Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / transq.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;;; Compilation environment for TRANSLATED MACSYMA code. ;;;
10 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
11 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
13 (in-package :maxima)
15 ;;; this are COMPILE-TIME macros for TRANSLATE MACSYMA code.
17 (macsyma-module transq macro)
19 (load-macsyma-macros transm)
21 (defmacro def-mtrvar (v a &optional (priority 1))
22 (declare (ignore priority))
23 ;; ignored variable around for TRANSLATED files pre
24 ;; 3:03pm Thursday, 11 March 1982 -gjc
25 `(progn
26 (declare-top (special ,v))
28 (if (or (not (boundp ',v))
29 ;; a SYMBOL SET to ITSELF is considered to be
30 ;; UNBOUND for our purposes in Macsyma.
31 (eq ,v ',v))
32 (setq ,v ,a))))
34 (define-compiler-macro mfunction-call (f &rest l &aux l1)
35 (setq l1 l)
36 (cond ((or (fboundp f)
37 (get f 'once-translated)
38 (get f 'translated))
39 (cons f l1))
40 (t `(lispm-mfunction-call-aux ',f ', l1 (list ,@ l1) nil))))
43 ;;; macros for compiled environments.
45 ;;; (FUNGEN&ENV-for-meval <eval vars list> <late eval vars list> . <EXP>)
46 ;;; will define a function globally with a unique name
47 ;;; (defun <name> <list of variables> <exp>). And return
48 ;;; `((<name>) ,@<eval>> . <late eval>). The resulting expression may
49 ;;; then be passed to a function which will bind variables from
50 ;;; the <late eval vars list> and possibly other variables free in
51 ;;; <exp> and then call MEVAL on the expression.
52 ;;; the expression was translated using TR-LAMBDA.
54 (defvar *infile-name-key* '||
55 "This is a key gotten from the infile name, in the interpreter
56 other completely hackish things with FSUBRS will go on.")
58 (defmacro pop-declare-statement (l)
59 `(and (not (atom (car ,l)))
60 (eq (caar ,l) 'declare)
61 (pop ,l)))
64 ;;; Lambda expressions emitted by the translator.
66 ;; lambda([u,...],...) where any free unquoted variable in the body is
67 ;; either unbound or globally bound or locally bound in some
68 ;; non-enclosing block. At this point, BODY has already the correct
69 ;; special declarations for elements of ARGL.
70 (defmacro m-tlambda (argl &body body)
71 `(function
72 (lambda ,argl
73 ,@body)))
75 ;; lambda([u,...,[v]],...) with the same condition as above.
76 (defmacro m-tlambda& (argl &rest body)
77 `(function (lambda (,@(reverse (cdr (reverse argl)))
78 &rest ,@(last argl))
79 ,(pop-declare-statement body)
80 (setq ,(car (last argl))
81 (cons '(mlist) ,(car (last argl))))
82 ,@ body)))
84 ;; lambda([u,...],...) with free unquoted variables in the body which
85 ;; have a local binding in some enclosing block, but no global one,
86 ;; i.e, the complement of the condition for m-tlambda above.
87 (defmacro m-tlambda&env ((reg-argl env-argl) &body body)
88 (declare (ignore env-argl))
89 `(function
90 (lambda ,reg-argl
91 ;;(,@(or (pop-declare-statement body) '(declare)) (special ,@env-argl))
92 ,@body)))
94 ;; lambda([u,...,[v]],...) with the same condition as above.
95 (defmacro m-tlambda&env& ((reg-argl env-argl) &body body)
96 (declare (ignore env-argl))
97 (let ((last-arg (car (last reg-argl))))
98 `(function
99 (lambda (,@(butlast reg-argl) &rest ,last-arg)
100 ;;(,@(or (pop-declare-statement body) '(declare)) (special ,@env-argl))
101 ,(pop-declare-statement body)
102 (setq ,last-arg (cons '(mlist) ,last-arg))
103 ,@body))))
106 ;; Problem: You can pass a lambda expression around in macsyma
107 ;; because macsyma "general-rep" has a CAR which is a list.
108 ;; Solution: Just as well anyway.
111 ;;the lexical scoping handles the environment in most cases
112 ;;and it is messy to queue things
114 ;;; this is the important case for numerical hackery.
117 ;;; This is not optimal code.
118 ;;; I.E. IT SUCKS ROCKS.
120 (defmacro set-vals-into-list (argl var)
121 (do ((j 0 (1+ j))
122 (argl argl (cdr argl))
123 (l nil `((setf (nth ,j ,var) ,(car argl)) ,@l)))
124 ((null argl) `(progn ,@l))))