[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / bittorrent / kademlia.ml
1 (** Generic implementation of Kademlia *)
3 let bucket_nodes = 8
5 module H = Md4.Sha1
7 let pr fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt
9 let () =
10 let hash = H.random () in
11 pr "len: %d up: %x %x %x" H.length (H.up hash) (H.up2 hash) (H.up3 hash);
12 pr "string: %s" (H.to_string hash);
13 pr "direct: %S" (H.direct_to_string hash);
14 pr "hexa: %s" (H.to_hexa hash);
15 pr "bits: %s" (H.to_bits hash);
16 pr "base32: %s" (H.to_base32 hash);
18 (** node ID type *)
19 type id = H.t
20 let show_id = H.to_hexa
21 type addr = Ip.t * int
23 type time = float
24 type status = | Good | Bad | Unknown | Pinged
25 type node = { id : id; addr : addr; mutable last : time; mutable status : status; }
26 type bucket = { lo : id; hi : id; mutable last_change : time; nodes : node array; }
27 (* FIXME better *)
28 type tree = L of bucket | N of tree * tree
29 type table = { mutable root : tree; self : id; }
31 let show_addr (ip,port) = Printf.sprintf "%s:%u" (Ip.to_string ip) port
33 let show_status = function
34 | Good -> "good"
35 | Bad -> "bad"
36 | Unknown -> "unk"
37 | Pinged -> "ping"
39 let show_node n =
40 pr " id : %s inet %s last : %f status : %s"
41 (H.to_hexa n.id) (show_addr n.addr) n.last (show_status n.status)
43 let show_bucket b =
44 pr "lo : %s hi : %s changed : %f" (H.to_hexa b.lo) (H.to_hexa b.hi) b.last_change;
45 Array.iter show_node b.nodes
47 let rec show_table = function
48 | N (l,r) -> show_table l; show_table r
49 | L b -> show_bucket b
51 let h2s h =
52 let s = H.direct_to_string h in
53 assert (String.length s = H.length);
56 type cmp = LT | EQ | GT
58 let cmp id1 id2 =
59 match String.compare (h2s id1) (h2s id2) with
60 | -1 -> LT
61 | 0 -> EQ
62 | 1 -> GT
63 | _ -> assert false
65 (* boundaries inclusive *)
66 let inside x node = not (cmp x node.lo = LT || cmp x node.hi = GT)
68 let bracket res destroy k =
69 let x = try k res with exn -> destroy res; raise exn in
70 destroy res;
73 let with_open_in_bin file = bracket (open_in_bin file) close_in_noerr
74 let with_open_out_bin file = bracket (open_out_bin file) close_out_noerr
76 let load file : table = with_open_in_bin file Marshal.from_channel
77 let store file (t:table) = with_open_out_bin file (fun ch -> Marshal.to_channel ch t [])
79 let middle =
80 let s = String.make 20 (Char.chr 0xFF) in
81 s.[0] <- Char.chr 0x7F;
82 H.direct_of_string s
84 let middle' =
85 let s = String.make 20 (Char.chr 0x00) in
86 s.[0] <- Char.chr 0x80;
87 H.direct_of_string s
89 let last =
90 H.direct_of_string (String.make 20 (Char.chr 0xFF))
92 open Big_int
94 let big_int_of_hash h =
95 let s = h2s h in
96 let n = ref zero_big_int in
97 for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
98 n := add_int_big_int (Char.code s.[i]) (mult_int_big_int 256 !n)
99 done;
102 let hash_of_big_int n =
103 let s = String.create H.length in
104 let n = ref n in
105 let div = big_int_of_int 256 in
106 for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do
107 let (d,m) = quomod_big_int !n div in
108 s.[i] <- Char.chr (int_of_big_int m);
109 n := d
110 done;
111 assert (eq_big_int zero_big_int !n);
112 H.direct_of_string s
114 (* hash <-> number *)
115 let h2n = big_int_of_hash
116 let n2h = hash_of_big_int
118 let split lo hi =
119 assert (cmp lo hi = LT);
120 let mid = div_big_int (add_big_int (h2n lo) (h2n hi)) (big_int_of_int 2) in
121 n2h mid
123 let distance h1 h2 =
124 let s1 = h2s h1 and s2 = h2s h2 in
125 let d = ref zero_big_int in
126 for i = 0 to H.length - 1 do
127 let x = Char.code s1.[i] lxor Char.code s2.[i] in
128 d := add_int_big_int x (mult_int_big_int 256 !d)
129 done;
132 let () =
133 print_endline (show_id H.null);
134 print_endline (show_id middle);
135 print_endline (show_id middle');
136 print_endline (show_id last);
137 assert (LT = cmp H.null middle);
138 assert (LT = cmp H.null middle');
139 assert (LT = cmp H.null last);
140 assert (GT = cmp middle' middle);
141 assert (GT = cmp last middle');
142 assert (GT = cmp last middle);
143 assert (EQ = cmp H.null H.null);
144 assert (EQ = cmp middle middle);
145 assert (EQ = cmp last last);
146 assert (n2h (h2n middle) = middle);
147 assert (n2h (h2n middle') = middle');
148 assert (n2h (h2n last) = last);
149 assert (n2h (h2n H.null) = H.null);
150 assert (compare_big_int (h2n H.null) zero_big_int = 0);
151 assert (cmp (split H.null last) middle = EQ);
152 assert (eq_big_int (distance H.null last) (pred_big_int (power_int_positive_int 2 160)));
153 assert (eq_big_int (distance middle' middle) (pred_big_int (power_int_positive_int 2 160)));
156 exception Nothing
158 let insert table node =
159 let rec loop = function
160 | N (l,r) -> if cmp node.id r.lo = LT then N (loop l, r) else N (l, loop r)
161 | L b ->
162 if Array.find (fun n -> n.id = node.id)
163 Array.length b.nodes <> bucket_nodes -> b.nodes <- Array.of_list (node::Array.to_list b.nodes); raise Nothing
164 | L b when inside table.self b ->
165 | L _ -> raise Nothing (* throw away *)
167 try table.root <- loop table.root
168 with Nothing -> ()
170 let now = Unix.gettimeofday
172 let empty () = L { lo = H.null; hi = last; last_change = now (); nodes = [||]; }
174 let table = { root = empty (); self = H.random (); }
176 let () =
177 show_table !table