patch #7418
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / net /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 open Printf2
22 open Options
23 open Unix
24 open Date
25 open Md4
27 type mail = {
28 mail_to : string;
29 mail_from : string;
30 mail_subject : string;
31 mail_body : string;
32 smtp_login : string;
33 smtp_password : string;
36 let rfc2047_encode h encoding s =
37 let beginning = "=?" ^ encoding ^"?q?" in
38 let ending = "?=" in
39 let space = " " in
40 let crlf = "\r\n" in
41 let maxlen = 75 in (* max lenght of a line *)
42 let buf = Buffer.create 1500 in
43 let pos = ref 0 in
44 let rl = ref 1 in
45 let hexa_digit x =
46 if x >= 10 then Char.chr (Char.code 'A' + x - 10)
47 else Char.chr (Char.code '0' + x) in
48 let copy tanga = begin
49 Buffer.add_string buf tanga;
50 pos := !pos + String.length tanga;
51 end;
52 in
53 copy h;
54 copy beginning;
55 let newline () =
56 incr rl;
57 copy ending;
58 copy crlf;
59 copy space;
60 copy beginning;
62 for i=0 to (String.length s)-1 do
63 let l = (!rl * (maxlen-String.length ending)) - 1 in
64 if l < !pos then newline ();
65 match s.[i] with
66 | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' ->
67 Buffer.add_char buf s.[i]; incr pos
68 | ' ' -> Buffer.add_char buf '_'; incr pos
69 | c ->
70 Buffer.add_char buf '=';
71 Buffer.add_char buf (hexa_digit (Char.code c / 16));
72 Buffer.add_char buf (hexa_digit (Char.code c mod 16));
73 pos := !pos + 3;
74 done;
75 copy ending;
76 Buffer.contents buf
78 let send oc s = Printf.fprintf oc "%s\r\n" s; flush oc
79 let send1 oc s p = Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s\r\n" s p; flush oc
81 let simple_connect hostname port =
82 let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
83 let h = Ip.from_name hostname in
84 let addr = Ip.to_inet_addr h in
85 try
86 Unix.connect s (ADDR_INET(addr,port));
88 with e -> close s; raise e
90 let last_response = ref ""
92 let bad_response () =
93 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad response [%s]"
94 (String.escaped !last_response))
96 type response = int * bool * string list
98 let get_response ic =
99 last_response := input_line ic;
100 if String.length !last_response <= 3 then bad_response ();
101 if !last_response.[String.length !last_response - 1] <> '\r' then bad_response ();
102 let final = match !last_response.[3] with ' ' -> true | '-' -> false | _ -> bad_response () in
103 let code = int_of_string (String.sub !last_response 0 3) in
104 let text = String.sub !last_response 4 (String.length !last_response - 5) in
105 (code,final,text)
107 let read_response ic =
108 let rec iter () =
109 match get_response ic with
110 | (n,true,_) -> n
111 | _ -> iter ()
113 iter ()
115 let mail_address new_style s = if new_style then "<"^s^">" else s
117 let make_mail mail new_style =
118 let mail_date = Date.mail_string (Unix.time ()) in
119 Printf.sprintf
120 "From: mldonkey %s\r\nTo: %s\r\n%s\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nDate: %s\r\n\r\n%s"
121 (mail_address new_style mail.mail_from)
122 mail.mail_to
123 (rfc2047_encode "Subject: " "utf-8" mail.mail_subject)
124 mail_date
125 mail.mail_body
127 let canon_addr s =
128 let len = String.length s in
129 let rec iter_end s pos =
130 if pos = -1 then s else
131 if s.[pos] = ' ' then iter_end s (pos-1) else
132 iter_begin s (pos-1) pos
133 and iter_begin s pos last =
134 if pos = -1 || s.[pos] = ' ' then
135 String.sub s (pos+1) (last - pos)
136 else iter_begin s (pos-1) last
138 iter_end s (len - 1)
140 let string_xor s1 s2 =
141 assert (String.length s1 = String.length s2);
142 let s = String.create (String.length s1) in
143 for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
144 s.[i] <- Char.chr (Char.code s1.[i] lxor Char.code s2.[i]);
145 done;
148 (* HMAC-MD5, RFC 2104 *)
149 let hmac_md5 =
150 let ipad = String.make 64 '\x36' in
151 let opad = String.make 64 '\x5C' in
152 let md5 s = Md5.direct_to_string (Md5.string s) in
153 fun secret challenge ->
154 let secret = if String.length secret > 64 then md5 secret else secret in
155 let k = String.make 64 '\x00' in
156 String.blit secret 0 k 0 (String.length secret);
157 md5 (string_xor k opad ^ md5 (string_xor k ipad ^ challenge))
159 let sendmail smtp_server smtp_port new_style mail =
160 (* a completely synchronous function (BUG) *)
162 let s = simple_connect smtp_server smtp_port in
163 (try Unix.setsockopt_float s Unix.SO_RCVTIMEO 30. with _ -> ());
164 (try Unix.setsockopt_float s Unix.SO_SNDTIMEO 30. with _ -> ());
165 let ic = in_channel_of_descr s in
166 let oc = out_channel_of_descr s in
167 let auth_login_enabled = ref false in
168 let auth_plain_enabled = ref false in
169 let auth_cram_enabled = ref false in
170 let read_response_auth ic =
171 let rec loop () =
172 let (n,final,text) = get_response ic in
173 begin match String2.split_simplify (String.uppercase text) ' ' with
174 | ("AUTH"::methods) ->
175 List.iter (function
176 | "LOGIN" -> auth_login_enabled := true
177 | "PLAIN" -> auth_plain_enabled := true
178 | "CRAM-MD5" -> auth_cram_enabled := true
179 | _ -> ()) methods
180 | _ -> ()
181 end;
182 if final then n else loop ()
184 loop ()
188 if read_response ic <> 220 then bad_response ();
190 send1 oc "EHLO" (gethostname ());
191 if read_response_auth ic <> 250 then bad_response ();
193 if mail.smtp_login <> "" then
194 begin
195 if !auth_cram_enabled then (* prefer CRAM-MD5 *)
196 begin
197 send oc "AUTH CRAM-MD5";
198 match get_response ic with
199 | (334,true,s) ->
200 (* RFC 2195 *)
201 let digest = hmac_md5 mail.smtp_password (Base64.decode s) in
202 send oc (Base64.encode (Printf.sprintf "%s %s" mail.smtp_login digest));
203 if read_response ic <> 235 then bad_response ()
204 | _ -> bad_response ()
206 else if !auth_login_enabled then
207 begin
208 send oc "AUTH LOGIN";
209 if read_response ic <> 334 then bad_response ();
211 send oc (Base64.encode mail.smtp_login);
212 if read_response ic <> 334 then bad_response ();
214 send oc (Base64.encode mail.smtp_password);
215 if read_response ic <> 235 then bad_response ()
217 else if !auth_plain_enabled then
218 begin
219 let auth = Printf.sprintf "\x00%s\x00%s" mail.smtp_login mail.smtp_password in
220 send1 oc "AUTH PLAIN" (Base64.encode auth);
221 if read_response ic <> 235 then bad_response ()
223 end;
225 send1 oc "MAIL FROM:" (mail_address new_style (canon_addr mail.mail_from));
226 if read_response ic <> 250 then bad_response ();
228 send1 oc "RCPT TO:" (mail_address new_style (canon_addr mail.mail_to));
229 if read_response ic <> 250 then bad_response ();
231 send oc "DATA";
232 if read_response ic <> 354 then bad_response ();
234 let body = make_mail mail new_style in
235 send oc body;
236 send oc ".";
237 if read_response ic <> 250 then bad_response ();
239 send oc "QUIT";
240 if read_response ic <> 221 then bad_response ();
242 close_out oc;
243 with e ->
244 send oc "QUIT";
245 if read_response ic <> 221 then bad_response ();
246 close_out oc;
247 raise e
249 with e ->
250 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while sending mail" (Printexc2.to_string e)