Correct path to figure in
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / trans4.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;;; 1001 TRANSLATE properties for everyone. ;;;
10 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
11 ;;; Maintained by GJC ;;;
12 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
14 (in-package :maxima)
16 (macsyma-module trans4)
18 ;;; These are translation properties for various operators.
20 (def%tr mnctimes (form)
21 (setq form (tr-args (cdr form)))
22 (cond ((= (length form) 2)
23 `($any ncmul2 . ,form))
25 `($any ncmuln (list . ,form) nil))))
27 (def%tr mncexpt (form)
28 `($any . (ncpower ,@(tr-args (cdr form)))))
30 (def%tr $remainder (form)
31 (let ((n (tr-nargs-check form '(2 . nil)))
32 (tr-args (mapcar 'translate (cdr form))))
33 (cond ((and (= n 2)
34 (eq (caar tr-args) '$fixnum)
35 (eq (car (cadr tr-args)) '$fixnum))
36 `($fixnum . (rem ,(cdr (car tr-args))
37 ,(cdr (cadr tr-args)))))
39 (call-and-simp '$any '$remainder (mapcar 'cdr tr-args))))))
41 (def%tr $beta (form)
42 `($any . (simplify (list '($beta) ,@(tr-args (cdr form))))))
44 (def%tr mfactorial (form)
45 (setq form (translate (cadr form)))
46 (cond ((eq (car form) '$fixnum)
47 `($number . (factorial ,(cdr form))))
49 `($any . (simplify (list '(mfactorial) ,(cdr form)))))))
51 (defun yuk-su-meta-prop (f form)
52 (let ((meta-prop-p t)
53 (meta-prop-l nil))
54 (funcall f (cdr form))
55 `($any . (progn ,@(mapcar #'patch-up-meval-in-fset (nreverse meta-prop-l))))))
57 (def%tr $matchdeclare (form)
58 (do ((l (cdr form) (cddr l))
59 (vars ()))
60 ((null l)
61 `($any . (progn
62 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (var)
63 (dtranslate `(($define_variable)
64 ,var
65 ((mquote) ,var)
66 $any)))
67 vars)
68 ,(dtranslate `((sub_$matchdeclare) ,@(cdr form))))))
69 (cond ((atom (car l))
70 (push (car l) vars))
71 ((eq (caaar l) 'mlist)
72 (setq vars (append (cdar l) vars))))))
74 (def%tr sub_$matchdeclare (form)
75 (yuk-su-meta-prop 'proc-$matchdeclare `(($matchdeclare) ,@(cdr form))))
77 (def%tr $defmatch (form)
78 (yuk-su-meta-prop 'proc-$defmatch form))
80 (def%tr $tellsimp (form)
81 (yuk-su-meta-prop 'proc-$tellsimp form))
83 (def%tr $tellsimpafter (form)
84 (yuk-su-meta-prop 'proc-$tellsimpafter form))
86 (def%tr $defrule (form)
87 (yuk-su-meta-prop 'proc-$defrule form))
89 (defun patch-up-meval-in-fset (form)
90 (cond ((not (eq (car form) 'fset))
91 form)
94 ;; FORM is always generated by META-FSET
95 (destructuring-let ((((nil ssymbol) (nil (nil definition) nil)) (cdr form)))
96 (unless (eq (car definition) 'lambda)
97 (barfo
98 (format nil
99 "PATCH-UP-MEVAL-IN-FSET: not a lambda expression: ~A"
100 definition)))
101 (tr-format (intl:gettext "note: translating rule or match ~:M ...~%") ssymbol)
102 (setq definition (lisp->lisp-tr-lambda definition))
103 (if (null definition)
104 form
105 ;; If the definition is a lambda form, just use defun
106 ;; instead of fset.
107 (if (eq (car definition) 'lambda)
108 `(defun ,ssymbol ,@(cdr definition))
109 `(fset ',ssymbol ,definition)))))))
111 (defvar lisp->lisp-tr-lambda t)
113 (defun lisp->lisp-tr-lambda (l)
114 ;; basically, a lisp->lisp translation, setting up
115 ;; the proper lambda contexts for the special forms,
116 ;; and calling TRANSLATE on the "lusers" generated by
117 ;; Fateman braindamage, (MEVAL '$A), (MEVAL '(($F) $X)).
118 (if lisp->lisp-tr-lambda
119 (catch 'lisp->lisp-tr-lambda
120 (tr-lisp->lisp l))
121 ()))
123 (defun tr-lisp->lisp (exp)
124 (if (atom exp)
125 (cdr (translate-atom exp))
126 (let ((op (car exp)))
127 (if (symbolp op)
128 (funcall (or (get op 'tr-lisp->lisp) #'tr-lisp->lisp-default)
129 exp)
130 (progn (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: found a non-symbolic operator; I give up.~%"))
131 (throw 'lisp->lisp-tr-lambda ()))))))
133 (defun tr-lisp->lisp-default (exp)
134 (cond ((macsyma-special-op-p (car exp))
135 (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: unhandled special operator ~:@M~%") (car exp))
136 (throw 'lisp->lisp-tr-lambda ()))
137 ('else
138 (tr-lisp->lisp-fun exp))))
140 (defun tr-lisp->lisp-fun (exp)
141 (cons (car exp) (maptr-lisp->lisp (cdr exp))))
143 (defun maptr-lisp->lisp (l)
144 (mapcar #'tr-lisp->lisp l))
145 (defun-prop (declare tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
146 form)
148 (defun-prop (lambda tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
149 (destructuring-let (((() arglist . body) form))
150 (mapc #'tbind arglist)
151 (setq body (maptr-lisp->lisp body))
152 `(lambda ,(tunbinds arglist) ,@body)))
154 (defun-prop (prog tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
155 (destructuring-let (((() arglist . body) form))
156 (mapc #'tbind arglist)
157 (setq body (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
158 (if (atom x) x
159 (tr-lisp->lisp x)))
160 body))
161 `(prog ,(tunbinds arglist) ,@body)))
164 ;; (CONS '(MLIST SIMP)
167 (defun-prop (retlist tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
168 `(retlist_tr ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (z)
169 (list `',z (tr-lisp->lisp z)))
170 (cdr form))))
172 (defun-prop (quote tr-lisp->lisp) (form) form)
173 (defprop catch tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
174 (defprop throw tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
175 (defprop return tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
176 (defprop function tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
178 (defun-prop (setq tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
179 (do ((l (cdr form) (cddr l))
180 (n ()))
181 ((null l) (cons 'setq (nreverse n)))
182 (push (car l) n)
183 (push (tr-lisp->lisp (cadr l)) n)))
185 (defun-prop (msetq tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
186 (cdr (translate `((msetq) ,@(cdr form)))))
188 (defun-prop (cond tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
189 (cons 'cond (mapcar #'maptr-lisp->lisp (cdr form))))
191 (defprop not tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
192 (defprop and tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
193 (defprop or tr-lisp->lisp-fun tr-lisp->lisp)
195 (defvar unbound-meval-kludge-fix t)
197 (defun-prop (meval tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
198 (setq form (cadr form))
199 (cond ((and (not (atom form))
200 (eq (car form) 'quote))
201 (cdr (translate (cadr form))))
202 (unbound-meval-kludge-fix
203 ;; only case of unbound MEVAL is in output of DEFMATCH,
204 ;; and appears like a useless double-evaluation of arguments.
205 form)
206 ('else
207 (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: found unbound MEVAL; I give up.~%"))
208 (throw 'lisp->lisp-tr-lambda ()))))
210 (defun-prop (is tr-lisp->lisp) (form)
211 (setq form (cadr form))
212 (cond ((and (not (atom form))
213 (eq (car form) 'quote))
214 (cdr (translate `(($is) ,(cadr form)))))
215 ('else
216 (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: found unbound IS; I give up.~%"))
217 (throw 'lisp->lisp-tr-lambda ()))))