fix some "deprecated" warnings
[mldonkey.git] / src / gtk / gui /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 (** Communicating with the mldonkey client. *)
22 open Printf2
23 open BasicSocket
24 open TcpBufferedSocket
25 open Options
26 open CommonGlobals
27 open Gettext
28 open GuiProto
29 module M = Gui_messages
30 module O = Gui_options
31 module G = Gui_global
34 let copy_message t =
35 if !!Gui_options.copy_messages then
36 Marshal.from_string (Marshal.to_string t []) 0
37 else t
39 let when_disconnected gui =
40 gui#clear ;
41 G.clear ()
44 let to_gui_protocol_used = Array.make (to_gui_last_opcode+1)
45 GuiProto.best_gui_version
46 let from_gui_protocol_used = Array.make
47 (from_gui_last_opcode+1)
48 GuiProto.best_gui_version
50 module UseSocket = struct
52 let (!!) = Options.(!!)
54 let connection = ref None
56 let disconnect gui reason =
57 match !connection with
58 None -> ()
59 | Some sock ->
60 TcpBufferedSocket.close sock reason;
61 connection := None;
62 when_disconnected gui
64 let send t =
65 match !connection with
66 None ->
67 lprintf "Message not sent since not connected";
68 lprint_newline ();
69 | Some sock ->
70 GuiEncoding.gui_send (GuiEncoding.from_gui from_gui_protocol_used) sock t
72 let reconnect gui value_reader reason =
73 (try disconnect gui reason with _ -> ());
74 let hostname = if !!O.hostname = "" then Unix.gethostname ()
75 else !!O.hostname in
76 let token = create_token unlimited_connection_manager in
77 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.connect token ""
78 (try
79 let h = Ip.from_name hostname in
80 Ip.to_inet_addr h
81 with
82 e ->
83 lprintf "Exception %s in gethostbyname" (Printexc2.to_string e);
84 lprint_newline ();
85 try
86 Unix.inet_addr_of_string !!O.hostname
87 with e ->
88 lprintf "Exception %s in inet_addr_of_string"
89 (Printexc2.to_string e);
90 lprint_newline ();
91 lprint_newline ();
92 lprintf "mlgui was unable to find the IP address of the host [%s]" !!O.hostname; lprint_newline ();
93 lprint_newline ();
95 lprintf "Please, edit the $HOME/.mldonkey_gui.ini, and change the 'hostname' option"; lprint_newline ();
96 lprintf "to the correct IP address of the host running mldonkey."; lprint_newline ();
98 raise Not_found
100 !!O.port
101 (fun _ _ -> ())
105 if not (List.mem (hostname,!!O.port) !!O.history) then
106 begin
107 O.history =:= (hostname, !!O.port) :: !!O.history;
108 G.new_scanned_port := true
109 end;
112 connection := Some sock;
113 TcpBufferedSocket.set_closer sock (fun _ msg ->
114 match !connection with
115 None -> ()
116 | Some s ->
117 if s == sock then begin
118 connection := None;
119 gui#label_connect_status#set_text (gettext M.not_connected);
120 when_disconnected gui
123 TcpBufferedSocket.set_max_input_buffer sock !!O.interface_buffer;
124 TcpBufferedSocket.set_max_output_buffer sock !!O.interface_buffer;
125 TcpBufferedSocket.set_handler sock TcpBufferedSocket.BUFFER_OVERFLOW
126 (fun _ ->
127 lprintf "BUFFER OVERFLOW"; lprint_newline ();
128 TcpBufferedSocket.close sock Closed_for_overflow);
129 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (
130 GuiDecoding.gui_cut_messages
131 (fun opcode s ->
133 let m = GuiDecoding.to_gui to_gui_protocol_used opcode s in
134 value_reader gui m;
135 with e ->
136 lprintf "Exception %s in decode/exec" (Printexc2.to_string e);
137 lprint_newline ();
138 raise e
140 gui#label_connect_status#set_text "Connecting";
141 send (GuiProto.GuiProtocol GuiProto.best_gui_version)
142 with e ->
143 lprintf "Exception %s in connecting\n" (Printexc2.to_string e);
144 TcpBufferedSocket.close sock (Closed_for_exception e);
145 connection := None
147 let connected _ = !connection <> None
151 module UseFifo = struct
153 let timer_set = ref false
155 let send m = Fifo.put gui_core_fifo (copy_message m)
157 let disconnect gui reason =
158 when_disconnected gui
160 let reconnect gui value_reader reason =
161 disconnect gui reason;
162 gui_reconnected := true;
163 Fifo.clear core_gui_fifo;
164 Fifo.clear gui_core_fifo;
166 if not !timer_set then begin
167 timer_set := true;
168 BasicSocket.add_infinite_timer 0.1 (fun _ ->
170 while true do
171 while true do
172 let m = copy_message (Fifo.take core_gui_fifo) in
173 value_reader gui m
174 done
175 done
176 with Fifo.Empty -> ()
177 | e ->
178 lprintf "Exception %s in handle core message"
179 (Printexc2.to_string e);
180 lprint_newline ();
182 end;
183 gui#label_connect_status#set_text "Connecting";
184 send (GuiProto.GuiProtocol GuiProto.best_gui_version)
186 let connected _ = true
190 let disconnect =
191 if !core_included then UseFifo.disconnect
192 else UseSocket.disconnect
194 let connected =
195 if !core_included then UseFifo.connected
196 else UseSocket.connected
198 let reconnect =
199 if !core_included then UseFifo.reconnect
200 else UseSocket.reconnect
202 let send =
203 if !core_included then UseFifo.send
204 else UseSocket.send
206 let scan_ports () =
207 let hostname = if !!O.hostname = "" then Unix.gethostname () else !!O.hostname
209 let ip = Ip.from_name hostname in
210 let addr = Ip.to_inet_addr ip in
211 let rec scan_port prev_next i max =
212 if !prev_next && i < max then
213 let next = ref true in
214 prev_next := false;
216 let token = create_token unlimited_connection_manager in
217 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.connect token ""
218 addr i
219 (fun sock e ->
220 match e with
221 BASIC_EVENT (RTIMEOUT) -> close sock Closed_for_timeout
222 | _ -> ()
223 ) in
224 GuiEncoding.gui_send (GuiEncoding.from_gui from_gui_protocol_used) sock
225 (GuiProto.GuiProtocol GuiProto.best_gui_version);
226 set_closer sock (fun _ _ ->
227 scan_port next (i+1) max);
228 let proto = ref 0 in
229 let nets = ref [] in
230 let console = ref "" in
231 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (fun sock nread ->
232 GuiDecoding.gui_cut_messages
233 (fun opcode s ->
235 let m = GuiDecoding.to_gui to_gui_protocol_used
236 opcode s in
237 match m with
238 CoreProtocol (n, _, _) ->
239 lprintf "GUI version %d on port %d" n i;
240 lprint_newline ();
241 proto := n
242 | Network_info n ->
243 nets := n.CommonTypes.network_netname :: !nets
244 | Console m ->
245 lprintf "GUI:\n proto %d\nnets:\n" !proto; lprint_newline ();
246 List.iter (fun n ->
247 lprintf "%s " n
248 ) !nets;
249 lprint_newline ();
250 lprintf " motd:\n%s" m;
251 lprint_newline ();
253 if not (List.mem (hostname,i) !G.scanned_ports) then
254 begin
255 G.scanned_ports := (hostname, i) :: !G.scanned_ports;
256 G.new_scanned_port := true
260 | _ -> close sock Closed_by_user
261 with e -> close sock Closed_by_user
262 ) sock nread
266 set_rtimeout sock 0.5;
267 with e ->
268 scan_port next (i+1) max
270 scan_port (ref true) 0 10000;
271 scan_port (ref true) 10000 20000;
272 scan_port (ref true) 20000 30000;
273 scan_port (ref true) 30000 40000;
274 scan_port (ref true) 40000 50000;
275 scan_port (ref true) 50000 60000;
276 scan_port (ref true) 60000 65536