Work in progress.
[mixamesh.git] / mesh.lisp
2 (in-package :mixamesh)
4 (defparameter *meshes* (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)
5 "A table of loaded meshes to use as brushes.")
7 (unless (find-package :mesh-names)
8 (make-package :mesh-names))
10 (def-tuple-type triangle
11 :tuple-element-type (unsigned-byte 16)
12 :elements (a b c))
14 ;; mesh definitons mirror ogl definitions
17 ;; wishful
18 ;; (make-mesh-class wire-mesh
19 ;; (:attributes (:vertex vertex3d)
20 ;; (:colour color)))
22 ;; (make-mesh-class :name textured-mesh
23 ;; (:attributes (:vertex vertex3d)
24 ;; (:colour color)
25 ;; (:texcoord texcoord)))
28 (defclass mesh-base ()
29 ((vertex-index-array :accessor vertex-indices-of :documentation "Indices of triangle vertices" :initform nil)
30 (current-vertex-index :accessor current-vertex-index-of :initform 0)
31 (current-face-index :accessor current-face-index-of :initform 0))
32 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
33 (:documentation "Base mixin class for mesh"))
35 (defclass mesh (mesh-base)
36 ((vertex-array :accessor vertices-of :initform nil)
37 (current-vertex-index :accessor current-vertex-index-of :initform 0)
38 (current-face-index :accessor current-face-index-of :initform 0))
39 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
40 (:documentation "Generic mesh type"))
42 (defun expand-mesh-class-attributes (attributes)
43 (loop
44 for attrib in attributes
45 collect
46 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol (car attrib) :suffix "ARRAY")
47 :accessor ,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol (car attrib) :suffix "OF")
48 :initform nil)))
50 (defun expand-mesh-builder-setters (name attributes)
51 (loop
52 for attrib in attributes
53 collect
54 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol (car attrib) :prefix "SET" :package :keyword)
55 (setf (,(cl-tuples::tuple-symboll :def-tuple-aref)
56 (,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol (car attrib) :suffix "OF")
57 mesh)
58 (current-t-vertex-index of mesh)
59 (,(cadr attrib) data))))))
61 (defun expand-mesh-builder-adders (name attributes)
62 (loop
63 for attrib in attributes
64 collect
65 `(,(cl-tuples::make-adorned-symbol (car attrib) :prefix "ADD" :package :keyword)
68 (defun expand-mesh-builder-function (name attributes)
69 `(defmethod mesh-builder ((mesh ,name) op data)
70 (ecase op
71 (:set-face
72 (setf (triangle-aref (vertex-indices-of mesh) (current-face-index-of mesh)) (triangle data)))
79 (defmacro def-mesh-class (name &rest attributes)
80 `(defclass ,name (mesh-base)
81 (,@(expand-mesh-class-attributes attributes))
82 (:metaclass closer-mop-funcallable-standard-class)
83 (:documentation "Custom mesh type")))
85 (defgeneric make-mesh-faces (mesh triangle-data))
87 ;; mesh - building protocol
88 (defgeneric mesh-builder (mesh op data))
90 ;; constructor : TO DO -- needs keys :has-vertices :has-normals :has-vetex-indices, etc
91 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self base-mesh) &key mesh)
92 (when mesh
93 (make-mesh self (car mesh) (cdr mesh))
94 ;; treat the object as a function
95 (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function
96 self
97 #'(lambda (op data) (mesh-builder self op data)))))
100 (defclass compiled-mesh (mesh)
102 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
103 (:documentation "Optimised, unmodifiable mesh"))
105 ;; mesh building protocol
106 (defmethod mesh-builder ((mesh mesh) op data)
107 (ecase op
108 (:set-vertex
109 (setf (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of mesh) (current-vertex-index-of mesh)) (vertex3d data)))n
110 (:set-face
111 (setf (triangle-aref (vertex-indices-of mesh) (current-face-index-of mesh)) (triangle data)))
112 (:add-vertex
113 (progn
114 (vertex3d-vector-push-extend (vertex3d data) (vertices-of mesh))
115 (vertex3d-array-dimensions (vertices-of mesh))))
116 ;; (when (normals-of mesh)
117 ;; (vector3d-vector-push-extend data (normals-of mesh)))
118 ;; (when (colours-of mesh)
119 ;; (colour-vector-push-extend data (colours-of mesh)))
120 ;; (when (texcoords-of mesh)
121 ;; (vector2d-vector-push-exend data (texcoords-of mesh))))
122 (:add-triangle
123 (progn
124 (triangle-vector-push-extend (triangle data) (vertex-indices-of mesh))
125 (triangle-array-dimensions (vertex-indices-of mesh))))
127 ;; (when (normal-indices-of mesh)
128 ;; (triangle-vector-push-extend data (normal-indices-of mesh)))
129 ;; (when (colour-indices-of mesh)
130 ;; (triangle-vector-push-extend data (colour-indices-of mesh)))
131 ;; (when (colour-indices-of mesh)
132 ;; (triangle-vector-push-extend data (colour-indices-of mesh)))
133 ;; (when (texcoords-indices-of mesh)
134 ;; (triangle-vector-push-extend data (texcoord-indices-of mesh)))
135 ;; (when (face-normals-of mesh)
136 ;; (vector3d-vector-push-extend data (face-normals-of mesh)))
137 (:vertex-index (setf (current-vertex-index-of mesh) data))
138 (:face-index (setf (current-face-index-of mesh) data))))
141 ;; Topology, if we get clever.
142 ;; (defclass half-edge ()
143 ;; ((vertex-of :initform 0 :documentation "Indexes vertex of he")
144 ;; (predecessor-of :documentation "Half edge previos to this one")
145 ;; (successor-of :documentation "Half edge next to this one")
146 ;; (tri-of :documentation "Face the he belongs to"))
147 ;; (:documentation "Half edge element"))
149 ;; (:vertex () --) feeds elements into glVertex
150 ;; (:normal () --) feeds elements into glNormal
151 ;; (:colour () --) feeds elements into glColour
152 ;; (:texcoord () --) feeds elements into glTexCoord
153 ;; (:material (:ambient ) (:diffuse ) (:specular ))
154 ;; (:triangle (:vertex () () () [(:normal ( ) () )]) ;;
155 ;; -- indexes vertices by face, also other elements if present otherwise we assume they map to same indices as vertices
157 (defmethod make-mesh-faces ((self mesh) triangle-data)
158 "Fills in the index arrays in a mesh from the form supplied."
159 (destructuring-bind
160 (&key vertex normal colour texcoord)
161 triangle-data
162 (assert vertex)
163 (setf (vertex-indices-of self) (make-triangle-array (length vertex)))
164 (iterate
165 (for (a b c) in vertex)
166 (for index from 0 below (length vertex))
167 (setf (triangle-aref (vertex-indices-of self) index) (values a b c)))
168 ;; (when normal
169 ;; (assert (= (length vertex) (length normal)))
170 ;; (setf (normal-indices-of self) (make-triangle-array (length vertex)))
171 ;; (iterate
172 ;; (for (a b c) in normal)
173 ;; (for index from 0 below (length normal))
174 ;; (setf (triangle-aref (normal-indices-of self) index) (values a b c))))
175 ;; (when colour
176 ;; (assert (= (length vertex) (length colour)))
177 ;; (setf (colour-indices-of self) (make-triangle-array (length vertex)))
178 ;; (iterate
179 ;; (for (a b c) in colour)
180 ;; (for index from 0 below (length colour))
181 ;; (setf (triangle-aref (colour-indices-of self) index) (values a b c))))
182 ;; (when texcoord
183 ;; (assert (= (length vertex) (length texcoord)))
184 ;; (setf (texcoord-indices-of self) (make-triangle-array (length vertex)))
185 ;; (iterate
186 ;; (for (a b c) in texcoord)
187 ;; (for index from 0 below (length texcoord))
188 ;; (setf (triangle-aref (texcoord-indices-of self) index) (values a b c))))
191 ;; (def-tuple-op calc-face-normal
192 ;; ((vertex-a vertex3d (ax ay az aw))
193 ;; (vertex-b vertex3d (bx by bz bw))
194 ;; (vertex-c vertex3d (cx cy cz cw)))
195 ;; (vector3d-normal
196 ;; (vector3d-cross
197 ;; (delta-vector3d vertex-a vertex-b)
198 ;; (delta-vector3d vertex-a vertex-c))))
200 ;; (def-tuple-op vector3d-sum
201 ;; ((vector-a vector3d (ax ay az))
202 ;; (vector-b vector3d (bx by bz)))
203 ;; (vector3d-tuple (+ ax bx) (+ ay by) (+ az bz)))
205 (defclause-sequence in-triangles index-of-triangle
206 :access-fn 'triangle-aref
207 :size-fn 'triangle-array-dimensions
208 :sequence-type 'vector
209 :element-type '(values (unsigned-byte 16) (unsigned-byte 16) (unsigned-byte 16)))
212 (defclause-sequence in-vertices index-of-vertex
213 :access-fn 'vertex3d-aref
214 :size-fn 'vertex3d-array-dimensions
215 :sequence-type 'vector
216 :element-type '(values (unsigned-byte 16) (unsigned-byte 16) (unsigned-byte 16) (unsigned-byte 16)))
219 ;; (defmethod calc-face-normals ((self mesh))
220 ;; "Calculate the face normals of a mesh."
221 ;; (let* ((face-normals (make-vector3d-array (triangle-array-dimensions (vertex-indices-of self)))))
222 ;; (iterate
223 ;; (for (values a b c) in-triangles (vertex-indices-of self))
224 ;; (for triangle-index upfrom 0)
225 ;; (setf (vector3d-aref face-normals triangle-index)
226 ;; (calc-face-normal
227 ;; (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) a)
228 ;; (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) b)
229 ;; (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) c))))
230 ;; (setf (face-normals-of self) face-normals)))
232 ;; (defmethod calc-vertex-normals ((self mesh))
233 ;; "Calculate the vertex normals of a mesh."
234 ;; (let ((vertex-normals (make-vector3d-array (length (vertices-of self)))))
235 ;; (iterate
236 ;; (for index index-of-vertex (vertices-of self))
237 ;; (let ((normal (new-vector3d)))
238 ;; (iterate
239 ;; (for (values a b c) in-triangles (vertex-indices-of self))
240 ;; (for face-index upfrom 0)
241 ;; (when (or (= a index) (= b index) (= c index))
242 ;; (setf (vector3d normal)
243 ;; (vector3d-sum (vector3d normal)
244 ;; (vector3d-aref (face-normals-of self) face-index))))
245 ;; (setf (vector3d-aref vertex-normals index) (vertex3d normal)))))
246 ;; (setf (normals-of self) vertex-normals)))
249 (defun make-mesh (name &rest args)
250 "Create a mesh of the form (name :vertices (list of vertices) :normal (list of normals) :material (list of materials) :triangle (list of list of indices)) -- see make-mesh-triangles)"
251 (labels
252 ((record-name ()
253 (typecase name
254 (symbol (import name :mesh-names))
255 (string (intern name :mesh-names)))))
256 (let ((mesh (make-instance 'mesh))
257 (mesh-name (record-name)))
258 (destructuring-bind
259 (&key vertices normals colours texcoords material indices)
260 args
261 (setf (vertices-of mesh)
262 (make-vertex3d-array (length vertices)))
263 (iterate
264 (for (x y z) in vertices)
265 (for index from 0 below (length vertices))
266 (setf (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of mesh) index) (values x y z 1.0)))
267 ;; (when normals
268 ;; (setf (normals-of mesh)
269 ;; (make-vector3d-array (length normals)))
270 ;; (iterate
271 ;; (for (x y z) in normals)
272 ;; (for i from 0 below (length normals))
273 ;; (setf (vector3d-aref (normals-of mesh) i) (values x y z))))
274 ;; (when colours
275 ;; (setf (colours-of mesh)
276 ;; (make-colour-array (length colours)))
277 ;; (iterate
278 ;; (for (r g b) in colours)
279 ;; (for i from 0 below (length colours))
280 ;; (setf (vector3d-aref (colours-of mesh) i) (values r g b))))
281 ;; (when texcoords
282 ;; (setf (texcoords-of mesh)
283 ;; (make-vector2d-array (length texcoords)))
284 ;; (iterate
285 ;; (for (u v) in texcoords)
286 ;; (for i from 0 below (length vertices))
287 ;; (setf (vector2d-aref (texcoords-of mesh) i) (values u v))))
288 (when indices
289 (make-mesh-faces mesh indices))
290 ;; (unless normals
291 ;; (setf (normals-of mesh)
292 ;; (make-vector3d-array (length vertices)))))
293 (setf (gethash mesh-name *meshes*) mesh)
294 mesh-name))))
298 ;; mesh geometry calculation ---------------------------------------------
300 (defmethod box-of ((self mesh))
301 "Return a bounding box for the mesh."
302 (let ((maxx most-negative-single-float)
303 (minx most-positive-single-float)
304 (maxy most-negative-single-float)
305 (miny most-positive-single-float)
306 (maxz most-negative-single-float)
307 (minz most-positive-single-float))
308 (iterate
309 (for index index-of-vertex (vertices-of self))
310 (with-vertex3d
311 (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) index)
312 (x y z w)
313 (cond
314 ((< x minx) (setf minx x))
315 ((> x maxx) (setf maxx x))
316 ((< y miny) (setf miny y))
317 ((> y maxy) (setf maxy y))
318 ((< z minz) (setf minz z))
319 ((< z minz) (setf minz z)))))
320 (values minx maxx miny maxy minz maxz)))
322 (defmethod normalize-scale ((self mesh))
323 "Rescale geometry to fit into a 1:1:1 bounding box"
324 (multiple-value-bind
325 (minx maxx miny maxy minz maxz)
326 (box-of self)
327 (let ((dx (- maxx minx))
328 (dy (- maxy miny))
329 (dz (- maxz minz))
330 (scale))
331 (cond
332 ((and (> dx dz) (> dx dy))
333 ;; dx is largest dimension
334 (setf scale (/ 1 (- maxx minx))))
335 ;; dy is largest dimension
336 ((and (> dy dz) (> dy dx))
337 (setf scale (/ 1 (- maxy miny))))
338 ;; dz is largest dimension
339 ((and (> dz dy) (> dz dx))
340 (setf scale (/ 1 (- maxy miny)))))
341 (iterate
342 (for index index-of-vertex (vertices-of self))
343 (with-vertex3d
344 (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) index)
345 (x y z)
346 (setf (vertex3d-aref (vertices-of self) index) (vertex3d-tuple (* x scale) (* y scale) (* z scale) 1.0)))))))
349 (defmethod stripify ((self mesh))
350 "Stripify mesh")
352 (defmethod decompilation ((self compiled-mesh))
353 "Create a modifiable mesh from a compiled mesh")
355 (defmethod compilation ((self mesh))
356 "Given a mesh return a compiled mesh, which is a non-modifiable mesh optimised for rendering in foreign memory."
360 ;; mesh rendering ---------------------------------------------
362 ;; (defmethod render ((self mesh))
363 ;; "Draw a mesh with any appropiate means."
364 ;; (iterate
365 ;; (for (values x y z w) in-vertices (vertices-of mesh)
366 ;; (gl:vertex-3f x y z w))))