Issue kill(all) in rtest6b so that value assigned to d in a preceding test does not...
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / risch.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancements. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module risch)
15 (load-macsyma-macros rzmac ratmac)
17 (declare-top (special *mosesflag
18 context *in-risch-p*))
20 (defmvar $erfflag t "Controls whether `risch' generates `erfs'")
22 (defvar *changevp* t
23 "When nil prevents changevar hack")
25 (defmacro pair (al bl) `(mapcar #'cons ,al ,bl))
27 ;; internal representation of risch expressions: list with canonical rational
28 ;; expression (CRE) as first element, standard maxima expressions as remaining
29 ;; elements. risch expression is sum of CRE and remaining elements.
30 (defmacro rischzero () ''((0 . 1) 0))
32 (defun rischnoun (exp1 risch-ratform risch-intvar &optional (exp2 exp1 exp2p))
33 (unless exp2p (setq exp1 (rzero)))
34 `(,exp1 ((%integrate) ,(disrep exp2 risch-ratform) ,risch-intvar)))
36 (defun getrischvar ()
37 (do ((vl varlist (cdr vl))
38 (gl genvar (cdr gl)))
39 ((null (cdr vl)) (car gl))))
41 ;; test whether CRE p is constant with respect to variable of integration.
42 ;; requires variables in varlist and genvar
43 ;; to be ordered as by intsetup, with var of integration ordered before
44 ;; any other expressions that contain it.
45 (defun risch-pconstp (p risch-mainvar)
46 (or (pcoefp p) (pointergp risch-mainvar (car p))))
48 (defun risch-constp (r risch-mainvar)
49 (setq r (ratfix r))
50 (and (risch-pconstp (car r) risch-mainvar)
51 (risch-pconstp (cdr r) risch-mainvar)))
53 ;; adds two risch expressions (defined above).
54 (defun rischadd (x y)
55 (destructuring-let (((a . b) x) ((c . d) y))
56 (cons (r+ a c) (append b d))))
58 (defmfun $risch (exp risch-var)
59 (let ((*integrator-level* 0))
60 (declare (special *integrator-level*))
61 (with-new-context (context)
62 (rischint exp risch-var))))
64 (defun spderivative (p risch-var)
65 (cond ((pcoefp p) '(0 . 1))
66 ((null (cdr p)) '(0 . 1))
67 ((or (not (atom (car p))) (numberp (car p))) ;P IS A RATFORM
68 (let ((denprime (spderivative (cdr p) risch-var)))
69 (cond ((rzerop denprime)
70 (ratqu (spderivative (car p) risch-var) (cdr p)))
71 (t (ratqu (r- (r* (spderivative (car p) risch-var)
72 (cdr p))
73 (r* (car p) denprime))
74 (r* (cdr p) (cdr p)))))))
75 (t (r+ (spderivative1 (car p)
76 (cadr p)
77 (caddr p)
78 risch-var)
79 (spderivative (cons (car p) (cdddr p))
80 risch-var)))))
82 (defun spderivative1 (var1 deg coeff risch-var)
83 (cond ((eq var1 risch-var)
84 (r* (ratexpt (cons (list risch-var 1 1) 1) (1- deg))
85 (pctimes deg coeff)))
86 ((pointergp risch-var var1) '(0 . 1))
87 ((equal deg 0) (spderivative coeff risch-var))
88 (t (r+ (r* (ratexpt (cons (list var1 1 1) 1) deg)
89 (spderivative coeff risch-var))
90 (r* (cond ((equal deg 1) coeff)
91 (t (r* deg
92 coeff
93 (ratexpt (cons (list var1 1 1) 1)
94 (1- deg)))))
95 (get var1 'rischdiff) )))))
97 (defun polylogp (exp &optional sub)
98 (and (mqapplyp exp) (eq (subfunname exp) '$li)
99 (or (null sub) (equal sub (car (subfunsubs exp))))))
101 (defun rischint (exp risch-intvar &aux ($logarc nil) ($exponentialize nil)
102 ($gcd '$algebraic) ($algebraic t) (implicit-real t)
103 ($float nil) ($numer nil)
104 ;; The risch integrator expects $logexpand T. Otherwise,
105 ;; the integrator hangs for special types of integrals
106 ;; (See bug report ID:3039452)
107 ($logexpand t))
108 (prog ($%e_to_numlog $logsimp risch-y z risch-var risch-ratform risch-liflag
109 risch-mainvar varlist genvar $ratfac $ratalgdenom risch-degree
110 rischform-value risch-trigint risch-hypertrigint risch-operator)
111 (if (specrepp exp)
112 (setq exp (specdisrep exp)))
113 (if (specrepp risch-intvar)
114 (setq risch-intvar (specdisrep risch-intvar)))
115 (if (mnump risch-intvar)
116 (merror (intl:gettext "risch: attempt to integrate wrt a number: ~:M") risch-intvar))
117 (if (and (atom risch-intvar)
118 (isinop exp risch-intvar))
119 (go noun))
120 (multiple-value-setq (rischform-value risch-trigint risch-hypertrigint risch-operator)
121 (rischform exp risch-intvar))
122 (cond (risch-trigint
123 (return (trigin1 exp risch-intvar)))
124 (risch-hypertrigint
125 (return (hypertrigint1 exp risch-intvar t)))
126 (risch-operator
127 (go noun)))
128 (multiple-value-setq (risch-y risch-operator)
129 (intsetup exp risch-intvar))
130 (if risch-operator
131 (go noun))
132 (setq risch-ratform (car risch-y))
133 (setq varlist (caddr risch-ratform))
134 (setq risch-mainvar (caadr (ratf risch-intvar)))
135 (setq genvar (cadddr risch-ratform))
136 (unless (some #'algpget varlist)
137 (setq $algebraic nil)
138 (setq $gcd (car *gcdl*)))
139 (setq risch-var (getrischvar))
140 (setq z (tryrisch (cdr risch-y) risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-var))
141 (setf (caddr risch-ratform) varlist)
142 (setf (cadddr risch-ratform) genvar)
143 (return (cond ((atom (cdr z))
144 (disrep (car z) risch-ratform))
146 (let (($logsimp t)
147 ($%e_to_numlog t))
148 (simplify (list* '(mplus)
149 (disrep (car z) risch-ratform)
150 (cdr z)))))))
151 noun
152 (return (list '(%integrate) exp risch-intvar))))
154 (defun rischform (l risch-intvar)
155 (let (risch-trigint risch-hypertrigint risch-operator)
156 (labels
157 ((rischform-impl (l risch-intvar)
158 (cond ((or (atom l)
159 (alike1 risch-intvar l)
160 (freeof risch-intvar l))
161 nil)
162 ((polylogp l)
163 (if (and (integerp (car (subfunsubs l)))
164 (signp g (car (subfunsubs l))))
165 (rischform-impl (car (subfunargs l)) risch-intvar)
166 (setq risch-operator t)))
167 ((atom (caar l))
168 (case (caar l)
169 ((%sin %cos %tan %cot %sec %csc)
170 (setq risch-trigint t $exponentialize t)
171 (rischform-impl (cadr l) risch-intvar))
172 ((%asin %acos %atan %acot %asec %acsc)
173 (setq risch-trigint t $logarc t)
174 (rischform-impl (cadr l) risch-intvar))
175 ((%sinh %cosh %tanh %coth %sech %csch)
176 (setq risch-hypertrigint t $exponentialize t)
177 (rischform-impl (cadr l) risch-intvar))
178 ((%asinh %acosh %atanh %acoth %asech %acsch)
179 (setq risch-hypertrigint t $logarc t)
180 (rischform-impl (cadr l) risch-intvar))
181 ((mtimes mplus mexpt rat %erf %log)
182 (mapc #'(lambda (e)
183 (rischform-impl e risch-intvar))
184 (cdr l)))
186 (setq risch-operator (caar l)))))
188 (setq risch-operator (caar l))))))
189 (values (rischform-impl l risch-intvar)
190 risch-trigint
191 risch-hypertrigint
192 risch-operator))))
194 (defun hypertrigint1 (exp risch-var hyperfunc)
195 (let ((result (if hyperfunc
196 (sinint (resimplify exp) risch-var)
197 (rischint (resimplify exp) risch-var))))
198 ;; The result can contain solveable integrals. Look for this case.
199 (if (isinop result '%integrate)
200 ;; Found an integral. Evaluate the result again.
201 ;; Set the flag *in-risch-p* to make sure that we do not call
202 ;; rischint again from the integrator. This avoids endless loops.
203 (let ((*in-risch-p* t))
204 (meval (list '($ev) result '$nouns)))
205 result)))
207 (defun trigin1 (risch-*exp risch-var)
208 (let ((yyy (hypertrigint1 risch-*exp risch-var nil)))
209 (setq yyy (div ($expand ($num yyy))
210 ($expand ($denom yyy))))
211 (let ((rischp risch-var)
212 (rp-polylogp t)
213 $logarc $exponentialize result)
214 (setq result (sratsimp (if (and (freeof '$%i risch-*exp) (freeof '$li yyy))
215 ($realpart yyy)
216 ($rectform yyy))))
217 ;; The result can contain solveable integrals. Look for this case.
218 (if (isinop result '%integrate)
219 ;; Found an integral. Evaluate the result again.
220 ;; Set the flag *in-risch-p* to make sure that we do not call
221 ;; rischint again from the integrator. This avoids endless loops.
222 (let ((*in-risch-p* t))
223 (meval (list '($ev) result '$nouns)))
224 result))))
226 (defun tryrisch (exp risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-var)
227 (prog (risch-logptdx risch-expflag risch-expstuff risch-expint risch-y)
228 (setq risch-expstuff '(0 . 1))
229 (cond ((eq risch-mainvar risch-var)
230 (return (rischfprog exp risch-ratform risch-var)))
231 ((eq (get risch-var 'leadop)
232 'mexpt)
233 (setq risch-expflag t)))
234 (multiple-value-setq (risch-y risch-logptdx risch-expint)
235 (rischlogdprog exp risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var
236 risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree))
237 (dolist (rat risch-logptdx)
238 (let (rischlogeprog-value)
239 (setq risch-y
240 (rischadd (multiple-value-setq (rischlogeprog-value risch-expint)
241 (rischlogeprog rat risch-ratform nil risch-intvar risch-expstuff
242 risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint))
243 risch-y))))
244 (if varlist
245 (setq risch-y (rischadd (tryrisch1 risch-expstuff risch-mainvar
246 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag
247 risch-degree)
248 risch-y)))
249 (return (if risch-expint
250 (rischadd (rischexppoly risch-expint risch-var
251 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag
252 risch-degree risch-mainvar)
253 risch-y)
254 risch-y))))
256 (defun tryrisch1 (exp risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree)
257 (let* ((varlist (reverse (cdr (reverse varlist))))
258 (risch-var (getrischvar)))
259 (tryrisch exp risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-var)))
261 (defun rischfprog (rat risch-ratform risch-var)
262 (multiple-value-bind (dprog-ret risch-logptdx)
263 (dprog rat risch-ratform risch-var)
264 (cons (cdr (ratrep* dprog-ret))
265 (let ((varlist varlist)
266 (genvar (subseq genvar 0 (length varlist))))
267 (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
268 (eprog p risch-ratform risch-var nil))
269 risch-logptdx)))))
271 (defun rischlogdprog (ratarg risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree)
272 (prog (arootf deriv thebpg thetop thebot prod1 prod2 ans
273 risch-wholepart risch-logptdx risch-parnumer risch-pardenom
274 risch-rootfactor rischlogpoly-value)
275 (setq ans '(0 . 1))
276 (cond ((or (pcoefp (cdr ratarg))
277 (pointergp risch-var (cadr ratarg)))
278 (multiple-value-setq (rischlogpoly-value risch-expint)
279 (rischlogpoly ratarg risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree))
280 (return (values rischlogpoly-value
281 risch-logptdx
282 risch-expint))))
284 (multiple-value-setq (risch-rootfactor risch-pardenom)
285 (aprog (ratdenominator ratarg) risch-var))
286 (multiple-value-setq (risch-parnumer risch-wholepart)
287 (cprog (ratnumerator ratarg)
288 (ratdenominator ratarg)
289 risch-var
290 risch-pardenom))
291 (do ((risch-rootfactor (reverse risch-rootfactor) (cdr risch-rootfactor))
292 (risch-parnumer (reverse risch-parnumer) (cdr risch-parnumer))
293 (risch-klth (length risch-rootfactor) (1- risch-klth)))
294 ((= risch-klth 1))
295 (setq arootf (car risch-rootfactor))
296 (cond
297 ((pcoefp arootf))
298 ((and (eq (get (car arootf) 'leadop) 'mexpt)
299 (null (cdddr arootf)))
300 (setq
301 risch-expint
302 (append
303 (cond ((and (not (atom (car risch-parnumer)))
304 (not (atom (caar risch-parnumer)))
305 (eq (caaar risch-parnumer) (car arootf)))
306 (gennegs arootf (cdaar risch-parnumer) (cdar risch-parnumer) risch-klth))
307 (t (list
308 (list 'neg (car risch-parnumer)
309 (car arootf) risch-klth (cadr arootf)))))
310 risch-expint)))
311 ((not (zerop (pdegree arootf risch-var)))
312 (setq deriv (spderivative arootf risch-mainvar))
313 (setq thebpg (bprog arootf (ratnumerator deriv) risch-var))
314 (setq thetop (car risch-parnumer))
315 (do ((kx (1- risch-klth) (1- kx))) ((= kx 0))
316 (setq prod1 (r* thetop (car thebpg)))
317 (setq prod2 (r* thetop (cdr thebpg) (ratdenominator deriv)))
318 (setq thebot (pexpt arootf kx))
319 (setq ans (r+ ans (ratqu (r- prod2) (r* kx thebot))))
320 (setq thetop
321 (r+ prod1 (ratqu (spderivative prod2 risch-mainvar) kx)))
322 (setq thetop (cdr (ratdivide thetop thebot))))
323 (push (ratqu thetop arootf) risch-logptdx))))
324 (push (ratqu (car risch-parnumer) (car risch-rootfactor)) risch-logptdx)
325 (cond ((or (pzerop ans) (pzerop (car ans)))
326 (multiple-value-setq (rischlogpoly-value risch-expint)
327 (rischlogpoly risch-wholepart risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree))
328 (return (values rischlogpoly-value
329 risch-logptdx
330 risch-expint))))
331 (setq thetop (cadr (pdivide (ratnumerator ans)
332 (ratdenominator ans))))
333 (multiple-value-setq (rischlogpoly-value risch-expint)
334 (rischlogpoly risch-wholepart risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree))
335 (return (values (rischadd (ncons (ratqu thetop (ratdenominator ans)))
336 rischlogpoly-value)
337 risch-logptdx
338 risch-expint))))
340 (defun gennegs (denom num numdenom risch-klth)
341 (cond ((null num) nil)
342 (t (cons (list 'neg (cadr num)
343 (car denom)
344 (- risch-klth (car num))
345 (r* numdenom (caddr denom) ))
346 (gennegs denom (cddr num) numdenom risch-klth)))))
348 (defun rischlogeprog (p risch-ratform risch-switch1 risch-intvar risch-expstuff
349 risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint)
350 (labels
351 ((impl (p risch-switch1)
352 (prog (p1e p2e p2deriv logcoef ncc dcc allcc expcoef my-divisor
353 risch-parnumer risch-pardenom)
354 (if (or (pzerop p) (pzerop (car p)))
355 (return (rischzero)))
356 (setq p1e (ratnumerator p))
357 (desetq (dcc p2e) (oldcontent (ratdenominator p)))
358 (cond ((and (not risch-switch1)
359 (cdr (setq risch-pardenom (intfactor p2e))))
360 (setq risch-parnumer nil)
361 (setq risch-switch1 t)
362 (desetq (ncc p1e) (oldcontent p1e))
363 (multiple-value-setq (risch-parnumer)
364 (cprog p1e p2e risch-var risch-pardenom))
365 (setq allcc (ratqu ncc dcc))
366 (return (do ((pnum risch-parnumer (cdr pnum))
367 (pden risch-pardenom (cdr pden))
368 (ans (rischzero)))
369 ((or (null pnum) (null pden))
370 (setq risch-switch1 nil) ans)
371 (setq ans (rischadd
372 (impl
373 (r* allcc (ratqu (car pnum) (car pden)))
374 risch-switch1)
375 ans))))))
376 (when (and risch-expflag (null (p-red p2e)))
377 (push (cons 'neg p) risch-expint)
378 (return (rischzero)))
379 (if risch-expflag
380 (setq expcoef (r* (p-le p2e) (ratqu (get risch-var 'rischdiff)
381 (make-poly risch-var)))))
382 (setq p1e (ratqu p1e (ptimes dcc (p-lc p2e)))
383 p2e (ratqu p2e (p-lc p2e))) ;MAKE DENOM MONIC
384 (setq p2deriv (spderivative p2e risch-mainvar))
385 (setq my-divisor (if risch-expflag
386 (r- p2deriv (r* p2e expcoef))
387 p2deriv))
388 (when (equal my-divisor '(0 . 1))
390 (return (rischnoun p risch-ratform risch-intvar)))
391 (setq logcoef (ratqu p1e my-divisor))
392 (when (risch-constp logcoef risch-mainvar)
393 (if risch-expflag
394 (setq risch-expstuff (r- risch-expstuff (r* expcoef logcoef))))
395 (return
396 (list
397 '(0 . 1)
398 (list '(mtimes)
399 (disrep logcoef risch-ratform)
400 (logmabs (disrep p2e risch-ratform))))))
401 (if (and risch-expflag
402 $liflag
403 *changevp*)
404 (let* ((newvar (gensym))
405 (new-int ($changevar
406 `((%integrate) ,(simplify (disrep p risch-ratform)) ,risch-intvar)
407 (sub newvar (get risch-var 'rischexpr))
408 newvar risch-intvar))
409 (*changevp* nil)) ;prevents recursive changevar
410 (if (and (freeof risch-intvar new-int)
411 (freeof '%integrate
412 (setq new-int (rischint (sdiff new-int newvar)
413 newvar))))
414 (return
415 (list (rzero)
416 (maxima-substitute (get risch-var 'rischexpr) newvar new-int))))))
417 (return (rischnoun p risch-ratform risch-intvar)))))
418 (values (impl p risch-switch1)
419 risch-expint)))
422 (defun findint (exp)
423 (cond ((atom exp) nil)
424 ((atom (car exp)) (findint (cdr exp)))
425 ((eq (caaar exp) '%integrate) t)
426 (t (findint (cdr exp)))))
428 (defun logequiv (fn1 fn2 risch-intvar)
429 (freeof risch-intvar ($ratsimp (div* (remabs (leadarg fn1))
430 (remabs (leadarg fn2))))))
432 (defun remabs (exp)
433 (cond ((atom exp) exp)
434 ((eq (caar exp) 'mabs) (cadr exp))
435 (t exp)))
437 (defun getfnsplit (l risch-intvar)
438 (let (coef fn)
439 (dolist (x l (values (muln coef nil) (muln fn nil)))
440 (if (free x risch-intvar)
441 (push x coef)
442 (push x fn)))))
444 (defun getfncoeff (a form risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-cary risch-nogood risch-lians)
445 (labels
446 ((getfncoeff-impl (a)
447 (cond ((null a) 0)
448 ((equal (car a) 0)
449 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))
450 ((and (listp (car a))
451 (eq (caaar a) 'mplus)
452 (ratpl (getfncoeff-impl (cdar a))
453 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))))
454 ((and (listp (car a))
455 (eq (caaar a) 'mtimes))
456 (multiple-value-bind (coef newfn)
457 (getfnsplit (cdar a) risch-intvar)
458 ;; (car a) is a mtimes expression. We insert coef and newfn as the
459 ;; new arguments to the mtimes expression. This causes problems if
460 ;; (1) coef is a mtimes expression too and
461 ;; (2) (car a) has already a simp flag
462 ;; We get a nested mtimes expression, which does not sgetfncoeff-implify.
463 ;; We comment out the following code (DK 09/2009):
464 ;; (setf (cdar a) (list coef newfn))
466 ;; Insert a complete mtimes expression without simpflag.
467 ;; Nested mtimes expressions sgetfncoeff-implify further.
468 (setf (car a) (list '(mtimes) coef newfn))
470 (setf (cdar a) (list coef newfn))
471 (cond ((zerop1 coef)
472 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))
473 ((and (matanp newfn)
474 (member '$%i varlist :test #'eq))
475 (let (($logarc t) ($logexpand '$all))
476 (rplaca a ($expand (resimplify (car a)))))
477 (getfncoeff-impl a))
478 ((and (alike1 (leadop newfn) (leadop form))
479 (or (alike1 (leadarg newfn) (leadarg form))
480 (and (mlogp newfn)
481 (logequiv form newfn risch-intvar))))
482 (ratpl (rform coef)
483 (prog2 (rplaca a 0)
484 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))))
485 ((do ((vl varlist (cdr vl)))
486 ((null vl))
487 (and (not (atom (car vl)))
488 (alike1 (leadop (car vl)) (leadop newfn))
489 (if (mlogp newfn)
490 (logequiv (car vl) newfn risch-intvar)
491 (alike1 (car vl) newfn))
492 (rplaca (cddar a) (car vl))
493 (return nil))))
494 ((let (vlist)
495 (declare (special vlist))
496 ;; newvar1 accesses the special var vlist.
497 (newvar1 (car a))
498 (null vlist))
499 (setq risch-cary
500 (ratpl (cdr (ratrep* (car a)))
501 risch-cary))
502 (rplaca a 0)
503 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))
504 ((and risch-liflag
505 (mlogp form)
506 (mlogp newfn))
507 (let (res)
508 (multiple-value-setq (res risch-nogood)
509 (dilog (cons (car a) form) risch-intvar risch-degree risch-nogood))
510 (push res risch-lians))
511 (rplaca a 0)
512 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))
513 ((and risch-liflag
514 (polylogp form)
515 (mlogp newfn)
516 (logequiv form newfn risch-intvar))
517 (push (mul* (cadar a) (make-li (1+ (car (subfunsubs form)))
518 (leadarg form)))
519 risch-lians)
520 (rplaca a 0)
521 (getfncoeff-impl (cdr a)))
522 (t (setq risch-nogood t) 0))))
524 (rplaca a (list '(mtimes) 1 (car a)))
525 (getfncoeff-impl a)))))
526 (values (getfncoeff-impl a) risch-cary risch-nogood
527 risch-lians)))
530 (defun rischlogpoly (exp risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-var risch-expflag risch-mainvar risch-expint risch-degree)
531 (let
532 ((result
533 (cond ((equal exp '(0 . 1))
534 (rischzero))
535 (risch-expflag
536 (push (cons 'poly exp) risch-expint)
537 (rischzero))
538 ((not (among risch-var exp))
539 (tryrisch1 exp risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree))
541 (do ((risch-degree (pdegree (car exp) risch-var) (1- risch-degree))
542 (p (car exp))
543 (den (cdr exp))
544 (risch-lians ())
545 (sum (rzero))
546 (risch-cary (rzero))
547 (risch-y)
549 (ak)
550 (risch-nogood)
551 (lbkpl1))
552 ((minusp risch-degree)
553 (cons sum (append risch-lians (cdr risch-y))))
554 (setq ak (r- (ratqu (polcoef p risch-degree risch-var) den)
555 (r* (cons (1+ risch-degree) 1)
556 risch-cary
557 (get risch-var 'rischdiff))))
558 (if (not (pzerop (polcoef p risch-degree risch-var)))
559 (setq p (if (pcoefp p)
560 (pzero)
561 (psimp risch-var (p-red p)))))
562 (setq risch-y (tryrisch1 ak risch-mainvar
563 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree))
564 (setq risch-cary (car risch-y))
565 (and (> risch-degree 0)
566 (setq risch-liflag $liflag))
568 (multiple-value-setq (z risch-cary risch-nogood risch-lians)
569 (getfncoeff (cdr risch-y)
570 (get risch-var 'rischexpr)
571 risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-cary risch-nogood
572 risch-lians))
573 (setq risch-liflag nil)
574 (cond ((and (> risch-degree 0)
575 (or risch-nogood
576 (findint (cdr risch-y))))
577 (return (rischnoun sum risch-ratform
578 risch-intvar
579 (r+ (r* ak
580 (make-poly risch-var risch-degree 1))
581 (ratqu p den))))))
582 (setq lbkpl1 (ratqu z (cons (1+ risch-degree) 1)))
583 (setq sum (r+ (r* lbkpl1 (make-poly risch-var (1+ risch-degree) 1))
584 (r* risch-cary (if (zerop risch-degree) 1
585 (make-poly risch-var risch-degree 1)))
586 sum)))))))
587 (values result risch-expint)))
589 (defun make-li (sub arg)
590 (subfunmake '$li (ncons sub) (ncons arg)))
592 ;;integrates log(ro)^risch-degree*log(rn)' in terms of polylogs
593 ;;finds constants c,d and integers j,k such that
594 ;;c*ro^j+d=rn^k If ro and rn are poly's then can assume either j=1 or k=1
595 (defun dilog (l risch-intvar risch-degree risch-nogood)
596 (destructuring-let* ((((nil coef nlog) . olog) l)
597 (narg (remabs (cadr nlog)))
598 (varlist varlist)
599 (genvar genvar)
600 (rn (rform narg)) ;; can add new vars to varlist
601 (ro (rform (cadr olog)))
602 (risch-var (caar ro))
603 ((j . k) (ratreduce (pdegree (car rn) risch-var) (pdegree (car ro) risch-var)))
604 (idx (gensym))
605 (rc) (rd))
606 (cond ((and (= j 1) (> k 1))
607 (setq rn (ratexpt rn k)
608 coef (div coef k)
609 narg (rdis rn)))
610 ((and (= k 1) (> j 1))
611 (setq ro (ratexpt ro j)
612 coef (div coef (f* j risch-degree))
613 olog (mul j olog))))
614 (desetq (rc . rd) (ratdivide rn ro))
615 (let
616 ((result
617 (cond ((and (freeof risch-intvar (rdis rc)) ;; can't use risch-constp because varlist
618 (freeof risch-intvar (rdis rd))) ;; is not set up with vars in correct order.
619 (setq narg ($ratsimp (sub 1 (div narg (rdis rd)))))
620 (mul* coef (power -1 (1+ risch-degree))
621 `((mfactorial) ,risch-degree)
622 (dosum (mul* (power -1 idx)
623 (div* (power olog idx)
624 `((mfactorial) ,idx))
625 (make-li (add risch-degree (neg idx) 1) narg))
626 idx 0 risch-degree t)))
628 (setq risch-nogood t)
629 0))))
630 (values result risch-nogood))))
632 (defun exppolycontrol (flag f a expg n risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-mainvar)
633 (let (risch-y l risch-var (varlist varlist) (genvar genvar))
634 (setq varlist (reverse (cdr (reverse varlist))))
635 (setq risch-var (getrischvar))
636 (setq risch-y (get risch-var 'leadop))
637 (cond ((and (not (pzerop (ratnumerator f)))
638 (risch-constp (setq l (ratqu a f)) risch-mainvar))
639 (cond (flag ;; multiply in expg^n - n may be negative
640 (list (r* l (ratexpt (cons (list expg 1 1) 1) n))
642 (t l)))
643 ((eq risch-y risch-intvar)
644 (rischexpvar flag (list f a expg n) risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-y risch-var risch-mainvar))
646 (rischexplog (eq risch-y 'mexpt) flag f a
647 (list expg n (get risch-var 'rischarg)
648 risch-var (get risch-var 'rischdiff))
649 risch-ratform risch-intvar
650 risch-liflag
651 risch-degree
652 risch-y
653 risch-var
654 risch-mainvar)))))
656 (defun rischexppoly (risch-expint risch-var risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-mainvar)
657 (let (risch-y
660 denom type
661 (ans (rischzero))
662 (expdiff (ratqu (get risch-var 'rischdiff) (list risch-var 1 1))))
663 (do ((risch-expint risch-expint (cdr risch-expint)))
664 ((null risch-expint)
665 ans)
666 (desetq (type . risch-y) (car risch-expint))
667 (desetq (num . denom) (ratfix risch-y))
668 (cond ((eq type 'neg)
669 (setq w (exppolycontrol t
670 (r* (- (cadr denom))
671 expdiff)
672 (ratqu num (caddr denom))
673 risch-var
674 (- (cadr denom))
675 risch-ratform
676 risch-intvar
677 risch-liflag
678 risch-degree
679 risch-mainvar)))
680 ((or (numberp num)
681 (not (eq (car num) risch-var)))
682 (setq w (tryrisch1 risch-y risch-mainvar
683 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree)))
685 (setq w (rischzero))
686 (do ((num (cdr num) (cddr num)))
687 ((null num))
688 (cond ((equal (car num) 0)
689 (setq w (rischadd
690 (tryrisch1 (ratqu (cadr num) denom)
691 risch-mainvar
692 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree)
693 w)))
695 (setq w (rischadd (exppolycontrol
697 (r* (car num) expdiff)
698 (ratqu (cadr num) denom)
699 risch-var
700 (car num)
701 risch-ratform
702 risch-intvar
703 risch-liflag
704 risch-degree
705 risch-mainvar)
706 w)))))))
707 (setq ans (rischadd w ans)))))
709 (defun rischexpvar (flag l risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-y risch-var risch-mainvar)
710 (prog (lcm risch-m p risch-alphar risch-gamma delta r s
711 tt denom k wl wv i ytemp ttemp yalpha f a expg n yn yd
712 risch-beta)
713 (desetq (f a expg n) l)
714 (cond ((or (pzerop a) (pzerop (car a)))
715 (return (cond ((null flag) (rzero))
716 (t (rischzero))))))
717 (setq denom (ratdenominator f))
718 (multiple-value-setq (p risch-alphar)
719 (findpr (cdr (partfrac a risch-mainvar))
720 (cdr (partfrac f risch-mainvar))
721 risch-y
722 risch-mainvar))
723 (setq lcm (plcm (ratdenominator a) p))
724 (setq risch-y (ratpl (spderivative (cons 1 p) risch-mainvar)
725 (ratqu f p)))
726 (setq lcm (plcm lcm (ratdenominator risch-y)))
727 (setq r (car (ratqu lcm p)))
728 (setq s (car (r* lcm risch-y)))
729 (setq tt (car (r* a lcm)))
730 (setq risch-beta (pdegree r risch-mainvar))
731 (setq risch-gamma (pdegree s risch-mainvar))
732 (setq delta (pdegree tt risch-mainvar))
733 (setq risch-alphar (max (- (1+ delta) risch-beta)
734 (- delta risch-gamma)))
735 (setq risch-m 0)
736 (cond ((equal (1- risch-beta) risch-gamma)
737 (setq risch-y (r* -1
738 (ratqu (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var)
739 (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var))))
740 (and (equal (cdr risch-y) 1)
741 (numberp (car risch-y))
742 (setq risch-m (car risch-y)))))
743 (setq risch-alphar (max risch-alphar risch-m))
744 (if (minusp risch-alphar)
745 (return (if flag
746 (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)
747 nil)))
748 (cond ((not (and (equal risch-alphar risch-m)
749 (not (zerop risch-m))))
750 (go down2)))
751 (setq k (+ risch-alphar risch-beta -2))
752 (setq wl nil)
754 (setq wv (list (cons (polcoef tt k risch-var) 1)))
755 (setq i risch-alphar)
757 (setq wv
758 (cons (r+ (r* (cons i 1)
759 (polcoef r (+ k 1 (- i)) risch-var))
760 (cons (polcoef s (+ k (- i)) risch-var) 1))
761 wv))
762 (decf i)
763 (cond ((> i -1)
764 (go l1)))
765 (setq wl (cons wv wl))
766 (decf k)
767 (cond ((> k -1)
768 (go l2)))
769 (multiple-value-setq (risch-y risch-m)
770 (lsa wl))
771 (if (or (eq risch-y 'singular)
772 (eq risch-y 'inconsistent))
773 (cond ((null flag)
774 (return nil))
776 (return (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)))))
777 (setq k 0)
778 (setq lcm 0)
779 (setq risch-y (cdr risch-y))
781 (setq lcm
782 (r+ (r* (car risch-y) (pexpt (list risch-mainvar 1 1) k))
783 lcm))
784 (incf k)
785 (setq risch-y (cdr risch-y))
786 (cond ((null risch-y)
787 (return (cond ((null flag)
788 (ratqu lcm p))
790 (list (r* (ratqu lcm p)
791 (cons (list expg n 1) 1))
792 0))))))
793 (go l3)
794 down2
795 (cond ((> (1- risch-beta) risch-gamma)
796 (setq k (+ risch-alphar (1- risch-beta)))
797 (setq denom #'(lambda ()
798 (ratti risch-alphar (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var) t))))
799 ((< (1- risch-beta) risch-gamma)
800 (setq k (+ risch-alphar risch-gamma))
801 (setq denom #'(lambda ()
802 (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var))))
804 (setq k (+ risch-alphar risch-gamma))
805 (setq denom
806 #'(lambda ()
807 (ratpl (ratti risch-alphar (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var) t)
808 (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var))))))
809 (setq risch-y 0)
810 loop
811 (setq yn (polcoef (ratnumerator tt) k risch-var)
812 yd (r* (ratdenominator tt) ;DENOM MAY BE 0
813 (cond ((zerop risch-alphar)
814 (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var))
816 (funcall denom)))))
817 (cond ((rzerop yd)
818 (cond ((pzerop yn)
819 (setq k (1- k) risch-alphar (1- risch-alphar))
820 (go loop)) ;need more constraints?
822 (cond
823 ((null flag)
824 (return nil))
826 (return (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)))))))
828 (setq yalpha (ratqu yn yd))))
829 (setq ytemp (r+ risch-y (r* yalpha
830 (cons (list risch-mainvar risch-alphar 1) 1) )))
831 (setq ttemp (r- tt (r* yalpha
832 (r+ (r* s (cons (list risch-mainvar risch-alphar 1) 1))
833 (r* r risch-alphar
834 (list risch-mainvar (1- risch-alphar) 1))))))
835 (decf k)
836 (decf risch-alphar)
837 (cond ((< risch-alphar 0)
838 (cond
839 ((rzerop ttemp)
840 (cond
841 ((null flag)
842 (return (ratqu ytemp p)))
844 (return (list (ratqu (r* ytemp (cons (list expg n 1) 1))
846 0)))))
847 ((null flag)
848 (return nil))
849 ((and (risch-constp (setq ttemp (ratqu ttemp lcm)) risch-mainvar)
850 $erfflag
851 (equal (pdegree (car (get expg 'rischarg)) risch-mainvar) 2)
852 (equal (pdegree (cdr (get expg 'rischarg)) risch-mainvar) 0))
853 (return (list (ratqu (r* ytemp (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
854 (erfarg2 (r* n (get expg 'rischarg))
855 ttemp risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar))))
857 (return
858 (cxerfarg
859 (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
860 expg
862 (ratqu tt lcm)
863 risch-ratform
864 risch-intvar
865 risch-mainvar))))))
866 (setq risch-y ytemp)
867 (setq tt ttemp)
868 (go loop)))
871 ;; *JM should be declared as an array, although it is not created
872 ;; by this file. -- cwh
874 (defun lsa (mm)
875 (prog (d *mosesflag m2 risch-m)
876 (setq d (length (car mm)))
877 ;; MTOA stands for MATRIX-TO-ARRAY. An array is created and
878 ;; associated functionally with the symbol *JM. The elements
879 ;; of the array are initialized from the matrix MM.
880 (mtoa '*jm* (length mm) d mm)
881 (setq risch-m (tfgeli '*jm* (length mm) d))
882 (cond ((or (and (null (car risch-m)) (null (cadr risch-m)))
883 (and (car risch-m)
884 (> (length (car risch-m)) (- (length mm) (1- d)))))
885 (return (values 'singular risch-m)))
886 ((cadr risch-m) (return (values 'inconsistent risch-m))))
887 (setq *mosesflag t)
888 (ptorat '*jm* (1- d) d)
889 (setq m2 (xrutout '*jm* (1- d) d nil nil))
890 (setq m2 (lsafix (cdr m2) (caddr risch-m)))
891 (return (values m2 risch-m))))
893 (defun lsafix (l n)
894 (declare (special *jm*))
895 (do ((n n (cdr n))
896 (l l (cdr l)))
897 ((null l))
898 (setf (aref *jm* 1 (car n)) (car l)))
899 (do ((s (length l) (1- s))
900 (ans))
901 ((= s 0) (cons '(list) ans))
902 (setq ans (cons (aref *jm* 1 s) ans))))
905 (defun findpr (alist flist risch-y risch-mainvar &aux (p 1) fterm)
906 (let (risch-alphar)
907 (do ((alist alist (cdr alist))) ((null alist))
908 (setq fterm (findflist (cadar alist) flist))
909 (if fterm (setq flist (remove risch-y flist :count 1 :test #'eq)))
910 (setq risch-alphar
911 (cond ((null fterm) (caddar alist))
912 ((equal (caddr fterm) 1)
913 (fpr-dif (car flist) (caddar alist) risch-mainvar))
914 (t (max (- (caddar alist) (caddr fterm)) 0))))
915 (if (not (zerop risch-alphar))
916 (setq p (ptimes p (pexpt (cadar alist) risch-alphar)))))
917 (do ((flist flist (cdr flist)))
918 ((null flist))
919 (when (equal (caddar flist) 1)
920 (setq risch-alphar (fpr-dif (car flist) 0 risch-mainvar))
921 (setq p (ptimes p (pexpt (cadar flist) risch-alphar)))))
922 (values p risch-alphar)))
924 (defun fpr-dif (fterm alpha risch-mainvar)
925 (destructuring-let* (((num den mult) fterm)
926 (risch-m (spderivative den risch-mainvar))
927 (n))
928 (cond ((rzerop risch-m) alpha)
929 (t (setq n (ratqu (cdr (ratdivide num den))
930 risch-m))
931 (if (and (equal (cdr n) 1) (numberp (car n)))
932 (max (car n) alpha)
933 alpha)))))
935 (defun findflist (a llist)
936 (cond ((null llist) nil)
937 ((equal (cadar llist) a) (car llist))
938 (t (findflist a (cdr llist)))))
941 (defun rischexplog (expexpflag flag f a l
942 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-y risch-var risch-mainvar)
943 (prog (lcm yy risch-m p risch-alphar risch-gamma delta
944 mu r s tt denom ymu rbeta expg n eta logeta logdiff
945 temp risch-cary risch-nogood vector aarray rmu rrmu rarray
946 risch-beta
947 risch-lians)
948 (desetq (expg n eta logeta logdiff) l)
949 (cond ((or (pzerop a)
950 (pzerop (car a)))
951 (return (cond ((null flag)
952 (rzero))
954 (rischzero))))))
955 (multiple-value-setq (p risch-alphar)
956 (findpr (cdr (partfrac a risch-var))
957 (cdr (partfrac f risch-var))
958 risch-y
959 risch-mainvar))
960 (setq lcm (plcm (ratdenominator a) p))
961 (setq risch-y (ratpl (spderivative (cons 1 p) risch-mainvar)
962 (ratqu f p)))
963 (setq lcm (plcm lcm (ratdenominator risch-y)))
964 (setq r (car (ratqu lcm p)))
965 (setq s (car (r* lcm risch-y)))
966 (setq tt (car (r* a lcm)))
967 (setq risch-beta (pdegree r risch-var))
968 (setq risch-gamma (pdegree s risch-var))
969 (setq delta (pdegree tt risch-var))
970 (cond (expexpflag
971 (setq mu (max (- delta risch-beta)
972 (- delta risch-gamma)))
973 (go expcase)))
974 (setq mu (max (- (1+ delta) risch-beta)
975 (- (1+ delta) risch-gamma)))
976 (cond ((< risch-beta risch-gamma)
977 (go back))
978 ((= (1- risch-beta) risch-gamma)
979 (go down1)))
980 (setq risch-y (tryrisch1 (ratqu (r- (r* (polcoef r (1- risch-beta) risch-var)
981 (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var))
982 (r* (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var)
983 (polcoef s (1- risch-gamma) risch-var)))
984 (r* (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var)
985 (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var) ))
986 risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree))
987 (setq risch-cary (car risch-y))
988 (multiple-value-setq (yy risch-cary risch-nogood risch-lians)
989 (getfncoeff (cdr risch-y)
990 (get risch-var 'rischexpr)
991 risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-cary risch-nogood
992 risch-lians))
993 (cond ((and (not (findint (cdr risch-y)))
994 (not risch-nogood)
995 (not (atom yy))
996 (equal (cdr yy) 1)
997 (numberp (car yy))
998 (> (car yy) mu))
999 (setq mu (car yy))))
1000 (go back)
1001 expcase
1002 (cond ((not (equal risch-beta risch-gamma))
1003 (go back)))
1004 (setq risch-y (tryrisch1 (ratqu (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var) (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var))
1005 risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree))
1006 (cond ((findint (cdr risch-y))
1007 (go back)))
1008 (setq yy (ratqu (r* -1 (car risch-y)) eta))
1009 (cond ((and (equal (cdr yy) 1)
1010 (numberp (car yy))
1011 (> (car yy) mu))
1012 (setq mu (car yy))))
1013 (go back)
1014 down1
1015 (setq risch-y (tryrisch1 (ratqu (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var) (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var))
1016 risch-mainvar risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree))
1017 (setq risch-cary (car risch-y))
1018 (multiple-value-setq (yy risch-cary risch-nogood risch-lians)
1019 (getfncoeff (cdr risch-y)
1020 (get risch-var 'rischexpr)
1021 risch-intvar risch-liflag risch-degree risch-cary risch-nogood
1022 risch-lians))
1023 (cond ((and (not (findint (cdr risch-y)))
1024 (not risch-nogood)
1025 (equal (cdr yy) 1)
1026 (numberp (car yy))
1027 (> (- (car yy)) mu))
1028 (setq mu (- (car yy)))))
1029 back
1030 (if (minusp mu)
1031 (return (if flag
1032 (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)
1033 nil)))
1034 (cond ((> risch-beta risch-gamma)
1035 (go lsacall))
1036 ((= risch-beta risch-gamma)
1037 (go recurse)))
1038 (setq denom (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var))
1039 (setq risch-y '(0 . 1))
1040 linearloop
1041 (setq ymu (ratqu (polcoef (ratnumerator tt) (+ mu risch-gamma) risch-var)
1042 (r* (ratdenominator tt) denom)))
1043 (setq risch-y (r+ risch-y (setq ymu (r* ymu (pexpt (list logeta 1 1) mu) ))))
1044 (setq tt (r- tt
1045 (r* s ymu)
1046 (r* r (spderivative ymu risch-mainvar))))
1047 (decf mu)
1048 (cond ((not (< mu 0))
1049 (go linearloop))
1050 ((not flag)
1051 (return (if (rzerop tt)
1052 (ratqu risch-y p)
1053 nil)))
1054 ((rzerop tt)
1055 (return (cons (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p) '(0))))
1057 (return (cxerfarg (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
1058 expg
1060 (ratqu tt lcm)
1061 risch-ratform
1062 risch-intvar
1063 risch-mainvar))))
1064 recurse
1065 (setq rbeta (polcoef r risch-beta risch-var))
1066 (setq risch-y '(0 . 1))
1067 recurseloop
1068 (setq f (r+ (ratqu (polcoef s risch-gamma risch-var) rbeta)
1069 (if expexpflag
1070 (r* mu (spderivative eta risch-mainvar))
1071 0)))
1072 (setq ymu (exppolycontrol nil
1074 (ratqu (polcoef (ratnumerator tt)
1075 (+ risch-beta mu)
1076 risch-var)
1077 (r* (ratdenominator tt) rbeta))
1078 expg
1080 risch-ratform
1081 risch-intvar
1082 risch-liflag
1083 risch-degree
1084 risch-mainvar))
1085 (when (null ymu)
1086 (return (cond ((null flag)
1087 nil)
1089 (return (cxerfarg (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
1090 expg n (ratqu tt lcm)
1091 risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar))))))
1092 (setq risch-y (r+ risch-y (setq ymu (r* ymu (pexpt (list logeta 1 1) mu)))))
1093 (setq tt (r- tt
1094 (r* s ymu)
1095 (r* r (spderivative ymu risch-mainvar))))
1096 (decf mu)
1097 (cond
1098 ((not (< mu 0))
1099 (go recurseloop))
1100 ((not flag)
1101 (return (cond ((rzerop tt)
1102 (ratqu risch-y p))
1103 (t nil))))
1104 ((rzerop tt)
1105 (return (cons (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
1106 '(0))))
1108 (return (cxerfarg (ratqu (r* risch-y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
1109 expg
1111 (ratqu tt lcm)
1112 risch-ratform
1113 risch-intvar
1114 risch-mainvar))))
1115 lsacall
1116 (setq rrmu mu)
1117 muloop
1118 (setq temp (r* (ratexpt (cons (list logeta 1 1) 1) (1- mu))
1119 (r+ (r* s (cons (list logeta 1 1) 1))
1120 (r* mu r logdiff ))))
1122 (setq vector nil)
1123 (setq rmu (+ rrmu risch-beta))
1124 rmuloop
1125 (setq vector (cons (ratqu (polcoef (ratnumerator temp) rmu risch-var)
1126 (ratdenominator temp)) vector))
1127 (decf rmu)
1128 (unless (< rmu 0)
1129 (go rmuloop))
1130 (decf mu)
1131 (setq aarray (append aarray (list (reverse vector))))
1132 (cond ((not (< mu 0))
1133 (go muloop))
1134 ((equal mu -2)
1135 (go skipmu)))
1136 (setq temp tt)
1137 (go mu1)
1138 skipmu
1139 (setq rarray nil)
1140 arrayloop
1141 (setq vector nil)
1142 (setq vector (mapcar 'car aarray))
1143 (setq aarray (mapcar 'cdr aarray))
1144 (setq rarray (append rarray (list vector)))
1145 (unless (null (car aarray)) (go arrayloop))
1146 (setq rmu (1+ rrmu))
1147 (setq vector nil)
1148 array1loop
1149 (setq vector (cons '(0 . 1) vector))
1150 (decf rmu)
1151 (unless (< rmu 0) (go array1loop))
1152 (setq aarray nil)
1153 array2loop
1154 (cond ((equal (car rarray) vector)
1155 nil)
1157 (setq aarray (cons (car rarray) aarray))))
1158 (setq rarray (cdr rarray))
1159 (when rarray (go array2loop))
1160 (setq rarray (reverse aarray))
1161 (multiple-value-setq (temp risch-m)
1162 (lsa rarray))
1163 (when (or (eq temp 'singular)
1164 (eq temp 'inconsistent))
1165 (return (if (null flag)
1167 (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar))))
1168 (setq temp (reverse (cdr temp)))
1169 (setq rmu 0)
1170 (setq risch-y 0)
1172 (setq risch-y (r+ risch-y (r* (car temp) (pexpt (list logeta 1 1) rmu))))
1173 (setq temp (cdr temp))
1174 (incf rmu)
1175 (unless (> rmu rrmu)
1176 (go l3))
1177 (return (if (null flag)
1178 (ratqu risch-y p)
1179 (cons (r* (list expg n 1) (ratqu risch-y p)) '(0))))))
1182 (defun erfarg (exparg coef risch-ratform risch-mainvar)
1183 (prog (num denom erfarg)
1184 (setq exparg (r- exparg))
1185 (unless (and (setq num (pnthrootp (ratnumerator exparg) 2))
1186 (setq denom (pnthrootp (ratdenominator exparg) 2)))
1187 (return nil))
1188 (setq erfarg (cons num denom))
1189 (if (risch-constp
1190 (setq coef (ratqu coef (spderivative erfarg risch-mainvar)))
1191 risch-mainvar)
1192 (return (simplify `((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2)
1193 ((mexpt) $%pi ((rat) 1 2))
1194 ,(disrep coef risch-ratform)
1195 ((%erf) ,(disrep erfarg risch-ratform))))))))
1197 (defun erfarg2 (exparg coeff risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)
1198 (let ((risch-var risch-mainvar)
1199 a b c d)
1200 (when (and (= (pdegree (car exparg) risch-var) 2)
1201 (eq (caar exparg) risch-var)
1202 (risch-pconstp (cdr exparg) risch-mainvar)
1203 (risch-constp coeff risch-mainvar))
1204 (setq a (ratqu (r* -1 (caddar exparg))
1205 (cdr exparg)))
1206 (setq b (disrep (ratqu (r* -1 (polcoef (car exparg) 1 risch-var))
1207 (cdr exparg))
1208 risch-ratform))
1209 (setq c (disrep (ratqu (r* (polcoef (car exparg) 0 risch-var))
1210 (cdr exparg))
1211 risch-ratform))
1212 (setq d (ratsqrt a risch-ratform))
1213 (setq a (disrep a risch-ratform))
1214 (simplify `((mtimes)
1215 ((mtimes)
1216 ((mexpt) $%e ((mplus) ,c
1217 ((mquotient) ((mexpt) ,b 2)
1218 ((mtimes) 4 ,a))))
1219 ((rat) 1 2)
1220 ,(disrep coeff risch-ratform)
1221 ((mexpt) ,d -1)
1222 ((mexpt) $%pi ((rat) 1 2)))
1223 ((%erf) ((mplus)
1224 ((mtimes) ,d ,risch-intvar)
1225 ((mtimes) ,b ((rat) 1 2) ((mexpt) ,d -1)))))))))
1228 (defun cxerfarg (ans expg n numdenom risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar
1229 &aux (arg (r* n (get expg 'rischarg)))
1230 (fails 0))
1231 (prog (denom erfans num nerf)
1232 (desetq (num . denom) numdenom)
1233 (unless $erfflag
1234 (setq fails num)
1235 (go lose))
1236 (if (setq erfans (erfarg arg numdenom risch-ratform risch-mainvar))
1237 (return (list ans erfans)))
1238 again
1239 (when (and (not (pcoefp denom))
1240 (null (p-red denom))
1241 (eq (get (car denom) 'leadop) 'mexpt))
1242 (setq arg (r+ arg (r* (- (p-le denom))
1243 (get (p-var denom) 'rischarg)))
1244 denom (p-lc denom))
1245 (go again))
1246 (loop for (coef exparg exppoly) in (explist num arg 1)
1247 do (setq coef (ratqu coef denom)
1248 nerf (or (erfarg2 exparg coef risch-ratform risch-intvar risch-mainvar)
1249 (erfarg exparg coef risch-ratform risch-mainvar)))
1250 (if nerf
1251 (push nerf erfans)
1252 (setq fails (pplus fails exppoly))))
1253 lose
1254 (return
1255 (if (pzerop fails)
1256 (cons ans erfans)
1257 (rischadd (cons ans erfans)
1258 (rischnoun (r* (ratexpt (cons (make-poly expg) 1) n)
1259 (ratqu fails (cdr numdenom)))
1260 risch-ratform
1261 risch-intvar))))))
1263 (defun explist (p oarg exps)
1264 (cond ((or (pcoefp p)
1265 (not (eq 'mexpt
1266 (get (p-var p) 'leadop))))
1267 (list (list p oarg (ptimes p exps))))
1269 (loop with narg = (get (p-var p) 'rischarg)
1270 for (exp coef) on (p-terms p) by #'cddr
1271 nconc (explist coef
1272 (r+ oarg (r* exp narg))
1273 (ptimes exps
1274 (make-poly (p-var p) exp 1)))))))
1277 (defun intsetup (exp risch-*var)
1278 (prog (varlist clist $factorflag dlist genpairs old risch-y z $ratfac $keepfloat
1279 *fnewvarsw)
1281 (setq exp (radcan1 exp risch-*var))
1282 (fnewvar exp)
1283 (setq *fnewvarsw t)
1285 (setq clist nil)
1286 (setq dlist nil)
1287 (setq z varlist)
1289 (setq risch-y (pop z))
1290 (cond ((freeof risch-*var risch-y)
1291 (push risch-y clist))
1292 ((eq risch-y risch-*var)
1293 nil)
1294 ((and (mexptp risch-y)
1295 (not (eq (cadr risch-y) '$%e)))
1296 (cond ((not (freeof risch-*var (caddr risch-y)))
1297 (setq dlist `((mexpt simp)
1299 ,(mul2* (caddr risch-y)
1300 `((%log) ,(cadr risch-y)))))
1301 (setq exp (maxima-substitute dlist risch-y exp))
1302 (setq varlist nil)
1303 (go y))
1304 ((atom (caddr risch-y))
1305 (cond ((numberp (caddr risch-y))
1306 (push risch-y dlist))
1308 ;;(setq operator t)
1309 (return (values nil t)))))
1311 (push risch-y dlist))))
1313 (push risch-y dlist)))
1314 (if z
1315 (go up))
1316 (if (member '$%i clist :test #'eq)
1317 (setq clist (cons '$%i (delete '$%i clist :test #'equal))))
1318 (setq varlist (append clist
1319 (cons risch-*var
1320 (nreverse (sort (append dlist nil)
1321 #'(lambda (a b)
1322 (intgreat a b risch-*var)))))))
1323 (orderpointer varlist)
1324 (setq old varlist)
1325 (mapc #'(lambda (b)
1326 (intset1 b risch-*var))
1327 (cons risch-*var dlist))
1328 (cond ((alike old varlist)
1329 (return (values (ratrep* exp)
1330 nil)))
1331 (t (go a)))))
1333 (defun leadop (exp)
1334 (cond ((atom exp)
1335 exp)
1336 ((mqapplyp exp)
1337 (cadr exp))
1339 (caar exp))))
1341 (defun leadarg (exp)
1342 (cond ((atom exp)
1344 ((and (mexptp exp) (eq (cadr exp) '$%e))
1345 (caddr exp))
1346 ((mqapplyp exp)
1347 (car (subfunargs exp)))
1349 (cadr exp))))
1351 (defun intset1 (b risch-*var)
1352 (let (e c d)
1353 (fnewvar
1354 (setq d (if (mexptp b) ;needed for radicals
1355 `((mtimes simp)
1357 ,(radcan1 (sdiff (simplify (caddr b)) risch-*var)
1358 risch-*var))
1359 (radcan1 (sdiff (simplify b) risch-*var)
1360 risch-*var))))
1361 (setq d (ratrep* d))
1362 (setq c (ratrep* (leadarg b)))
1363 (setq e (cdr (assoc b (pair varlist genvar) :test #'equal)))
1364 (putprop e (leadop b) 'leadop)
1365 (putprop e b 'rischexpr)
1366 (putprop e (cdr d) 'rischdiff)
1367 (putprop e (cdr c) 'rischarg)))
1369 ;; order of expressions for risch.
1370 ;; expressions containing erf and li last.
1371 ;; then order by size of expression to guarantee that
1372 ;; any subexpressions are considered smaller.
1373 ;; this relation should be transitive, since it is called by sort.
1374 (defun intgreat (a b risch-*var)
1375 (cond ((and (not (atom a))
1376 (not (atom b)))
1377 (cond ((and (not (freeof '%erf a))
1378 (freeof '%erf b))
1380 ((and (not (freeof '$li a))
1381 (freeof '$li b))
1383 ((and (freeof '$li a)
1384 (not (freeof '$li b)))
1385 nil)
1386 ((and (freeof '%erf a)
1387 (not (freeof '%erf b)))
1388 nil)
1389 ((> (conssize a) (conssize b))
1391 ((< (conssize a) (conssize b))
1392 nil)
1394 (great (resimplify (fixintgreat a risch-*var))
1395 (resimplify (fixintgreat b risch-*var))))))
1397 (great (resimplify (fixintgreat a risch-*var))
1398 (resimplify (fixintgreat b risch-*var))))))
1400 (defun fixintgreat (a risch-*var)
1401 (subst '/_101x risch-*var a))