De-fuzzyed some msgs...
[midnight-commander.git] / vfs / extfs / dpkg
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 # 1999 (c) Piotr Roszatycki <>
4 # This software is under GNU license
5 # last modification: 1999-12-08
7 # dpkg
9 sub bt
11 my ($dt) = @_;
12 my (@time);
13 @time = localtime($dt);
14 $bt = sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $time[4], $time[3], $time[5], $time[2], $time[1];
15 return $bt;
19 sub ft
21 my ($f) = @_;
22 return "d" if -d $f;
23 return "l" if -l $f;
24 return "p" if -p $f;
25 return "S" if -S $f;
26 return "b" if -b $f;
27 return "c" if -c $f;
28 return "-";
31 sub fm
33 my ($n) = @_;
34 my ($m);
36 if( $n & 0400 ) {
37 $m .= "r";
38 } else {
39 $m .= "-";
41 if( $n & 0200 ) {
42 $m .= "w";
43 } else {
44 $m .= "-";
46 if( $n & 04000 ) {
47 $m .= "s";
48 } elsif( $n & 0100 ) {
49 $m .= "x";
50 } else {
51 $m .= "-";
54 if( $n & 0040 ) {
55 $m .= "r";
56 } else {
57 $m .= "-";
59 if( $n & 0020 ) {
60 $m .= "w";
61 } else {
62 $m .= "-";
64 if( $n & 02000 ) {
65 $m .= "s";
66 } elsif( $n & 0010 ) {
67 $m .= "x";
68 } else {
69 $m .= "-";
72 if( $n & 0004 ) {
73 $m .= "r";
74 } else {
75 $m .= "-";
77 if( $n & 0002 ) {
78 $m .= "w";
79 } else {
80 $m .= "-";
82 if( $n & 01000 ) {
83 $m .= "t";
84 } elsif( $n & 0001 ) {
85 $m .= "x";
86 } else {
87 $m .= "-";
90 return $m;
93 sub ls {
94 my ($file,$path,$mode) = @_;
95 my @stat = stat($file);
96 # mode, nlink, uid, gid, size, mtime, filename
97 printf "%s %d %d %d %d %s %s\n", $mode || ft($file).fm($stat[2] & 07777),
98 $stat[3], $stat[4], $stat[5], $stat[7], bt($stat[9]), $path;
101 $DATE=bt(time());
103 sub list
105 my ($pkg, $fn, $dn, $sz, $bt);
106 my %debs = ();
107 my %sects = ();
109 my($diversions,$architecture);
110 chop($diversions = `dpkg-divert --list 2>/dev/null`);
111 chop($architecture = `dpkg-architecture 2>/dev/null`);
112 chop($list = `dpkg -l '*' 2>/dev/null`);
113 chop($getselections = `dpkg --get-selections 2>/dev/null`);
114 chop($audit = `dpkg --audit 2>/dev/null`);
115 $sz = length($diversions);
116 print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE DIVERSIONS\n";
117 $sz = length($architecture);
118 print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE ARCHITECTURE\n";
119 $sz = length($list);
120 print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE LIST\n";
121 $sz = length($getselections);
122 print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE GET-SELECTIONS\n";
123 $sz = length($audit);
124 print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE AUDIT\n";
125 $sz = length($pressconfigure);
126 print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE CONFIGURE\n";
127 $sz = length($pressremove);
128 print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE REMOVE\n";
129 $sz = length($pressclearavail);
130 print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE CLEAR-AVAIL\n";
131 $sz = length($pressforgetoldunavail);
132 print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE FORGET-OLD-UNAVAIL\n";
133 ls("/var/lib/dpkg/status","STATUS","-r--r--r--");
134 # ls("/var/lib/dpkg/available","AVAILABLE","-r--r--r--");
136 print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE all\n";
138 open STAT, "/var/lib/dpkg/status"
139 or exit 1;
140 while( <STAT> ) {
141 chop;
142 if( /^([\w-]*): (.*)/ ) {
143 $pkg = $2 if( lc($1) eq 'package' );
144 $debs{$pkg}{lc($1)} = $2;
147 close STAT;
149 foreach $pkg (sort keys %debs) {
150 next if $debs{$pkg}{status} =~ /not-installed/;
151 $fn = $debs{$pkg}{package}. "_". $debs{$pkg}{version};
152 $dn = $debs{$pkg}{section};
153 if( ! $dn ) {
154 $dn = "unknown";
155 } elsif( $dn =~ /^(non-us)$/i ) {
156 $dn .= "/main";
157 } elsif( $dn !~ /\// ) {
158 $dn = "main/". $dn;
160 unless( $sects{$dn} ) {
161 my $sub = $dn;
162 while( $sub =~ s!^(.*)/[^/]*$!$1! ) {
163 unless( $sects{$sub} ) {
164 print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $sub/\n";
165 $sects{$sub} = 1;
168 print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $dn/\n";
169 $sects{$dn} = 1;
171 $sz = $debs{$pkg}{'status'} =~ /config-files/ ? 0 : $debs{$pkg}{'installed-size'} * 1024;
172 @stat = stat("/var/lib/dpkg/info/".$debs{$pkg}{package}.".list");
173 $bt = bt($stat[9]);
174 print "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root $sz $bt $dn/$fn.debd\n";
175 print "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root $sz $bt all/$fn.debd -> ../$dn/$fn.debd\n";
179 sub copyout
181 my($archive,$filename) = @_;
182 if( $archive eq 'DIVERSIONS' ) {
183 system("dpkg-divert --list > $filename 2>/dev/null");
184 } elsif( $archive eq 'ARCHITECTURE' ) {
185 system("dpkg-architecture > $filename 2>/dev/null");
186 } elsif( $archive eq 'LIST' ) {
187 system("dpkg -l '*' > $filename 2>/dev/null");
188 } elsif( $archive eq 'AUDIT' ) {
189 system("dpkg --audit > $filename 2>/dev/null");
190 } elsif( $archive eq 'GET-SELECTIONS' ) {
191 system("dpkg --get-selections > $filename 2>/dev/null");
192 } elsif( $archive eq 'STATUS' ) {
193 system("cp /var/lib/dpkg/status $filename");
194 } elsif( $archive eq 'AVAILABLE' ) {
195 system("cp /var/lib/dpkg/available $filename");
196 } elsif( $archive eq 'CONFIGURE' ) {
197 open O, ">$filename";
198 print O $pressconfigure;
199 close O;
200 } elsif( $archive eq 'REMOVE' ) {
201 open O, ">$filename";
202 print O $pressremove;
203 close O;
204 } elsif( $archive eq 'CLEAR-AVAIL' ) {
205 open O, ">$filename";
206 print O $pressclearavail;
207 close O;
208 } elsif( $archive eq 'FORGET-OLD-UNAVAIL' ) {
209 open O, ">$filename";
210 print O $pressforgetoldunavail;
211 close O;
212 } else {
213 open O, ">$filename";
214 print O $archive, "\n";
215 close O;
219 # too noisy but less dangerouse
220 sub copyin
222 my($archive,$filename) = @_;
223 if( $archive =~ /\.deb$/ ) {
224 system("dpkg -i $filename>/dev/null");
225 } else {
226 die "extfs: cannot create regular file \`$archive\': Permission denied\n";
230 sub run
232 my($archive,$filename) = @_;
233 if( $archive eq 'CONFIGURE' ) {
234 system("dpkg --pending --configure");
235 } elsif( $archive eq 'REMOVE' ) {
236 system("dpkg --pending --remove");
237 } elsif( $archive eq 'CLEAR-AVAIL' ) {
238 system("dpkg --clear-avail");
239 } elsif( $archive eq 'FORGET-OLD-UNAVAIL' ) {
240 system("dpkg --forget-old-unavail");
241 } else {
242 die "extfs: $filename: command not found\n";
246 # Disabled - too dangerous and too noisy
247 sub rm_disabled
249 my($archive) = @_;
250 if( $archive =~ /\.debd?$/ ) {
251 my $name = $archive;
252 $name =~ s%.*/%%g;
253 $name =~ s%_.*%%g;
254 system("if dpkg -s $name | grep ^Status | grep -qs config-files; \
255 then dpkg --purge $name>/dev/null; \
256 else dpkg --remove $name>/dev/null; fi");
257 die("extfs: $archive: Operation not permitted\n") if $? != 0;
258 } else {
259 die "extfs: $archive: Operation not permitted\n";
264 $pressconfigure=<<EOInstall;
267 Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to configure all
268 non configured packages.
270 This is not a real file. It is a way to configure all non configured packages.
272 To configure packages go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
274 EOInstall
276 $pressremove=<<EOInstall;
279 Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to remove all
280 unselected packages.
282 This is not a real file. It is a way to remove all unselected packages.
284 To remove packages go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
286 EOInstall
288 $pressforgetoldunavail=<<EOInstall;
291 Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to forget about
292 uninstalled unavailable packages.
294 This is not a real file. It is a way to forget about uninstalled
295 unavailable packages.
297 To forget this information go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
299 EOInstall
301 $pressclearavail=<<EOInstall;
304 Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to erase the existing
305 information about what packages are available.
307 This is not a real file. It is a way to erase the existing information
308 about what packages are available.
310 To clear this information go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
312 EOInstall
316 # override any locale for dates
317 $ENV{"LC_ALL"}="C";
319 if ($ARGV[0] eq "list") { list(); exit(0); }
320 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "copyout") { copyout($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); exit(0); }
321 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "copyin") { copyin($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); exit(0); }
322 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "run") { run($ARGV[2],$ARGV[3]); exit(0); }
323 #elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "rm") { rm($ARGV[2]); exit(0); }
324 exit(1);