patch #7412
[mldonkey.git] / src / daemon / common /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open Options
22 open Printf2
23 open BasicSocket
25 open CommonGlobals
26 open CommonClient
27 open CommonServer
28 open CommonNetwork
29 open CommonOptions
30 open CommonUserDb
31 open CommonTypes
32 open CommonFile
33 open Gettext
35 let _s x = _s "CommonComplexOptions" x
36 let _b x = _b "CommonComplexOptions" x
38 let log_prefix = "[cCO]"
40 let lprintf_nl fmt =
41 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
43 let lprintf_n fmt =
44 lprintf2 log_prefix fmt
46 (*************************************************************************)
47 (* *)
48 (* FILES *)
49 (* *)
50 (*************************************************************************)
52 module FileOption = struct
54 let value_to_state v =
55 match v with
56 | StringValue "Paused" -> FilePaused
57 | StringValue "Downloading" -> FileDownloading
58 | StringValue "Downloaded" -> FileDownloaded
59 | _ -> raise Not_found
61 let state_to_value s =
62 match s with
63 | FilePaused | FileAborted _ -> StringValue "Paused"
64 | FileDownloaded -> StringValue "Downloaded"
65 | _ -> StringValue "Downloading"
68 let value_to_file is_done v =
69 match v with
70 Options.Module assocs ->
71 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
72 let get_value_nil name conv =
73 try conv (List.assoc name assocs) with Not_found -> [] in
74 let filename = get_value "file_filename" value_to_string in
75 let network = try get_value "file_network" value_to_string
76 with _ -> "Donkey" in
77 let network =
78 try network_find_by_name network with e ->
79 lprintf_nl
80 "Error %s for network %s while parsing file %s"
81 (Printexc2.to_string e) network filename;
82 lprintf_nl "This core is lacking support for network %s, exiting" network;
83 exit_properly 70
85 let file_state =
86 try
87 get_value "file_state" value_to_state
88 with _ -> FileDownloading
89 in
90 let file_size = try
91 value_to_int64 (List.assoc "file_size" assocs)
92 with _ ->
95 let file_user =
96 try
97 let u = get_value "file_owner" value_to_string in
98 begin
99 try
100 user2_user_find u
101 with Not_found ->
102 lprintf_nl "file_owner %s of %s does not exist, changing to %s"
103 u filename (admin_user ()).user_name;
104 admin_user ()
106 with Not_found ->
107 lprintf_nl "file_owner of %s is empty, changing to %s"
108 filename (admin_user ()).user_name;
109 admin_user ()
112 let file_group =
113 let dgroup = user2_print_user_default_group file_user in
115 match (get_value "file_group" value_to_stringoption) with
116 None -> None
117 | Some g ->
118 begin
120 let g = user2_group_find g in
121 if List.mem g file_user.user_groups then
122 Some g
123 else
124 begin
125 lprintf_nl "file_owner %s is not member of file_group %s, changing file_group of %s to user_default_group %s"
126 file_user.user_name g.group_name filename dgroup;
127 file_user.user_default_group
129 with Not_found ->
130 lprintf_nl "file_group %s of %s not found, changing to user_default_group %s of user %s"
131 g filename dgroup file_user.user_name;
132 file_user.user_default_group
134 with Not_found ->
135 lprintf_nl "file_group of %s is empty, changing to user_default_group %s of user %s"
136 filename dgroup file_user.user_name;
137 file_user.user_default_group
140 let file = network_file_of_option network file_size
141 file_state file_user file_group assocs in
143 let impl = as_file_impl file in
144 (try
145 impl.impl_file_age <-
146 normalize_time (get_value "file_age" value_to_int)
147 with _ -> ());
149 (try
150 impl.impl_file_release <-
151 get_value "file_release" value_to_bool
152 with _ -> ());
154 set_file_state file file_state;
156 (try
157 set_file_best_name file filename "" 0
158 with _ -> ());
160 (try
161 List.iter (fun s -> add_file_filenames file s)
162 (get_value_nil "file_filenames" (value_to_list value_to_string))
163 with _ -> ());
165 let priority = try get_value "file_priority" value_to_int
166 with _ -> 0 in
167 set_file_priority file priority;
169 if !verbose && !CommonGlobals.is_startup_phase then
170 lprintf_nl "Started download of %s, user:group %s:%s"
171 (file_best_name file)
172 file_user.user_name
173 (user2_print_group file_group);
175 file
176 | _ -> assert false
178 let file_to_value file =
179 let netname = string_to_value (file_network file).network_name in
180 let impl = as_file_impl file in
181 Options.Module (
182 ("file_network", netname) ::
183 ("file_size", int64_to_value (file_size file)) ::
184 ("file_priority", int_to_value (file_priority file)) ::
185 ("file_state", state_to_value (file_state file)) ::
186 ("file_filename", string_to_value (file_best_name file)) ::
187 ("file_filenames", List
188 ( string_to_value impl.impl_file_filenames)) ::
189 ("file_age", IntValue (Int64.of_int impl.impl_file_age)) ::
190 ("file_release", bool_to_value impl.impl_file_release) ::
191 ("file_owner", string_to_value (file_owner file).user_name) ::
192 ("file_group", stringoption_to_value (match file_group file with Some g -> Some g.group_name | None -> None)) ::
193 (file_to_option file)
196 let t is_done =
197 define_option_class "File" (value_to_file is_done) file_to_value
202 let swarmers_section = file_section files_ini [] ""
203 let files_section = file_section files_ini [] ""
205 let done_files =
206 define_option files_section ["done_files"]
207 "The files whose download is finished" (
208 listiter_option (FileOption.t true)) []
210 let files =
211 define_option files_section ["files"]
212 "The files currently being downloaded, primary downloads must come first" (
213 listiter_option (FileOption.t false)) []
215 (*************************************************************************)
216 (* *)
217 (* RESULTS *)
218 (* *)
219 (*************************************************************************)
221 let value_to_tag =
222 value_to_tuple2 (fun (v1,v2) ->
223 let name = value_to_string v1 in
224 let value = match v2 with
225 IntValue i -> Uint64 i
226 | _ -> String (value_to_string v2)
228 { tag_name = field_of_string name; tag_value = value })
230 let tag_to_value =
231 tuple2_to_value (fun tag ->
232 string_to_value (string_of_field tag.tag_name),
233 match tag.tag_value with
234 Uint64 i -> int64_to_value i
235 | String s -> string_to_value s
236 | Addr _ -> assert false
237 | Fint64 i -> int64_to_value i
238 | Uint16 n | Uint8 n -> int_to_value n
239 | Pair (n1,n2) -> assert false
242 module ResultOption = struct
244 let value_to_result v =
245 match v with
246 Options.Module assocs ->
247 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
249 let uids = get_value "uids" (fun uids ->
250 let uids = value_to_list value_to_string uids in
251 Uid.of_string uids) in
252 let names = get_value "names" (value_to_list value_to_string) in
253 let size = get_value "size" value_to_int64 in
254 let time = get_value "time" value_to_int in
255 let format = try get_value "format" value_to_string with _ -> "" in
256 let file_type = try get_value "type" value_to_string with _ -> "" in
257 let tags = try get_value "tags" (value_to_list value_to_tag)
258 with _ -> [] in
259 let r = {
260 CommonResult.dummy_result with
261 result_uids = uids;
262 result_names = names;
263 result_size = size;
264 result_time = time;
265 result_format = format;
266 result_type = file_type;
267 result_tags = tags;
270 let rs = CommonResult.update_result_num r in
272 | _ -> assert false
274 let result_to_value rs =
275 let r = CommonResult.IndexedResults.get_result rs in
277 let tags = ref [] in
278 List.iter (fun tag ->
279 match tag.tag_name with
280 Field_Availability | Field_Completesources -> ()
281 | _ -> tags := tag :: !tags;
282 ) r.result_tags;
284 let list = [] in
285 let list = if !tags = [] then list else
286 ("tags", list_to_value tag_to_value !tags) :: list
288 let list = if r.result_format = "" then list else
289 ("format", string_to_value r.result_format) :: list
291 let list = if r.result_type = "" then list else
292 ("type", string_to_value r.result_type) :: list
294 let list =
295 ("uids", SmallList
296 ( (fun uid ->
297 string_to_value (Uid.to_string uid)) r.result_uids)) ::
298 ("names", SmallList
299 ( string_to_value r.result_names)) ::
300 ("size", int64_to_value r.result_size) ::
301 ("time", int_to_value r.result_time) ::
302 list
304 Options.Module list
306 let t =
307 define_option_class "Result" value_to_result result_to_value
310 let results_section = file_section results_ini [] ""
311 let results = define_option results_section ["results"] ""
312 (list_option ResultOption.t) []
313 let known_uids = define_option results_section ["known_uids"] ""
314 (list_option (tuple2_option (Uid.option, int_option))) []
316 (*************************************************************************)
317 (* *)
318 (* SERVERS *)
319 (* *)
320 (*************************************************************************)
323 module ServerOption = struct
325 let value_to_server v =
326 match v with
327 Options.Module assocs ->
328 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
329 let network = try
330 get_value "server_network" value_to_string
331 with _ -> "Donkey"
333 let network =
334 try network_find_by_name network with e ->
335 lprintf_nl "Loading servers, network %s not supported, deleting server" network;
336 raise e
338 let server = network_server_of_option network assocs in
339 server
340 | _ -> assert false
342 let server_to_value server =
343 Options.Module (
344 ("server_network",
345 string_to_value (server_network server).network_name)
347 (server_to_option server)
350 let t =
351 define_option_class "Server" value_to_server server_to_value
355 let servers = define_option servers_section
356 ["known_servers"] "List of known servers"
357 (intmap_option (fun s -> server_num s) ServerOption.t) Intmap.empty
360 (*************************************************************************)
361 (* *)
362 (* QUERIES *)
363 (* *)
364 (*************************************************************************)
366 let rec string_of_option v =
367 match v with
368 Module m -> "{ MODULE }"
369 | StringValue s -> Printf.sprintf "STRING [%s]" s
370 | IntValue i -> Printf.sprintf "INT [%Ld]" i
371 | FloatValue f -> Printf.sprintf "FLOAT [%f]" f
372 | OnceValue v -> string_of_option v
373 | List l | SmallList l ->
374 (List.fold_left (fun s v ->
375 s ^ (string_of_option v) ^ ";"
376 ) "LIST [" l) ^ "]"
377 | DelayedValue _ -> assert false
380 module QueryOption = struct
381 let rec query_to_value q =
382 match q with
383 | Q_AND list ->
384 List ((StringValue "AND") :: ( query_to_value list))
385 | Q_OR list ->
386 List ((StringValue "OR"):: ( query_to_value list))
387 | Q_HIDDEN list ->
388 List ((StringValue "HIDDEN"):: ( query_to_value list))
389 | Q_ANDNOT (q1, q2) ->
390 SmallList [StringValue "ANDNOT"; query_to_value q1; query_to_value q2 ]
391 | Q_MODULE (s, q) ->
392 SmallList [StringValue "MODULE"; StringValue s; query_to_value q]
395 | Q_KEYWORDS (label, s) ->
396 SmallList [StringValue "KEYWORDS"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
397 | Q_MINSIZE (label, s) ->
398 SmallList [StringValue "MINSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
399 | Q_MAXSIZE (label, s) ->
400 SmallList [StringValue "MAXSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
401 | Q_FORMAT (label, s) ->
402 SmallList [StringValue "FORMAT"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
403 | Q_MEDIA (label, s) ->
404 SmallList [StringValue "MEDIA"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
406 | Q_MP3_ARTIST (label, s) ->
407 SmallList [StringValue "MP3_ARTIST"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
408 | Q_MP3_TITLE (label, s) ->
409 SmallList [StringValue "MP3_TITLE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
410 | Q_MP3_ALBUM (label, s) ->
411 SmallList [StringValue "MP3_ALBUM"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
412 | Q_MP3_BITRATE (label, s) ->
413 SmallList [StringValue "MP3_BITRATE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
415 | Q_COMBO _ -> assert false
417 let rec value_to_query v =
418 match v with
419 | SmallList ((StringValue "AND") :: list)
420 | List ((StringValue "AND") :: list) ->
421 Q_AND ( value_to_query list)
423 | SmallList ((StringValue "OR") :: list)
424 | List ((StringValue "OR") :: list) ->
425 Q_OR ( value_to_query list)
427 | SmallList ((StringValue "HIDDEN") :: list)
428 | List ((StringValue "HIDDEN") :: list) ->
429 Q_HIDDEN ( value_to_query list)
431 | SmallList [StringValue "ANDNOT"; v1; v2 ]
432 | List [StringValue "ANDNOT"; v1; v2 ] ->
433 Q_ANDNOT (value_to_query v1, value_to_query v2)
435 | SmallList [StringValue "MODULE"; StringValue label; v2 ]
436 | List [StringValue "MODULE"; StringValue label; v2 ] ->
437 Q_MODULE (label, value_to_query v2)
441 | SmallList [StringValue "KEYWORDS"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
442 | List [StringValue "KEYWORDS"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
443 Q_KEYWORDS (label, s)
445 | SmallList [StringValue "MINSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
446 | List [StringValue "MINSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
447 Q_MINSIZE (label, s)
449 | SmallList [StringValue "MAXSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
450 | List [StringValue "MAXSIZE"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
451 Q_MAXSIZE (label, s)
453 | SmallList [StringValue "MINSIZE"; StringValue label; IntValue s]
454 | List [StringValue "MINSIZE"; StringValue label; IntValue s] ->
455 Q_MINSIZE (label, Int64.to_string s)
457 | SmallList [StringValue "MAXSIZE"; StringValue label; IntValue s]
458 | List [StringValue "MAXSIZE"; StringValue label; IntValue s] ->
459 Q_MAXSIZE (label, Int64.to_string s)
461 | SmallList [StringValue "FORMAT"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
462 | List [StringValue "FORMAT"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
463 Q_FORMAT (label, s)
465 | SmallList [StringValue "MEDIA"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
466 | List [StringValue "MEDIA"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
467 Q_MEDIA (label, s)
469 | SmallList [StringValue "MP3_ARTIST"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
470 | List [StringValue "MP3_ARTIST"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
471 Q_MP3_ARTIST (label, s)
473 | SmallList [StringValue "MP3_TITLE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
474 | List [StringValue "MP3_TITLE"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
475 Q_MP3_TITLE (label, s)
477 | SmallList [StringValue "MP3_ALBUM"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
478 | List [StringValue "MP3_ALBUM"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
479 Q_MP3_ALBUM (label, s)
481 | SmallList [StringValue "MP3_BITRATE"; StringValue label; StringValue s]
482 | List [StringValue "MP3_BITRATE"; StringValue label; StringValue s] ->
483 Q_MP3_BITRATE (label, s)
485 | SmallList [StringValue "MP3_BITRATE"; StringValue label; IntValue s]
486 | List [StringValue "MP3_BITRATE"; StringValue label; IntValue s] ->
487 Q_MP3_BITRATE (label, Int64.to_string s)
489 | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Query option: error while parsing %s"
490 (string_of_option v)
493 let t = define_option_class "Query" value_to_query query_to_value
496 let searches_section = file_section searches_ini [] ""
498 let max_saved_searches = define_option searches_section
499 ["max_saved_searches"] "Maximal number of saved searches"
500 int_option 10
502 let customized_queries = define_option searches_section
503 ["customized_queries"] ""
504 (list_option (tuple2_option (string_option, QueryOption.t)))
506 "Complex Search",
507 Q_AND [
508 Q_KEYWORDS ("keywords", "");
509 Q_MODULE ("Simple Options",
510 Q_AND [
511 Q_MINSIZE ("Min Size", "");
512 Q_MAXSIZE ("Max Size", "");
513 Q_MEDIA ("Media", "");
514 Q_FORMAT ("Format", "");
517 Q_MODULE ("Mp3 Options",
518 Q_AND [
519 Q_MP3_ARTIST ("Artist", "");
520 Q_MP3_ALBUM ("Album", "");
521 Q_MP3_TITLE ("Title", "");
522 Q_MP3_BITRATE ("Min Bitrate", "");
526 "MP3 Search",
527 Q_AND [
528 Q_KEYWORDS ("keywords", "");
529 Q_MP3_ARTIST ("Artist", "");
530 Q_MP3_ALBUM ("Album", "");
531 Q_MP3_TITLE ("Title", "");
532 Q_MP3_BITRATE ("Min Bitrate", "");
533 Q_HIDDEN [
534 Q_MEDIA ("Media", "Audio");
535 Q_FORMAT ("Format", "mp3");
538 "Movie Search",
539 Q_AND [
540 Q_KEYWORDS ("keywords", "");
541 Q_HIDDEN [
542 Q_MINSIZE ("Min Size", "500000000");
543 Q_MEDIA ("Media", "Video");
544 Q_FORMAT ("Format", "avi");
547 "Album Search",
548 Q_AND [
549 Q_KEYWORDS ("Keywords", "album");
550 Q_HIDDEN [
551 Q_ANDNOT (
552 Q_MINSIZE ("Min Size", "30000000"),
553 Q_FORMAT ("Format", "mp3")
559 let special_queries = define_option searches_section
560 ["special_queries"] "Shortcuts for special specialized searches"
561 (list_option (tuple2_option (string_option, string_option)))
563 "-1cd", "-maxsize 735000000";
564 "-movies", "avi -minsize 650000000 -1cd";
565 "-mp3s", "mp3 -minsize 3000000 -maxsize 10000000";
566 "-albums", "album -minsize 30000000 -maxsize 150000000";
567 "-nosex", "-not xxx";
570 let customized_queries =
571 let custom = ref None in
572 fun () ->
573 match !custom with
574 Some cq -> cq
575 | None ->
577 let rec intern q =
578 match q with
579 | Q_AND list -> Q_AND ( intern list)
580 | Q_OR list -> Q_OR ( intern list)
581 | Q_HIDDEN list -> Q_HIDDEN ( intern list)
582 | Q_ANDNOT (q1,q2) -> Q_ANDNOT (intern q1, intern q2)
584 | Q_MP3_BITRATE (s, v) -> Q_MP3_BITRATE (_s s, v)
585 | Q_MP3_ALBUM (s, v) -> Q_MP3_ALBUM (_s s, v)
586 | Q_MP3_TITLE (s, v) -> Q_MP3_TITLE (_s s, v)
587 | Q_MP3_ARTIST (s, v) -> Q_MP3_ARTIST (_s s, v)
589 | Q_COMBO (s, v, l) -> Q_COMBO (_s s, v, l)
591 | Q_MEDIA (s, v) -> Q_MEDIA (_s s, v)
592 | Q_KEYWORDS (s, v) -> Q_KEYWORDS (_s s, v)
593 | Q_MINSIZE (s, v) -> Q_MINSIZE (_s s, v)
594 | Q_MAXSIZE (s, v) -> Q_MAXSIZE (_s s, v)
595 | Q_FORMAT (s, v) -> Q_FORMAT (_s s, v)
597 | Q_MODULE (s,q) -> Q_MODULE (_s s, intern q)
599 let qs =
600 ( (fun (s,v) ->
601 _s s, intern v) !!customized_queries)
603 custom := Some qs;
607 (*************************************************************************)
608 (* *)
609 (* CLIENTS *)
610 (* *)
611 (*************************************************************************)
614 module ClientOption = struct
616 let value_to_client is_friend v =
617 match v with
618 Options.Module assocs ->
619 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
620 let network = try
621 get_value "client_network" value_to_string
622 with _ -> "Donkey"
624 let network = network_find_by_name network in
625 let c = network_client_of_option network is_friend assocs in
627 | _ -> assert false
629 let client_to_value client =
630 Options.Module (
631 ("client_network", string_to_value (client_network client).network_name)
633 (client_to_option client)
636 let t is_friend =
637 define_option_class "Client" (value_to_client is_friend)
638 client_to_value
642 let friends_section = file_section friends_ini [] ""
643 let friends =
644 define_option friends_section ["friends"]
645 "The list of known friends" (listiter_option (ClientOption.t true)) []
648 let contacts = ref []
651 (*************************************************************************)
652 (* *)
653 (* SHARING *)
654 (* *)
655 (*************************************************************************)
657 module SharingOption = struct
659 let value_to_sharing v =
660 match v with
661 | Module assocs -> begin
662 let get_value name conv default =
663 try conv (List.assoc name assocs)
664 with _ -> default
666 let get_bool_value name = get_value name value_to_bool false in
667 let sharing_recursive = get_bool_value "recursive" in
668 let sharing_minsize = get_value "minsize" value_to_int64 zero
670 let sharing_maxsize = get_value "maxsize" value_to_int64
671 Int64.max_int
673 let sharing_extensions = get_value "extensions"
674 (value_to_list value_to_string) []
676 let sharing_directories = get_bool_value "directories" in
677 let sharing_incoming = get_bool_value "incoming" in
679 sharing_directories = sharing_directories;
680 sharing_incoming = sharing_incoming;
681 sharing_recursive = sharing_recursive;
682 sharing_minsize = sharing_minsize;
683 sharing_maxsize = sharing_maxsize;
684 sharing_extensions = sharing_extensions;
687 | _ -> assert false
689 let sharing_to_value s =
690 let assocs = [
691 "extensions",
692 list_to_value string_to_value s.sharing_extensions;
693 "minsize", int64_to_value s.sharing_minsize;
694 "maxsize", int64_to_value s.sharing_maxsize;
697 let add_bool_value name v assocs =
698 if v then
699 (name , bool_to_value v) :: assocs
700 else assocs
702 let assocs = add_bool_value "directories" s.sharing_directories assocs in
703 let assocs = add_bool_value "incoming" s.sharing_incoming assocs in
704 let assocs = add_bool_value "recursive" s.sharing_recursive assocs in
706 Options.Module assocs
708 let t =
709 define_option_class "Sharing" value_to_sharing
710 sharing_to_value
714 let sharing_only_directory = {
715 sharing_incoming = false;
716 sharing_directories = false;
717 sharing_extensions = [];
718 sharing_recursive = false;
719 sharing_minsize = zero;
720 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
723 let sharing_incoming_directories = {
724 sharing_incoming = true;
725 sharing_directories = true;
726 sharing_extensions = [];
727 sharing_recursive = false;
728 sharing_minsize = zero;
729 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
732 let sharing_incoming_files = {
733 sharing_incoming = true;
734 sharing_directories = false;
735 sharing_extensions = [];
736 sharing_recursive = true;
737 sharing_minsize = zero;
738 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
741 let sharing_directories = {
742 sharing_incoming = false;
743 sharing_directories = true;
744 sharing_extensions = [];
745 sharing_recursive = false;
746 sharing_minsize = zero;
747 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
750 let sharing_strategies = define_option searches_section
751 ["customized_sharing"] ""
752 (list_option (tuple2_option (string_option, SharingOption.t)))
755 (* For mp3 sharers: recursively share all .mp3 files < 10 MB *)
756 "mp3s", {
757 sharing_incoming = false;
758 sharing_directories = false;
760 sharing_extensions = [".mp3"];
761 sharing_recursive = true;
762 sharing_minsize = zero;
763 sharing_maxsize = megabytes 10;
766 (* For video sharers: recursively share all .avi files > 500 MB *)
767 "avis", {
768 sharing_incoming = false;
769 sharing_directories = false;
770 sharing_extensions = [".avi"];
771 sharing_recursive = true;
772 sharing_minsize = megabytes 500;
773 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
776 "all_files", {
777 sharing_incoming = false;
778 sharing_directories = false;
779 sharing_extensions = [];
780 sharing_recursive = true;
781 sharing_minsize = zero;
782 sharing_maxsize = Int64.max_int;
785 "incoming_files", sharing_incoming_files;
787 "incoming_directories", sharing_incoming_directories;
789 (* For incoming directory, share all files in the directory (not recursive) *)
790 "only_directory", sharing_only_directory;
792 "directories", sharing_directories;
795 let _ =
796 option_hook sharing_strategies (fun _ ->
798 if not (List.exists
799 (fun (_,s) -> s.sharing_incoming && s.sharing_directories)
800 !!sharing_strategies) then
801 sharing_strategies =:=
802 ("incoming_directories", sharing_incoming_directories) ::
803 !!sharing_strategies;
805 if not (List.exists
806 (fun (_,s) -> s.sharing_incoming && not s.sharing_directories)
807 !!sharing_strategies) then
808 sharing_strategies =:=
809 ("incoming_files", sharing_incoming_files) :: !!sharing_strategies;
813 let sharing_strategy name =
814 match name with
815 | "incoming_files" -> sharing_incoming_files
816 | "incoming_directories" -> sharing_incoming_directories
817 | "only_directory" -> sharing_only_directory
818 | "directories" -> sharing_directories
819 | _ ->
821 List.assoc name !!sharing_strategies
822 with _ -> sharing_only_directory
824 (*************************************************************************)
825 (* *)
826 (* SHARED *)
827 (* *)
828 (*************************************************************************)
830 module SharedDirectoryOption = struct
832 let value_to_shared_directory v =
833 match v with
834 | Module assocs -> begin
835 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs)
837 let get_value_safe name conv default =
838 try conv (List.assoc name assocs)
839 with _ -> default
841 let shdir_dirname = get_value "dirname" value_to_filename
843 let shdir_priority = get_value_safe "priority" value_to_int 0
846 let shdir_networks = get_value_safe "networks"
847 (value_to_list value_to_string) []
850 let shdir_strategy = get_value_safe "strategy"
851 value_to_string "only_directory"
854 shdir_dirname = shdir_dirname;
855 shdir_strategy = shdir_strategy;
856 shdir_networks = []; (* shdir_networks; *)
857 shdir_priority = shdir_priority;
861 | SmallList [dir; prio]
862 | List [dir; prio] ->
864 shdir_dirname = value_to_filename dir;
865 shdir_strategy = "only_directory";
866 shdir_networks = [];
867 shdir_priority = value_to_int prio;
869 | v ->
870 let dir = value_to_string v in
871 let prio = 0 in
873 shdir_dirname = dir;
874 shdir_strategy = "only_directory";
875 shdir_networks = [];
876 shdir_priority = prio;
879 let shared_directory_to_value s =
880 let list = [
881 "dirname", filename_to_value s.shdir_dirname;
883 "networks",
884 list_to_value string_to_value s.shdir_networks;
886 "strategy",
887 string_to_value s.shdir_strategy;
888 "priority", int_to_value s.shdir_priority;
891 Options.Module list
893 let t =
894 define_option_class "Shared Directory" value_to_shared_directory
895 shared_directory_to_value
899 let default_incoming_files = {
900 shdir_dirname = Filename.concat "incoming" "files";
901 shdir_priority = 0;
902 shdir_networks = [];
903 shdir_strategy = "incoming_files";
906 let default_incoming_directories = {
907 shdir_dirname = Filename.concat "incoming" "directories";
908 shdir_priority = 0;
909 shdir_networks = [];
910 shdir_strategy = "incoming_directories";
913 let shared_directories =
914 define_option CommonOptions.path_section ["shared_directories" ]
915 " Incoming and shared directories.
916 At least two entries have to be present here, one with strategy
917 incoming_files and one with strategy incoming_directories.
918 Both entries can point to the same directory.
919 If one of the two strategies is missing, MLDonkey will create a default
920 directory with its entry here.
921 Finished BT multifile downloads are committed to the first directory
922 with strategy incoming_directories. Other downloads are committed
923 to the first directory with the strategy incoming_files.
924 MLdonkey searches all shared_directories with incoming_* strategies
925 on commit and uses the first one with enough free diskspace.
926 Other strategies can be found in searches.ini, section customized_sharing."
927 (list_option SharedDirectoryOption.t)
930 shdir_dirname = "shared";
931 shdir_priority = 0;
932 shdir_networks = [];
933 shdir_strategy = "all_files";
935 default_incoming_files;
936 default_incoming_directories;
940 let search_incoming_files () =
941 let list =
942 List.filter (fun s -> s.shdir_strategy = "incoming_files") !!shared_directories
944 match list with
945 | [] -> shared_directories =:= default_incoming_files :: !!shared_directories;
946 [default_incoming_files]
947 | l -> l
949 let search_incoming_directories () =
950 let list =
951 List.filter (fun s -> s.shdir_strategy = "incoming_directories") !!shared_directories
953 match list with
954 | [] -> shared_directories =:= default_incoming_directories :: !!shared_directories;
955 [default_incoming_directories]
956 | l -> l
958 let shared_directories_including_user_commit () =
959 (* This function is to be used in bTInteractive.try_share_file which is not recursive.
960 Its a replacement for !!shared_directories and provides the same list, but with
961 sub-directories added based on user_commit_dir.
962 This function works without disc access to avoid overhead. *)
963 let list = ref [] in
964 List.iter (fun s ->
965 let user_commit_dir_list = ref [] in
966 if (sharing_strategy s.shdir_strategy).sharing_incoming then
967 begin
968 user2_users_iter (fun u ->
969 if u.user_commit_dir <> "" then
970 user_commit_dir_list := !user_commit_dir_list @
972 shdir_dirname = Filename.concat s.shdir_dirname u.user_commit_dir;
973 shdir_priority = s.shdir_priority;
974 shdir_networks = s.shdir_networks;
975 shdir_strategy = s.shdir_strategy;
978 end;
979 list := !list @ [s] @ !user_commit_dir_list
980 ) !!shared_directories;
981 !list
983 let incoming_dir usedir ?user ?needed_space ?network () =
985 let directories =
986 if usedir then
987 search_incoming_directories ()
988 else
989 search_incoming_files ()
992 let dirname_user =
993 match user with
994 | None -> ""
995 | Some user -> user.user_commit_dir
999 let dirname_network =
1000 match network with
1001 | None -> ""
1002 | Some network -> network
1005 (* todo: make the dir naming order user configurable *)
1006 let compute_dir_name dir =
1007 let dirname = Filename2.normalize (Filename.concat dir dirname_user) in
1008 (* let dirname = Filename.concat dirname dirname_network in *)
1009 dirname
1012 let checkdir =
1013 let module U = Unix.LargeFile in
1015 List.find (fun d ->
1016 let dirname = compute_dir_name d.shdir_dirname in
1017 (* check if temp_directory and incoming are on different partitions *)
1019 if (U.stat dirname).U.st_dev <> (U.stat !!temp_directory).U.st_dev then
1020 begin
1021 match needed_space with
1022 | None -> true
1023 | Some needed_space ->
1024 match Unix32.diskfree dirname with
1025 Some v -> v >= needed_space
1026 | _ -> true
1028 else true
1029 with _ -> true
1030 ) directories
1031 with Not_found -> raise Incoming_full;
1034 let newdir = {
1035 shdir_dirname = (compute_dir_name checkdir.shdir_dirname);
1036 shdir_priority = checkdir.shdir_priority;
1037 shdir_networks = checkdir.shdir_networks;
1038 shdir_strategy = checkdir.shdir_strategy;
1041 Unix2.safe_mkdir newdir.shdir_dirname;
1042 Unix2.can_write_to_directory newdir.shdir_dirname;
1043 newdir
1046 let _ =
1047 (* Check the definition of the incoming_files and incoming_directories in
1048 shared_directories *)
1049 let verification = ref false in
1050 option_hook shared_directories (fun _ ->
1051 if not !verification then begin
1052 verification := true;
1053 ignore (incoming_dir false ());
1054 ignore (incoming_dir true ());
1055 verification := false
1060 (*************************************************************************)
1061 (* *)
1062 (* Functions *)
1063 (* *)
1064 (*************************************************************************)
1066 let load () =
1067 Options.load files_ini;
1068 shorten_all_file_filenames !!max_filenames;
1069 Options.load servers_ini;
1070 Options.load searches_ini;
1071 Options.load results_ini;
1072 results =:= [];
1073 List.iter (fun (uid, time) ->
1074 Hashtbl.add CommonResult.known_uids (Uid.to_uid uid) time;
1075 ) !!known_uids;
1076 known_uids =:= [];
1077 Options.load friends_ini
1079 let allow_saving_ini_files = ref true
1081 let save () =
1082 if !allow_saving_ini_files then begin
1083 networks_iter (fun n -> network_save_complex_options n);
1085 Options.save_with_help files_ini;
1086 Options.save_with_help searches_ini;
1087 Options.save_with_help friends_ini;
1088 Options.save_with_help servers_ini;
1089 begin
1090 match !!save_results with
1091 | 0 -> ()
1092 | 1 ->
1093 Hashtbl.iter (fun uid time ->
1094 let uid = Uid.create uid in
1095 known_uids =:= (uid, time) :: !!known_uids;
1096 ) CommonResult.known_uids;
1097 Options.save_with_help results_ini;
1098 known_uids =:= [];
1099 | _ ->
1100 CommonResult.results_iter (fun _ rs -> results =:= rs :: !!results);
1101 Options.save_with_help results_ini;
1102 results =:= [];
1103 end;
1104 lprintf_nl (_b "Options correctly saved")
1107 let save_sources () =
1108 if !allow_saving_ini_files then begin
1109 networks_iter (fun n -> network_save_sources n);
1110 lprintf_nl (_b "Sources correctly saved")
1113 open Zip
1115 let backup_zip archive files =
1116 try
1117 Unix2.tryopen_umask 0o066 (fun _old_umask ->
1118 Unix2.tryopen_write_zip archive (fun oc ->
1119 List.iter (fun file -> try
1120 let module U = Unix.LargeFile in
1121 let s = U.stat file in
1122 Zip.copy_file_to_entry file oc ~level:9 ~mtime:s.U.st_mtime file
1123 with e ->
1124 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Zip: error %s in %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) file)
1125 ) files))
1126 with e ->
1127 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Zip: error %s in %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) archive)
1129 open Tar
1131 let backup_tar archive files =
1132 let failed_files = ref [] in
1133 Unix2.tryopen_umask 0o066 (fun _old_umask ->
1134 Unix2.tryopen_write_tar ~compress:`Gzip archive (fun otar ->
1135 List.iter (fun arg -> try
1136 let header, s =
1137 Unix2.tryopen_read_bin arg (fun ic ->
1138 let stat = Unix.stat arg in
1139 let size = stat.Unix.st_size in
1140 if size > Sys.max_string_length then
1141 failwith (Printf.sprintf
1142 "Tar: file %s too big, system limit %d byte, use .zip to avoid this limit"
1143 arg Sys.max_string_length);
1144 let header =
1145 { Tar.t_name = arg;
1146 t_mode = stat.Unix.st_perm;
1147 t_uid = stat.Unix.st_uid;
1148 t_gid = stat.Unix.st_gid;
1149 t_size = stat.Unix.st_size;
1150 t_mtime = Int32.of_float stat.Unix.st_mtime;
1151 t_chksum = 0;
1152 t_typeflag = REGULAR;
1153 t_linkname = "";
1154 t_format = POSIX_FORMAT;
1155 t_uname = "";
1156 t_gname = "";
1157 t_devmajor = 0;
1158 t_devminor = 0;
1159 t_prefix = "";
1160 t_gnu = None;} in
1161 let s = String.create size in
1162 Pervasives.really_input ic s 0 size;
1163 header, s) in
1164 Tar.output otar header s
1165 with
1166 | e ->
1167 failed_files := arg :: !failed_files;
1168 lprintf_nl "Tar: skipping %s, error %s" arg (Printexc2.to_string e)
1169 ) files
1172 if !failed_files <> [] then
1173 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Tar: skipped %s due to backup errors"
1174 (String.concat " " (List.rev !failed_files)))
1176 let backup_options () =
1177 let counter = ref 1 in
1178 let backup_prefix = "backup-" in
1179 let old_backups = List.rev (List.sort (fun o -> compare o)
1180 (List.filter (fun o -> (
1181 String.lowercase (Filename2.extension o) = ".tar.gz"
1182 || String.lowercase (Filename2.extension o) = ".zip")
1183 && String.sub o 0 (String.length backup_prefix) = backup_prefix)
1184 (Unix2.list_directory "old_config")))
1186 List.iter (fun s ->
1187 incr counter;
1188 if !counter > !!backup_options_generations then
1189 Sys.remove (Filename.concat "old_config" s)
1190 ) old_backups;
1191 let format =
1192 begin
1193 match !!backup_options_format with
1194 "zip" -> ".zip"
1195 | _ -> ".tar.gz"
1198 begin
1200 let archive =
1201 Filename.concat "old_config" (backup_prefix ^ Date.reverse (Unix.time ()) ^ format)
1203 let files =
1204 List.sort (fun o -> compare o) (List.filter (fun o ->
1205 String.lowercase (Filename2.last_extension o) = ".ini"
1206 && o <> "file_sources.ini")
1207 (Unix2.list_directory file_basedir))
1209 begin
1210 match (Filename2.last_extension archive) with
1211 ".zip" -> backup_zip archive files
1212 | _ -> backup_tar archive files
1214 with e -> lprintf_nl "Exception %s while options backup" (Printexc2.to_string e)
1215 end;
1216 lprintf_nl (_b "Options backup as %s correctly saved") format
1218 let _ =
1219 CommonBlocking.add_update_hook CommonServer.check_blocked_servers;
1220 CommonBlocking.add_update_hook CommonServer.server_must_update_all;
1221 option_hook ip_blocking (fun _ ->
1223 CommonBlocking.set_ip_blocking_list !!ip_blocking
1224 with _ -> ()
1226 option_hook ip_blocking_countries (fun _ ->
1227 CommonBlocking.set_ip_blocking_countries !!ip_blocking_countries
1229 option_hook ip_blocking_countries_block (fun _ ->
1230 CommonBlocking.set_ip_blocking_countries_block !!ip_blocking_countries_block;
1231 CommonBlocking.set_ip_blocking_countries !!ip_blocking_countries
1233 option_hook geoip_dat (fun _ ->
1235 CommonBlocking.set_geoip_dat !!geoip_dat
1236 with _ -> ()
1238 option_hook max_filenames (fun _ ->
1239 shorten_all_file_filenames !!max_filenames
1242 option_hook max_upload_slots (fun _ ->
1243 if !!max_upload_slots < 3 then
1244 max_upload_slots =:= 3;
1245 networks_iter (fun n -> network_check_upload_slots n)
1248 let max_opened_connections_pass = ref 0 in
1249 option_hook max_opened_connections (fun _ ->
1251 incr max_opened_connections_pass;
1253 (* let users see if the option is called again *)
1254 let lprintf_nl s = lprintf_nl2
1255 (Printf.sprintf "%s pass %d:" log_prefix !max_opened_connections_pass) s in
1257 if !verbose then lprintf_nl
1258 "checking max_opened_connections = %d for validity" !!max_opened_connections;
1260 (* maximum value of open sockets/files allowed *)
1261 let max_all_fds = Unix2.c_getdtablesize () in
1263 (* ini files, dynamic libs, etc. *)
1264 let reserved_fds = max CommonOptions.min_reserved_fds (max_all_fds / 50) in
1266 (* minimum number of max_opened_connections, p2p needs some sockets *)
1267 let min_conns = CommonOptions.min_connections in
1268 (* max_conns *should* be greater than min_conns at that point, because of
1269 the sanity check at start time in CommonOptions;
1270 taking the max is just a safety belt from a paranoid :) *)
1271 let max_conns = max min_conns
1272 (max_all_fds - reserved_fds - Unix32.max_cache_size_default) in
1274 let print_stats verbose =
1275 if verbose then begin
1276 lprintf_nl "file descriptors status: total allowed (ulimit -n) %d" max_all_fds;
1277 lprintf_nl "- max_opened_connections %d (%d%% indirect)"
1278 !!max_opened_connections !!max_indirect_connections;
1279 lprintf_nl "- file cache size %d" (Unix32.get_max_cache_size ());
1280 lprintf_nl "- reserved %d" reserved_fds;
1281 let s,v =
1282 let v1 =
1283 max_all_fds - !!max_opened_connections - (Unix32.get_max_cache_size ()) - reserved_fds
1285 if v1 >= 0 then "left", v1 else "missing", (abs v1)
1287 lprintf_nl "= %d descriptors %s" v s
1291 if !!max_opened_connections < min_conns then begin
1292 lprintf_nl "max_opened_connections is set too low (%d), raising to %d"
1293 !!max_opened_connections min_conns;
1294 print_stats true;
1295 max_opened_connections =:= min_conns
1297 else if !!max_opened_connections > max_conns then begin
1298 lprintf_nl "max_opened_connections is set too high (%d), lowering to %d"
1299 !!max_opened_connections max_conns;
1300 print_stats true;
1301 max_opened_connections =:= max_conns
1303 else begin
1304 TcpBufferedSocket.set_max_opened_connections (fun _ -> !!max_opened_connections);
1306 let unused_fds = max_conns - !!max_opened_connections in
1308 Unix32.set_max_cache_size
1309 (Unix32.max_cache_size_default + unused_fds * 75 / 100);
1311 calc_real_max_indirect_connections ();
1313 print_stats !verbose
1314 end;
1316 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "checking max_opened_connections finished";
1317 decr max_opened_connections_pass
1320 let _ =
1321 Heap.add_memstat "CommonComplexOptions" (fun level buf ->
1322 Printf.bprintf buf " friends: %d\n" (List.length !!friends);
1323 Printf.bprintf buf " contacts: %d\n" (List.length !contacts);