Export STRIP in environment
[mingw-xscripts.git] / SETUP
2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 zlib DLL
5 http://www.zlib.net/
7     mkdir zlib123-dll
8     unzip zlib123-dll.zip -d zlib123-dll
9     cd zlib123-dll
10     sh install-zlib-1.2.3.sh
12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 libiconv
15 http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
17     # There is a circular dependency between gettext and libiconv.  As
18     # suggested by the libiconv documentation, we'll have to build
19     # libiconv, then build gettext and then rebuild libiconv.
21     # First time
22     mingw-configure --disable-nls
23     mingw-make && mingw-make install
25     # Second time
26     mingw-make distclean
27     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 gettext
32 http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/
34     # gettext 0.16.1 fails to build with MinGW due to some conflicting
35     # macro definitions.  This is fixed in 0.17, but for 0.16.1 you'll
36     # have to apply a patch to gettext-runtime/intl/localename.c[*].
37     #
38     # [*] http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/gettext/gettext-runtime/intl/localename.c?root=gettext&r1=1.15&r2=1.16&view=patch
40     # Only build DLLs, no tools nor documentation.
41     cd gettext-runtime 
43     mingw-configure --disable-java
44     mingw-make && mingw-make install
46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 DirectX development headers
49 http://www.libsdl.org/extras/win32/common/
51     # These are not strictly necessary, however, making SDL use
52     # DirectSound significantly reduces audio latency which is
53     # unreasonably high with the WaveOut default.
54     tar -xzf directx-devel.tar.gz -C "$MINGW_PREFIX"
56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 SDL
59 http://www.libsdl.org/
61      mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 SDL_mixer
66 http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/
68     mingw-configure --disable-music-mp3 --disable-music-ogg-shared
69     mingw-make && mingw-make install
71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 SDL_image
74 http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/
76     mingw-configure \
77         --disable-jpg-shared \
78         --disable-png-shared \
79         --disable-tif
81     mingw-make && mingw-make install
83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 libpng
86 http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
88     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install-strip
90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 libjpeg
93 http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/jpeg.htm
95     # The headers from upstream have conflicts with some of MinGW's
96     # own headers.  After a couple of unsuccessful attempts I have
97     # given up on trying to build libjpeg manually and have decided to
98     # use a version from the GnuWin32 project.
100     # Get the "Binaries" (bin) and "Developer files" (lib) ZIP
101     # archives.
103     unzip "$binarchive" bin/jpeg62.dll -d "$MINGW_PREFIX"
104     unzip "$libarchive" 'include/*.h' lib/libjpeg.dll.a -d "$MINGW_PREFIX"
106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 libogg
109 http://xiph.org/downloads/
111     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 libvorbis
116 http://xiph.org/downloads/
118     # There is a bug in libvorbis 1.2.0 (currently fixed in
119     # development code) with library dependencies.  Apply changes
120     # suggested in the respective bug report[*], comment out the
121     # ./configure bit in autogen.sh and then run autogen.sh to
122     # regenerate all necessary files.
123     #
124     # [*] https://trac.xiph.org/ticket/884#comment:3
126     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 FreeType
131 http://www.freetype.org/
133     # Same problem as libvorbis;  fixed in FreeType > v2.3.5.
135     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 SDL_ttf
140 http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/
142     mingw-configure && mingw-make && mingw-make install
144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------