* cormen book
[mascara-docs.git] / i86 / mtx-16-bit / mtx / plansp12.html
1 <Title>460 Class Notes</Title> <Body bgcolor="#00cccc" text="#000000"><H1>460 Course Plan</H1><Pre>
4 Spring, 2012
6 TITLE : Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
8 TEXT : Operating Systems, Design and Implementation,
9 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Edition, 1997.
11 NOTES : This website.
13 INSTRUCTOR: K. C. Wang, Professor of EECS, Sloan 321; kwang@eecs.wsu.edu
17 1. Introduction to Operating Systems:
18 Unix/Linux, MTX. computer system and operations, system development
19 software, PC emulators, link C and assembly programs.
21 2. Booting: Develop booters for Linux and MTX.
23 3. Processes:
24 Concept and implementation of processes; process states,
25 context switching, process scheduling.
27 4. Process management in Unix:
28 fork, wait, exit, exec, signals, pipes.
29 Processes in Minix:
30 Tasks, servers and user processes in Minix;
32 5. Process Synchronization:
33 The process model; mutual exclusion and critical regions,
34 Implementation of low-level mutual exclusion primitives.
35 Synchronization primitives; events, event queues, semaphores.
37 6. Process Communication:
38 High-level process synchronization constructs; messages.
40 7. Process Control:
41 Scheduling algorithms. Dead lock and starvation problems.
43 8. Memory Management:
44 Memory management schemes
45 Virtual memory and demand-paging
47 9. I/O drivers:
48 Serial and parallel ports, interrupt handlers.
49 Interraction between interrupt handler and process.
50 Design and implementation of I/O drivers;
51 I/O routines approach, I/O task approach.
52 I/O tasks in Minix;
54 10. File Systems:
55 Review of EXT2 file system.
56 NFS and RFS based on UDP and TCP/IP
59 LAB and Computer Systems:
60 Linux in Sloan 327
65 1. 2 Exams: 40%
67 2. Programming assignments : 60%
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72 * Grading POLICY : *
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76 1. All Assignments are INDEPENDENT WORK !! Absosulely no COPYING!!
78 2. Oral Quizz will be given during demo of your work.
84 1. Website: http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/~cs460/samples Directory:
85 Sample Lab Assignments Solutions
87 2. Computers:
88 Your laptops running Linux or equivalent.
89 Linux machines in Sloan 327:
90 Network: Use ssh to access other EECS Unix machines.
91 scp to copy files from/to your Unix account.
93 ===================== DO THESE in week 1 ===============================
94 3. Development Software:
95 www.eecs.wsu.edu/~cs460/samples/BCC/ contains
97 Dev86binTGZ.bin : 16-bit development package
99 Download to your Linux / directory. Rename it as a .tgz file.
101 Run zcat FILENAME.tgz | tar xvf - to install
103 Read man pages of bcc, as86 and ld86 to see how to use them.
105 4. VMware and Demo. MTX:
107 www.eecs.wsu.edu/~cs460/samples/BCC/ also contains
109 VMware-Player.3.1.3-324285.i386 (VMware for Linux)
110 mtxCD.iso (MTX INstall CD).
112 1. Download VMware-Player and install it under your Linux by
113 sh VMware-Player-3.1.3-324285.i386
114 2. Create a VMware Virtual Machine (VM) with 8G IDE disk.
115 3. Download mtxCD.iso. Burn it into a CD or DVD.
116 4. Boot up from the CD/DVD to install MTX on either a REAL PC or a VM.
117 (Follow instructions upon booting up).
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