patch #7318
[mldonkey.git] / src / gtk / newgui /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 (** GUI for the lists of files. *)
22 open Printf2
23 open Options
24 open Gettext
25 open CommonTypes
26 open GuiTypes
27 open Gui_types
28 open Gui_columns
29 open GMain
31 module M = Gui_messages
32 module P = Gpattern
33 module O = Gui_options
34 module Mi = Gui_misc
35 module G = Gui_global
37 let (!!) = Options.(!!)
40 let string_color_of_state state =
41 match state with
42 | Connected_downloading _ -> M.fT_tx_downloading, Some !!O.color_downloading
43 | Connected (-1)
44 | Connected (-2) -> M.fT_tx_connected, Some !!O.color_connected
45 | Connecting -> M.fT_tx_connecting, Some !!O.color_connecting
46 | NewHost -> M.fT_tx_new_host, None
47 | Connected_initiating -> M.fT_tx_initiating, Some !!O.color_not_connected
48 | Connected 0 -> M.fT_tx_queued, Some !!O.color_connected
49 | Connected n -> Printf.sprintf Gui_messages.fT_tx_ranked n, Some !!O.color_connected
50 | ServerFull -> "", None
51 | NotConnected (_,n) ->
52 if n = -1 then
53 "", None
54 else
55 if n = 0 then
56 M.fT_tx_queued_out, Some !!O.color_not_connected
57 else
58 if n > 0 then
59 Printf.sprintf Gui_messages.fT_tx_ranked_out n, Some !!O.color_not_connected
60 else
61 Printf.sprintf Gui_messages.fT_tx_failed (- n - 1), Some !!O.color_not_connected
62 | RemovedHost -> M.fT_tx_removed, Some !!O.color_not_connected
63 | BlackListedHost -> M.fT_tx_black_listed, Some !!O.color_not_connected
65 let string_color_of_client friend_tab c =
66 match c.gclient_files with
67 Some _ when friend_tab ->
68 M.fT_tx_files_listed, Some !!O.color_files_listed
69 | _ -> string_color_of_state c.gclient_state
71 let shorten maxlen s =
72 let len = String.length s in
73 if len > maxlen then
74 (String.sub s 0 (maxlen-3)) ^ "..."
75 else if s = "" then
76 ""
77 else s
79 let state_pix state =
80 match state with
81 Connected_downloading _ -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_downloading
82 | Connecting -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_m
83 | NewHost -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_n
84 | Connected_initiating -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_m
85 | Connected n -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_y
86 | ServerFull -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_n
87 | NotConnected (_,n) -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_connect_n
88 | RemovedHost -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_removedhost
89 | BlackListedHost -> O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_blacklistedhost
91 let client_pix c =
92 state_pix c.client_state
95 let type_pix t =
96 if t land client_friend_tag <> 0 then O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_friend_user else
97 if t land client_contact_tag <> 0 then O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_contact_user else
98 O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_normal_user
101 let get_friend_pix c =
102 let pix1 = type_pix c.client_type in
103 let pix2 = client_pix c in
104 let pixmap = GDraw.pixmap ~width:32 ~height:16 ~mask:true
105 ~colormap:(Gdk.Color.get_system_colormap ()) ()
107 let mask = match pixmap#mask with Some m -> m | None -> assert false in
108 let wmask = new GDraw.drawable mask in
109 let _ = match pix1#mask with
110 Some m ->
111 let image = Gdk.Image.get m ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:16 ~height:16 in
112 let pixel = Gdk.Color.pixel (GDraw.color `BLACK) in
113 for i = 0 to 15 do
114 for j = 0 to 15 do
115 let col =
116 if Gdk.Image.get_pixel image ~x:i ~y:j = pixel then
117 `BLACK
118 else `WHITE
120 wmask#set_foreground col;
121 wmask#point ~x:i ~y:j
122 done
123 done
124 | None -> ()
126 let _ = match pix2#mask with
127 Some m ->
128 let image = Gdk.Image.get m ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:16 ~height:16 in
129 let pixel = Gdk.Color.pixel (GDraw.color `BLACK) in
130 for i = 0 to 15 do
131 for j = 0 to 15 do
132 let col =
133 if Gdk.Image.get_pixel image ~x:i ~y:j = pixel then
134 `BLACK
135 else `WHITE
137 wmask#set_foreground col;
138 wmask#point ~x:(i + 16) ~y:j
139 done
140 done
141 | None -> ()
143 pixmap#put_pixmap ~x:0 ~y:0 ~xsrc:0 ~ysrc:0 ~width:16 ~height:16 pix1#pixmap;
144 pixmap#put_pixmap ~x:16 ~y:0 ~xsrc:0 ~ysrc:0 ~width:16 ~height:16 pix2#pixmap;
145 pixmap
149 class dialog friend =
150 object (self)
151 inherit Gui_friends_base.dialog ()
153 val mutable name = friend.gclient_name
154 method name = name
155 method friend = friend
156 method num = friend.gclient_num
158 method send s =
159 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.MessageToClient (friend.gclient_num, s))
161 method handle_message mes =
162 wt_dialog#insert ~foreground: (Gui_misc.color_of_name name) name;
163 wt_dialog#insert (" : "^mes^"\n");
164 wt_dialog#set_position (wt_dialog#length - 1)
166 initializer
167 let return () =
168 let s = wt_input#get_chars 0 wt_input#length in
169 let len = String.length s in
170 let s2 =
171 if len <= 0 then s
172 else
173 match s.[0] with
174 '\n' -> String.sub s 1 (len - 1)
175 | _ -> s
177 self#send s2;
178 wt_dialog#insert
179 ~foreground: (Gui_misc.color_of_name !Gui_options.client_name)
180 !Gui_options.client_name;
181 wt_dialog#insert (" : "^s2^"\n") ;
182 wt_input#delete_text ~start: 0 ~stop: wt_input#length
185 Okey.add wt_input ~mods: [] GdkKeysyms._Return return;
186 Okey.add_list wt_input ~mods: [`CONTROL]
187 [GdkKeysyms._c; GdkKeysyms._C]
188 box#destroy;
189 Okey.add_list wt_dialog ~mods: [`CONTROL]
190 [GdkKeysyms._c; GdkKeysyms._C]
191 box#destroy;
197 class box columns friend_tab =
198 let titles = Gui_columns.Client.string_of_column !!columns in
199 object (self)
200 inherit [gui_client_info] Gpattern.filtered_plist `EXTENDED titles true (fun c -> c.gclient_num) as pl
201 inherit () as box
203 val mutable columns = columns
205 method filter = (fun _ -> false)
207 method set_list_bg bg font =
208 let wlist = self#wlist in
209 let style = wlist#misc#style#copy in
210 style#set_base [ (`NORMAL, bg)];
211 style#set_font font;
212 wlist#misc#set_style style;
213 wlist#set_row_height 18;
214 wlist#columns_autosize ()
216 method set_columns l =
217 columns <- l;
218 self#set_titles ( Gui_columns.Client.string_of_column !!columns);
219 self#update;
220 self#set_list_bg (`NAME !!O.color_list_bg)
221 (Gdk.Font.load_fontset !!O.font_list)
223 method column_menu i =
225 `I (M.mAutosize, fun _ -> self#wlist#columns_autosize ());
226 `I (M.mSort, self#resort_column i);
227 `I (M.mRemove_column,
228 (fun _ ->
229 match !!columns with
230 _ :: _ :: _ ->
231 (let l = !!columns in
232 match List2.cut i l with
233 l1, _ :: l2 ->
234 columns =:= l1 @ l2;
235 self#set_columns columns
236 | _ -> ())
239 | _ -> ()
242 `M (M.mAdd_column_after, (
243 (fun (c,s,_) ->
244 (`I (s, (fun _ ->
245 let c1, c2 = List2.cut (i+1) !!columns in
246 columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2;
247 self#set_columns columns
249 ) Gui_columns.Client.column_strings));
250 `M (M.mAdd_column_before, (
251 (fun (c,s,_) ->
252 (`I (s, (fun _ ->
253 let c1, c2 = List2.cut i !!columns in
254 columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2;
255 self#set_columns columns
257 ) Gui_columns.Client.column_strings));
260 method coerce = box#vbox#coerce
262 method compare_by_col col f1 f2 =
263 match col with
264 Col_client_name -> compare f1.gclient_name f2.gclient_name
265 | Col_client_state -> compare f1.gclient_state f2.gclient_state
266 | Col_client_kind -> compare f1.gclient_kind f2.gclient_kind
267 | Col_client_network -> compare f1.gclient_network f2.gclient_network
268 | Col_client_type -> compare f1.gclient_type f2.gclient_type
269 | Col_client_rating -> compare f1.gclient_rating f2.gclient_rating
270 | Col_client_connect_time -> compare f1.gclient_connect_time f2.gclient_connect_time
271 | Col_client_software -> compare f1.gclient_software f2.gclient_software
272 | Col_client_release -> compare f1.gclient_release f2.gclient_release
273 | Col_client_emulemod -> compare f1.gclient_emulemod f2.gclient_emulemod
274 | Col_client_downloaded -> compare f1.gclient_downloaded f2.gclient_downloaded
275 | Col_client_uploaded -> compare f1.gclient_uploaded f2.gclient_uploaded
276 | Col_client_upload -> compare f1.gclient_upload f2.gclient_upload
277 | Col_client_sock_addr -> compare f1.gclient_sock_addr f2.gclient_sock_addr
279 method compare f1 f2 =
280 let abs = if current_sort >= 0 then current_sort else - current_sort in
281 let col =
282 try List.nth !!columns (abs - 1)
283 with _ -> Col_client_name
285 let res = self#compare_by_col col f1 f2 in
286 res * current_sort
288 method content_by_col f col =
289 match col with
290 Col_client_name -> shorten !!O.max_client_name_len f.gclient_name
291 | Col_client_state -> fst (string_color_of_client friend_tab f)
292 | Col_client_type -> (let t = f.gclient_type in
293 if t land client_friend_tag <> 0 then M.fT_tx_friend else
294 if t land client_contact_tag <> 0 then M.fT_tx_contact else
295 M.fT_tx_normal)
296 | Col_client_network -> Gui_global.network_name f.gclient_network
297 | Col_client_kind -> (
298 match f.gclient_kind with
299 Known_location _ -> M.fT_tx_direct
300 | _ -> "")
301 | Col_client_rating -> string_of_int f.gclient_rating
302 | Col_client_connect_time -> Date.time_to_string (f.gclient_connect_time) "long"
303 | Col_client_software -> f.gclient_software
304 | Col_client_release -> f.gclient_release
305 | Col_client_emulemod -> f.gclient_emulemod
306 | Col_client_downloaded -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.gclient_downloaded
307 | Col_client_uploaded -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.gclient_uploaded
308 | Col_client_upload -> (match f.gclient_upload with
309 Some s -> s
310 | _ -> "")
311 | Col_client_sock_addr -> f.gclient_sock_addr
313 method content f =
314 let strings =
315 (fun col -> match col with
316 Col_client_name ->
317 (match f.gclient_pixmap with
318 Some pixmap -> P.Pixtext (self#content_by_col f col, pixmap)
319 | _ -> P.String (self#content_by_col f col))
320 | Col_client_network ->
321 (match f.gclient_net_pixmap with
322 Some pixmap -> P.Pixmap (pixmap)
323 | _ -> P.String (self#content_by_col f col))
324 | _ -> P.String (self#content_by_col f col))
325 !!columns
327 let col_opt =
328 match snd (string_color_of_client friend_tab f) with
329 None -> Some `BLACK
330 | Some c -> Some (`NAME c)
332 (strings, col_opt)
334 method find_client num = self#find num
336 method set_tb_style tb =
337 if Options.(!!) Gui_options.mini_toolbars then
338 (wtool1#misc#hide (); wtool2#misc#show ()) else
339 (wtool2#misc#hide (); wtool1#misc#show ());
340 wtool1#set_style tb;
341 wtool2#set_style tb
343 initializer
344 box#vbox#pack ~expand: true pl#box
348 let is_filtered c =
349 List.memq c.gclient_network !Gui_global.networks_filtered
351 class box_friends box_files friend_tab =
352 object (self)
353 inherit box O.friends_columns friend_tab
355 val mutable box_friends_is_visible = (false : bool)
356 val mutable icons_are_used = (!!O.use_icons : bool)
359 method filter = is_filtered
361 method filter_networks = self#refresh_filter
363 method remove () =
364 List.iter
365 (fun c -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.RemoveFriend c.gclient_num))
366 self#selection
368 method remove_all_friends () =
369 self#clear;
370 box_files#clear;
371 Gui_com.send GuiProto.RemoveAllFriends
373 method find_friend () =
374 match GToolbox.input_string (M.fT_wt_find_friend) (M.fT_lb_name)with
375 None -> ()
376 | Some s ->
377 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.FindFriend s)
379 method on_select c =
380 if c = List.hd (List.rev self#selection) then
381 match c.gclient_files with
382 None ->
383 (* lprintf "No file for friend %d" c.client_num; lprint_newline (); *)
384 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.GetClient_files c.gclient_num)
386 | Some tree ->
387 (* lprintf "%d files for friend %d" (List.length l) c.client_num;
388 lprint_newline (); *)
389 begin
390 let (row, fi) = self#find_client c.gclient_num in
391 let f = self#to_core_client fi in
392 fi.gclient_pixmap <-
393 if icons_are_used then
394 Some (get_friend_pix f)
395 else None;
396 self#update_row fi row;
397 box_files#update_tree (Some tree)
400 method on_deselect f =
401 (* Printf.printf "Gui_friends on_deselect %d\n" f.gclient_num;
402 flush stdout;*)
403 box_files#update_tree None
405 val mutable on_double_click = (fun _ -> ())
407 method set_on_double_click f = on_double_click <- f
409 method on_double_click f = on_double_click f
411 method menu =
412 match self#selection with
413 [] -> [ `I (M.fT_me_find_friend, self#find_friend) ;
414 `I (M.fT_me_remove_all_friends, self#remove_all_friends)]
415 | _ -> [ `I (M.fT_me_find_friend, self#find_friend) ;
416 `I (M.fT_me_remove, self#remove) ;
417 `I (M.fT_me_remove_all_friends, self#remove_all_friends)]
419 method to_core_client c =
421 client_num = c.gclient_num;
422 client_network = c.gclient_network;
423 client_kind = c.gclient_kind;
424 client_state = c.gclient_state;
425 client_type = c.gclient_type;
426 client_tags = c.gclient_tags;
427 client_name = c.gclient_name;
428 client_country_code = None;
429 client_rating = c.gclient_rating;
430 client_chat_port = 0;
431 client_connect_time = c.gclient_connect_time;
432 client_software = c.gclient_software;
433 client_os = None;
434 client_release = c.gclient_release;
435 client_emulemod = c.gclient_emulemod;
436 client_total_downloaded = c.gclient_downloaded;
437 client_total_uploaded = c.gclient_uploaded;
438 client_session_downloaded = 0L;
439 client_session_uploaded = 0L;
440 client_upload = c.gclient_upload;
441 client_sui_verified = None;
442 client_file_queue = [];
443 (* client_sock_addr = c.gclient_sock_addr;*)
446 method to_gui_client c =
448 gclient_num = c.client_num;
449 gclient_network = c.client_network;
450 gclient_kind = c.client_kind;
451 gclient_state = c.client_state;
452 gclient_type = c.client_type;
453 gclient_tags = c.client_tags;
454 gclient_name = c.client_name;
455 gclient_files = None;
456 gclient_rating = c.client_rating;
457 gclient_connect_time = (BasicSocket.last_time () - c.client_connect_time);
458 gclient_software = c.client_software;
459 gclient_release = c.client_release;
460 gclient_emulemod = c.client_emulemod;
461 gclient_downloaded = c.client_total_downloaded;
462 gclient_uploaded = c.client_total_uploaded;
463 gclient_upload = c.client_upload;
464 gclient_sock_addr = string_of_kind c.client_kind;
465 gclient_net_pixmap =
466 if icons_are_used then
467 Some (Gui_options.network_pix
468 (Gui_global.network_name c.client_network))
469 else None;
470 gclient_pixmap =
471 if icons_are_used then
472 Some (get_friend_pix c)
473 else None;
476 method update_friend f_new =
477 if (client_friend_tag lor client_contact_tag) land f_new.client_type = 0 then
478 self#h_remove_friend f_new.client_num
479 else
481 begin
482 let (row, f) = self#find_client f_new.client_num in
483 f.gclient_state <- f_new.client_state;
484 f.gclient_type <- f_new.client_type;
485 f.gclient_pixmap <-
486 if icons_are_used then
487 Some (get_friend_pix f_new)
488 else None;
489 f.gclient_name <- f_new.client_name;
490 f.gclient_kind <- f_new.client_kind;
491 (* added *)
492 f.gclient_tags <- f_new.client_tags;
493 f.gclient_rating <- f_new.client_rating;
494 f.gclient_connect_time <- (BasicSocket.last_time () - f_new.client_connect_time);
495 f.gclient_software <- f_new.client_software;
496 f.gclient_release <- f_new.client_release;
497 f.gclient_emulemod <- f_new.client_emulemod;
498 f.gclient_downloaded <- f_new.client_total_downloaded;
499 f.gclient_uploaded <- f_new.client_total_uploaded;
500 f.gclient_upload <- f_new.client_upload;
501 f.gclient_sock_addr <- string_of_kind f_new.client_kind;
502 if box_friends_is_visible then self#update_row f row
504 with
505 Not_found ->
506 let fi = self#to_gui_client f_new in
507 self#add_item fi
509 method is_visible b =
510 box_friends_is_visible <- b
512 method h_remove_friend num =
514 let (row, i) = self#find_client num in
515 self#remove_item row i
516 with
517 Not_found -> ()
519 method update_friend_state (num, state) =
521 let (row, fi) = self#find_client num in
522 fi.gclient_state <- state;
523 fi.gclient_pixmap <-
524 if icons_are_used then
525 Some (get_friend_pix (self#to_core_client fi))
526 else None;
527 if box_friends_is_visible then self#update_row fi row
528 with
529 Not_found -> ()
531 method update_friend_type (num, friend_kind) =
533 let (row, fi) = self#find_client num in
534 if (client_friend_tag lor client_contact_tag) land friend_kind = 0 then
535 self#h_remove_friend num
536 else begin
537 fi.gclient_type <- friend_kind;
538 fi.gclient_pixmap <-
539 if icons_are_used then
540 Some (get_friend_pix (self#to_core_client fi))
541 else None;
542 if box_friends_is_visible then self#update_row fi row
544 with
545 Not_found -> ()
547 method add_friend_files (num , dirname, file_num) =
549 let file = Hashtbl.find G.results file_num in
551 let (_, c) = self#find_client num in
553 let tree = match c.gclient_files with
554 None -> { file_tree_list = []; file_tree_name = "" }
555 | Some tree -> { tree with file_tree_list = tree.file_tree_list }
557 add_file tree dirname file;
558 c.gclient_files <- Some tree
559 with _ ->
560 (* lprintf "File already there"; lprint_newline (); *)
562 with _ ->
563 (* lprintf "Unknown client %d" num; lprint_newline (); *)
564 (* Gui_com.send (GuiProto.GetClient_info num); *)
566 with _ ->
567 (* lprintf "Unknown file %d" file_num;
568 lprint_newline (); *)
571 method update_icons b =
572 icons_are_used <- b;
573 let (f, label, step) =
574 if b then
575 ((fun c ->
576 c.gclient_net_pixmap <-
577 Some (Gui_options.network_pix
578 (Gui_global.network_name c.gclient_network));
579 c.gclient_pixmap <-
580 Some (get_friend_pix (self#to_core_client c));
581 ), M.pW_lb_friends_add_icons, 1)
582 else
583 ((fun c ->
584 c.gclient_net_pixmap <- None;
585 c.gclient_pixmap <- None;
586 ), M.pW_lb_friends_remove_icons, 1)
588 Gui_options.generate_with_progress label self#get_all_items f step
592 let is_filtered2 c l b =
593 if b
594 then begin
595 (List.memq c.gclient_network !G.networks_filtered)
596 end else begin
597 (List.memq c.gclient_network !G.networks_filtered) ||
598 (List.memq c.gclient_num l)
601 class box_list friend_tab =
602 let vbox_list = GPack.vbox () in
604 object (self)
605 inherit box O.file_locations_columns friend_tab as prebox
607 val mutable c_to_update = ([] : int list)
608 val mutable current_uploaders = ([] : int list)
609 val mutable current_pending_slots = ([] : int list)
610 val mutable show_pending_slots = (false : bool)
612 val mutable icons_are_used = (!!O.use_icons : bool)
614 method filter c = is_filtered2 c current_pending_slots show_pending_slots
616 method coerce = vbox_list#coerce
618 method add_to_friends () =
619 List.iter
620 (fun c ->
621 if c.gclient_name <> "" then
622 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.AddClientFriend c.gclient_num))
623 self#selection
625 method menu =
626 match self#selection with
627 [] -> []
628 | _ -> [ `I (M.uT_me_add_to_friends, self#add_to_friends) ]
630 method to_core_client c =
632 client_num = c.gclient_num;
633 client_network = c.gclient_network;
634 client_kind = c.gclient_kind;
635 client_state = c.gclient_state;
636 client_type = c.gclient_type;
637 client_tags = c.gclient_tags;
638 client_name = c.gclient_name;
639 client_country_code = None;
640 client_rating = c.gclient_rating;
641 client_chat_port = 0;
642 client_connect_time = c.gclient_connect_time;
643 client_software = c.gclient_software;
644 client_os = None;
645 client_release = c.gclient_release;
646 client_emulemod = c.gclient_emulemod;
647 client_total_downloaded = c.gclient_downloaded;
648 client_total_uploaded = c.gclient_uploaded;
649 client_session_downloaded = 0L;
650 client_session_uploaded = 0L;
651 client_upload = c.gclient_upload;
652 client_sui_verified = None;
653 client_file_queue = [];
654 (* client_sock_addr = string_of_kind c.gclient_kind; *)
657 method to_gui_client c =
659 gclient_num = c.client_num;
660 gclient_network = c.client_network;
661 gclient_kind = c.client_kind;
662 gclient_state = c.client_state;
663 gclient_type = c.client_type;
664 gclient_tags = c.client_tags;
665 gclient_name = c.client_name;
666 gclient_files = None;
667 gclient_rating = c.client_rating;
668 gclient_connect_time = (BasicSocket.last_time () - c.client_connect_time);
669 gclient_software = c.client_software;
670 gclient_release = c.client_release;
671 gclient_emulemod = c.client_emulemod;
672 gclient_downloaded = c.client_total_downloaded;
673 gclient_uploaded = c.client_total_uploaded;
674 gclient_upload = c.client_upload;
675 gclient_sock_addr = string_of_kind c.client_kind;
676 gclient_net_pixmap =
677 if icons_are_used then
678 Some (Gui_options.network_pix (Gui_global.network_name c.client_network))
679 else None;
680 gclient_pixmap =
681 if icons_are_used then
682 Some (type_pix c.client_type)
683 else None;
686 (* the core does not treat client_downloaded & client_uploaded changes as event
687 As a consequence to display correctly these values we need to ask the core to
688 send them again. We will fill a list of clients to be updated. This list will be
689 sent every 6 seconds *)
690 method fill_c_to_update cnum =
691 if not (List.mem cnum c_to_update) then
692 c_to_update <- cnum::c_to_update
694 method send_and_flush =
695 List.iter (fun num ->
696 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.GetClient_info num)
697 ) c_to_update;
698 c_to_update <- []
700 method update_client c_new =
701 let _ =
702 match c_new.client_state with
703 Connected_downloading _ -> self#fill_c_to_update c_new.client_num
704 | _ -> ()
706 if (List.memq c_new.client_num current_uploaders) ||
707 (List.memq c_new.client_num current_pending_slots)
708 then begin
710 let (row, c) = self#find_client c_new.client_num in
711 c.gclient_state <- c_new.client_state;
712 c.gclient_rating <- c_new.client_rating;
713 c.gclient_connect_time <- (BasicSocket.last_time () - c_new.client_connect_time);
714 c.gclient_name <- c_new.client_name;
715 c.gclient_kind <- c_new.client_kind;
716 c.gclient_tags <- c_new.client_tags;
717 c.gclient_software <- c_new.client_software;
718 c.gclient_downloaded <- c_new.client_total_downloaded;
719 c.gclient_emulemod <- c_new.client_emulemod;
720 c.gclient_uploaded <- c_new.client_total_uploaded;
721 c.gclient_upload <- c_new.client_upload;
722 c.gclient_sock_addr <- string_of_kind c_new.client_kind;
723 (if icons_are_used && (c.gclient_type <> c_new.client_type)
724 then c.gclient_pixmap <- Some (type_pix c_new.client_type));
725 c.gclient_type <- c_new.client_type;
726 self#refresh_item row c;
727 with Not_found -> (
728 let ci = self#to_gui_client c_new in
729 self#add_item ci)
730 end else begin
732 let (row, c) = self#find_client c_new.client_num in
733 self#remove_item row c
734 with _ -> ()
735 end
737 method update_client_state (num, state) =
738 let _ =
739 match state with
740 Connected_downloading _ -> self#fill_c_to_update num
741 | _ -> ()
743 if (List.memq num current_uploaders) ||
744 (List.memq num current_pending_slots)
745 then begin
747 let (row, c) = self#find_client num in
748 c.gclient_state <- state;
749 self#refresh_item row c
750 with _ -> self#fill_c_to_update num
751 end else
753 let (row, c) = self#find_client num in
754 self#remove_item row c
755 with _ -> ()
757 method update_client_type (num, friend_kind) =
759 let (row, c) = self#find_client num in
760 c.gclient_type <- friend_kind;
761 c.gclient_pixmap <-
762 if icons_are_used && (not (self#filter c)) then
763 Some (type_pix c.gclient_type)
764 else None;
765 self#refresh_item row c
767 with Not_found -> ()
769 method clean_table clients =
770 (* Printf.printf "Gui_friends Clean Table\n";
771 flush stdout; *)
772 let data = ref [] in
773 List.iter (fun (c_num :int) ->
775 let row, c = self#find_client c_num in
776 data := c :: !data
777 with _ -> ()
778 ) clients;
779 self#reset_data !data
781 method update_uploaders l =
782 current_uploaders <- l;
783 List.iter (fun n ->
784 self#fill_c_to_update n
787 method update_pending_slots l =
788 current_pending_slots <- l;
789 List.iter (fun n ->
790 self#fill_c_to_update n
793 method show_pending_slots () =
794 show_pending_slots <- not show_pending_slots;
795 let l = self#get_all_items in
796 self#reset_data l
798 method update_icons b =
799 icons_are_used <- b;
800 let (f, label, step) =
801 if b then
802 ((fun c ->
803 if (not (self#filter c)) then
804 begin
805 c.gclient_net_pixmap <-
806 Some (Gui_options.network_pix
807 (Gui_global.network_name c.gclient_network));
808 c.gclient_pixmap <-
809 Some (type_pix c.gclient_type)
811 ), M.pW_lb_uploads_add_icons, 1)
812 else
813 ((fun c ->
814 c.gclient_net_pixmap <- None;
815 c.gclient_pixmap <- None;
816 ), M.pW_lb_uploads_remove_icons, 1)
818 Gui_options.generate_with_progress label self#get_all_items f step
820 initializer
822 label#set_text ( M.sT_lb_users);
823 let style = evbox#misc#style#copy in
824 style#set_bg [ (`NORMAL, (`NAME "#494949"))];
825 evbox#misc#set_style style;
826 let style = label#misc#style#copy in
827 style#set_fg [ (`NORMAL, `WHITE)];
828 label#misc#set_style style;
830 vbox_list#pack ~expand: true prebox#coerce;
831 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.GetUploaders);
832 Gui_com.send (GuiProto.GetPending);
834 ignore(Timeout.add ~ms:6000 ~callback:(fun _ ->
835 Gui_com.send GuiProto.GetUploaders;
836 Gui_com.send GuiProto.GetPending;
837 if c_to_update <> [] then self#send_and_flush;
838 true));
840 Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2
841 ~text: (M.uT_lb_show_pending_slots)
842 ~tooltip: (M.uT_ti_show_pending_slots)
843 ~icon: (M.o_xpm_view_pending_slots)
844 ~callback: (self#show_pending_slots)
850 class pane_friends () =
851 let files = new Gui_results.box_dir_files () in
852 let friends = new box_friends files true in
853 let wnote_chat =
854 GPack.notebook ~homogeneous_tabs:false ~show_border:true
855 ~scrollable:true ~popup:false ()
857 object (self)
858 (** The list of open chat dialogs *)
859 val mutable dialogs = ([] : dialog list)
861 (** Remove the dialog with the given client num from the list of dialogs. *)
862 method remove_dialog c_num =
865 let d = List.find (fun d -> d#num = c_num) dialogs in
866 dialogs <- List.filter (fun d -> not (d#num = c_num)) dialogs;
867 let n = wnote_chat#page_num d#coerce in
868 wnote_chat#remove_page n
869 with
870 Not_found ->
874 (** Find the window and dialog with the given client. If
875 it was not found, create it and add it to the list of dialogs.*)
876 method get_dialog client =
878 let d = List.find
879 (fun d -> d#num = client.gclient_num)
880 dialogs
882 d#wt_input#misc#grab_focus ();
884 with
885 Not_found ->
886 let dialog = new dialog client in
887 let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~spacing:5 () in
888 let wl =
889 GMisc.label ~text: client.gclient_name
890 ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) ()
892 let hbox1 =
893 GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false
894 ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false) () in
895 let button = GButton.button ~packing:(hbox1#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false) () in
896 let close_pix =
897 GMisc.pixmap (O.gdk_pix M.o_xpm_mini_close_search)
898 ~packing:(button#add) ()
900 ignore (button#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun _ -> dialog#box#destroy ()));
901 wnote_chat#append_page ~tab_label: hbox#coerce dialog#coerce;
902 ignore (dialog#box#connect#destroy
903 (fun () -> dialogs <- List.filter (fun d -> not (d#num = client.gclient_num)) dialogs));
904 dialogs <- dialog :: dialogs;
905 dialog#wt_input#misc#grab_focus ();
906 dialog
908 inherit Gui_friends_base.paned ()
910 method box_friends = friends
911 method box_files = files
912 method hpaned = wpane
913 method vpaned = wpane2
915 method is_visible b = friends#is_visible b
917 method h_add_friend_files (num , dirname, file_num) =
918 friends#add_friend_files (num , dirname, file_num)
920 method h_update_friend_state (num, state) =
921 friends#update_friend_state (num, state)
923 method h_update_friend_type (num, friend_kind) =
924 friends#update_friend_type (num, friend_kind)
926 method h_update_friend c =
927 friends#update_friend c
929 method c_update_icons b =
930 friends#update_icons b ;
931 files#c_update_icons b
933 method clear =
934 files#clear ;
935 friends#clear
937 method set_tb_style tb =
938 files#set_tb_style tb ;
939 friends#set_tb_style tb
941 method set_list_bg bg font =
942 files#set_list_bg bg font;
943 friends#set_list_bg bg font
945 initializer
947 friends#set_on_double_click (fun f -> ignore (self#get_dialog f));
949 wpane#add1 friends#coerce;
950 vbox2#pack wnote_chat#coerce ~expand:true ~fill:true;
951 wpane2#add1 files#coerce;
953 let style = evbox1#misc#style#copy in
954 style#set_bg [ (`NORMAL, (`NAME "#494949"))];
955 evbox1#misc#set_style style;
956 let style = label#misc#style#copy in
957 style#set_fg [ (`NORMAL, `WHITE)];
958 label#misc#set_style style