patch 7144
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / bitstring /
1 (* Bitstring library.
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc., Richard W.M. Jones
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
8 * with the OCaml linking exception described in COPYING.LIB.
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 * $Id$
22 open Printf
24 (* Enable runtime debug messages. Must also have been enabled
25 * in
27 let debug = ref false
28 let version = "2.0.2"
29 let package = "ocaml-bitstring"
31 type endian = BigEndian | LittleEndian | NativeEndian
33 let string_of_endian = function
34 | BigEndian -> "bigendian"
35 | LittleEndian -> "littleendian"
36 | NativeEndian -> "nativeendian"
38 let nativeendian = @NATIVEENDIAN@
40 (* Exceptions. *)
41 exception Construct_failure of string * string * int * int
43 (* A bitstring is simply the data itself (as a string), and the
44 * bitoffset and the bitlength within the string. Note offset/length
45 * are counted in bits, not bytes.
47 type bitstring = string * int * int
49 type t = bitstring
51 (* Functions to create and load bitstrings. *)
52 let empty_bitstring = "", 0, 0
54 let make_bitstring len c =
55 if len >= 0 then String.make ((len+7) lsr 3) c, 0, len
56 else
57 invalid_arg (
58 sprintf "make_bitstring/create_bitstring: len %d < 0" len
61 let create_bitstring len = make_bitstring len '\000'
63 let zeroes_bitstring = create_bitstring
65 let ones_bitstring len = make_bitstring len '\xff'
67 let bitstring_of_string str = str, 0, String.length str lsl 3
69 let bitstring_of_chan chan =
70 let tmpsize = 16384 in
71 let buf = Buffer.create tmpsize in
72 let tmp = String.create tmpsize in
73 let n = ref 0 in
74 while n := input chan tmp 0 tmpsize; !n > 0 do
75 Buffer.add_substring buf tmp 0 !n;
76 done;
77 Buffer.contents buf, 0, Buffer.length buf lsl 3
79 let bitstring_of_chan_max chan max =
80 let tmpsize = 16384 in
81 let buf = Buffer.create tmpsize in
82 let tmp = String.create tmpsize in
83 let len = ref 0 in
84 let rec loop () =
85 if !len < max then (
86 let r = min tmpsize (max - !len) in
87 let n = input chan tmp 0 r in
88 if n > 0 then (
89 Buffer.add_substring buf tmp 0 n;
90 len := !len + n;
91 loop ()
95 loop ();
96 Buffer.contents buf, 0, !len lsl 3
98 let bitstring_of_file_descr fd =
99 let tmpsize = 16384 in
100 let buf = Buffer.create tmpsize in
101 let tmp = String.create tmpsize in
102 let n = ref 0 in
103 while n := fd tmp 0 tmpsize; !n > 0 do
104 Buffer.add_substring buf tmp 0 !n;
105 done;
106 Buffer.contents buf, 0, Buffer.length buf lsl 3
108 let bitstring_of_file_descr_max fd max =
109 let tmpsize = 16384 in
110 let buf = Buffer.create tmpsize in
111 let tmp = String.create tmpsize in
112 let len = ref 0 in
113 let rec loop () =
114 if !len < max then (
115 let r = min tmpsize (max - !len) in
116 let n = fd tmp 0 r in
117 if n > 0 then (
118 Buffer.add_substring buf tmp 0 n;
119 len := !len + n;
120 loop ()
124 loop ();
125 Buffer.contents buf, 0, !len lsl 3
127 let bitstring_of_file fname =
128 let chan = open_in_bin fname in
130 let bs = bitstring_of_chan chan in
131 close_in chan;
133 with exn ->
134 close_in chan;
135 raise exn
137 let bitstring_length (_, _, len) = len
139 let subbitstring (data, off, len) off' len' =
140 let off = off + off' in
141 if len < off' + len' then invalid_arg "subbitstring";
142 (data, off, len')
144 let dropbits n (data, off, len) =
145 let off = off + n in
146 let len = len - n in
147 if len < 0 then invalid_arg "dropbits";
148 (data, off, len)
150 let takebits n (data, off, len) =
151 if len < n then invalid_arg "takebits";
152 (data, off, n)
154 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
155 (* Bitwise functions.
157 * We try to isolate all bitwise functions within these modules.
160 module I = struct
161 (* Bitwise operations on ints. Note that we assume int <= 31 bits. *)
162 external (<<<) : int -> int -> int = "%lslint"
163 external (>>>) : int -> int -> int = "%lsrint"
164 external to_int : int -> int = "%identity"
165 let zero = 0
166 let one = 1
167 let minus_one = -1
168 let ff = 0xff
170 (* Create a mask 0-31 bits wide. *)
171 let mask bits =
172 if bits < 30 then
173 (one <<< bits) - 1
174 else if bits = 30 then
175 max_int
176 else if bits = 31 then
177 minus_one
178 else
179 invalid_arg "Bitstring.I.mask"
181 (* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
182 let byteswap v bits =
183 if bits <= 8 then v
184 else if bits <= 16 then (
185 let shift = bits-8 in
186 let v1 = v >>> shift in
187 let v2 = ((v land (mask shift)) <<< 8) in
188 v2 lor v1
189 ) else if bits <= 24 then (
190 let shift = bits - 16 in
191 let v1 = v >>> (8+shift) in
192 let v2 = ((v >>> shift) land ff) <<< 8 in
193 let v3 = (v land (mask shift)) <<< 16 in
194 v3 lor v2 lor v1
195 ) else (
196 let shift = bits - 24 in
197 let v1 = v >>> (16+shift) in
198 let v2 = ((v >>> (8+shift)) land ff) <<< 8 in
199 let v3 = ((v >>> shift) land ff) <<< 16 in
200 let v4 = (v land (mask shift)) <<< 24 in
201 v4 lor v3 lor v2 lor v1
204 (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
205 let range_unsigned v bits =
206 let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
207 (v land mask) = zero
209 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
210 * (big endian - so start at top).
212 let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
213 if bits >= 8 then (
214 map_bytes_be g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8);
215 let lsb = v land ff in
216 f (to_int lsb)
217 ) else if bits > 0 then (
218 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
219 g (to_int lsb) bits
222 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
223 * (little endian - so start at root).
225 let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
226 if bits >= 8 then (
227 let lsb = v land ff in
228 f (to_int lsb);
229 map_bytes_le g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8)
230 ) else if bits > 0 then (
231 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
232 g (to_int lsb) bits
236 module I32 = struct
237 (* Bitwise operations on int32s. Note we try to keep it as similar
238 * as possible to the I module above, to make it easier to track
239 * down bugs.
241 let (<<<) = Int32.shift_left
242 let (>>>) = Int32.shift_right_logical
243 let (land) = Int32.logand
244 let (lor) = Int32.logor
245 let lnot = Int32.lognot
246 let pred = Int32.pred
247 let max_int = Int32.max_int
248 let to_int = Int32.to_int
249 let zero =
250 let one =
251 let minus_one = Int32.minus_one
252 let ff = 0xff_l
254 (* Create a mask so many bits wide. *)
255 let mask bits =
256 if bits < 31 then
257 pred (one <<< bits)
258 else if bits = 31 then
259 max_int
260 else if bits = 32 then
261 minus_one
262 else
263 invalid_arg "Bitstring.I32.mask"
265 (* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
266 let byteswap v bits =
267 if bits <= 8 then v
268 else if bits <= 16 then (
269 let shift = bits-8 in
270 let v1 = v >>> shift in
271 let v2 = (v land (mask shift)) <<< 8 in
272 v2 lor v1
273 ) else if bits <= 24 then (
274 let shift = bits - 16 in
275 let v1 = v >>> (8+shift) in
276 let v2 = ((v >>> shift) land ff) <<< 8 in
277 let v3 = (v land (mask shift)) <<< 16 in
278 v3 lor v2 lor v1
279 ) else (
280 let shift = bits - 24 in
281 let v1 = v >>> (16+shift) in
282 let v2 = ((v >>> (8+shift)) land ff) <<< 8 in
283 let v3 = ((v >>> shift) land ff) <<< 16 in
284 let v4 = (v land (mask shift)) <<< 24 in
285 v4 lor v3 lor v2 lor v1
288 (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
289 let range_unsigned v bits =
290 let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
291 (v land mask) = zero
293 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
294 * (big endian - so start at top).
296 let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
297 if bits >= 8 then (
298 map_bytes_be g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8);
299 let lsb = v land ff in
300 f (to_int lsb)
301 ) else if bits > 0 then (
302 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
303 g (to_int lsb) bits
306 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
307 * (little endian - so start at root).
309 let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
310 if bits >= 8 then (
311 let lsb = v land ff in
312 f (to_int lsb);
313 map_bytes_le g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8)
314 ) else if bits > 0 then (
315 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
316 g (to_int lsb) bits
320 module I64 = struct
321 (* Bitwise operations on int64s. Note we try to keep it as similar
322 * as possible to the I/I32 modules above, to make it easier to track
323 * down bugs.
325 let (<<<) = Int64.shift_left
326 let (>>>) = Int64.shift_right_logical
327 let (land) = Int64.logand
328 let (lor) = Int64.logor
329 let lnot = Int64.lognot
330 let pred = Int64.pred
331 let max_int = Int64.max_int
332 let to_int = Int64.to_int
333 let zero =
334 let one =
335 let minus_one = Int64.minus_one
336 let ff = 0xff_L
338 (* Create a mask so many bits wide. *)
339 let mask bits =
340 if bits < 63 then
341 pred (one <<< bits)
342 else if bits = 63 then
343 max_int
344 else if bits = 64 then
345 minus_one
346 else
347 invalid_arg "Bitstring.I64.mask"
349 (* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
350 (* let byteswap v bits = *)
352 (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
353 let range_unsigned v bits =
354 let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
355 (v land mask) = zero
357 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
358 * (big endian - so start at top).
360 let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
361 if bits >= 8 then (
362 map_bytes_be g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8);
363 let lsb = v land ff in
364 f (to_int lsb)
365 ) else if bits > 0 then (
366 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
367 g (to_int lsb) bits
370 (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
371 * (little endian - so start at root).
373 let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
374 if bits >= 8 then (
375 let lsb = v land ff in
376 f (to_int lsb);
377 map_bytes_le g f (v >>> 8) (bits-8)
378 ) else if bits > 0 then (
379 let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
380 g (to_int lsb) bits
384 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
385 (* Extraction functions.
387 * NB: internal functions, called from the generated macros, and
388 * the parameters should have been checked for sanity already).
391 (* Extract and convert to numeric. A single bit is returned as
392 * a boolean. There are no endianness or signedness considerations.
394 let extract_bit data off len _ = (* final param is always 1 *)
395 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
396 let bitmask = 1 lsl (7 - (off land 7)) in
397 let b = Char.code data.[byteoff] land bitmask <> 0 in
398 b (*, off+1, len-1*)
400 (* Returns 8 bit unsigned aligned bytes from the string.
401 * If the string ends then this returns 0's.
403 let _get_byte data byteoff strlen =
404 if strlen > byteoff then Char.code data.[byteoff] else 0
405 let _get_byte32 data byteoff strlen =
406 if strlen > byteoff then Int32.of_int (Char.code data.[byteoff]) else 0l
407 let _get_byte64 data byteoff strlen =
408 if strlen > byteoff then Int64.of_int (Char.code data.[byteoff]) else 0L
410 (* Extract [2..8] bits. Because the result fits into a single
411 * byte we don't have to worry about endianness, only signedness.
413 let extract_char_unsigned data off len flen =
414 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
416 (* Optimize the common (byte-aligned) case. *)
417 if off land 7 = 0 then (
418 let byte = Char.code data.[byteoff] in
419 byte lsr (8 - flen) (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
420 ) else (
421 (* Extract the 16 bits at byteoff and byteoff+1 (note that the
422 * second byte might not exist in the original string).
424 let strlen = String.length data in
426 let word =
427 (_get_byte data byteoff strlen lsl 8) +
428 _get_byte data (byteoff+1) strlen in
430 (* Mask off the top bits. *)
431 let bitmask = (1 lsl (16 - (off land 7))) - 1 in
432 let word = word land bitmask in
433 (* Shift right to get rid of the bottom bits. *)
434 let shift = 16 - ((off land 7) + flen) in
435 let word = word lsr shift in
437 word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
440 (* Extract [9..31] bits. We have to consider endianness and signedness. *)
441 let extract_int_be_unsigned data off len flen =
442 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
444 let strlen = String.length data in
446 let word =
447 (* Optimize the common (byte-aligned) case. *)
448 if off land 7 = 0 then (
449 let word =
450 (_get_byte data byteoff strlen lsl 23) +
451 (_get_byte data (byteoff+1) strlen lsl 15) +
452 (_get_byte data (byteoff+2) strlen lsl 7) +
453 (_get_byte data (byteoff+3) strlen lsr 1) in
454 word lsr (31 - flen)
455 ) else if flen <= 24 then (
456 (* Extract the 31 bits at byteoff .. byteoff+3. *)
457 let word =
458 (_get_byte data byteoff strlen lsl 23) +
459 (_get_byte data (byteoff+1) strlen lsl 15) +
460 (_get_byte data (byteoff+2) strlen lsl 7) +
461 (_get_byte data (byteoff+3) strlen lsr 1) in
462 (* Mask off the top bits. *)
463 let bitmask = (1 lsl (31 - (off land 7))) - 1 in
464 let word = word land bitmask in
465 (* Shift right to get rid of the bottom bits. *)
466 let shift = 31 - ((off land 7) + flen) in
467 word lsr shift
468 ) else (
469 (* Extract the next 31 bits, slow method. *)
470 let word =
471 let c0 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
472 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
473 let c1 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
474 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
475 let c2 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
476 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
477 let c3 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 7 in
478 (c0 lsl 23) + (c1 lsl 15) + (c2 lsl 7) + c3 in
479 word lsr (31 - flen)
480 ) in
481 word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
483 let extract_int_le_unsigned data off len flen =
484 let v = extract_int_be_unsigned data off len flen in
485 let v = I.byteswap v flen in
488 let extract_int_ne_unsigned =
489 if nativeendian = BigEndian
490 then extract_int_be_unsigned
491 else extract_int_le_unsigned
493 let extract_int_ee_unsigned = function
494 | BigEndian -> extract_int_be_unsigned
495 | LittleEndian -> extract_int_le_unsigned
496 | NativeEndian -> extract_int_ne_unsigned
498 let _make_int32_be c0 c1 c2 c3 =
499 Int32.logor
500 (Int32.logor
501 (Int32.logor
502 (Int32.shift_left c0 24)
503 (Int32.shift_left c1 16))
504 (Int32.shift_left c2 8))
507 let _make_int32_le c0 c1 c2 c3 =
508 Int32.logor
509 (Int32.logor
510 (Int32.logor
511 (Int32.shift_left c3 24)
512 (Int32.shift_left c2 16))
513 (Int32.shift_left c1 8))
516 (* Extract exactly 32 bits. We have to consider endianness and signedness. *)
517 let extract_int32_be_unsigned data off len flen =
518 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
520 let strlen = String.length data in
522 let word =
523 (* Optimize the common (byte-aligned) case. *)
524 if off land 7 = 0 then (
525 let word =
526 let c0 = _get_byte32 data byteoff strlen in
527 let c1 = _get_byte32 data (byteoff+1) strlen in
528 let c2 = _get_byte32 data (byteoff+2) strlen in
529 let c3 = _get_byte32 data (byteoff+3) strlen in
530 _make_int32_be c0 c1 c2 c3 in
531 Int32.shift_right_logical word (32 - flen)
532 ) else (
533 (* Extract the next 32 bits, slow method. *)
534 let word =
535 let c0 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
536 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
537 let c1 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
538 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
539 let c2 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
540 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
541 let c3 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8 in
542 let c0 = Int32.of_int c0 in
543 let c1 = Int32.of_int c1 in
544 let c2 = Int32.of_int c2 in
545 let c3 = Int32.of_int c3 in
546 _make_int32_be c0 c1 c2 c3 in
547 Int32.shift_right_logical word (32 - flen)
548 ) in
549 word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
551 let extract_int32_le_unsigned data off len flen =
552 let v = extract_int32_be_unsigned data off len flen in
553 let v = I32.byteswap v flen in
556 let extract_int32_ne_unsigned =
557 if nativeendian = BigEndian
558 then extract_int32_be_unsigned
559 else extract_int32_le_unsigned
561 let extract_int32_ee_unsigned = function
562 | BigEndian -> extract_int32_be_unsigned
563 | LittleEndian -> extract_int32_le_unsigned
564 | NativeEndian -> extract_int32_ne_unsigned
566 let _make_int64_be c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 =
567 Int64.logor
568 (Int64.logor
569 (Int64.logor
570 (Int64.logor
571 (Int64.logor
572 (Int64.logor
573 (Int64.logor
574 (Int64.shift_left c0 56)
575 (Int64.shift_left c1 48))
576 (Int64.shift_left c2 40))
577 (Int64.shift_left c3 32))
578 (Int64.shift_left c4 24))
579 (Int64.shift_left c5 16))
580 (Int64.shift_left c6 8))
583 let _make_int64_le c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 =
584 _make_int64_be c7 c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0
586 (* Extract [1..64] bits. We have to consider endianness and signedness. *)
587 let extract_int64_be_unsigned data off len flen =
588 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
590 let strlen = String.length data in
592 let word =
593 (* Optimize the common (byte-aligned) case. *)
594 if off land 7 = 0 then (
595 let word =
596 let c0 = _get_byte64 data byteoff strlen in
597 let c1 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+1) strlen in
598 let c2 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+2) strlen in
599 let c3 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+3) strlen in
600 let c4 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+4) strlen in
601 let c5 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+5) strlen in
602 let c6 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+6) strlen in
603 let c7 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+7) strlen in
604 _make_int64_be c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 in
605 Int64.shift_right_logical word (64 - flen)
606 ) else (
607 (* Extract the next 64 bits, slow method. *)
608 let word =
609 let c0 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
610 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
611 let c1 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
612 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
613 let c2 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
614 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
615 let c3 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
616 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
617 let c4 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
618 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
619 let c5 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
620 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
621 let c6 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
622 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
623 let c7 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8 in
624 let c0 = Int64.of_int c0 in
625 let c1 = Int64.of_int c1 in
626 let c2 = Int64.of_int c2 in
627 let c3 = Int64.of_int c3 in
628 let c4 = Int64.of_int c4 in
629 let c5 = Int64.of_int c5 in
630 let c6 = Int64.of_int c6 in
631 let c7 = Int64.of_int c7 in
632 _make_int64_be c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 in
633 Int64.shift_right_logical word (64 - flen)
634 ) in
635 word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
637 let extract_int64_le_unsigned data off len flen =
638 let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
640 let strlen = String.length data in
642 let word =
643 (* Optimize the common (byte-aligned) case. *)
644 if off land 7 = 0 then (
645 let word =
646 let c0 = _get_byte64 data byteoff strlen in
647 let c1 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+1) strlen in
648 let c2 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+2) strlen in
649 let c3 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+3) strlen in
650 let c4 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+4) strlen in
651 let c5 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+5) strlen in
652 let c6 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+6) strlen in
653 let c7 = _get_byte64 data (byteoff+7) strlen in
654 _make_int64_le c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 in
655 Int64.logand word (I64.mask flen)
656 ) else (
657 (* Extract the next 64 bits, slow method. *)
658 let word =
659 let c0 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
660 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
661 let c1 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
662 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
663 let c2 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
664 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
665 let c3 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
666 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
667 let c4 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
668 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
669 let c5 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
670 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
671 let c6 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
672 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
673 let c7 = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8 in
674 let c0 = Int64.of_int c0 in
675 let c1 = Int64.of_int c1 in
676 let c2 = Int64.of_int c2 in
677 let c3 = Int64.of_int c3 in
678 let c4 = Int64.of_int c4 in
679 let c5 = Int64.of_int c5 in
680 let c6 = Int64.of_int c6 in
681 let c7 = Int64.of_int c7 in
682 _make_int64_le c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 in
683 Int64.logand word (I64.mask flen)
684 ) in
685 word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
687 let extract_int64_ne_unsigned =
688 if nativeendian = BigEndian
689 then extract_int64_be_unsigned
690 else extract_int64_le_unsigned
692 let extract_int64_ee_unsigned = function
693 | BigEndian -> extract_int64_be_unsigned
694 | LittleEndian -> extract_int64_le_unsigned
695 | NativeEndian -> extract_int64_ne_unsigned
697 external extract_fastpath_int16_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
699 external extract_fastpath_int16_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
701 external extract_fastpath_int16_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
703 external extract_fastpath_int16_be_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_be_signed" "noalloc"
705 external extract_fastpath_int16_le_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_le_signed" "noalloc"
707 external extract_fastpath_int16_ne_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int16_ne_signed" "noalloc"
710 external extract_fastpath_int24_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
712 external extract_fastpath_int24_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
714 external extract_fastpath_int24_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
716 external extract_fastpath_int24_be_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_be_signed" "noalloc"
718 external extract_fastpath_int24_le_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_le_signed" "noalloc"
720 external extract_fastpath_int24_ne_signed : string -> int -> int = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int24_ne_signed" "noalloc"
723 external extract_fastpath_int32_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
725 external extract_fastpath_int32_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
727 external extract_fastpath_int32_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
729 external extract_fastpath_int32_be_signed : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_be_signed" "noalloc"
731 external extract_fastpath_int32_le_signed : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_le_signed" "noalloc"
733 external extract_fastpath_int32_ne_signed : string -> int -> int32 -> int32 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int32_ne_signed" "noalloc"
736 external extract_fastpath_int40_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
738 external extract_fastpath_int40_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
740 external extract_fastpath_int40_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
742 external extract_fastpath_int40_be_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_be_signed" "noalloc"
744 external extract_fastpath_int40_le_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_le_signed" "noalloc"
746 external extract_fastpath_int40_ne_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int40_ne_signed" "noalloc"
748 external extract_fastpath_int48_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
750 external extract_fastpath_int48_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
752 external extract_fastpath_int48_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
754 external extract_fastpath_int48_be_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_be_signed" "noalloc"
756 external extract_fastpath_int48_le_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_le_signed" "noalloc"
758 external extract_fastpath_int48_ne_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int48_ne_signed" "noalloc"
760 external extract_fastpath_int56_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
762 external extract_fastpath_int56_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
764 external extract_fastpath_int56_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
766 external extract_fastpath_int56_be_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_be_signed" "noalloc"
768 external extract_fastpath_int56_le_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_le_signed" "noalloc"
770 external extract_fastpath_int56_ne_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int56_ne_signed" "noalloc"
773 external extract_fastpath_int64_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_be_unsigned" "noalloc"
775 external extract_fastpath_int64_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_le_unsigned" "noalloc"
777 external extract_fastpath_int64_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_ne_unsigned" "noalloc"
779 external extract_fastpath_int64_be_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_be_signed" "noalloc"
781 external extract_fastpath_int64_le_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_le_signed" "noalloc"
783 external extract_fastpath_int64_ne_signed : string -> int -> int64 -> int64 = "ocaml_bitstring_extract_fastpath_int64_ne_signed" "noalloc"
785 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
786 (* Constructor functions. *)
788 module Buffer = struct
789 type t = {
790 buf : Buffer.t;
791 mutable len : int; (* Length in bits. *)
792 (* Last byte in the buffer (if len is not aligned). We store
793 * it outside the buffer because buffers aren't mutable.
795 mutable last : int;
798 let create () =
799 (* XXX We have almost enough information in the generator to
800 * choose a good initial size.
802 { buf = Buffer.create 128; len = 0; last = 0 }
804 let contents { buf = buf; len = len; last = last } =
805 let data =
806 if len land 7 = 0 then
807 Buffer.contents buf
808 else
809 Buffer.contents buf ^ (String.make 1 (Char.chr last)) in
810 data, 0, len
812 (* Add exactly 8 bits. *)
813 let add_byte ({ buf = buf; len = len; last = last } as t) byte =
814 if byte < 0 || byte > 255 then invalid_arg "Bitstring.Buffer.add_byte";
815 let shift = len land 7 in
816 if shift = 0 then
817 (* Target buffer is byte-aligned. *)
818 Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr byte)
819 else (
820 (* Target buffer is unaligned. 'last' is meaningful. *)
821 let first = byte lsr shift in
822 let second = (byte lsl (8 - shift)) land 0xff in
823 Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr (last lor first));
824 t.last <- second
826 t.len <- t.len + 8
828 (* Add exactly 1 bit. *)
829 let add_bit ({ buf = buf; len = len; last = last } as t) bit =
830 let shift = 7 - (len land 7) in
831 if shift > 0 then
832 (* Somewhere in the middle of 'last'. *)
833 t.last <- last lor ((if bit then 1 else 0) lsl shift)
834 else (
835 (* Just a single spare bit in 'last'. *)
836 let last = last lor if bit then 1 else 0 in
837 Buffer.add_char buf (Char.chr last);
838 t.last <- 0
840 t.len <- len + 1
842 (* Add a small number of bits (definitely < 8). This uses a loop
843 * to call add_bit so it's slow.
845 let _add_bits t c slen =
846 if slen < 1 || slen >= 8 then invalid_arg "Bitstring.Buffer._add_bits";
847 for i = slen-1 downto 0 do
848 let bit = c land (1 lsl i) <> 0 in
849 add_bit t bit
850 done
852 let add_bits ({ buf = buf; len = len } as t) str slen =
853 if slen > 0 then (
854 if len land 7 = 0 then (
855 if slen land 7 = 0 then
856 (* Common case - everything is byte-aligned. *)
857 Buffer.add_substring buf str 0 (slen lsr 3)
858 else (
859 (* Target buffer is aligned. Copy whole bytes then leave the
860 * remaining bits in last.
862 let slenbytes = slen lsr 3 in
863 if slenbytes > 0 then Buffer.add_substring buf str 0 slenbytes;
864 let last = Char.code str.[slenbytes] in (* last char *)
865 let mask = 0xff lsl (8 - (slen land 7)) in
866 t.last <- last land mask
868 t.len <- len + slen
869 ) else (
870 (* Target buffer is unaligned. Copy whole bytes using
871 * add_byte which knows how to deal with an unaligned
872 * target buffer, then call add_bit for the remaining < 8 bits.
874 * XXX This is going to be dog-slow.
876 let slenbytes = slen lsr 3 in
877 for i = 0 to slenbytes-1 do
878 let byte = Char.code str.[i] in
879 add_byte t byte
880 done;
881 let bitsleft = slen - (slenbytes lsl 3) in
882 if bitsleft > 0 then (
883 let c = Char.code str.[slenbytes] in
884 for i = 0 to bitsleft - 1 do
885 let bit = c land (0x80 lsr i) <> 0 in
886 add_bit t bit
887 done
893 (* Construct a single bit. *)
894 let construct_bit buf b _ _ =
895 Buffer.add_bit buf b
897 (* Construct a field, flen = [2..8]. *)
898 let construct_char_unsigned buf v flen exn =
899 let max_val = 1 lsl flen in
900 if v < 0 || v >= max_val then raise exn;
901 if flen = 8 then
902 Buffer.add_byte buf v
903 else
904 Buffer._add_bits buf v flen
906 (* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
907 let construct_int_be_unsigned buf v flen exn =
908 (* Check value is within range. *)
909 if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
910 (* Add the bytes. *)
911 I.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
913 (* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
914 let construct_int_le_unsigned buf v flen exn =
915 (* Check value is within range. *)
916 if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
917 (* Add the bytes. *)
918 I.map_bytes_le (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
920 let construct_int_ne_unsigned =
921 if nativeendian = BigEndian
922 then construct_int_be_unsigned
923 else construct_int_le_unsigned
925 let construct_int_ee_unsigned = function
926 | BigEndian -> construct_int_be_unsigned
927 | LittleEndian -> construct_int_le_unsigned
928 | NativeEndian -> construct_int_ne_unsigned
930 (* Construct a field of exactly 32 bits. *)
931 let construct_int32_be_unsigned buf v flen _ =
932 Buffer.add_byte buf
933 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical v 24));
934 Buffer.add_byte buf
935 (Int32.to_int ((Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical v 16) 0xff_l)));
936 Buffer.add_byte buf
937 (Int32.to_int ((Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical v 8) 0xff_l)));
938 Buffer.add_byte buf
939 (Int32.to_int (Int32.logand v 0xff_l))
941 let construct_int32_le_unsigned buf v flen _ =
942 Buffer.add_byte buf
943 (Int32.to_int (Int32.logand v 0xff_l));
944 Buffer.add_byte buf
945 (Int32.to_int ((Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical v 8) 0xff_l)));
946 Buffer.add_byte buf
947 (Int32.to_int ((Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical v 16) 0xff_l)));
948 Buffer.add_byte buf
949 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical v 24))
951 let construct_int32_ne_unsigned =
952 if nativeendian = BigEndian
953 then construct_int32_be_unsigned
954 else construct_int32_le_unsigned
956 let construct_int32_ee_unsigned = function
957 | BigEndian -> construct_int32_be_unsigned
958 | LittleEndian -> construct_int32_le_unsigned
959 | NativeEndian -> construct_int32_ne_unsigned
961 (* Construct a field of up to 64 bits. *)
962 let construct_int64_be_unsigned buf v flen exn =
963 (* Check value is within range. *)
964 if not (I64.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
965 (* Add the bytes. *)
966 I64.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
968 (* Construct a field of up to 64 bits. *)
969 let construct_int64_le_unsigned buf v flen exn =
970 (* Check value is within range. *)
971 if not (I64.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
972 (* Add the bytes. *)
973 I64.map_bytes_le (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
975 let construct_int64_ne_unsigned =
976 if nativeendian = BigEndian
977 then construct_int64_be_unsigned
978 else construct_int64_le_unsigned
980 let construct_int64_ee_unsigned = function
981 | BigEndian -> construct_int64_be_unsigned
982 | LittleEndian -> construct_int64_le_unsigned
983 | NativeEndian -> construct_int64_ne_unsigned
985 (* Construct from a string of bytes, exact multiple of 8 bits
986 * in length of course.
988 let construct_string buf str =
989 let len = String.length str in
990 Buffer.add_bits buf str (len lsl 3)
992 (* Construct from a bitstring. *)
993 let construct_bitstring buf (data, off, len) =
994 (* Add individual bits until we get to the next byte boundary of
995 * the underlying string.
997 let blen = 7 - ((off + 7) land 7) in
998 let blen = min blen len in
999 let rec loop off len blen =
1000 if blen = 0 then (off, len)
1001 else (
1002 let b = extract_bit data off len 1
1003 and off = off + 1 and len = len + 1 in
1004 Buffer.add_bit buf b;
1005 loop off len (blen-1)
1008 let off, len = loop off len blen in
1009 assert (len = 0 || (off land 7) = 0);
1011 (* Add the remaining 'len' bits. *)
1012 let data =
1013 let off = off lsr 3 in
1014 (* XXX dangerous allocation *)
1015 if off = 0 then data
1016 else String.sub data off (String.length data - off) in
1018 Buffer.add_bits buf data len
1020 (* Concatenate bitstrings. *)
1021 let concat bs =
1022 let buf = Buffer.create () in
1023 List.iter (construct_bitstring buf) bs;
1024 Buffer.contents buf
1026 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1027 (* Extract a string from a bitstring. *)
1028 let string_of_bitstring (data, off, len) =
1029 if off land 7 = 0 && len land 7 = 0 then
1030 (* Easy case: everything is byte-aligned. *)
1031 String.sub data (off lsr 3) (len lsr 3)
1032 else (
1033 (* Bit-twiddling case. *)
1034 let strlen = (len + 7) lsr 3 in
1035 let str = String.make strlen '\000' in
1036 let rec loop data off len i =
1037 if len >= 8 then (
1038 let c = extract_char_unsigned data off len 8
1039 and off = off + 8 and len = len - 8 in
1040 str.[i] <- Char.chr c;
1041 loop data off len (i+1)
1042 ) else if len > 0 then (
1043 let c = extract_char_unsigned data off len len in
1044 str.[i] <- Char.chr (c lsl (8-len))
1047 loop data off len 0;
1051 (* To channel. *)
1053 let bitstring_to_chan ((data, off, len) as bits) chan =
1054 (* Fail if the bitstring length isn't a multiple of 8. *)
1055 if len land 7 <> 0 then invalid_arg "bitstring_to_chan";
1057 if off land 7 = 0 then
1058 (* Easy case: string is byte-aligned. *)
1059 output chan data (off lsr 3) (len lsr 3)
1060 else (
1061 (* Bit-twiddling case: reuse string_of_bitstring *)
1062 let str = string_of_bitstring bits in
1063 output_string chan str
1066 let bitstring_to_file bits filename =
1067 let chan = open_out_bin filename in
1069 bitstring_to_chan bits chan;
1070 close_out chan
1071 with exn ->
1072 close_out chan;
1073 raise exn
1075 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1076 (* Comparison. *)
1077 let compare ((data1, off1, len1) as bs1) ((data2, off2, len2) as bs2) =
1078 (* In the fully-aligned case, this is reduced to string comparison ... *)
1079 if off1 land 7 = 0 && len1 land 7 = 0 && off2 land 7 = 0 && len2 land 7 = 0
1080 then (
1081 (* ... but we have to do that by hand because the bits may
1082 * not extend to the full length of the underlying string.
1084 let off1 = off1 lsr 3 and off2 = off2 lsr 3
1085 and len1 = len1 lsr 3 and len2 = len2 lsr 3 in
1086 let rec loop i =
1087 if i < len1 && i < len2 then (
1088 let c1 = String.unsafe_get data1 (off1 + i)
1089 and c2 = String.unsafe_get data2 (off2 + i) in
1090 let r = compare c1 c2 in
1091 if r <> 0 then r
1092 else loop (i+1)
1094 else len1 - len2
1096 loop 0
1098 else (
1099 (* Slow/unaligned. *)
1100 let str1 = string_of_bitstring bs1
1101 and str2 = string_of_bitstring bs2 in
1102 let r = str1 str2 in
1103 if r <> 0 then r else len1 - len2
1106 let equals ((_, _, len1) as bs1) ((_, _, len2) as bs2) =
1107 if len1 <> len2 then false
1108 else if bs1 = bs2 then true
1109 else 0 = compare bs1 bs2
1111 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1112 (* Bit get/set functions. *)
1114 let index_out_of_bounds () = invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
1116 let put (data, off, len) n v =
1117 if n < 0 || n >= len then index_out_of_bounds ()
1118 else (
1119 let i = off+n in
1120 let si = i lsr 3 and mask = 0x80 lsr (i land 7) in
1121 let c = Char.code data.[si] in
1122 let c = if v <> 0 then c lor mask else c land (lnot mask) in
1123 data.[si] <- Char.unsafe_chr c
1126 let set bits n = put bits n 1
1128 let clear bits n = put bits n 0
1130 let get (data, off, len) n =
1131 if n < 0 || n >= len then index_out_of_bounds ()
1132 else (
1133 let i = off+n in
1134 let si = i lsr 3 and mask = 0x80 lsr (i land 7) in
1135 let c = Char.code data.[si] in
1136 c land mask
1139 let is_set bits n = get bits n <> 0
1141 let is_clear bits n = get bits n = 0
1143 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1144 (* Display functions. *)
1146 let isprint c =
1147 let c = Char.code c in
1148 c >= 32 && c < 127
1150 let hexdump_bitstring chan (data, off, len) =
1151 let count = ref 0 in
1152 let off = ref off in
1153 let len = ref len in
1154 let linelen = ref 0 in
1155 let linechars = String.make 16 ' ' in
1157 fprintf chan "00000000 ";
1159 while !len > 0 do
1160 let bits = min !len 8 in
1161 let byte = extract_char_unsigned data !off !len bits in
1162 off := !off + bits; len := !len - bits;
1164 let byte = byte lsl (8-bits) in
1165 fprintf chan "%02x " byte;
1167 incr count;
1168 linechars.[!linelen] <-
1169 (let c = Char.chr byte in
1170 if isprint c then c else '.');
1171 incr linelen;
1172 if !linelen = 8 then fprintf chan " ";
1173 if !linelen = 16 then (
1174 fprintf chan " |%s|\n%08x " linechars !count;
1175 linelen := 0;
1176 for i = 0 to 15 do linechars.[i] <- ' ' done
1178 done;
1180 if !linelen > 0 then (
1181 let skip = (16 - !linelen) * 3 + if !linelen < 8 then 1 else 0 in
1182 for i = 0 to skip-1 do fprintf chan " " done;
1183 fprintf chan " |%s|\n%!" linechars
1184 ) else
1185 fprintf chan "\n%!"