3 localedir = $(datadir)/locale
4 pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
6 bin_PROGRAMS = mc mcmfmt
9 pkglibexec_PROGRAMS = cons.saver
10 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DDATADIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)/"\" -DLOCALEDIR=\""$(localedir)"\" \
11 -DSAVERDIR=\""$(pkglibexecdir)"\"
13 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DDATADIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)/"\" -DLOCALEDIR=\""$(localedir)"\"
16 noinst_PROGRAMS = man2hlp
17 man2hlp_LDADD = $(GLIB_LIBS)
19 mcmfmt_SOURCES = mfmt.c
21 cons_saver_SOURCES = cons.saver.c
23 man2hlp_SOURCES = man2hlp.c glibcompat.c
26 SLANGLIB = ../slang/libmcslang.a
30 EDITLIB = ../edit/libedit.a
35 VFSLIB = ../vfs/libvfs-mc.a ../vfs/samba/libsamba.a
37 VFSLIB = ../vfs/libvfs-mc.a
44 CHARSET_SRC = charsets.c charsets.h selcodepage.c selcodepage.h
46 SRCS = achown.c achown.h background.c background.h boxes.c boxes.h \
47 chmod.c chmod.h chown.c chown.h cmd.c cmd.h color.c color.h \
48 command.c command.h complete.c complete.h cons.handler.c \
49 cons.saver.h dialog.c dialog.h dir.c dir.h \
50 eregex.h execute.c execute.h ext.c ext.h file.c filegui.c \
51 filegui.h file.h filenot.c fileopctx.c fileopctx.h find.c \
52 find.h findme.c findme.h fs.h \
53 glibcompat.c glibcompat.h global.h help.c help.h hotlist.c \
54 hotlist.h info.c info.h key.c key.h keyxdef.c layout.c \
55 layout.h learn.c learn.h listmode.c listmode.h \
58 menu.c menu.h mountlist.c mountlist.h mouse.c mouse.h myslang.h \
59 option.c option.h panel.h panelize.c panelize.h poptalloca.h \
60 popt.c poptconfig.c popt.h popthelp.c poptint.h poptparse.c \
61 profile.c profile.h regex.c rxvt.c screen.c setup.c setup.h \
62 slint.c subshell.c subshell.h textconf.c textconf.h \
63 tree.c tree.h treestore.c treestore.h timefmt.h tty.c tty.h user.c \
64 user.h util.c util.h utilunix.c view.c view.h vfsdummy.h widget.c \
65 widget.h win.c win.h wtools.c wtools.h unixcompat.h \
66 x11conn.h x11conn.c ecs.h ecs.c
74 EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog OChangeLog man2hlp.c $(CHARSET_SRC)
80 check_PROGRAMS = ecs-test
81 ecs_test_SOURCES = ecs-test.c ecs.h ecs.c
82 ecs_test_LDADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(INTLLIBS) $(MCLIBS)
84 # end of automated testing
87 $(MAKE) install_mcview
89 $(MAKE) install_mcedit
93 # Make relative symlinks, but do the right thing if LN_S is `ln' or `cp'.
96 cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix) && rm -f mcview && $(LN_S) mc mcview
99 cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix) && rm -f mcedit && $(LN_S) mc mcedit
102 rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)/mcview
104 rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)/mcedit