patch #7756
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / bittorrent /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b52_simon :), b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open Printf2
22 open BasicSocket
23 open Md4
24 open Options
26 open CommonGlobals
27 open CommonDownloads
28 open CommonTypes
29 open CommonFile
31 open BTTypes
32 open BTOptions
33 open BTGlobals
35 let bt_dht_ini = create_options_file "bt_dht.ini"
36 let bt_dht_section = file_section bt_dht_ini [] ""
38 let dht_routing_table = define_option bt_dht_section ["dht_routing_table"] ""
39 Kademlia.RoutingTableOption.t (Kademlia.create ())
41 let bt_stats_ini = create_options_file "stats_bt.ini"
42 let bt_stats_section = file_section bt_stats_ini [] ""
44 module StatsOption = struct
46 let value_to_stat v =
47 match v with
48 Options.Module assocs ->
50 brand_seen = value_to_int (List.assoc "seen" assocs);
51 brand_banned = value_to_int (List.assoc "banned" assocs);
52 brand_filerequest = value_to_int (List.assoc "filereqs" assocs);
53 brand_download = value_to_int64 (List.assoc "download" assocs);
54 brand_upload = value_to_int64 (List.assoc "upload" assocs);
57 | _ -> failwith "Options: not a stat option"
59 let stat_to_value b =
60 Options.Module [
61 "seen", int_to_value b.brand_seen;
62 "banned", int_to_value b.brand_banned;
63 "filereqs", int_to_value b.brand_filerequest;
64 "download", int64_to_value b.brand_download;
65 "upload", int64_to_value b.brand_upload;
69 let t = define_option_class "Stat" value_to_stat stat_to_value
70 end
72 module ClientOption = struct
74 let value_to_client file v =
75 match v with
76 | Module assocs ->
78 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
79 let client_ip = get_value "client_ip" (from_value Ip.option)
81 let client_port = get_value "client_port" value_to_int in
82 let client_uid = get_value "client_uid" (from_value Sha1.option) in
83 let c = new_client file client_uid (client_ip, client_port) None in
86 | _ -> failwith "Options: Not a client"
89 let client_to_value c =
90 let (ip,port) = c.client_host in
91 Options.Module [
92 "client_uid", to_value Sha1.option c.client_uid;
93 "client_ip", to_value Ip.option ip;
94 "client_port", int_to_value port;
97 let to_value = client_to_value
98 let of_value = value_to_client
102 let value_to_file file_size file_state user group assocs =
103 let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
104 let file_trackers =
106 get_value "file_trackers" (value_to_list value_to_string)
107 with _ ->
109 [get_value "file_tracker" value_to_string]
110 with _ -> failwith "Bad file_tracker"
113 let file_id, torrent, torrent_diskname =
115 let torrent_diskname = get_value "file_torrent_name" value_to_string in
116 let s = File.to_string torrent_diskname in
117 let file_id, torrent = BTTorrent.decode_torrent s in
118 file_id, torrent, torrent_diskname
119 with _ ->
121 let file_name = get_value "file_name" value_to_string in
122 let file_comment = try get_value "file_comment" value_to_string with Not_found -> "" in
123 let file_id =
125 Sha1.of_string (get_value "file_id" value_to_string)
126 with _ -> failwith "Bad file_id"
128 let file_piece_size = try
129 value_to_int64 (List.assoc "file_piece_size" assocs)
130 with _ -> failwith "Bad file size"
132 let file_chunks =
133 get_value "file_hashes" (value_to_array
134 (from_value Sha1.option))
136 let file_size = get_value "file_size" value_to_int64 in
137 let file_created_by = try get_value "file_created_by" value_to_string with Not_found -> "" in
138 let file_creation_date = try get_value "file_creation_date" value_to_int64 with Not_found -> in
139 let file_modified_by = try get_value "file_modified_by" value_to_string with Not_found -> "" in
140 let file_encoding = try get_value "file_encoding" value_to_string with Not_found -> "" in
141 let file_is_private =
142 try get_value "file_is_private" value_to_bool with
143 | Not_found -> false
144 | _ -> try get_value "file_is_private" value_to_int64 <> 0L with _ -> false
146 let file_files =
148 let file_files = (get_value "file_files"
149 (value_to_list (fun v ->
150 match v with
151 SmallList [name; p1]
152 | List [name; p1] ->
153 value_to_string name, value_to_int64 p1
154 | _ -> assert false
155 ))) in
156 file_files
157 with _ -> []
159 let torrent = {
160 torrent_name = file_name;
161 torrent_filename = "";
162 torrent_name_utf8 = file_name;
163 torrent_comment = file_comment;
164 torrent_pieces = file_chunks;
165 torrent_piece_size = file_piece_size;
166 torrent_files = file_files;
167 torrent_length = file_size;
168 torrent_created_by = file_created_by;
169 torrent_creation_date = file_creation_date;
170 torrent_modified_by = file_modified_by;
171 torrent_encoding = file_encoding;
172 torrent_private = file_is_private;
174 torrent_nodes = file_nodes;
176 torrent_announce =
177 (match file_trackers with
178 | h::q -> h
179 | [] -> "");
180 torrent_announce_list = file_trackers;
181 } in
182 let torrent_diskname = Filename.concat downloads_directory
183 (file_name ^ ".torrent") in
184 file_id, torrent, torrent_diskname
187 let file_temp = try
188 get_value "file_temp" value_to_string
189 with Not_found ->
190 let file_temp = Filename.concat !!DO.temp_directory
191 (Printf.sprintf "BT-%s" (Sha1.to_string file_id)) in
192 file_temp
194 let file = new_file file_id torrent torrent_diskname
195 file_temp file_state user group in
197 let file_uploaded = try
198 value_to_int64 (List.assoc "file_uploaded" assocs)
199 with _ -> zero
201 file.file_uploaded <- file_uploaded;
203 (match file.file_swarmer with
204 None -> ()
205 | Some swarmer ->
206 CommonSwarming.value_to_frontend swarmer assocs;
210 (try
211 ignore
212 (get_value "file_sources" (
213 value_to_list (ClientOption.of_value file)))
214 with e ->
215 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while loading sources"
216 (Printexc2.to_string e);
219 as_file file
221 let file_to_value file =
223 let assocs =
225 "file_temp", string_to_value (Unix32.filename (file_fd file));
226 "file_piece_size", int64_to_value (file.file_piece_size);
227 "file_name", string_to_value file.file_name;
228 "file_uploaded", int64_to_value (file.file_uploaded);
229 "file_id", string_to_value (Sha1.to_string file.file_id);
230 "file_trackers", (list_to_value string_to_value)
231 ( (fun t -> show_tracker_url t.tracker_url) file.file_trackers);
232 (* OK, but I still don't like the idea of forgetting all the clients.
233 We should have a better strategy, ie rating the clients and connecting
234 to them depending on the results of our last connections. And then,
235 if we could not download enough in the last interval, ask the tracker to
236 send us more clients.
238 "file_sources",
239 list_to_value "BT Sources" (fun c ->
240 ClientOption.to_value c) sources
245 let assocs =
246 ("file_torrent_name", string_to_value file.file_torrent_diskname) ::
247 ("file_hashes", array_to_value
248 (to_value Sha1.option) file.file_chunks) ::
249 ("file_files", list_to_value
250 (fun (name, p1, _) ->
251 SmallList [string_to_value name; int64_to_value p1])
252 file.file_files) ::
253 assocs
255 match file.file_swarmer with
256 None -> assocs
257 | Some swarmer ->
258 CommonSwarming.frontend_to_value swarmer assocs
259 with
260 e ->
261 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "exception %s in file_to_value"
262 (Printexc2.to_string e); raise e
265 let save_config () =
266 Options.save_with_help bittorrent_ini
269 let config_files_loaded = ref false
271 let load _ =
272 begin try Options.load bt_stats_ini with Sys_error _ -> () end;
273 begin try Options.load bt_dht_ini with Sys_error _ -> () end;
274 check_client_uid ();
275 config_files_loaded := true
277 let guptime = define_option bt_stats_section ["guptime"] "" int_option 0
279 let new_stats_array () =
280 Array.init brand_count (fun _ ->
281 { dummy_stats with brand_seen = 0 }
285 let gstats_array = define_option bt_stats_section ["stats"] ""
286 (array_option StatsOption.t) (new_stats_array ())
289 let _ =
290 option_hook gstats_array (fun _ ->
291 let old_stats = !!gstats_array in
292 let old_len = Array.length old_stats in
293 if old_len <> brand_count then
294 let t = new_stats_array () in
295 for i = 0 to old_len - 1 do
296 t.(i) <- old_stats.(i)
297 done;
298 gstats_array =:= t
301 let diff_time = ref 0
303 let sources_loaded = ref false (* added 2.5.24 *)
305 let save _ =
306 if !config_files_loaded then begin
307 (* lprintf "SAVING SHARED FILES AND SOURCES\n"; *)
308 guptime =:= !!guptime + (last_time () - start_time) - !diff_time;
309 diff_time := (last_time () - start_time);
310 Options.save_with_help bt_stats_ini;
311 Options.save_with_help bt_dht_ini;
313 (* lprintf "SAVED\n"; *)
315 let guptime () = !!guptime - !diff_time
317 let _ =
318 network.op_network_file_of_option <- value_to_file;
319 file_ops.op_file_to_option <- file_to_value;
321 (* Shut up message " not implemented by BitTorrent" *)
322 network.op_network_load_complex_options <- load;
323 network.op_network_save_complex_options <- save;
324 network.op_network_update_options <- (fun _ -> ());
325 network.op_network_save_sources <- (fun _ -> ())