1 # Darkage mod for Minetest - Tutorial edition
3 Note: This is not the original Darkage mod. This mod has been modified for the tutorial.
4 For the original, look somewhere else.
6 This mod adds some new blocks that allow pre-industrial looking buildings to be made.
7 Of course, feel free to use them for any other type of construction.
9 This mod originally created by MasterGollum and is now maintained and being improved upon by addi and CraigyDavi.
13 **License:** Code and textures, [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/)
15 **Installation:** Unzip the file and rename it to "darkage". Then move it to the mod directory.
18 **Version Development**
20 * Stripped down mod to the neccessary parts for the tutorial
21 * Made many nodes immortal
25 * Many, many craft recipe changes
27 * New mud and mud lump texture
28 * Add some more stairs, fix existing stairs
29 * Fixes problems with light emmiting nodes
30 * Fix caves generating in blocks which are not ground content
31 * Remove textures32 folder, code cleanup
35 * Corrected Sounds of Stairs
36 * Updated mod to use new moreblocks API
37 * Added Serpentine Stairs
41 * Fix spelling mistakes in README file
43 * Rename slate_tale to slate_tile
44 * Remove unneeded code
46 * Remove unneeded code
47 * Capitalise a couple of descriptions
48 * Add marble tile texture
49 * Rename alias.lua to aliases.lua
53 * Fixed broken init.lua
57 * Compatibility with stairsplus added
58 * Added new iron_stick item
59 * Added craft for iron stick
60 * Changed craft reciep of iron_bars to avoid conflicts with iron bars mod
61 * Changed craft recipe of chain to avoid conflicts with 3d furniture mod
62 * Changed craft recipe of darkage:stonebrick to avoid conflicts with moreblocks
63 * Disabled marble_tile
65 * Changed the sound_node_leaves_default to wood_default for boxes and wooden shelves
66 * Added craft recipe for chalk
67 * Improved the textures of reinforced wood and chalk
68 * Added another recipe for darkage straw
72 * 29 Nodes + 3 Craft Items
73 * Furniture and building decoration