parse ADCGET list, prepare to answer
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open CommonInteractive
21 open Printf2
22 open Int64ops
23 open Md4
24 open CommonUploads
25 open CommonInteractive
27 open CommonClient
28 open BasicSocket
29 open CommonOptions
30 open TcpBufferedSocket
31 open CommonGlobals
32 open CommonFile
33 open CommonUser
34 open CommonRoom
35 open CommonServer
36 open CommonResult
37 open CommonTypes
38 open CommonShared
39 open CommonSearch
40 open Options
42 open DcTypes
43 open DcOptions
44 open DcGlobals
45 open DcProtocol
47 let log_prefix = "[dcCli]"
49 let lprintf_nl fmt =
50 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
52 (* Check current client state and setup for future proceeding with client *)
53 let set_client_state_on_disconnect c =
54 (match c.client_state with
55 | DcDownloadWaiting file (* if client is downloading a file ...*)
56 | DcDownload file
57 | DcDownloadConnecting (file,_) ->
58 (*if !verbose_download then
59 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcDownload/-Waiting/-Connecting file) on closing socket" (clients_username c);*)
60 c.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting file; (* continue downloading later *)
61 set_client_state c NewHost
62 | DcUploadList file_fd (* if client was handling file lists... *)
63 | DcDownloadList file_fd ->
64 (*if !verbose_upload || !verbose_download then
65 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcUploadList/DcDownloadList) on closing socket" (clients_username c); *)
66 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
67 Unix32.close file_fd; (* close file descriptor and remove client *)
68 remove_client c
69 | DcUploadStarting (dcsh,_,_)
70 | DcUpload (dcsh,_,_,_) -> (* if client was uploading file ... *)
71 (*if !verbose_upload then
72 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcUpload/UploadStarting) on closing socket" (clients_username c);*)
73 if not (counts_as_minislot dcsh.dc_shared_size) then dc_remove_uploader (); (* check if we have to free a slot *)
74 set_client_has_a_slot (as_client c.client_client) NoSlot; (* inform GUI *)
75 (match c.client_state with
76 | DcUpload (_,file_fd,_,_) -> Unix32.close file_fd
77 | _ -> () );
78 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
79 remove_client c
80 | DcDownloadListWaiting (* filelist downloading *)
81 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ ->
82 (*if !verbose_download then
83 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcDownloadListWaiting/-Connecting) on closing socket" (clients_username c);*)
84 c.client_state <- DcDownloadListWaiting;
85 set_client_state c NewHost;
86 | DcConnectionStyle _ ->
87 (*if !verbose_upload || !verbose_download then
88 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcConnectionStyle) on closing socket" (clients_username c);*)
89 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
90 remove_client c
91 | DcUploadListStarting _
92 | DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore
93 | DcIdle ->
94 (*if !verbose_upload then
95 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) state is (DcUploadListStarting/DoneWaitingForMore) on closing socket" (clients_username c);*)
96 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
97 remove_client c );
100 (* check that file can be started and no other client is downloading it *)
101 let can_file_start_downloading f =
102 (try
103 (match (file_state f) with (* check file state *)
104 | FileDownloaded | FileShared | FileCancelled | FileAborted _ | FilePaused -> raise BreakIter
105 | _ -> () );
106 List.iter (fun c -> (* check files all other clients that they are not already possibly loading *)
107 if is_client_blocking_downloading c then raise BreakIter
108 ) f.file_clients;
109 true
110 with _ -> false )
112 (* Try to find alternative client to file *)
113 let find_downloadable_client_for_file file = (* CHECK possible user state also... *)
114 (try
115 List.iter (fun c -> (* chech all files sources *)
116 (match c.client_user with
117 | Some u ->
118 if (can_user_start_downloading u) then begin
119 if is_client_waiting c then begin
120 (match c.client_error with
121 | NoError | NoFreeSlots | UploadError -> raise (Found_client c)
122 | FileNotAvailable | UserNotReachable | ClosedOnInit | ConnectionResetByPeer
123 | UserDontReplyOnTime -> () )
126 | None -> () )
127 ) file.file_clients;
128 None
129 with
130 | Found_client c -> Some c )
132 (* Disconnect client with proper even if no socket yet handling *)
133 let dc_disconnect_client c reason =
134 (match c.client_sock with
135 | Connection sock ->
136 connection_failed c.client_connection_control;
137 dc_set_client_disconnected c reason;
138 TcpBufferedSocket.close sock reason;
139 c.client_sock <- NoConnection;
140 | ConnectionWaiting token ->
141 cancel_token token;
142 c.client_sock <- NoConnection;
143 | _ -> () );
144 set_client_state_on_disconnect c;
145 (match c.client_user with
146 | Some user ->
147 user.user_state <- UserIdle; (* initialize also possible user *)
148 | _ -> () )
150 (* Move file to last in global filelist *)
151 let move_file_to_last_in_files f =
152 if List.length !current_files > 1 then begin
153 let list = List2.removeq_first f !current_files in
154 current_files := list @ [f];
157 (* Move client to first in files clientlist *)
158 let move_client_to_first_in_fileslist c =
159 (match c.client_file with
160 | Some f ->
161 if List.length f.file_clients > 1 then begin
162 let list = List2.removeq_first c f.file_clients in
163 f.file_clients <- c :: list; (* lets put this client on top of files clients *)
165 | _ -> () )
167 (* Move client to first in users clientlist *)
168 let move_client_to_first_in_userslist c =
169 (match c.client_user with
170 | Some u ->
171 if List.length u.user_clients > 1 then begin
172 let list = List2.removeq_first c u.user_clients in
173 u.user_clients <- c :: list; (* lets put this client on top of users clients *)
175 | _ -> () )
177 (* Move client to last in users clientlist *)
178 let move_client_to_last_in_userslist c =
179 (match c.client_user with
180 | Some u ->
181 if List.length u.user_clients > 1 then begin
182 let list = List2.removeq_first c u.user_clients in (* lets move this client to last in users list *)
183 u.user_clients <- list @ [c];
185 | _ -> () )
187 (* Move client to last in users clientlist *)
188 let move_client_to_last_in_fileslist c =
189 (match c.client_file with
190 | Some f ->
191 if List.length f.file_clients > 1 then begin
192 let list = List2.removeq_first c f.file_clients in (* lets move this client to last in files list *)
193 f.file_clients <- list @ [c];
195 | _ -> () )
197 (* Try to find next available source to this file and make it next in line, return true if found *)
198 let find_existing_source c =
199 (match c.client_file with
200 | Some f ->
201 let alternative = find_downloadable_client_for_file f in
202 (match alternative with
203 | Some ac -> (* we have a client that we can try to download *)
204 move_client_to_first_in_fileslist ac; (* lets top this client to be next in line to be tried *)
205 move_client_to_first_in_userslist ac;
206 true
207 | None -> false )
208 | None -> false )
210 (* Send search request to server *)
211 let server_send_search s search filetype sname =
212 if !verbose_msg_clients && (List.length !connected_servers) > 0 then
213 lprintf_nl "Sending: $Search (%s) (%s)" (shorten_string s.server_name 20) sname;
214 do_if_connected s.server_sock (fun sock ->
215 let module S = DcProtocol.Search in
216 let msg = DcProtocol.SearchReq {
217 S.passive = !!firewalled;
218 S.nick = if !!firewalled then s.server_last_nick else empty_string;
219 S.ip = if !!firewalled then empty_string else Ip.to_string (CommonOptions.client_ip (Some sock));
220 S.port = if !!firewalled then empty_string else (string_of_int !!dc_port);
221 S.sizelimit = NoLimit;
222 S.filetype = filetype;
223 S.words_or_tth = sname;
224 } in
225 dc_send_msg sock msg;
226 s.server_search <- Some search;
227 s.server_search_timeout <- last_time () + !!search_timeout;
230 (* Received SR from servers or by udp *)
231 let received_new_search_result s msg =
232 if s.server_search_timeout < last_time () then s.server_search <- None;
233 (match s.server_search with
234 | None -> ()
235 | Some q ->
236 let module S = SR in
237 let user = new_user (Some s) msg.S.owner in (* create possibly new user *)
238 let result = new_result user msg.S.tth msg.S.filename msg.S.filesize in (* new or retrieve existing *)
239 (* result dir,filename,size *)
240 ignore (add_info_to_result result user msg.S.tth; (* add info to dc-fields *)
241 CommonInteractive.search_add_result false q result;
242 if !!autosearch_by_tth && (msg.S.tth <> empty_string) then begin
243 (try
244 let f = Hashtbl.find dc_files_by_unchecked_hash msg.S.tth in (* if this hash is in downloads *)
245 if (List.length f.file_clients < !!max_sources_file) then begin
246 (try
247 List.iter (fun c -> (* check if some of users client is already on this files list *)
248 if (List.mem c f.file_clients) then raise BreakIter
249 ) user.user_clients;
250 let c = new_client_to_user_with_file user f in
251 c.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting f;
252 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "New client (%s) created by tth search to file (%s)"
253 (clients_username c) f.file_name
254 with _ -> () ) (* user has already client with this file *)
256 with _ -> () ) (* this file is in active downloads *)
257 end )
259 (* Create new search automatically if possible *)
260 let create_new_search f =
261 let query = QAnd (QHasField (Field_Type , "TTH") , (QHasWord f.file_unchecked_tiger_root)) in
262 let search = CommonSearch.new_search (CommonUserDb.find_ui_user CommonUserDb.admin_user_name)
263 (let module G = GuiTypes in
264 { G.search_num = 0;
265 G.search_query = query;
266 G.search_max_hits = 1000;
267 G.search_type = RemoteSearch;
268 G.search_network = network.network_num;
271 dc_with_connected_servers (fun s -> (* iter all servers *)
272 server_send_search s search 9 f.file_unchecked_tiger_root
274 (match !dc_last_autosearch with
275 | Some s -> CommonSearch.search_forget (CommonUserDb.find_ui_user CommonUserDb.admin_user_name) s
276 | _ -> () );
277 dc_last_autosearch := Some search;
278 dc_last_autosearch_time := current_time ();
279 f.file_autosearch_count <- succ f.file_autosearch_count
281 let create_autosearch () =
282 let s_time_out = float !!search_timeout in
283 let c_time = current_time () in
284 if (!dc_last_autosearch_time +. s_time_out) < c_time &&
285 (!dc_last_manual_search +. s_time_out) < c_time && (List.length !connected_servers) > 0 then begin
286 (*lprintf_nl "Created autosearch";*)
287 (try
288 List.iter (fun f ->
289 (try
290 List.iter (fun c -> (* lets check that file is not already being downloaded *)
291 if is_client_blocking_downloading c then raise BreakIter
292 ) f.file_clients;
293 if (List.length f.file_clients < !!max_sources_file) &&
294 (is_valid_tiger_hash f.file_unchecked_tiger_root) then begin
295 create_new_search f;
296 raise (Found_file f);
297 end
298 with
299 | BreakIter -> () );
300 ) !current_files;
301 (*lprintf_nl "Autosearch end not found"; *)
302 with Found_file f ->
303 move_file_to_last_in_files f ) (* lets give next search to different file *)
304 (*lprintf_nl "Autosearch end file found" )*)
307 (* Memorize and take action on different client error situations *)
308 let new_client_error c error =
309 let same_as_before = (error = c.client_error) in
310 if not same_as_before then c.client_error_count <- 1
311 else c.client_error_count <- succ c.client_error_count;
312 (match error with
313 | NoFreeSlots -> (* MaxedOut *)
314 move_client_to_last_in_userslist c;
315 move_client_to_last_in_fileslist c;
316 c.client_error <- NoFreeSlots;
317 | FileNotAvailable ->
318 c.client_error <- FileNotAvailable;
319 (match c.client_state with
320 | DcDownloadList _ -> (* on rare condition... eg. DC++ 0.401 *)(* TODO Try to load MyList.DcLst *)
322 | _ ->
323 move_client_to_last_in_userslist c;
324 move_client_to_last_in_fileslist c;
326 | UserNotReachable ->
327 c.client_error <- UserNotReachable;
328 | ClosedOnInit ->
329 if same_as_before then begin
330 (* what to do if connection closes on init phase without clear reason *)
331 if (is_even_to_tenths c.client_error_count) then begin
332 if not (find_existing_source c) then begin (* if not available source *)
333 if !verbose_msg_clients then
334 lprintf_nl "ClosedOnInit: (%s)" (clients_username c);
337 end else begin
338 c.client_error <- ClosedOnInit
340 | ConnectionResetByPeer ->
341 if same_as_before then begin
342 (* what to do if client resets connection without error messages and without reason *)
343 if (c.client_error_count > 10) then begin
344 if not (find_existing_source c) then begin (* if not available source *)
345 if !verbose_msg_clients then
346 lprintf_nl "ConnectionResetByPeer: (%s)" (clients_username c);
349 end else begin
350 c.client_error <- ConnectionResetByPeer
352 | UploadError ->
353 c.client_error <- UploadError;
354 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_upload then
355 lprintf_nl "UploadError: (%s)" (clients_username c);
356 (*ready_for_upload (as_client c.client_client);*) (* still try to continue upload, or what ? *)
357 | UserDontReplyOnTime ->
358 (* what to do if we have sent Rev/ConnectToMe to user but got no MyNick on time *)
359 if same_as_before then begin
360 if (is_even_to_twos c.client_error_count) then begin
361 if not (find_existing_source c) then begin (* if not available source *)
362 if !verbose_msg_clients then
363 lprintf_nl "UserDontReplyOnTime: (%s)" (clients_username c);
364 end;
365 dc_disconnect_client c (Closed_for_error "User waiting timeout") (* disconnect connection anyway *)
367 end else begin
368 c.client_error <- UserDontReplyOnTime
370 | NoError -> () );
373 (* Client connection closing handler *)
374 let client_disconnected sock reason c =
375 (match c.client_sock with
376 | Connection csock ->
377 if not (sock == csock) then
378 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
379 lprintf_nl " On (client_disconnected sock reason c) sock <> c.client_sock ?!?"
380 | _ -> () );
381 dc_disconnect_client c reason
383 (* Try to send connection messages to client, return true if sent *)
384 let try_connect_client c =
385 (* if connection_can_try c.client_connection_control then begin *)
386 (match c.client_user with
387 | Some user ->
388 (try
389 List.iter (fun s -> (* find first server we are connected to iter users servers *)
390 (match s.server_sock with (* send to only one server *)
391 | Connection sock -> (* if we are connected to this server already *)
392 if user.user_state = TryingToSendFirstContact then begin
393 if !!firewalled then begin (* if we are in passive mode *)
394 user.user_state <- UserActiveUserInitiating; (* mark user to be connecting to/for us *)
395 dc_send_msg sock (
396 let module C = RevConnectToMe in
397 RevConnectToMeReq {
398 C.orig = s.server_last_nick;
399 C.dest = user.user_nick;
402 end else begin (* if we are in active mode *)
403 user.user_state <- UserActiveMeInitiating; (* mark user to be connecting us directly *)
404 dc_send_msg sock (
405 let module C = ConnectToMe in
406 ConnectToMeReq {
407 C.nick = user.user_nick;
408 C.ip = CommonOptions.client_ip (Some sock);
409 C.port = !!dc_port;
412 end;
413 raise BreakIter
415 | _ -> () ) (* do nothing if we are not already connected to this server *)
416 ) user.user_servers;
417 with _ -> () );
419 if user.user_state = TryingToSendFirstContact then begin (* if no connection try was sent at all *)
420 (match c.client_state with
421 | DcDownloadConnecting (f,_) -> c.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting f
422 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ -> c.client_state <- DcDownloadListWaiting
423 | _ -> lprintf_nl "Wrong client state on trying to connect" );
424 new_client_error c UserNotReachable;
425 user.user_state <- UserIdle; (* go back to waiting *)
426 false
427 end else true
428 | _ -> lprintf_nl "no user for client"; false )
429 (* end else begin
430 lprintf_nl "c.client_connection_control denies connection to %s" c.client_name
431 end *)
433 (* Ask all files sources for download activation *)
434 let ask_file_sources_for_download f =
435 (try
436 List.iter (fun c ->
437 (match c.client_user with
438 | Some u ->
439 if (can_user_start_downloading u) then begin (* check if download can be started *)
440 (match c.client_file with
441 | Some f ->
442 if (can_file_start_downloading f) then begin
443 c.client_state <- DcDownloadConnecting (f,current_time ());
444 u.user_state <- TryingToSendFirstContact;
445 if try_connect_client c then raise (Found_client c)
447 | _ -> () )
448 end else begin (* otherwise do clients timeout checkings here *)
449 (match c.client_state with
450 | DcDownloadListConnecting (_,_,time)
451 | DcDownloadConnecting (_,time) ->
452 if (current_time () -. time) > float_of_int !!client_timeout then begin (* if waiting timeout is reached *)
453 new_client_error c UserDontReplyOnTime;
455 | _ -> () )
457 | _ -> () )
458 ) f.file_clients;
459 None
460 with
461 | Found_client c -> Some c
462 | Not_found -> None )
464 (* Check a user pending downloads if they can be started, return client *)
465 let ask_user_for_download u =
466 (try
467 if (can_user_start_downloading u) then begin (* check if download can be started *)
468 List.iter (fun c -> (* that have clients ... *)
469 if (is_client_waiting c) then begin
470 (match c.client_file with
471 | Some f ->
472 c.client_state <- DcDownloadConnecting (f,current_time ());
473 u.user_state <- TryingToSendFirstContact;
474 if try_connect_client c then raise (Found_client c)
475 else raise Not_found
476 | _ -> () )
477 end else begin (* otherwise check possible clients timeout *)
478 (match c.client_state with
479 | DcDownloadListConnecting (_,_,time)
480 | DcDownloadConnecting (_,time) ->
481 if (current_time () -. time) > float_of_int !!client_timeout then begin (* if waiting timeout is reached *)
482 new_client_error c UserDontReplyOnTime;
484 | _ -> () )
486 ) u.user_clients;
487 end else begin (* Check users, that have sent RevConnectToMe and we have sent ConnectToMe and we are waiting *)
488 check_passive_user u
489 end;
490 None
491 with
492 | Found_client c -> Some c
493 | Not_found -> None )
495 (* Check all users pending downloads if they can be started *)
496 let ask_all_users_for_files () =
497 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ u -> (* with all users .. *)
498 ignore (ask_user_for_download u);
499 ) users_by_name;
502 (* Try to resume all files *)
503 let try_to_resume_files () =
504 List.iter (fun f -> (* with all files *)
506 ignore (ask_file_sources_for_download f)
507 ) !current_files
509 (* Get clients server and send contact messages to client *)
510 let init_connection c sock =
511 c.client_receiving <-;
512 c.client_sock <- Connection sock;
513 connection_ok c.client_connection_control;
514 (match c.client_state with
515 | DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive _ ) ->
516 (* we are sending to unknown client and have to decide correct state later *)
517 let my_nick =
518 (match c.client_user with
519 | Some user ->
520 (match user.user_servers with
521 | [] -> local_login ()
522 | s :: _ -> s.server_last_nick ) (* pick first servers nick that is known to both... *)
523 | _ -> local_login () )
525 dc_send_msg sock (MyNickReq my_nick); (* send nick and lock requests to client *)
526 dc_send_msg sock (LockReq {
527 = empty_string;
528 Lock.key = DcKey.create_key;
529 Lock.extended_protocol = true
531 | DcDownloadListConnecting _
532 | DcConnectionStyle (MeActive _ ) -> ()
533 | _ ->
534 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then lprintf_nl "In (init_connection) c.client_state was invalid";
535 raise Not_found )
537 let print_client_error sock txt =
538 ignore (Printf.sprintf " %s (%s)" txt
539 (match find_sockets_client sock with
540 | Some c -> (clients_username c)
541 | _ -> "(Client not found)" )
544 (* Client handler for if proper connection yet not exist *)
545 let client_handler sock event =
546 (match event with
548 if !verbose_msg_clients then
549 print_client_error sock "BASIC_EVENT LTIMEOUT";
550 close sock Closed_for_timeout
552 if !verbose_msg_clients then
553 print_client_error sock "BASIC_EVENT RTIMEOUT";
554 close sock Closed_for_timeout
555 (*| WRITE_DONE -> lprintf_nl " Event: WRITE_DONE";
556 | CAN_REFILL -> lprintf_nl " Event: CAN_REFILL";
557 | CONNECTED -> lprintf_nl " Event: CONNECTED";*)
559 if !verbose_msg_clients then
560 print_client_error sock "Event: BUFFER_OVERFLOW";
561 close sock Closed_for_overflow
562 (*| READ_DONE _ -> lprintf_nl " Event: READ_DONE";*)
563 | BASIC_EVENT (CLOSED reason) ->
564 (match find_sockets_client sock with
565 | Some c ->
566 if !verbose_msg_clients then
567 lprintf_nl "BASIC_EVENT CLOSED: (%s) (%s)" (closing_reason_to_text reason) (clients_username c);
568 new_client_error c ClosedOnInit;
569 dc_disconnect_client c reason;
570 | _ ->
571 if !verbose_msg_clients then
572 lprintf_nl "BASIC_EVENT CLOSED: No client exists for socket on CLOSE" )
574 if !verbose_msg_clients then
575 print_client_error sock "BASIC_EVENT WTIMEOUT";
576 close sock Closed_for_timeout
577 (* | BASIC_EVENT CAN_READ -> lprintf_nl " Event: Other BASIC_EVENT CAN_READ"*)
578 (* | BASIC_EVENT CAN_WRITE -> lprintf_nl " Event: Other BASIC_EVENT CAN_WRITE"*)
579 | _ -> () )
581 (* Get first message from totally new client, return new client *)
582 let read_first_message t sock =
583 (match t with
584 | MyNickReq n -> (* if very first client to client message is $MyNick, then continue... *)
585 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Received FIRST MyNick with name (%s)" n;
586 (try
587 let u = search_user_by_name n in (* check if user with this name exists *)
588 let c =
589 (match u.user_state with
590 | UserActiveMeInitiating -> (* client already present, find the right one *)
591 (try
592 List.iter (fun fc ->
593 (match fc.client_state with
594 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ | DcDownloadConnecting _ -> raise (Found_client fc)
595 | _ -> () )
596 ) u.user_clients;
597 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
598 lprintf_nl "In FIRST MyNick users client (%s) state not correct" u.user_nick;
599 raise Not_found
600 with
601 | Found_client fc -> fc )
602 | UserPassiveUserInitiating _ -> (* create new client *)
603 let c = new_client () in
604 c.client_name <- Some n;
605 add_client_to_user c u;
607 | _ ->
608 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
609 lprintf_nl "In FIRST MyNick user (%s) state not correct" n;
610 raise Not_found )
612 set_client_state c (Connected 0);
613 TcpBufferedSocket.set_closer sock (fun _ reason -> client_disconnected sock reason c);
614 (match c.client_state with
615 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ -> ()
616 | _ ->
617 (match u.user_state with
618 | UserPassiveUserInitiating _ ->
619 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Download 0)) (* level is set after $Directions *)
620 | UserActiveMeInitiating ->
621 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Upload 0))
622 | _ ->
623 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
624 lprintf_nl "Should not happen: In FIRST MyNick user (%s)" n;
625 raise Not_found ) );
626 u.user_state <- UserIdle; (* initialize user_state for later correct usage *)
627 c.client_addr <- Some (TcpBufferedSocket.peer_addr sock);
628 init_connection c sock;
629 Some c (* return client *)
630 with _ ->
631 close sock (Closed_for_error "Closed in FIRST MyNick");
632 None ) (* return no client *)
633 | _ -> (* all other first messages are ignored and connection is closed *)
634 if !verbose_msg_clients then
635 lprintf_nl "In FIRST message from client: not MyNick";
636 close sock (Closed_for_error "First message not MyNick");
637 None ) (* return no client *)
639 (* Get combination on own and client supports *)
640 let get_client_supports c = (* return ( xmlbzlist , adc ,tthf ) xmlbzlist means also ugetblock *)
641 let xmlbzlist , adc , tthf =
642 (match c.client_supports with
643 | Some c_supports ->
644 (mldonkey_dc_client_supports.xmlbzlist && c_supports.xmlbzlist), (* own support && clients support *)
645 (mldonkey_dc_client_supports.adcget && c_supports.adcget),
646 (mldonkey_dc_client_supports.tthf && c_supports.tthf)
647 | None -> false,false,false )
649 xmlbzlist , adc, tthf
651 (* Send download commands to client *)
652 let dc_send_download_command c sock =
653 let xmlbzlist, adc, tthf = get_client_supports c in
654 let name, from_pos =
655 match c.client_state with
656 | DcDownload file ->
657 let separator = String2.of_char '/' in
658 let fname = file.file_directory ^ separator ^ file.file_name in
659 let preload_bytes = (* calculate preread bytes position *)
660 let from_pos = file_downloaded file in
661 if from_pos < int64_kbyte then begin (* if read under 1k bytes from client, start over *)
662 c.client_pos <-;
664 end else begin
665 c.client_pos <- from_pos;
666 !dc_download_preread
669 c.client_preread_bytes_left <- preload_bytes;
670 `Normal (fname, file.file_unchecked_tiger_root), c.client_pos -- (Int64.of_int preload_bytes)
671 | _ ->
672 c.client_pos <-;
673 `List (if xmlbzlist then mylistxmlbz2 else mylist), c.client_pos
675 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_download then
676 begin
677 let (fname,tth) = match name with `Normal (name,tth) -> name,tth | `List name -> name,"" in
678 lprintf_nl "Sending $Get/$ADCGET: (%s)(%s)(%s)(%Ld)" (clients_username c) fname tth from_pos;
679 end;
680 let msg = match adc, tthf, name with
681 | true, true, `Normal (_,tth) when tth <> "" ->
682 AdcGetReq {
683 AdcGet.adctype = AdcFile (NameTTH tth);
684 start_pos = from_pos;
685 bytes = Int64.minus_one; (* TODO load file from from_pos to anywhere *)
686 zl = false;
688 | true, _, `List name ->
689 AdcGetReq {
690 AdcGet.adctype = AdcFile (NameSpecial name); (* FIXME AdcList *)
691 start_pos = from_pos;
692 bytes = Int64.minus_one;
693 zl = false;
695 | _, _, (`Normal (name,_) | `List name) ->
696 if xmlbzlist then (* if client supports ugetblock ...*)
697 UGetBlockReq {
698 UGetBlock.ufilename = name;
699 UGetBlock.ubytes = Int64.minus_one;
700 UGetBlock.upos = from_pos;
702 else (* else send normal GET *)
703 GetReq {
704 Get.filename = name;
705 Get.pos = Int64.succ from_pos }
707 dc_send_msg sock msg
709 (* clients messages normal reader *)
710 let rec client_reader c t sock =
712 (match t with
714 | DirectionReq t ->
715 (*if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Received $Direction (%s)" (clients_username c);*)
716 (match c.client_state with
717 | DcDownloadListConnecting (our_level,_,_) (* We are downloading filelist *)
718 | DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Upload our_level)) (* We are in passive mode *)
719 | DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Upload our_level)) -> (* We are in active mode, client needs to upload) *)
720 (match t.Direction.direction with
721 | Download _ ->
722 if !verbose_msg_clients then
723 lprintf_nl "We have a conflict with (%s), both want to download..." (clients_username c);
724 if (t.Direction.level > our_level) then begin (* client gets to start download first *)
725 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl " Client won the election...";
726 (match c.client_state with (* memorize list loading if that is the case *)
727 | DcConnectionStyle _ -> (* if file was tried to download ... *)
728 let nc = new_copy_client c in
729 nc.client_sock <- NoConnection;
730 nc.client_addr <- None;
731 (match c.client_file with
732 | Some file ->
733 add_client_to_file nc file;
734 (match c.client_user with
735 | Some user ->
736 add_client_to_user nc user;
737 | _ -> () );
738 nc.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting file
739 | None -> () );
740 remove_client_from_clients_file c
741 | _ -> (* DcDownloadListConnecting *) (* if filelist was tried to download *)
742 let nc = new_copy_client c in
743 nc.client_sock <- NoConnection;
744 nc.client_addr <- None;
745 (match c.client_user with
746 | Some user -> add_client_to_user nc user
747 | _ -> () );
748 nc.client_state <- DcDownloadListWaiting );
749 (* we change our direction *)
750 (match c.client_state with (* check which one is the case *)
751 | DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Upload _)) -> (* if client was initiating *)
752 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Download 65535)) (* 65535 means to KeyReq that *)
753 | DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Upload _)) (* direction is changed *)
754 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ -> (* if we were initiating *)
755 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Download 65535))
756 | _ -> () );
757 (* we check in GetReq if we can start a new download immediately *)
759 end else if (t.Direction.level < our_level) then begin (* we win and start downloading *)
760 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl " We won the election..."
761 end else (* otherwise close connection *)
762 if !verbose_msg_clients then
763 lprintf_nl " Stalemate (levels are equal), closing";
764 close sock (Closed_for_error "Negotiation download: Stalemate" )
765 | _ -> () ) (* Upload *)
766 | DcConnectionStyle (MeActive (Download our_level))
767 | DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Download our_level)) -> (* connection is ready for uploading *)
768 (match t.Direction.direction with
769 | Upload level -> (* Active mode and client wants to upload too ?? *)
770 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "We have a conflict, both want to upload...";
771 (match c.client_state with
772 | DcConnectionStyle MeActive _ ->
773 if !verbose_msg_clients then
774 lprintf_nl " and client (%s) is in passive mode" (clients_username c)
775 | _ ->
776 if !verbose_msg_clients then
777 lprintf_nl " and client (%s) is in active mode" (clients_username c) );
778 close sock (Closed_for_error "Negotiation upload: conflict" );
779 | _ -> () ) (* Download *)
780 | _ ->
781 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then
782 lprintf_nl "In Direction: client state invalid";
783 close sock (Closed_for_error "Negotiation: client state invalid" ) )
785 | ErrorReq errortxt
786 | FailedReq errortxt ->
787 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
788 (match t with
789 | ErrorReq _ -> lprintf_nl "Received (%s) from (%s)" errortxt (clients_username c)
790 | _ -> lprintf_nl "Received (%s) from (%s)" errortxt (clients_username c))
791 end;
792 (match String2.split_simplify errortxt ' ' with
793 | [ _ ; "File" ; txt1 ; txt2 ] ->
794 (* $Error File Not Available
795 $Error File not available *)
796 if (String.length txt1 = 3) && (txt2.[1] = 'v') then new_client_error c FileNotAvailable
797 | _ -> lprintf_nl "New errortext: (%s) - make handling ??" errortxt );
798 close sock (Closed_for_error (Printf.sprintf "From client (%s): (%s)" (clients_username c) errortxt) )
800 | FileLengthReq _
801 | AdcSndReq _ ->
802 (try
803 if !verbose_msg_clients then begin
804 (match t with
805 | FileLengthReq _ -> lprintf_nl "Received $FileLength from (%s)" (clients_username c)
806 | _ -> lprintf_nl "Received $AdcSnd from (%s)" (clients_username c) ) (* AdcSnd *)
807 end;
808 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock (float !!client_read_timeout);
809 (match c.client_state with
810 | DcDownload file ->
811 let bytes =
812 (match t with
813 | FileLengthReq t -> t
814 | AdcSndReq t -> (* check file current position with to be sended data position *)
815 let size = file_downloaded file in
816 if !verbose_download then
817 lprintf_nl "AdcSnd: file_downloaded=(%Ld) preread=(%d) start_pos=(%Ld)"
818 size c.client_preread_bytes_left t.AdcSnd.start_pos;
819 if size -- (Int64.of_int c.client_preread_bytes_left) = t.AdcSnd.start_pos then begin
820 if t.AdcSnd.bytes = Int64.minus_one then file_size file else t.AdcSnd.bytes
821 end else begin
822 if !verbose_unexpected_messages || !verbose_download then
823 lprintf_nl "AdcSnd: Current file=(%s) size=(%Ld) don't match start_pos=(%Ld) for user=(%s)"
824 file.file_name size t.AdcSnd.start_pos (clients_username c);
825 raise Not_found
827 | _ -> raise Not_found )
829 c.client_receiving <- bytes;
830 c.client_error <- NoError;
831 file_add file.file_file FileDownloading;
832 (match t with
833 | FileLengthReq _ ->
834 dc_send_msg sock SendReq
835 | _ -> () ) (* AdcSnd *)
837 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ ->
838 let filelist_name = Filename.concat filelist_directory (
839 (match c.client_user with
840 | Some u ->
841 (match c.client_supports with
842 | Some c_supports ->
843 if c_supports.xmlbzlist then u.user_nick ^ mylistxmlbz2_ext
844 else u.user_nick ^ mylist_ext
845 | None -> u.user_nick ^ mylist_ext )
846 | None -> failwith "No User" )
847 ) in
848 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_download then
849 lprintf_nl "Creating filelist with name: (%s)" filelist_name;
850 let filelist_fd = Unix32.create_rw filelist_name in
851 let bytes =
852 (match t with
853 | FileLengthReq t -> t
854 | AdcSndReq t -> (* check that adc client send the size of file in here *)
855 if t.AdcSnd.bytes > then t.AdcSnd.bytes
856 else failwith "Wrong bytes in AdcSnd"
857 | _ -> raise Not_found )
859 c.client_state <- DcDownloadList filelist_fd;
860 c.client_receiving <- bytes;
861 c.client_error <- NoError;
862 (match t with
863 | FileLengthReq _ ->
864 dc_send_msg sock SendReq
865 | _ -> () ) (* AdcSnd *)
866 | _ ->
867 failwith "Nothing to download" )
868 with e ->
869 if !verbose_unexpected_messages then
870 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) FileLength/AdcSnd:" (Printexc2.to_string e);
871 close sock (Closed_for_error (Printexc2.to_string e)) )
873 | AdcGetReq _
874 | GetReq _
875 | UGetBlockReq _ -> (* TODO downloading a section of file *) (* TODO state checking ? *)
877 if (c.client_state = DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore) then begin (* if this is a continual loading *)
878 if !verbose_upload || !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl " Continuing upload/slot";
879 TcpBufferedSocket.set_lifetime sock infinite_timeout; (* restore connection lifetime *)
880 end;
882 let direction_change = (* memorize possible direction change *)
883 (match c.client_state with
884 | DcConnectionStyle MeActive Download 65535
885 | DcConnectionStyle ClientActive Download 65535 -> true (* these mean direction change and we have lost *)
886 | _ -> false );
889 begin try
891 let req =
892 match t with
893 | AdcGetReq { AdcGet.zl = true } ->
894 failwith "ZLib not yet supported"
896 | AdcGetReq { AdcGet.adctype = AdcList (dir,re1) } -> `PartialList (dir,re1)
898 | AdcGetReq { AdcGet.adctype = AdcFile (NameSpecial name) }
899 | GetReq { Get.filename = name }
900 | UGetBlockReq { UGetBlock.ufilename = name }
901 when name = mylist || name = mylistxmlbz2 -> `FullList name
903 | AdcGetReq { AdcGet.adctype = AdcFile (NameSpecial name) } ->
904 failwith ("ADCGET special name not supported : " ^ name)
906 | AdcGetReq { AdcGet.adctype = AdcFile (NameTTH tth); start_pos=start; bytes=bytes } ->
907 `File (`TTH tth, start, bytes)
909 | GetReq t ->
910 let name = String2.replace t.Get.filename char92 "/" in
911 `File (`Name name, Int64.pred t.Get.pos, Int64.minus_one)
913 | UGetBlockReq t ->
914 let name = String2.replace t.UGetBlock.ufilename char92 "/" in
915 `File (`Name name, t.UGetBlock.upos, t.UGetBlock.ubytes)
917 | _ -> failwith "Unexpected request"
919 match req with
920 | `FullList name ->
921 let mylist_filename = Filename.concat directconnect_directory name in
922 c.client_state <- DcUploadListStarting mylist_filename;
923 c.client_pos <-;
924 let size = Unix32.getsize mylist_filename in
925 begin match t with
926 | AdcGetReq t ->
927 dc_send_msg sock (AdcSndReq {
928 AdcSnd.adctype = t.AdcGet.adctype;
929 AdcSnd.start_pos = 0L;
930 AdcSnd.bytes = size;
931 AdcSnd.zl = false; (* CHECK *)
933 client_reader c SendReq sock (* call ourselves again with send starting *)
934 | _ -> (* GetReq _ | UGetBlockReq _ *)
935 dc_send_msg sock (FileLengthReq size)
938 | `PartialList _ -> failwith "Partial lists not yet supported"
940 | `File (name, start_pos, bytes) -> (* client wants normal file *)
941 (*lprintf_nl "Client (%s) wants to download %s (%s) %Ld bytes from pos: %Ld" (clients_username c)
942 fname tth bytes start_pos;*)
943 let dcsh = match name with
944 | `TTH tth ->
945 (try (* lets find file by tth *)
946 Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_hash tth
947 with _ ->
948 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Shared file not found by tth %S" tth))
949 | `Name fname ->
950 (try (* so lets find filename then *)
951 Hashtbl.find dc_shared_files_by_codedname fname
952 with _ ->
953 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Shared file not found by codedname %S" fname))
955 (* check if upload still exists *)
956 c.client_pos <- start_pos;
957 let rem = dcsh.dc_shared_size -- c.client_pos in
958 if dc_can_upload () || (counts_as_minislot dcsh.dc_shared_size) then
959 begin (* if free slots or file size *)
960 if not (counts_as_minislot dcsh.dc_shared_size) then dc_insert_uploader ();(* increase uploaders *)
961 c.client_state <- DcUploadStarting (dcsh,start_pos,bytes);
962 (match t with
963 | AdcGetReq t ->
964 dc_send_msg sock (AdcSndReq {
965 AdcSnd.adctype = t.AdcGet.adctype;
966 start_pos = start_pos;
967 bytes = rem;
968 zl = false; (* CHECK *)
969 } );
970 client_reader c SendReq sock (* call ourselves again with send starting *)
971 | _ -> (* GetReq _ | UGetBlockReq _ *)
972 dc_send_msg sock (FileLengthReq rem) )
974 end else begin
975 (*lprintf_nl "Sending MaxedOut to (%s)" (clients_username c);*)
976 dc_send_msg sock MaxedOutReq;
977 close sock (Closed_for_error ("By us: Maxedout"))
979 with exn ->
980 if !verbose_upload then
981 lprintf_nl "Error answering GET/ADCGET: %s" (Printexc2.to_string exn);
982 let errortxt = "File Not Available" in
983 begin match t with
984 | AdcGetReq _
985 | GetReq _ ->
986 dc_send_msg sock (ErrorReq errortxt)
987 | _ -> (* UGetBlockReq _ *)
988 dc_send_msg sock (FailedReq errortxt)
989 end;
990 close sock (Closed_for_error ("By us:" ^ errortxt))
991 end;
992 if direction_change then begin (* now the users clients states wont interfere this check *)
993 (match c.client_user with (* we can check if we can start new download immediately *)
994 | Some user ->
995 lprintf_nl "Because we lost conflict we now try to start new download from %s" user.user_nick;
996 ignore (ask_user_for_download user)
997 | _ -> () );
1000 | GetListLenReq -> ()
1002 | KeyReq _ ->
1003 (*lprintf_nl "Received $Key ... dumping it";*)
1004 (*lprintf_nl "Client state: %s" (client_state_to_string c);*)
1005 let level = 32767 in
1006 let send_downloading_command dir c = (* inside Key function ... *)
1007 (match dir with (* Send first $Get if necessary *)
1008 | Upload _ -> (* sent we want to download and client needs to be uploading part *)
1009 (match c.client_file with (* here we set the downloading file back again to client state *)
1010 | None ->
1011 close sock (Closed_for_error "Nothing to download")
1012 | Some file ->
1013 c.client_state <- DcDownload file;
1014 dc_send_download_command c sock )
1015 | _ -> () ) (* we are uploading and wait for $Get now *)
1017 (match c.client_state with
1018 | DcDownloadListConnecting (_,passive,time) ->
1019 (match passive with (* if we were/are in passive mode *)
1020 | true ->
1021 (*lprintf_nl "Connection state is: DcDownloadListConnecting )"; *)
1022 (match c.client_supports with (* send $Supports if necessary *)
1023 | None -> ()
1024 | Some dc_client_supports ->
1025 dc_send_msg sock ( SupportsReq (ClientSupports mldonkey_dc_client_supports) ) );
1026 c.client_state <- DcDownloadListConnecting (level,true,time); (* memorise $Direction level *)
1027 dc_send_msg sock ( DirectionReq {
1028 Direction.direction = Download level; Direction.level = level } );
1029 dc_send_msg sock ( KeyReq { Key.key = DcKey.calculate_key c.client_lock })
1030 | _ -> () );
1031 dc_send_download_command c sock;
1033 | DcConnectionStyle ( ClientActive dir ) ->
1034 (match dir with (* check that direction was not changed on election *)
1035 | Download 65535 -> () (* if was, do nothing and wait the Get from client *)
1036 | _ ->
1037 (match c.client_supports with (* send $Supports if necessary *)
1038 | None -> ()
1039 | Some dc_client_supports -> (* if EXTENDEDPROTOCOL supported by client, send own $Supports *)
1040 dc_send_msg sock ( SupportsReq (ClientSupports mldonkey_dc_client_supports) ) );
1042 (match dir with (* send $Direction *)
1043 | Upload _ -> (* client seems to be uploading so ... *)
1044 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Upload level)); (* set level *)
1045 dc_send_msg sock ( DirectionReq { (* we thank and send Download *)
1046 Direction.direction = Download level; Direction.level = level } )
1047 | Download _ -> (* clients want to download from us ... *)
1048 (* we send possible no slot later *)
1049 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Download level));
1050 dc_send_msg sock ( DirectionReq { (* we prepare for uploading file *)
1051 Direction.direction = Upload level; Direction.level = level } ) );
1053 dc_send_msg sock (
1054 KeyReq { Key.key = DcKey.calculate_key c.client_lock });
1056 send_downloading_command dir c )
1058 | DcConnectionStyle (MeActive dir ) ->
1059 (match dir with (* check that direction was not changed on election *)
1060 | Download 65535 -> () (* if was, do nothing and wait the Get from client *)
1061 | _ -> send_downloading_command dir c )
1063 | _ -> () )
1065 | LockReq lock ->
1066 (*lprintf_nl "Received $Lock";*)
1067 (*lprintf_nl "Client state: %s" (client_state_to_string c);*)
1068 c.client_lock <- lock.Lock.key; (* save the clients lock for later use *)
1070 (match c.client_state with
1071 | DcDownloadListConnecting _
1072 | DcConnectionStyle ( MeActive _ ) -> (* we are answering to a connection initialized by passive client *)
1073 let dir = (* lets set dir to DcDownloadListConnecting also ... *)
1074 (match c.client_state with
1075 | DcDownloadListConnecting (level,_,_) -> Upload level
1076 | DcConnectionStyle ( MeActive dir ) -> dir
1077 | _ -> Upload 0 )
1079 let my_nick =
1080 (match c.client_user with
1081 | Some user ->
1082 (match user.user_servers with
1083 | [] -> local_login ()
1084 | s :: _ -> s.server_last_nick ) (* pick first servers nick that is known to both... *)
1085 | _ -> local_login () )
1087 dc_send_msg sock (MyNickReq my_nick); (* send nick and lock requests to client *)
1088 dc_send_msg sock (LockReq {
1089 = empty_string;
1090 Lock.key = DcKey.create_key;
1091 Lock.extended_protocol = true
1092 } );
1093 dc_send_msg sock ( SupportsReq (ClientSupports mldonkey_dc_client_supports) );
1094 let level = 32767 in
1095 (match dir with
1096 | Upload _ ->
1097 (match c.client_state with
1098 | DcConnectionStyle _ -> c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle ( MeActive (Upload level))
1099 | _ -> () (* DcDownloadListConnecting *) );
1100 dc_send_msg sock ( DirectionReq {
1101 Direction.direction = Download level; (* we are downloading *)
1102 Direction.level = level } )
1103 | Download _ -> (* we set level to 0 so that we lose possible conflict all the time purposely *)
1104 (match c.client_state with
1105 | DcConnectionStyle _ -> c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle ( MeActive (Download 0))
1106 | _ -> () (* DcDownloadListConnecting *) );
1107 dc_send_msg sock ( DirectionReq {
1108 Direction.direction = Upload 0; (* we are uploading *)
1109 Direction.level = level } ) );
1110 dc_send_msg sock (KeyReq { Key.key = DcKey.calculate_key c.client_lock } );
1111 if !verbose_msg_clients then
1112 lprintf_nl "Sent answer to (%s) (MyNick,Lock,Supports,Direction,Key)" (clients_username c)
1113 | _ -> () )
1115 | MaxedOutReq ->
1116 (*lprintf_nl "Received MaxedOut";*)
1117 new_client_error c NoFreeSlots;
1118 close sock (Closed_for_error "MaxedOut from client")
1120 | MyNickReq n ->
1121 if !verbose_msg_clients then
1122 lprintf_nl "Received Normal $MyNick with nick (%s)" n;
1123 (*lprintf_nl "Client state: %s" (client_state_to_string c);*)
1124 connection_ok c.client_connection_control;
1125 (try
1126 let u = search_user_by_name n in (* connect first correct user and client together *)
1127 (match u.user_state with
1128 | UserActiveUserInitiating -> (* RevConnect sent, another client present already *)
1129 (* Now we have to swap clients info *)
1130 (try
1131 List.iter (fun fc ->
1132 (match c.client_state with
1133 | DcConnectionStyle ClientActive Upload 0 -> raise (Found_client fc)
1134 | _ -> () )
1135 ) u.user_clients;
1136 failwith "Not found client with correct state"
1137 with
1138 | Found_client fc ->
1139 (match fc.client_file with
1140 | Some file -> add_client_to_file c file;
1141 | _ -> () );
1142 remove_client_from_clients_file fc;
1143 remove_client fc )
1144 | UserIdle -> ()
1145 | UserPassiveUserInitiating _ (* ConnectToMe sent as answer to RevConnect, should not hapen here *)
1146 | UserActiveMeInitiating (* ConnectToMe sent, another client already present, should not happen in here *)
1147 | _ ->
1148 failwith "User state is wrong" );
1150 add_client_to_user c u;
1151 c.client_name <- Some u.user_nick;
1152 set_client_state c (Connected 0);
1154 (match c.client_state with (* now decide correct state *)
1155 | DcDownloadListConnecting _ -> () (* if client state is filelist downloading... *)
1156 | _ ->
1157 (match u.user_state with
1158 | UserActiveUserInitiating -> (* we sent RevConnect ... *)
1159 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Upload 0)); (* level assigned later *)
1160 | UserIdle -> (* totally new connection initialized by client *)
1161 c.client_state <- DcConnectionStyle (ClientActive (Download 0))
1162 | _ ->
1163 failwith "Invalid user state" )
1165 u.user_state <- UserIdle; (* not needed anymore *)
1166 with e ->
1167 if !verbose_unexpected_messages || !verbose_msg_clients then
1168 lprintf_nl "In normal MyNick: (%s) when received nick=(%s)" (Printexc2.to_string e) n;
1169 close sock (Closed_for_error "Error in $MyNick") )
1171 | SendReq ->
1172 (*lprintf_nl "Received or commanded $Send";*)
1173 (try
1174 (match c.client_state with
1175 | DcUploadListStarting fname ->
1176 let file_fd = Unix32.create_ro fname in
1177 c.client_state <- DcUploadList file_fd;
1178 c.client_endpos <- Unix32.getsize64 file_fd;
1179 let file = new_upfile None file_fd in
1180 c.client_file <- Some file;
1181 set_clients_upload c (as_file file.file_file);
1182 | DcUploadStarting (dcsh,start_pos,bytes) ->
1183 let endpos =
1184 if bytes = Int64.minus_one then dcsh.dc_shared_size
1185 else begin
1186 let client_wants = start_pos ++ bytes in (* if client requests too much data *)
1187 if client_wants > dcsh.dc_shared_size then failwith "Start_pos + bytes > dcsh.dc_shared_size"
1188 else client_wants
1189 end
1191 let file_fd = Unix32.create_ro dcsh.dc_shared_fullname in
1192 c.client_state <- DcUpload (dcsh,file_fd,start_pos,bytes);
1193 c.client_endpos <- endpos;
1194 let file = new_upfile (Some dcsh) file_fd in
1195 c.client_file <- Some file;
1196 set_clients_upload c (as_file file.file_file);
1197 | _ -> failwith "Wrong client state in Send" );
1199 set_client_has_a_slot (as_client c.client_client) NormalSlot;
1200 (*client_enter_upload_queue (as_client c.client_client);*)
1201 TcpBufferedSocket.set_wtimeout sock (float !!client_write_timeout)
1203 with e ->
1204 lprintf_nl "Exception %s in upload creation" (Printexc2.to_string e);
1205 close sock (Closed_for_error "Error in upload creation");
1206 failwith "Error in upload creation" )
1208 | SupportsReq t -> (* After EXTENDEDPROTOCOL support list from client ... *)
1209 (*lprintf_nl "Received $Supports";*)
1210 (match t with
1211 | ClientSupports t -> c.client_supports <- Some t (* Save supports into clientdata *)
1212 | _ -> () )
1214 | UnknownReq s ->
1215 if s <> "" then
1216 if !verbose_unexpected_messages || !verbose_msg_clients then begin
1217 let l = String.length s in
1218 let txt = Printf.sprintf "Unknown client message: (%s)" (clients_username c) in
1219 if l > 50 then lprintf_nl "%s (%s...%d chars)" txt (shorten_string s 50) l
1220 else lprintf_nl "%s (%s)" txt s
1223 | _ ->
1224 lprintf_nl "--> Unhandled client message. Implement ?:";
1225 DcProtocol.dc_print t )
1227 (* Find next download from this user/client *)
1228 let find_next_client c =
1229 (match c.client_user with
1230 | None -> None
1231 | Some u ->
1232 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "Trying to find next download to user (%s)" u.user_nick;
1233 (try
1234 List.iter (fun cl -> (* check first if filelist is waiting ... *)
1235 (match cl.client_state with
1236 | DcDownloadListWaiting -> raise (Found_client cl)
1237 | _ -> () )
1238 ) u.user_clients; (* then normal downloads ... *)
1239 List.iter (fun cl ->
1240 (match cl.client_state with
1241 | DcDownloadWaiting _ -> raise (Found_client cl)
1242 | _ -> () )
1243 ) u.user_clients;
1244 None (* return false to calling function that closes the socket *)
1245 with
1246 | Found_client cl -> (Some cl) (* we have a next file with existing client to download *)
1247 | _ -> None )
1250 (* Start next download from user and if change, current client <-> pending client *)
1251 (* Remove other client if not change *)
1252 let next_download change c sock cl = (* c is current connection, cl is the pending download *)
1253 (match cl.client_state with
1254 | DcDownloadWaiting file ->
1255 if change then begin (* we need to change current download with pending one *)
1256 (match c.client_state with
1257 | DcDownload f -> (* here we exchange pending client to existing client socket *)
1258 c.client_state <- DcDownload file;
1259 cl.client_state <- DcDownloadWaiting f;
1260 remove_client_from_clients_file c;
1261 remove_client_from_clients_file cl;
1262 add_client_to_file c file;
1263 add_client_to_file cl f;
1264 | _ -> () )
1265 end else begin
1266 remove_client_from_clients_file c; (* because file commit removes the file <-> client connection also, *)
1267 (* this has to be done before assigning new file to this reused client, *)
1268 (* so that file remove don't erase this clients file *)
1269 add_client_to_file c file; (* no change needed *)
1270 remove_client cl; (* remove not needed client *)
1271 c.client_state <- DcDownload file;
1272 dc_send_download_command c sock
1274 | DcDownloadListWaiting ->
1275 if not change then begin (* filelists changing not currently possible *)
1276 remove_client cl;
1277 c.client_state <- DcDownloadListConnecting (0,!!firewalled,nan);
1278 dc_send_download_command c sock
1280 | _ -> () )
1282 (* File is finished downloading, so remove file from clients list and client from files list *)
1283 let file_complete file =
1284 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "File %s downloaded" file.file_name;
1285 file_completed (as_file file.file_file); (* update_file_state impl FileDownloaded; *)
1286 List.iter (fun c -> (* remove this files clients except current connection *)
1287 (match c.client_state with (* because we use this connection possibly for next download *)
1288 | DcDownload f -> () (* only one client should be in this state *)
1289 | _ ->
1290 remove_client c )
1291 ) file.file_clients
1293 let closing_text = "All files downloaded"
1294 (* Continue downloading from client that we have initialized *)
1295 let client_downloaded c sock nread = (* TODO check tth while loading, abort if error *)
1296 if nread > 0 then begin
1297 (match c.client_state with
1298 | DcDownload file ->
1299 let b = TcpBufferedSocket.buf sock in
1300 let downloaded =
1301 if c.client_preread_bytes_left > 0 then begin (* if precheck not yet done *)
1302 let check_bytes = min nread c.client_preread_bytes_left in (* which is smaller... *)
1303 let check_buffer = String.create check_bytes in
1304 (file_fd file) (c.client_pos -- (Int64.of_int c.client_preread_bytes_left))
1305 check_buffer 0 check_bytes;
1306 let str2 = String.sub b.buf b.pos check_bytes in
1307 if ( check_buffer str2) = 0 then begin (* if downloaded is ok *)
1308 c.client_preread_bytes_left <- c.client_preread_bytes_left - check_bytes;
1309 if c.client_preread_bytes_left = 0 then begin (* if checked all preread bytes *)
1310 let downloaded = b.len - check_bytes in
1311 if downloaded > 0 then begin (* check if buffer has bytes to write to file *)
1312 Unix32.write (file_fd file) c.client_pos b.buf (b.pos+check_bytes) downloaded
1313 end;
1314 Int64.of_int downloaded
1315 end else
1316 end else begin (* if file check failed *)
1317 if !verbose_download then
1318 lprintf_nl "Corrupted file (%s) download from (%s)" file.file_name (clients_username c);
1319 c.client_state <- DcIdle; (* now closing sock removes the client also *)
1320 close sock (Closed_for_error "Corrupted file");
1323 end else begin (* precheck done, normal flow *)
1324 Unix32.write (file_fd file) c.client_pos b.buf b.pos b.len;
1325 Int64.of_int b.len
1328 c.client_pos <- c.client_pos ++ downloaded;
1329 (match c.client_user with
1330 | Some u -> u.user_downloaded <- u.user_downloaded ++ downloaded
1331 | _ -> () );
1332 c.client_downloaded <- c.client_downloaded ++ downloaded;
1333 buf_used b b.len;
1334 if c.client_pos > (file_downloaded file) then (* update downloading state *) (* TODO check tth while loading *)
1335 add_file_downloaded (as_file file.file_file) (c.client_pos -- (file_downloaded file));
1336 if (file_downloaded file) = (file_size file) then begin
1337 file_complete file;
1338 c.client_receiving <-; (* this marks client as receiving normal commands again *)
1339 c.client_pos <-;
1340 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock infinite_timeout; (* back to normal *)
1341 (* update myinfo ? *)
1342 (match (find_next_client c) with (* try to continue slot *)
1343 | Some cl -> next_download false c sock cl (* connected client , sock , client download_waiting *)
1344 | None ->
1345 c.client_state <- DcIdle; (* now closing sock removes the client also *)
1346 close sock (Closed_for_error closing_text) )
1349 | DcDownloadList filelist_fd -> (* downloading file list *)
1350 let b = TcpBufferedSocket.buf sock in
1351 let len = Int64.of_int b.len in
1352 Unix32.write filelist_fd c.client_pos b.buf b.pos b.len;
1353 c.client_pos <- c.client_pos ++ len;
1354 (match c.client_user with
1355 | Some u -> u.user_downloaded <- u.user_downloaded ++ len
1356 | _ -> () );
1357 c.client_downloaded <- c.client_downloaded ++ len;
1358 c.client_receiving <- c.client_receiving -- len;
1359 buf_used b b.len;
1360 if c.client_receiving = then begin
1361 Unix32.close filelist_fd;
1362 if !verbose_download then lprintf_nl "Received filelist from (%s)" (clients_username c);
1363 c.client_receiving <-; (* this marks client as receiving commands again *)
1364 c.client_pos <-;
1365 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock infinite_timeout;
1366 (match (find_next_client c) with
1367 | Some cl ->
1368 next_download false c sock cl (* connected client , sock , client download_waiting *)
1369 | None ->
1370 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
1371 close sock (Closed_for_error closing_text) )
1373 | _ -> raise Not_found )
1376 (* initialize a new connection when nothing is known from client *)
1377 let init_anon_client sock =
1378 TcpBufferedSocket.set_read_controler sock download_control;
1379 TcpBufferedSocket.set_write_controler sock upload_control;
1380 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock infinite_timeout; (* client timeouts *)
1381 TcpBufferedSocket.set_wtimeout sock infinite_timeout;
1382 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (dc_handler_client (ref (None))
1383 read_first_message client_reader client_downloaded)
1385 (* create listening socket for incoming connection, return socket or None *)
1386 let create_tcp_socket () =
1387 (try
1388 let sock = TcpServerSocket.create "DC client listening" (Ip.to_inet_addr !!client_bind_addr) !!dc_port
1389 (fun sock event ->
1390 match event with
1391 | TcpServerSocket.CONNECTION (s, Unix.ADDR_INET(from_ip, from_port)) ->
1392 (*lprintf_nl "Listen: connection received from %s:%d"
1393 (Ip.to_string (Ip.of_inet_addr from_ip)) from_port; *)
1395 (* CHECK Allow this connection or not ? *)
1396 let token = create_token connection_manager in
1397 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.create token
1398 "DC client connection" s client_handler(*(fun _ _ -> ())*) in
1399 init_anon_client sock
1400 | _ -> () )
1402 (*lprintf_nl "Created listening socket..." ;*)
1403 dc_tcp_listen_sock := Some sock;
1404 (match (Unix.getsockname (BasicSocket.fd (TcpServerSocket.sock sock))) with
1405 | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr,port) -> Some sock
1406 | _ -> None )
1407 with e -> lprintf_nl "Exception %s while initializing DC listen socket" (Printexc2.to_string e);
1408 None )
1410 (* UDP *)
1412 (* Parse udp messages *)
1413 let udp_parse buf sock =
1414 if !verbose_udp then lprintf_nl "UDP Receive: (%s)" buf;
1415 let str = String2.splitn buf ' ' 1 in
1416 (match str with
1417 | [cmd; args] ->
1418 let module S = SR in
1419 let msg = S.parse (String2.replace args '|' empty_string) in (* strip following '|' from message *)
1420 if msg.S.filename = empty_string then ()
1421 (*lprintf_nl "This result seems to be directory result, we don't support it atm."*)
1422 else begin
1423 (try
1424 let s = Hashtbl.find servers_by_ip msg.S.server_ip in
1425 received_new_search_result s msg;
1426 with _ -> if !verbose_udp then
1427 lprintf_nl "UDP: Not valid ip-address (%s) in $SR" msg.S.server_ip)
1429 | [cmd] -> if !verbose_udp then lprintf_nl "UDP: Unknown command %s" cmd
1430 | _ -> if !verbose_udp then lprintf_nl "UDP: Unknown message %s" (String.escaped buf) )
1432 (* Udp sending *)
1433 let udp_send ip port m =
1434 (try
1435 Buffer.reset buf;
1436 dc_write buf m;
1437 Buffer.add_char buf '|';
1438 let s = Buffer.contents buf in
1439 (match !dc_udp_sock with
1440 | Some sock ->
1441 (*if !verbose_udp || !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "UDP Send: (%s)" s;*)
1442 UdpSocket.write sock false s ip port
1443 | None -> failwith "No UDP socket" );
1444 with e ->
1445 if !verbose_udp || !verbose_msg_clients then
1446 lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in UDP send" (Printexc2.to_string e) )
1448 (* Udp event handling *)
1449 let udp_handler sock event =
1450 match event with
1451 | UdpSocket.READ_DONE ->
1452 UdpSocket.read_packets sock (fun p ->
1453 (try
1454 let pbuf = p.UdpSocket.udp_content in
1455 let len = String.length pbuf in
1456 if len > 0 then
1457 udp_parse pbuf sock
1458 with e -> () )
1460 | _ -> ()
1462 (* create listening udp port *)
1463 let create_udp_socket () =
1464 (try
1465 let sock = UdpSocket.create (Ip.to_inet_addr !!client_bind_addr) !!dc_port
1466 (fun sock event -> udp_handler sock event)
1468 dc_udp_sock := Some sock;
1469 UdpSocket.set_write_controler sock udp_write_controler;
1470 Some sock
1471 with e ->
1472 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while binding UDP socket" (Printexc2.to_string e);
1473 None )
1475 (* Start a connection to client *)
1476 let connect_client c =
1477 let token =
1478 add_pending_connection connection_manager (fun token ->
1480 match c.client_addr with
1481 | None -> ()
1482 | Some (ip,port) ->
1483 connection_try c.client_connection_control;
1484 let sock = TcpBufferedSocket.connect token "client connection" (Ip.to_inet_addr ip) port
1485 client_handler (*(fun _ _ -> ())*)
1487 TcpBufferedSocket.set_read_controler sock download_control; (* CommonGlobals.download_control *)
1488 TcpBufferedSocket.set_write_controler sock upload_control;
1489 TcpBufferedSocket.set_rtimeout sock infinite_timeout; (* client timeouts *)
1490 TcpBufferedSocket.set_wtimeout sock infinite_timeout;
1491 TcpBufferedSocket.set_closer sock (fun _ reason -> client_disconnected sock reason c);
1492 TcpBufferedSocket.set_reader sock (dc_handler_client (ref (Some c)) read_first_message
1493 client_reader client_downloaded);
1494 init_connection c sock; (* Send first answer messages to client *)
1495 with e ->
1496 lprintf_nl "Exception: %s, while connecting to client" (Printexc2.to_string e);
1497 ) in
1498 c.client_sock <- ConnectionWaiting token
1500 (* Upload to client *)
1501 let dc_upload c bytes =
1502 (match c.client_sock with
1503 | Connection sock ->
1504 (try
1505 if (bytes > 0) && can_write_len sock bytes then begin
1506 (* update upload rate from len bytes *)
1507 (*Rate.update c.client_upload_rate (float_of_int len);*)
1508 (* update stats *)
1509 (*ignore (
1510 count_filerequest c; *)
1511 let file_fd =
1512 (match c.client_state with
1513 | DcUpload (_,fd,_,_) -> fd
1514 | DcUploadList fd -> fd
1515 | _ -> failwith "No fd in upload" )
1517 let rlen =
1518 let rem = Int64.to_int (c.client_endpos -- c.client_pos) in
1519 if rem > bytes then bytes else rem
1521 CommonUploads.consume_bandwidth rlen;
1522 let upload_buffer = String.create rlen in
1523 file_fd c.client_pos upload_buffer 0 rlen;
1524 TcpBufferedSocket.write sock upload_buffer 0 rlen;
1525 (*lprintf_nl " Wrote (%d) bytes" rlen;*)
1526 let uploaded = Int64.of_int rlen in
1527 c.client_pos <- c.client_pos ++ uploaded;
1528 dc_total_uploaded := !dc_total_uploaded ++ uploaded;
1529 (match c.client_user with
1530 | Some u -> u.user_uploaded <- u.user_uploaded ++ uploaded
1531 | _ -> () );
1532 c.client_uploaded <- c.client_uploaded ++ uploaded;
1533 (match c.client_state with
1534 | DcUpload (dcsh,_,_,_) ->
1535 (try
1536 let sh = CommonUploads.find_by_name dcsh.dc_shared_codedname in
1537 sh.shared_impl.impl_shared_uploaded <- c.client_pos;
1538 shared_must_update (as_shared sh.shared_impl)
1539 with _ -> () )
1540 | _ -> () );
1541 if c.client_pos = c.client_endpos then begin
1542 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Finished uploading to (%s)" (clients_username c);
1543 Unix32.close file_fd;
1544 set_refill sock (fun _ -> () );
1545 (match c.client_state with
1546 | DcUpload (dcsh,_,_,_) ->
1547 if not (counts_as_minislot dcsh.dc_shared_size) then dc_remove_uploader () (* slots *)
1548 | _ -> () );
1549 c.client_state <- DcUploadDoneWaitingForMore;
1550 set_client_has_a_slot (as_client c.client_client) NoSlot; (* inform GUI *)
1551 TcpBufferedSocket.set_lifetime sock (float !!wait_for_next_upload);
1552 end else begin
1553 ready_for_upload (as_client c.client_client);
1555 end else begin (* HMMM Is it ok to bang this line over and over again ? *)
1556 ready_for_upload (as_client c.client_client)
1558 with e ->
1559 if !verbose_upload then lprintf_nl "Exception (%s) in upload" (Printexc2.to_string e);
1560 new_client_error c UploadError )
1561 | _ ->
1562 if !verbose_upload then
1563 lprintf_nl "Socket not connected in uploading to (%s)" (clients_username c);
1564 c.client_state <- DcIdle;
1565 set_client_has_a_slot (as_client c.client_client) NoSlot;
1566 dc_disconnect_client c (Closed_for_error "No socket in upload") )
1568 module P = GuiTypes
1570 (* register client operations *)
1571 let _ =
1572 client_ops.op_client_info <- (fun c ->
1573 let name = clients_username c in
1574 let kind,total_downloaded,total_uploaded =
1575 let ip,port =
1576 (match c.client_addr with
1577 | Some (ip,port) -> ip,port
1578 | None -> Ip.null,0 )
1580 (match c.client_user with
1581 | Some user ->
1582 let kind =
1583 if (user_active user) then Known_location (ip,port)
1584 else Indirect_location (empty_string,Md4.null,ip,port)
1586 kind,user.user_downloaded,user.user_uploaded
1587 | _ ->
1588 let kind = Indirect_location (empty_string,Md4.null,ip,port) in
1589 kind,, )
1591 let software, version =
1592 match c.client_user with
1593 | Some u -> u.user_myinfo.client_brand, u.user_myinfo.version
1594 | None -> empty_string, empty_string
1596 let filename =
1597 (match c.client_file with
1598 | Some file -> file.file_name
1599 | _ -> "" )
1601 { (impl_client_info c.client_client) with
1602 P.client_network = network.network_num;
1603 P.client_kind = kind;
1604 P.client_state = client_state (as_client c.client_client);
1605 P.client_type = client_type c;
1606 P.client_name = name;
1607 P.client_num = (client_num (as_client c.client_client));
1608 P.client_connect_time = c.client_connect_time;
1609 P.client_software = software;
1610 P.client_release = version;
1611 P.client_emulemod = empty_string;
1612 P.client_session_downloaded = c.client_downloaded;
1613 P.client_session_uploaded = c.client_uploaded;
1614 P.client_total_downloaded = total_downloaded;
1615 P.client_total_uploaded = total_uploaded;
1616 P.client_upload = Some filename;
1617 P.client_sui_verified = None; (* new 2.6.5 *)
1618 (* P.client_sock_addr = ""; *)
1621 client_ops.op_client_browse <- (fun _ _ -> lprintf_nl "Received (op_client_browse)" );
1622 client_ops.op_client_can_upload <- (fun c bytes -> dc_upload c bytes );
1623 client_ops.op_client_enter_upload_queue <- (fun c ->
1624 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_upload then
1625 lprintf_nl "Client (%s) started to upload" (clients_username c);
1626 ready_for_upload (as_client c.client_client)
1630 mutable op_client_network :;
1631 mutable op_client_connect : 'a -> unit;
1632 mutable op_client_disconnect : 'a -> unit;
1633 mutable op_client_say : 'a -> string -> unit;
1634 mutable op_client_files : 'a -> (string * CommonTypes.result) list;
1635 mutable op_client_clear_files : 'a -> unit;
1636 mutable op_client_bprint : 'a -> Buffer.t -> unit;
1637 mutable op_client_dprint :
1638 'a -> CommonTypes.ui_conn -> CommonTypes.file -> unit;
1639 mutable op_client_dprint_html :
1640 'a -> CommonTypes.ui_conn -> CommonTypes.file -> string -> bool;
1641 mutable op_client_debug : 'a -> bool -> unit;