Minor renamings
[mixamesh.git] / mesh-expander.lisp
1 (in-package :mixamesh)
4 ;; -- keep track of every mesh instance ----------------------------------
6 (defparameter *meshes* (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
7 "A table of meshes.")
9 (defparameter *compiled-meshes* (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
10 "A table of compiled meshes")
12 (defparameter *bounding-boxes* (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
13 "A table of mesh bounding boxes")
16 ;; base mesh class type --------------------
18 (defclass base-mesh ()
19 ((face-array :accessor faces-of :initform (make-triangle-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) :type (vector (unsigned-byte 16) *))
20 (current-face-index :accessor current-face-index-of :initform 0 :type fixnum)
21 (current-vertex-index :accessor current-vertex-index-of :initform 0 :type fixnum)
22 (id :allocation :class :reader id-of :initform (get-universal-time)))
23 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
24 (:documentation "Base class for all meshes"))
26 (defgeneric mesh-builder (mesh op &optional data)
27 (:method ((mesh base-mesh) op &optional data)
28 (case op
29 <<<<<<< HEAD:mesh-expander.lisp
30 (:add-face (triangle-vector-push-extend (triangle data) (faces-of mesh)) (triangle-array-dimensions (faces-of mesh)))
31 (:set-face (setf (triangle-aref (faces-of mesh) (the fixnum (current-face-index-of mesh))) (triangle data)))
32 (:clear-face (setf (faces-of mesh) (make-triangle-array data :ajustable t :fill-pointer 0))))))
33 =======
34 (:face-add (triangle-vector-push-extend (triangle data) (faces-of mesh)) (triangle-array-dimensions (faces-of mesh)))
35 (:face-set (setf (triangle-aref (faces-of mesh) (the fixnum (current-face-index-of mesh))) (triangle data)))
36 (:face-clear (setf (faces-of mesh) (make-triangle-array data :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))))))
37 >>>>>>> b5f3c498389a3866bde663416b82d00cdb9a1756:mesh-expander.lisp
41 ;; mesh - building protocol --------------------
44 ;; constructor
45 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self base-mesh) &rest args)
46 (declare (ignore args))
47 ;; treat the object as a function
48 (setf (gethash (id-of self) *meshes*) self)
49 (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function
50 self
51 #'(lambda (op &optional data) (mesh-builder self op data))))
53 (defun make-mesh (mesh-type)
54 "Create a mesh instance and return the handle to it"
55 (let* ((mesh
56 (make-instance mesh-type))
57 (result
58 (id-of mesh)))
59 (incf (slot-value mesh 'id))
60 result))
63 ;; expanders for individual aspects of a mesh --------------------
65 (defun expand-mesh-class-attributes (attributes)
66 "Expand the class slot defintion of the mesh attribute"
67 (loop
68 for (array-name accessor-name type-name) in attributes
69 collect
70 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol array-name :suffix "ARRAY")
71 :accessor ,accessor-name
72 :initform (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-array-maker) 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))))
74 (defun make-accessor-symbol (sym)
75 "Given a symbol, suffix it with -OF so as to make an accessor name"
76 (cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol sym :suffix "OF"))
79 (defun expand-mesh-setters (name attributes)
80 "Expands the clauses used to set an attribute indexed by the current vertex index."
81 (declare (ignorable name))
82 (loop
83 for (array-name accessor-name type-name) in attributes
84 collect
85 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol array-name :prefix "SET" :package :keyword)
86 (setf (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref)
87 (,accessor-name mesh)
88 (the fixnum (current-vertex-index-of mesh)))
89 (the ,(cl-tuples::tuple-element-type type-name) (,type-name data))))))
91 (defun expand-mesh-adders (name attributes)
92 "Expands the clauses used to add attribute values to a mesh."
93 (declare (ignorable name))
94 (loop
95 for (array-name accessor-name type-name) in attributes
96 collect
97 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol array-name :prefix "ADD" :package :keyword)
98 (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-vector-push-extend)
99 (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-getter) data)
100 (,accessor-name mesh))
101 (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-array-dimensions) (,accessor-name mesh)))))
103 (defun expand-mesh-clearers (name attributes)
104 "Expands the clauses use to clear attribute arrays in a mesh"
105 (declare (ignorable name))
106 (loop
107 for (array-name accessor-name type-name) in attributes
108 collect
109 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol array-name :prefix "CLEAR" :package :keyword)
110 (setf (,accessor-name mesh)
111 (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-array-maker) (list data) :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))))
114 (defun expand-mesh-builder-function (name attributes)
115 "Expands the form used to deefine the function used to build the mesh"
116 `(defmethod mesh-builder ((mesh ,name) op &optional data)
117 (case op
118 ,@(expand-mesh-setters name attributes)
119 ,@(expand-mesh-clearers name attributes)
120 ,@(expand-mesh-adders name attributes)
121 (:face-index (setf (current-face-index-of mesh) data))
122 (:vertex-index (setf (current-vertex-index-of mesh) data))
123 (otherwise (call-next-method)))))
126 (defun expand-attributes-list (attributes)
127 (loop
128 for (array-name accessor-name type-name) in attributes
129 collect `(quote ,array-name)))
131 (defun expand-mesh-class (name base slots attributes)
132 "Expands the form used to declare a custom mesh class"
133 `(defclass ,name (,@base)
134 (,@slots
135 ,@(expand-mesh-class-attributes attributes)
136 (attributes :initform (list 'vertices 'faces ,@(expand-attributes-list attributes)) :reader attributes-of :allocation :class))
137 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
138 (:documentation "Custom mesh type")))
140 ;; main mesh expansion macro --------------------
142 (defmacro def-mesh-type (name base &rest spec)
143 (destructuring-bind (attributes &key (slots nil))
144 spec
145 `(progn ,(expand-mesh-class name base slots attributes)
146 ,(expand-mesh-builder-function name attributes))))