* some tutorial and the ansi C book
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9 <title>Preface</title>
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15 <H1>Preface</H1>
17 page ix
18 <p>You'll get some hint here that C has become a bit more formal
19 as it has ``grown up.''
20 That formality is appropriate,
21 and for the second edition of K&amp;R to acknowledge it is
22 appropriate,
23 and for any modern course in C programming to teach it is
24 appropriate.
25 Personally, I learned C before it had become quite so
26 formalized, and occasionally my traditional biases will leak
27 through.
28 I'll try to admit it when they do.
29 </p><p>As the authors note,
30 C is a relatively small language,
31 but one which
32 (to
33 its admirers, anyway)
34 wears well.
35 C's small, unambitious feature set is a real advantage:
36 there's less to learn;
37 there isn't excess baggage in the way when you don't need it.
38 It can also be a disadvantage:
39 since it doesn't do everything for you,
40 there's a lot you have to do yourself.
41 (Actually, this is viewed by many as an additional advantage:
42 anything the language doesn't do for you,
43 it doesn't dictate to you, either,
44 so you're free to do that something however you want.)
45 </p><hr>
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51 <a href="top.html">top</a>
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53 <p>
54 This page by <a href="http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/">Steve Summit</a>
55 // <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a> 1995, 1996
56 // <a href="mailto:scs@eskimo.com">mail feedback</a>
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