disable broken tests on net_4_0
[mcs.git] / class / Npgsql / Npgsql / NpgsqlCommand.cs
1 // created on 21/5/2002 at 20:03
3 // Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.cs
4 //
5 // Author:
6 // Francisco Jr. (fxjrlists@yahoo.com.br)
7 //
8 // Copyright (C) 2002 The Npgsql Development Team
9 // npgsql-general@gborg.postgresql.org
10 // http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/npgsql/projdisplay.php
12 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
15 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
24 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
26 using System;
27 using System.Data;
28 using System.Text;
29 using System.Resources;
30 using System.ComponentModel;
31 using System.Collections;
32 using System.IO;
34 using NpgsqlTypes;
36 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
39 using Npgsql.Design;
40 #endif
42 namespace Npgsql
44 /// <summary>
45 /// Represents a SQL statement or function (stored procedure) to execute
46 /// against a PostgreSQL database. This class cannot be inherited.
47 /// </summary>
49 [System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmapAttribute(typeof(NpgsqlCommand)), ToolboxItem(true)]
50 #endif
51 public sealed class NpgsqlCommand : Component, IDbCommand, ICloneable
53 // Logging related values
54 private static readonly String CLASSNAME = "NpgsqlCommand";
55 private static ResourceManager resman = new ResourceManager(typeof(NpgsqlCommand));
56 private static readonly Regex parameterReplace = new Regex(@"([:@][\w\.]*)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
58 private NpgsqlConnection connection;
59 private NpgsqlConnector connector;
60 private NpgsqlTransaction transaction;
61 private String text;
62 private Int32 timeout;
63 private CommandType type;
64 private NpgsqlParameterCollection parameters;
65 private String planName;
67 private NpgsqlParse parse;
68 private NpgsqlBind bind;
70 private Boolean invalidTransactionDetected = false;
72 private CommandBehavior commandBehavior;
74 private Int64 lastInsertedOID = 0;
76 // Constructors
78 /// <summary>
79 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> class.
80 /// </summary>
81 public NpgsqlCommand() : this(String.Empty, null, null)
83 /// <summary>
84 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> class with the text of the query.
85 /// </summary>
86 /// <param name="cmdText">The text of the query.</param>
87 public NpgsqlCommand(String cmdText) : this(cmdText, null, null)
89 /// <summary>
90 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> class with the text of the query and a <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">NpgsqlConnection</see>.
91 /// </summary>
92 /// <param name="cmdText">The text of the query.</param>
93 /// <param name="connection">A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">NpgsqlConnection</see> that represents the connection to a PostgreSQL server.</param>
94 public NpgsqlCommand(String cmdText, NpgsqlConnection connection) : this(cmdText, connection, null)
96 /// <summary>
97 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> class with the text of the query, a <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">NpgsqlConnection</see>, and the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction">NpgsqlTransaction</see>.
98 /// </summary>
99 /// <param name="cmdText">The text of the query.</param>
100 /// <param name="connection">A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">NpgsqlConnection</see> that represents the connection to a PostgreSQL server.</param>
101 /// <param name="transaction">The <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction">NpgsqlTransaction</see> in which the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> executes.</param>
102 public NpgsqlCommand(String cmdText, NpgsqlConnection connection, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
104 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME);
106 planName = String.Empty;
107 text = cmdText;
108 this.connection = connection;
110 if (this.connection != null)
111 this.connector = connection.Connector;
113 parameters = new NpgsqlParameterCollection();
114 type = CommandType.Text;
115 this.Transaction = transaction;
116 commandBehavior = CommandBehavior.Default;
118 SetCommandTimeout();
123 /// <summary>
124 /// Used to execute internal commands.
125 /// </summary>
126 internal NpgsqlCommand(String cmdText, NpgsqlConnector connector)
128 resman = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(this.GetType());
129 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME);
132 planName = String.Empty;
133 text = cmdText;
134 this.connector = connector;
135 type = CommandType.Text;
136 commandBehavior = CommandBehavior.Default;
138 parameters = new NpgsqlParameterCollection();
140 // Internal commands aren't affected by command timeout value provided by user.
141 timeout = 20;
144 // Public properties.
145 /// <summary>
146 /// Gets or sets the SQL statement or function (stored procedure) to execute at the data source.
147 /// </summary>
148 /// <value>The Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to execute. The default is an empty string.</value>
149 [Category("Data"), DefaultValue("")]
150 public String CommandText {
153 return text;
158 // [TODO] Validate commandtext.
159 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "CommandText", value);
160 text = value;
161 planName = String.Empty;
162 parse = null;
163 bind = null;
164 commandBehavior = CommandBehavior.Default;
168 /// <summary>
169 /// Gets or sets the wait time before terminating the attempt
170 /// to execute a command and generating an error.
171 /// </summary>
172 /// <value>The time (in seconds) to wait for the command to execute.
173 /// The default is 20 seconds.</value>
174 [DefaultValue(20)]
175 public Int32 CommandTimeout
179 return timeout;
184 if (value < 0)
185 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(resman.GetString("Exception_CommandTimeoutLessZero"));
187 timeout = value;
188 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "CommandTimeout", value);
192 /// <summary>
193 /// Gets or sets a value indicating how the
194 /// <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> property is to be interpreted.
195 /// </summary>
196 /// <value>One of the <see cref="System.Data.CommandType">CommandType</see> values. The default is <see cref="System.Data.CommandType">CommandType.Text</see>.</value>
197 [Category("Data"), DefaultValue(CommandType.Text)]
198 public CommandType CommandType
202 return type;
207 type = value;
208 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "CommandType", value);
212 IDbConnection IDbCommand.Connection
216 return Connection;
221 Connection = (NpgsqlConnection) value;
222 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "IDbCommand.Connection", value);
226 /// <summary>
227 /// Gets or sets the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">NpgsqlConnection</see>
228 /// used by this instance of the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see>.
229 /// </summary>
230 /// <value>The connection to a data source. The default value is a null reference.</value>
231 [Category("Behavior"), DefaultValue(null)]
232 public NpgsqlConnection Connection
236 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertyGet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Connection");
237 return connection;
242 if (this.Connection == value)
243 return;
245 //if (this.transaction != null && this.transaction.Connection == null)
246 // this.transaction = null;
248 if (this.transaction != null && this.connection != null && this.Connector.Transaction != null)
249 throw new InvalidOperationException(resman.GetString("Exception_SetConnectionInTransaction"));
252 this.connection = value;
253 Transaction = null;
254 if (this.connection != null)
255 connector = this.connection.Connector;
257 SetCommandTimeout();
259 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Connection", value);
263 internal NpgsqlConnector Connector
267 if (this.connection != null)
268 connector = this.connection.Connector;
270 return connector;
274 IDataParameterCollection IDbCommand.Parameters {
277 return Parameters;
281 /// <summary>
282 /// Gets the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlParameterCollection">NpgsqlParameterCollection</see>.
283 /// </summary>
284 /// <value>The parameters of the SQL statement or function (stored procedure). The default is an empty collection.</value>
286 [Category("Data"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
287 #endif
289 public NpgsqlParameterCollection Parameters
293 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertyGet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Parameters");
294 return parameters;
299 IDbTransaction IDbCommand.Transaction
303 return Transaction;
308 Transaction = (NpgsqlTransaction) value;
309 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "IDbCommand.Transaction", value);
313 /// <summary>
314 /// Gets or sets the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction">NpgsqlTransaction</see>
315 /// within which the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see> executes.
316 /// </summary>
317 /// <value>The <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction">NpgsqlTransaction</see>.
318 /// The default value is a null reference.</value>
320 [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
321 #endif
323 public NpgsqlTransaction Transaction {
326 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertyGet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Transaction");
328 if (this.transaction != null && this.transaction.Connection == null)
330 this.transaction = null;
332 return this.transaction;
337 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertySet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Transaction" ,value);
339 this.transaction = (NpgsqlTransaction) value;
343 /// <summary>
344 /// Gets or sets how command results are applied to the <see cref="System.Data.DataRow">DataRow</see>
345 /// when used by the <see cref="System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update">Update</see>
346 /// method of the <see cref="System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter">DbDataAdapter</see>.
347 /// </summary>
348 /// <value>One of the <see cref="System.Data.UpdateRowSource">UpdateRowSource</see> values.</value>
350 [Category("Behavior"), DefaultValue(UpdateRowSource.Both)]
351 #endif
353 public UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource {
357 NpgsqlEventLog.LogPropertyGet(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "UpdatedRowSource");
359 return UpdateRowSource.Both;
367 /// <summary>
368 /// Returns oid of inserted row. This is only updated when using executenonQuery and when command inserts just a single row. If table is created without oids, this will always be 0.
369 /// </summary>
371 public Int64 LastInsertedOID
375 return lastInsertedOID;
380 /// <summary>
381 /// Attempts to cancel the execution of a <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see>.
382 /// </summary>
383 /// <remarks>This Method isn't implemented yet.</remarks>
384 public void Cancel()
386 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Cancel");
390 // get copy for thread safety of null test
391 NpgsqlConnector connector = Connector;
392 if (connector != null)
394 connector.CancelRequest();
397 catch (IOException)
399 Connection.ClearPool();
401 catch (NpgsqlException)
403 // Cancel documentation says the Cancel doesn't throw on failure
407 /// <summary>
408 /// Create a new command based on this one.
409 /// </summary>
410 /// <returns>A new NpgsqlCommand object.</returns>
411 Object ICloneable.Clone()
413 return Clone();
416 /// <summary>
417 /// Create a new connection based on this one.
418 /// </summary>
419 /// <returns>A new NpgsqlConnection object.</returns>
420 public NpgsqlCommand Clone()
422 // TODO: Add consistency checks.
424 return new NpgsqlCommand(CommandText, Connection, Transaction);
427 /// <summary>
428 /// Creates a new instance of an <see cref="System.Data.IDbDataParameter">IDbDataParameter</see> object.
429 /// </summary>
430 /// <returns>An <see cref="System.Data.IDbDataParameter">IDbDataParameter</see> object.</returns>
431 IDbDataParameter IDbCommand.CreateParameter()
433 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "IDbCommand.CreateParameter");
435 return (NpgsqlParameter) CreateParameter();
438 /// <summary>
439 /// Creates a new instance of a <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter">NpgsqlParameter</see> object.
440 /// </summary>
441 /// <returns>A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter">NpgsqlParameter</see> object.</returns>
442 public NpgsqlParameter CreateParameter()
444 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "CreateParameter");
446 return new NpgsqlParameter();
449 /// <summary>
450 /// Executes a SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected.
451 /// </summary>
452 /// <returns>The number of rows affected.</returns>
453 public Int32 ExecuteNonQuery()
455 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ExecuteNonQuery");
457 // Initialize lastInsertOID
458 lastInsertedOID = 0;
460 ExecuteCommand();
462 UpdateOutputParameters();
465 // If nothing is returned, just return -1.
466 if(Connector.Mediator.CompletedResponses.Count == 0)
468 return -1;
471 // Check if the response is available.
472 String firstCompletedResponse = (String)Connector.Mediator.CompletedResponses[0];
474 if (firstCompletedResponse == null)
475 return -1;
477 String[] ret_string_tokens = firstCompletedResponse.Split(null); // whitespace separator.
480 // Check if the command was insert, delete, update, fetch or move.
481 // Only theses commands return rows affected.
482 // [FIXME] Is there a better way to check this??
483 if ((String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "INSERT", true) == 0) ||
484 (String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "UPDATE", true) == 0) ||
485 (String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "DELETE", true) == 0) ||
486 (String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "FETCH", true) == 0) ||
487 (String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "MOVE", true) == 0))
491 if (String.Compare(ret_string_tokens[0], "INSERT", true) == 0)
492 // Get oid of inserted row.
493 lastInsertedOID = Int32.Parse(ret_string_tokens[1]);
495 // The number of rows affected is in the third token for insert queries
496 // and in the second token for update and delete queries.
497 // In other words, it is the last token in the 0-based array.
499 return Int32.Parse(ret_string_tokens[ret_string_tokens.Length - 1]);
501 else
502 return -1;
507 private void UpdateOutputParameters()
509 // Check if there was some resultset returned. If so, put the result in output parameters.
510 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "UpdateOutputParameters");
512 // Get ResultSets.
513 ArrayList resultSets = Connector.Mediator.ResultSets;
515 if (resultSets.Count != 0)
517 NpgsqlResultSet nrs = (NpgsqlResultSet)resultSets[0];
519 if ((nrs != null) && (nrs.Count > 0))
521 NpgsqlAsciiRow nar = (NpgsqlAsciiRow)nrs[0];
523 Int32 i = 0;
524 Boolean hasMapping = false;
526 // First check if there is any mapping between parameter name and resultset name.
527 // If so, just update output parameters which has mapping.
529 foreach (NpgsqlParameter p in Parameters)
531 if (nrs.RowDescription.FieldIndex(p.ParameterName.Substring(1)) > -1)
533 hasMapping = true;
534 break;
540 if (hasMapping)
542 foreach (NpgsqlParameter p in Parameters)
544 if (((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output) ||
545 (p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) && (i < nrs.RowDescription.NumFields ))
547 Int32 fieldIndex = nrs.RowDescription.FieldIndex(p.ParameterName.Substring(1));
549 if (fieldIndex > -1)
551 p.Value = nar[fieldIndex];
552 i++;
559 else
560 foreach (NpgsqlParameter p in Parameters)
562 if (((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output) ||
563 (p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) && (i < nrs.RowDescription.NumFields ))
565 p.Value = nar[i];
566 i++;
576 /// <summary>
577 /// Sends the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> to
578 /// the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">Connection</see> and builds a
579 /// <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see>.
580 /// </summary>
581 /// <returns>A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see> object.</returns>
582 IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader()
584 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "IDbCommand.ExecuteReader");
586 return (NpgsqlDataReader) ExecuteReader();
589 /// <summary>
590 /// Sends the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> to
591 /// the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">Connection</see> and builds a
592 /// <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see>
593 /// using one of the <see cref="System.Data.CommandBehavior">CommandBehavior</see> values.
594 /// </summary>
595 /// <param name="cb">One of the <see cref="System.Data.CommandBehavior">CommandBehavior</see> values.</param>
596 /// <returns>A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see> object.</returns>
597 IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cb)
599 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "IDbCommand.ExecuteReader", cb);
601 return (NpgsqlDataReader) ExecuteReader(cb);
604 /// <summary>
605 /// Sends the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> to
606 /// the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">Connection</see> and builds a
607 /// <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see>.
608 /// </summary>
609 /// <returns>A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see> object.</returns>
610 public NpgsqlDataReader ExecuteReader()
612 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ExecuteReader");
614 return ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default);
617 /// <summary>
618 /// Sends the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> to
619 /// the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection">Connection</see> and builds a
620 /// <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see>
621 /// using one of the <see cref="System.Data.CommandBehavior">CommandBehavior</see> values.
622 /// </summary>
623 /// <param name="cb">One of the <see cref="System.Data.CommandBehavior">CommandBehavior</see> values.</param>
624 /// <returns>A <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader">NpgsqlDataReader</see> object.</returns>
625 /// <remarks>Currently the CommandBehavior parameter is ignored.</remarks>
626 public NpgsqlDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cb)
628 // [FIXME] No command behavior handling.
630 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ExecuteReader", cb);
631 commandBehavior = cb;
633 ExecuteCommand();
635 UpdateOutputParameters();
637 // Get the resultsets and create a Datareader with them.
638 return new NpgsqlDataReader(Connector.Mediator.ResultSets, Connector.Mediator.CompletedResponses, cb, this);
641 ///<summary>
642 /// This method binds the parameters from parameters collection to the bind
643 /// message.
644 /// </summary>
645 private void BindParameters()
648 if (parameters.Count != 0)
650 Object[] parameterValues = new Object[parameters.Count];
651 Int16[] parameterFormatCodes = bind.ParameterFormatCodes;
653 for (Int32 i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
655 // Do not quote strings, or escape existing quotes - this will be handled by the backend.
656 // DBNull or null values are returned as null.
657 // TODO: Would it be better to remove this null special handling out of ConvertToBackend??
659 // Do special handling of bytea values. They will be send in binary form.
660 // TODO: Add binary format support for all supported types. Not only bytea.
661 if (parameters[i].TypeInfo.NpgsqlDbType != NpgsqlDbType.Bytea)
664 parameterValues[i] = parameters[i].TypeInfo.ConvertToBackend(parameters[i].Value, true);
666 else
668 parameterFormatCodes[i] = (Int16) FormatCode.Binary;
669 parameterValues[i]=(byte[])parameters[i].Value;
672 bind.ParameterValues = parameterValues;
673 bind.ParameterFormatCodes = parameterFormatCodes;
676 Connector.Bind(bind);
678 // See Prepare() method for a discussion of this.
679 Connector.Mediator.RequireReadyForQuery = false;
680 Connector.Flush();
683 connector.CheckErrorsAndNotifications();
686 /// <summary>
687 /// Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row
688 /// in the result set returned by the query. Extra columns or rows are ignored.
689 /// </summary>
690 /// <returns>The first column of the first row in the result set,
691 /// or a null reference if the result set is empty.</returns>
692 public Object ExecuteScalar()
694 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "ExecuteScalar");
696 ExecuteCommand();
699 // Now get the results.
700 // Only the first column of the first row must be returned.
702 // Get ResultSets.
703 ArrayList resultSets = Connector.Mediator.ResultSets;
705 // First data is the RowDescription object.
706 // Check all resultsets as insert commands could have been sent along
707 // with resultset queries. The insert commands return null and and some queries
708 // may return empty resultsets, so, if we find one of these, skip to next resultset.
709 // If no resultset is found, return null as per specification.
711 NpgsqlAsciiRow ascii_row = null;
712 foreach( NpgsqlResultSet nrs in resultSets )
714 if( (nrs != null) && (nrs.Count > 0) )
716 ascii_row = (NpgsqlAsciiRow) nrs[0];
717 return ascii_row[0];
721 return null;
724 /// <summary>
725 /// Creates a prepared version of the command on a PostgreSQL server.
726 /// </summary>
727 public void Prepare()
729 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Prepare");
731 // Check the connection state.
732 CheckConnectionState();
734 // reset any responses just before getting new ones
735 Connector.Mediator.ResetResponses();
737 // Set command timeout.
738 connector.Mediator.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;
740 if (! connector.SupportsPrepare)
742 return; // Do nothing.
745 if (connector.BackendProtocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.Version2)
747 NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(GetPrepareCommandText(), connector );
748 command.ExecuteNonQuery();
750 else
755 connector.StopNotificationThread();
757 // Use the extended query parsing...
758 planName = connector.NextPlanName();
759 String portalName = connector.NextPortalName();
761 parse = new NpgsqlParse(planName, GetParseCommandText(), new Int32[] {});
763 connector.Parse(parse);
765 // We need that because Flush() doesn't cause backend to send
766 // ReadyForQuery on error. Without ReadyForQuery, we don't return
767 // from query extended processing.
769 // We could have used Connector.Flush() which sends us back a
770 // ReadyForQuery, but on postgresql server below 8.1 there is an error
771 // with extended query processing which hinders us from using it.
772 connector.Mediator.RequireReadyForQuery = false;
773 connector.Flush();
775 // Check for errors and/or notifications and do the Right Thing.
776 connector.CheckErrorsAndNotifications();
779 // Description...
780 NpgsqlDescribe describe = new NpgsqlDescribe('S', planName);
783 connector.Describe(describe);
785 connector.Sync();
787 Npgsql.NpgsqlRowDescription returnRowDesc = connector.Mediator.LastRowDescription;
789 Int16[] resultFormatCodes;
792 if (returnRowDesc != null)
794 resultFormatCodes = new Int16[returnRowDesc.NumFields];
796 for (int i=0; i < returnRowDesc.NumFields; i++)
798 Npgsql.NpgsqlRowDescriptionFieldData returnRowDescData = returnRowDesc[i];
801 if (returnRowDescData.type_info != null && returnRowDescData.type_info.NpgsqlDbType == NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bytea)
803 // Binary format
804 resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)FormatCode.Binary;
806 else
807 // Text Format
808 resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)FormatCode.Text;
813 else
814 resultFormatCodes = new Int16[]{0};
816 bind = new NpgsqlBind("", planName, new Int16[Parameters.Count], null, resultFormatCodes);
818 catch (IOException e)
820 ClearPoolAndThrowException(e);
822 catch
824 // See ExecuteCommand method for a discussion of this.
825 connector.Sync();
827 throw;
829 finally
831 connector.ResumeNotificationThread();
840 /// <summary>
841 /// Releases the resources used by the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand">NpgsqlCommand</see>.
842 /// </summary>
843 protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
846 if (disposing)
848 // Only if explicitly calling Close or dispose we still have access to
849 // managed resources.
850 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "Dispose");
851 if (connection != null)
853 connection.Dispose();
855 base.Dispose(disposing);
860 ///<summary>
861 /// This method checks the connection state to see if the connection
862 /// is set or it is open. If one of this conditions is not met, throws
863 /// an InvalidOperationException
864 ///</summary>
865 private void CheckConnectionState()
867 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "CheckConnectionState");
870 // Check the connection state.
871 if (Connector == null || Connector.State != ConnectionState.Open)
873 throw new InvalidOperationException(resman.GetString("Exception_ConnectionNotOpen"));
877 /// <summary>
878 /// This method substitutes the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.Parameters">Parameters</see>, if exist, in the command
879 /// to their actual values.
880 /// The parameter name format is <b>:ParameterName</b>.
881 /// </summary>
882 /// <returns>A version of <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.CommandText">CommandText</see> with the <see cref="Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.Parameters">Parameters</see> inserted.</returns>
883 internal String GetCommandText()
885 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetCommandText");
887 if (planName == String.Empty)
888 return GetClearCommandText();
889 else
890 return GetPreparedCommandText();
894 private String GetClearCommandText()
896 if (NpgsqlEventLog.Level == LogLevel.Debug)
897 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetClearCommandText");
899 Boolean addProcedureParenthesis = false; // Do not add procedure parenthesis by default.
901 Boolean functionReturnsRecord = false; // Functions don't return record by default.
903 Boolean functionReturnsRefcursor = false; // Functions don't return refcursor by default.
905 String result = text;
907 if (type == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
910 if (Parameters.Count > 0)
911 functionReturnsRecord = CheckFunctionReturn("record");
913 functionReturnsRefcursor = CheckFunctionReturn("refcursor");
915 // Check if just procedure name was passed. If so, does not replace parameter names and just pass parameter values in order they were added in parameters collection. Also check if command text finishes in a ";" which would make Npgsql incorrectly append a "()" when executing this command text.
916 if ((!result.Trim().EndsWith(")")) && (!result.Trim().EndsWith(";")))
918 addProcedureParenthesis = true;
919 result += "(";
922 if (Connector.SupportsPrepare)
923 result = "select * from " + result; // This syntax is only available in 7.3+ as well SupportsPrepare.
924 else
925 result = "select " + result; //Only a single result return supported. 7.2 and earlier.
927 else if (type == CommandType.TableDirect)
928 return "select * from " + result; // There is no parameter support on table direct.
930 if (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0)
932 if (addProcedureParenthesis)
933 result += ")";
936 // If function returns ref cursor just process refcursor-result function call
937 // and return command which will be used to return data from refcursor.
939 if (functionReturnsRefcursor)
940 return ProcessRefcursorFunctionReturn(result);
943 if (functionReturnsRecord)
944 result = AddFunctionReturnsRecordSupport(result);
947 result = AddSingleRowBehaviorSupport(result);
949 result = AddSchemaOnlyBehaviorSupport(result);
951 return result;
955 // Get parameters in query string to translate them to their actual values.
957 // This regular expression gets all the parameters in format :param or @param
958 // and everythingelse.
959 // This is only needed if query string has parameters. Else, just append the
960 // parameter values in order they were put in parameter collection.
963 // If parenthesis don't need to be added, they were added by user with parameter names. Replace them.
964 if (!addProcedureParenthesis)
966 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
967 NpgsqlParameter p;
968 string[] queryparts = parameterReplace.Split(result);
970 foreach (String s in queryparts)
972 if (s == string.Empty)
973 continue;
975 if ((s[0] == ':' || s[0] == '@') &&
976 Parameters.TryGetValue(s, out p))
978 // It's a parameter. Lets handle it.
979 if ((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) ||
980 (p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
983 // adding the '::<datatype>' on the end of a parameter is a highly
984 // questionable practice, but it is great for debugging!
985 sb.Append(p.TypeInfo.ConvertToBackend(p.Value, false));
987 // Only add data type info if we are calling an stored procedure.
989 if (type == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
991 sb.Append("::");
992 sb.Append(p.TypeInfo.Name);
994 if (p.TypeInfo.UseSize && (p.Size > 0))
995 sb.Append("(").Append(p.Size).Append(")");
1000 else
1001 sb.Append(s);
1004 result = sb.ToString();
1007 else
1010 for (Int32 i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
1012 NpgsqlParameter Param = parameters[i];
1015 if ((Param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) ||
1016 (Param.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
1019 result += Param.TypeInfo.ConvertToBackend(Param.Value, false) + "::" + Param.TypeInfo.Name + ",";
1023 // Remove a trailing comma added from parameter handling above. If any.
1024 // Maybe there are only output parameters. If so, there will be no comma.
1025 if (result.EndsWith(","))
1026 result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
1028 result += ")";
1031 if (functionReturnsRecord)
1032 result = AddFunctionReturnsRecordSupport(result);
1034 // If function returns ref cursor just process refcursor-result function call
1035 // and return command which will be used to return data from refcursor.
1037 if (functionReturnsRefcursor)
1038 return ProcessRefcursorFunctionReturn(result);
1041 result = AddSingleRowBehaviorSupport(result);
1043 result = AddSchemaOnlyBehaviorSupport(result);
1045 return result;
1050 private Boolean CheckFunctionReturn(String ReturnType)
1052 // Updated after 0.99.3 to support the optional existence of a name qualifying schema and allow for case insensitivity
1053 // when the schema or procedure name do not contain a quote.
1054 // The hard-coded schema name 'public' was replaced with code that uses schema as a qualifier, only if it is provided.
1056 String returnRecordQuery;
1058 StringBuilder parameterTypes = new StringBuilder("");
1061 // Process parameters
1063 foreach(NpgsqlParameter p in Parameters)
1065 if ((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) ||
1066 (p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
1068 parameterTypes.Append(Connection.Connector.OidToNameMapping[p.TypeInfo.Name].OID + " ");
1073 // Process schema name.
1075 String schemaName = String.Empty;
1076 String procedureName = String.Empty;
1079 String[] fullName = CommandText.Split('.');
1081 if (fullName.Length == 2)
1083 returnRecordQuery = "select count(*) > 0 from pg_proc p left join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid where prorettype = ( select oid from pg_type where typname = :typename ) and proargtypes=:proargtypes and proname=:proname and n.nspname=:nspname";
1085 schemaName = (fullName[0].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[0] : fullName[0].ToLower();
1086 procedureName = (fullName[1].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[1] : fullName[1].ToLower();
1088 else
1090 // Instead of defaulting don't use the nspname, as an alternative, query pg_proc and pg_namespace to try and determine the nspname.
1091 //schemaName = "public"; // This was removed after build 0.99.3 because the assumption that a function is in public is often incorrect.
1092 returnRecordQuery = "select count(*) > 0 from pg_proc p where prorettype = ( select oid from pg_type where typname = :typename ) and proargtypes=:proargtypes and proname=:proname";
1094 procedureName = (CommandText.IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? CommandText : CommandText.ToLower();
1100 NpgsqlCommand c = new NpgsqlCommand(returnRecordQuery, Connection);
1102 c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("typename", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
1103 c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("proargtypes", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
1104 c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("proname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
1106 c.Parameters[0].Value = ReturnType;
1107 c.Parameters[1].Value = parameterTypes.ToString();
1108 c.Parameters[2].Value = procedureName;
1110 if (schemaName != null && schemaName.Length > 0)
1112 c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("nspname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
1113 c.Parameters[3].Value = schemaName;
1117 Boolean ret = (Boolean) c.ExecuteScalar();
1119 // reset any responses just before getting new ones
1120 connector.Mediator.ResetResponses();
1122 // Set command timeout.
1123 connector.Mediator.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;
1125 return ret;
1131 private String AddFunctionReturnsRecordSupport(String OriginalResult)
1134 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(OriginalResult);
1136 sb.Append(" as (");
1138 foreach(NpgsqlParameter p in Parameters)
1140 if ((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output) ||
1141 (p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
1143 sb.Append(String.Format("{0} {1}, ", p.ParameterName.Substring(1), p.TypeInfo.Name));
1147 String result = sb.ToString();
1149 result = result.Remove(result.Length - 2, 1);
1151 result += ")";
1155 return result;
1160 ///<summary>
1161 /// This methods takes a string with a function call witch returns a refcursor or a set of
1162 /// refcursor. It will return the names of the open cursors/portals which will hold
1163 /// results. In turn, it returns the string which is needed to get the data of this cursors
1164 /// in form of one resultset for each cursor open. This way, clients don't need to do anything
1165 /// else besides calling function normally to get results in this way.
1166 ///</summary>
1168 private String ProcessRefcursorFunctionReturn(String FunctionCall)
1170 NpgsqlCommand c = new NpgsqlCommand(FunctionCall, Connection);
1172 NpgsqlDataReader dr = c.ExecuteReader();
1174 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1176 while (dr.Read())
1178 sb.Append("fetch all from \"").Append(dr.GetString(0)).Append("\";");
1182 sb.Append(";"); // Just in case there is no response from refcursor function return.
1184 // reset any responses just before getting new ones
1185 connector.Mediator.ResetResponses();
1187 // Set command timeout.
1188 connector.Mediator.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;
1190 return sb.ToString();
1197 private String GetPreparedCommandText()
1199 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetPreparedCommandText");
1201 if (parameters.Count == 0)
1202 return "execute " + planName;
1205 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("execute " + planName + '(');
1208 for (Int32 i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
1210 result.Append(parameters[i].TypeInfo.ConvertToBackend(parameters[i].Value, false) + ',');
1213 result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
1214 result.Append(')');
1216 return result.ToString();
1222 private String GetParseCommandText()
1224 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetParseCommandText");
1226 Boolean addProcedureParenthesis = false; // Do not add procedure parenthesis by default.
1228 String parseCommand = text;
1230 if (type == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
1232 // Check if just procedure name was passed. If so, does not replace parameter names and just pass parameter values in order they were added in parameters collection.
1233 if (!parseCommand.Trim().EndsWith(")"))
1235 addProcedureParenthesis = true;
1236 parseCommand += "(";
1239 parseCommand = "select * from " + parseCommand; // This syntax is only available in 7.3+ as well SupportsPrepare.
1241 else if (type == CommandType.TableDirect)
1242 return "select * from " + parseCommand; // There is no parameter support on TableDirect.
1244 if (parameters.Count > 0)
1246 // The ReplaceParameterValue below, also checks if the parameter is present.
1248 String parameterName;
1249 Int32 i;
1251 for (i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
1253 if ((parameters[i].Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) ||
1254 (parameters[i].Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
1257 if (!addProcedureParenthesis)
1259 //result = result.Replace(":" + parameterName, parameters[i].Value.ToString());
1260 parameterName = parameters[i].ParameterName;
1261 //textCommand = textCommand.Replace(':' + parameterName, "$" + (i+1));
1262 parseCommand = ReplaceParameterValue(parseCommand, parameterName, "$" + (i+1) + "::" + parameters[i].TypeInfo.Name);
1264 else
1265 parseCommand += "$" + (i+1) + "::" + parameters[i].TypeInfo.Name;
1271 if (addProcedureParenthesis)
1272 return parseCommand + ")";
1273 else
1274 return parseCommand;
1279 private String GetPrepareCommandText()
1281 NpgsqlEventLog.LogMethodEnter(LogLevel.Debug, CLASSNAME, "GetPrepareCommandText");
1283 Boolean addProcedureParenthesis = false; // Do not add procedure parenthesis by default.
1285 planName = Connector.NextPlanName();
1287 StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder("prepare " + planName);
1289 String textCommand = text;
1291 if (type == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
1293 // Check if just procedure name was passed. If so, does not replace parameter names and just pass parameter values in order they were added in parameters collection.
1294 if (!textCommand.Trim().EndsWith(")"))
1296 addProcedureParenthesis = true;
1297 textCommand += "(";
1300 textCommand = "select * from " + textCommand;
1302 else if (type == CommandType.TableDirect)
1303 return "select * from " + textCommand; // There is no parameter support on TableDirect.
1306 if (parameters.Count > 0)
1308 // The ReplaceParameterValue below, also checks if the parameter is present.
1310 String parameterName;
1311 Int32 i;
1313 for (i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
1315 if ((parameters[i].Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) ||
1316 (parameters[i].Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput))
1319 if (!addProcedureParenthesis)
1321 //result = result.Replace(":" + parameterName, parameters[i].Value.ToString());
1322 parameterName = parameters[i].ParameterName;
1323 // The space in front of '$' fixes a parsing problem in 7.3 server
1324 // which gives errors of operator when finding the caracters '=$' in
1325 // prepare text
1326 textCommand = ReplaceParameterValue(textCommand, parameterName, " $" + (i+1));
1328 else
1329 textCommand += " $" + (i+1);
1334 //[TODO] Check if there are any missing parameters in the query.
1335 // For while, an error is thrown saying about the ':' char.
1337 command.Append('(');
1339 for (i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
1341 // command.Append(NpgsqlTypesHelper.GetDefaultTypeInfo(parameters[i].DbType));
1342 command.Append(parameters[i].TypeInfo.Name);
1344 command.Append(',');
1347 command = command.Remove(command.Length - 1, 1);
1348 command.Append(')');
1352 if (addProcedureParenthesis)
1353 textCommand += ")";
1355 command.Append(" as ");
1356 command.Append(textCommand);
1359 return command.ToString();
1364 private static String ReplaceParameterValue(String result, String parameterName, String paramVal)
1367 String quote_pattern = @"['][^']*[']";
1368 String pattern = "[- |\n\r\t,)(;=+/]" + parameterName + "([- |\n\r\t,)(;=+/]|$)";
1369 Int32 start, end;
1370 String withoutquote = result;
1371 Boolean found = false;
1372 // First of all
1373 // Suppress quoted string from query (because we ave to ignore them)
1374 MatchCollection results = Regex.Matches(result,quote_pattern);
1375 foreach (Match match in results)
1377 start = match.Index;
1378 end = match.Index + match.Length;
1379 String spaces = new String(' ', match.Length-2);
1380 withoutquote = withoutquote.Substring(0,start + 1) + spaces + withoutquote.Substring(end - 1);
1384 // Now we look for the searched parameters on the "withoutquote" string
1385 results = Regex.Matches(withoutquote,pattern);
1386 if (results.Count == 0)
1387 // If no parameter is found, go out!
1388 break;
1389 // We take the first parameter found
1390 found = true;
1391 Match match = results[0];
1392 start = match.Index;
1393 if ((match.Length - parameterName.Length) == 2)
1394 // If the found string is not the end of the string
1395 end = match.Index + match.Length - 1;
1396 else
1397 // If the found string is the end of the string
1398 end = match.Index + match.Length;
1399 result = result.Substring(0, start + 1) + paramVal + result.Substring(end);
1400 withoutquote = withoutquote.Substring(0,start + 1) + paramVal + withoutquote.Substring(end);
1402 while (true);
1403 if (!found)
1404 throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_ParamNotInQuery"),
1405 parameterName));
1406 return result;
1410 private String AddSingleRowBehaviorSupport(String ResultCommandText)
1413 ResultCommandText = ResultCommandText.Trim();
1415 // Do not add SingleRowBehavior if SchemaOnly behavior is set.
1417 if ((commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly) == CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly)
1418 return ResultCommandText;
1420 if ((commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SingleRow) == CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
1422 if (ResultCommandText.EndsWith(";"))
1423 ResultCommandText = ResultCommandText.Substring(0, ResultCommandText.Length - 1);
1424 ResultCommandText += " limit 1;";
1430 return ResultCommandText;
1434 private String AddSchemaOnlyBehaviorSupport(String ResultCommandText)
1437 ResultCommandText = ResultCommandText.Trim();
1439 if ((commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly) == CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly)
1441 if (ResultCommandText.EndsWith(";"))
1442 ResultCommandText = ResultCommandText.Substring(0, ResultCommandText.Length - 1);
1443 ResultCommandText += " limit 0;";
1448 return ResultCommandText;
1453 private void ExecuteCommand()
1458 // Check the connection state first.
1459 CheckConnectionState();
1461 // reset any responses just before getting new ones
1462 Connector.Mediator.ResetResponses();
1464 // Set command timeout.
1465 connector.Mediator.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;
1468 connector.StopNotificationThread();
1471 if (parse == null)
1473 connector.Query(this);
1476 connector.ResumeNotificationThread();
1478 // Check for errors and/or notifications and do the Right Thing.
1479 connector.CheckErrorsAndNotifications();
1484 else
1489 BindParameters();
1491 connector.Execute(new NpgsqlExecute(bind.PortalName, 0));
1493 // Check for errors and/or notifications and do the Right Thing.
1494 connector.CheckErrorsAndNotifications();
1496 catch
1498 // As per documentation:
1499 // "[...] When an error is detected while processing any extended-query message,
1500 // the backend issues ErrorResponse, then reads and discards messages until a
1501 // Sync is reached, then issues ReadyForQuery and returns to normal message processing.[...]"
1502 // So, send a sync command if we get any problems.
1504 connector.Sync();
1506 throw;
1508 finally
1510 connector.ResumeNotificationThread();
1516 catch(IOException e)
1518 ClearPoolAndThrowException(e);
1523 private void SetCommandTimeout()
1525 if (Connector != null)
1526 timeout = Connector.CommandTimeout;
1527 else
1528 timeout = ConnectionStringDefaults.CommandTimeout;
1531 private void ClearPoolAndThrowException(Exception e)
1533 Connection.ClearPool();
1534 throw new NpgsqlException(resman.GetString("Exception_ConnectionBroken"), e);