patch #7262
[mldonkey.git] / src / utils / net / basicSocket.mli
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 type close_reason =
21 Closed_for_timeout (* timeout exceeded *)
22 | Closed_for_lifetime (* lifetime exceeded *)
23 | Closed_by_peer (* end of file *)
24 | Closed_for_error of string
25 | Closed_by_user (* the operation was completed *)
26 | Closed_for_overflow
27 | Closed_connect_failed
28 | Closed_for_exception of exn
30 type event =
31 CLOSED of close_reason
34 type t
35 type handler = t -> event -> unit
37 val infinite_timeout : float
38 val last_time : unit -> int
39 val update_time : unit -> unit
41 val fd : t -> Unix.file_descr
42 val must_write : t -> bool -> unit
43 val must_read : t -> bool -> unit
44 val set_rtimeout : t -> float -> unit
45 val set_wtimeout : t -> float -> unit
46 val set_lifetime : t -> float -> unit
47 val set_handler : t -> handler -> unit
48 val handler : t -> handler
49 val closed : t -> bool
51 (* val set_before_select : t -> (t -> unit) -> unit *)
53 val create : string -> Unix.file_descr -> handler -> t
54 val create_blocking : string -> Unix.file_descr -> handler -> t
55 val set_printer : t -> (t -> string) -> unit
56 val close : t -> close_reason -> unit
57 val shutdown : t -> close_reason -> unit
59 val set_before_select_hook : (unit -> unit) -> unit
60 val set_after_select_hook : (unit -> unit) -> unit
62 (* val add_timer: float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit *)
64 type timer
65 val add_timer : float -> (timer -> unit) -> unit
66 val add_infinite_timer : float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
67 val add_session_timer : bool ref -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
68 val add_session_option_timer : bool ref -> float Options.option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
69 val add_infinite_option_timer : float Options.option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
71 val reactivate_timer : timer -> unit
72 val loop : unit -> unit
74 val nb_sockets : unit -> int
76 val stats : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
78 val minf : float -> float -> float
79 val maxf : float -> float -> float
81 val set_allow_write : t -> bool ref -> unit
82 val set_allow_read : t -> bool ref -> unit
84 val print_sockets : Buffer.t -> unit
85 val print_socket : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
87 val info : t -> string
89 val debug : bool ref
91 val set_dump_info : t -> (Buffer.t -> unit) -> unit
93 external use_poll : bool -> unit = "ml_use_poll"
95 val prevent_close : t -> unit
96 val close_all : unit -> unit
98 val start_time : int
100 external setsock_iptos_throughput: Unix.file_descr -> int = "ml_setsock_iptos_throughput"
102 val sock_num : t -> int
103 val string_of_date : int -> string
104 val date_of_int : int -> float
105 val normalize_time : int -> int
107 val use_threads : bool ref
108 external has_threads : unit -> bool = "ml_has_pthread"
109 val get_rtimeout : t -> float * float
110 val int64_time : unit -> int64
111 val current_time : unit -> float
113 val string_of_reason : close_reason -> string
114 val string_of_basic_event : event -> string
116 val loop_delay : float ref
118 val socket_keepalive : bool ref
121 0 : not verbose
122 1 : summary every second
123 2 : system calls
124 3 : internal values
126 val verbose_bandwidth : int ref
127 val add_bandwidth_second_timer : (unit -> unit) -> unit