add monotouch sources files
[mcs.git] / tools / nunitreport / NUnitReport.cs
1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Text;
4 using System.IO;
5 using System.Xml;
7 namespace TestMonkey
9 public class NUnitReport
11 private static string input_dir = string.Empty;
12 private static string output_file = string.Empty;
14 static void Main (string[] args)
16 if (args.Length != 2) {
17 Console.WriteLine ("Expected Usage:");
18 Console.WriteLine (" mono NUnitReport.exe input_directory output_file");
19 return;
22 // Get our input directory and our output file
23 input_dir = args[0];
24 output_file = args[1];
26 // Start the output file
27 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (output_file);
28 StartReport (sw);
30 int assembly = 0;
31 int fail_total = 0;
32 int pass_total = 0;
33 int run_total = 0;
35 // Loop through the inputs, outputting the results to the output file
36 foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles (input_dir)) {
37 assembly++;
39 Dictionary<string, FailedTest> failed_tests = new Dictionary<string,FailedTest> ();
40 List<string> ignored_tests = new List<string> ();
42 int tests_passed = PopulateFailureTable (file, failed_tests, ignored_tests);
44 fail_total += failed_tests.Count;
45 pass_total += tests_passed;
46 run_total += failed_tests.Count + tests_passed;
48 if (failed_tests.Count > 0) {
49 sw.WriteLine (" <tr class='errorrow' onclick=\"toggle('el{0}')\" onmouseover='highlight(this)' onmouseout='unhighlight(this)'>", assembly);
50 sw.WriteLine (@" <td><img src='Media/fail.png' /></td>");
51 } else {
52 sw.WriteLine (@" <tr>");
53 sw.WriteLine (@" <td><img src='Media/pass.png' /></td>");
56 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", Path.GetFileName (file));
57 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", failed_tests.Count);
58 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", tests_passed);
59 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", tests_passed + failed_tests.Count);
60 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
62 if (failed_tests.Count == 0)
63 continue;
65 sw.WriteLine (@" <tr id='el{0}' class='errorlist' style='display: none'>", assembly);
66 sw.WriteLine (@" <td></td>");
67 sw.WriteLine (@" <td colspan='4'>");
68 sw.WriteLine (@" <table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>");
70 int test_num = 0;
72 foreach (FailedTest ft in failed_tests.Values) {
73 sw.WriteLine (" <tr onclick=\"toggle('as{0}ed{1}')\" onmouseover='highlight(this)' onmouseout='unhighlight(this)'>", assembly, test_num);
74 sw.WriteLine (@" <td style='width: 17px'><img src='Media/bullet.png' /></td>");
75 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", ft.Name);
76 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
77 sw.WriteLine (@" <tr id='as{0}ed{1}' class='errordetail' style='display: none'>", assembly, test_num);
78 sw.WriteLine (@" <td></td>");
79 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>");
80 sw.WriteLine (@"{0}", ft.Message.Trim ().Trim ('\n').Replace ("\n", "<br/>"));
81 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ft.StackTrace.Trim ()))
82 sw.WriteLine (@"<br /><br /><strong>StackTrace:</strong><br />{0}", ft.StackTrace.Replace ("\n", "<br/>"));
83 sw.WriteLine (@" </td>");
84 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
86 test_num++;
89 sw.WriteLine (@" </table>");
90 sw.WriteLine (@" </td>");
91 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
94 // Write totals
95 WriteTotals (sw, fail_total, pass_total, run_total);
97 // Finish up the output file
98 FinishReport (sw);
99 sw.Close ();
100 sw.Dispose ();
103 public static int PopulateFailureTable (string filename, Dictionary<string, FailedTest> output, List<string> ignored)
105 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
106 doc.Load (filename);
108 return FindTestCases (doc.DocumentElement, output, ignored);
111 public static int FindTestCases (XmlElement xe, Dictionary<string, FailedTest> output, List<string> ignored)
113 if (xe.Name == "test-case") {
114 OutputFailedTestCase (xe, output, ignored);
115 return 1;
118 int i = 0;
120 foreach (XmlElement child in xe.ChildNodes)
121 i += FindTestCases (child, output, ignored);
123 return i;
126 public static void OutputFailedTestCase (XmlElement xe, Dictionary<string, FailedTest> output, List<string> ignored)
128 if (xe.GetAttribute ("executed") == "False")
129 ignored.Add (xe.GetAttribute ("name"));
131 if (xe.GetAttribute ("success") == "True" || xe.GetAttribute ("executed") == "False")
132 return;
134 FailedTest ft = new FailedTest (xe.GetAttribute ("name"), xe["failure"]["message"].InnerText, xe["failure"]["stack-trace"].InnerText);
135 output[ft.Name] = ft;
138 public static void StartReport (StreamWriter sw)
140 sw.WriteLine (@"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """">");
141 sw.WriteLine (@"<html xmlns=""""><head>");
142 sw.WriteLine (@"<title>Mono: Class Libraries NUnit Test Results</title>");
143 sw.WriteLine (@"<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""Media/style.css"" />");
144 sw.WriteLine (@"<script type=""text/ecmascript"" src=""Media/scripts.js""></script></head>");
145 sw.WriteLine (@"<body>");
146 sw.WriteLine (@" <div class='header'>");
147 sw.WriteLine (@" <div class='headerimage'>");
148 sw.WriteLine (@" <img src='Media/rupert.png' width='48' height='48' />");
149 sw.WriteLine (@" </div>");
150 sw.WriteLine (@" <div class='headertext'>Class Libraries NUnit Test Results</div>");
151 sw.WriteLine (@" </div>");
152 sw.WriteLine (@" <div class='legend'>");
153 sw.WriteLine (@" Generated:<br />");
154 sw.WriteLine (@" {0}<br /><br />", DateTime.Now.ToString ());
155 sw.WriteLine (@" Click on failure row for more details.<br /><br />");
156 sw.WriteLine (@" Icons courtesy of <a href=''>famfamfam</a>");
157 sw.WriteLine (@" </div>");
158 sw.WriteLine (@" <table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' class='maintable'>");
159 sw.WriteLine (@" <tr class='tableheader'>");
160 sw.WriteLine (@" <td style='width: 17px'></td>");
161 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>Tested Assembly</td>");
162 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>Failed</td>");
163 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>Passed</td>");
164 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>Run</td>");
165 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
168 public static void WriteTotals (StreamWriter sw, int failed, int passed, int run)
170 sw.WriteLine (@" <tr class='tabletotal'>");
171 sw.WriteLine (@" <td style='width: 17px'></td>");
172 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>Totals</td>");
173 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", failed);
174 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", passed);
175 sw.WriteLine (@" <td>{0}</td>", run);
176 sw.WriteLine (@" </tr>");
179 public static void FinishReport (StreamWriter sw)
181 sw.WriteLine (@" </table>");
182 sw.WriteLine (@"</body>");
183 sw.WriteLine (@"</html>");