patch #7442
[mldonkey.git] / src / gtk / newgui /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open CommonTypes
21 (** Misc. functions. *)
22 module O = Gui_options
23 module G = Gui_global
26 open GuiProto
28 let ko = 1024l
29 let mo = Int32.mul ko ko
31 let unit_of_string s =
32 match String.lowercase s with
33 "mo" -> mo
34 | "ko" -> ko
35 | _ ->
37 let ko = 1024.0
38 let mo = ko *. ko
39 let go = mo *. ko
42 let (!!) = Options.(!!)
43 let (=:=) = Options.(=:=)
45 let short_name n =
46 let n = if n="" then
47 ""
48 else n
50 let len = String.length n in
51 if len > !!O.max_file_name_len then
52 Printf.sprintf "%s...%s" (String.sub n 0 (!!O.max_file_name_len - 5)) (String.sub n (len-5) 5)
53 else n
55 let is_connected state =
56 match state with
57 | Connected_initiating
58 | Connected_downloading _
59 | Connected _ -> true
60 | NotConnected _
61 | Connecting
62 | RemovedHost
63 | ServerFull
64 | BlackListedHost
65 | NewHost -> false
67 let save_gui_options gui =
68 (* Compute layout *)
70 match gui#window#children with
71 [] -> ()
72 | w :: _ ->
73 O.last_tab =:= gui#current_page;
74 let (w,h) = Gdk.Window.get_size w#misc#window in
75 O.gui_width =:= w;
76 O.gui_height =:= h
78 Options.save_with_help Gui_options.mldonkey_gui_ini
80 let set_hpaned (hpaned : GPack.paned) prop =
81 let (w1,_) = Gdk.Window.get_size hpaned#misc#window in
82 let ndx1 = (w1 * !!prop) / 100 in
83 hpaned#child1#misc#set_geometry ~width: ndx1 ()
85 let set_vpaned (hpaned : GPack.paned) prop =
86 let (_,h1) = Gdk.Window.get_size hpaned#misc#window in
87 let ndy1 = (h1 * !!prop) / 100 in
88 hpaned#child1#misc#set_geometry ~height: ndy1 ()
91 let get_hpaned gui (hpaned: GPack.paned) prop =
93 ignore (hpaned#child1#coerce#misc#connect#size_allocate
94 ~callback: (fun r ->
95 let (w1,_) = Gdk.Window.get_size hpaned#misc#window in
96 prop =:= r.Gtk.width * 100 / (max 1 (w1 - hpaned#handle_size));
97 save_gui_options gui
100 let get_vpaned gui (hpaned: GPack.paned) prop =
102 ignore (hpaned#child1#coerce#misc#connect#size_allocate
103 ~callback: (fun r ->
104 let (_,h1) = Gdk.Window.get_size hpaned#misc#window in
105 prop =:= r.Gtk.height * 100 / (max 1 (h1 - hpaned#handle_size));
106 save_gui_options gui
109 let create_search query_entry max_hits net search_type =
110 let s = {
111 GuiTypes.search_num = !Gui_global.search_counter ;
112 GuiTypes.search_query = query_entry ;
113 GuiTypes.search_max_hits = max_hits ;
114 GuiTypes.search_type = search_type;
115 GuiTypes.search_network = net;
118 incr Gui_global.search_counter;
121 let rec rec_description_of_query q =
122 match q with
123 | Q_HIDDEN l
124 | Q_AND l
125 | Q_OR l -> List.flatten ( rec_description_of_query l)
127 | Q_ANDNOT (q1, q2) -> rec_description_of_query q1
128 | Q_MODULE (_,q) -> rec_description_of_query q
130 | Q_KEYWORDS (_,s) -> [s]
131 | Q_MINSIZE _
132 | Q_MAXSIZE _ -> []
133 | Q_FORMAT (_,s)
134 | Q_MEDIA (_,s)
135 | Q_MP3_ARTIST (_,s)
136 | Q_MP3_TITLE (_,s)
137 | Q_MP3_ALBUM (_,s) -> [s]
139 | Q_COMBO _ -> []
141 | Q_MP3_BITRATE _ -> []
144 (** Summarize a request in a few words *)
145 let description_of_query q =
146 match rec_description_of_query q with
147 [] -> "stupid query"
148 | [s] -> s
149 | [s1 ; s2] -> s1^" "^s2
150 | s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: _ -> s1^" "^s2^" "^s3
153 (** To pretty-print a file size (int32) *)
154 let size_of_int32 size =
155 if !!Gui_options.use_size_suffixes then
156 let f = Int32.to_float size in
157 if f > go then
158 Printf.sprintf "%.2fG" (f /. go)
159 else
160 if f > mo then
161 Printf.sprintf "%.1fM" (f /. mo)
162 else
163 if f > ko then
164 Printf.sprintf "%.1fk" (f /. ko)
165 else
166 Int32.to_string size
167 else
168 Int32.to_string size
170 (** To pretty-print a file size (int64) *)
171 let size_of_int64 size =
172 if !!Gui_options.use_size_suffixes then
173 let f = Int64.to_float size in
174 if f > go then
175 Printf.sprintf "%.2fG" (f /. go)
176 else
177 if f > mo then
178 Printf.sprintf "%.1fM" (f /. mo)
179 else
180 if f > ko then
181 Printf.sprintf "%.1fk" (f /. ko)
182 else
183 Int64.to_string size
184 else
185 Int64.to_string size
187 (** Return a color for a given name. *)
188 let color_of_name name =
189 let accs = [| ref 0 ; ref 0 ; ref 0 |] in
190 for i = 0 to (String.length name) - 1 do
191 let m = i mod 3 in
192 accs.(m) := !(accs.(m)) + Char.code name.[i]
193 done;
194 let r = !(accs.(0)) mod 210 in
195 let g = !(accs.(1)) mod 210 in
196 let b = !(accs.(2)) mod 210 in
197 let s = Printf.sprintf "#%02X%02X%02X" r g b in
198 `NAME s
200 let insert_buttons (wtool1: GButton.toolbar) (wtool2 : GButton.toolbar)
201 ~text ~tooltip ~icon ~callback () =
202 ignore
203 (wtool1#insert_button
204 ~text: text
205 ~tooltip: tooltip
206 ~icon: (Gui_options.pixmap icon)#coerce
207 ~callback: callback
208 ());
209 ignore
210 (wtool2#insert_button
211 ~text: text
212 ~tooltip: tooltip
213 ~icon: (Gui_options.pixmap (icon ^ "_mini"))#coerce
214 ~callback: callback