" "Open message window to this user" ~blink:messages ["dcmessages"; user.user_nick]
247 else
248 "\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>\\</td\\>" )
249 (size_of_int64 user.user_uploaded) (size_of_int64 user.user_downloaded) supports
250 end else
251 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %-20s %8s %20s\n" num user.user_nick utype state
253 (* Print DC hubs header *)
254 let dc_hub_print_html_header buf =
255 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
256 ( Num, "srh", "Hub number", "#" ) ;
257 ( Str, "srh", "Set/UnSet server autoconnection state", "Auto" ) ;
258 ( Str, "srh", "Hub name", "Hub name" ) ;
259 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
260 ( Str, "srh", "My state in this hub", "State" ) ;
261 ( Num, "srh", "Users in hub", "Users" ) ;
262 ( Str, "srh", "Hub info", "Info" );
263 ( Str, "srh", "Open chat window with this hub. Blinking tells there are new unread message", "Chat" ) ]
265 (* Print list of connected hubs *)
266 let hub_print s num o =
267 let buf = o.conn_buf in
268 let sinfo = shorten_string s.server_info 50 in
269 let sname = shorten_string s.server_name 50 in
270 let sip = Ip.to_string s.server_ip in
271 let sport = s.server_port in
272 let susers = List.length s.server_users in
273 let smessages = ((List.length s.server_messages) > s.server_read_messages) in
274 let sstate = dc_hubstate_to_text s in
275 if use_html_mods o then begin
276 Printf.bprintf buf "
277 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
278 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
280 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
281 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s:%d\\</td\\>
282 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
284 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
285 %s\\</tr\\>\n"
286 (html_mods_cntr ())
288 (td_command
289 (if s.server_autoconnect then "UnSet" else "Set")
290 "Set this hub autoconnection state"
291 ["dcautoconnect"; (if s.server_autoconnect then "false" else "true"); sip] )
292 sname sip sport sstate
293 (td_command (string_of_int susers) "Show users for this hub only" ["dcusers";sip] )
294 sinfo
295 (td_command "Open chat" "Open this hubs chat windows" ~blink:smessages ["dcmessages";sip;string_of_int sport])
296 end else begin
297 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %20s %25s:%-10d Users:%-8d %20s\n"
299 sname
300 sip sport
301 susers
302 sinfo
305 (* Print DC clients header *)
306 let dc_client_print_html_header buf =
307 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
308 ( Num, "srh", "Client number", "#" );
309 ( Str, "srh", "Remove Client", "Rem" );
310 ( Str, "srh", "Client name", "Name" );
311 ( Str, "srh", "Client ip/port", "Ip:Port" );
312 ( Str, "srh", "Client state", "State" );
313 ( Str, "srh", "Client connection", "Conn" );
314 ( Str, "srh", "Client last error/count", "Error" );
315 ( Str, "srh", "Client file", "File" ); ];
318 (* print in html or txt list of clients *)
319 let client_print name client num o =
320 let buf = o.conn_buf in
321 let ip,port =
322 (match client.client_addr with
323 | Some (ip,port) -> Ip.to_string ip,port
324 | None -> "None",0 )
326 let conn =
327 (match client.client_sock with
328 | Connection _ -> "Connected"
329 | ConnectionWaiting _ -> "Connecting..."
330 | NoConnection -> "NoConnection" )
332 let state = client_state_to_string client in
333 let error =
334 (match client.client_error with
335 | NoError -> empty_string
336 | NoFreeSlots -> Printf.sprintf "NoFreeSlots %d" client.client_error_count
337 | FileNotAvailable -> Printf.sprintf "FileNotAvailable %d" client.client_error_count
338 | UserNotReachable -> Printf.sprintf "UserNotReachable %d" client.client_error_count
339 | ClosedOnInit -> Printf.sprintf "ClosedOnInit %d" client.client_error_count
340 | ConnectionResetByPeer -> Printf.sprintf "ConnectionResetByPeer %d" client.client_error_count
341 | UploadError -> Printf.sprintf "UploadError %d" client.client_error_count
342 | UserDontReplyOnTime -> Printf.sprintf "UserDontReplyOnTime %d" client.client_error_count )
344 let fil =
345 (match client.client_state with
346 | DcDownloadWaiting file
347 | DcDownloadConnecting (file,_)
348 | DcDownload file -> file.file_name
349 | DcUpload (_,fd_file,_,_)
350 | DcUploadList fd_file
351 | DcDownloadList fd_file -> Unix32.filename fd_file
352 | DcUploadListStarting filename -> filename
353 | DcUploadStarting (dcsh,_,_) -> dcsh.dc_shared_codedname
354 | _ -> "None" )
356 if use_html_mods o then begin
357 Printf.bprintf buf "
358 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
359 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
361 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
362 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s:%d\\</td\\>
363 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>
364 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>
365 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>
366 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\n"
367 (html_mods_cntr ()) num
368 (td_command "Rem" "Remove client" ~target:`Status
369 ["dcremclient"; string_of_int (client_num (as_client client.client_client))] )
370 name ip port state conn error fil
371 end else
372 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %25s %25s:%-10d S:%15s C:%15s F:%15s\n"
373 num name ip port state conn fil
375 (* Print DC files header *)
376 let dc_file_print_html_header buf =
377 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
378 ( Num, "srh", "File number", "#" );
379 ( Str, "srh", "File name/path", "File" );
380 ( Num, "srh", "File size", "Size" );
381 ( Str, "srh", "Tiger Tree Hash and magnet url", "TTH and magnet" );
382 ( Num, "srh", "Files clients number (sources)", "Clients" );
383 ( Num, "srh", "Autosearches done", "Searches" );
384 ( Str, "srh", "Find new source by tth", "Find TTH" );
385 ( Str, "srh", "Find new source by similar name context", "Find similar" ); ];
388 let html_show_tth file size tth =
389 begin match exn_catch TigerTree.of_string tth with
390 | `Exn _ -> ""
391 | `Ok hash ->
392 let magnet = object
393 method name = Filename.basename file
394 method size = match size with 0L -> None | _ -> Some size (* do not report size if not available *)
395 method uids = [TigerTree hash]
396 end in
397 Printf.sprintf "\\<a href=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s\\</a\\>" (show_magnet_url magnet) tth
400 let html_show_shared dcsh =
401 html_show_tth dcsh.dc_shared_fullname dcsh.dc_shared_size dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root
403 let html_show_file file =
404 html_show_tth file.file_name file.file_file.impl_file_size file.file_unchecked_tiger_root
406 (* TODO better *)
407 let translate' s =
408 let s = String2.replace_char s char32 char42 in (* to * *)
409 let s = String2.replace_char s char39 char58 in (* ' to : *)
410 let s = String2.replace_char s char38 char60 in (* & to < *)
413 let translate s =
414 String2.replace_char (translate' s) char43 char62 (* + to > *)
416 let untranslate' s =
417 let s = String2.replace_char s char42 char32 in (* * to *)
418 let s = String2.replace_char s char58 char39 in (* : to ' *)
419 let s = String2.replace_char s char60 char38 in (* < to & *)
422 let untranslate s =
423 String2.replace_char (untranslate' s) char62 char43 (* > to + *)
425 (* print in html or txt list of files *)
426 let file_print file num o =
427 let buf = o.conn_buf in
428 if use_html_mods o then begin
429 Printf.bprintf buf "
430 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
431 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
432 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
433 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%Ld\\</td\\>
434 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>
435 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
436 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
438 %s\\</tr\\>\n"
439 (html_mods_cntr ()) num file.file_name file.file_file.impl_file_size
440 (html_show_file file) (List.length file.file_clients) file.file_autosearch_count
441 (td_command "Find TTH" "Find new client for this file by TTH" ["dcfindsource"; file.file_unchecked_tiger_root])
442 (td_command "Find similar" "Find new client for this file by similar name" ["dcfindsource"; translate' file.file_name])
443 end else
444 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %40s %-15Ld %5d\n"
445 num file.file_name file.file_file.impl_file_size (List.length file.file_clients)
447 (* Print DC shared files header *)
448 let dc_shared_print_html_header buf =
449 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
450 ( Num, "srh", "File number", "#" );
451 ( Str, "srh", "Shared file name", "Name" );
452 ( Num, "srh", "Shared file size", "Size" );
453 ( Str, "srh", "Tiger Tree Hash and magnet url", "TTH and magnet" );
454 (*( Num, "srh", "Shared files Tiger tree array length", "TTree #" );*) ];
458 (* print in html or txt list of shared files *)
459 let shared_print dcsh num o =
460 let buf = o.conn_buf in
461 if use_html_mods o then begin
462 Printf.bprintf buf "
463 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
464 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
465 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
466 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%Ld\\</td\\>
467 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\n"
468 (html_mods_cntr ()) num dcsh.dc_shared_codedname dcsh.dc_shared_size
469 (html_show_shared dcsh)
470 end else
471 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %40s %-15Ld %24s\n"
472 num dcsh.dc_shared_codedname dcsh.dc_shared_size dcsh.dc_shared_tiger_root
474 (* Print DC filelist header *)
475 let dc_filelist_print_html_header buf =
476 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
477 ( Num, "srh", "Number", "#" ) ;
478 ( Str, "srh", "Filelist name", "Filelist" ) ]
480 (* Print one line from filelist *)
481 let filelist_print fname line o =
482 let buf = o.conn_buf in
483 if use_html_mods o then begin
484 Printf.bprintf buf "
485 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
486 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
488 \\</tr\\>\n"
489 (html_mods_cntr ())
490 line
491 (td_command fname "Open filelist" ["dcshowfilelist"; fname])
492 end else begin
493 Printf.bprintf buf "[%5d] %s\n" line fname
496 type dc_int_groups = G_users|G_hubs|G_clients|G_files|G_shared|G_filelists
498 (* register users,clients,files *)
499 let dc_list o group_type group_name =
500 let buf = o.conn_buf in
501 let num = ref 1 in
502 html_mods_cntr_init ();
503 let html f = if use_html_mods o then f buf else () in
504 begin try
505 begin match group_type with
506 | G_users ->
507 let new_messages_list = ref [] in (* lets order users with unread messages to the top *)
508 let others_list = ref [] in
509 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ user ->
510 if user_has_new_messages user then new_messages_list := user :: !new_messages_list
511 else others_list := user :: !others_list
512 ) users_by_name;
513 html dc_user_print_html_header;
514 List.iter (fun user -> user_print user !num o; incr num) !new_messages_list;
515 List.iter (fun user -> user_print user !num o; incr num) !others_list;
516 | G_hubs ->
517 html dc_hub_print_html_header;
518 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ s -> hub_print s !num o; incr num) servers_by_ip
519 (*List.iter (fun s -> hub_print s !num o; incr num) !connected_servers*)
520 | G_clients ->
521 html dc_client_print_html_header;
522 List.iter (fun c ->
523 (match c.client_name with
524 | Some n -> client_print n c !num o; incr num
525 | None -> () )
526 ) !clients_list
527 | G_files ->
528 html dc_file_print_html_header;
529 List.iter (fun file -> file_print file !num o; incr num) !current_files;
530 | G_shared ->
531 html dc_shared_print_html_header;
532 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ dcsh -> shared_print dcsh !num o; incr num) dc_shared_files_by_codedname
533 | G_filelists ->
534 html dc_filelist_print_html_header;
535 let filelist = Unix2.list_directory filelist_directory in
536 List.iter (fun fname -> filelist_print fname !num o; incr num) filelist;
537 end;
538 if use_html_mods o then
539 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
540 with e ->
541 lprintf_nl "Exception %s in printing %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) group_name
542 end;
543 empty_string
545 (* Print DC filelist files header *)
546 let dc_filelist_files_print_html_header buf =
547 html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" (Printf.sprintf "servers") [
548 ( Num, "srh", "Number", "#" );
549 ( Str, "srh", "File/Directory name", "File/Directory name" );
550 ( Num, "srh", "File Size", "Size" );
551 ( Str, "srh", "Files TTH", "TTH" ) ]
553 (* Print one line from filelist file *)
554 let filelist_file_print is_file spaces username dir fname fsize ftth line o =
555 (* is_file = if true, make the whole filename a link with submit command to load a file
556 spaces
557 username = username to submit in command
558 dir = current directory path to submit in command
559 fname = filename from mylist
560 fsize = filesize from mylist
561 ftth = tth from mylist *)
562 let buf = o.conn_buf in
563 if use_html_mods o then begin
564 Printf.bprintf buf "
565 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
566 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%d\\</td\\>
568 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>
569 \\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\n"
570 (html_mods_cntr ())
571 line
572 (if is_file then
573 td_command (spaces^fname) "Start downloading" ~target:`Status
574 ["dcloadfile"; username; ftth; translate dir; translate fname; fsize]
575 else
576 Printf.sprintf "\\<td class=\\\"srb\\\" \\>\\<b\\>%s%s\\</b\\>\\</td\\>" spaces fname
578 fsize
579 ftth
580 end else begin
581 Printf.bprintf buf "%30s %10s %30s\n" fname fsize ftth
584 (* Print DC info header *)
585 let dc_info_html_header buf =
586 html_mods_table_header buf "sharesTable" "shares" [
587 ( Str, "srh", "Direct Connect information", "DC Info" ) ;
588 ( Str, "srh", empty_string, empty_string ) ]
590 (* Print DC info *)
591 let dc_info_print info data line o =
592 let buf = o.conn_buf in
593 if use_html_mods o then begin
594 Printf.bprintf buf "
595 \\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>
596 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
597 \\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>"
598 (html_mods_cntr ()) info data
599 end else begin
600 Printf.bprintf buf "%s: %s\n" info data
603 let show_dc_buttons o =
604 let buf = o.conn_buf in
605 let button id ?(cmd="dc"^id) ?(txt=String.capitalize id) () =
606 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"%s\\\" name=\\\"%s\\\"
607 action=\\\"javascript:parent.output.location.href='submit?q=%s'\\\"\\>
608 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
609 Value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>" id id cmd txt
611 if use_html_mods o then
612 begin
613 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table\\>\\<tr\\>";
614 button "users" ~cmd:"dcusers+all" ();
615 button "clients" ~cmd:"dcclients" ();
616 button "hubs" ();
617 button "shared" ();
618 button "files" ();
619 button "info" ~txt:"DC Info" ();
620 button "hublistshow" ~cmd:"dchublist" ~txt:"Show hublist" ();
621 button "filelists" ();
622 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
625 (* List of commands to register *)
626 let commands = [
628 "dc", Arg_none (fun o ->
629 if use_html_mods o then
630 show_dc_buttons o
631 else
632 Printf.bprintf buf "Try `?? dc` for more commands\n";
633 dc_list o G_hubs "hubs"
634 ), ": Show Direct Connect buttons";
636 (* 'dcn address [port]' Add a new DC server with optional port (default 411) *)
637 "dcn", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
638 let ip, port =
639 (match args with
640 | [ip ; port] -> ip, port
641 | [ip] -> ip, "411"
642 | _ -> failwith "dcn <ip> [<port>]: bad argument number" )
644 let ip_addr = Ip.addr_of_string ip in
645 Ip.async_ip_of_addr ip_addr (fun t -> (* do DNS check here *)
646 let port = int_of_string port in
647 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "New server being added: (%s) (%s) (%d)" ip (Ip.to_string t) port;
648 if (Ip.valid t) && (port>0) && (port<65536) then
649 ignore (new_server ip_addr t port) ) (fun _ -> ());
650 empty_string
651 ), "<ip> [<port>] : Add a server. Default port number is 411";
653 (* List connected hubs for chatting *)
654 "dchubs", Arg_none (fun o -> show_dc_buttons o; dc_list o G_hubs "hubs"
655 ), ": Show connected DC hubs";
657 (* List all DC users *)
658 "dcusers", Arg_one (fun args o ->
659 show_dc_buttons o;
660 let buf = o.conn_buf in
661 (match args with
662 | "all" -> dc_list o G_users "users"
663 | ip ->
664 (try
665 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip ip in
666 let num = ref 1 in
667 let new_messages_list = ref [] in (* lets order users with unread messages to the top *)
668 let others_list = ref [] in
669 List.iter (fun user ->
670 if user_has_new_messages user then new_messages_list := user :: !new_messages_list
671 else others_list := user :: !others_list
672 ) s.server_users;
673 dc_user_print_html_header buf;
674 List.iter (fun user -> user_print user !num o; incr num) !new_messages_list;
675 List.iter (fun user -> user_print user !num o; incr num) !others_list;
676 empty_string
677 with _ -> "dcusers <ip> : ip not valid" ) );
678 ), "<all>|<ip> :Show DC users";
680 (* List all DC clients *)
681 "dcclients", Arg_none (fun o -> show_dc_buttons o; dc_list o G_clients "clients"
682 ), ": Show all DC clients";
684 (* List all DC files *)
685 "dcfiles", Arg_none (fun o -> show_dc_buttons o; dc_list o G_files "files"
686 ), ": Show all DC files";
688 (* List all DC shared files *)
689 "dcshared", Arg_none (fun o -> show_dc_buttons o; dc_list o G_shared "shared"
690 ), ": Show all DC shared files. All/Hashed ";
692 (* 'dchublist [args]' - Show dchub list with optional filters args (max 5) *)
693 "dchublist", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
694 show_dc_buttons o;
695 let buf = o.conn_buf in
696 let filter = ref [] in
697 let print_hublist () =
698 if use_html_mods o then
699 begin
700 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
701 (empty_string, "srh", Printf.sprintf "Showing hublist"); ];
702 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>"
704 else
705 Printf.bprintf buf "Showing hublist";
706 html_mods_cntr_init ();
707 let nb_hubs = ref 0 in
708 if use_html_mods o then dc_hublist_print_html_header buf empty_string;
709 let show_all = if (!filter = []) then true else false in
710 List.iter (fun h ->
711 let hub_has_string searched =
712 if String2.contains (Ip.string_of_addr h.dc_ip) searched ||
713 String2.contains (string_of_int h.dc_port) searched ||
714 String2.contains h.dc_info searched ||
715 String2.contains h.dc_name searched then true
716 else false in
717 let print_hub () =
718 (try
719 hublist_print h !nb_hubs o;
720 incr nb_hubs;
721 with e ->
722 if !verbose_msg_servers then
723 lprintf_nl "Exception %s in hub_print\n" (Printexc2.to_string e))
725 if show_all then
726 print_hub ()
727 else
728 begin
729 let print = ref false in
730 let finished = ref false in
731 let counter = ref 0 in
732 let filters_length = List.length !filter in
733 while (!print = false) && (!finished = false) do
734 if (!counter = filters_length) || (!counter > 5) then
735 finished := true
736 else
737 if (hub_has_string (List.nth !filter !counter)) then print := true;
738 incr counter
739 done;
740 if (!print = true) then print_hub ()
742 ) !dc_hublist;
743 let txt = if show_all then "(showing all hubs from hublist)" else "(filtered)" in
744 if use_html_mods o then
745 begin
746 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
747 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
748 (empty_string, "srh", Printf.sprintf "Hubs: %d known %s" !nb_hubs txt); ]
750 else
751 Printf.bprintf buf "Hubs: %d known %s" !nb_hubs txt
753 (match args with
754 | [] -> ()
755 | rest_args -> filter := rest_args
757 print_hublist ();
758 empty_string
759 ), "[filtertext]: dchublist fin - filters hubs with text fin";
761 (* 'dcuserip name' query user-ip from hub *)
762 "dcuserip", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
763 let buf = o.conn_buf in
764 (match args with
765 | [hub ; port ; name] ->
766 (try
767 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip hub in
768 (match s.server_sock with
769 | Connection sock -> dc_send_msg sock ( UserIPReq ( [name] ))
770 | _ -> () )
771 with _ ->
772 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
773 lprintf_nl "dcuserip: No server found by ip (%s) (%s) (%s)" hub port name )
774 | _ -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcuserip: Invalid args count (%d)" (List.length args) );
775 Printf.bprintf buf "User query sent to hubs\n";
776 empty_string
777 ), "<user> : Query users ip from hub";
779 "dcmsglog", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
780 let buf = o.conn_buf in
781 let counter = ref 0 in
782 let messages,name,topic =
783 (match args with
784 | delay :: ip :: port :: _ ->
785 (try
786 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip ip in
787 let topic =
788 (match s.server_sock with
789 | Connection _ -> s.server_topic
792 s.server_read_messages <- List.length s.server_messages; (* messages are set as read before *)
793 s.server_messages, (* they are actually printed to user *)
794 (shorten_string s.server_name 50),
795 topic
796 with _ ->
797 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmsglog: No server with address found";
798 raise Not_found )
799 | delay :: n :: _ ->
800 (try
801 let u = search_user_by_name n in
802 let connected = ((List.length u.user_servers) > 0) in
803 u.user_read_messages <- List.length u.user_messages; (* messages are set as read before *)
804 u.user_messages, u.user_nick, (* they are actually printed to user *)
805 (if connected then empty_string
806 else "User not connected to any servers at the moment...")
807 with _ ->
808 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmsglog: No user found";
809 raise Not_found )
810 | _ ->
811 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmsglog: Invalid args count (%d)" (List.length args);
812 raise Not_found )
814 if use_html_mods o then begin
815 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div class=\\\"messages\\\"\\>";
816 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div\\>Chatting with \\<b\\>%s\\</b\\> - %d logged messages\\</div\\>"
817 name (List.length messages);
818 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<div\\>\\<i\\>%s\\</i\\>\\</div\\>" topic
819 end else
820 Printf.bprintf buf "%d logged messages\n" (List.length messages);
821 if use_html_mods o then html_mods_table_header buf "serversTable" "servers" [
822 ( Str, "srh", "Timestamp", "Time" );
823 ( Str, "srh", "Who message is from", "From" );
824 ( Str, "srh", "Message text", "Message" ) ];
825 List.iter (fun (t,f,m) ->
826 let msg =
827 (match m with
828 | PrivateMessage (_, msg) -> msg
829 | PublicMessage (_, msg) -> msg
830 | ServerMessage msg -> msg )
832 if use_html_mods o then begin
833 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>"
834 (if (!counter mod 2 == 0) then "dl-1" else "dl-2");
835 html_mods_td buf [
836 (empty_string, "sr", Date.simple (BasicSocket.date_of_int t));
837 (empty_string, "sr", f);
838 (empty_string, "srw", String2.replace msg '\r' "\\<br/\\>") ];
839 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
840 end else begin
841 Printf.bprintf buf "\n%s [%s] : %s\n" (Date.simple (BasicSocket.date_of_int t)) f msg
842 end;
843 incr counter
844 ) messages;
845 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\</div\\>";
846 empty_string
847 ), "<refresh> <user> | <refresh> <serverip> <serverport>";
849 "dcmessages", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
850 show_dc_buttons o;
851 let buf = o.conn_buf in
852 let s,u =
853 (match args with
854 | ip :: port :: _ ->
855 (try
856 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip ip in
857 Some s, None
858 with _ ->
859 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmessages: No server with address found";
860 raise Not_found )
861 | n :: _ ->
862 (try
863 let u = search_user_by_name n in
864 None, Some u
865 with _ ->
866 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmessages: No user found";
867 raise Not_found )
868 | _ ->
869 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmessages: No user or server";
870 raise Not_found )
872 if use_html_mods o then begin
873 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\"\\>
874 \\<!--
875 function submitCmd() {
876 var formID = document.getElementById(\\\"msgForm\\\")
877 parent.output.location.href='submit?q=dcmessages+'+encodeURIComponent(formID.sendCmd.value)
879 function submitMessageForm() {
880 var formID = document.getElementById(\\\"msgForm\\\")
881 var msgTextOut = encodeURIComponent(formID.msgText.value)
882 var msgUserOut = encodeURIComponent(formID.sendCmd.value)
883 parent.fstatus.location.href='submit?q=dcsendmsg+'+msgUserOut+\\\"+\\\"+msgTextOut
884 formID.msgText.value=\\\"\\\"
885 msgWindow.location.reload();
887 //--\\>
888 \\</script\\>";
889 let sendmsg,namelist,first =
890 (match s with
891 | Some s ->
892 let ip,port = (Ip.to_string s.server_ip),(string_of_int s.server_port) in
893 command ["dcmsglog";"20";ip;port], s.server_users, Printf.sprintf "%s %s" ip port
894 | None ->
895 (match u with
896 | Some u ->
897 command ["dcmsglog";"20";u.user_nick], [], u.user_nick
898 | None ->
899 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcmessages: No user or server";
900 raise Not_found )
903 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<iframe id=\\\"msgWindow\\\" name=\\\"msgWindow\\\" height=\\\"80%%\\\"
904 width=\\\"100%%\\\" scrolling=yes src=\\\"submit?q=%s\\\"\\>\\</iframe\\>" sendmsg;
905 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" name=\\\"msgForm\\\" id=\\\"msgForm\\\" action=\\\"javascript:submitMessageForm()\\\"\\>";
906 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table width=100%% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0\\>\\<tr\\>\\<td\\>";
907 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<select style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; width: 150px;\\\" id=\\\"sendCmd\\\" name=\\\"sendCmd\\\" \\>";
908 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<option value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s" first first;
909 List.iter (fun u ->
910 if not (has_my_nick u) then
911 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<option value=\\\"%s\\\"\\>%s" u.user_nick u.user_nick
912 ) namelist;
913 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</select\\>\\</td\\>";
914 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td width=100%%\\>\\<input style=\\\"width: 99%%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\"
915 type=text id=\\\"msgText\\\" name=\\\"msgText\\\" size=50 \\>\\</td\\>";
916 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana;
917 font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit value=\\\"Send\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
918 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"refresh\\\" name=\\\"refresh\\\"
919 action=\\\"javascript:msgWindow.location.reload();\\\"\\>
920 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
921 Value=\\\"Refresh\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
922 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<table\\>\\<tr\\>\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"users\\\" name=\\\"users\\\"
923 action=\\\"javascript:parent.output.location.href='submit?q=dcusers'\\\"\\>
924 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
925 Value=\\\"Users\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
926 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"hubs\\\" name=\\\"hubs\\\"
927 action=\\\"javascript:parent.output.location.href='submit?q=dchubs'\\\"\\>
928 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
929 Value=\\\"Hubs\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
930 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<form style=\\\"margin: 0px;\\\" id=\\\"hubs\\\" name=\\\"hubs\\\"
931 action=\\\"javascript:submitCmd()\\\"\\>
932 \\<td\\>\\<input style=\\\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;\\\" type=submit
933 Value=\\\"Open chat\\\"\\>\\</td\\>\\</form\\>";
934 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>";
935 empty_string
936 end else
937 _s "Usage: dcmessages <username> | <serverip> <serverport>\n"
938 ), "<username> | <serverip> <serverport> : Show user or server messages ";
941 (* message type = (int * room_message) list
942 room_message type = | ServerMessage of string
943 | PublicMessage of int * string
944 | PrivateMessage of int * string *)
945 (* 'dcsendmsg hub port user message' - send message to specific user *)
946 "dcsendmsg", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
947 let buf = o.conn_buf in
948 (*let failtxt = "dcsendmsg <user> <message> | <serverip> <serverport> <message> : bad arguments" in*)
949 let u = (* check if first argument is valid user *)
950 (try
951 let u = search_user_by_name (List.hd args) in
952 Some u
953 with _ -> None )
955 let s =
956 (try
957 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip (List.hd args) in
958 Some s
959 with _ -> None )
961 (match u with
962 | Some u -> (* message is private usermessage *)
963 (match args with
964 | _ :: messages ->
965 if not (has_my_nick u) && ((List.length u.user_servers) > 0) then begin
966 let sent = ref false in
967 List.iter (fun s -> (* find a server we are connected to with this user *)
968 (match s.server_sock with
969 | Connection sock ->
970 if not !sent then begin
971 let msg = String2.unsplit messages ' 'in
972 dc_send_msg sock (
973 ToReq { To.dest = u.user_nick;
974 To.from = s.server_last_nick;
975 To.message = msg } );
976 sent := true;
977 u.user_messages <- u.user_messages @ [
978 (int_of_float (current_time ()), s.server_last_nick, PrivateMessage (0, msg))];
980 | _ -> () )
981 ) u.user_servers
983 | _ -> () )
984 | None ->
985 (match s with (* message is probably hub chatmessage but check ip *)
986 | None -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcsendmsg: No User or Server found"
987 | Some s ->
988 (match args with
989 | _ :: _ :: messages ->
990 (match s.server_sock with
991 | Connection sock ->
992 let msg = String2.unsplit messages ' 'in
993 dc_send_msg sock ( MessageReq { Message.from = s.server_last_nick; Message.message = msg } );
994 (* don't save this message, it is echoed from hub back to us and saved then *)
995 (* message window is refreshed too quickly to show this *)
996 | _ -> () )
997 | _ -> () )
1000 Printf.bprintf buf "User query sent to hubs\n";
1001 empty_string
1002 ), "<user> <message> : Send message to user";
1004 (* Try to load file from filelist *)
1005 "dcloadfile", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1006 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1007 (match args with
1008 | [uname ; tth ; dir ; fname ; fsize] -> (* convert filenames back to normal *)
1009 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "dcloadfile: (%s) (%s) (%s)" dir fname tth;
1010 Printf.bprintf buf "Trying to download file: %s from user: %s\n" fname uname;
1011 (try
1012 let u = search_user_by_name uname in
1013 let user = o.conn_user.ui_user in
1014 let (_ : _ option) = start_new_download (Some u) tth (untranslate dir) (untranslate fname) (Int64.of_string fsize) user user.user_default_group in
1016 with _ -> if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "dcloadfile: No user found" )
1017 | _ ->
1018 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
1019 lprintf_nl "dcloadfile: bad arguments count (%d)" (List.length args) );
1020 empty_string
1021 ), "<username> <tth> <directory> <filename> : Load a file";
1023 (* load filelist from user *)
1024 "dcloadfilelist", Arg_one (fun args o ->
1025 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1026 (match args with
1027 | name ->
1028 (try
1029 let u = search_user_by_name name in
1030 if ((List.length u.user_servers) > 0) then begin
1031 if not (filelist_already_downloading u) then begin (* and is connected to server with us *)
1032 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_download then
1033 lprintf_nl "Loading filelist from user %s" name; (* not already loading filelist *)
1034 let c = new_client () in
1035 c.client_name <- Some u.user_nick;
1036 add_client_to_user c u;
1037 c.client_state <- DcDownloadListWaiting;
1038 if (can_user_start_downloading u) then begin
1039 u.user_state <- TryingToSendFirstContact;
1040 c.client_state <- DcDownloadListConnecting (0,!!firewalled,current_time ()); (* level is set later *)
1041 ignore (DcClients.try_connect_client c);
1044 end
1045 with _ ->
1046 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcloadfilelist: No user (%s) found" name) );
1047 Printf.bprintf buf "Trying to download filelist\n";
1048 empty_string
1049 ), "<name> : Download filelist from user";
1051 "dcfilelists", Arg_none (fun o -> show_dc_buttons o; dc_list o G_filelists "filelists"
1052 ), ": List all filelists on disk";
1054 "dcremclient", Arg_one (fun args o ->
1055 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1056 (match args with
1057 | num ->
1058 (try
1059 let cc = CommonClient.client_find (int_of_string num) in
1060 let impl = as_client_impl cc in
1061 let c = impl.impl_client_val in
1062 (match c.client_state with
1063 | DcDownloadWaiting _ | DcDownloadListWaiting ->
1064 Printf.bprintf buf "Removing one client by name %s" (clients_username c);
1065 remove_client c
1066 | _ -> () )
1067 with _ ->
1068 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "dcremclient: bad arguments (internal command)" ) );
1069 empty_string
1070 ), "<num> : Remove client by num";
1072 "dcfindsource", Arg_one (fun args o ->
1073 (match args with
1074 | tth_or_filename ->
1075 (*lprintf_nl "Got dcfindsource command: (%s)" tth_or_filename;*)
1076 let tth_or_filename = untranslate' tth_or_filename in
1077 if (is_valid_tiger_hash tth_or_filename) then begin
1078 let query = QAnd (QHasField (Field_Type , "TTH") , (QHasWord tth_or_filename)) in
1079 let search = CommonSearch.new_search o.conn_user
1080 (let module G = GuiTypes in
1081 { G.search_num = 0;
1082 G.search_query = query;
1083 G.search_max_hits = 10000;
1084 G.search_type = RemoteSearch;
1085 G.search_network = network.network_num;
1086 } )
1088 dc_with_connected_servers (fun s -> DcClients.server_send_search s search 9 tth_or_filename);
1089 dc_last_manual_search := current_time ();
1090 end else begin
1091 let fname = Filename.basename tth_or_filename in
1092 let words = clean_string fname in
1093 let words_list = String2.split_simplify words ' ' in
1094 let rec add_query list =
1095 (match list with
1096 | hd :: [] -> QHasWord hd
1097 | hd :: tail -> QAnd ((QHasWord hd) , (add_query tail))
1098 | [] -> failwith "No words to search")
1100 let query = add_query words_list in
1101 let search = CommonSearch.new_search o.conn_user
1102 (let module G = GuiTypes in
1103 { G.search_num = 0;
1104 G.search_query = query;
1105 G.search_max_hits = 10000;
1106 G.search_type = RemoteSearch;
1107 G.search_network = network.network_num;
1110 dc_with_connected_servers (fun s -> DcClients.server_send_search s search 1 tth_or_filename);
1111 dc_last_manual_search := current_time ();
1112 end );
1113 empty_string
1114 ), ": Find new source for a file";
1116 "dcinfo", Arg_none (fun o ->
1117 show_dc_buttons o;
1118 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1119 let server_list =
1120 let lst = ref [] in
1121 List.iter (fun s ->
1122 let data =
1123 shorten_string s.server_name 20 ^ " (nick = " ^ s.server_last_nick ^ ") (uptime = " ^
1124 (Date.time_to_string (int_of_float (current_time ()) -
1125 int_of_float (s.server_connection_time)) "verbose") ^
1126 (string_of_int (List.length s.server_users)) ^ ")"
1128 lst := !lst @ [ (empty_string, data) ]
1129 ) !connected_servers;
1130 !lst
1132 let norm_hubs,reg_hubs,opped_hubs = get_myhubs_info () in
1133 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1134 if use_html_mods o then dc_info_html_header buf;
1135 let nservers = List.length !connected_servers in
1136 let hashed =
1137 [ Printf.sprintf "%d files" (Hashtbl.length dc_shared_files_by_hash) ] @
1138 match !dc_files_to_hash with [] -> [] | l -> [ Printf.sprintf "%d queued" (List.length l) ] @
1139 match !dc_tiger_computing with
1140 | Some dcsh when dcsh.dc_shared_size > 0L ->
1141 let progress = Int64.to_float dcsh.dc_shared_pos /. Int64.to_float dcsh.dc_shared_size *. 100. in
1142 [ Printf.sprintf "hashing: %s (%3.0f%%)" (Filename.basename dcsh.dc_shared_fullname) progress ]
1143 | _ -> []
1145 let list = [
1146 ("Hub supports", (DcProtocol.Supports.create_supports_string (HubSupports mldonkey_dc_hub_supports)) );
1147 ("Client supports", (DcProtocol.Supports.create_supports_string (ClientSupports mldonkey_dc_client_supports)) );
1148 ("All/Open slots", Printf.sprintf "%d / %d" (open_slots ()) (current_slots ()) );
1149 ("Mode", (if !!firewalled then "Passive" else "Active") );
1150 ("Connected servers", (if nservers > 0 then string_of_int nservers else ""));
1151 (" Server list:", empty_string ); ]
1152 @ server_list @ [
1153 ("Hubs", (Printf.sprintf "Normal:%d Vipped:%d Opped:%d" norm_hubs reg_hubs opped_hubs) );
1154 ("Hashed", String.concat ", " hashed);
1155 ] in
1156 let counter = ref 0 in
1157 List.iter (fun (info,data) ->
1158 dc_info_print info data line o;
1159 incr counter
1160 ) list;
1161 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1162 empty_string
1163 ), ": Direct Connect info";
1165 (* load filelist from user *)
1166 "dcshowfilelist", Arg_one (fun args o ->
1167 show_dc_buttons o;
1168 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1169 (match args with
1170 | filename ->
1171 let username, extension =
1172 (try
1173 if (Filename.check_suffix filename mylist_ext) then (* if extension is DcLst ... *)
1174 Filename.chop_suffix filename mylist_ext,mylist_ext (* return filename without it and ext *)
1175 else if (Filename.check_suffix filename bz2_ext) then begin (* else if extension is bz2 ... *)
1176 let filename = Filename.chop_suffix filename bz2_ext in (* chop it off *)
1177 if (Filename.check_suffix filename xml_ext) then (* check if there is extension xml ...*)
1178 Filename.chop_suffix filename xml_ext,mylistxmlbz2_ext (* return filename without it and ext *)
1179 else raise Not_found
1180 end else raise Not_found
1181 with _ -> filename, empty_string)
1183 let spaces num = (* add as many "...":s to string that counter num *)
1184 let s = ref "" in
1185 let rec iter num =
1186 if (num <> 0) then begin
1187 s := !s ^ "...";
1188 iter (num-1)
1190 in iter num;
1193 if (extension = mylist_ext) then begin (* parse MyList.DcLst *)
1194 (try
1195 let s = file_to_che3_to_string (Filename.concat filelist_directory filename) in
1196 if not (Charset.is_utf8 s) then lprintf_nl "not utf8 : %S" s;
1197 let s = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 s in (* really needed? *)
1198 let s = String2.replace_char s char13 '\n' in
1199 (try
1200 let lines = String2.split_simplify s '\n' in
1201 let mlist = ref ([] : dc_mylistnode list) in (* root node of the MyList *)
1202 let tablist = ref [(-1, mlist)] in (* list of previous open directory node for every tab *)
1203 (* [(0 , list ref); (1 , list ref) ... *)
1204 let rec count_tabs line pos = (* count current lines tabs *)
1205 if line.[pos] <> '\t' then pos else
1206 count_tabs line (pos+1)
1208 let add_dir name tabs list =
1209 let newlist = ref ([] : dc_mylistnode list) in
1210 list := !list @ [MylistDirectory (name, newlist)]; (* add this dir node to current list *)
1211 if (List.mem_assq tabs !tablist) then begin (* check if a directory exists already for this tab *)
1212 tablist := List.remove_assq tabs !tablist; (* remove existing previous tab *)
1213 end;
1214 tablist := !tablist @ [(tabs, newlist)]; (* add current list to this tab *)
1216 let add_file name size list =
1217 list := !list @ [MylistFile (name, size)]; (*add this file to current node *)
1219 let find_tab_dir tabs = (* find the node of last directory for this tab *)
1220 let nlist = List.assq tabs !tablist in
1221 nlist (* return list ref *)
1223 let rec parse lines ctabs clist =
1224 (match lines with
1225 | first :: tail ->
1226 let ltabs = count_tabs first 0 in (* count lines tabs *)
1227 (match (String2.split first '|') with
1228 | dir :: [] -> (* if line is directory *)
1229 let dir = String2.after dir ltabs in
1230 if ltabs = ctabs then begin
1231 let nlist = find_tab_dir (ltabs-1) in
1232 add_dir dir ltabs nlist;
1233 if (tail <> []) then begin
1234 let nlist = find_tab_dir ltabs in
1235 parse tail ltabs nlist
1237 end else if ltabs > ctabs then begin
1238 add_dir dir ltabs clist;
1239 let nlist = find_tab_dir ltabs in
1240 if (tail <> []) then parse tail ltabs nlist
1241 end else begin
1242 let nlist = find_tab_dir ltabs in
1243 parse lines ltabs nlist
1245 | name :: size :: [] -> (* if line is file *)
1246 let name = String2.after name ltabs in
1247 if ltabs > ctabs then begin
1248 add_file name size clist;
1249 if (tail <> []) then parse tail ctabs clist
1250 end else if ltabs <= ctabs then begin
1251 let nlist = find_tab_dir (ltabs-1) in
1252 add_file name size nlist;
1253 parse tail (ltabs-1) nlist
1255 | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown line (%s)" first ) )
1256 | [] -> () )
1258 parse lines (pred 0) mlist;
1260 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1261 let line = ref 0 in
1262 if use_html_mods o then dc_filelist_files_print_html_header buf;
1263 let rec print node dir tabs =
1264 incr line;
1265 (match node with
1266 | MylistFile (name, size) ->
1267 filelist_file_print true (spaces tabs) username dir name size empty_string !line o;
1268 (*lprintf_nl "(%s) (%s)" (!spaces ^ name) (Int64.to_string size);*)
1269 | MylistDirectory (name, nlist) ->
1270 let dir =
1271 if dir = "" then name
1272 else dir ^ "/" ^ name
1274 filelist_file_print false (spaces tabs) username dir name empty_string empty_string !line o;
1275 (*lprintf_nl "(%s) list_count=(%d)" (!spaces ^ dir) (List.length !nlist);*)
1277 List.iter (fun node -> print node dir (tabs+1)) !nlist )
1279 List.iter (fun node -> print node empty_string 0) !mlist;
1280 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1281 with e ->
1282 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
1283 lprintf_nl "dcshowfilelist: (%s) in .DcLst parsing" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
1284 with _ -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "Error in che3 decompressing" )
1286 end else if (extension = mylistxmlbz2_ext) then begin (* parse .xml.bz2 *)
1287 (try (* try to unzip *)
1288 let s = Buffer.contents (file_to_bz2_to_buffer (Filename.concat filelist_directory filename)) in
1289 (try (* try to parse xml and make a www page *)
1290 let xml = Xml.parse_string s in
1291 let parse_xml_chars s = (* in xml there are html-escapes mixed in *)
1292 let s = dc_replace_str_to_str s "&amp;" "&" in
1295 if ((Xml.tag xml) <> "FileListing") then failwith "Xml-file don't start with FileListing";
1296 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1297 let line = ref 1 in
1298 if use_html_mods o then dc_filelist_files_print_html_header buf;
1299 let rec parse x dir ndirs = (* iterate this with all xml elements (one node with tag and attributes *)
1300 let tag = Xml.tag x in
1301 let dir =
1302 if tag = "File" then dir (* if tag of element is file, return existing dir name *)
1303 else begin (* else this is "probably" a directory *)
1304 let newdir = Xml.attrib x "Name" in (* get dir name *)
1305 if dir = "" then newdir (* if this is first dir to add, don't add the "/" *)
1306 else dir ^ "/" ^ newdir (* else add this new dir path name to existing dir *)
1309 (match tag with
1310 | "File" -> (* is this xml element is a file element, add its line to http-page *)
1311 let fname = Xml.attrib x "Name" in
1312 let fname = parse_xml_chars fname in
1313 let fsize = Xml.attrib x "Size" in
1314 let ftth = Xml.attrib x "TTH" in
1315 let dir = dir in
1316 filelist_file_print true (spaces ndirs) username dir fname fsize ftth !line o;
1317 | "Directory" -> (* or if it is a directory element, add its line to http-page *)
1318 let fname = Xml.attrib x "Name" in
1319 let fname = parse_xml_chars fname in
1320 let fsize = empty_string in
1321 let ftth = empty_string in
1322 let dir = dir in
1323 filelist_file_print false (spaces ndirs) username dir fname fsize ftth !line o;
1324 | _ -> failwith "Tag not File or Directory" );
1325 incr line;
1326 Xml.iter (fun x -> parse x dir (ndirs+1)) x
1328 Xml.iter (fun x -> parse x empty_string 0) xml;
1329 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1330 with
1331 | Error e -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "%s" (Xml.error e)
1332 | e -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
1333 lprintf_nl "dcshowfilelist: (%s) in xml parsing" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
1334 with _ -> if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "Error in bz2 unzipping" )
1335 end else if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "dcshowfilelist: Filelist extension not valid" );
1336 empty_string
1337 ), "<name> : Show filelist for user";
1339 "dcautoconnect", Arg_two (fun arg1 arg2 o ->
1340 show_dc_buttons o;
1342 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip arg2 in
1343 let auto = bool_of_string arg1 in
1344 s.server_autoconnect <- auto;
1345 server_must_update s;
1346 "ok"
1347 with exn -> Printf.sprintf "Failed : %s" (Printexc2.to_string exn)
1348 ), "<true/false> <ip> : Set/unset the server autoconnection state";
1350 ] (* end of let commands = *)
1352 module P = GuiTypes
1354 (* register user operations *)
1355 let _ =
1356 register_commands commands;
1358 user_ops.op_user_info <- (fun user -> (* CHECK *)
1360 P.user_num = user.user_user.impl_user_num;
1361 P.user_md4 = Md4.null;
1362 P.user_name = user.user_nick;
1363 P.user_ip = Ip.null;
1364 P.user_port = 0;
1365 P.user_tags =
1366 (let list =
1367 if user.user_data > 1. then
1368 [ { tag_name = Field_UNKNOWN "link"; tag_value = String user.user_link };
1369 { tag_name = Field_UNKNOWN "shared"; tag_value = String (
1370 Printf.sprintf "%12.0f" user.user_data) } ]
1371 else []
1373 (match user.user_type with
1374 | Normal | Vip -> list
1375 | Op -> { tag_name = Field_UNKNOWN "admin"; tag_value = String "admin" } :: list ) );
1376 P.user_server =
1377 (match user.user_servers with
1378 | [] -> 0
1379 | s :: _ -> s.server_server.impl_server_num );
1382 user_ops.op_user_remove <- (fun user -> () )
1384 user_ops.op_user_browse_files <- (fun user ->
1385 let c = client_of_user user in
1386 contact_add (as_client c.client_client)
1388 user_ops.op_user_set_friend <- (fun user ->
1389 let c = client_of_user user in
1390 friend_add (as_client c.client_client)
1393 mutable op_user_network : network;
1394 mutable op_user_set_friend : ('a -> unit);
1395 mutable op_user_browse_files : ('a -> unit);
1400 (*module C = CommonTypes
1401 let _ =
1402 result_ops.op_result_info <- (fun r ->
1404 C.result_num = r.result_result.impl_result_num;
1405 C.result_network = network.network_num;
1407 C.result_names = [r.result_name];
1408 C.result_md4 = Md4.null;
1409 C.result_size = r.result_size;
1410 C.result_format = result_format_of_name r.result_name;
1411 C.result_type = result_media_of_name r.result_name;
1412 C.result_tags = [];
1413 C.result_comment = "";
1414 C.result_done = false;
1420 (* register file operations *)
1421 let _ =
1422 file_ops.op_file_info <- (fun file ->
1424 P.file_fields = Fields_file_info.all;
1425 P.file_comment = empty_string;
1426 P.file_name = file.file_name;
1427 P.file_num = (file_num file);
1428 P.file_network = network.network_num;
1429 P.file_names = [file.file_name];
1430 P.file_md4 = Md4.null;
1431 P.file_size = file_size file;
1432 P.file_downloaded = file_downloaded file;
1433 P.file_all_sources = 0;
1434 P.file_active_sources = 0;
1435 P.file_state = file_state file;
1436 P.file_sources = None;
1437 P.file_download_rate = file_download_rate file.file_file;
1438 P.file_chunks = None;
1439 P.file_chunk_size = None;
1440 P.file_availability = [network.network_num, "0"];
1441 P.file_format = FormatUnknown;
1442 P.file_chunks_age = [|0|];
1443 P.file_age = file_age file;
1444 P.file_last_seen = BasicSocket.last_time ();
1445 P.file_priority = file_priority (as_file file.file_file);
1446 P.file_uids = [];
1447 P.file_sub_files = [];
1448 P.file_comments = [];
1449 P.file_magic = None;
1450 P.file_user = empty_string;
1451 P.file_group = empty_string;
1452 P.file_release = false;
1455 file_ops.op_file_all_sources <- (fun file ->
1456 List2.tail_map (fun c -> as_client c.client_client)
1457 file.file_clients
1459 file_ops.op_file_active_sources <- file_ops.op_file_all_sources;
1460 file_ops.op_file_cancel <- (fun file ->
1461 let remove_files_clients_not_downloading () =
1462 List.iter (fun c ->
1463 (match c.client_state with
1464 | DcDownload f -> () (* only one client should be in this state *)
1465 | _ ->
1466 remove_client c )
1467 ) file.file_clients;
1469 (try
1470 List.iter (fun c -> (* find one files client that is currently downloading *)
1471 (match c.client_state with
1472 | DcDownload _ -> raise (Found_client c)
1473 | _ -> () )
1474 ) file.file_clients;
1475 raise Not_found
1476 with
1477 | Found_client c -> (* found a download slot tried to continue *)
1478 (match (DcClients.find_next_client c) with (* try to continue slot *)
1479 | Some cl ->
1480 (match c.client_sock with
1481 | Connection sock ->
1482 remove_files_clients_not_downloading ();
1483 remove_file_not_clients file;
1484 c.client_receiving <- Int64.zero;
1485 c.client_pos <- Int64.zero;
1486 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock 30.;
1487 DcClients.next_download false c sock cl (* try to change downloading *)
1488 | _ -> () )
1489 | None ->
1490 remove_files_clients_not_downloading ();
1491 remove_file_not_clients file;
1492 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
1493 (match c.client_sock with
1494 | Connection sock -> TcpBufferedSocket.close sock (Closed_for_error "File cancelled")
1495 | _ -> () )
1497 | Not_found ->
1498 remove_file_with_clients file );
1499 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File %s cancelled" file.file_name;
1501 file_ops.op_file_commit <- (fun file name ->
1502 remove_file_with_clients file;
1504 file_ops.op_file_pause <- (fun file ->
1505 (try
1506 List.iter (fun c ->
1507 (match c.client_state with
1508 | DcDownload f -> if file == f then raise (Found_client c)
1509 | _ -> () )
1510 ) file.file_clients;
1511 raise Not_found
1512 with
1513 | Found_client c ->
1514 (match (DcClients.find_next_client c) with (* try to continue slot *)
1515 | Some cl ->
1516 (match c.client_sock with
1517 | Connection sock ->
1518 DcClients.next_download true c sock cl (* try to change downloading *)
1519 | _ -> () )
1520 | None -> c.client_state <- DcIdle (* DcPaused ? *))
1521 | Not_found -> () ) (* Should not happen *)
1525 file_ops.op_file_files <- (fun file impl ->
1526 match file.file_swarmer with
1527 None -> [CommonFile.as_file impl]
1528 | Some swarmer ->
1529 CommonSwarming.subfiles swarmer)
1530 ; *)
1532 file_ops.op_file_save_as <- (fun file new_name ->
1533 match file_state file with
1534 FileDownloaded | FileShared ->
1535 DcClients.save_file_as file new_name
1536 | _ -> ()
1540 (*let client_of_user user =
1541 let c = new_client user.user_nick in
1547 mutable op_file_network : network; *)
1548 file_ops.op_file_save_as <- (fun _ _ -> ());
1549 file_ops.op_file_resume <- (fun _ -> ());
1550 file_ops.op_file_set_format <- (fun _ _ -> ());
1551 file_ops.op_file_check <- (fun _ -> ());
1552 file_ops.op_file_recover <- (fun _ -> ());
1553 file_ops.op_file_print <- (fun file o ->
1554 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1555 if use_html_mods o then
1556 begin
1557 let td l =
1558 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
1559 html_mods_td buf l
1561 td [
1562 ("Directory", "sr br", "Directory");
1563 ("", "sr", file.file_directory) ];
1564 td [
1565 ("Filename", "sr br", "Filename");
1566 ("", "sr", file.file_name) ];
1567 td [
1568 ("Tiger tree hash and magnet url", "sr", "TTH and magnet");
1569 ("", "sr", html_show_file file) ];
1570 td [
1571 ("Automatic TTH searches performed", "sr", "Autosearches");
1572 ("", "sr", string_of_int file.file_autosearch_count) ];
1574 else
1576 (*file_ops.op_file_print_html <- (fun _ _ -> lprintf_nl "Received (op_file_print_html)"; ());*)
1577 (*file_ops.op_file_print_sources_html <- (fun _ _ -> lprintf_nl "Received (op_file_print_sources_html)"; ())*)
1578 (* mutable op_file_files : ('a -> 'a file_impl -> file list);
1579 mutable op_file_debug : ('a -> string);
1580 mutable op_file_proposed_filenames : ('a -> string list);
1583 let _ =
1584 CommonWeb.add_web_kind "hublist" "DirectConnect hublist"
1585 (fun url filename ->
1586 if !!enable_directconnect then
1587 begin
1589 dc_hublist := (
1590 match List.rev (String2.split filename '.') with
1591 | "bz2"::"xml"::_ ->
1592 Unix2.with_remove (Misc2.bz2_extract filename) (fun filename ->
1593 DcServers.make_hublist_from_xml (Xml.parse_file filename))
1594 | "xml"::_ -> DcServers.make_hublist_from_xml (Xml.parse_file filename)
1595 | "bz2"::_ -> Unix2.with_remove (Misc2.bz2_extract filename) DcServers.make_hublist_from_file
1596 | _ -> DcServers.make_hublist_from_file filename);
1597 lprintf_nl "Loaded DC hublist, %d entries" (List.length !dc_hublist)
1598 with e ->
1599 lprintf_nl "Exception while parsing hublist from %S : %s" url (Printexc2.to_string e);
1600 raise Not_found
1602 else
1603 begin
1604 lprintf_nl "DirectConnect module is disabled, ignoring...";
1605 raise Not_found