Fix some typos in the german manpage, correct the encoding of "ß".
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / acall.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 ;;; Run-time support for translated code.
15 ;;; GJC: Experimental macsyma array lisp level support for translated code.
16 ;;; To quickly handle the array reference and setting syntax in macsyma,
18 ;;; In macsyma arrays go by an atomic name. Lists and matrices
19 ;;; may be hacked with the array syntax, which is convient.
21 ;;; additions for handling arrays in value cell on cl --wfs
23 (macsyma-module acall)
25 (defun interval-error (fun low high)
26 (merror (intl:gettext "~@:M: lower bound ~M is greater than upper bound ~M") fun low high))
28 (defun mfuncall (f &rest l)
29 (cond ((functionp f)
30 (apply f l))
31 ((and (symbolp f) (or (macro-function f) (special-operator-p f)))
32 (eval (cons f l)))
34 (mapply f l nil))))
36 ;;; ((MQAPPLY ARRAY) X Y) is a strange form, meaning (X)[Y].
38 (defun marrayref (aarray ind1 &rest inds)
39 (declare (special fixunbound flounbound))
40 (typecase aarray
41 (cl:array
42 (case (array-element-type aarray)
43 ((flonum fixnum t)
44 (apply #'aref aarray ind1 inds))
46 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: encountered array ~M of unknown type.") aarray))))
47 (cl:hash-table
48 (gethash (if inds (cons ind1 inds) inds) aarray))
49 (cl:symbol
50 (if $use_fast_arrays
51 (let ((tem (and (boundp aarray) (symbol-value aarray))))
52 (simplify (cond ((arrayp tem)
53 (apply #'aref tem ind1 inds))
54 ((hash-table-p tem)
55 (gethash (if inds (cons ind1 inds) inds) tem))
56 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
57 (apply #'marrayref ind1 inds))
58 ((mget aarray 'hashar)
59 (harrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
60 ((symbolp tem)
61 `((,tem array) ,ind1 ,@inds))
63 (error "unknown type of array for use_fast_arrays. ~
64 the value cell should have the array or hash table")))))
65 (let (ap) ; no fast arrays
66 (simplify (cond ((setq ap (get aarray 'array))
67 (let ((val (if (null inds)
68 (aref ap ind1)
69 (apply #'aref (append (list ap ind1) inds)))))
70 ;; Check for KLUDGING array function implementation.
71 (if (case (array-element-type ap)
72 ((flonum) (= val flounbound))
73 ((fixnum) (= val fixunbound))
74 ((t) (eq val munbound))
75 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: encountered array pointer ~S of unknown type.") ap)))
76 (arrfind `((,aarray ,aarray) ,ind1 ,@inds))
77 val)))
78 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'array))
79 (arrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
80 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'hashar))
81 (harrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
82 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
83 (apply #'marrayref ind1 inds))
85 `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))))))
86 (cl:list
87 (simplify (if (member (caar aarray) '(mlist $matrix) :test #'eq)
88 (list-ref aarray (cons ind1 inds))
89 `((mqapply aarray) ,aarray ,ind1 ,@inds))))
91 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: cannot retrieve an element of ~M") aarray))))
93 (defmfun $arrayapply (ar inds)
94 (unless ($listp inds)
95 (merror (intl:gettext "arrayapply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") inds))
96 (apply #'marrayref ar (cdr inds)))
98 (defmfun $arraysetapply (ar inds val)
99 (unless ($listp inds)
100 (merror (intl:gettext "arraysetapply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") inds))
101 (apply #'marrayset val ar (cdr inds)))
103 (defun marrayset (val aarray &rest all-inds)
104 (let ((ind1 (first all-inds))
105 (inds (rest all-inds)))
106 (typecase aarray
107 (cl:array
108 (case (array-element-type aarray)
109 ((fixnum flonum t)
110 (setf (apply #'aref aarray ind1 inds) val))
112 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: encountered array ~M of unknown type.") aarray))))
113 (cl:hash-table
114 (setf (gethash (if (cdr all-inds)
115 (copy-list all-inds)
116 (car all-inds))
117 aarray) val))
118 (cl:symbol
119 (let (ap)
120 (cond ((setq ap (get aarray 'array))
121 (if (null inds)
122 (setf (aref ap ind1) val)
123 (setf (apply #'aref ap all-inds) val)))
124 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'array))
125 ;; the macsyma ARRAY frob is NOT an array pointer, it
126 ;; is a GENSYM with a lisp array property, don't
127 ;; ask me why.
128 (if (null inds)
129 (setf (aref (symbol-array ap) ind1) val)
130 (setf (apply #'aref (symbol-array ap) all-inds) val)))
131 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'hashar))
132 (arrstore `((,aarray ,'array)
133 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) `((mquote simp) ,u)) all-inds))
134 val))
135 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
136 (apply #'marrayset val ind1 inds))
138 (arrstore `((,aarray ,'array)
139 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) `((mquote simp) ,u)) all-inds))
140 val)))))
141 (cl:list (if (member (caar aarray) '(mlist $matrix) :test #'eq)
142 (list-ref aarray all-inds t val)
143 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: cannot assign to an element of ~M") aarray)))
145 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: ~M is not an array.") aarray))) )
146 val)
148 ;;; Note that all these have HEADERS on the list. The CAR of a list I
149 ;;; will call element 0. So [1,2][1] => 1
151 (defun list-ref (l indexl &optional set-flag val)
152 (cond ((atom l)
153 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: argument must be a list; found ~M") l))
154 ((null (cdr indexl))
155 (let ((n (car indexl)))
156 (cond ((and (integerp n) (plusp n)
157 (or (eq (caar l) 'mlist)
158 (eq (caar l) '$matrix)))
159 (let ((ret (do ((j 1 (1+ j))
160 (l (cdr l) (cdr l)))
161 ((or (null l) (= j n))
162 (cond ((null l)
163 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: invalid subscript: ~M") n))
164 (set-flag
165 (rplaca l val))
167 (car l)))))))
168 (if set-flag l ret)))
170 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: invalid subscript: ~M") n)))))
171 (set-flag
172 (list-ref (list-ref l `(,(car indexl))) (cdr indexl) set-flag val)
175 (list-ref (list-ref l `(,(car indexl))) (cdr indexl)))))
177 (declare-top (special $dispflag))
179 (defun display-for-tr (labelsp equationsp &rest argl)
180 (declare (special *linelabel*))
181 (do ((argl argl (cdr argl))
182 (lablist nil)
183 (tim 0))
184 ((null argl) (if labelsp `((mlist) ,@lablist) '$done))
185 (let ((ans (car argl)))
186 (cond ((and equationsp
187 ;; ((MEQUAL) FOO BAR)
188 (not (atom (caddr ans)))
189 (eq (caar (caddr ans)) 'mequal))
190 ;; if the ANS evaluats to something with an "="
191 ;; already then of course he really meant to use
192 ;; DISP, but we might as well do what he means right?
193 (setq ans (caddr ans))))
194 (when labelsp
195 (unless (checklabel $linechar)
196 (incf $linenum))
197 (makelabel $linechar)
198 ;; setqs the free variable *LINELABEL*, what a win,
199 ;; how convenient, now I don't need to use LET !
200 (push *linelabel* lablist)
201 (unless $nolabels
202 (setf (symbol-value *linelabel*) ans)))
203 (setq tim (get-internal-run-time))
204 (displa `((mlabel) ,(cond (labelsp *linelabel*)) ,ans))
205 (mterpri)
206 (timeorg tim))))
209 (defun insure-array-props (fnname ignore-mode number-of-args &aux ary)
210 (declare (ignore ignore-mode))
211 ;; called during load or eval time by the defining forms
212 ;; for translated array-functions.
213 ;; this duplicates code in JPG;MLISP (however, the code in MLISP
214 ;; is not callable because it is in a big piece of so-called
215 ;; multi-purpose code).
217 ;; This code is incredibly kludgy. For example, what if
218 ;; the function FOO[J] had a lisp array property gotten
219 ;; by ARRAY(FOO,FIXNUM,33), how is *THAT* detected by this code?
220 ;; Well, it is because that will also put an MPROP ARRAY of $FOO,
221 ;; and (ARRAYDIMS '$FOO) works! (Also checks the array property).
222 ;; Isn't that something. Shit, I never knew that ARRAYDIMS worked
223 ;; on symbols. What a crock.
224 (cond ((prog2
225 (add2lnc fnname $arrays)
226 (setq ary (mgetl fnname '(hashar array))))
227 (unless (= (if (eq (car ary) 'hashar)
228 (funcall (cadr ary) 2)
229 (length (cdr (arraydims (cadr ary)))))
230 number-of-args)
231 (merror (intl:gettext "INSURE-ARRAY-PROPS: array ~:@M already defined with different dimensions.") fnname)))
233 (setq ary (gensym))
234 (mputprop fnname ary 'hashar)
235 (setf (symbol-array ary) (make-array 7 :initial-element nil))
236 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 0) 4)
237 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 1) 0)
238 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 2) number-of-args))))
240 ;;; An entry point to $APPLY for translated code.
242 (defun mapply-tr (fun list)
243 (unless ($listp list)
244 (merror (intl:gettext "apply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") list))
245 (mapply1 fun (cdr list) '|the first arg to a translated `apply'| list))
247 (defun assign-check (var val)
248 (let ((a (get var 'assign)))
249 (if a (funcall a var val))))
251 (declare-top (special maplp))
253 (defun maplist_tr (fun l1 &rest l)
254 (setq l (cons l1 (copy-list l)))
255 (simplify (let ((maplp t) res)
256 (setq res (apply #'map1 (getopr fun) l))
257 (cond ((atom res) (list '(mlist) res))
258 ((eq (caar res) 'mlist) res)
259 (t (cons '(mlist) (margs res)))))))
261 ;;; Entry point into DB for translated code. The main point here
262 ;;; is that evaluation of a form takes place first, (using the lisp
263 ;;; evaluator), and then the trueness is checked. It is not correct
264 ;;; to call the function IS because double-evaluation will then
265 ;;; result, which is wrong, not to mention being incompatible with
266 ;;; the interpreter.
268 ;;; This code is taken from the COMPAR module, and altered such that calls to
269 ;;; the macsyma evaluator do not take place. It would be a lot
270 ;;; better to simply modify the code in COMPAR! However, mumble...
271 ;;; Anyway, be careful of changes to COMPAR that break this code.
273 (defun is-boole-check (form)
274 (cond ((null form) nil)
275 ((eq form t) t)
277 ;; We check for T and NIL quickly, otherwise go for the database.
278 (mevalp_tr form $prederror nil))))
280 (defun maybe-boole-check (form)
281 (mevalp_tr form nil nil))
283 (defun mevalp_tr (pat error? meval?)
284 (let (patevalled ans)
285 (declare (special patevalled))
286 (setq ans (mevalp1_tr pat error? meval?))
287 (cond ((member ans '(t nil) :test #'eq) ans)
288 (error?
289 (pre-err patevalled))
290 ('else '$unknown))))
292 (defun mevalp1_tr (pat error? meval?)
293 (declare (special patevalled))
294 (cond ((and (not (atom pat)) (member (caar pat) '(mnot mand mor) :test #'eq))
295 (cond ((eq 'mnot (caar pat)) (is-mnot_tr (cadr pat) error? meval?))
296 ((eq 'mand (caar pat)) (is-mand_tr (cdr pat) error? meval?))
297 (t (is-mor_tr (cdr pat) error? meval?))))
298 ((atom (setq patevalled (if meval? (meval pat) pat))) patevalled)
299 ((member (caar patevalled) '(mnot mand mor) :test #'eq) (mevalp1_tr patevalled
300 error?
301 meval?))
302 (t (mevalp2 patevalled (caar patevalled) (cadr patevalled) (caddr patevalled)))))
304 (defun is-mnot_tr (pred error? meval?)
305 (setq pred (mevalp_tr pred error? meval?))
306 (cond ((eq t pred) nil)
307 ((not pred))
308 (t (pred-reverse pred))))
310 (defun is-mand_tr (pl error? meval?)
311 (do ((dummy) (npl))
312 ((null pl) (cond ((null npl))
313 ((null (cdr npl)) (car npl))
314 (t (cons '(mand) (nreverse npl)))))
315 (setq dummy (mevalp_tr (car pl) error? meval?)
316 pl (cdr pl))
317 (cond ((eq t dummy))
318 ((null dummy) (return nil))
319 (t (setq npl (cons dummy npl))))))
321 (defun is-mor_tr (pl error? meval?)
322 (do ((dummy) (npl))
323 ((null pl) (cond ((null npl) nil)
324 ((null (cdr npl)) (car npl))
325 (t (cons '(mor) (nreverse npl)))))
326 (setq dummy (mevalp_tr (car pl) error? meval?)
327 pl (cdr pl))
328 (cond ((eq t dummy) (return t))
329 ((null dummy))
330 (t (setq npl (cons dummy npl))))))
332 ;; Some functions for even faster calling of arrays.
334 (defun marrayref1$ (aarray index)
335 (typecase aarray
336 (cl:array
337 (case (array-element-type aarray)
338 ((flonum) (aref aarray index))
339 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF1$: array must be an array of floats; found ~M") aarray))))
341 (marrayref aarray index))))
343 (defun marrayset1$ (value aarray index)
344 (typecase aarray
345 (cl:array
346 (case (array-element-type aarray)
347 ((flonum) (setf (aref aarray index) value))
348 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET1$: array must be an array of floats; found ~M") aarray))))
350 (marrayset value aarray index))))
353 (defun application-operator (form &rest ign)
354 (declare (ignore ign))
355 (apply (caar form) (cdr form)))
357 ;; more efficient operators calls.
359 (defun *mminus (x)
360 (if (numberp x)
361 (- x)
362 (simplify (list '(mminus) x))))
364 (defun retlist_tr (&rest args)
365 (do ((j (- (length args) 2) (- j 2))
366 (l () (cons (list '(mequal simp) (nth j args) (nth (1+ j) args)) l)))
367 ((< j 0) (cons '(mlist simp) l))))