Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / mmacro.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module mmacro)
19 (declare-top (special $macros $functions $transrun $translate))
22 ;; $MACROS declared in jpg;mlisp >
25 (defmvar $macroexpansion ()
26 "Governs the expansion of Maxima Macros. The following settings are
27 available: FALSE means to re-expand the macro every time it gets called.
28 EXPAND means to remember the expansion for each individual call do that it
29 won't have to be re-expanded every time the form is evaluated. The form will
30 still grind and display as if the expansion had not taken place. DISPLACE
31 means to completely replace the form with the expansion. This is more space
32 efficient than EXPAND but grinds and displays the expansion instead of the
33 call."
34 modified-commands '($macroexpand)
35 setting-list '( () $expand $displace ) )
38 ;;; LOCAL MACRO ;;;
40 (defmacro copy1cons (name) `(cons (car ,name) (cdr ,name)))
44 (defmspec mdefmacro (form) (setq form (cdr form))
45 (cond ((or (null (cdr form)) (cdddr form))
46 (merror (intl:gettext "macro definition: must have exactly two arguments; found: ~M")
47 `((mdefmacro) ,@form))
49 (t (mdefmacro1 (car form) (cadr form)))))
52 (defun mdefmacro1 (fun body)
53 (let ((name) (args))
54 (cond ((or (atom fun)
55 (not (atom (caar fun)))
56 (member 'array (cdar fun) :test #'eq)
57 (mopp (setq name ($verbify (caar fun))))
58 (member name '($all $% $%% mqapply) :test #'eq))
59 (merror (intl:gettext "macro definition: illegal definition: ~M") ;ferret out all the
60 fun)) ; illegal forms
61 ((not (eq name (caar fun))) ;efficiency hack I guess
62 (rplaca (car fun) name))) ; done in jpg;mlisp
63 (setq args (cdr fun)) ; (in MDEFINE).
64 (let ((dup (find-duplicate args :test #'eq :key #'mparam)))
65 (when dup
66 (merror (intl:gettext "macro definition: ~M occurs more than once in the parameter list") (mparam dup))))
67 (mredef-check name)
68 (do ((a args (cdr a)) (mlexprp))
69 ((null a)
70 (remove1 (ncons name) 'mexpr t $functions t) ;do all arg checking,
71 (cond (mlexprp (mputprop name t 'mlexprp)) ; then remove MEXPR defn
72 (t nil)))
73 (cond ((mdefparam (car a)))
74 ((and (mdeflistp a)
75 (mdefparam (cadr (car a))))
76 (setq mlexprp t))
77 (t
78 (merror (intl:gettext "macro definition: bad argument: ~M")
79 (car a)))))
80 (remove-transl-fun-props name)
81 (add2lnc `((,name) ,@args) $macros)
82 (mputprop name (mdefine1 args body) 'mmacro)
84 (cond ($translate (translate-and-eval-macsyma-expression
85 `((mdefmacro) ,fun ,body))))
86 `((mdefmacro simp) ,fun ,body)))
94 (defmfun mmacro-apply (defn form)
95 (mmacroexpansion-check form
96 (if (and (atom defn)
97 (not (symbolp defn)))
98 ;; added this clause for NIL. MAPPLY
99 ;; doesn't really handle applying interpreter
100 ;; closures and subrs very well.
101 (apply defn (cdr form))
102 (mapply1 defn (cdr form) (caar form) form))))
110 ;; does any reformatting necessary according to the current setting of
111 ;; $MACROEXPANSION. Note that it always returns the expansion returned
112 ;; by displace, for future displacing.
114 (defun mmacroexpansion-check (form expansion)
115 (case $macroexpansion
116 (( () )
117 (cond ((eq (caar form) 'mmacroexpanded)
118 (mmacro-displace form expansion))
119 (t expansion)))
120 (($expand)
121 (cond ((not (eq (caar form) 'mmacroexpanded))
122 (displace form `((mmacroexpanded)
123 ,expansion
124 ,(copy1cons form)))))
125 expansion)
126 (($displace)
127 (mmacro-displace form expansion))
128 (t (mtell (intl:gettext "warning: unrecognized value of 'macroexpansion'.")))))
131 (defun mmacro-displace (form expansion)
132 (displace form (cond ((atom expansion) `((mprogn) ,expansion))
133 (t expansion))))
136 ;; Handles memo-ized forms. Reformats them if $MACROEXPANSION has changed.
137 ;; Format is ((MMACROEXPANDED) <expansion> <original form>)
139 (defmspec mmacroexpanded (form)
140 (meval (mmacroexpansion-check form (cadr form))))
146 (defmspec $macroexpand (form) (setq form (cdr form))
147 (cond ((or (null form) (cdr form))
148 (merror (intl:gettext "macroexpand: must have exactly one argument; found: ~M")
149 `(($macroexpand) ,@form)))
150 (t (mmacroexpand (car form)))))
152 (defmspec $macroexpand1 (form) (setq form (cdr form))
153 (cond ((or (null form) (cdr form))
154 (merror (intl:gettext "macroexpand1: must have exactly one argument; found: ~M")
155 `(($macroexpand1) ,@form)))
156 (t (mmacroexpand1 (car form)))))
159 ;; Expands the top-level form repeatedly until it is no longer a macro
160 ;; form. Has to copy the form each time because if macros are displacing
161 ;; the form given to mmacroexpand1 will get bashed each time. Recursion
162 ;; is used instead of iteration so the user gets a pdl overflow error
163 ;; if he tries to expand recursive macro definitions that never terminate.
165 (defun mmacroexpand (form)
166 (let ((test-form (if (atom form) form (copy1cons form)))
167 (expansion (mmacroexpand1 form)))
168 (cond ((equal expansion test-form)
169 expansion)
170 (t (mmacroexpand expansion)))))
173 ;; only expands the form once. If the form is not a valid macro
174 ;; form it just gets returned (eq'ness is preserved). Note that if the
175 ;; macros are displacing, the returned form is also eq to the given
176 ;; form (which has been bashed).
178 (defun mmacroexpand1 (form)
179 (let ((funname) (macro-defn))
180 (cond ((or (atom form)
181 (atom (car form))
182 (member 'array (cdar form) :test #'eq)
183 (not (symbolp (setq funname (mop form)))))
184 form)
185 ((eq funname 'mmacroexpanded)
186 (mmacroexpansion-check form (cadr form)))
187 ((setq macro-defn
188 (or (and $transrun
189 (get (caar form) 'translated-mmacro))
190 (mget (caar form) 'mmacro)))
191 (mmacro-apply macro-defn form))
192 (t form))))
196 (defprop mdefmacro simpmdefmacro operators)
198 ;; emulating simpmdef (for mdefine) in jm;simp
199 (defmfun simpmdefmacro (x ignored simp-flag)
200 (declare (ignore ignored simp-flag))
201 (cons '(mdefmacro simp) (cdr x)))
203 (defun displace (x y)
204 (setf (car x) (car y))
205 (setf (cdr x) (cdr y))