Issue kill(all) in rtest6b so that value assigned to d in a preceding test does not...
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / matcom.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancements. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module matcom)
15 ;; This is the Match Compiler.
17 (declare-top (special boundlist reflist topreflist program))
19 (defmvar $announce_rules_firing nil)
21 (defmspec $matchdeclare (form)
22 (let ((meta-prop-p nil))
23 (proc-$matchdeclare (cdr form))))
25 (defun proc-$matchdeclare (x)
26 (if (oddp (length x))
27 (merror (intl:gettext "matchdeclare: must be an even number of arguments.")))
28 (do ((x x (cddr x))) ((null x))
29 (cond ((symbolp (car x))
30 (cond ((and (not (symbolp (cadr x)))
31 (or (numberp (cadr x))
32 (member (caaadr x) '(mand mor mnot mcond mprog) :test #'eq)))
33 (improper-arg-err (cadr x) '$matchdeclare)))
34 (meta-add2lnc (car x) '$props)
35 (meta-mputprop (car x) (ncons (cadr x)) 'matchdeclare))
36 ((not ($listp (car x)))
37 (improper-arg-err (car x) '$matchdeclare))
38 (t (do ((l (cdar x) (cdr l))) ((null l))
39 (proc-$matchdeclare (list (car l) (cadr x)))))))
40 '$done)
42 (defun compileatom (e p)
43 (prog (d)
44 (setq d (getdec p e))
45 (return (cond ((null d)
46 (emit (list 'cond
47 (list (list 'not
48 (list 'equal
50 (list 'quote p)))
51 '(matcherr)))))
52 ((member p boundlist :test #'eq)
53 (emit (list 'cond
54 (list (list 'not (list 'equal e p))
55 '(matcherr)))))
56 (t (setq boundlist (cons p boundlist)) (emit d))))))
58 (defun emit (x) (setq program (nconc program (list x))))
60 (defun memqargs (x)
61 (cond ((or (numberp x) (member x boundlist :test #'eq)) x)
62 ((and (symbolp x) (get x 'operators)) `(quote ,x))
64 (t `(meval (quote ,x)))))
66 (defun makepreds (l gg)
67 (cond ((null l) nil)
68 (t (cons (cond ((atom (car l))
69 (list 'lambda (list (setq gg (gensym)))
70 `(declare (special ,gg))
71 (getdec (car l) gg)))
72 (t (defmatch1 (car l) (gensym))))
73 (makepreds (cdr l) nil)))))
75 (defun defmatch1 (pt e)
76 (prog (topreflist program prog-variables)
77 (setq topreflist (list e))
78 (cond ((atom (errset (compilematch e pt)))
79 (merror (intl:gettext "defmatch: failed to compile match for pattern ~M") pt))
82 (mtell "defmatch: ~M will be matched uniquely since sub-parts would otherwise be ambiguous.~%" pt)
83 (return (list 'lambda
84 (list e)
85 `(declare (special ,e))
86 (list 'catch ''match
87 (nconc (list 'prog)
88 (list (setq prog-variables (cdr (reverse topreflist))))
89 `((declare (special ,@ prog-variables)))
90 program
91 (list (list 'return t))))))))))
93 (defun compileplus (e p)
94 (prog (reflist f g h flag leftover)
95 a (setq p (cdr p))
96 a1 (cond ((null p)
97 (cond ((null leftover)
98 (return (emit (list 'cond
99 (list (list 'not (list 'equal e 0.))
100 '(matcherr))))))
101 ((null (cdr leftover)) (return (compilematch e (car leftover))))
102 ((setq f (intersection leftover boundlist :test #'equal))
103 (emit (list 'setq
105 (list 'meval
106 (list 'quote
107 (list '(mplus)
109 (list '(mminus) (car f)))))))
110 (setq leftover (delete (car f) leftover :test #'equal))
111 (go a1))
113 ;; Almost nobody knows what this means. Just suppress the noise.
114 ;; (mtell "COMPILEPLUS: ~M partitions '+'
115 ;; expression.~%" (cons '(mplus) leftover))
116 (setq boundlist (append boundlist (remove-if-not #'atom leftover)))
117 (return (emit (list 'cond
118 (list (list 'part+
120 (list 'quote leftover)
121 (list 'quote
122 (makepreds leftover nil))))
123 '(t (matcherr))))))))
124 ((fixedmatchp (car p))
125 (emit (list 'setq
127 (list 'meval
128 (list 'quote
129 (list '(mplus)
131 (list '(mminus) (car p))))))))
132 ((atom (car p))
133 (cond ((cdr p) (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p (cdr p)) (go a1))
134 (leftover (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p nil) (go a1)))
135 (setq boundlist (cons (car p) boundlist))
136 (emit (getdec (car p) e))
137 (cond ((null (cdr p)) (return nil)) (t (go a))))
138 ((eq (caaar p) 'mtimes)
139 (cond ((and (not (or (numberp (cadar p))
140 (and (not (atom (cadar p)))
141 (eq (caar (cadar p)) 'rat))))
142 (fixedmatchp (cadar p)))
143 (setq flag nil)
144 (emit `(setq ,(genref)
145 (ratdisrep
146 (ratcoef ,e ,(memqargs (cadar p))))))
147 (compiletimes (car reflist) (cons '(mtimes) (cddar p)))
148 (emit `(setq ,e (meval
149 (quote
150 (($ratsimp)
151 ((mplus) ,e
152 ((mtimes) -1 ,(car reflist)
153 ,(cadar p)))))))))
154 ((null flag)
155 (setq flag t) (rplacd (car p) (reverse (cdar p))) (go a1))
156 (t (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (go a))))
157 ((eq (caaar p) 'mexpt)
158 (cond ((fixedmatchp (cadar p))
159 (setq f 'findexpon)
160 (setq g (cadar p))
161 (setq h (caddar p)))
162 ((fixedmatchp (caddar p))
163 (setq f 'findbase)
164 (setq g (caddar p))
165 (setq h (cadar p)))
166 (t (go functionmatch)))
167 (emit (list 'setq
168 (genref)
169 (list f e (setq g (memqargs g)) ''mplus)))
170 (emit (list 'setq
172 (list 'meval
173 (list 'quote
174 (list '(mplus)
176 (list '(mminus)
177 (cond ((eq f 'findexpon)
178 (list '(mexpt)
180 (car reflist)))
181 (t (list '(mexpt)
182 (car reflist)
183 g)))))))))
184 (compilematch (car reflist) h))
185 ((not (fixedmatchp (caaar p)))
186 (cond ((cdr p)
187 (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover))
188 (setq p (cdr p))
189 (go a1))
190 (leftover (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p nil) (go a1)))
191 (setq boundlist (cons (caaar p) boundlist))
192 (emit (list 'msetq
193 (caaar p)
194 (list 'kaar e)))
195 (go functionmatch))
196 (t (go functionmatch)))
197 (go a)
198 functionmatch
199 (emit (list 'setq
200 (genref)
201 (list 'findfun e (memqargs (caaar p)) ''mplus)))
202 (cond ((eq (caaar p) 'mplus)
203 (mtell (intl:gettext "COMPILEPLUS: warning: '+' within '+' in: ~M~%") (car p))
204 (compileplus (car reflist) (car p)))
205 (t (emit (list 'setq (genref) (list 'kdr (cadr reflist))))
206 (compileeach (car reflist) (cdar p))))
207 (emit (list 'setq
209 (list 'meval
210 (list 'quote
211 (list '(mplus) e (list '(mminus) (car p)))))))
212 (go a)))
214 (defun compiletimes (e p)
215 (prog (reflist f g h leftover)
216 a (setq p (cdr p))
217 a1 (cond ((null p)
218 (cond ((null leftover)
219 (return (emit (list 'cond
220 (list (list 'not (list 'equal e 1.))
221 '(matcherr))))))
222 ((null (cdr leftover)) (return (compilematch e (car leftover))))
223 ((setq f (intersection leftover boundlist :test #'equal))
224 (emit (list 'setq
226 (list 'meval
227 (list 'quote
228 (list '(mquotient) e (car f))))))
229 (setq leftover (delete (car f) leftover :test #'equal))
230 (go a1))
232 ;; Almost nobody knows what this means. Just suppress the noise.
233 ;; (mtell "COMPILETIMES: ~M partitions '*' expression.~%" (cons '(mtimes) leftover))
234 (setq boundlist (append boundlist (remove-if-not #'atom leftover)))
235 (return (emit (list 'cond
236 (list (list 'part*
238 (list 'quote leftover)
239 (list 'quote
240 (makepreds leftover nil))))
241 '(t (matcherr))))))))
242 ((fixedmatchp (car p))
243 (emit (list 'setq
245 (list 'meval
246 (list 'quote (list '(mquotient) e (car p)))))))
247 ((atom (car p))
248 (cond ((cdr p) (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p (cdr p)) (go a1))
249 (leftover (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p nil) (go a1)))
250 (setq boundlist (cons (car p) boundlist))
251 (emit (getdec (car p) e))
252 (cond ((null (cdr p)) (return nil)) (t (go a))))
253 ((eq (caaar p) 'mexpt)
254 (cond ((fixedmatchp (cadar p))
255 (setq f 'findexpon)
256 (setq g (cadar p))
257 (setq h (caddar p)))
258 ((fixedmatchp (caddar p))
259 (setq f 'findbase)
260 (setq g (caddar p))
261 (setq h (cadar p)))
262 (t (go functionmatch)))
263 (emit (list 'setq
264 (genref)
265 (list f e (setq g (memqargs g)) ''mtimes)))
266 (cond ((eq f 'findbase)
267 (emit (list 'cond
268 (list (list 'equal (car reflist) 0)
269 '(matcherr))))))
270 (emit (list 'setq
272 (list 'meval
273 (list 'quote
274 (list '(mquotient)
276 (cond ((eq f 'findexpon)
277 (list '(mexpt) g (car reflist)))
278 (t (list '(mexpt)
279 (car reflist)
280 g))))))))
281 (compilematch (car reflist) h))
282 ((not (fixedmatchp (caaar p)))
283 (cond ((cdr p)
284 (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover))
285 (setq p (cdr p))
286 (go a1))
287 (leftover (setq leftover (cons (car p) leftover)) (setq p nil) (go a1)))
288 (setq boundlist (cons (caaar p) boundlist))
289 (emit (list 'msetq
290 (caaar p)
291 (list 'kaar e)))
292 (go functionmatch))
293 (t (go functionmatch)))
294 (go a)
295 functionmatch
296 (emit (list 'setq
297 (genref)
298 (list 'findfun e (memqargs (caaar p)) ''mtimes)))
299 (cond ((eq (caaar p) 'mtimes)
300 (mtell (intl:gettext "COMPILETIMES: warning: '*' within '*' in: ~M~%") (car p))
301 (compiletimes (car reflist) (car p)))
302 (t (emit (list 'setq (genref) (list 'kdr (cadr reflist))))
303 (compileeach (car reflist) (cdar p))))
304 (emit (list 'setq
306 (list 'meval
307 (list 'quote (list '(mquotient) e (car p))))))
308 (go a)))
311 (defmspec $defmatch (form)
312 (let ((meta-prop-p nil))
313 (proc-$defmatch (cdr form))))
315 (defun proc-$defmatch (l)
316 (prog (pt pt* args a boundlist reflist topreflist program name tem)
317 (setq name (car l))
318 (setq pt (copy-tree (setq pt* (simplify (cadr l)))))
319 (cond ((atom pt)
320 (setq pt (copy-tree (setq pt* (meval pt))))
321 (mtell (intl:gettext "defmatch: evaluation of atomic pattern yields: ~M~%") pt)))
322 (setq args (cddr l))
323 (cond ((null (allatoms args)) (mtell (intl:gettext "defmatch: some pattern variables are not atoms."))
324 (return nil)))
325 (setq boundlist args)
326 (setq a (genref))
327 (cond ((atom (errset (compilematch a pt)))
328 (merror (intl:gettext "defmatch: failed to compile match for pattern ~M") pt))
329 (t (meta-fset name
330 (list 'lambda
331 (cons a args)
332 `(declare (special ,a ,@ boundlist))
333 (list 'catch ''match
334 (nconc (list 'prog)
335 (list (setq tem (cdr (reverse topreflist))))
336 `((declare (special ,@ tem)))
337 program
338 (list (list 'return
339 (cond (boundlist (cons 'retlist
340 boundlist))
341 (t t))))))))
342 (meta-add2lnc name '$rules)
343 (meta-mputprop name (list '(mlist) pt* (cons '(mlist) args)) '$rule)
344 (return name)))))
346 (defmspec $tellsimp (form)
347 (let ((meta-prop-p nil))
348 (proc-$tellsimp (cdr form))))
350 (defmfun $clear_rules ()
351 (mapc 'kill1 (cdr $rules))
352 (loop for v in '(mexpt mplus mtimes)
353 do (setf (mget v 'rulenum) nil)))
355 (defun proc-$tellsimp (l)
356 (prog (pt rhs boundlist reflist topreflist a program name tem
357 oldstuff pgname oname rulenum)
358 (setq pt (copy-tree (simplifya (car l) nil)))
359 (setq name pt)
360 (setq rhs (copy-tree (simplifya (cadr l) nil)))
361 (cond ((alike1 pt rhs) (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimp: circular rule attempted.")))
362 ((atom pt) (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimp: pattern must not be an atom; found: ~A") (fullstrip1 (getop name))))
363 ((mget (setq name (caar pt)) 'matchdeclare)
364 (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimp: main operator of pattern must not be match variable; found: ~A") (fullstrip1 (getop name))))
365 ((member name '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)
366 (mtell (intl:gettext "tellsimp: warning: rule will treat '~M' as noncommutative and nonassociative.~%") name)))
367 (setq a (genref))
368 (cond ((atom (errset (compileeach a (cdr pt))))
369 (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimp: failed to compile match for pattern ~M") (cdr pt))))
370 (setq oldstuff (get name 'operators))
371 (setq rulenum (mget name 'rulenum))
372 (cond ((null rulenum) (setq rulenum 1.)))
373 (setq oname (getop name))
374 (setq pgname (implode (append (%to$ (explodec oname))
375 '(|r| |u| |l| |e|)
376 (mexploden rulenum))))
377 (meta-mputprop pgname name 'ruleof)
378 (meta-add2lnc pgname '$rules)
379 (meta-mputprop name (f1+ rulenum) 'rulenum)
380 (meta-fset pgname
381 (list 'lambda '(x a2 a3)
382 `(declare (special x a2 a3))
383 (list 'prog
384 (list 'ans a 'rule-hit)
385 `(declare (special ans ,a))
386 (list 'setq
388 (list 'cons
389 '(car x)
390 (list 'setq
392 '(cond (a3 (cdr x))
393 (t (mapcar #'(lambda (h) (simplifya h a3))
394 (cdr x)))))))
395 (list
396 'multiple-value-setq
397 '(ans rule-hit)
398 (list 'catch ''match
399 (nconc (list 'prog)
400 (list (setq tem (nconc boundlist
401 (cdr (reverse topreflist)))))
402 `((declare (special ,@ tem)))
403 program
404 (list (list 'return
405 (list 'values (memqargs rhs) t))))))
406 (cond ((not (member name '(mtimes mplus) :test #'eq))
407 (list 'return
408 (list 'cond
409 '(rule-hit ans) '((and (not dosimp) (member 'simp (cdar x) :test #'eq))x)
410 (list t
411 (cond (oldstuff (cons oldstuff
412 '(x a2 t)))
413 (t '(eqtest x x)))))))
414 ((eq name 'mtimes)
415 (list 'return
416 (list 'cond
417 (list '(and (equal 1. a2) rule-hit) 'ans)
418 '(rule-hit (meval '((mexpt) ans a2)))
419 (list t
420 (cond (oldstuff (cons oldstuff
421 '(x a2 a3)))
422 (t '(eqtest x x)))))))
423 ((eq name 'mplus)
424 (list 'return
425 (list 'cond
426 (list '(and (equal 1. a2) rule-hit) 'ans)
427 '(rule-hit (meval '((mtimes) ans a2)))
428 (list t
429 (cond (oldstuff (cons oldstuff
430 '(x a2 a3)))
431 (t '(eqtest x x)))))))))))
432 (meta-mputprop pgname (list '(mequal) pt rhs) '$rule)
433 (cond ((null (mget name 'oldrules))
434 (meta-mputprop name
435 (list (get name 'operators))
436 'oldrules)))
437 (meta-putprop name pgname 'operators)
438 (return (cons '(mlist)
439 (meta-mputprop name
440 (cons pgname (mget name 'oldrules))
441 'oldrules)))))
443 (defun %to$ (l) (cond ((eq (car l) '%) (rplaca l '$)) (l)))
446 (defmspec $tellsimpafter (form)
447 (let ((meta-prop-p nil))
448 (proc-$tellsimpafter (cdr form))))
450 (defun proc-$tellsimpafter (l)
451 (prog (pt rhs boundlist reflist topreflist a program name oldstuff plustimes pgname oname tem
452 rulenum my*afterflag)
453 (setq pt (copy-tree (simplifya (car l) nil)))
454 (setq name pt)
455 (setq rhs (copy-tree (simplifya (cadr l) nil)))
456 (cond ((alike1 pt rhs) (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimpafter: circular rule attempted.")))
457 ((atom pt) (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimpafter: pattern must not be an atom; found: ~A") (fullstrip1 (getop name))))
458 ((mget (setq name (caar pt)) 'matchdeclare)
459 (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimpafter: main operator of pattern must not be match variable; found: ~A") (fullstrip1 (getop name)))))
460 (setq a (genref))
461 (setq plustimes (member name '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq))
462 (if (atom (if plustimes (errset (compilematch a pt))
463 (errset (compileeach a (cdr pt)))))
464 (merror (intl:gettext "tellsimpafter: failed to compile match for pattern ~M") (cdr pt)))
465 (setq oldstuff (get name 'operators))
466 (setq rulenum (mget name 'rulenum))
467 (if (null rulenum) (setq rulenum 1))
468 (setq oname (getop name))
469 (setq pgname (implode (append (%to$ (explodec oname))
470 '(|r| |u| |l| |e|) (mexploden rulenum))))
471 (setq my*afterflag (gensym "*AFTERFLAG-"))
472 (proclaim `(special ,my*afterflag))
473 (setf (symbol-value my*afterflag) nil)
474 (meta-mputprop pgname name 'ruleof)
475 (meta-add2lnc pgname '$rules)
476 (meta-mputprop name (f1+ rulenum) 'rulenum)
477 (meta-fset
478 pgname
479 (list
480 'lambda
481 '(x ans a3)
482 (if oldstuff
483 (list 'setq 'x (list oldstuff 'x 'ans 'a3))
484 (list 'setq 'x (list 'simpargs1 'x 'ans 'a3)))
485 (list
486 'cond
487 `(,my*afterflag x)
488 (list 't
489 (nconc (list 'prog)
490 (list (cons a `(,my*afterflag rule-hit)))
491 `((declare (special ,a ,my*afterflag)))
492 (list `(setq ,my*afterflag t))
493 (cond (oldstuff (subst (list 'quote name)
494 'name
495 '((cond ((or (atom x) (not (eq (caar x) name)))
496 (return x)))))))
497 (list (list 'setq
499 (cond (plustimes 'x) (t '(cdr x)))))
500 (list (list 'multiple-value-setq
501 '(ans rule-hit)
502 (list 'catch ''match
503 (nconc (list 'prog)
504 (list (setq tem(nconc boundlist
505 (cdr (reverse topreflist)))))
506 `((declare (special ,@ tem)))
507 program
508 (cond
509 ($announce_rules_firing
510 (list (list 'return (list 'values (list 'announce-rule-firing `',pgname 'x (memqargs rhs)) t))))
512 (list (list 'return (list 'values (memqargs rhs) t)))))))))
513 (list '(return (if rule-hit ans (eqtest x x)))))))))
514 (meta-mputprop pgname (list '(mequal) pt rhs) '$rule)
515 (cond ((null (mget name 'oldrules))
516 (meta-mputprop name (list (get name 'operators)) 'oldrules)))
517 (meta-putprop name pgname 'operators)
518 (return (cons '(mlist)
519 (meta-mputprop name
520 (cons pgname (mget name 'oldrules))
521 'oldrules)))))
523 (defun announce-rule-firing (rulename expr simplified-expr)
524 (let (($display2d nil) ($stringdisp nil))
525 ($print "By" rulename "," expr "-->" simplified-expr))
526 simplified-expr)
528 (defmspec $defrule (form)
529 (let ((meta-prop-p nil))
530 (proc-$defrule (cdr form))))
532 ;;(defvar *match-specials* nil);;Hell lets declare them all special, its safer--wfs
533 (defun proc-$defrule (l)
534 (prog (pt rhs boundlist reflist topreflist name a program lhs* rhs* tem)
535 (if (not (= (length l) 3)) (wna-err '$defrule))
536 (setq name (car l))
537 (if (or (not (symbolp name)) (mopp name) (member name '($all $%) :test #'eq))
538 (merror (intl:gettext "defrule: rule name must be a symbol, and not an operator or 'all' or '%'; found: ~M") name))
539 (setq pt (copy-tree (setq lhs* (simplify (cadr l)))))
540 (setq rhs (copy-tree (setq rhs* (simplify (caddr l)))))
541 (setq a (genref))
542 (cond ((atom (errset (compilematch a pt)))
543 (merror (intl:gettext "defrule: failed to compile match for pattern ~M") pt))
544 (t (meta-fset name
545 (list 'lambda
546 (list a)
547 `(declare (special ,a))
548 (list 'catch ''match
549 (nconc (list 'prog)
550 (list (setq tem (nconc boundlist
551 (cdr (reverse topreflist)))))
552 `((declare (special ,@ tem)))
553 program
554 (list (list 'return
555 (list 'values (memqargs rhs) t)))))))
556 (meta-add2lnc name '$rules)
557 (meta-mputprop name (setq l (list '(mequal) lhs* rhs*)) '$rule)
558 (meta-mputprop name '$defrule '$ruletype)
559 (return (list '(msetq) name (cons '(marrow) (cdr l))))))))
561 ; GETDEC constructs an expression of the form ``if <match> then <assign value> else <match failed>''.
563 ; matchdeclare (aa, true);
564 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$aa) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE (T)))
565 ; tellsimpafter (fa(aa), ga(aa));
566 ; getdec => (MSETQ $AA TR-GENSYM~1)
568 ; matchdeclare (bb, integerp);
569 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$bb) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE ($INTEGERP)))
570 ; tellsimpafter (fb(bb), gb(bb));
571 ; getdec => (COND ((IS '(($INTEGERP) TR-GENSYM~3)) (MSETQ $BB TR-GENSYM~3)) ((MATCHERR)))
573 ; my_p(x) := integerp(x) and x>100;
574 ; matchdeclare (cc, my_p);
575 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$cc) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE ($MY_P)))
576 ; tellsimpafter (fc(cc), gc(cc));
577 ; getdec => (COND ((IS '(($MY_P) TR-GENSYM~5)) (MSETQ $CC TR-GENSYM~5)) ((MATCHERR)))
579 ; :lisp (defmfun $my_p2 (y x) (is `((mgeqp) ,x ,y)))
580 ; matchdeclare (dd, my_p2 (200));
581 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$dd) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE ((($MY_P2) 200))))
582 ; tellsimpafter (fd(dd), gd(dd));
583 ; getdec => (COND ((IS '(($MY_P2) 200 TR-GENSYM~7)) (MSETQ $DD TR-GENSYM~7)) ((MATCHERR)))
585 ; my_p3 (y, x) := is (x > y);
586 ; matchdeclare (ee, my_p3 (300));
587 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$ee) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE ((($MY_P3) 300))))
588 ; tellsimpafter (fe(ee), ge(ee));
589 ; getdec => (COND ((IS '(($MY_P3) 300 TR-GENSYM~9)) (MSETQ $EE TR-GENSYM~9)) ((MATCHERR)))
591 ; matchdeclare (ff, lambda ([x], x > 400));
592 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$ff) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE (((LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $X) ((MGREATERP) $X 400)))))
593 ; tellsimpafter (fff(ff), ggg(ff));
594 ; getdec => (COND ((IS (MAPPLY1 '((LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $X) ((MGREATERP) $X 400)) (LIST TR-GENSYM~11) T NIL)) (MSETQ $FF TR-GENSYM~11)) ((MATCHERR)))
596 ; matchdeclare (gg, lambda ([y, x], x > y) (500));
597 ; :lisp (symbol-plist '$gg) => (MPROPS (NIL MATCHDECLARE (((MQAPPLY) ((LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $Y $X) ((MGREATERP) $X $Y)) 500))))
598 ; tellsimpafter (fg(gg), gg(gg));
599 ; getdec => (COND ((IS (MEVAL '((MQAPPLY) ((LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $Y $X) ((MGREATERP) $X $Y)) 500 TR-GENSYM~13))) (MSETQ $GG TR-GENSYM~13)) ((MATCHERR)))
601 ; pattern-variable is the pattern variable (as declared by matchdeclare)
602 ; match-against is the expression to match against
604 ; Return T if $MAYBE returns T, otherwise NIL.
605 ; That makes all non-T values (e.g. $UNKNOWN or noun expressions) act like NIL.
607 (defun definitely-so (e)
608 (eq (mfuncall '$maybe e) t))
610 (defun getdec (pattern-variable match-against)
611 (let (p)
612 (if (setq p (mget pattern-variable 'matchdeclare))
613 ; P is (<foo>) where <foo> is the matchdeclare predicate
614 ; If <foo> is an atom, it is T or the name of a Lisp or Maxima function
615 ; Otherwise, <foo> is ((<op>) <args>)
617 ; If <foo> is $TRUE, T, or $ALL, generated code always assigns gensym value to pattern variable
618 (if (and (atom (car p)) (member (car p) '($true t $all) :test #'eq))
619 `(msetq ,pattern-variable ,match-against)
621 ; Otherwise, we have some work to do.
623 (let ((p-op (car p)) (p-args) (test-expr))
624 (setq test-expr
625 (if (atom p-op)
626 ; P-OP is the name of a function. Try to generate a Lisp function call.
627 (if (and (fboundp p-op) (not (get p-op 'translated))) ; WHY THE TEST FOR TRANSLATED PROPERTY ??
628 `(eq t (,p-op ,@(ncons match-against)))
629 `(definitely-so '((,p-op) ,@(ncons match-against))))
631 ; Otherwise P-OP is something like ((<op>) <args>).
632 (progn
633 (setq p-args (cdr p-op))
634 (cond
635 ((eq (caar p-op) 'lambda)
636 `(definitely-so (mapply1 ',p-op (list ,match-against) t nil)))
637 ((eq (caar p-op) 'mqapply)
638 `(definitely-so (meval ',(append p-op (ncons match-against)))))
639 ; Otherwise P-OP must be a function call with the last arg missing.
641 (if (and (consp (car p-op)) (mget (caar p-op) 'mmacro))
642 `(definitely-so (cons ',(car p-op) ,(append '(list) (mapcar 'memqargs p-args) (ncons match-against))))
643 `(definitely-so (cons ',(car p-op) ',(append (mapcar 'memqargs p-args) (ncons match-against))))))))))
645 `(cond
646 (,test-expr (msetq ,pattern-variable ,match-against))
647 ((matcherr))))))))
649 (defun compilematch (e p)
650 (prog (reflist)
651 (cond ((fixedmatchp p)
652 (emit (list 'cond
653 (list (list 'not
654 (list 'alike1
656 (list 'meval (list 'quote
657 p))))
658 '(matcherr)))))
659 ((atom p) (compileatom e p))
660 ((eq (caar p) 'mplus) (compileplus e p))
661 ((eq (caar p) 'mtimes) (compiletimes e p))
662 (t (compileatom (list 'kaar e)
663 (caar p))
664 (emit (list 'setq
665 (genref)
666 (list 'kdr e)))
667 (compileeach (car reflist) (cdr p))))
668 (return program)))
670 (defun genref nil
671 (prog (a)
672 (setq a (tr-gensym))
673 (setq topreflist (cons a topreflist))
674 (return (car (setq reflist (cons a reflist))))))
675 (defun compileeach (elist plist)
676 (prog (reflist count)
677 (setq count 0)
678 (setq reflist (cons elist reflist))
679 a (setq count (f1+ count))
680 (cond ((null plist)
681 (return (emit (list 'cond
682 (list (list 'nthkdr elist (f1- count))
683 '(matcherr)))))))
684 (emit (list 'setq (genref) (list 'kar (cadr reflist))))
685 (compilematch (car reflist) (car plist))
686 (setq plist (cdr plist))
687 (setq reflist (cons (list 'kdr (cadr reflist)) reflist))
688 (go a)))
690 (defun fixedmatchp (x)
691 (cond ((numberp x) t)
692 ((atom x)
693 (if (or (member x boundlist :test #'eq) (null (mget x 'matchdeclare))) t))
694 (t (and (or (member (caar x) boundlist :test #'eq)
695 (null (mget (caar x) 'matchdeclare)))
696 (fmp1 (cdr x))))))
698 (defun fmp1 (x)
699 (if (null x) t (and (fixedmatchp (car x)) (fmp1 (cdr x)))))