Correct path to figure in
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / geomview_def.lisp
1 ;; gnuplot.lisp: routines for Maxima's interface to gnuplot
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2021 J. Villate
3 ;;
4 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 ;; MA 02110-1301, USA
19 (in-package :maxima)
21 (defmethod plot-preamble ((plot geomview-plot) options)
22 (setf (slot-value plot 'data) (format nil "LIST~%"))
23 (values))
25 (defmethod plot3d-command ((plot geomview-plot) functions options titles)
26 (let ((i 0) fun xrange yrange lvars trans)
27 (setf
28 (slot-value plot 'data)
29 (concatenate
30 'string
31 (slot-value plot 'data)
32 (with-output-to-string ($pstream)
33 ;; generate the mesh points for each surface in the functions stack
34 (dolist (f functions)
35 (setq i (+ 1 i))
36 (setq fun (first f))
37 (setq xrange (second f))
38 (setq yrange (third f))
39 (if ($listp fun)
40 (progn
41 (setq trans
42 ($make_transform `((mlist) ,(second xrange)
43 ,(second yrange) $z)
44 (second fun) (third fun) (fourth fun)))
45 (setq fun '$zero_fun))
46 (let*
47 ((x0 (third xrange))
48 (x1 (fourth xrange))
49 (y0 (third yrange))
50 (y1 (fourth yrange))
51 (xmid (+ x0 (/ (- x1 x0) 2)))
52 (ymid (+ y0 (/ (- y1 y0) 2))))
53 (setq lvars `((mlist) ,(second xrange) ,(second yrange)))
54 (setq fun (coerce-float-fun fun lvars))
55 ;; Evaluate FUN at the middle point of the range.
56 ;; Looking at a single point is somewhat unreliable.
57 ;; Call FUN with numerical arguments (symbolic arguments may
58 ;; fail due to trouble computing real/imaginary parts for
59 ;; complicated expressions, or it may be a numerical function)
60 (when (cdr ($listofvars (mfuncall fun xmid ymid)))
61 (mtell
62 (intl:gettext
63 "plot3d: expected <expr. of v1 and v2>, [v1,min,max], [v2,min,max]~%"))
64 (mtell
65 (intl:gettext
66 "plot3d: keep going and hope for the best.~%")))))
67 (let* ((pl
68 (draw3d
69 fun (third xrange) (fourth xrange) (third yrange)
70 (fourth yrange) (first (getf options :grid))
71 (second (getf options :grid))))
72 (ar (polygon-pts pl)))
73 (declare (type (cl:array t) ar))
74 (when trans (mfuncall trans ar))
75 (when (getf options :transform_xy)
76 (mfuncall (getf options :transform_xy) ar))
77 (format $pstream "{ appearance { +smooth }~%MESH ~a ~a ~%"
78 (+ 1 (first (getf options :grid)))
79 (+ 1 (second (getf options :grid))))
80 (output-points pl nil)
81 (format $pstream "}~%"))))))))
83 (defmethod plot-shipout ((plot geomview-plot) options &optional output-file)
84 (let ((file (plot-file-path (format nil "maxout~d.geomview" (getpid)))))
85 (with-open-file (fl
86 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file)
87 #-sbcl file
88 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
89 (format fl "~a" (slot-value plot 'data)))
90 ($system $geomview_command
91 #-(or (and sbcl win32) (and sbcl win64) (and ccl windows))
92 (format nil " ~s &" file)
93 #+(or (and sbcl win32) (and sbcl win64) (and ccl windows))
94 file)
95 (cons '(mlist) (cons file output-file))))