patch #7442
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / bittorrent /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b52_simon :), b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open Int64ops
21 open Options
22 open Printf2
23 open Md4
24 open BasicSocket
26 open CommonSearch
27 open CommonGlobals
28 open CommonUser
29 open CommonClient
30 open CommonOptions
31 open CommonServer
32 open CommonResult
33 open CommonTypes
34 open CommonComplexOptions
35 open CommonFile
36 open CommonDownloads
37 open CommonShared
38 open CommonInteractive
39 open Autoconf
41 open BTTypes
42 open BTOptions
43 open BTGlobals
44 open BTComplexOptions
45 open BTProtocol
47 open Bencode
49 open Gettext
50 let _s x = _s "BTInteractive" x
51 let _b x = _b "BTInteractive" x
53 module VB = VerificationBitmap
55 let porttest_result = ref PorttestNotStarted
57 let interpret_azureus_porttest s =
58 let failure_message fmt =
59 Printf.sprintf ("Port test failure, " ^^ fmt) in
60 try
61 let value = decode s in
62 match value with
63 | Dictionary alist ->
64 (try
65 match List.assoc "result" alist with
66 | Int 1L -> "Port test OK!"
67 | Int 0L ->
68 (try
69 match List.assoc "reason" alist with
70 | String reason -> failure_message "%s" reason
71 | _ -> raise Not_found
72 with Not_found ->
73 failure_message "%s" "no reason given")
74 | Int status ->
75 failure_message "unknown status code (%Ld)" status
76 | _ -> raise Not_found
77 with Not_found ->
78 failure_message "%s" "no status given")
79 | _ ->
80 failure_message "unexpected value type %s" (Bencode.print value)
81 with _ ->
82 failure_message "%s" "broken bencoded value"
84 let interpret_utorrent_porttest s =
85 if String2.contains s "<div class=\"status-image\">OK!</div>" then
86 "Port test OK!"
87 else
88 "Port is not accessible"
90 let perform_porttests tests =
91 match tests with
92 | [] -> porttest_result := PorttestResult (last_time(), "No tests available")
93 | _ ->
94 let module H = Http_client in
95 porttest_result := PorttestInProgress (last_time ());
96 let rec loop = function
97 | [] -> ()
98 | (url,interpret)::other ->
99 let r = {
100 H.basic_request with
101 H.req_url = Url.of_string url;
102 H.req_user_agent = get_user_agent ();
103 (* no sense in using proxy anyway *)
104 (* H.req_proxy = !CommonOptions.http_proxy; *)
105 H.req_max_total_time = 45.;
106 } in
107 H.wget_string r
108 (fun s -> porttest_result := PorttestResult (last_time (), interpret s))
109 ~ferr:(fun code ->
110 porttest_result := PorttestResult (last_time (), Printf.sprintf "Remote service error (%d)" code);
111 loop other)
112 (fun _ _ -> ())
114 loop tests
116 let op_file_all_sources file =
117 let list = ref [] in
118 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ c ->
119 list := (as_client c) :: !list
120 ) file.file_clients;
121 !list
123 let op_file_active_sources file =
124 let list = ref [] in
125 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ c ->
126 let as_c = as_client c in
127 match client_state as_c with
128 Connected_downloading _ -> list := as_c :: !list
129 | _ -> ()
130 ) file.file_clients;
131 !list
133 let op_file_files file impl =
134 match file.file_swarmer with
135 None -> [CommonFile.as_file impl]
136 | Some swarmer ->
137 CommonSwarming.subfiles swarmer
139 let op_file_debug file =
140 let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
141 (* CommonSwarming.debug_print buf file.file_swarmer; *)
142 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ c ->
143 Printf.bprintf buf "Client %d: %s\n" (client_num c)
144 (match c.client_sock with
145 NoConnection -> "No Connection"
146 | Connection _ -> "Connected"
147 | ConnectionWaiting _ -> "Waiting for Connection"
149 ) file.file_clients;
150 Buffer.contents buf
152 let op_file_commit file new_name =
153 CommonSwarming.remove_swarmer file.file_swarmer;
154 file.file_swarmer <- None;
155 if file_state file <> FileShared then
156 begin
157 if not (List.mem (file.file_name, file_size file) !!old_files) then
158 old_files =:= (file.file_name, file_size file) :: !!old_files;
159 set_file_state file FileShared;
161 if Unix32.destroyed (file_fd file) then
162 if !verbose then lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "op_file_commit: FD is destroyed... repairing";
164 (* During the commit operation, for security, the file_fd is destroyed. So
165 we create it again to be able to share this file again. *)
166 set_file_fd
167 (as_file file)
168 (create_temp_file new_name ( (fun (file,size,_) -> (file,size)) file.file_files) (file_state file));
170 if Unix32.destroyed (file_fd file) then
171 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "op_file_commit: FD is destroyed... could not repair!";
173 let new_torrent_diskname =
174 Filename.concat seeded_directory
175 (Filename.basename file.file_torrent_diskname)
177 (try
178 Unix2.rename file.file_torrent_diskname new_torrent_diskname;
179 with _ ->
180 (lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "op_file_commit: failed to rename %s to %s"
181 file.file_torrent_diskname new_torrent_diskname));
182 file.file_torrent_diskname <- new_torrent_diskname;
184 (* update file_shared with new path to committed file *)
185 match file.file_shared with
186 | None -> ()
187 | Some old_impl ->
188 begin
189 let impl = {
190 impl_shared_update = 1;
191 impl_shared_fullname = file_disk_name file;
192 impl_shared_codedname = old_impl.impl_shared_codedname;
193 impl_shared_size = file_size file;
194 impl_shared_id = Md4.null;
195 impl_shared_num = 0;
196 impl_shared_uploaded = old_impl.impl_shared_uploaded;
197 impl_shared_ops = shared_ops;
198 impl_shared_val = file;
199 impl_shared_requests = old_impl.impl_shared_requests;
200 impl_shared_file = Some (as_file file);
201 impl_shared_servers = [];
202 } in
203 file.file_shared <- Some impl;
204 replace_shared old_impl impl;
206 end
208 let auto_links =
209 let re = Str.regexp_case_fold "\\(https?://[a-zA-Z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,%-]+\\)" in
210 fun s -> Str.global_replace re "\\<a href=\\\"\\1\\\"\\>\\1\\</a\\>" s
212 let op_file_print file o =
214 let buf = o.conn_buf in
215 if use_html_mods o then
216 begin
217 let emit text ?(desc=text) value =
218 Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr ());
219 html_mods_td buf [
220 (desc, "sr br", text);
221 ("", "sr", value)
225 emit (_s"Filename") file.file_name;
226 emit (_s"Hash") ~desc:(_s"Torrent metadata hash") (Sha1.to_hexa file.file_id);
227 emit (_s"Torrent search") ~desc:(_s"Search for similar torrent files") (Printf.sprintf
228 "\\<a target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\"\\\"\\>IsoHunt\\</a\\>" file.file_name);
230 let tracker_header_printed = ref false in
231 List.iter (fun tracker ->
232 let tracker_url = show_tracker_url tracker.tracker_url in
233 let tracker_text =
234 if not !!use_trackers then
235 Printf.sprintf "disabled: %s" tracker_url
236 else
237 match tracker.tracker_status with
238 | Disabled s | Disabled_mld s ->
239 Printf.sprintf "\\<font color=\\\"red\\\"\\>disabled: %s\\<br\\>\\--error: %s\\</font\\>"
240 tracker_url s
241 | Disabled_failure (i,s) ->
242 Printf.sprintf "\\<font color=\\\"red\\\"\\>disabled: %s\\<br\\>\\--error: %s (try %d)\\</font\\>"
243 tracker_url s i
244 | _ ->
245 Printf.sprintf "enabled: %s" tracker_url
247 let text = if not !tracker_header_printed then _s"Tracker(s)" else "" in
248 emit text tracker_text;
249 tracker_header_printed := true;
250 ) file.file_trackers;
252 emit (_s"Torrent filename") file.file_torrent_diskname;
253 emit (_s"Comment") (match file.file_comment with "" -> "-" | s -> auto_links s);
254 emit (_s"Created by") (match file.file_created_by with "" -> "-" | s -> auto_links s);
255 emit (_s"Creation date") (Date.to_string (Int64.to_float file.file_creation_date));
256 emit (_s"Modified by") (match file.file_modified_by with "" -> "-" | s -> auto_links s);
257 emit (_s"Encoding") (match file.file_encoding with "" -> "-" | s -> s);
258 emit (_s"Piece size") (Int64.to_string file.file_piece_size);
259 emit (_s"Private") ~desc:(_s"Private torrents get peers only via trackers")
260 (if file.file_private then _s "yes" else _s "no");
261 if !bt_dht <> None then
262 emit (_s"Last DHT announce") ~desc:(_s"Last time this torrent was announced in DHT")
263 (string_of_date file.file_last_dht_announce);
265 let rec print_first_tracker l =
266 match l with
267 | [] -> ()
268 | t :: q ->
269 if not (tracker_is_enabled t) then
270 print_first_tracker q
271 else begin
272 emit (_s"Last announce") ~desc:(_s"Last time this torrent was announced to the tracker")
273 (string_of_date t.tracker_last_conn);
275 if t.tracker_last_conn > 1 then
276 emit (_s"Next announce") ~desc:(_s"Time of the next announce to the tracker (planned)")
277 (string_of_date (t.tracker_last_conn + t.tracker_interval));
279 emit (_s"Announce interval") ~desc:(_s"Tracker announce interval")
280 (Printf.sprintf "%d seconds" t.tracker_interval);
282 emit (_s"Min announce interval") ~desc:(_s"Minimum tracker announce interval")
283 (Printf.sprintf "%d seconds" t.tracker_min_interval);
285 (* show only interesting answers*)
286 if t.tracker_torrent_downloaded > 0 then
287 emit (_s"Downloaded") (string_of_int t.tracker_torrent_downloaded);
289 if t.tracker_torrent_complete > 0 then
290 emit (_s"Seeders") ~desc:(_s"Peers that have complete download")
291 (string_of_int t.tracker_torrent_complete);
293 if t.tracker_torrent_incomplete > 0 then
294 emit (_s"Leechers") ~desc:(_s"Peers that have incomplete download")
295 (string_of_int t.tracker_torrent_incomplete);
297 if t.tracker_torrent_total_clients_count > 0 then
298 emit (_s"Peers") ~desc:(_s"Total clients count")
299 (string_of_int t.tracker_torrent_total_clients_count);
301 if t.tracker_torrent_last_dl_req > 0 then
302 emit (_s"Latest request") (Printf.sprintf "%ds" t.tracker_torrent_last_dl_req);
304 if String.length t.tracker_id > 0 then
305 emit (_s"Tracker id") t.tracker_id;
307 if String.length t.tracker_key > 0 then
308 emit (_s"Tracker key") t.tracker_key;
311 print_first_tracker file.file_trackers;
313 (* This is bad. Magic info should be automatically filled in when
314 the corresponding chunks complete. (see CommonSwarming)
316 This code only fills in the magic info for subfiles when a user
317 manually performs a "vd #". (interfaces out of sync)
319 Magic info for shared files with subfiles is missing as well?
321 if !Autoconf.magic_works then begin
322 let check_magic file =
323 match Magic.M.magic_fileinfo file false with
324 None -> None
325 | Some s -> Some (intern s)
327 let fdn = file_disk_name file in
328 let new_file_files = ref [] in
330 List.iter (fun (f, s, m) ->
331 let subfile = Filename.concat fdn f in
332 new_file_files := (f,s, check_magic subfile) :: !new_file_files;
333 ) file.file_files;
335 file.file_files <- List.rev !new_file_files;
336 file_must_update file; (* Send update to guis *)
338 end;
339 (* -- End bad -- *)
341 let cntr = ref 0 in
342 List.iter (fun (filename, size, magic) ->
343 let fs = Printf.sprintf "File %d" !cntr in
344 let magic_string =
345 match magic with
346 | None -> ""
347 | Some m -> Printf.sprintf " / %s" m;
349 emit fs (Printf.sprintf "%s (%Ld bytes)%s" filename size magic_string);
350 incr cntr;
351 ) file.file_files
352 end (* use_html_mods *)
353 else begin
355 Printf.bprintf buf "Trackers:\n";
356 List.iter (fun tracker ->
357 let tracker_url = show_tracker_url tracker.tracker_url in
358 match tracker.tracker_status with
359 | Disabled s | Disabled_mld s ->
360 Printf.bprintf buf "%s, disabled: %s\n" tracker_url s
361 | Disabled_failure (i,s) ->
362 Printf.bprintf buf "%s, disabled (try %d): %s\n" tracker_url i s
363 | _ -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" tracker_url
364 ) file.file_trackers;
365 if file.file_torrent_diskname <> "" then
366 Printf.bprintf buf "Torrent diskname: %s\n" file.file_torrent_diskname;
367 if file.file_comment <> "" then Printf.bprintf buf "Comment: %s\n" file.file_comment;
368 if file.file_created_by <> "" then Printf.bprintf buf "Created by %s\n" file.file_created_by;
369 let s = Date.to_string (Int64.to_float file.file_creation_date) in
370 if s <> "" then Printf.bprintf buf "Creation date: %s\n" s;
371 if file.file_modified_by <> "" then Printf.bprintf buf "Modified by %s\n" file.file_modified_by;
372 if file.file_encoding <> "" then Printf.bprintf buf "Encoding: %s\n" file.file_encoding;
373 if file.file_files <> [] then Printf.bprintf buf "Subfiles: %d\n" (List.length file.file_files);
374 let cntr = ref 0 in
375 List.iter (fun (filename, size, magic) ->
376 incr cntr;
377 let magic_string =
378 match magic with
379 None -> ""
380 | Some m -> Printf.sprintf " / %s" m;
382 Printf.bprintf buf "File %d: %s (%Ld bytes)%s\n" !cntr filename size magic_string
383 ) file.file_files
386 let op_file_print_sources file o =
387 let buf = o.conn_buf in
389 (* redefine functions for telnet output *)
390 let html_mods_td buf l =
391 if use_html_mods o then
392 html_mods_td buf l
393 else
394 (* List *)
395 List.iter (fun (t,c,d) ->
396 (* Title Class Value *)
397 Printf.bprintf buf "%s "
401 let html_mods_table_header buf n c l =
402 if use_html_mods o then
403 html_mods_table_header buf n c l
404 else
405 if List.length l > 0 then begin
406 Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
407 List.iter (fun (w,x,y,z) ->
408 (* Sort Class Title Value *)
409 Printf.bprintf buf "%s "
411 ) l;
412 Printf.bprintf buf "\n"
416 if Hashtbl.length file.file_clients > 0 then begin
418 let header_list = [
419 ( Num, "srh br ac", "Client number", "Num" ) ;
420 ( Str, "srh br", "Client UID", "UID" ) ;
421 ( Str, "srh br", "Client software", "Soft" ) ;
422 ( Str, "srh", "IP address", "IP address" ) ;
423 ( Num, "srh br ar", "Port", "Port" ) ;
424 ] @ (if () then [( Str, "srh br ar", "Country Code/Name", "CC" )] else []) @ [
425 ( Num, "srh ar", "Total UL bytes to this client for all files", "tUL" ) ;
426 ( Num, "srh ar br", "Total DL bytes from this client for all files", "tDL" ) ;
427 ( Num, "srh ar", "Session UL bytes to this client for all files", "sUL" ) ;
428 ( Num, "srh ar br", "Session DL bytes from this client for all files", "sDL" ) ;
429 ( Str, "srh ar", "Interested [T]rue, [F]alse", "I" ) ;
430 ( Str, "srh ar", "Choked [T]rue, [F]alse", "C" ) ;
431 ( Num, "srh br ar", "Allowed to write", "A" ) ;
432 ( Str, "srh ar", "Interesting [T]rue, [F]alse", "I" );
433 ( Str, "srh ar", "Already sent interested [T]rue, [F]alse", "A" );
434 ( Str, "srh br ar", "Already sent not interested [T]rue, [F]alse", "N" );
436 ( Str, "srh ar", "Good [T]rue, [F]alse", "G" );
437 ( Str, "srh ar", "Incoming [T]rue, [F]alse", "I" );
438 ( Str, "srh br ar", "Registered bitfield [T]rue, [F]alse", "B" );
440 ( Num, "srh ar", "Connection Time", "T" );
441 ( Str, "srh ar", "Last optimistic unchoke", "L.Opt" );
442 ( Num, "srh br ar", "Number of tries", "N" );
444 ( Str, "srh", "DHT [T]rue, [F]alse", "D" );
445 ( Str, "srh", "Cache extensions [T]rue, [F]alse", "C" );
446 ( Str, "srh", "Fast extensions [T]rue, [F]alse", "F" );
447 ( Str, "srh", "uTorrent extensions [T]rue, [F]alse", "U" );
448 ( Str, "srh br", "Azureus messaging protocol [T]rue, [F]alse", "A" );
450 ( Str, "srh", "Bitmap (absent|partial|present|verified)", (colored_chunks
451 (Array.init (String.length info.G.file_chunks)
452 (fun i -> ((int_of_char info.G.file_chunks.[i])-48)))) ) ;
454 ( Num, "srh ar", "Number of full chunks", (Printf.sprintf "%d"
455 (match file.file_swarmer with
456 | None -> 0
457 | Some swarmer ->
458 let bitmap =
459 CommonSwarming.chunks_verified_bitmap swarmer in
460 VB.fold_lefti (fun acc _ s ->
461 if s = VB.State_verified then acc + 1 else acc) 0 bitmap)))
462 ] in
464 html_mods_table_header buf "sourcesTable" "sources al" header_list;
466 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ c ->
467 let cinfo = client_info (as_client c) in
468 if use_html_mods o then
469 Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"dl-%d\\\"\\>" (html_mods_cntr());
471 let btos b = if b then "T" else "F" in
472 let cc,cn = Geoip.get_country_code_name cinfo.GuiTypes.client_country_code in
473 let td_list = [
474 ("", "sr br ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" (client_num c));
475 ("", "sr br", (Sha1.to_string c.client_uid));
476 ("", "sr br", Printf.sprintf "%s %s" (brand_to_string c.client_brand) c.client_release);
477 ("", "sr", (Ip.to_string (fst c.client_host)));
478 ("", "sr br ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" (snd c.client_host));
479 ] @ (if () then
480 [( cn, "sr br", if use_html_mods o then CommonPictures.flag_html cc else cc)]
481 else []) @ [
482 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_total_uploaded));
483 ("", "sr ar br", (size_of_int64 c.client_total_downloaded));
484 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_session_uploaded));
485 ("", "sr ar br", (size_of_int64 c.client_session_downloaded));
486 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_interested));
487 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_choked));
488 ("", "sr br ar", (Int64.to_string c.client_allowed_to_write));
489 (* This is way too slow for 1000's of chunks on a page with 100's of sources
490 ("", "sr", (CommonFile.colored_chunks (Array.init (String.length c.client_bitmap)
491 (fun i -> (if c.client_bitmap.[i] = '1' then 2 else 0)) )) );
493 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_interesting));
494 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_alrd_sent_interested));
495 ("", "br sr", (btos c.client_alrd_sent_notinterested));
497 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_good));
498 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_incoming));
499 ("", "br sr", (btos c.client_registered_bitfield));
501 ("", "sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" ((last_time () - c.client_connect_time) / 60));
502 ("", "ar sr", string_of_date c.client_last_optimist);
503 ("", "br sr", Printf.sprintf "%d" c.client_num_try);
505 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_dht));
506 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_cache_extension));
507 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_fast_extension));
508 ("", "sr", (btos c.client_utorrent_extension));
509 ("", "br sr", (btos c.client_azureus_messaging_protocol));
511 ("", "sr ar", (let fc = ref 0 in
512 (match c.client_bitmap with
513 None -> ()
514 | Some bitmap ->
515 Bitv.iter (fun s -> if s then incr fc) bitmap);
516 (Printf.sprintf "%d" !fc) ) )
517 ] in
519 html_mods_td buf td_list;
520 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</tr\\>"
521 else Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
523 ) file.file_clients;
525 if use_html_mods o then Printf.bprintf buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<br\\>"
526 else Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
530 let op_file_check file =
531 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Checking chunks of %s" file.file_name;
532 match file.file_swarmer with
533 None ->
534 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "verify_chunks: no swarmer to verify chunks"
535 | Some swarmer ->
536 CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks_immediately swarmer
538 let remove_all_clients file =
539 Hashtbl.clear file.file_clients;
540 file.file_clients_num <- 0
542 let op_file_cancel file =
543 CommonSwarming.remove_swarmer file.file_swarmer;
544 file.file_swarmer <- None;
545 BTClients.file_stop file;
546 remove_file file;
547 BTClients.disconnect_clients file;
548 remove_all_clients file;
549 if Sys.file_exists file.file_torrent_diskname then Sys.remove file.file_torrent_diskname
551 let op_ft_cancel ft =
552 Hashtbl.remove ft_by_num ft.ft_id
554 let op_ft_commit ft newname =
555 Hashtbl.remove ft_by_num ft.ft_id
557 let op_file_info file =
559 let module P = GuiTypes in
561 let last_seen = match file.file_swarmer with
562 None -> [| last_time () |]
563 | Some swarmer -> CommonSwarming.compute_last_seen swarmer in
565 { (impl_file_info file.file_file) with
567 P.file_name = file.file_name;
568 P.file_network = network.network_num;
569 P.file_chunks = (match file.file_swarmer with
570 | None -> None
571 | Some swarmer -> Some (CommonSwarming.chunks_verified_bitmap swarmer));
572 P.file_chunk_size = (match file.file_swarmer with
573 | None -> None
574 | Some t -> Some ( (fun t -> t.CommonSwarming.t_chunk_size) t.CommonSwarming.t_s.CommonSwarming.s_networks));
575 P.file_availability =
576 [network.network_num,(match file.file_swarmer with
577 None -> "" | Some swarmer ->
578 CommonSwarming.chunks_availability swarmer)];
580 P.file_chunks_age = last_seen;
581 P.file_uids = [Uid.create (BTUrl file.file_id)];
582 P.file_sub_files = file.file_files;
583 P.file_active_sources = List.length (op_file_active_sources file);
584 P.file_all_sources = (Hashtbl.length file.file_clients);
585 P.file_comment = file.file_comment;
588 let op_ft_info ft =
590 let module P = GuiTypes in
593 P.file_fields = P.Fields_file_info.all;
595 P.file_comment = file_comment (as_ft ft);
596 P.file_name = ft.ft_filename;
597 P.file_num = ft_num ft;
598 P.file_network = network.network_num;
599 P.file_names = [ft.ft_filename];
600 P.file_md4 = Md4.null;
601 P.file_size = ft_size ft;
602 P.file_downloaded = zero;
603 P.file_all_sources = 0;
604 P.file_active_sources = 0;
605 P.file_state = ft_state ft;
606 P.file_sources = None;
607 P.file_download_rate = 0.;
608 P.file_chunks = None;
609 P.file_chunk_size = None;
610 P.file_availability = [network.network_num, ""];
611 P.file_format = FormatNotComputed 0;
612 P.file_chunks_age = [| last_time () |];
613 P.file_age = 0;
614 P.file_last_seen = BasicSocket.last_time ();
615 P.file_priority = 0;
616 P.file_uids = [];
617 P.file_sub_files = [];
618 P.file_magic = None;
619 P.file_comments = [];
620 P.file_user = "";
621 P.file_group = "";
622 P.file_release = file_release (as_ft ft);
627 let load_torrent_string s user group =
628 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "load_torrent_string";
629 let file_id, torrent = BTTorrent.decode_torrent s in
631 (* Save the torrent, because we later want to put
632 it in the seeded directory. *)
633 let torrent_diskname = CommonFile.concat_file downloads_directory (torrent.torrent_name ^ ".torrent") in
634 if Sys.file_exists torrent_diskname then
635 begin
636 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "load_torrent_string: %s already exists, ignoring" torrent_diskname;
637 raise (Torrent_already_exists torrent.torrent_name)
638 end;
639 File.from_string torrent_diskname s;
641 if !verbose then
642 lprintf_nl "Starting torrent download with diskname: %s"
643 torrent_diskname;
644 let file = new_download file_id torrent torrent_diskname user group in
645 BTClients.talk_to_tracker file true;
646 CommonInteractive.start_download (file_find (file_num file));
647 file
649 let load_torrent_file filename user group =
650 if !verbose then
651 lprintf_nl "load_torrent_file %s" filename;
652 let s = File.to_string filename in
653 (* Delete the torrent if it is in the downloads dir. because it gets saved
654 again under the torrent name and we don't want to clutter up this dir. .*)
655 if Sys.file_exists filename
656 && (Filename.dirname filename) = downloads_directory then
657 Sys.remove filename;
658 ignore (load_torrent_string s user group)
661 let parse_tracker_reply file t filename =
662 (*This is the function which will be called by the http client
663 for parsing the response*)
664 (* Interested only in interval*)
665 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Filename %s" filename;
666 let tracker_reply =
668 File.to_string filename
669 with e -> lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Empty reply from tracker"; ""
671 let v =
672 match tracker_reply with
673 | "" ->
674 if !verbose_connect then
675 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Empty reply from tracker";
676 Bencode.decode ""
677 | _ -> Bencode.decode tracker_reply
679 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Received: %s" (Bencode.print v);
680 t.tracker_interval <- 600;
681 match v with
682 Dictionary list ->
683 List.iter (fun (key,value) ->
684 match (key, value) with
685 String "interval", Int n ->
686 t.tracker_interval <- Int64.to_int n;
687 if !verbose_msg_servers then lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) ".. interval %d .." t.tracker_interval
688 | String "failure reason", String failure ->
689 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Failure from Tracker in file: %s Reason: %s" file.file_name failure
690 (*TODO: merge with f from get_sources_from_tracker and parse the rest of the answer, too.
691 also connect to the sources we receive or instruct tracker to send none, perhaps based
692 on an config option. firewalled people could activate the option and then seed torrents, too.*)
693 | _ -> ()
694 ) list;
695 | _ -> assert false
698 let try_share_file torrent_diskname =
699 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "try_share_file: %s" torrent_diskname;
700 let s = File.to_string torrent_diskname in
701 let file_id, torrent = BTTorrent.decode_torrent s in
704 let filename =
705 let rec iter list =
706 match list with
707 [] -> raise Not_found
708 | sh :: tail ->
709 let s = sharing_strategy sh.shdir_strategy in
710 if match torrent.torrent_files with
711 [] -> not s.sharing_directories
712 | _ -> s.sharing_directories then
713 let filename =
714 Filename.concat sh.shdir_dirname torrent.torrent_name
716 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "Checking for %s" filename;
717 if Sys.file_exists filename then filename else
718 iter tail
719 else
720 iter tail
722 iter (shared_directories_including_user_commit ())
725 let user = CommonUserDb.admin_user () in
726 let file = new_file file_id torrent torrent_diskname
727 filename FileShared user user.user_default_group in
729 if !verbose_share then
730 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "Sharing file %s" filename;
731 BTClients.talk_to_tracker file false;
732 `Ok torrent_diskname
733 with
734 | Not_found ->
735 (* if the torrent is still there while the file is gone, remove the torrent *)
736 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "Removing torrent for %s" s;
737 let new_torrent_diskname =
738 Filename.concat old_directory
739 (Filename.basename torrent_diskname)
741 begin try
742 Unix2.rename torrent_diskname new_torrent_diskname;
743 `Ok new_torrent_diskname
744 with _ ->
745 let msg = Printf.sprintf "Failed to rename %S to %S" torrent_diskname new_torrent_diskname in
746 lprintf_nl "%s" msg;
747 `Err msg
749 | e ->
750 let msg = Printf.sprintf "Cannot share %S - exn %s" torrent_diskname (Printexc2.to_string e) in
751 lprintf_nl "%s" msg;
752 `Err msg
754 (* Call one minute after start, and then every 20 minutes. Should
755 automatically contact the tracker. *)
756 let share_files _ =
757 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "share_files";
758 List.iter (fun file ->
759 ignore (try_share_file (Filename.concat seeded_directory file))
760 ) (Unix2.list_directory seeded_directory);
761 let shared_files_copy = !current_files in
762 (* if the torrent is gone while the file is still shared, remove the share *)
763 List.iter (fun file ->
764 (* if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "Checking torrent share for %s" file.file_torrent_diskname; *)
765 if not (Sys.file_exists file.file_torrent_diskname) &&
766 file_state file = FileShared then
767 begin
768 if !verbose_share then lprintf_nl "Removing torrent share for %s" file.file_torrent_diskname;
769 BTClients.file_stop file;
770 remove_file file;
771 BTClients.disconnect_clients file;
772 remove_all_clients file;
774 ) shared_files_copy
776 (** talk_to_tracker maintains timers and will connect to trackers only when allowed by rules *)
777 let announce_shared_files () =
778 List.iter (fun file -> if file_state file = FileShared then BTClients.talk_to_tracker file false) !current_files
780 let scan_new_torrents_directory () =
781 let filenames = Unix2.list_directory new_torrents_directory in
782 List.iter (fun file ->
783 let file = Filename.concat new_torrents_directory file in
784 let file_basename = Filename.basename file in
785 if not (Unix2.is_directory file) then
787 let file_owner = fst (Unix32.owner file) in
788 let user =
790 CommonUserDb.user2_user_find file_owner
791 with Not_found -> CommonUserDb.admin_user ()
793 load_torrent_file file user user.user_default_group;
794 (try Sys.remove file with _ -> ())
795 with
796 | e ->
797 Unix2.rename file (Filename.concat old_directory file_basename);
798 lprintf_nl "Error %s in scan_new_torrents_directory for %s, moved to torrents/old ..."
799 (Printexc2.to_string e) file_basename
800 ) filenames
802 let retry_all_ft () =
803 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ ft ->
804 try ft.ft_retry ft with e ->
805 lprintf_nl "ft_retry: exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e)
806 ) ft_by_num
808 let load_torrent_from_web r user group ft =
809 let module H = Http_client in
810 H.wget r (fun filename ->
811 if ft_state ft = FileDownloading then begin
812 load_torrent_file filename user group;
813 file_cancel (as_ft ft) (CommonUserDb.admin_user ())
814 end)
816 let valid_torrent_extension url =
817 let ext = String.lowercase (Filename2.last_extension url) in
818 ext = ".torrent" || ext = ".tor"
820 let get_regexp_string text r =
821 ignore (Str.search_forward r text 0);
822 let a = Str.group_beginning 1 in
823 let b = Str.group_end 1 in
824 String.sub text a (b - a)
826 let op_network_parse_url url user group =
827 let location_regexp = "Location: \\(.*\\)" in
829 let real_url = get_regexp_string url (Str.regexp location_regexp) in
830 if (valid_torrent_extension real_url)
831 || (String2.contains url "Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent")
832 then (
833 let u = Url.of_string real_url in
834 let module H = Http_client in
835 let r = {
836 H.basic_request with
837 H.req_url = u;
838 H.req_proxy = !CommonOptions.http_proxy;
839 H.req_user_agent = get_user_agent ();
840 H.req_referer = (
841 let (rule_search,rule_value) =
842 try (List.find(fun (rule_search,rule_value) ->
843 Str.string_match (Str.regexp rule_search) real_url 0
844 ) !!referers )
845 with Not_found -> ("",real_url) in
846 Some (Url.of_string rule_value) );
847 H.req_headers = (try
848 let cookies = List.assoc u.Url.server !!cookies in
849 [ ( "Cookie", List.fold_left (fun res (key, value) ->
850 if res = "" then
851 key ^ "=" ^ value
852 else
853 res ^ "; " ^ key ^ "=" ^ value
854 ) "" cookies
856 with Not_found -> []);
857 H.req_max_retry = 10;
858 } in
860 let file_diskname = Filename.basename u.Url.short_file in
861 let ft = new_ft file_diskname user in
862 ft.ft_retry <- (load_torrent_from_web r user group);
863 load_torrent_from_web r user group ft;
864 "started download", true
866 else
867 "", false
868 with
869 | Not_found ->
870 if (valid_torrent_extension url) then
872 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "Not_found and trying to load %s" url;
874 load_torrent_file url user group;
875 "", true
876 with
877 Torrent_already_exists _ -> "A torrent with this name is already in the download queue", false
878 with e ->
879 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while 2nd loading" (Printexc2.to_string e);
880 let s = Printf.sprintf "Can not load load torrent file: %s"
881 (Printexc2.to_string e) in
882 s, false
883 else
884 begin
885 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "Not_found and url has non valid torrent extension: %s" url;
886 "Not_found and url has non valid torrent extension", false
888 | e ->
889 lprintf_nl "Exception %s while loading" (Printexc2.to_string e);
890 let s = Printf.sprintf "Can not load load torrent file: %s"
891 (Printexc2.to_string e) in
892 s, false
894 let op_client_info c =
895 check_client_country_code c;
896 let module P = GuiTypes in
897 let (ip,port) = c.client_host in
898 { (impl_client_info c.client_client) with
900 P.client_network = network.network_num;
901 P.client_kind = Known_location (ip,port);
902 P.client_country_code = c.client_country_code;
903 P.client_state = client_state (as_client c);
904 P.client_type = client_type c;
905 P.client_name = (Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" (Ip.to_string ip) port);
906 P.client_software = (brand_to_string c.client_brand);
907 P.client_release = c.client_release;
908 P.client_total_downloaded = c.client_total_downloaded;
909 P.client_total_uploaded = c.client_total_uploaded;
910 P.client_session_downloaded = c.client_session_downloaded;
911 P.client_session_uploaded = c.client_session_uploaded;
912 P.client_upload = Some (c.client_file.file_name);
913 P.client_connect_time = c.client_connect_time;
917 let op_client_connect c =
918 BTClients.connect_client c
920 let op_client_disconnect c=
921 BTClients.disconnect_client c Closed_by_user
923 let op_client_bprint c buf =
924 let cc = as_client c in
925 let cinfo = client_info cc in
926 Printf.bprintf buf "%s (%s)\n"
927 cinfo.GuiTypes.client_name
928 (Sha1.to_string c.client_uid)
930 let op_client_dprint c o file =
931 let info = file_info file in
932 let buf = o.conn_buf in
933 let cc = as_client c in
934 client_print cc o;
935 Printf.bprintf buf (_b "\n%18sDown : %-10s Uploaded: %-10s Ratio: %s%1.1f (%s)\n") ""
936 (Int64.to_string c.client_total_downloaded)
937 (Int64.to_string c.client_total_uploaded)
938 (if c.client_total_downloaded > c.client_total_uploaded then "-" else "+")
939 (if c.client_total_uploaded > then
940 Int64.to_float (c.client_total_downloaded // c.client_total_uploaded)
941 else 1.)
942 ("BT");
943 (Printf.bprintf buf (_b "%18sFile : %s\n") "" info.GuiTypes.file_name)
945 let op_client_dprint_html c o file str =
946 let info = file_info file in
947 let buf = o.conn_buf in
948 let ac = as_client c in
949 let cinfo = client_info ac in
950 Printf.bprintf buf " \\<tr onMouseOver=\\\"mOvr(this);\\\"
951 onMouseOut=\\\"mOut(this);\\\" class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>" str;
953 let show_emulemods_column = ref false in
954 if Autoconf.donkey = "yes" then begin
955 if !!emule_mods_count then
956 show_emulemods_column := true
957 end;
959 let cc,cn = Geoip.get_country_code_name cinfo.GuiTypes.client_country_code in
961 html_mods_td buf ([
962 ("", "srb ar", Printf.sprintf "%d" (client_num c));
963 ((string_of_connection_state (client_state ac)), "sr",
964 (short_string_of_connection_state (client_state ac)));
965 ((Sha1.to_string c.client_uid), "sr", cinfo.GuiTypes.client_name);
966 ("", "sr", (brand_to_string c.client_brand)); (* cinfo.GuiTypes.client_software *)
967 ("", "sr", c.client_release);
969 (if !show_emulemods_column then [("", "sr", "")] else [])
971 ("", "sr", "F");
972 ("", "sr ar", Printf.sprintf "%d"
973 (((last_time ()) - cinfo.GuiTypes.client_connect_time) / 60));
974 ("", "sr", "D");
975 ("", "sr", "N");
976 ("", "sr", (Ip.to_string (fst c.client_host)));
977 ] @ (if () then [(cn, "sr", CommonPictures.flag_html cc)] else []) @ [
978 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_total_uploaded));
979 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_total_downloaded));
980 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_session_uploaded));
981 ("", "sr ar", (size_of_int64 c.client_session_downloaded));
982 ("", "sr", info.GuiTypes.file_name); ]);
983 true
985 let op_network_connected _ = true
987 let compute_torrent filename announce comment =
988 let announce = if announce = "" then BTTracker.get_default_tracker () else announce in
989 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "compute_torrent: [%s] [%s] [%s]"
990 filename announce comment;
991 let basename = Printf.sprintf "%s.torrent" (Filename.basename filename) in
992 let torrent = Filename.concat seeded_directory basename in
993 let is_private = false in
994 let file_id = BTTorrent.generate_torrent announce torrent comment is_private filename in
995 match try_share_file torrent with
996 | `Err msg -> failwith msg
997 | `Ok torrent_path ->
998 Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) torrent_path,
999 try `Ok (BTTracker.track_torrent basename file_id) with exn -> `Err (Printexc2.to_string exn)
1001 (* let text fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> `Text s) fmt *)
1003 OCaml 3.08.3 compatibility (ksprintf not available)
1006 let text s = `Text s
1007 let link name url = `Link (name,url)
1009 let output buf typ elements =
1010 let f = match typ with
1011 | HTML | XHTML | XML ->
1012 begin function
1013 | `Text s -> Xml.buffer_escape buf s
1014 | `Link (name,url) ->
1015 Printf.bprintf buf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
1016 (Xml.escape url) (Xml.escape (match name with "" -> url | s -> s))
1017 | `Break -> Buffer.add_string buf "<br/>"
1019 | TEXT | ANSI ->
1020 begin function
1021 | `Text s -> Buffer.add_string buf s
1022 | `Link ("",url) -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s" url
1023 | `Link (name,url) -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s <%s>" name url
1024 | `Break -> Buffer.add_string buf "\n"
1027 List.iter f elements
1029 (* dirty hack *)
1030 let output o l =
1031 match o.conn_output with
1032 | ANSI | TEXT -> output o.conn_buf o.conn_output l
1033 | HTML | XHTML | XML ->
1034 let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
1035 output buf o.conn_output l;
1036 let s = Buffer.contents buf in
1037 for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
1038 begin match s.[i] with
1039 | '<' | '>' | '\\' | '"' | '&' -> Buffer.add_char o.conn_buf '\\'
1040 | _ -> () end;
1041 Buffer.add_char o.conn_buf s.[i]
1042 done
1044 let commands =
1047 "compute_torrent", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1048 output o
1049 begin try
1050 let filename = ref "" in
1051 let comment = ref "" in
1052 (match args with
1053 fname :: [comm] -> filename := fname; comment := comm
1054 | [fname] -> filename := fname
1055 | _ -> raise Not_found);
1057 let (path,url) = compute_torrent !filename "" !comment in
1059 text (Printf.sprintf "Torrent file generated : %s" path);
1060 `Break;
1061 (match url with
1062 | `Ok url -> link "Download" url
1063 | `Err s -> text (Printf.sprintf "Not tracked : %s" s));
1064 `Break
1066 with
1067 | Not_found -> [text "Not enough parameters"; `Break]
1068 | exn -> [text (Printf.sprintf "Error: %s" (Printexc2.to_string exn)); `Break]
1069 end;
1071 ), _s "<filename> [<comment>] :\tgenerate the corresponding <filename> .torrent file with <comment>.\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe file is automatically tracked if tracker is enabled and seeded if located in incoming/";
1073 "torrents", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_none (fun o ->
1074 output o
1075 begin try
1076 BTTracker.check_tracker ();
1077 let files_tracked = Unix2.list_directory tracked_directory in
1078 let files_downloading = Unix2.list_directory downloads_directory in
1079 let files_seeded = Unix2.list_directory seeded_directory in
1080 let files_old = Unix2.list_directory old_directory in
1081 let all_torrents_files = files_tracked @ files_downloading @ files_seeded @ files_old in
1083 let l = (fun file -> [link file (BTTracker.tracker_url file); `Break]) all_torrents_files in
1085 (`Text (_s ".torrent files available:")) :: `Break :: List.flatten l
1086 with
1087 exn ->
1088 [`Text (Printexc2.to_string exn); `Break]
1089 end;
1090 _s ""
1091 ), _s ":\t\t\t\tprint all .torrent files on this server";
1093 "print_torrent", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
1094 if CommonUserDb.user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
1095 let file =
1097 Some (as_file_impl (file_find (int_of_string arg)))
1098 with _ -> None
1100 match file with
1101 | None -> Printf.sprintf "file %s not found" arg
1102 | Some file ->
1104 if use_html_mods o then begin
1105 html_mods_cntr_init ();
1106 html_mods_table_header o.conn_buf "sourcesInfo" "sourcesInfo" [
1107 ( Str, "srh br", "File Info", "Info" ) ;
1108 ( Str, "srh", "Value", "Value" ) ]
1109 end;
1110 op_file_print file.impl_file_val o;
1111 if use_html_mods o then begin
1112 Printf.bprintf o.conn_buf "\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>";
1113 Printf.bprintf o.conn_buf "\\</td\\>\\</tr\\>\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\\<br\\>"
1117 end else
1118 begin print_command_result o "You are not allowed to use print_torrent";
1119 "" end
1120 ), _s "<num> :\t\t\tshow internal data of .torrent file";
1122 "seeded_torrents", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_none (fun o ->
1123 if CommonUserDb.user2_is_admin o.conn_user.ui_user then begin
1124 List.iter (fun file ->
1125 if file_state file = FileShared then
1126 Printf.bprintf o.conn_buf "%s [U %Ld u/d %Ld/%Ld]\n"
1127 file.file_name file.file_uploaded file.file_session_uploaded file.file_session_downloaded
1128 ) !current_files;
1129 _s "done"
1130 end else
1131 begin print_command_result o "You are not allowed to use seeded_torrents";
1132 "" end
1133 ), _s ":\t\t\tprint all seeded .torrent files on this server (output: name, total upload, session upload, session download)";
1135 "reshare_torrents", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_none (fun o ->
1136 share_files ();
1137 _s "done"
1138 ), _s ":\t\t\trecheck torrents/* directories for changes";
1140 "rm_old_torrents", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_none (fun o ->
1141 let files_outdated = Unix2.list_directory old_directory in
1142 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1143 if o.conn_output = HTML then begin
1144 (* TODO: really htmlize it *)
1145 Printf.bprintf buf "Removing old torrents...";
1146 List.iter (fun file ->
1147 Printf.bprintf buf "%s "
1148 file;
1149 ) files_outdated
1151 else begin
1152 Printf.bprintf buf "Removing old torrents...\n";
1153 List.iter (fun file ->
1154 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n"
1155 file
1156 ) files_outdated;
1157 end;
1158 List.iter (fun file ->
1159 Sys.remove (Filename.concat old_directory file)
1160 ) files_outdated;
1161 _s ""
1162 ), _s ":\t\t\tremove all old .torrent files";
1164 "startbt", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_one (fun url o ->
1165 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1166 if Sys.file_exists url then
1167 begin
1168 load_torrent_file url o.conn_user.ui_user o.conn_user.ui_user.user_default_group;
1169 Printf.bprintf buf "loaded file %s\n" url
1171 else
1172 begin
1173 let url = "Location: " ^ url ^ "\nContent-Type: application/x-bittorrent" in
1174 let result = fst (op_network_parse_url url o.conn_user.ui_user o.conn_user.ui_user.user_default_group) in
1175 Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" result
1176 end;
1177 _s ""
1178 ), "<url|file> :\t\t\tstart BT download";
1180 "stop_all_bt", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_none (fun o ->
1181 List.iter (fun file -> BTClients.file_stop file ) !current_files;
1182 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1183 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1184 (* TODO: really htmlize it *)
1185 Printf.bprintf buf "started sending stops..."
1186 else
1187 Printf.bprintf buf "started sending stops...\n";
1188 _s ""
1189 ), _s ":\t\t\t\tstops all bittorrent downloads, use this if you want to make sure that the stop signal actually\n\t\t\t\t\tgets to the tracker when shutting mlnet down, but you have to wait till the stops get to the\n\t\t\t\t\ttracker and not wait too long, so mldonkey reconnects to the tracker :)";
1191 "tracker", "Network/Bittorrent", Arg_multiple (fun args o ->
1193 let num = ref "" in
1194 let urls = ref [] in
1195 (match args with
1196 | nums :: [] -> raise Not_found
1197 | nums :: rest -> num := nums; urls := rest
1198 | _ -> raise Not_found);
1200 let num = int_of_string !num in
1201 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ file ->
1202 if file_num file = num then begin
1203 if !verbose then
1204 lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "adding trackers for file %i" num;
1205 set_trackers file !urls;
1206 raise Exit
1208 ) files_by_uid;
1209 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1210 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1211 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
1212 ("", "srh", "file not found"); ]
1213 else
1214 Printf.bprintf buf "file not found";
1215 _s ""
1216 with
1217 | Exit ->
1218 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1219 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1220 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
1221 ("", "srh", "tracker added"); ]
1222 else
1223 Printf.bprintf buf "tracker added";
1224 _s ""
1225 | _ ->
1226 if !verbose then
1227 lprintf_nl "Not enough or wrong parameters.";
1228 let buf = o.conn_buf in
1229 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1230 html_mods_table_one_row buf "serversTable" "servers" [
1231 ("", "srh", "Not enough or wrong parameters."); ]
1232 else
1233 Printf.bprintf buf "Not enough or wrong parameters.";
1234 _s ""
1235 ), "<num> <url> <url>... :\t\tadd URLs as trackers for num";
1237 (* TODO : add some code from make_torrent
1238 "print_torrent", Arg_one (fun filename o ->
1240 ".torrent file printed"
1241 ), "<filename.torrent> :\t\tprint the content of filename"
1246 open LittleEndian
1247 open GuiDecoding
1249 let op_gui_message s user =
1250 match get_int16 s 0 with
1251 0 ->
1252 let text = String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2) in
1253 if !verbose then lprintf_nl "received torrent from gui...";
1254 (try
1255 let file = load_torrent_string text user user.user_default_group in
1256 raise (Torrent_started file.file_name)
1257 with e -> (match e with
1258 | Torrent_already_exists s -> lprintf_nl "Loading torrent from GUI: torrent %s is already in download queue" s
1259 | _ -> ());
1260 raise e)
1261 | 1 -> (* 34+ *)
1262 let n = get_int s 2 in
1263 let a, pos = get_string s 6 in
1264 let c, pos = get_string s pos in
1265 let sf = CommonShared.shared_find n in
1266 let f = shared_fullname sf in
1267 ignore (compute_torrent f a c)
1268 | opcode -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "[BT] Unknown message opcode %d" opcode)
1270 let _ =
1272 ft_ops.op_file_cancel <- op_ft_cancel;
1273 ft_ops.op_file_commit <- op_ft_commit;
1274 ft_ops.op_file_info <- op_ft_info;
1275 ft_ops.op_file_active_sources <- (fun _ -> []);
1276 ft_ops.op_file_all_sources <- (fun _ -> []);
1278 file_ops.op_file_all_sources <- op_file_all_sources;
1279 file_ops.op_file_files <- op_file_files;
1280 file_ops.op_file_active_sources <- op_file_active_sources;
1281 file_ops.op_file_debug <- op_file_debug;
1282 file_ops.op_file_commit <- op_file_commit;
1283 file_ops.op_file_print <- op_file_print;
1284 file_ops.op_file_print_sources <- op_file_print_sources;
1285 file_ops.op_file_check <- op_file_check;
1286 file_ops.op_file_cancel <- op_file_cancel;
1287 file_ops.op_file_info <- op_file_info;
1288 file_ops.op_file_save_as <- (fun file name -> ());
1289 file_ops.op_file_shared <- (fun file ->
1290 match file.file_shared with
1291 None -> None
1292 | Some sh -> Some (as_shared sh)
1294 file_ops.op_file_download_order <- (fun file strategy ->
1295 match file.file_swarmer with
1296 | None -> None
1297 | Some s ->
1298 (match strategy with
1299 (* return current strategy *)
1300 | None -> Some (CommonSwarming.get_strategy s)
1301 | Some strategy -> CommonSwarming.set_strategy s strategy;
1302 Some (CommonSwarming.get_strategy s))
1305 network.op_network_gui_message <- op_gui_message;
1306 network.op_network_connected <- op_network_connected;
1307 network.op_network_parse_url <- op_network_parse_url;
1308 network.op_network_share <- (fun fullname codedname size -> ());
1309 network.op_network_close_search <- (fun s -> ());
1310 network.op_network_forget_search <- (fun s -> ());
1311 network.op_network_connect_servers <- (fun s -> ());
1312 network.op_network_search <- (fun ss buf -> ());
1313 network.op_network_download <- (fun r user group -> dummy_file);
1314 network.op_network_recover_temp <- (fun s -> ());
1315 let clean_exit_started = ref false in
1316 network.op_network_clean_exit <- (fun s ->
1317 if not !clean_exit_started then
1318 begin
1319 List.iter (fun file -> BTClients.file_stop file) !current_files;
1320 clean_exit_started := true;
1321 end;
1322 List.for_all (fun file -> not file.file_tracker_connected) !current_files;
1324 network.op_network_reset <- (fun _ ->
1325 List.iter (fun file -> BTClients.file_stop file) !current_files);
1326 network.op_network_ports <- (fun _ ->
1328 !!client_port, "client_port TCP";
1329 !!BTTracker.tracker_port, "tracker_port TCP";
1330 ] @ (match !bt_dht with None -> [] | Some dht -> [dht.BT_DHT.M.dht_port,"dht_port UDP"]));
1331 network.op_network_porttest_result <- (fun _ -> !porttest_result);
1332 network.op_network_porttest_start <- (fun _ ->
1333 azureus_porttest_random := ( 100000);
1334 let tests = [
1335 Printf.sprintf "" !!client_port, interpret_utorrent_porttest;
1336 Printf.sprintf ""
1337 !!client_port !azureus_porttest_random, interpret_azureus_porttest;
1338 ] in
1339 perform_porttests tests
1341 network.op_network_check_upload_slots <- (fun _ -> check_bt_uploaders ());
1342 client_ops.op_client_info <- op_client_info;
1343 client_ops.op_client_connect <- op_client_connect;
1344 client_ops.op_client_disconnect <- op_client_disconnect;
1345 client_ops.op_client_bprint <- op_client_bprint;
1346 client_ops.op_client_dprint <- op_client_dprint;
1347 client_ops.op_client_dprint_html <- op_client_dprint_html;
1348 client_ops.op_client_browse <- (fun _ _ -> ());
1349 client_ops.op_client_files <- (fun _ -> []);
1350 client_ops.op_client_clear_files <- (fun _ -> ());
1352 CommonNetwork.register_commands commands;
1354 shared_ops.op_shared_state <- (fun file o ->
1355 if o.conn_output = HTML then
1356 Printf.sprintf "\\<a href=\\\"submit?q=print_torrent+%d\\\"\\>Details\\</a\\>"
1357 (file_num file)
1358 else Printf.sprintf "Shared using %s" file.file_torrent_diskname
1360 shared_ops.op_shared_unshare <- (fun file ->
1361 (if !verbose_share then lprintf_file_nl (as_file file) "unshare file");
1362 BTGlobals.unshare_file file);
1363 shared_ops.op_shared_info <- (fun file ->
1364 let module T = GuiTypes in
1365 match file.file_shared with
1366 None -> assert false
1367 | Some impl ->
1368 { (impl_shared_info impl) with
1369 T.shared_network = network.network_num;
1370 T.shared_filename = file_best_name (as_file file);
1371 T.shared_uids = [Uid.create (Sha1 file.file_id)];
1372 T.shared_sub_files = file.file_files;