drop md4 i?86 specific asm implementations
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / bittorrent / bTTorrent.ml
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open Md4
22 open Options
23 open CommonOptions
24 open Printf2
26 open BTTypes
27 open Bencode
29 open Gettext
30 let _s x = _s "BTTorrent" x
31 let _b x = _b "BTTorrent" x
35 We could have a a-la-edonkey tracker: it would connect back to incoming
36 client, and check whether they are accessible from the outside world,
37 and also check which chunks they have before sending them sources, so
38 that we can filter out immediatly sources that are not interesting for
39 them.
44 torrents/: for BitTorrent
45 downloads/: .torrent files of current downloads
46 tracked/: .torrent files of tracked downloads
47 * If the file appears in incoming/, it is automatically seeded.
48 seeded/:
49 * If the file appears in incoming/, it is automatically seeded.
54 let chunk_size = Int64.of_int (256 * 1024)
56 let decode_torrent s =
57 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "[BT] .torrent file loaded";
58 (* lprintf "Loaded: %s\n" (String.escaped s); *)
59 let v = Bencode.decode s in
60 (* lprintf "Decoded file: %s\n" (Bencode.print v); *)
63 let announce = ref "" in
64 let announce_list = ref [] in
65 let file_info = ref (List []) in
66 let file_name = ref "" in
67 let file_torrent_filename = ref "" in
68 let file_name_utf8 = ref None in
69 let file_piece_size = ref zero in
70 let file_pieces = ref "" in
71 let file_comment = ref "" in
72 let file_created_by = ref "" in
73 let file_creation_date = ref zero in
74 let file_modified_by = ref "" in
75 let file_encoding = ref "" in
76 let file_codepage = ref zero in
77 let file_ed2k_hash = ref "" in
78 let file_is_private = ref false in
79 let file_aps = ref (List []) in
80 let file_dht_backup_enable = ref zero in
81 let length = ref zero in
82 let file_files = ref [] in
83 let file_files_utf8 = ref [] in
85 let parse_files files =
86 let current_pos = ref zero in
87 List.iter (fun v ->
88 match v with
89 Dictionary list ->
90 let current_file = ref "" in
91 let current_file_utf8 = ref "" in
92 let current_length = ref zero in
93 let length_set = ref false in
95 let path_list_to_string l =
96 Filepath.path_to_string '/'
98 List.map (fun v ->
99 match v with
100 String s -> s
101 | _ -> assert false
106 List.iter (fun (key, value) ->
107 match key, value with
108 | "path", List path ->
109 current_file := path_list_to_string path;
110 if !verbose_msg_servers then
111 lprintf_nl "[BT] Parsed a new path: [%s]" !current_file
112 | "path.utf-8", List path_utf8 ->
113 current_file_utf8 := path_list_to_string path_utf8;
114 if !verbose_msg_servers then
115 lprintf_nl "[BT] Parsed path.utf-8: [%s]" !current_file
116 | "length", Int n ->
117 length := !length ++ n;
118 current_length := n;
119 length_set := true
121 | key, _ ->
122 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "[BT] other field [%s] with value [%s] in files" key (Bencode.print value)
123 ) list;
125 assert (!length_set);
126 assert (!current_file <> "" || !current_file_utf8 <> "");
127 file_files := (!current_file, !current_length) :: !file_files;
128 if !current_file_utf8 <> "" then
129 file_files_utf8 := (!current_file_utf8, !current_length) :: !file_files_utf8;
130 current_pos := !current_pos ++ !current_length
132 | _ -> assert false
133 ) files;
136 begin
137 match v with
138 Dictionary list ->
139 List.iter (fun (key, value) ->
140 match key, value with
141 | "announce", String tracker_url ->
142 if !verbose_msg_servers then
143 lprintf_nl "[BT] New tracker added: %s" tracker_url;
144 announce := tracker_url
145 | "announce-list", List list ->
146 List.iter (fun url_list ->
147 let next_urls = ref [] in
148 match url_list with
149 | List next_url_list ->
150 List.iter (fun myvalue ->
151 match myvalue with
152 | String next_url ->
153 next_urls := next_url :: !next_urls;
154 if !verbose_msg_servers then
155 lprintf_nl "[BT] New tracker received :%s" next_url
156 | _ ->
157 if !verbose_msg_servers then
158 lprintf_nl "[BT] error while decoding announce list"
159 ) next_url_list;
160 if List.length !next_urls > 1 then begin
161 next_urls := List2.shuffle !next_urls;
162 announce_list := !next_urls @ !announce_list
164 else
165 announce_list := (try List.hd !next_urls with _ -> "") :: !announce_list
166 | _ ->
167 lprintf_nl "[BT] unknown field in announce list"
168 ) list;
169 announce_list := List.rev !announce_list;
170 if !verbose_msg_servers then
171 List.iter (fun url ->
172 lprintf_nl "[BT] New tracker added :%s" url
173 ) !announce_list
174 | "info", ((Dictionary list) as info) ->
176 file_info := info;
177 List.iter (fun (key, value) ->
178 match key, value with
179 | "files", List files ->
180 parse_files files
181 | "length", Int n ->
182 length := n
183 | "name", String name ->
184 file_name := name
185 | "piece length", Int n ->
186 file_piece_size := n
187 | "pieces", String pieces ->
188 file_pieces := pieces
189 | "ed2k", String string_ed2k ->
190 if !!enable_donkey then
191 file_ed2k_hash := string_ed2k;
192 (* TODO: Add new ed2k download if ed2k hash is available,
193 then merge it with current download *)
194 | "sha1", String string_sha1 -> ()
195 (* TODO: Parse sha1 hash *)
197 | "publisher", String created_by ->
198 file_created_by := created_by
199 | "publisher-url", String publisher_url ->
200 file_created_by := !file_created_by ^ " @ " ^ publisher_url
202 | "name.utf-8", String name_utf8 ->
203 file_name_utf8 := Some name_utf8
205 | "publisher.utf-8", String publisher_utf8 -> ()
206 | "publisher-url.utf-8", String publisher_url_utf8 -> ()
208 | "private", Int n ->
209 file_is_private := n <> 0L;
210 if !verbose_msg_servers && !file_is_private then
211 lprintf_nl "[BT] torrent is private"
212 | key, _ ->
213 if !verbose_msg_servers then
214 lprintf_nl "[BT] found other field [%s] with value [%s] in info" key (Bencode.print value)
215 ) list
217 | "comment", String comment
218 | "comment.utf-8", String comment ->
219 file_comment := comment
220 (* Next 2 strings are after info sometimes *)
221 | "publisher", String created_by ->
222 file_created_by := created_by
223 | "publisher-url", String publisher_url ->
224 file_created_by := !file_created_by ^ " @ " ^ publisher_url
226 | "created by", String created_by ->
227 file_created_by := created_by
228 | "creation date", Int creation_date ->
229 file_creation_date := creation_date
230 | "modified-by", String modified_by ->
231 file_modified_by := modified_by
232 | "encoding", String encoding ->
233 file_encoding := encoding
234 | "codepage", Int codepage ->
235 file_codepage := codepage
236 | "torrent filename", String torrent_filename ->
237 file_torrent_filename := torrent_filename
238 | "nodes", nodes -> ()
239 (* TODO : nodes is a list of DHT Network nodes ,parse and use them *)
242 file_nodes := nodes
245 | "azureus_properties", ((Dictionary list) as azureus_properties) ->
246 file_aps := azureus_properties;
247 List.iter (fun (key, value) ->
248 match key, value with
249 | "dht_backup_enable", Int n ->
250 file_dht_backup_enable := n;
251 if !verbose_msg_servers &&
252 Int64.to_int !file_dht_backup_enable = 1 then
253 lprintf_nl "[BT] azureus properties : Torrent has dht backup"
254 | key, _ ->
255 if !verbose_msg_servers then
256 lprintf_nl "[BT] found other field [%s] with value [%s] in azureus properties" key (Bencode.print value)
257 ) list
258 | key, _ ->
259 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_nl "[BT] found other field [%s] with value [%s] after info" key (Bencode.print value)
260 ) list
261 | _ -> assert false
262 end;
264 (* Convert codepage number to Charset name, for example: 936 -> CP936 *)
265 if !file_codepage <> 0L && !file_encoding = "" then
266 file_encoding := "CP" ^ (Int64.to_string !file_codepage);
268 let real_file_name =
269 match !file_name_utf8 with
270 | None -> Charset.safe_convert !file_encoding !file_name
271 | Some name -> name
273 assert (real_file_name <> "");
274 assert (!file_piece_size <> zero);
275 assert (!file_pieces <> "");
276 assert (!file_info = Bencode.decode (Bencode.encode ~strict:false !file_info));
278 let file_id = Sha1.string (Bencode.encode ~strict:false !file_info) in
279 let npieces = 1 + Int64.to_int ((!length -- one) // !file_piece_size) in
280 let pieces = Array.init npieces (fun i ->
281 let s = String.sub !file_pieces (i*20) 20 in
282 Sha1.direct_of_string s
283 ) in
285 (* Only at this point we know if the torrent contains an "encoding" field
286 If UTF8 filenames were found, use them. If not and we have a charset
287 value used for encoding, convert non-UTF8 filenames to UTF8 ones. *)
288 if !file_files_utf8 <> [] then
289 file_files := !file_files_utf8
290 else
291 if !file_encoding <> "" then
292 begin
293 let file_files_encoded = ref [] in
294 List.iter (fun (name, length) ->
295 file_files_encoded := !file_files_encoded @ [(Charset.safe_convert !file_encoding name), length]
296 ) !file_files;
297 file_files := !file_files_encoded
298 end;
300 (match List.length !file_files with
301 | 0 -> ()
302 | 1 -> file_name := (fst (List.hd !file_files));
303 file_files := []
304 | _ -> file_files := List.rev !file_files);
306 file_id, {
307 torrent_name = real_file_name;
308 torrent_filename = !file_torrent_filename;
309 torrent_name_utf8 = real_file_name;
310 torrent_length = !length;
311 torrent_announce = !announce;
312 torrent_announce_list = !announce_list;
313 torrent_piece_size = !file_piece_size;
314 torrent_files = !file_files;
315 torrent_pieces = pieces;
316 torrent_comment = Charset.safe_convert !file_encoding !file_comment;
317 torrent_created_by = Charset.safe_convert !file_encoding !file_created_by;
318 torrent_creation_date = !file_creation_date;
319 torrent_modified_by = Charset.safe_convert !file_encoding !file_modified_by;
320 torrent_encoding = !file_encoding;
321 torrent_private = !file_is_private;
324 torrent_nodes = !file_nodes;
328 let encode_torrent torrent =
330 let npieces = Array.length torrent.torrent_pieces in
331 let pieces = Bytes.create (20 * npieces) in
332 for i = 0 to npieces - 1 do
333 String.blit (Sha1.direct_to_string torrent.torrent_pieces.(i)) 0
334 pieces (i*20) 20
335 done;
336 let pieces = Bytes.unsafe_to_string pieces in
338 let encode_file (filename, size) =
339 Dictionary [
340 "length", Int size;
341 "path", List (List.map
342 (fun s -> String s)(Filepath.string_to_path '/' filename));
346 let files =
347 match torrent.torrent_files with
348 [] ->
349 "length", Int torrent.torrent_length
350 | _ ->
351 "files",
352 List (List.map encode_file torrent.torrent_files)
355 let info =
356 Dictionary [
357 files;
358 "name", String torrent.torrent_name;
359 "name.utf-8", String torrent.torrent_name_utf8;
360 "piece length", Int torrent.torrent_piece_size;
361 "pieces", String pieces;
362 "private", Int (if torrent.torrent_private then 1L else 0L);
366 let info_encoded = Bencode.encode info in
367 let file_id = Sha1.string info_encoded in
368 file_id,
369 Dictionary [
370 "announce", String torrent.torrent_announce;
371 "comment", String torrent.torrent_comment;
372 "created by", String torrent.torrent_created_by;
373 "creation date", Int torrent.torrent_creation_date;
374 "encoding", String torrent.torrent_encoding;
375 "info", info;
376 "modified-by", String torrent.torrent_modified_by;
378 String "nodes", String torrent.torrent_nodes;
382 let make_torrent announce filename comment is_private =
383 let announce_list = [ announce ] in
384 let basename = Filename2.basename filename in
385 let files, t =
386 if Unix2.is_directory filename then
387 let rec iter_directory list dirname =
388 let files = Unix2.list_directory (Filename.concat filename dirname) in
389 iter_files list dirname files
391 and iter_files list dirname files =
392 match files with
393 [] -> list
394 | file :: tail ->
395 let basename = Filename.concat dirname file in
396 let fullname = Filename.concat filename basename in
397 let left =
398 if Unix2.is_directory fullname then
399 iter_directory list basename
400 else
401 (basename, Unix32.getsize fullname) :: list
403 iter_files left dirname tail
405 let files = iter_directory [] "" in
406 let t = Unix32.create_multifile filename false files in
407 files, t
408 else
409 [], Unix32.create_ro filename
412 Unix32.flush_fd t;
413 let length = Unix32.getsize64 t in
414 let npieces = 1+ Int64.to_int ((length -- one) // chunk_size) in
415 let pieces = Array.make npieces Sha1.null in
416 for i = 0 to npieces - 1 do
417 let begin_pos = chunk_size *.. i in
419 let end_pos = begin_pos ++ chunk_size in
420 let end_pos =
421 if end_pos > length then length else end_pos in
423 let sha1 = Sha1.digest_subfile t
424 begin_pos (end_pos -- begin_pos) in
425 pieces.(i) <- sha1
426 done;
429 torrent_name = basename;
430 torrent_filename = "";
431 torrent_name_utf8 = Charset.Locale.to_utf8 basename;
432 torrent_length = length;
433 torrent_announce = announce;
434 torrent_announce_list = announce_list;
435 torrent_piece_size = chunk_size;
436 torrent_files = files;
437 torrent_pieces = pieces;
438 torrent_comment =
439 if String.length comment > 1 then
440 comment
441 else
442 Printf.sprintf "Created by MLdonkey/%s" Autoconf.current_version;
444 torrent_created_by = Printf.sprintf "MLdonkey/%s" Autoconf.current_version;
445 torrent_creation_date = Int64.of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ());
446 torrent_modified_by = "";
447 torrent_encoding = "";
448 torrent_private = is_private;
450 torrent_nodes = "";
454 let generate_torrent announce torrent_filename torrent_comment torrent_private filename =
455 let torrent = make_torrent announce filename torrent_comment torrent_private in
456 let file_id, encoded = encode_torrent torrent in
457 let encoded = Bencode.encode encoded in
458 File.from_string torrent_filename encoded;
459 file_id