2009-02-23 Jb Evain <jbevain@novell.com>
[mcs.git] / class / Mono.C5 / UserGuideExamples / Graph.cs
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft
3 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
4 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
5 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
6 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
7 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
8 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
11 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22 // C5 example: Graph representation with basic algorithms using C5
25 // Compile with
26 // csc /r:C5.dll Graph.cs
29 // The code is structured as a rudimentary Graph library, with an interface
30 // for (edge)weighted graphs and a single implementation based on an
31 // adjacency list representation using hash dictionaries.
34 // The algorithms implemented include:
36 // Breadth-First-Search and Depth-First-Search, with an interface based on actions
37 // to be taken as edges are traversed. Applications are checking for connectedness,
38 // counting components
40 // Priority-First-Search, where edges are traversed according to either weight or
41 // accumulated weight from the start of the search.
42 // An application of the non-accumulating version is the construction of a minimal
43 // spanning tree and therefore the following approximation algorithm.
44 // Applications of the accumulating version are the construction of a shortest path
45 // and the computation of the distance from one vertex to another one.
47 // An approximation algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problems,
48 // where the weights satisfies the triangle inequality.
51 // Pervasive generic parameters:
52 // V: The type of a vertex in a graph. Vertices are identified
53 // by the Equals method inherited from object (or overridden).
54 // E: The type of additional data associated with edges in a graph.
55 // W: The type of values of weights on edges in a weighted graph,
56 // in practise usually int or double. Must be comparable and
57 // there must be given a compatible way to add values.
59 // Interfaces:
60 // IGraph<V,E,W>: The interface for a graph implementation with
61 // vertex type V, edge dat type E and weight values of type W.
62 // IWeight<E,W>: The interface of a weight function
64 // Classes:
65 // HashGraph<V,E,W>: An implementation of IWeightedGraph<V,E,W> based on
66 // adjacency lists represented as hash dictionaries.
67 // HashGraph<V,E,W>.EdgesValue: A helper class for the Edges() method
68 // CountWeight<E>: A
69 // IntWeight:
70 // DoubleWeight:
72 // Value Types:
73 // Edge<V,E>:
74 // EdgeAction<V,E,U>:
76 // Some notes:
77 // The code only supports "natural" equality of vertices.
79 using C5;
80 using System;
81 using SCG = System.Collections.Generic;
83 namespace Graph
85 /// <summary>
86 /// (Duer ikke)
87 /// </summary>
88 /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
89 /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
90 interface IGraphVertex<V, E,W> where W : IComparable<W>
92 V Value { get;}
93 IGraph<V, E, W> Graph { get;}
94 ICollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, E>> Adjacent { get;}
98 class Vertex<V>
100 //V v;
102 /// <summary>
103 ///
104 /// </summary>
105 /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
106 /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
107 /// <typeparam name="W"></typeparam>
108 interface IGraph<V, E, W> where W : IComparable<W>
110 /// <summary>
111 ///
112 /// </summary>
113 /// <value>The weight object for this graph</value>
114 IWeight<E, W> Weight { get;}
116 /// <summary>
117 ///
118 /// </summary>
119 /// <value>The number of vertices in this graph</value>
120 int VertexCount { get;}
122 /// <summary>
123 ///
124 /// </summary>
125 /// <value>The number of edges in this graph</value>
126 int EdgeCount { get;}
128 /// <summary>
129 /// The collection of vertices of this graph.
130 /// The return value is a snapshot, not a live view onto the graph.
131 /// </summary>
132 /// <returns></returns>
133 ICollectionValue<V> Vertices();
135 /// <summary>
136 /// The collection of edges incident to a particular vertex.
137 /// The return value is a snapshot og (endvertex, edgedata) pairs.
138 /// </summary>
139 /// <param name="vertex"></param>
140 /// <returns></returns>
141 ICollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, E>> Adjacent(V vertex);
143 /// <summary>
144 /// The collection of all edges in the graph. The return value is a snapshot
145 /// of Edge values. Each edge is present once for an undefined direction.
146 /// </summary>
147 /// <returns></returns>
148 ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> Edges();
150 /// <summary>
151 /// Add a(n isolated) vertex to the graph Ignore if vertex is already in the graph.
152 /// </summary>
153 /// <param name="vertex"></param>
154 /// <returns>True if the vertex was added.</returns>
155 bool AddVertex(V vertex);
157 /// <summary>
158 /// Add an edge to the graph. If the edge is already in the graph, update the
159 /// edge data. Add vertices as needed.
160 /// </summary>
161 /// <param name="start"></param>
162 /// <param name="end"></param>
163 /// <param name="edgedata"></param>
164 /// <returns>True if the edge was added</returns>
165 bool AddEdge(V start, V end, E edgedata);
167 /// <summary>
168 /// Remove a vertex and all its incident edges from the graph.
169 /// </summary>
170 /// <returns>True if the vertex was already in the graph and hence was removed</returns>
171 bool RemoveVertex(V vertex);
173 /// <summary>
174 /// Remove an edge from the graph. Do not remove the vertices if they become isolated.
175 /// </summary>
176 /// <param name="start"></param>
177 /// <param name="end"></param>
178 /// <param name="edgedata">On output, the edge data associated with the removed edge.</param>
179 /// <returns>True if </returns>
180 bool RemoveEdge(V start, V end, out E edgedata);
182 /// <summary>
183 /// Is there an edge from start to end in this graph, and if so, what is
184 /// the data on that edge.
185 /// </summary>
186 /// <param name="start"></param>
187 /// <param name="end"></param>
188 /// <param name="edge"></param>
189 /// <returns></returns>
190 bool FindEdge(V start, V end, out E edge);
192 /// <summary>
193 /// Construct the subgraph corresponding to a set of vertices.
194 /// </summary>
195 /// <param name="vs"></param>
196 /// <returns></returns>
197 IGraph<V, E, W> SubGraph(ICollectionValue<V> vs);
199 /// <summary>
200 ///
201 /// </summary>
202 /// <value>True if graph is connected</value>
203 bool IsConnected { get; }
205 /// <summary>
206 ///
207 /// </summary>
208 /// <value>The number of connected components of this graph</value>
209 int ComponentCount { get;}
211 /// <summary>
212 /// Compute the connnected components of this graph.
213 /// </summary>
214 /// <returns>A collection of (vertex,component) pairs, where the first part of the
215 /// pair is some vertex in the component.</returns>
216 ICollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, IGraph<V, E, W>>> Components();
218 /// <summary>
219 /// Traverse the connected component containing the <code>start</code> vertex,
220 /// in either BFS or DFS order, beginning at <code>start</code> and performing the action
221 /// <code>act</code> on each edge part of the constructed tree.
222 /// </summary>
223 /// <param name="bfs">True if BFS, false if DFS</param>
224 /// <param name="start">The vertex to start at</param>
225 /// <param name="act">The action to perform at each node</param>
226 void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, V start, Action<Edge<V, E>> act);
228 /// <summary>
229 /// Traverse an undirected graph in either BFS or DFS order, performing the action
230 /// <code>act</code> on each vertex.
231 /// The start vertex of each component of the graph is undefinded.
232 /// </summary>
233 /// <param name="bfs">True if BFS, false if DFS</param>
234 /// <param name="act"></param>
235 void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, Action<V> act);
237 /// <summary>
238 /// Traverse an undirected graph in either BFS or DFS order, performing the action
239 /// <code>act</code> on each edge in the traversal and beforecomponent/aftercomponent
240 /// at the start and end of each component (with argument: the start vertex of the component).
241 /// </summary>
242 /// <param name="bfs">True if BFS, false if DFS</param>
243 /// <param name="act"></param>
244 /// <param name="beforecomponent"></param>
245 /// <param name="aftercomponent"></param>
246 void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, Action<Edge<V, E>> act, Action<V> beforecomponent, Action<V> aftercomponent);
248 /// <summary>
249 /// A more advanced Depth First Search traversal.
250 /// </summary>
251 /// <param name="start">The vertex to start the search at</param>
252 /// <param name="beforevertex">Action to perform when a vertex is first encountered.</param>
253 /// <param name="aftervertex">Action to perform when all edges out of a vertex has been handles.</param>
254 /// <param name="onfollow">Action to perform as an edge is traversed.</param>
255 /// <param name="onfollowed">Action to perform when an edge is travesed back.</param>
256 /// <param name="onnotfollowed">Action to perform when an edge (a backedge)is seen, but not followed.</param>
257 void DepthFirstSearch(V start, Action<V> beforevertex, Action<V> aftervertex,
258 Action<Edge<V, E>> onfollow, Action<Edge<V, E>> onfollowed, Action<Edge<V, E>> onnotfollowed);
260 //TODO: perhaps we should avoid exporting this?
261 /// <summary>
262 /// Traverse the part of the graph reachable from start in order of least distance
263 /// from start according to the weight function. Perform act on the edges of the
264 /// traversal as they are recognised.
265 /// </summary>
266 /// <typeparam name="W"></typeparam>
267 /// <param name="weight"></param>
268 /// <param name="start"></param>
269 /// <param name="act"></param>
270 void PriorityFirstTraverse(bool accumulating, V start, EdgeAction<V, E, W> act);
272 /// <summary>
273 /// Compute the (a) shortest path from start to end. THrow an exception if end cannot be reached rom start.
274 /// </summary>
275 /// <param name="weight"></param>
276 /// <param name="start"></param>
277 /// <param name="end"></param>
278 /// <returns></returns>
279 ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> ShortestPath(V start, V end);
281 /// <summary>
282 /// Compute the Distance from start to end, i.e. the total weight of a shortest path from start to end.
283 /// Throw an exception if end cannot be reached rom start.
284 /// </summary>
285 /// <param name="start"></param>
286 /// <param name="end"></param>
287 /// <returns></returns>
288 W Distance(V start, V end);
290 /// <summary>
291 /// Compute a minimum spanning tree for the graph.
292 /// Throw an exception if this graph is not connected.
293 /// </summary>
294 /// <param name="root">(The starting point of the PFS, to be removed)</param>
295 /// <returns></returns>
296 IGraph<V, E, W> MinimumSpanningTree(out V root);
298 /// <summary>
299 /// Compute a factor 2 approximation to a Minimum Weight
300 /// Perfect Matching in a graph using NNs
301 /// </summary>
302 /// <returns></returns>
303 ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> ApproximateMWPM();
305 /// <summary>
306 /// Construct a closed Euler tour of this graph if one exists, i.e. if
307 /// the graph is connected and all vertices have even degrees. Throw an
308 /// ArgumentException if no closed Euler tour exists.
309 /// </summary>
310 /// <returns>A list of vertices in an Euler tour of this graph.</returns>
311 IList<V> EulerTour();
313 /// <summary>
314 /// This is intended for implementations of the very simple factor 2 approximation
315 /// algorithms for the travelling salesman problem for Euclidic weight/distance
316 /// functions, i.e. distances that satisfy the triangle inequality. (We do not do 3/2)
317 /// </summary>
318 /// <returns></returns>
319 IDirectedCollectionValue<V> ApproximateTSP();
321 /// <summary>
322 /// Pretty-print the graph to the console (for debugging purposes).
323 /// </summary>
324 void Print(System.IO.TextWriter output);
327 /// <summary>
328 /// The type of an edge in a graph. An edge is identified by its pair of
329 /// vertices. The pair is considered ordered, and so an Edge really describes
330 /// an edge of the graph in a particular traversal direction.
331 /// </summary>
332 /// <typeparam name="V">The type of a vertex.</typeparam>
333 /// <typeparam name="E">The type of data asociated with edges.</typeparam>
334 struct Edge<V, E>
336 static SCG.IEqualityComparer<V> vequalityComparer = EqualityComparer<V>.Default;
337 public readonly V start, end;
338 public readonly E edgedata;
339 public Edge(V start, V end, E edgedata)
341 if (vequalityComparer.Equals(start, end))
342 throw new ArgumentException("Illegal: start and end are equal");
343 this.start = start; this.end = end; this.edgedata = edgedata;
346 public Edge<V, E> Reverse()
348 return new Edge<V, E>(end, start, edgedata);
351 public override string ToString()
353 return String.Format("(start='{0}', end='{1}', edgedata='{2}')", start, end, edgedata); ;
356 public override bool Equals(object obj)
358 if (obj is Edge<V, E>)
360 Edge<V, E> other = (Edge<V, E>)obj;
361 return vequalityComparer.Equals(start, other.start) && vequalityComparer.Equals(end, other.end);
363 return false;
366 /// <summary>
367 ///
368 /// </summary>
369 /// <returns></returns>
370 public override int GetHashCode()
372 //TODO: should we use xor? Or a random factor?
373 return start.GetHashCode() + 148712671 * end.GetHashCode();
376 /// <summary>
377 /// The unordered equalityComparer compares edges independent of the order of the vertices.
378 /// </summary>
379 public class UnorderedEqualityComparer : SCG.IEqualityComparer<Edge<V, E>>
381 /// <summary>
382 /// Check if two edges have the same vertices irrespective of order.
383 /// </summary>
384 /// <param name="i1"></param>
385 /// <param name="i2"></param>
386 /// <returns></returns>
387 public bool Equals(Edge<V, E> i1, Edge<V, E> i2)
389 return (vequalityComparer.Equals(i1.start, i2.start) && vequalityComparer.Equals(i1.end, i2.end)) ||
390 (vequalityComparer.Equals(i1.end, i2.start) && vequalityComparer.Equals(i1.start, i2.end));
393 /// <summary>
394 /// Return a hash code compatible with the unordered equals.
395 /// </summary>
396 /// <param name="item"></param>
397 /// <returns></returns>
398 public int GetHashCode(Edge<V, E> item)
400 return item.start.GetHashCode() ^ item.end.GetHashCode();
405 /// <summary>
406 /// The type of the weight object of a graph. This consists of a function mapping
407 /// edge data values to weight values, and an operation to add two weight values.
408 /// It is required that weight values are comparable.
409 ///
410 /// The user must assure that the add operation is commutative and fulfills
411 /// Add(w1,w2) &le; w1 for all w1 and w2 that can appear as weights or sums of
412 /// weights. In practise, W will be int or double, all weight values will be
413 /// non-negative and the addition will be the natural addition on W.
414 /// </summary>
415 /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
416 /// <typeparam name="W"></typeparam>
417 interface IWeight<E, W> where W : IComparable<W>
419 /// <summary>
420 /// Compute the weight value corresponding to specific edge data.
421 /// </summary>
422 /// <param name="edgedata"></param>
423 /// <returns></returns>
424 W Weight(E edgedata);
426 /// <summary>
427 /// Add two weight values.
428 /// </summary>
429 /// <param name="w1"></param>
430 /// <param name="w2"></param>
431 /// <returns></returns>
432 W Add(W w1, W w2);
435 /// <summary>
436 /// An action to perform when an edge is encountered during a traversal of the graph.
437 /// The "extra" parameter is for additional information supplied by the traversal
438 /// algorithm.
439 /// The intention of the bool return value is that returning false is a signal to the
440 /// traversal algorithm to abandon the traversl because the user has already found
441 /// what he was looking for.
442 /// </summary>
443 /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
444 /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
445 /// <typeparam name="U"></typeparam>
446 /// <param name="edge"></param>
447 /// <param name="extra"></param>
448 /// <returns></returns>
449 delegate bool EdgeAction<V, E, U>(Edge<V, E> edge, U extra);
453 For a dense graph, we would use data fields:
455 E'[,] or E'[][] for the matrix. Possibly E'[][] for a triangular one!
456 Here E' = struct{E edgedata, bool present} or class{E edgedata}, or if E is a class just E.
457 Thus E' is E! for value types. Or we could have two matrices: E[][] and bool[][].
459 HashDictionary<V,int> to map vertex ids to indices.
460 ArrayList<V> for the map the other way.
461 Or simply a HashedArrayList<V> to get both?
463 PresentList<int>, FreeList<int> or similar, if we do not want to compact the indices in the matrix on each delete.
464 If we compact, we always do a delete on the vertex<->index map by a replace and a removelast:
465 vimap[ind]=vimap[vimap.Count]; vimap.RemoveLast(); //also reorder matrix!
470 /// <summary>
471 /// An implementation of IGraph&le;V,E,W&ge; based on an adjacency list representation using hash dictionaries.
472 /// As a consequence, this will be most efficient for sparse graphs.
473 /// </summary>
474 /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
475 /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
476 /// <typeparam name="W"></typeparam>
477 class HashGraph<V, E, W> : IGraph<V, E, W> where W : IComparable<W>
479 int edgecount;
481 HashDictionary<V, HashDictionary<V, E>> graph;
483 IWeight<E, W> weight;
485 public IWeight<E, W> Weight { get { return weight; } }
488 /// <summary>
489 /// Create an initially empty graph.
490 /// </summary>
491 /// <param name="weight"></param>
492 [UsedBy("testTSP")]
493 public HashGraph(IWeight<E, W> weight)
495 this.weight = weight;
496 edgecount = 0;
497 graph = new HashDictionary<V, HashDictionary<V, E>>();
500 /// <summary>
501 /// Constructing a graph with no isolated vertices given a collection of edges.
502 /// </summary>
503 /// <param name="edges"></param>
504 [UsedBy()]
505 public HashGraph(IWeight<E, W> weight, SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<V, E>> edges) : this(weight)
507 foreach (Edge<V, E> edge in edges)
509 if (edge.start.Equals(edge.end))
510 throw new ApplicationException("Edge has equal start and end");
512 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset;
513 //TODO: utilize upcoming FindOrAddSome operation
514 if (!graph.Find(edge.start, out edgeset))
515 graph.Add(edge.start, edgeset = new HashDictionary<V, E>());
516 if (!edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(edge.end, edge.edgedata))
517 edgecount++;
518 if (!graph.Find(edge.end, out edgeset))
519 graph.Add(edge.end, edgeset = new HashDictionary<V, E>());
520 edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(edge.start, edge.edgedata);
525 /// <summary>
526 /// This constructs a graph with a given set of vertices.
527 /// Will only allow these vertices.
528 /// Duplicate edges are allowed.
529 /// </summary>
530 /// <param name="vertices"></param>
531 /// <param name="edges"></param>
532 public HashGraph(IWeight<E, W> weight, SCG.IEnumerable<V> vertices, SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<V, E>> edges) : this(weight)
534 foreach (V v in vertices)
535 graph.Add(v, new HashDictionary<V, E>());
536 foreach (Edge<V, E> edge in edges)
538 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset;
539 if (edge.start.Equals(edge.end))
540 throw new ApplicationException("Edge has equal start and end");
541 if (!graph.Find(edge.start, out edgeset))
542 throw new ApplicationException("Edge has unknown start");
543 if (!edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(edge.end, edge.edgedata))
544 edgecount++;
545 if (!graph.Find(edge.end, out edgeset))
546 throw new ApplicationException("Edge has unknown end");
547 edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(edge.start, edge.edgedata);
551 [UsedBy("testCOMP")]
552 public int VertexCount { get { return graph.Count; } }
554 [UsedBy("testCOMP")]
555 public int EdgeCount { get { return edgecount; } }
557 public ICollectionValue<V> Vertices()
559 return new GuardedCollectionValue<V>(graph.Keys);
562 public ICollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, E>> Adjacent(V vertex)
564 return new GuardedCollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, E>>(graph[vertex]);
567 class EdgesValue : CollectionValueBase<Edge<V, E>>
569 HashGraph<V, E, W> graph;
570 internal EdgesValue(HashGraph<V, E, W> g) { graph = g; }
572 public override bool IsEmpty { get { return graph.edgecount == 0; } }
574 public override int Count { get { return graph.edgecount; } }
576 public override Speed CountSpeed { get { return Speed.Constant; } }
579 public override Edge<V, E> Choose()
581 KeyValuePair<V, HashDictionary<V, E>> adjacent = graph.graph.Choose();
582 KeyValuePair<V, E> otherend = graph.graph[adjacent.Key].Choose();
583 return new Edge<V, E>(adjacent.Key, otherend.Key, otherend.Value);
586 public override SCG.IEnumerator<Edge<V, E>> GetEnumerator()
588 HashSet<Edge<V, E>> seen = new HashSet<Edge<V, E>>(new Edge<V, E>.UnorderedEqualityComparer());
589 foreach (V v in graph.graph.Keys)
590 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> p in graph.graph[v])
592 Edge<V, E> edge = new Edge<V, E>(v, p.Key, p.Value);
593 if (!seen.FindOrAdd(ref edge))
594 yield return edge;
599 public ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> Edges()
601 return new EdgesValue(this);
604 public bool AddVertex(V v)
606 if (graph.Contains(v))
607 return false;
608 graph.Add(v, new HashDictionary<V, E>());
609 return true;
612 //Note: no warning on update of edgedata!
613 //TODO: Shouldn't Update or Add return the old value?
614 //Then it would be easy to check for updates
615 public bool AddEdge(V start, V end, E edgedata)
617 bool retval = false;
618 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset;
619 if (graph.Find(start, out edgeset))
620 retval = !edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(end, edgedata);
621 else
623 graph[start] = edgeset = new HashDictionary<V, E>();
624 edgeset[end] = edgedata;
625 retval = true;
627 if (graph.Find(end, out edgeset))
628 edgeset.UpdateOrAdd(start, edgedata);
629 else
631 graph[end] = edgeset = new HashDictionary<V, E>();
632 edgeset[start] = edgedata;
634 if (retval)
635 edgecount++;
636 return retval;
639 public bool RemoveVertex(V vertex)
641 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset;
642 if (!graph.Find(vertex, out edgeset))
643 return false;
644 foreach (V othervertex in edgeset.Keys)
645 graph[othervertex].Remove(vertex); //Assert retval==true
646 edgecount -= edgeset.Count;
647 graph.Remove(vertex);
648 return true;
651 public bool RemoveEdge(V start, V end, out E edgedata)
653 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset;
654 if (!graph.Find(start, out edgeset))
656 edgedata = default(E);
657 return false;
659 if (!edgeset.Remove(end, out edgedata))
660 return false;
661 graph[end].Remove(start);
662 edgecount--;
663 return true;
666 public bool FindEdge(V start, V end, out E edgedata)
668 HashDictionary<V, E> edges;
669 if (!graph.Find(start, out edges))
671 edgedata = default(E);
672 return false;
674 return edges.Find(end, out edgedata);
677 public IGraph<V, E, W> SubGraph(ICollectionValue<V> vs)
679 HashSet<V> vertexset = vs as HashSet<V>;
680 if (vertexset == null)
682 vertexset = new HashSet<V>();
683 vertexset.AddAll(vs);
686 return new HashGraph<V, E, W>(weight,
688 Edges().Filter(delegate(Edge<V, E> e) { return vertexset.Contains(e.start) && vertexset.Contains(e.end); }));
691 public bool IsConnected
693 //TODO: optimize: needs to change Action<Edge<V,E>> to EdgeAction to be able to break out
694 get { return ComponentCount <= 1; }
697 public int ComponentCount
701 int components = 0;
702 TraverseVertices(false, null, delegate(V v) { components++; }, null);
703 return components;
707 public ICollectionValue<KeyValuePair<V, IGraph<V, E, W>>> Components()
709 ArrayList<KeyValuePair<V, IGraph<V, E, W>>> retval = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair<V, IGraph<V, E, W>>>();
710 HashGraph<V, E, W> component;
711 ArrayList<V> vertices = null;
712 Action<Edge<V, E>> edgeaction = delegate(Edge<V, E> e)
714 vertices.Add(e.end);
716 Action<V> beforecomponent = delegate(V v)
718 vertices = new ArrayList<V>();
719 vertices.Add(v);
721 Action<V> aftercomponent = delegate(V v)
723 //component = SubGraph(vertices);
724 component = new HashGraph<V, E, W>(weight);
725 foreach (V start in vertices)
727 //component.graph[start] = graph[start].Clone();
728 HashDictionary<V, E> edgeset = component.graph[start] = new HashDictionary<V, E>();
729 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> adjacent in graph[start])
730 edgeset[adjacent.Key] = adjacent.Value;
732 retval.Add(new KeyValuePair<V, IGraph<V, E, W>>(v, component));
734 TraverseVertices(false, edgeaction, beforecomponent, aftercomponent);
735 return retval;
738 [UsedBy("test1")]
739 public void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, V start, Action<Edge<V, E>> act)
741 if (!graph.Contains(start))
742 throw new ArgumentException("start Vertex not in graph");
743 IList<Edge<V, E>> todo = new LinkedList<Edge<V, E>>();
744 todo.FIFO = bfs;
745 HashSet<V> seen = new HashSet<V>();
746 V v;
747 while (!todo.IsEmpty || seen.Count == 0)
749 if (seen.Count > 1)
751 Edge<V, E> e = todo.Remove();
752 if (act != null)
753 act(e);
754 v = e.end;
756 else
758 seen.Add(start);
759 v = start;
762 HashDictionary<V, E> adjacent;
763 if (graph.Find(v, out adjacent))
765 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> p in adjacent)
767 V end = p.Key;
768 if (!seen.FindOrAdd(ref end))
769 todo.Add(new Edge<V, E>(v, end, p.Value));
775 public void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, Action<V> act)
777 TraverseVertices(bfs, delegate(Edge<V, E> e) { act(e.end); }, act, null);
780 //TODO: merge the hash set here with the intra omponent one?
781 public void TraverseVertices(bool bfs, Action<Edge<V, E>> act, Action<V> beforecomponent, Action<V> aftercomponent)
783 HashSet<V> missing = new HashSet<V>();
784 missing.AddAll(Vertices());
785 Action<Edge<V, E>> myact = act + delegate(Edge<V, E> e) { missing.Remove(e.end); };
786 Action<V> mybeforecomponent = beforecomponent + delegate(V v) { missing.Remove(v); };
787 while (!missing.IsEmpty)
789 V start = default(V);
790 foreach (V v in missing)
791 { start = v; break; }
792 mybeforecomponent(start);
793 TraverseVertices(bfs, start, myact);
794 if (aftercomponent != null)
795 aftercomponent(start);
799 delegate void Visitor(V v, V parent, bool atRoot);
801 //TODO: allow actions to be null
802 [UsedBy("testDFS")]
803 public void DepthFirstSearch(V start, Action<V> before, Action<V> after,
804 Action<Edge<V, E>> onfollow, Action<Edge<V, E>> onfollowed, Action<Edge<V, E>> onnotfollowed)
806 HashSet<V> seen = new HashSet<V>();
807 seen.Add(start);
808 //If we do not first set visit = null, the compiler will complain at visit(end)
809 //that visit is uninitialized
810 Visitor visit = null;
811 visit = delegate(V v, V parent, bool atRoot)
813 before(v);
814 HashDictionary<V, E> adjacent;
815 if (graph.Find(v, out adjacent))
816 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> p in adjacent)
818 V end = p.Key;
819 Edge<V, E> e = new Edge<V, E>(v, end, p.Value);
820 if (!seen.FindOrAdd(ref end))
822 onfollow(e);
823 visit(end, v, false);
824 onfollowed(e);
826 else
828 if (!atRoot && !parent.Equals(end))
829 onnotfollowed(e);
832 after(v);
834 visit(start, default(V), true);
837 public void PriorityFirstTraverse(bool accumulated, V start, EdgeAction<V, E, W> act)
839 if (!graph.Contains(start))
840 throw new ArgumentException("Graph does not contain start");
841 IPriorityQueue<W> fringe = new IntervalHeap<W>();
842 HashDictionary<V, IPriorityQueueHandle<W>> seen = new HashDictionary<V, IPriorityQueueHandle<W>>();
843 HashDictionary<IPriorityQueueHandle<W>, Edge<V, E>> bestedge = new HashDictionary<IPriorityQueueHandle<W>, Edge<V, E>>();
845 IPriorityQueueHandle<W> h = null;
846 V current;
847 W currentdist;
848 while (!fringe.IsEmpty || seen.Count == 0)
850 if (seen.Count == 0)
852 seen.Add(start, h);
853 current = start;
854 currentdist = default(W);
856 else
858 currentdist = fringe.DeleteMin(out h);
859 Edge<V, E> e = bestedge[h];
860 if (!act(e, currentdist))
861 break;
862 bestedge.Remove(h);
863 current = e.end;
865 HashDictionary<V, E> adjacentnodes;
866 if (graph.Find(current, out adjacentnodes))
867 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> adjacent in adjacentnodes)
869 V end = adjacent.Key;
870 E edgedata = adjacent.Value;
871 W dist = weight.Weight(edgedata), olddist;
872 if (accumulated && !current.Equals(start)) dist = weight.Add(currentdist, weight.Weight(edgedata));
873 if (!seen.Find(end, out h))
875 h = null;
876 fringe.Add(ref h, dist);
877 seen[end] = h;
878 bestedge[h] = new Edge<V, E>(current, end, edgedata);
880 else if (fringe.Find(h, out olddist) && dist.CompareTo(olddist) < 0)
882 fringe[h] = dist;
883 bestedge[h] = new Edge<V, E>(current, end, edgedata);
889 public W Distance(V start, V end)
891 W dist = default(W);
892 bool found = false;
893 PriorityFirstTraverse(true, start, delegate(Edge<V, E> e, W w)
895 if (end.Equals(e.end)) { dist = w; found = true; return false; }
896 else return true;
898 if (found)
899 return dist;
900 throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No path from {0} to {1}", start, end));
904 public ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> ShortestPath(V start, V end)
906 HashDictionary<V, Edge<V, E>> backtrack = new HashDictionary<V, Edge<V, E>>();
907 PriorityFirstTraverse(true, start, delegate(Edge<V, E> e, W w) { backtrack[e.end] = e; return !end.Equals(e.end); });
908 ArrayList<Edge<V, E>> path = new ArrayList<Edge<V, E>>();
909 Edge<V, E> edge;
910 V v = end;
911 while (backtrack.Find(v, out edge))
913 path.Add(edge);
914 v = edge.start;
916 if (path.IsEmpty)
917 throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No path from {0} to {1}", start, end));
918 path.Reverse();
919 return path;
922 /// <summary>
923 /// NB: assume connected, throw exception if not
924 /// </summary>
925 /// <typeparam name="W"></typeparam>
926 /// <param name="edgeWeight"></param>
927 /// <returns></returns>
928 public IGraph<V, E, W> MinimumSpanningTree(out V start)
930 ArrayList<Edge<V, E>> edges = new ArrayList<Edge<V, E>>();
931 start = default(V);
932 foreach (V v in graph.Keys)
933 { start = v; break; }
934 PriorityFirstTraverse(false, start, delegate(Edge<V, E> e, W w) { edges.Add(e); return true; });
935 if (edges.Count != graph.Count - 1)
936 throw new ArgumentException("Graph not connected");
937 return new HashGraph<V, E, W>(weight, edges);
940 public ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> ApproximateMWPM()
942 //Assume graph complete and even number of vertices
943 HashGraph<V, E, W> clone = new HashGraph<V, E, W>(weight, Edges());
944 ArrayList<Edge<V, E>> evenpath = new ArrayList<Edge<V, E>>();
945 ArrayList<Edge<V, E>> oddpath = new ArrayList<Edge<V, E>>();
946 V start = default(V);
947 foreach (V v in clone.Vertices()) { start = v; break; }
948 V current = start;
949 W evenweight, oddweight;
950 evenweight = oddweight = default(W);
951 bool even = true;
952 while (clone.VertexCount > 0)
954 V bestvertex = default(V);
955 E bestedge = default(E);
956 W bestweight = default(W);
957 if (clone.VertexCount == 1)
959 bestvertex = start;
960 bestedge = graph[current][start];
961 bestweight = weight.Weight(bestedge);
963 else
965 bool first = true;
966 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> p in clone.graph[current])
968 W thisweight = weight.Weight(p.Value);
969 if (first || bestweight.CompareTo(thisweight) > 0)
971 bestvertex = p.Key;
972 bestweight = thisweight;
973 bestedge = p.Value;
975 first = false;
978 clone.RemoveVertex(current);
979 //Console.WriteLine("-* {0} / {1} / {2}", bestvertex, bestweight, tour.Count);
980 if (even)
982 evenweight = evenpath.Count < 1 ? bestweight : weight.Add(evenweight, bestweight);
983 evenpath.Add(new Edge<V, E>(current, bestvertex, bestedge));
985 else
987 oddweight = oddpath.Count < 1 ? bestweight : weight.Add(oddweight, bestweight);
988 oddpath.Add(new Edge<V, E>(current, bestvertex, bestedge));
990 current = bestvertex;
991 even = !even;
993 //Console.WriteLine("Totalweights: even: {0} and odd: {1}", evenweight, oddweight);
994 return evenweight.CompareTo(oddweight) < 0 ? evenpath : oddpath;
997 /// <summary>
998 /// The construction is performed as follows:
999 /// Start at some vertex. Greedily construct a path starting there by
1000 /// following edges at random until no more unused edges are available
1001 /// from the current node, which must be the start node. Then follow
1002 /// the path constructed so far and whenever we meet a vertex with
1003 /// unused edges, construct a path from there greedily as above,
1004 /// inserting into the path in front of us.
1005 ///
1006 /// The algorithm will use constant time for each vertex added
1007 /// to the path and
1008 ///
1009 /// Illustrates use of views as a safe version of listnode pointers
1010 /// and hashed linked lists for choosing some item in constant time combined
1011 /// with (expected) constant time remove.
1012 /// </summary>
1013 /// <returns></returns>
1014 public IList<V> EulerTour()
1016 bool debug = false;
1017 //Assert connected and all degrees even. (Connected is checked at the end)
1018 string fmt = "Graph does not have a closed Euler tour: vertex {0} has odd degree {1}";
1019 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, HashDictionary<V, E>> adj in graph)
1020 if (adj.Value.Count % 2 != 0)
1021 throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(fmt, adj.Key, adj.Value.Count));
1023 LinkedList<V> path = new LinkedList<V>();
1024 //Clone the graph data to keep track of used edges.
1025 HashDictionary<V, HashedArrayList<V>> edges = new HashDictionary<V, HashedArrayList<V>>();
1026 V start = default(V);
1027 HashedArrayList<V> adjacent = null;
1028 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, HashDictionary<V, E>> p in graph)
1030 adjacent = new HashedArrayList<V>();
1031 adjacent.AddAll(p.Value.Keys);
1032 start = p.Key;
1033 edges.Add(start, adjacent);
1036 path.Add(start);
1037 IList<V> view = path.View(0, 1);
1038 while (adjacent.Count > 0)
1040 V current = view[0];
1041 if (debug) Console.WriteLine("==> {0}", current);
1042 //Augment the path (randomly) until we return here and all edges
1043 while (adjacent.Count > 0)
1045 if (debug) Console.WriteLine(" => {0}, {1}", current, path.Count);
1046 V next = adjacent.RemoveFirst();
1047 view.Add(next);
1048 if (debug) Console.WriteLine("EDGE: " + current + "->" + next);
1049 if (!edges[next].Remove(current))
1050 Console.WriteLine("Bad");
1051 current = next;
1052 adjacent = edges[current];
1054 //When we get here, the view contains a closed path, i.e.
1055 //view[view.Count-1] == view[0] and we have followed all edges from view[0]
1056 //We slide forward along the rest of the path constructed so far and stop at the
1057 //first vertex with still unfollwed edges.
1058 while (view.Offset < path.Count - 1 && adjacent.Count == 0)
1060 view.Slide(1, 1);
1061 if (debug) Console.WriteLine(" -> {0}, {1}", view[0], path.Count);
1062 adjacent = edges[view[0]];
1065 if (path.Count <= edges.Count)
1066 throw new ArgumentException("Graph was not connected");
1067 return path;
1070 /// <summary>
1071 /// The purpose of this struct is to be able to create and add new,
1072 /// synthetic vertices to a graph.
1073 /// </summary>
1074 struct Vplus : IEquatable<Vplus>
1076 internal readonly V vertex; internal readonly int id;
1077 static SCG.IEqualityComparer<V> vequalityComparer = EqualityComparer<V>.Default;
1078 internal Vplus(V v) { vertex = v; id = 0; }
1079 internal Vplus(int i) { vertex = default(V); id = i; }
1080 //We should override Equals and GetHashCode
1082 public override string ToString()
1083 { return id == 0 ? String.Format("real({0})", vertex) : String.Format("fake({0})", id); }
1085 public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
1087 public bool Equals(Vplus other) { return vequalityComparer.Equals(vertex, other.vertex) && id == other.id; }
1089 public override int GetHashCode() { return vequalityComparer.GetHashCode(vertex) + id; }
1092 /// <summary>
1093 ///
1094 /// </summary>
1095 /// <returns></returns>
1096 public IDirectedCollectionValue<V> ApproximateTSP2()
1098 /* Construct a minimum spanning tree for the graph */
1099 V root;
1100 IGraph<V, E, W> tree = MinimumSpanningTree(out root);
1102 //Console.WriteLine("========= Matching of odd vertices of mst =========");
1103 ArrayList<V> oddvertices = new ArrayList<V>();
1104 foreach (V v in tree.Vertices())
1105 if (tree.Adjacent(v).Count % 2 != 0)
1106 oddvertices.Add(v);
1108 ICollectionValue<Edge<V, E>> matching = SubGraph(oddvertices).ApproximateMWPM();
1110 //Console.WriteLine("========= Fuse matching and tree =========");
1111 //We must split the edges of the matching with fake temporary vertices
1112 //since the matching and the tree may have common edges
1114 HashGraph<Vplus, E, W> fused = new HashGraph<Vplus, E, W>(weight);
1115 foreach (Edge<V, E> e in tree.Edges())
1116 fused.AddEdge(new Vplus(e.start), new Vplus(e.end), e.edgedata);
1117 int fakeid = 1;
1118 foreach (Edge<V, E> e in matching)
1120 Vplus fakevertex = new Vplus(fakeid++);
1121 fused.AddEdge(new Vplus(e.start), fakevertex, e.edgedata);
1122 fused.AddEdge(fakevertex, new Vplus(e.end), e.edgedata);
1124 fused.Print(Console.Out);
1126 //Console.WriteLine("========= Remove fake vertices and perform shortcuts =========");
1127 IList<Vplus> fusedtour = fused.EulerTour();
1128 HashSet<V> seen = new HashSet<V>();
1129 IList<V> tour = new ArrayList<V>();
1131 foreach (Vplus vplus in fused.EulerTour())
1133 V v = vplus.vertex;
1134 if (vplus.id == 0 && !seen.FindOrAdd(ref v))
1135 tour.Add(v);
1137 return tour;
1140 /// <summary>
1141 /// (Refer to the litterature, Vazirani)
1142 ///
1143 /// (Describe: MST+Euler+shortcuts)
1144 /// </summary>
1145 /// <returns></returns>
1146 [UsedBy("testTSP")]
1147 public IDirectedCollectionValue<V> ApproximateTSP()
1149 /* Construct a minimum spanning tree for the graph */
1150 V root;
1151 IGraph<V, E, W> tree = MinimumSpanningTree(out root);
1153 /* (Virtually) double all edges of MST and construct an Euler tour of the vertices*/
1154 LinkedList<V> tour = new LinkedList<V>();
1155 tour.Add(root);
1156 tour.Add(root);
1157 IList<V> view = tour.View(1, 1);
1159 Action<Edge<V, E>> onfollow = delegate(Edge<V, E> e)
1161 //slide the view until it points to the last copy of e.start
1162 while (!view[0].Equals(e.start))
1163 view.Slide(1);
1164 //then insert two copies of e.end and slide the view one backwards
1165 view.InsertFirst(e.end);
1166 view.InsertFirst(e.end);
1167 view.Slide(1, 1);
1170 tree.TraverseVertices(false, root, onfollow);
1172 /* Finally, slide along the Euler tour and shortcut by removing vertices already seen*/
1173 HashSet<V> seen = new HashSet<V>();
1174 view = tour.View(0, tour.Count);
1175 while (view.Offset < tour.Count - 1)
1177 V v = view[0];
1178 if (seen.FindOrAdd(ref v))
1179 view.RemoveFirst();
1180 else
1181 view.Slide(1, view.Count - 1);
1183 return tour;
1186 public void Print(System.IO.TextWriter output)
1188 output.WriteLine("Graph has {0} vertices, {1} edges, {2} components", graph.Count, edgecount, ComponentCount);
1189 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, HashDictionary<V, E>> p in graph)
1191 output.Write(" {0} -> ", p.Key);
1192 foreach (KeyValuePair<V, E> p2 in p.Value)
1193 output.Write("{1} (data {2}), ", p.Key, p2.Key, p2.Value);
1194 output.WriteLine();
1199 /// <summary>
1200 /// A weight on a graph that assigns the weight 1 to every edge.
1201 /// </summary>
1202 /// <typeparam name="E">(Ignored) type of edgedata</typeparam>
1203 class CountWeight<E> : IWeight<E, int>
1205 public int Weight(E edgedata) { return 1; }
1207 public int Add(int w1, int w2) { return w1 + w2; }
1210 /// <summary>
1211 /// A weight on an IGraph&lt;V,int&gt; that uses the value of the edgedata as the weight value.
1212 /// </summary>
1213 class IntWeight : IWeight<int, int>
1216 public int Weight(int edgedata) { return edgedata; }
1218 public int Add(int w1, int w2) { return w1 + w2; }
1222 /// <summary>
1223 /// A weight on an IGraph&lt;V,double&gt; that uses the value of the edgedata as the weight value.
1224 /// </summary>
1225 class DoubleWeight : IWeight<double, double>
1228 public double Weight(double edgedata) { return edgedata; }
1230 public double Add(double w1, double w2) { return w1 + w2; }
1234 /// <summary>
1235 /// Attribute used for marking which examples use a particuler graph method
1236 /// </summary>
1237 class UsedByAttribute : Attribute
1239 string[] tests;
1240 internal UsedByAttribute(params string[] tests) { this.tests = tests; }
1242 public override string ToString()
1244 System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
1245 for (int i = 0; i < tests.Length; i++)
1247 if (i > 0)
1248 sb.Append(", ");
1249 sb.Append(tests[i]);
1251 return sb.ToString();
1255 /// <summary>
1256 /// Attribute for marking example methods with a description
1257 /// </summary>
1258 class ExampleDescriptionAttribute : Attribute
1260 string text;
1261 internal ExampleDescriptionAttribute(string text) { this.text = text; }
1263 public override string ToString() { return text; }
1266 /// <summary>
1267 /// A selection of test cases
1268 /// </summary>
1269 class Test
1271 static SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<int, int>> Grid(int n)
1273 Random ran = new Random(1717);
1274 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1276 for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
1278 yield return new Edge<int, int>(1000 * i + j, 1000 * (i + 1) + j, ran.Next(1, 100));
1279 yield return new Edge<int, int>(1000 * i + j, 1000 * i + j + 1, ran.Next(1, 100));
1284 static SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<string, int>> Snake(int n)
1286 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1288 yield return new Edge<string, int>("U" + i, "L" + i, 1);
1289 yield return new Edge<string, int>("U" + i, "U" + (i + 1), i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 10);
1290 yield return new Edge<string, int>("L" + i, "L" + (i + 1), i % 2 == 0 ? 10 : 1);
1294 /// <summary>
1295 /// Create the edges of a forest of complete binary trees.
1296 /// </summary>
1297 /// <param name="treeCount">Number of trees</param>
1298 /// <param name="height">Height of trees</param>
1299 /// <returns></returns>
1300 static SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<string, int>> Forest(int treeCount, int height)
1302 for (int i = 0; i < treeCount; i++)
1304 IList<string> q = new ArrayList<string>();
1305 string root = String.Format("[{0}]", i);
1306 int lmax = height + root.Length;
1307 q.Add(root);
1308 while (!q.IsEmpty)
1310 string s = q.Remove();
1311 string s2 = s + "L";
1312 if (s2.Length < lmax)
1313 q.Add(s2);
1314 yield return new Edge<string, int>(s, s2, 0);
1315 s2 = s + "R";
1316 if (s2.Length < lmax)
1317 q.Add(s2);
1318 yield return new Edge<string, int>(s, s2, 0);
1323 /// <summary>
1324 /// Create edges of a graph correspondingto a "wheel" shape: the ecnter and equidistant
1325 /// points around the perimeter. The edgedata and edge weights are the euclidean distances.
1326 /// </summary>
1327 /// <param name="complete">True means the graph will be complete, false that the graph
1328 /// will have edges for the spokes and between neighboring perimeter vetices.</param>
1329 /// <param name="n">The number of perimeter vertices, must be at least 3.</param>
1330 /// <returns>An enumerable with the edges</returns>
1331 static SCG.IEnumerable<Edge<string, double>> Wheel(bool complete, int n)
1333 if (n < 3)
1334 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n must be at least 3");
1335 string center = "C";
1336 string[] perimeter = new string[n];
1337 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1339 perimeter[i] = "P" + i;
1340 yield return new Edge<string, double>(perimeter[i], center, 1);
1342 if (complete)
1343 for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
1344 for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
1345 yield return new Edge<string, double>(perimeter[i], perimeter[j], 2 * Math.Sin((j - i) * Math.PI / n));
1346 else
1348 for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
1349 yield return new Edge<string, double>(perimeter[i], perimeter[i + 1], 2 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / n));
1350 yield return new Edge<string, double>(perimeter[n - 1], perimeter[0], 2 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / n));
1355 /// <summary>
1356 /// []
1357 /// </summary>
1358 [ExampleDescription("Basic BFS and DFS using TraverseVertices method")]
1359 static void test1()
1361 IGraph<int, int, int> g = new HashGraph<int, int, int>(new CountWeight<int>(), Grid(3));
1362 Console.WriteLine("Edge count: {0}", g.Edges().Count);
1363 Console.WriteLine("BFS:");
1364 g.TraverseVertices(true, 1001, delegate(Edge<int, int> e) { Console.WriteLine(e); });
1365 Console.WriteLine("DFS:");
1366 g.TraverseVertices(false, 1001, delegate(Edge<int, int> e) { Console.WriteLine(e); });
1369 /// <summary>
1370 ///
1371 /// </summary>
1372 [ExampleDescription("Component methods")]
1373 static void testCOMP()
1375 IGraph<string, int, int> g = new HashGraph<string, int, int>(new CountWeight<int>(), Forest(2, 2));
1376 Console.WriteLine("Forest has: Vertices: {0}, Edges: {1}, Components: {2}", g.VertexCount, g.EdgeCount, g.ComponentCount);
1377 //g.Print(Console.Out);
1378 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGraph<string, int, int>> comp in g.Components())
1380 Console.WriteLine("Component of {0}:", comp.Key);
1381 comp.Value.Print(Console.Out);
1385 //TODO: remove?
1386 static void test3()
1388 HashGraph<int, int, int> g = new HashGraph<int, int, int>(new CountWeight<int>(), Grid(5));
1389 g.Print(Console.Out);
1390 //EdgeWeight<int, IntWeight> weight = delegate(int i) { return i; };
1391 Console.WriteLine("========= PFS accum =========");
1392 g.PriorityFirstTraverse(
1393 true,
1394 2002,
1395 delegate(Edge<int, int> e, int d) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0}, at distance {1}", e, d); return true; });
1396 Console.WriteLine("========= PFS not accum =========");
1397 g.PriorityFirstTraverse(
1398 false,
1399 2002,
1400 delegate(Edge<int, int> e, int d) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0}, at distance {1}", e, d); return true; });
1401 Console.WriteLine("========= MST =========");
1402 int root;
1403 g.MinimumSpanningTree(out root).Print(Console.Out);
1404 Console.WriteLine("========= SP =========");
1405 foreach (Edge<int, int> edge in g.ShortestPath(1001, 5005))
1406 Console.WriteLine(edge);
1409 static void test4()
1411 IGraph<string, int, int> g = new HashGraph<string, int, int>(new IntWeight(), Snake(5));
1412 Console.WriteLine("Edge count: {0}", g.Edges().Count);
1413 Console.WriteLine("========= PFS =========");
1414 g.PriorityFirstTraverse(false,
1415 "U3",
1416 delegate(Edge<string, int> e, int d) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0}, at distance {1}", e, d); return true; });
1417 Console.WriteLine("========= MST =========");
1418 string root;
1419 IGraph<string, int, int> mst = g.MinimumSpanningTree(out root);
1420 mst.Print(Console.Out);
1421 Console.WriteLine("DFS:");
1422 mst.TraverseVertices(false, root, delegate(Edge<string, int> e) { Console.WriteLine(e); });
1423 Console.WriteLine("ATSP:");
1424 int first = 0;
1425 foreach (string s in g.ApproximateTSP())
1427 Console.Write((first++ == 0 ? "" : " -> ") + s);
1431 /// <summary>
1432 /// This example examines the two variants of a priority-first search:
1433 /// with accumulated weights, leading to shortest paths from start;
1434 /// with non-acumulated weights, leading to a minimum spanning tree.
1435 /// </summary>
1436 [ExampleDescription("Priority-first-search with and without accumulated weights")]
1437 static void testPFS()
1439 IGraph<string, double, double> g = new HashGraph<string, double, double>(new DoubleWeight(), Wheel(false, 10));
1440 g.Print(Console.Out);
1441 Console.WriteLine("========= PFS non-accumulated weights (-> MST) =========");
1442 g.PriorityFirstTraverse(false,
1443 "P0",
1444 delegate(Edge<string, double> e, double d) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0}, at distance {1}", e, d); return true; });
1445 Console.WriteLine("========= PFS accumulated weights (-> Shortst paths from start) =========");
1446 g.PriorityFirstTraverse(true,
1447 "P0",
1448 delegate(Edge<string, double> e, double d) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0}, at distance {1}", e, d); return true; });
1451 /// <summary>
1452 ///
1453 ///
1454 /// (Refer to Vazirani, or do that where ApproximateTSP is implemented)
1455 ///
1456 /// Note that the tour created is not optimal. [Describe why]
1457 /// </summary>
1458 [ExampleDescription("Approximate TSP")]
1459 static void testTSP()
1461 IGraph<string, double, double> g = new HashGraph<string, double, double>(new DoubleWeight(), Wheel(true, 10));
1462 //g.Print(Console.Out);
1463 Console.WriteLine("========= MST =========");
1464 string root;
1465 IGraph<string, double, double> mst = g.MinimumSpanningTree(out root);
1466 mst.TraverseVertices(false,
1467 root,
1468 delegate(Edge<string, double> e) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0} -> {1}", e.start, e.end); });
1469 Console.WriteLine("========= Approximate TSP =========");
1470 int first = 0;
1471 foreach (string s in g.ApproximateTSP())
1473 Console.Write((first++ == 0 ? "" : " -> ") + s);
1477 /// <summary>
1478 ///
1479 ///
1480 /// (Refer to Vazirani, or do that where ApproximateTSP is implemented)
1481 ///
1482 /// Note that the tour created is not optimal. [Describe why]
1483 /// </summary>
1484 [ExampleDescription("Approximate TSP2")]
1485 static void testTSP2()
1487 HashGraph<string, double, double> g = new HashGraph<string, double, double>(new DoubleWeight(), Wheel(true, 20));
1489 foreach (string s in g.ApproximateTSP2())
1490 Console.WriteLine("# " + s);
1491 //g.Print(Console.Out);
1493 Console.WriteLine("========= MST =========");
1494 string root;
1495 IGraph<string, double, double> mst = g.MinimumSpanningTree(out root);
1496 mst.TraverseVertices(false,
1497 root,
1498 delegate(Edge<string, double> e) { Console.WriteLine("Edge: {0} -> {1}", e.start, e.end); });
1499 ArrayList<string> oddvertices = new ArrayList<string>();
1500 foreach (string v in mst.Vertices())
1501 if (mst.Adjacent(v).Count % 2 != 0)
1502 oddvertices.Add(v);
1504 Console.WriteLine("========= Matching of odd vertices of mst =========");
1505 ICollectionValue<Edge<string, double>> matching = g.SubGraph(oddvertices).ApproximateMWPM();
1507 Console.WriteLine("========= Add matching to mst =========");
1508 //We must split the edges of the matchin with fake temporary vertices
1509 //(For a general vertex type, we would have to augment it to Pair<V,int>
1510 int fake = 0;
1511 foreach (Edge<string, double> e in matching)
1513 string fakevertex = "_" + (fake++);
1514 mst.AddEdge(e.start, fakevertex, 0);
1515 mst.AddEdge(fakevertex, e.end, e.edgedata);
1517 //mst.Print(Console.Out);
1519 IList<string> tour = mst.EulerTour(), view = tour.View(1, tour.Count - 1);
1521 //Remove fake vertices
1522 while (view.Count > 0)
1523 if (view[0].StartsWith("_"))
1524 view.RemoveFirst();
1525 else
1526 view.Slide(1, view.Count - 1);
1528 Console.WriteLine("========= Approximate TSP 2 =========");
1529 //Short cut
1530 view = tour.View(1, tour.Count - 1);
1531 HashSet<string> seen = new HashSet<string>();
1533 while (view.Count > 0)
1535 string s = view[0];
1536 if (seen.FindOrAdd(ref s))
1537 view.RemoveFirst();
1538 else
1539 view.Slide(1, view.Count - 1);
1542 foreach (string s in tour)
1543 Console.WriteLine(". " + s);*/
1546 /// <summary>
1547 ///
1548 /// </summary>
1549 static void testEuler()
1551 HashGraph<string, double, double> g = new HashGraph<string, double, double>(new DoubleWeight(), Wheel(true, 6));
1552 foreach (string s in g.EulerTour())
1553 Console.Write(s + " ");
1554 Console.WriteLine();
1557 /// <summary>
1558 /// An articulation point in a graph is a vertex, whose removal will
1559 /// disconnect the graph (or its component). This example uses the
1560 /// extended DepthFirstSearch method to compute articulation points
1561 /// of a graph.
1562 ///
1563 /// (Refer to Sedgewick. )
1564 ///
1565 /// Each vertex is given an index in traversal order.
1566 /// For each vertex, we compute the least index reachable by going downwards
1567 /// in the DFS tree and then following a single non-dfs edge.
1568 ///
1569 /// Since we cannot store the DFS indices in the vertices without changing the
1570 /// (assumed given) vertex type, V, we remember the indices in a V-&gt;int
1571 /// hash dictionary, index. The "least reachable" values are then stored in an
1572 /// array keyed by the index.
1573 ///
1574 /// The root of the search is an articulation point if it has more than one
1575 /// outgoing DFS edges. Other articulation points are non-root vertices, va,
1576 /// with an outgoing DFS edge, where the the least reachable index of the other
1577 /// vertex is greater or equal to the index of va.
1578 /// </summary>
1579 [ExampleDescription("Using the advanced DFS to compute articulation points")]
1580 static void testDFS()
1582 HashGraph<string, int, int> g = new HashGraph<string, int, int>(new IntWeight());
1583 g.AddEdge("A", "B", 0);
1584 g.AddEdge("A", "E", 0);
1585 g.AddEdge("B", "E", 0);
1586 g.AddEdge("B", "C", 0);
1587 g.AddEdge("B", "H", 0);
1588 g.AddEdge("H", "I", 0);
1589 g.AddEdge("B", "D", 0);
1590 g.AddEdge("C", "D", 0);
1591 g.AddEdge("C", "F", 0);
1592 g.AddEdge("C", "G", 0);
1593 g.AddEdge("F", "G", 0);
1595 HashDictionary<string, int> index = new HashDictionary<string, int>();
1596 int[] leastIndexReachableFrom = new int[g.VertexCount];
1597 int nextindex = 0;
1598 int outgoingFromRoot = 0;
1599 Action<string> beforevertex = delegate(string v)
1601 int i = (index[v] = nextindex++);
1602 leastIndexReachableFrom[i] = i;
1604 Action<string> aftervertex = delegate(string v)
1606 int i = index[v];
1607 if (i == 0 && outgoingFromRoot > 1)
1608 Console.WriteLine("Articulation point: {0} ({1}>1 outgoing DFS edges from start)",
1609 v, outgoingFromRoot);
1611 Action<Edge<string, int>> onfollow = delegate(Edge<string, int> e)
1614 Action<Edge<string, int>> onfollowed = delegate(Edge<string, int> e)
1616 int startind = index[e.start], endind = index[e.end];
1617 if (startind == 0)
1618 outgoingFromRoot++;
1619 else
1621 int leastIndexReachable = leastIndexReachableFrom[endind];
1622 if (leastIndexReachable >= startind)
1623 Console.WriteLine("Articulation point: {0} (least index reachable via {3} is {1} >= this index {2})",
1624 e.start, leastIndexReachable, startind, e);
1625 if (leastIndexReachableFrom[startind] > leastIndexReachable)
1626 leastIndexReachableFrom[startind] = leastIndexReachable;
1629 Action<Edge<string, int>> onnotfollowed = delegate(Edge<string, int> e)
1631 int startind = index[e.start], endind = index[e.end];
1632 if (leastIndexReachableFrom[startind] > endind)
1633 leastIndexReachableFrom[startind] = endind;
1636 string root = "C";
1637 g.DepthFirstSearch(root, beforevertex, aftervertex, onfollow, onfollowed, onnotfollowed);
1638 Console.WriteLine("Edges:");
1639 foreach (Edge<string, int> e in g.Edges())
1640 Console.WriteLine("/ {0}", e);
1643 static void Main(String[] args)
1645 if (args.Length != 1)
1647 Console.WriteLine("Usage: Graph.exe testno");
1648 System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] mis = typeof(Test).GetMethods(
1649 System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
1650 foreach (System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi in mis)
1652 if (mi.GetParameters().Length == 0 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void) && mi.Name.StartsWith("test"))
1654 object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExampleDescriptionAttribute), false);
1655 Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", mi.Name.Substring(4), attrs.Length > 0 ? attrs[0] : "");
1659 else
1661 string testMethodName = String.Format("test{0}", args[0]);
1663 System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = typeof(Test).GetMethod(testMethodName,
1664 System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
1666 if (mi == null)
1667 Console.WriteLine("No such testmethod, {0}", testMethodName);
1668 else
1670 object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExampleDescriptionAttribute), false);
1671 Console.WriteLine("============================== {0}() ==================================", testMethodName);
1672 Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", attrs.Length > 0 ? attrs[0] : "None");
1673 Console.WriteLine("===========================================================================");
1674 mi.Invoke(null, null);