Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima/cygwin.git] / src / clmacs.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 (in-package :maxima)
11 ;;this will make operators which declare the type and result of numerical operations
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
14 (defmacro def-op (name arg-type op &optional return-type)
15 `(setf (macro-function ',name)
16 (make-operation ',arg-type ',op ',return-type)))
18 ;;make very sure .type .op and .return are not special!!
19 (defun make-operation (.type .op .return)
20 (or .return (setf .return .type))
21 #'(lambda (bod env)
22 (declare (ignore env))
23 (loop for v in (cdr bod)
24 when (eq t .type) collect v into body
25 else
26 collect `(the , .type ,v) into body
27 finally (setq body `(, .op ,@body))
28 (return
29 (if (eq t .return)
30 body
31 `(the , .return ,body))))))
33 ;; these allow running of code and they print out where the error occurred
34 #+fix-debug
35 (progn
36 (defvar *dbreak* t)
38 (defun chk-type (lis na typ sho)
39 (unless (every #'(lambda (v) (typep v typ)) lis)
40 (format t "~%Bad call ~a types:~a" (cons na sho) (mapcar #'type-of lis))
41 (when *dbreak*
42 (break "hi"))))
44 (defmacro def-op (name arg-type old)
45 `(defmacro ,name (&rest l)
46 `(progn
47 (chk-type (list ,@l) ',',name ',',arg-type ',l)
48 (,',old ,@l)))))
50 (def-op f+ fixnum +)
51 (def-op f* fixnum *)
52 (def-op f- fixnum -)
53 (def-op f1- fixnum 1-)
54 (def-op f1+ fixnum 1+)
55 (def-op quotient t quot))
57 ;;this is essentially what the quotient is supposed to do.
59 (declaim (inline quot))
60 (defun quot (a b)
61 (if (and (integerp a) (integerp b))
62 (truncate a b)
63 (/ a b)))
65 (defmacro status (option &optional item)
66 (cond ((equal (symbol-name option) (symbol-name '#:feature))
67 `(member ,(intern (string item) (find-package 'keyword)) *features*))
68 ((equal option 'gctime) 0)))
70 #+(or scl allegro)
71 (defun string<$ (str1 str2)
72 "Compare string, but flip the case for maxima variable names to maintain
73 the same order irrespective of the lisp case mode."
74 (declare (string str1 str2))
75 (cond (#+scl (eq ext:*case-mode* :lower)
76 #+allegro (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower)
77 (let ((str1l (length str1))
78 (str2l (length str2)))
79 (cond ((and (> str1l 1) (char= (aref str1 0) #\$)
80 (> str2l 1) (char= (aref str2 0) #\$))
81 (flet ((case-flip (str)
82 (let ((some-upper nil)
83 (some-lower nil))
84 (dotimes (i (length str))
85 (let ((ch (schar str i)))
86 (when (lower-case-p ch)
87 (setf some-lower t))
88 (when (upper-case-p ch)
89 (setf some-upper t))))
90 (cond ((and some-upper some-lower)
91 nil)
92 (some-upper
93 :downcase)
94 (some-lower
95 :upcase)))))
96 (let ((flip1 (case-flip str1))
97 (flip2 (case-flip str2)))
98 (do ((index 1 (1+ index)))
99 ((or (>= index str1l) (>= index str2l))
100 (if (= index str1l) index nil))
101 (let ((ch1 (aref str1 index))
102 (ch2 (aref str2 index)))
103 (cond ((and (eq flip1 :downcase) (both-case-p ch1))
104 (setf ch1 (char-downcase ch1)))
105 ((and (eq flip1 :upcase) (both-case-p ch1))
106 (setf ch1 (char-upcase ch1))))
107 (cond ((and (eq flip2 :downcase) (both-case-p ch2))
108 (setf ch2 (char-downcase ch2)))
109 ((and (eq flip2 :upcase) (both-case-p ch2))
110 (setf ch2 (char-upcase ch2))))
111 (unless (char= ch1 ch2)
112 (return (if (char< ch1 ch2)
113 index
114 nil))))))))
116 (string< str1 str2)))))
118 (string< str1 str2))))
120 #-(or scl allegro)
121 (defun string<$ (str1 str2)
122 (string< str1 str2))
124 ;;numbers<strings<symbols<lists<?
125 (defun alphalessp (x y)
126 (cond ((numberp x)
127 (if (numberp y) (< x y) t))
128 ((stringp x)
129 (cond ((numberp y) nil)
130 ((stringp y)
131 (string< x y))
132 (t t)))
133 ((symbolp x)
134 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)) nil)
135 ((symbolp y)
136 (let ((nx (print-invert-case x))
137 (ny (print-invert-case y)))
138 (declare (string nx ny))
139 (cond ((string<$ nx ny)
141 ((string= nx ny)
142 (cond ((eq nx ny) nil)
143 ((null (symbol-package x)) nil)
144 ((null (symbol-package y)) nil)
145 (t (string<
146 (package-name (symbol-package x))
147 (package-name (symbol-package y))))))
148 (t nil))))
149 ((consp y) t)))
150 ((listp x)
151 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)(symbolp y )) nil)
152 ((listp y)
153 (or (alphalessp (car x) (car y))
154 (and (equal (car x) (car y))
155 (alphalessp (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
156 (t nil)))
157 ((or (numberp y) (stringp y) (symbolp y)(consp y))
158 nil)
159 (t ;neither is of known type:
160 (alphalessp (format nil "~s" x)(format nil "~s" y)))))
162 (defmacro symbol-array (sym)
163 `(get ,sym 'array))
165 (defun arraydims (ar)
166 (when (symbolp ar)
167 (setq ar (symbol-array ar)))
168 (cons (array-element-type ar) (array-dimensions ar)))
170 (declaim (inline fixnump bignump posint negint memq firstn))
171 (defun fixnump (n)
172 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
173 (typep n 'fixnum))
175 (defun bignump (x)
176 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
177 (typep x 'bignum))
179 (defun posint (x)
180 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
181 (and (integerp x) (> x 0)))
183 (defun negint (x)
184 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
185 (and (integerp x) (< x 0)))
187 ;; if x is in the list, return the sublist with element, else nil.
189 ;; At least at the time memq was designed it was (at least in many cases) faster
190 ;; than the lisp's built-in function "member", see:
191 ;;
192 (defun memq (x lis)
193 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
194 (member x lis :test #'eq))
196 (defun firstn (n lis)
197 (declare (type (integer 0 (#.most-positive-fixnum)) n)
198 (optimize (speed 3)))
199 (subseq lis 0 n))
201 ;;actually this was for lists too.
203 (defun putprop (sym val indic)
204 (if (consp sym)
205 (setf (getf (cdr sym) indic) val)
206 (setf (get sym indic) val)))
208 (defmacro defprop (sym val indic)
209 (if (eq indic 'expr)
210 `(setf (symbol-function ',sym) #',val)
211 `(setf (get ',sym ',indic) ',val)))
213 ;; Find the N most significant or least significant bits of the
214 ;; absolute value of X. If N is positive, take the most significant;
215 ;; otherwise, the least significant.
216 (defun haipart (x n)
217 (let ((x (abs x)))
218 (if (< n 0)
219 ;; If the desired number of bits is larger than the actual
220 ;; number, just return the number. (Prevents gratuitously
221 ;; generating a huge bignum if n is very large, as can happen
222 ;; with bigfloats.)
223 (if (< (integer-length x) (- n))
225 (logand x (1- (ash 1 (- n)))))
226 (ash x (min (- n (integer-length x)) 0)))))
228 ;; also correct but slower.
229 ;;(defun haipart (integer count)
230 ;; (let ((x (abs integer)))
231 ;; (if (minusp count)
232 ;; (ldb (byte (- count) 0) x)
233 ;; (ldb (byte count (max 0 (- (integer-length x) count))) x))))
235 ;;used in translation
236 (defun fset (sym val)
237 (setf (symbol-function sym) val))
239 (defun zl-get (sym tag)
240 (cond ((symbolp sym) (get sym tag))
241 ((consp sym) (getf (cdr sym) tag))))
243 (defun getl (plist indicator-list )
244 (cond ((symbolp plist)
245 (setq plist (symbol-plist plist)))
246 ((consp plist) (setq plist (cdr plist)))
247 (t (return-from getl nil)))
248 (loop for tail on plist by #'cddr
249 when (member (car tail) indicator-list :test #'eq)
250 do (return tail)))
252 (declaim (inline safe-get safe-getl))
253 (defun safe-get (sym prop)
254 (and (symbolp sym) (get sym prop)))
256 (defun safe-getl (sym prop)
257 (and (symbolp sym) (getl sym prop)))
259 (defmacro ncons (x)
260 `(cons ,x nil)) ;;can one optimize this??
262 (defvar *acursor* (make-array 11 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))
264 ;; Format of *acursor*.
265 ;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
266 ;; dim i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
267 ;; array dimension current index maximal index
269 (defun set-up-cursor (ar)
270 (let ((lis (array-dimensions ar)))
271 (setf (aref *acursor* 0) (length lis))
272 (loop for v in lis for i from 6 do (setf (aref *acursor* i) (1- v)))
273 (loop for i from 1 to (length lis) do (setf (aref *acursor* i) 0))))
275 (defun aset-by-cursor (ar val)
276 (let ((curs *acursor*))
277 (declare (type (simple-array fixnum (11)) curs))
278 (ecase (aref curs 0)
279 (1 (setf (aref ar (aref curs 1)) val))
280 (2 (setf (aref ar (aref curs 1) (aref curs 2)) val))
281 (3 (setf (aref ar (aref curs 1) (aref curs 2) (aref curs 3)) val))
282 (4 (setf (aref ar (aref curs 1) (aref curs 2) (aref curs 3)
283 (aref curs 4)) val))
284 (5 (setf (aref ar (aref curs 1) (aref curs 2) (aref curs 3)
285 (aref curs 4) (aref curs 5)) val)))
286 ;; set the index (`cursor') for the next call to ASET-BY-CURSOR
287 (loop for j downfrom (aref curs 0)
288 do (cond ((< (aref curs j) (aref curs (+ 5 j)))
289 (setf (aref curs j) (+ (aref curs j) 1))
290 (return-from aset-by-cursor t))
291 (t (setf (aref curs j) 0)))
292 (cond ((eql j 0) (return-from aset-by-cursor nil))))))
294 (defun fillarray (ar x)
295 (when (symbolp ar)
296 (setq ar (get ar 'array)))
297 (when (/= (array-rank ar) 1)
298 (setq ar (make-array (array-total-size ar) :displaced-to ar)))
299 (setq x (cond ((null x)
300 (ecase (array-element-type ar)
301 (fixnum '(0))
302 (float '(0.0))
303 ((t) '(nil))))
304 ((arrayp x)(listarray x))
305 ((atom x) (list x))
306 (t x)))
307 (when (> (length ar) 0)
308 (set-up-cursor ar)
309 (loop while (aset-by-cursor ar (car x))
310 do (and (cdr x) (setq x (cdr x))))))
312 (defun listarray (x)
313 (when (symbolp x)
314 (setq x (get x 'array)))
315 (if (eql (array-rank x) 1)
316 (coerce x 'list)
317 (coerce (make-array (apply '* (array-dimensions x)) :displaced-to x
318 :element-type (array-element-type x))
319 'list)))
321 (defmacro check-arg (place pred &rest res)
322 (when (atom pred)
323 (setq pred (list pred place)))
324 `(assert ,pred (,place) ,@res))
326 (defmacro deff (fun val)
327 `(setf (symbol-function ',fun) ,val))
329 (defmacro xcons (x y)
330 (cond ((atom x) `(cons ,y,x))
331 (t (let ((g (gensym)))
332 `(let ((,g ,x))
333 (cons ,y ,g))))))
335 (defun make-equal-hash-table (not-dim1)
336 (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
337 (or not-dim1 (setf (gethash 'dim1 table) t))
338 table))
340 ;;; Range of atan should be [0,2*pi]
341 (defun atan (y x)
342 (let ((tem (cl:atan y x)))
343 (if (>= tem 0)
345 (+ tem (* 2 pi)))))
347 ;;; Range of atan2 should be (-pi,pi]
348 ;;; CL manual says that's what lisp::atan is supposed to have.
349 (deff atan2 #'cl:atan)
351 ;;; exp is shadowed to save trouble for other packages--its declared special
352 (deff exp #'cl:exp)
354 #+clisp
355 (progn
356 ;; This used to be enabled, but
357 ;; seems to indicate
358 ;; that the result of float, coerce, sqrt, etc., on a rational will
359 ;; return a float of the specified type. But ANSI CL says we must
360 ;; return a single-float. I (rtoy) am commenting this out for now.
362 ;; (setq custom:*default-float-format* 'double-float)
364 ;; We currently don't want any warnings about floating-point contagion.
365 (setq custom::*warn-on-floating-point-contagion* nil)
367 ;; We definitely want ANSI-style floating-point contagion.
368 (setq custom:*floating-point-contagion-ansi* t)
370 ;; Set custom:*floating-point-rational-contagion-ansi* so that
371 ;; contagion is done as per the ANSI CL standard. Has an effect only
372 ;; in those few cases when the mathematical result is exact although
373 ;; one of the arguments is a floating-point number, such as (* 0
374 ;; 1.618), (/ 0 1.618), (atan 0 1.0), (expt 2.0 0)
375 (setq custom:*floating-point-rational-contagion-ansi* t)
377 ;; When building maxima using with 'flonum being a 'long-float it may be
378 ;; useful to adjust the number of bits of precision that CLISP uses for
379 ;; long-floats.
380 #+nil
381 (setf (ext:long-float-digits) 128)
383 ;; We want underflows not to signal errors.
384 (ext:without-package-lock ()
385 (setq sys::*inhibit-floating-point-underflow* t))
388 #+abcl
389 (progn
390 ;; We want underflows not to signal errors
391 (when (fboundp (find-symbol "FLOAT-UNDERFLOW-MODE" "SYS"))
392 (funcall (find-symbol "FLOAT-UNDERFLOW-MODE" "SYS") nil))
395 ;; Make the maximum exponent larger for CMUCL. Without this, cmucl
396 ;; will generate a continuable error when raising an integer to a
397 ;; power greater than this.
398 #+cmu
399 (setf ext::*intexp-maximum-exponent* 100000)
400 ;;;; Setup the mapping from the Maxima 'flonum float type to a CL float type.
401 ;;;;
402 ;;;; Add :flonum-long to *features* if you want flonum to be a
403 ;;;; long-float. Or add :flonum-double-double if you want flonum to
404 ;;;; be a double-double (currently only for CMUCL). Otherwise, you
405 ;;;; get double-float as the flonum type.
406 ;;;;
407 ;;;; Default double-float flonum.
408 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
409 (setq *read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
411 #-(or flonum-long flonum-double-double)
412 (progn
413 ;; Tell Lisp the float type for a 'flonum.
414 #-(or clisp abcl)
415 (deftype flonum (&optional low high)
416 (cond (high
417 `(double-float ,low ,high))
418 (low
419 `(double-float ,low))
421 'double-float)))
423 ;; Some versions of clisp and ABCL appear to be buggy: (coerce 1 'flonum)
424 ;; signals an error. So does (coerce 1 '(double-float 0d0)). But
425 ;; (coerce 1 'double-float) returns 1d0 as expected. So for now, make
426 ;; flonum be exactly the same as double-float, without bounds.
427 #+(or clisp abcl)
428 (deftype flonum (&optional low high)
429 (declare (ignorable low high))
430 'double-float)
432 (defconstant most-positive-flonum most-positive-double-float)
433 (defconstant most-negative-flonum most-negative-double-float)
434 (defconstant least-positive-flonum least-positive-double-float)
435 (defconstant least-negative-flonum least-negative-double-float)
436 (defconstant flonum-epsilon double-float-epsilon)
437 (defconstant least-positive-normalized-flonum least-positive-normalized-double-float)
439 (defconstant flonum-exponent-marker #\D)
442 #+flonum-long
443 (progn
444 ;;;; The Maxima 'flonum can be a CL 'long-float on the Scieneer CL or CLISP,
445 ;;;; but should be the same as 'double-float on other CL implementations.
447 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
448 (setq *read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
450 ;; Tell Lisp the float type for a 'flonum.
451 (deftype flonum (&optional low high)
452 (cond (high
453 `(long-float ,low ,high))
454 (low
455 `(long-float ,low))
457 'long-float)))
459 (defconstant most-positive-flonum most-positive-long-float)
460 (defconstant most-negative-flonum most-negative-long-float)
461 (defconstant least-positive-flonum least-positive-long-float)
462 (defconstant least-negative-flonum least-negative-long-float)
463 (defconstant flonum-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
464 (defconstant least-positive-normalized-flonum least-positive-normalized-long-float)
466 (defconstant flonum-exponent-marker #\L)
470 #+flonum-double-double
471 (progn
473 ;;;; The Maxima 'flonum can be a 'kernel:double-double-float on the CMU CL.
475 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
476 (setq *read-default-float-format* 'kernel:double-double-float))
478 ;; Tell Lisp the float type for a 'flonum.
479 (deftype flonum (&optional low high)
480 (cond (high
481 `(kernel:double-double-float ,low ,high))
482 (low
483 `(kernel:double-double-float ,low))
485 'kernel:double-double-float)))
487 ;; While double-double can represent number as up to
488 ;; most-positive-double-float, it can't really do operations on them
489 ;; due to the way multiplication and division are implemented. (I
490 ;; don't think there's any workaround for that.)
492 ;; So, the largest number that can be used is the float just less than
493 ;; 2^1024/(1+2^27). This is the number given here.
494 (defconstant most-positive-double-double-hi
495 (scale-float (cl:float (1- 9007199187632128) 1d0) 944))
497 (defconstant most-positive-flonum (cl:float most-positive-double-double-hi 1w0))
498 (defconstant most-negative-flonum (cl:float (- most-positive-double-double-hi 1w0)))
499 (defconstant least-positive-flonum (cl:float least-positive-double-float 1w0))
500 (defconstant least-negative-flonum (cl:float least-negative-double-float 1w0))
501 ;; This is an approximation to a double-double epsilon. Due to the
502 ;; way double-doubles are represented, epsilon is actually zero
503 ;; because 1+x = 1 only when x is zero. But double-doubles only have
504 ;; 106 bits of precision, so we use that as epsilon.
505 (defconstant flonum-epsilon (scale-float 1w0 -106))
506 (defconstant least-positive-normalized-flonum (cl:float least-positive-normalized-double-float 1w0))
508 (defconstant flonum-exponent-marker #\W)
512 ;;;;
513 (defmacro float (x &optional (y 1e0))
514 `(cl:float ,x ,y))
516 (defmacro with-collector (collector-sym &body forms)
517 (let ((acc (gensym)))
518 `(let ((,acc))
519 (flet ((,collector-sym (x) (push x ,acc)))
520 ,@forms
521 (nreverse ,acc)))))
523 ;; DO-MERGE-ASYM moved here from nset.lisp so that it is defined before
524 ;; it is referenced in compar.lisp.
525 (defmacro do-merge-symm (list1 list2 eqfun lessfun bothfun onefun)
526 ;; Like do-merge-asym, but calls onefun if an element appears in one but
527 ;; not the other list, regardless of which list it appears in.
528 `(do-merge-asym ,list1 ,list2 ,eqfun ,lessfun ,bothfun ,onefun ,onefun))
530 (defmacro do-merge-asym
531 (list1 list2 eqfun lessfun bothfun only1fun only2fun)
532 ;; Takes two lists.
533 ;; The element equality function is eqfun, and they must be sorted by lessfun.
534 ;; Calls bothfun on each element that is shared by the two lists;
535 ;; calls only1fun on each element that appears only in the first list;
536 ;; calls only2fun on each element that appears only in the second list.
537 ;; If both/only1/only2 fun are nil, treat as no-op.
538 (let ((l1var (gensym))
539 (l2var (gensym)))
540 `(do ((,l1var ,list1)
541 (,l2var ,list2))
542 ((cond ((null ,l1var)
543 (if ,only2fun
544 (while ,l2var
545 (funcall ,only2fun (car ,l2var))
546 (setq ,l2var (cdr ,l2var))))
548 ((null ,l2var)
549 (if ,only1fun
550 (while ,l1var
551 (funcall ,only1fun (car ,l1var))
552 (setq ,l1var (cdr ,l1var))))
554 ((funcall ,eqfun (car ,l1var) (car ,l2var))
555 (if ,bothfun (funcall ,bothfun (car ,l1var)))
556 (setq ,l1var (cdr ,l1var) ,l2var (cdr ,l2var))
557 nil)
558 ((funcall ,lessfun (car ,l1var) (car ,l2var))
559 (if ,only1fun (funcall ,only1fun (car ,l1var)))
560 (setq ,l1var (cdr ,l1var))
561 nil)
563 (if ,only2fun (funcall ,only2fun (car ,l2var)))
564 (setq ,l2var (cdr ,l2var))
565 nil))))))
567 ;;; Test
568 ; (do-merge-asym '(a a a b c g h k l)
569 ; '(a b b c c h i j k k)
570 ; 'eq
571 ; 'string<
572 ; '(lambda (x) (prin0 'both x))
573 ; '(lambda (x) (prin0 'one1 x))
574 ; '(lambda (x) (prin0 'one2 x)))
575 ; both a
576 ; one1 a
577 ; one1 a
578 ; both b
579 ; one2 b
580 ; both c
581 ; one2 c
582 ; one1 g
583 ; both h
584 ; one2 i
585 ; one2 j
586 ; both k
587 ; one2 k
588 ; one1 l
589 ; nil
591 ;; Defines a function named NAME that checks that the number of
592 ;; arguments is correct. If the number of actual arguments is
593 ;; incorrect, a maxima error is signaled.
595 ;; The required arguments is given by REQUIRED-ARG-LIST. Allowed
596 ;; (maxima) keyword arguments is given by KEYWORD-ARG-LIST.
598 ;; The body of the function can refer to KEYLIST which is the list of
599 ;; maxima keyword arguments converted to lisp keyword arguments.
601 (defmacro defun-checked (name ((&rest required-arg-list)
602 &rest keyword-arg-list)
603 &body body)
604 (let ((number-of-required-args (length required-arg-list))
605 (number-of-keyword-args (length keyword-arg-list))
606 (arg-list (gensym "ARG-LIST-"))
607 (helper-fun (gensym "REAL-FUN-"))
608 (options (gensym "OPTIONS-ARG-")))
609 `(defun ,name (&rest ,arg-list)
610 ;; Check that the required number of arguments is given and
611 ;; that we don't supply too many arguments.
613 ;; NOTE: The check when keyword args are given is a little too
614 ;; tight. It's valid to have duplicate keyword args, but we
615 ;; disallow that if the number of arguments exceed the limit.
616 (when (or (> (length ,arg-list) ,(+ number-of-required-args number-of-keyword-args))
617 (< (length ,arg-list) ,number-of-required-args))
618 (merror (intl:gettext "~M arguments supplied to ~M: found ~M")
619 (if (< (length ,arg-list) ,number-of-required-args)
620 (intl:gettext "Too few")
621 (if (> (length ,arg-list) ,(+ number-of-required-args
622 number-of-keyword-args))
623 (intl:gettext "Too many")
624 (intl:gettext "Incorrect number of")))
625 ',(if keyword-arg-list
626 `((,name) ,@required-arg-list ((mlist simp) ,@keyword-arg-list))
627 `((,name) ,@required-arg-list))
628 (cons '(mlist) ,arg-list)))
629 (flet ((,helper-fun (,@required-arg-list
630 ,@(when keyword-arg-list
631 `(&rest ,options)))
632 (let ,(when keyword-arg-list
633 `((keylist (lispify-maxima-keyword-options ,options
634 ',keyword-arg-list))))
635 ,@body)))
636 (apply #',helper-fun ,arg-list)))))