patch #7308
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / direct_connect /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Printf2
21 open CommonOptions
22 open CommonGlobals
23 open DcTypes
24 open DcGlobals
25 open TcpBufferedSocket
26 open Options
27 (*open AnyEndian*)
29 let log_prefix = "[dcPro]"
31 let lprintf_nl fmt =
32 lprintf_nl2 log_prefix fmt
34 (* Replace one string to another string from string *)
35 (*let dc_replace_str_to_str s find_str to_str =
36 if find_str = to_str then failwith "dc_replace_str_to_str find_str = to_str";
37 let flen = String.length find_str in
38 let str = ref "" in
39 let rest = ref "" in
40 let index = ref 0 in
41 let rec replace s =
42 let ok =
43 (try
44 index := String2.search_from s 0 find_str
45 with
46 | Not_found -> index := -1 );
47 if (!index = -1) then begin
48 str := !str ^ s; true
49 end else begin
50 str := !str ^ String2.before s !index ^ to_str;
51 rest := String2.after s (!index+flen);
52 false
53 end
55 if not ok then replace !rest
56 else !str
58 replace s *)
60 (* Decode chat messages *)
61 (* You can now use $ and | in the chat. *)
62 (* DC++ uses the HTML standard $ and | to replace them *)
63 let dc_decode_chat s = (* convert html characters $ to '|' and | and & from text *)
64 let s = dc_replace_str_to_str s "|" "|" in
65 let s = dc_replace_str_to_str s "$" "$" in
66 let s = dc_replace_str_to_str s "&" "&" in
69 (* Encode chat messages *)
70 let dc_encode_chat s = (* convert '|'and '$' to html characters $ and | *)
71 let s = String2.replace s '$' "$" in
72 let s = String2.replace s '|' "|" in
73 let s = String2.replace s '&' "&" in
76 (* Reuseable modules for simple commands *)
77 module Empty = functor(M: sig val msg : string end) -> struct
78 let parse s = ()
79 let print t = lprintf_nl "%s" M.msg
80 let write buf t = ()
81 end
83 module Empty2 = functor(M: sig val msg : string end) -> struct
84 let parse s = ()
85 let print t = lprintf_nl "%s" M.msg
86 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf "$%s" M.msg
87 end
89 (* DC uses 1-byte encodings *)
90 (* Probably better convert to/from utf at transport layer!? *)
92 let utf_to_dc s =
93 (* FIXME need hub-specific encodings *)
94 (* Charset.convert Charset.UTF_8 Charset.CP1252 s *)
95 try
96 Charset.convert Charset.UTF_8 (Charset.charset_from_string !!DcOptions.default_encoding) s
97 with
98 _ -> Charset.Locale.to_locale s
100 let dc_to_utf s =
102 Charset.convert (Charset.charset_from_string !!DcOptions.default_encoding) Charset.UTF_8 s
103 with
104 _ -> Charset.Locale.to_utf8 s
106 let make_name s =
107 match String2.split s '/' with
108 | ["TTH";tth] ->
109 if is_valid_tiger_hash tth then NameTTH tth else failwith "Invalid TTH"
111 | ""::path ->
112 if List.exists (function "." | ".." -> true | _ -> false) path then failwith "Invalid path" else NameShared path
114 | [file] -> NameSpecial file
115 | _ -> failwith ("Invalid name : " ^ s)
117 let show_name = function
118 (* | NameShared l -> "/" ^ String.concat "/" l *)
119 | NameSpecial s -> s
120 | NameTTH tth -> "TTH/" ^ tth
122 module SimpleCmd(M: sig val msg : string end) = struct
123 type t = string
124 let parse nick = dc_to_utf nick
125 let print t = lprintf_nl "%s (%s)" M.msg t
126 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf "$%s %s" M.msg (utf_to_dc t)
129 (*module NickAndAddr (M: sig val msg : string end) = struct
130 type t = {
131 nick : string;
132 ip : Ip.t;
133 port : int;
135 let parse s =
136 let (nick, rem) = String2.cut_at s ' ' in
137 let (ip, port) = String2.cut_at rem ':' in {
138 nick = nick;
139 ip = Ip.of_string ip;
140 port = int_of_string port;
142 let print t = lprintf_nl "%s %s %s:%d" M.msg t.nick (Ip.to_string t.ip) t.port
143 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf "$%s %s %s:%d" M.msg t.nick (Ip.to_string t.ip) t.port;
144 end *)
146 module SimpleNickList = functor (M: sig val cmd : string end) -> struct
147 type t = string list
148 let parse t =
149 let list = String2.split_simplify t '$' in
150 let list = List.rev_map (fun nick -> dc_to_utf nick) list in
151 list
152 let print t =
153 lprintf "%s list ( " M.cmd;
154 List.iter (fun s -> lprintf "%s " s) t;
155 lprintf_nl " )"
156 let write buf t =
157 Buffer.add_char buf ' ';
158 List.iter (fun nick -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s %s$$" M.cmd (utf_to_dc nick)) t
161 (* Command modules *)
163 module Adc = functor (A: sig val command : string end) -> struct
164 (* ADCSEARCH ?? -- DC++ ShareManager.cpp -> ShareManager::AdcSearch::AdcSearch *)
165 (* ADC Protocol Draft 0.12
166 GET type identifier start_pos bytes
168 Requests that a certain file or binary data be transmitted. <start_pos> counts 0 as the first byte. <bytes> may be
169 set to -1 to indicate that the sending client should fill it in with the number of bytes needed to complete the
170 file from <start_pos>. <type> is a [a-zA-Z0-9]+ string that specifies the namespace for identifier and BASE requires
171 that clients recognize the types 'file', 'tthl' and 'list'. Extensions may add to the identifier names as well as
172 add new types.
173 'file' transfers transfer the file data in binary, starting at <start_pos> and sending <bytes> bytes.
174 Identifier must be a TTH root value from the 'TTH/' root.
175 'tthl' transfers send the largest set of leaves available) as a binary stream of leaf data, right-to-left, with no
176 spacing in between them. <start_pos> must be set to 0 and <bytes> to -1 when requesting the data. <bytes> must
177 contain the total binary size of the leaf stream in SND, and by dividing this length by the individual hash length,
178 the number of leaves, and thus the leaf level can be deducted. The received leaves can then be used to reconstruct
179 the entire tree, and the resulting root must match the root of the file (this verifies the integrity of the tree
180 itself). Identifier must be a TTH root value from the 'TTH/' root.
181 'list' transfers are used for partial file lists and have a directory as identifier. <start_pos> is always 0 and
182 <bytes> contains the uncompressed length of the generated XML text in the corresponding SND. An optional flag 'RE1'
183 means that the client is requesting a recursive list and that the sending client should send the directory itself
184 and all subdirectories as well. If this is too much, the sending client may choose to send only parts. The flag
185 should be taken as a hint that the requesting client will be getting the subdirectories as well, so they might as
186 well be sent in one go. Identifier must be a directory in the unnamed root, ending (and beginning) with ‘/’. *)
188 type t = {
189 adctype : adc_type;
190 start_pos : int64;
191 bytes : int64;
192 zl : bool;
195 let parse s =
197 match String2.split s ' ' with
198 | adc_type :: ident :: start_pos :: bytes :: flags ->
200 adctype = begin match adc_type with
201 | "file" -> AdcFile (make_name ident)
202 (* | "tthl" -> AdcTthl (match name with NameTTH tth -> tth | _ -> failwith "tthl") *)
203 | "list" -> AdcList (ident, List.mem "RE1" flags)
204 (* ((match name with NameShared dir -> dir | _ -> failwith "list"), *)
205 | _ -> failwith "Unknown ADC GET type"
206 end;
207 start_pos = Int64.of_string start_pos;
208 bytes = Int64.of_string bytes;
209 zl = List.mem "ZL1" flags;
211 | _ -> failwith "Invalid ADC GET format"
212 with exn ->
213 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_upload then
214 lprintf_nl "Error in AdcGet parsing : %s" (Printexc2.to_string exn);
215 raise Not_found
217 let to_string t =
218 let adc_type,ident,flags =
219 match t.adctype with
220 (* | AdcTthl tth -> "tthl", show_name (NameTTH tth), [] *)
221 | AdcFile name -> "file", show_name name, ""
222 | AdcList (path,re) -> "list", path, " RE1"
224 let flags = if t.zl then flags ^ " ZL1" else flags in
225 Printf.sprintf "$%s %s %s %Ld %Ld%s" A.command
226 adc_type ident t.start_pos t.bytes flags
228 let print t = lprintf_nl "%s" (to_string t)
229 let write buf t = Buffer.add_string buf (to_string t)
233 module AdcGet = Adc (struct let command = "ADCGET" end)
235 module AdcSnd = Adc (struct let command = "ADCSND" end)
237 module Canceled = Empty2(struct let msg = "Canceled" end)
239 module ConnectToMe = struct
240 type t = {
241 nick : string;
242 ip : Ip.t;
243 port : int;
246 let parse s =
247 let snick, rnick, senderip =
248 match String2.split s ' ' with
249 | [ snick ; rnick ; senderip ] -> snick, rnick, senderip (* NMDC compatible clients: *)
250 | [ rnick ; senderip ] -> create_temp_nick (), rnick, senderip (* DC++, NMDC v2.205 and DC:PRO v0.2.3.97A: *)
251 | _ -> raise Not_found
253 let (ip,port) = String2.cut_at senderip ':' in {
254 nick = dc_to_utf snick;
255 ip = Ip.of_string ip;
256 port = int_of_string port;
258 let print t = lprintf_nl "$ConnectToMe %s %s:%d" t.nick (Ip.to_string t.ip) t.port
259 let write buf t =
260 Printf.bprintf buf " %s %s:%d" (utf_to_dc t.nick) (Ip.to_string t.ip) t.port;
261 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf);
265 module Direction = struct
266 type t = {
267 direction : dc_direction;
268 level : int;
270 let txt_upload = "Upload"
271 let txt_download = "Download"
273 let parse s =
274 match String2.split s ' ' with
275 | ["Download"; level] -> {
276 direction = Download (int_of_string level);
277 level = int_of_string level }
278 | ["Upload"; level] -> {
279 direction = Upload (int_of_string level);
280 level = int_of_string level }
281 | _ -> raise Not_found
283 let print t = lprintf_nl "Direction %s %d" (
284 match t.direction with
285 | Download _ -> txt_download
286 | Upload _ -> txt_upload) t.level
288 let write buf t =
289 Printf.bprintf buf "$Direction %s %d"
290 (match t.direction with
291 | Download _ -> txt_download
292 | Upload _ -> txt_upload)
293 t.level
296 module FileLength = struct
297 type t = int64
298 let parse s = Int64.of_string s
299 let print t = lprintf_nl "FileLength %Ld" t
300 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf "$FileLength %Ld" t
303 module ForceMove = SimpleCmd(struct let msg = "ForceMove" end)
305 module Get = struct
306 type t = {
307 filename : string;
308 pos : int64;
310 let parse s =
311 let len = String.length s in
312 let pos = String.rindex s '$' in {
313 filename = dc_to_utf (String.sub s 0 pos);
314 pos = Int64.of_string (String.sub s (pos+1) (len-pos-1));
316 let print t = lprintf_nl "Get [%s] %Ld" t.filename t.pos
317 let write buf t =
318 Printf.bprintf buf "$Get %s$%Ld" (utf_to_dc t.filename) t.pos;
319 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf)
322 module GetListLen = Empty2(struct let msg = "GetListLen" end)
324 module Hello = SimpleCmd(struct let msg = "Hello" end)
325 module HubName = SimpleCmd(struct let msg = "HubName" end)
327 module Key = struct
328 type t = {
329 key : string;
331 let parse key = { key = key }
332 let print t = lprintf_nl "$Key (%s)" t.key
333 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf " %s" t.key
336 module Lock = struct
337 type t = {
338 key : string;
339 info : string;
340 extended_protocol: bool;
342 let ext_txt = "EXTENDEDPROTOCOL"
343 let parse s =
344 match String2.splitn s ' ' 1 with
345 | [key; info] -> {
346 extended_protocol = (String2.string_ncmp key ext_txt (String.length ext_txt)); (* if s has ext_txt at start, return true *)
347 key = key;
348 info = info }
349 | _ -> raise Not_found
350 let print t = lprintf_nl "$Lock %s%s Pk=%s" ext_txt t.key Autoconf.current_version
351 let write buf t =
352 Printf.bprintf buf " %s%s Pk=%s" ext_txt t.key Autoconf.current_version
355 module Message = struct
356 type t = {
357 from : string;
358 message : string;
360 let parse m =
361 let l = String.length m in
362 if l > 75000 then begin
363 lprintf_nl "Overlength <Message>: (%s...%d chars)" (shorten_string m 100) l;
364 raise Not_found
365 end else begin
366 if (m.[0] = '<') then begin
367 (match String2.splitn m ' ' 1 with
368 | [from; m] ->
369 let from = String2.replace from char60 empty_string in
370 let from = String2.replace from char62 empty_string in
371 let m = dc_decode_chat m in
372 { from = dc_to_utf from; message = dc_to_utf m }
373 | _ -> raise Not_found )
374 end else begin
375 let m = dc_decode_chat m in
376 { from = "-"; message = dc_to_utf m }
379 let print t = lprintf_nl "<Message> (%s) (%s)" t.from t.message
380 let write buf t =
381 let m = utf_to_dc t.message in
382 let m = dc_encode_chat m in
383 Printf.bprintf buf "<%s> %s" (utf_to_dc t.from) m
386 module MyINFO = struct
387 let return_no_tags dest nick tag email share =
388 { (* basic info record to return as result... *)
389 (* Some hubs (Y-hub) send MyInfo without any info, so eg. we don't know users states *)
390 dest = dest;
391 nick = nick;
392 description = tag;
393 client_brand = "";
394 version = "";
395 mode = 'P';
396 hubs = (0 , 0 , 0);
397 slots = 0;
398 conn_speed = "";
399 open_upload_slot = 0;
400 flag = 1;
401 sharesize = share;
402 email = email;
403 bwlimit = 0;
405 (* ALL OpChat Operator chat - only for OPs$ $$$0$ *)
406 (* ALL nick <description>$ $<connection><flag>$<e-mail>$<sharesize>$ *)
407 (* ALL nick <McDC 0.38><++ V:0.691,M:P,H:0/0/10,S:1> *)
408 (* ALL nick $ $ $$245524999567$| Hub can send this also *)
409 (* ALL nick <StrgDC++ V:1.00 RC9,M:P,H:9/0/0,S:3>$ $DSL^A$$957396830$
411 let parse s =
412 (try
413 (match String2.split s '$' with (* divide string to list by delimiter '$' *)
414 | [] -> raise Not_found (* MyInfo basic structure was wrong *)
415 | _ :: nickdesc :: _ :: connf :: email :: share :: _ ->
416 let l = String.length connf in
417 let speed = if (l > 1) then String.sub connf 0 (l-1) else "" in (* if no conn. type, set to "" *)
418 let flag = if (l > 0) then int_of_char connf.[l-1] else 1 in (* if no flag, set to 1 (normal) *)
419 let size = (try Int64.of_string share with _ -> Int64.of_int 0) in (* if no share, set to 0 *)
421 let dest_nick,tagline =
422 (match String2.split nickdesc '<' with (* continue dividing nick and description field with '<' ... *)
423 | [ dest_nick ; tagline ] -> dest_nick , tagline
424 | [ dest_nick ; _ ; tagline] -> dest_nick , tagline
425 | [ dest_nick ] -> dest_nick , ""
426 | _ -> if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "No. of '<':s is wrong in nickdesk"; raise Not_found )
428 let dest,nick =
429 (match String2.splitn dest_nick ' ' 2 with
430 | [ dest ; nick ; _ ] -> dest, dc_to_utf nick
431 | _ -> if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "No. of ' ':s is wrong in dest_nick"; raise Not_found )
433 if tagline = "" then return_no_tags dest nick tagline email size
434 else begin
435 let tagline =
436 (match String2.split tagline '>' with (* split desc with '>' *)
437 | [tagline ; _ ] -> tagline
438 | _ -> if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "No. of '>':s is wrong in nickdesk"; raise Not_found )
440 (match String2.splitn tagline ' ' 1 with (* split desc with one ' ' *)
441 | [client ; tags] ->
442 let version = ref "" in
443 let mode = ref 'A' in
444 let hubs = ref (0 , 0 , 0) in
445 let slots = ref 0 in
446 let upload = ref 0 in
447 let bwlimit = ref 0 in
448 List.iter (fun str -> (* split tags with ',' for this iteration *)
449 let l = String.length str in
450 if (l > 2) then
451 (match str.[0] with
452 | 'v' (* GreylinkDC++ *)
453 | 'V' -> (try version := String2.after str 2 with _ -> () )
454 | 'M' -> if (str.[2] = 'P') then mode := 'P'
455 | 'H' ->
456 (match String2.split str '/' with
457 | a :: b :: c :: _ -> hubs :=
458 ( (try int_of_string (String2.after a 2) with _ -> 0 ),
459 (try int_of_string b with _ -> 0 ),
460 (try int_of_string c with _ -> 0 ) )
461 | _ -> () )
462 | 'S' -> (try slots := int_of_string (String2.after str 2) with _ -> () )
463 | 'O' -> (try upload := int_of_string (String2.after str 2) with _ -> () )
464 | 'L' | 'B' -> (try bwlimit := int_of_string (String2.after str 2) with _ -> () )
465 | _ ->
466 if !verbose_unknown_messages then
467 lprintf_nl "MyINFO: Unknown tag (%c) in (%s) (%s). Implement or fake line ?" str.[0] tagline nick )
468 ) (String2.split tags ',');
469 { (* pass this info record as result.. *)
470 dest = dest;
471 nick = nick;
472 description = tagline;
473 client_brand = client;
474 version = !version;
475 mode = !mode;
476 hubs = !hubs;
477 slots = !slots;
478 conn_speed = speed;
479 open_upload_slot = !upload;
480 flag = flag;
481 sharesize = size;
482 email = email;
483 bwlimit = !bwlimit;
485 | _ -> (* description has no ' ' separator for client and tags *)
486 if !verbose_msg_clients || !verbose_unexpected_messages then begin
487 lprintf_nl "MyINFO: No correct ' ' separator in tagline (%s)" tagline;
488 lprintf_nl "MyINFO: Whole line is: (%s)" s
489 end;
490 return_no_tags dest nick tagline email size)
492 | _ -> raise Not_found ) (* MyInfo basic structure was wrong *)
493 with _ ->
494 lprintf_nl "Error in MyInfo parsing";
495 raise Not_found )
497 let print t = lprintf_nl "$MyINFO %s %s %s %s %Ld" t.dest t.nick t.description t.conn_speed t.sharesize
498 let write buf t =
499 Printf.bprintf buf " %s %s %s$ $%s%c$%s$%Ld$"
500 t.dest (utf_to_dc t.nick) t.description t.conn_speed
501 (char_of_int t.flag) t.sharesize
504 module MyNick = SimpleCmd(struct let msg = "MyNick" end)
505 module Quit = SimpleCmd(struct let msg = "Quit" end)
506 module NickList = SimpleNickList(struct let cmd = "NickList" end)
507 module OpList = SimpleNickList(struct let cmd = "OpList" end)
509 module RevConnectToMe = struct
510 type t = {
511 dest : string;
512 orig : string;
514 let parse s =
515 let (orig , dest) = String2.cut_at s ' ' in {
516 dest = dc_to_utf dest;
517 orig = dc_to_utf orig;
519 let print t = lprintf_nl "$RevConnectToMe %s %s" t.orig t.dest
520 let write buf t =
521 Printf.bprintf buf "$RevConnectToMe %s %s" (utf_to_dc t.orig) (utf_to_dc t.dest);
522 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf)
525 module Search = struct
526 type t = {
527 passive : bool;
528 ip : string;
529 port : string;
530 nick : string;
531 sizelimit : sizelimit;
532 filetype : int;
533 words_or_tth : string;
536 (* Active user: $Search <ip>:<port> <searchstring>
537 Passive user: $Search Hub:<requestornick> <searchstring>
539 <ip> = client IP address
540 <port> = UDP port on which the client is listening for responses.
541 <requestornick> = Nick of the Passive User doing the Search.
543 <searchstring> = <sizerestricted>?<isminimumsize>?<size>?<datatype>?<searchpattern>
544 <sizerestricted> = 'T' if the search should be restricted to files of a minimum or maximum size, otherwise 'F'.
545 <isminimumsize> = 'F' if <sizerestricted> is 'F' or if the size restriction places an upper limit
546 on file size, otherwise 'T'.
547 <size> = minimum or maximum size of the file to report (according to <isminimumsize>)
548 if <sizerestricted> is 'T', otherwise 0.
549 <datatype> = restricts the search to files of a particular type. It is an integer selected from:
550 * 1 for any file type
551 * 2 for audio files ("mp3", "mp2", "wav", "au", "rm", "mid", "sm")
552 * 3 for compressed files ("zip", "arj", "rar", "lzh", "gz", "z", "arc", "pak")
553 * 4 for documents ("doc", "txt", "wri", "pdf", "ps", "tex")
554 * 5 for executables ("pm", "exe", "bat", "com")
555 * 6 for pictures ("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "pcx", "png", "wmf", "psd")
556 * 7 for video ("mpg", "mpeg", "avi", "asf", "mov")
557 * 8 for folders
558 * 9 for TTH
559 <searchpattern> = used by other users to determine if any files match. Non-alphanumeric characters
560 (including spaces and periods) are replaced by '$'.
561 Examples:
562 T?T?500000?1?Gentoo$2005
563 Hub:SomeNick T?T?500000?1?Gentoo$2005
565 let s_tth = "TTH:"
567 let parse s =
568 (try
569 let orig , search =
570 (match String2.split_simplify s ' ' with
571 | [orig ; search ] -> orig , search
572 | _ -> raise Not_found )
574 let passive , nick , ip , port =
575 (match String2.splitn orig ':' 1 with
576 | ["Hub" ; nick] ->
577 true, dc_to_utf nick, empty_string, empty_string
578 | [ip ; port] ->
579 false, empty_string, ip, port
580 | _ -> raise Not_found )
582 (match String2.splitn search '?' 4 with
583 | [has_size; size_kind; size; filetype; words] ->
584 let filetype = int_of_string filetype in
585 let words = (* strip TTH: from TTH-search or return search words *)
586 if filetype = 9 then (* TTH *)
587 dc_replace_str_to_str words s_tth empty_string (* Strip TTH: *)
588 else begin (* normal search words *)
589 let s = ref (String.copy words) in
590 String2.replace_char !s '$' ' ';
591 String.lowercase !s
594 let words = dc_to_utf words in
595 let size =
596 (match has_size, size_kind with
597 | "T", "T" -> AtMost (Int64.of_float (float_of_string size))
598 | "T", "F" -> AtLeast (Int64.of_float (float_of_string size))
599 | _ -> NoLimit )
600 in {
601 passive = passive;
602 nick = nick;
603 ip = ip;
604 port = port;
605 sizelimit = size;
606 filetype = filetype;
607 words_or_tth = words;
609 | _ -> raise Not_found )
610 with _ ->
611 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Search parsing error: (%s)" s;
612 raise Not_found )
614 let print t = lprintf_nl "$Search %s %s %d %s" t.nick t.ip t.filetype t.words_or_tth
615 let write buf t =
616 Printf.bprintf buf " %s %c?%c?%s?%d?%s"
617 (if t.passive then "Hub:" ^ (utf_to_dc t.nick) else t.ip ^ ":" ^ t.port )
618 (if t.sizelimit = NoLimit then 'F' else 'T')
619 (match t.sizelimit with
620 | AtMost _ -> 'T'
621 | _ -> 'F' )
622 (match t.sizelimit with
623 | AtMost n -> Int64.to_string n
624 | AtLeast n -> Int64.to_string n
625 | _ -> "0")
626 t.filetype
627 (let words =
628 if t.filetype = 9 then s_tth ^ t.words_or_tth (* if TTH search is wanted, send root hash *)
629 else begin
630 let s = ref (String.copy t.words_or_tth) in (* otherwise send search words *)
631 String2.replace_char !s char32 '$';
635 utf_to_dc words);
636 (*if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf)*)
639 module Send = Empty2 (struct let msg = "Send" end)
641 module SR = struct
642 type t = {
643 owner : string;
644 directory : string;
645 filename : string;
646 filesize : int64;
647 open_slots : int;
648 all_slots : int;
649 server_name : string;
650 tth : string;
651 server_ip : string;
652 server_port : string;
653 to_nick : string option;
655 let parse s =
656 (try
657 let is_dir, owner_and_filename , size_and_slots, server_info =
658 (match String2.split s char5 with
659 | [owner_and_filename; size_and_slots; server_info] -> (* result is a file *)
660 false, owner_and_filename, size_and_slots, server_info
661 | [owner_and_filename; server_info] -> (* result is a directory, currently not supported *)
662 let pos = String.rindex owner_and_filename ' ' in
663 let len = String.length owner_and_filename in
664 let size_and_slots = Printf.sprintf "0 %s"
665 (String.sub owner_and_filename (pos+1) (len - pos - 1)) in
666 let owner_and_filename = String.sub owner_and_filename 0 pos in
667 true , owner_and_filename, size_and_slots, server_info
668 | _ -> raise Not_found )
670 (match String2.splitn owner_and_filename ' ' 1 with
671 | [owner; filename_with_dir] -> (* $SR User1 mypathmotd.txt<0x05>437 3/4<0x05>Testhub (10.10.10... *)
672 let directory , filename =
673 if is_dir then filename_with_dir, "" (* if it was directory, null the filename *)
674 else begin
675 (try
676 let pos = String.rindex filename_with_dir char92 in
677 dc_to_utf (String.sub filename_with_dir 0 pos) ,
678 dc_to_utf (String2.after filename_with_dir (pos+1))
679 with _ -> "" , filename_with_dir )
682 (match String2.splitn size_and_slots ' ' 1 with (*...<0x05>437 3/4<0x05>... *)
683 | [size; slots] ->
684 (match String2.splitn slots '/' 1 with
685 | [open_slots; all_slots] ->
686 let get_server_and_tth str = (* function for separation of TTH and servername *)
687 (match String2.splitn str ':' 1 with (* the <server_name> is replaced with TTH:<tth_hash> *)
688 | ["TTH" ; tiger_root] -> tiger_root, ""
689 | [server_name] -> "", (dc_to_utf server_name)
690 | _ -> "","" )
692 let server_name, tth, ip, port =
693 (try
694 let pos = String.rindex server_info '(' in
695 let server_or_tth = String.sub server_info 0 (pos-1) in
696 let server_addr = String.sub server_info (pos+1) (String.length server_info - (pos+2)) in
697 let ip,port =
698 (match String2.split server_addr ':' with
699 | [ip ; port] -> ip, port
700 | [ip] -> ip,""
701 | _ -> "","" )
703 let tth,server_name = get_server_and_tth server_or_tth in
704 server_name,tth,ip,port
705 with _ -> (* if error above, try to find only TTH hash from start *)
706 let pos = String.index server_info '(' in
707 let server_or_tth = String.sub server_info 0 (pos-1) in
708 let tth, server_name = get_server_and_tth server_or_tth in
709 server_name, tth, "", "" )
712 owner = dc_to_utf owner;
713 directory = directory;
714 filename = filename;
715 filesize = ( try Int64.of_string size with _ -> Int64.of_int 0 );
716 open_slots = ( try int_of_string open_slots with _ -> 0 );
717 all_slots = ( try int_of_string all_slots with _ -> 0 );
718 to_nick = None; (* hubs should not send this at all *)
719 server_name = server_name;
720 tth = tth;
721 server_ip = ip;
722 server_port = port;
724 | _ -> raise Not_found )
725 | _ -> raise Not_found )
726 | _ -> raise Not_found )
727 with e ->
728 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Error in SR parsing (%s)" s;
729 raise Not_found )
731 let print t = lprintf_nl "$SR %s (%d/%d): %s %s %Ld (%s)"
732 t.owner t.open_slots t.all_slots t.filename t.filesize t.tth
733 (* opendchub-0.6.7/src/commands.c: * $SR fromnick filename\5filesize openslots/totalslots\5hubname (hubip:hubport)\5tonick| */ *)
734 let write buf t =
735 Printf.bprintf buf " %s %s\\%s%c%s %d/%d%cTTH:%s (%s:%s)"
736 (utf_to_dc t.owner)
737 (utf_to_dc
738 (utf_to_dc t.filename) char5 (Int64.to_string t.filesize)
739 t.open_slots t.all_slots char5 t.tth t.server_ip t.server_port;
740 (match t.to_nick with
741 | None -> ()
742 | Some nick -> Printf.bprintf buf "%c%s" char5 (utf_to_dc nick) );
743 (*if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf)*)
746 module Supports = struct (* Extended DC++ *)
748 let x_nogetinfo = "NoGetINFO"
749 let x_nohello = "NoHello"
750 let x_userip2 = "UserIP2"
751 let x_usercommand = "UserCommand"
752 let x_tthsearch = "TTHSearch"
753 let x_opplus = "OpPlus"
754 let x_feed = "Feed"
755 let x_mcto = "MCTo"
756 let x_hubtopic = "HubTopic"
758 let x_bzlist = "BZList"
759 let x_minislots = "MiniSlots"
760 let x_getzblock = "GetZBlock"
761 let x_xmlbzlist = "XmlBZList"
762 let x_adcget = "ADCGet"
763 let x_tthl = "TTHL"
764 let x_tthf = "TTHF"
765 let x_zlig = "ZLIG"
766 let x_clientid = "ClientID"
767 let x_chunk = "CHUNK"
768 let x_gettestzblock = "GetTestZBlock"
769 let x_getcid = "GetCID"
771 let create_supports_string t =
772 let c = ref " " in
773 let s = ref "" in
774 (match t with
775 | HubSupports t ->
776 if t.nogetinfo = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_nogetinfo;
777 if t.nohello = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_nohello;
778 if t.userip2 = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_userip2;
779 if t.usercommand = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_usercommand;
780 if t.tthsearch = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_tthsearch;
781 if t.opplus = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_opplus;
782 if t.feed = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_feed;
783 if t.mcto = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_mcto;
784 if t.hubtopic = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_hubtopic;
785 | ClientSupports t ->
786 if t.bzlist = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_bzlist;
787 if t.minislots = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_minislots;
788 if t.getzblock = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_getzblock;
789 if t.xmlbzlist = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_xmlbzlist;
790 if t.adcget = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_adcget;
791 if t.tthl = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_tthl;
792 if t.tthf = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_tthf;
793 if t.zlig = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_zlig;
794 if t.clientid = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_clientid;
795 if t.chunk = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_chunk;
796 if t.gettestzblock = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_gettestzblock;
797 if t.getcid = true then s := !s ^ !c ^ x_getcid );
800 let support_exists lst x =
801 let result = ref false in
802 let rec loop i =
803 if !result = false then
804 match i with
805 | [] -> ()
806 | hd :: tl -> (
807 if hd = x then result := true
808 else loop tl
811 loop lst;
812 !result
814 let parse source m =
815 let l = String2.split m ' ' in
816 (match source with
817 | true -> HubSupports { (* message is from server *)
818 nogetinfo = (support_exists l x_nogetinfo);
819 nohello = (support_exists l x_nohello);
820 userip2 = (support_exists l x_userip2);
821 usercommand = (support_exists l x_usercommand);
822 tthsearch = (support_exists l x_tthsearch);
823 opplus = (support_exists l x_opplus);
824 feed = (support_exists l x_feed);
825 mcto = (support_exists l x_mcto);
826 hubtopic = (support_exists l x_hubtopic);
828 | false -> ClientSupports { (* message is from client *)
829 bzlist = (support_exists l x_bzlist);
830 minislots = (support_exists l x_minislots);
831 getzblock = (support_exists l x_getzblock);
832 xmlbzlist = (support_exists l x_xmlbzlist);
833 adcget = (support_exists l x_adcget);
834 tthl = (support_exists l x_tthl);
835 tthf = (support_exists l x_tthf);
836 zlig = (support_exists l x_zlig);
837 clientid = (support_exists l x_clientid);
838 chunk = (support_exists l x_chunk);
839 gettestzblock = (support_exists l x_gettestzblock);
840 getcid = (support_exists l x_getcid);
843 let print t = lprintf_nl "$Supports%s" (create_supports_string t)
844 let write buf t = Printf.bprintf buf "$Supports%s" (create_supports_string t)
847 module To = struct
848 type t = {
849 dest : string;
850 from : string;
851 message : string;
853 let parse s =
854 if ((String.length s) > 75000) then begin
855 lprintf_nl "Overlength $To: (%s)" (shorten_string s 50);
856 raise Not_found
857 end else begin
858 (match String2.splitn s ' ' 4 with
859 | [dest ; "From:" ; from ; _ ; message] ->
860 let m =
861 let m = dc_decode_chat message in
863 in {
864 dest = dc_to_utf dest;
865 from = dc_to_utf from;
866 message = dc_to_utf m;
868 | _ -> raise Not_found )
870 let print t = lprintf_nl "$To (%s) (%s) (%s)" t.dest t.from t.message
871 let write buf t =
872 let m = dc_encode_chat t.message in
873 let from = utf_to_dc t.from in
874 Printf.bprintf buf " %s From: %s $<%s> %s"
875 (utf_to_dc t.dest) from from
876 (utf_to_dc m)
879 module UGetBlock = struct
880 type t = {
881 ufilename : string;
882 ubytes : int64;
883 upos : int64;
885 let parse s =
886 (match String2.splitn s ' ' 2 with
887 | [pos; bytes; filename ] ->
888 let filename = dc_to_utf filename in
890 ufilename = filename;
891 ubytes = Int64.of_string bytes;
892 upos = Int64.of_string pos;
894 | _ -> raise Not_found )
895 let print t = lprintf_nl "Get %Ld %Ld %s" t.upos t.ubytes t.ufilename
896 let write buf t =
897 Printf.bprintf buf "$Get %Ld$ %Ld %s" t.upos t.ubytes t.ufilename; (*UTF8*)
898 if !verbose_msg_clients then lprintf_nl "Sending: (%s)" (Buffer.contents buf)
901 module UserIP = struct
902 type t = string list
904 let parse s = String2.split_simplify s '$'
906 let parse_nameip =
907 List2.filter_map (fun s ->
908 match String2.split s ' ' with
909 | [name;addr] -> Some (dc_to_utf name, Ip.addr_of_string addr)
910 | _ -> None)
912 let print st =
913 lprintf "UserIP list (";
914 List.iter (fun s -> lprintf "%s " (dc_to_utf s)) st;
915 lprintf_nl ")"
917 let write buf st =
918 Printf.bprintf buf "$UserIP %s" (String.concat "$$" ( utf_to_dc st))
921 (* Message type definitions and basic parsing *)
922 type t =
923 | AdcGetReq of AdcGet.t
924 | AdcSndReq of AdcSnd.t
925 | BadPassReq
926 | CanceledReq
927 | ConnectToMeReq of ConnectToMe.t
928 | DirectionReq of Direction.t
929 | ErrorReq of string
930 | FailedReq of string
931 | FileLengthReq of FileLength.t
932 | ForceMoveReq of ForceMove.t
933 | GetListLenReq
934 | GetNickListReq
935 | GetPassReq
936 | GetReq of Get.t
937 | HelloReq of Hello.t
938 | HubIsFullReq
939 | HubNameReq of HubName.t
940 | HubTopicReq of string
941 | KeyReq of Key.t
942 | LockReq of Lock.t
943 | LogedInReq of string
944 | MaxedOutReq
945 | MessageReq of Message.t
946 (*| MultiConnectToMeReq of MultiConnectToMe.t*)
947 (*| MultiSearchReq of Search.t*)
948 | MyInfoReq of DcTypes.dc_myinfo
949 | MyNickReq of MyNick.t
950 | MyPassReq of string
951 | NickListReq of NickList.t
952 | OpListReq of OpList.t
953 | QuitReq of Quit.t
954 | RevConnectToMeReq of RevConnectToMe.t
955 | SearchReq of Search.t
956 | SendReq
957 | SRReq of SR.t
958 | SupportsReq of DcTypes.dc_supports
959 | ToReq of To.t
960 | UGetBlockReq of UGetBlock.t
961 | UnknownReq of string
962 | UserCommandReq
963 | UserIPReq of UserIP.t
964 | ValidateDenideReq of string
965 | ValidateNickReq of string
966 | VersionReq of string
968 (* Parse messages from a string s that "dc_handler" has sent and already separated
969 from sock.buffer with '|'. From now on, parse the actual commands that start
970 with '$' or '<'
971 source: true = server, false = client *)
972 let dc_parse source s =
973 (try
974 let ws = String2.splitn s ' ' 1 in
975 (match ws with
976 | [] -> UnknownReq "" (* ignore empty messages *)
977 | [cmd ; args] -> (* two part message - cmd and args *)
978 if (cmd.[0] = '$') then (* Commands with '$' ...*)
979 (match cmd with
980 | "$ADCGET" -> AdcGetReq (AdcGet.parse args)
981 | "$ADCSND" -> AdcSndReq (AdcSnd.parse args)
982 | "$ConnectToMe" -> ConnectToMeReq (ConnectToMe.parse args)
983 | "$Direction" -> DirectionReq (Direction.parse args)
984 | "$Error" -> ErrorReq s
985 | "$Failed" -> FailedReq s
986 | "$FileLength" -> FileLengthReq (FileLength.parse args)
987 | "$ForceMove" -> ForceMoveReq (ForceMove.parse args)
988 | "$Get" -> GetReq (Get.parse args)
989 | "$GetNickList" -> GetNickListReq
990 | "$Hello" -> HelloReq (Hello.parse args)
991 | "$HubName" -> HubNameReq (HubName.parse args)
992 | "$HubTopic" -> HubTopicReq (dc_to_utf args)
993 | "$Key" -> KeyReq (Key.parse args)
994 | "$Lock" -> LockReq (Lock.parse args)
995 | "$LogedIn" -> LogedInReq args
996 (*| "$MultiConnectToMe" -> MultiConnectToMeReq (MultiConnectToMe.parse args)*)
997 (*| "$MultiSearch" -> MultiSearchReq (Search.parse args)*)
998 | "$MyINFO" -> MyInfoReq (MyINFO.parse args)
999 | "$MyNick" -> MyNickReq (MyNick.parse args)
1000 | "$NickList" -> NickListReq (NickList.parse args)
1001 | "$OpList" -> OpListReq (OpList.parse args)
1002 | "$Quit" -> QuitReq (Quit.parse args)
1003 | "$RevConnectToMe" -> RevConnectToMeReq (RevConnectToMe.parse args)
1004 | "$Search" -> SearchReq (Search.parse args)
1005 | "$SR" -> SRReq (SR.parse args)
1006 | "$Supports" -> SupportsReq (Supports.parse source args) (* here we need the info about source type*)
1007 | "$To:" -> ToReq (To.parse args)
1008 | "$UGetBlock" -> UGetBlockReq (UGetBlock.parse args)
1009 | "$UserCommand" -> UserCommandReq
1010 | "$UserIP" -> UserIPReq (UserIP.parse args)
1011 | "$ValidateDenide" -> ValidateDenideReq args
1012 | "$Version" -> VersionReq args (* VersionReq (Version.parse args) *)
1013 | _ -> UnknownReq s )
1014 else (* all other two part messages, that don't start with '$' get type MessageReq *)
1015 MessageReq (Message.parse s)
1016 | [ cmd ] -> (* Messages with only one part *)
1017 if (cmd.[0] = '$') then
1018 (match cmd with
1019 | "$BadPass" -> BadPassReq
1020 | "$Canceled" -> CanceledReq
1021 | "$GetListLen" -> GetListLenReq
1022 | "$GetPass" -> GetPassReq
1023 | "$HubIsFull" -> HubIsFullReq
1024 | "$MaxedOut" -> MaxedOutReq
1025 | "$Send" -> SendReq
1026 | _ -> UnknownReq s )
1027 else
1028 MessageReq (Message.parse s)
1029 | _ -> UnknownReq s )
1030 with _ ->
1031 UnknownReq s )
1033 let dc_write buf m =
1034 (match m with
1035 | AdcGetReq t -> AdcGet.write buf t
1036 | AdcSndReq t -> AdcSnd.write buf t
1037 | BadPassReq -> ()
1038 | CanceledReq -> Canceled.write buf ()
1039 | ConnectToMeReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$ConnectToMe"; ConnectToMe.write buf t
1040 | DirectionReq t -> Direction.write buf t
1041 | ErrorReq s -> Printf.bprintf buf "$Error <%s>" (utf_to_dc s)
1042 | FailedReq s -> Printf.bprintf buf "$Failed <%s>" s (*UTF8*)
1043 | FileLengthReq t -> FileLength.write buf t
1044 | ForceMoveReq t -> ForceMove.write buf t
1045 | GetListLenReq -> GetListLen.write buf ()
1046 | GetNickListReq -> Buffer.add_string buf "$GetNickList"
1047 | GetPassReq -> ()
1048 | GetReq t -> Get.write buf t
1049 | HelloReq t -> Hello.write buf t
1050 | HubIsFullReq -> ()
1051 | HubNameReq t -> HubName.write buf t
1052 | HubTopicReq s -> ()
1053 | LockReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$Lock"; Lock.write buf t
1054 | LogedInReq s -> ()
1055 | KeyReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$Key"; Key.write buf t
1056 | MaxedOutReq -> Buffer.add_string buf "$MaxedOut"
1057 | MessageReq t -> Message.write buf t
1058 (*| MultiConnectToMeReq t -> MultiConnectToMe.write buf t*)
1059 (*| MultiSearchReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$MultiSearch"; Search.write buf t*)
1060 | MyInfoReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$MyINFO"; MyINFO.write buf t
1061 | MyNickReq t -> MyNick.write buf t
1062 | MyPassReq s -> Printf.bprintf buf "$MyPass %s" s
1063 | NickListReq t -> NickList.write buf t
1064 | OpListReq t -> OpList.write buf t
1065 | QuitReq t -> Quit.write buf t
1066 | RevConnectToMeReq t -> RevConnectToMe.write buf t
1067 | SearchReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$Search"; Search.write buf t
1068 | SendReq -> Send.write buf ()
1069 | SRReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$SR"; SR.write buf t
1070 | SupportsReq t -> Supports.write buf t
1071 | ToReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf "$To:"; To.write buf t
1072 | UnknownReq t -> Buffer.add_string buf t
1073 | UGetBlockReq t -> UGetBlock.write buf t
1074 | UserCommandReq -> ()
1075 | UserIPReq t -> UserIP.write buf t
1076 | ValidateNickReq s -> Printf.bprintf buf "$ValidateNick %s" s
1077 | ValidateDenideReq s -> Buffer.add_string buf s
1078 | VersionReq s -> Printf.bprintf buf "$Version %s" s )
1080 let dc_print m =
1081 (match m with
1082 | AdcGetReq t -> AdcGet.print t
1083 | AdcSndReq t -> AdcSnd.print t
1084 | BadPassReq -> lprintf_nl "$BadPass"
1085 | CanceledReq -> Canceled.print ()
1086 | ConnectToMeReq t -> ConnectToMe.print t
1087 | DirectionReq t -> Direction.print t
1088 | ErrorReq t -> lprintf_nl "$Error"
1089 | FailedReq t -> lprintf_nl "$Failed"
1090 | FileLengthReq t -> FileLength.print t
1091 | ForceMoveReq t -> ForceMove.print t
1092 | GetListLenReq -> GetListLen.print ()
1093 | GetNickListReq -> lprintf_nl "$GetNickList"
1094 | GetPassReq -> lprintf_nl "$GetPass"
1095 | GetReq t -> Get.print t
1096 | HelloReq t -> Hello.print t
1097 | HubIsFullReq -> lprintf_nl "$HubIsFull"
1098 | HubNameReq t -> HubName.print t
1099 | HubTopicReq _ -> lprintf_nl "$HubTopic"
1100 | LockReq t -> Lock.print t
1101 | LogedInReq _ -> lprintf_nl "$LogedIn"
1102 | KeyReq t -> Key.print t
1103 | MaxedOutReq -> lprintf_nl "$MaxedOut"
1104 | MessageReq t -> Message.print t
1105 (*| MultiConnectToMeReq t -> MultiConnectToMe.print t*)
1106 (*| MultiSearchReq t -> lprintf "MULTI "; Search.print t*)
1107 | MyPassReq s -> lprintf_nl "$MyPass %s" s
1108 | MyInfoReq t -> MyINFO.print t
1109 | MyNickReq t -> MyNick.print t
1110 | NickListReq t -> NickList.print t
1111 | OpListReq t -> OpList.print t
1112 | QuitReq t -> Quit.print t
1113 | RevConnectToMeReq t -> RevConnectToMe.print t
1114 | SearchReq t -> Search.print t
1115 | SendReq -> Send.print ()
1116 | SRReq t -> SR.print t
1117 | SupportsReq t -> Supports.print t
1118 | ToReq t -> To.print t
1119 | UGetBlockReq t -> UGetBlock.print t
1120 | UnknownReq s -> lprintf_nl "UnknownReq: (%s)..." s
1121 | UserCommandReq -> lprintf_nl "UserCommand"
1122 | UserIPReq st -> UserIP.print st
1123 | ValidateNickReq s -> lprintf_nl "$ValidateNick %s" s
1124 | ValidateDenideReq s -> lprintf_nl "$ValidateDenide %s" s
1125 | VersionReq s -> lprintf_nl "$Version %s" s )
1127 (* server incoming messages handler *) (* |7467673|738838383| *)
1128 let dc_handler_server f sock nread =
1129 let b = TcpBufferedSocket.buf sock in
1130 (try
1131 let rec iter nread =
1132 if nread > 0 then begin
1133 let pos = String.index_from b.buf b.pos '|' in
1134 if pos < (b.pos + b.len) then begin
1135 let len = pos - b.pos in
1136 let s = String.sub b.buf b.pos len in
1137 buf_used b (len+1);
1138 begin
1139 try f (dc_parse true s) sock
1140 with exn -> lprintf_nl "server handler %S : %s" s (Printexc2.to_string exn)
1141 end;
1142 iter b.len
1146 iter nread
1147 with Not_found -> () )
1149 (* client incoming messages handler *)
1150 let dc_handler_client c fm nm dm sock nread = (* fm = (read_first_message false) t sock *)
1151 (* nm = DcClients.client_reader c t sock *)
1152 (* dm = DcClients.client_downloaded c sock nread *)
1153 let b = TcpBufferedSocket.buf sock in
1154 (try
1155 let rec iter nread =
1156 if nread > 0 then begin
1157 (match !c with
1158 | Some c when c.client_receiving <> -> (* if we are downloading from client ...*)
1159 dm c sock nread
1160 | _ -> (* or message is a new connection ... *)
1161 let pos = String.index_from b.buf b.pos '|' in
1162 if pos < (b.pos + b.len) then begin
1163 let len = pos - b.pos in
1164 let s = String.sub b.buf b.pos len in
1165 let msg = dc_parse false s in
1166 buf_used b (len+1);
1167 begin try
1168 (match !c with
1169 | None -> c := fm msg sock (* do this only once per new non-existing client eg. we are in ACTIVE mode *)
1170 | Some c -> nm c msg sock); (* after initial connection is established *)
1171 with exn -> lprintf_nl "client handler %S : %s" s (Printexc2.to_string exn)
1172 end;
1173 iter b.len
1174 end )
1177 iter nread
1178 with Not_found ->
1179 (*lprintf_nl "Message from client cut: (%s)" (String.sub b.buf b.pos b.len);*)
1180 () )
1182 let buf = Buffer.create 100
1184 (* To servers and to clients outgoing messages *)
1185 let dc_send_msg sock m =
1186 Buffer.reset buf;
1187 dc_write buf m;
1188 Buffer.add_char buf '|';
1189 let s = Buffer.contents buf in
1190 write_string sock s