patch #7442
[mldonkey.git] / src / gtk / gui /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 (** The box with uploads info *)
21 open Printf2
22 open Options
23 open Md4
25 open Gettext
26 open CommonTypes
27 open GuiTypes
28 open GuiProto
31 module M = Gui_messages
32 module P = Gpattern
33 module O = Gui_options
34 module C = Gui_columns
36 let (!!) = Options.(!!)
40 class box columns () =
41 object (self)
42 inherit [GuiTypes.shared_info] Gpattern.plist `SINGLE
43 ( C.Shared_files_up.string_of_column !!columns)
44 true (fun si -> si.shared_num) as pl
45 inherit ()
47 val mutable clipboard = ""
48 val mutable columns = columns
49 method set_columns l =
50 columns <- l;
51 self#set_titles
52 ( C.Shared_files_up.string_of_column !!columns);
53 self#update
55 method column_menu i =
57 `I ("Autosize", fun _ -> self#wlist#columns_autosize ());
58 `I ("Sort", self#resort_column i);
59 `I ("Remove Column",
60 (fun _ ->
61 match !!columns with
62 _ :: _ :: _ ->
64 (let l = !!columns in
65 match List2.cut i l with
66 l1, _ :: l2 ->
67 columns =:= l1 @ l2;
68 self#set_columns columns
69 | _ -> ())
70 | _ -> ()
73 `M ("Add Column After", (
74 (fun (c,s) ->
75 (`I (s, (fun _ ->
76 let c1, c2 = List2.cut (i+1) !!columns in
77 columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2;
78 self#set_columns columns
79 )))
80 ) Gui_columns.Shared_files_up.column_strings));
81 `M ("Add Column Before", (
82 (fun (c,s) ->
83 (`I (s, (fun _ ->
84 let c1, c2 = List2.cut i !!columns in
85 columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2;
86 self#set_columns columns
87 )))
88 ) Gui_columns.Shared_files_up.column_strings));
91 method box = wf_upstats#coerce
93 method compare_by_col col si1 si2 =
94 match col with
95 C.Col_shared_file ->
96 compare si1.shared_filename si2.shared_filename
97 | C.Col_shared_requests ->
98 compare si1.shared_requests si2.shared_requests
99 | C.Col_shared_upsize ->
100 compare si1.shared_uploaded si2.shared_uploaded
101 | C.Col_shared_size ->
102 compare si1.shared_size si2.shared_size
104 method compare si1 si2 =
105 let abs = if current_sort >= 0 then current_sort else - current_sort in
106 let col =
107 try List.nth !!columns (abs - 1)
108 with _ -> C.Col_shared_file
110 let res = self#compare_by_col col si1 si2 in
111 current_sort * res
113 method content_by_col si col =
114 match col with
115 C.Col_shared_file -> si.shared_filename
116 | C.Col_shared_requests -> string_of_int si.shared_requests
117 | C.Col_shared_upsize ->
118 Gui_misc.size_of_int64 si.shared_uploaded
119 | C.Col_shared_size ->
120 Gui_misc.size_of_int64 si.shared_size
122 method content si =
123 let strings =
124 (fun col -> P.String (self#content_by_col si col))
125 !!columns
127 (strings, None)
129 method menu =
131 (* fuck the object oriented style: how do I copy something to the
132 console ???? *)
134 let copy_ed2k_links list _ =
135 let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
136 List.iter (fun s ->
137 match s.shared_uids with
138 uid :: _ -> (
139 match (Uid.to_uid uid) with
140 Ed2k md4 ->
141 begin
142 let link = Printf.sprintf "ed2k://|file|%s|%Ld|%s|"
143 (Url.encode (Filename.basename s.shared_filename))
144 s.shared_size
145 (Md4.to_string md4)
147 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" link;
149 | _ -> ())
151 | _ -> ()
152 ) list;
153 let link = Buffer.contents buf in
154 !Gui_global.console_message link;
155 clipboard <- link;
158 ignore (self#misc#grab_selection `PRIMARY);
159 self#misc#add_selection_target ~target:"string" `PRIMARY;
160 ignore (self#misc#connect#selection_get (fun sel ~info ~time ->
161 lprintf "request selection"; lprint_newline ();
162 sel#return clipboard
163 ));
164 ignore (self#event#connect#selection_clear (fun sel ~info ~time ->
165 lprintf "request selection"; lprint_newline ();
166 sel#return clipboard
170 match self#selection with
171 [] -> []
172 | list ->
173 [ `I (("Copy ed2k link to console/clipboard"), copy_ed2k_links list)
176 method find_file num = self#find num
178 method h_shared_file_info si =
180 let _,s_old = self#find_file si.shared_num in
181 s_old.shared_filename <- si.shared_filename
182 with Not_found ->
183 self#add_item si
185 method h_shared_file_upload num upsize requests =
187 let (row, si) = self#find_file num in
188 si.shared_uploaded <- upsize;
189 si.shared_requests <- requests ;
190 self#update_row si row
191 with
192 Not_found ->
193 lprintf "Shared file %d not found" num; lprint_newline ();
195 initializer
196 wf_upstats#add pl#box;
200 class upstats_box () =
201 let wl_status = GMisc.label ~text: "" ~show: true () in
202 let upstats = new box O.shared_files_up_columns () in
203 object (self)
204 inherit Gui_uploads_base.upstats_box () as upsb
206 method wl_status = wl_status
207 method box = upsb#vbox
208 method upstats_box= upstats
210 method clear =
211 wl_status#set_text "";
212 upstats#clear
214 method refresh () =
215 Gui_com.send GuiProto.RefreshUploadStats
217 method h_shared_file_info =
218 upstats#h_shared_file_info
220 method h_shared_file_upload =
221 upstats#h_shared_file_upload
223 method set_tb_style tb =
224 if Options.(!!) Gui_options.mini_toolbars then
225 (wtool1#misc#hide (); wtool2#misc#show ()) else
226 (wtool2#misc#hide (); wtool1#misc#show ());
227 wtool1#set_style tb;
228 wtool2#set_style tb
230 initializer
231 vbox#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 upstats#box;
233 Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2
234 ~text: (gettext M.refresh)
235 ~tooltip: (gettext M.refresh)
236 ~icon: M.o_xpm_refresh
237 ~callback: self#refresh
241 Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2
242 ~text: "Edit Shared Directories"
243 ~tooltip: "Edit Shared Directories"
244 ~icon: M.o_xpm_verify_chunks
245 ~callback: (fun _ ->
246 let module C = Configwin in
247 let params = [
248 C.filenames ~f: (fun _ -> ()) "Shared Directories:" []] in
249 match C.simple_edit "Add New Directory" params with
250 C.Return_apply -> ()
251 | C.Return_ok -> ()
252 | C.Return_cancel -> ()
257 Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2
258 ~text: "Add Shared Directory"
259 ~tooltip: "Add Shared Directory"
260 ~icon: M.o_xpm_verify_chunks
261 ~callback: (fun _ ->
262 let module C = Configwin in
263 let prio = ref 0 in
264 let dir = ref "" in
265 let params = [
266 C.string ~f: (fun p -> prio := int_of_string(p)) "Prio:" "0";
267 C.filename ~f: (fun d -> dir := d) "Directory:" ""] in
268 match C.simple_edit "Add New Directory" ~with_apply: false
269 params with
270 C.Return_apply ->
271 if !dir <> "" && !dir <> "/" then
272 Gui_com.send (Command (Printf.sprintf "share %d '%s'" !prio !dir))
273 | C.Return_ok -> ()
274 | C.Return_cancel -> ()