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9 <title>20.1: Function-Like Preprocessor Macros</title>
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15 <H2>20.1: Function-Like Preprocessor Macros</H2>
17 <p>So far,
18 we've been defining simple preprocessor macros with simple values,
19 such as
20 <pre>
21 #define MAXLINE 200
22 </pre>
23 and
24 <pre>
25 #define DATAFILE "data.dat"
26 </pre>
27 These macros always expand to constant text
28 (in these examples,
29 the integer constant <TT>200</TT>
30 and the string literal <TT>"data.dat"</TT>, respectively)
31 wherever they're used.
32 However,
33 it's also possible to define macros
34 which expand to text which is different each time,
35 depending on some
36 subsidiary text
37 which you specify.
38 These macros take arguments,
39 in much the same way that functions take arguments.
40 In either case,
41 the outcome
42 (the expansion of the macro,
43 like the action of the function)
44 depends in some way on the particular values passed to it as arguments.
45 The basic syntax of a function-like macro definition is
46 <pre>
47 #define <I>macroname</I>( <I>args</I> ) <I>expansion</I>
48 </pre>
49 There
50 must be
51 no space between <I>macroname</I> and the open parenthesis.
52 </p><p>We will illustrate the use of function-like macros with several examples.
53 </p><p>In a previous chapter,
54 we used the ``bitwise'' operators
55 <TT>&amp;</TT>, <TT>|</TT>, and <TT>~</TT>
56 to manipulate individual bits
57 within an integer value or ``flags word.''
58 In one application,
59 we defined several simple macros whose values were ``bitmasks'':
60 <pre>
61 #define DIRTY 0x01
62 #define OPEN 0x02
63 #define VERBOSE 0x04
64 </pre>
65 Then we used code like
66 <pre>
67 flags |= DIRTY;
68 </pre>
69 to ``set the <TT>DIRTY</TT> bit,''
70 and code like
71 <pre>
72 flags &amp;= ~DIRTY;
73 </pre>
74 to clear the <TT>DIRTY</TT> bit,
75 and code like
76 <pre>
77 if(flags &amp; DIRTY)
78 </pre>
79 to test it.
80 With enough practice,
81 these idioms become familiar enough that they can be read immediately,
82 but suppose we wanted to make them less cryptic.
83 Using the preprocessor,
84 we'll be able to set up macros so that we can write
85 <pre>
86 SETBIT(flags, DIRTY);
87 </pre>
88 and
89 <pre>
90 CLEARBIT(flags, DIRTY);
91 </pre>
92 and
93 <pre>
94 if(TESTBIT(flags, DIRTY))
95 </pre>
96 </p><p>The definition of the <TT>SETBIT()</TT> macro
97 might look like this:
98 <pre>
99 #define SETBIT(x, b) x |= b
100 </pre>
101 When a function-like macro is expanded,
102 the preprocessor keeps track
103 of the ``arguments'' it was ``called'' with.
104 When we write
105 <pre>
106 SETBIT(flags, DIRTY);
107 </pre>
108 we're invoking the <TT>SETBIT()</TT> macro
109 with a first argument of <TT>flags</TT>
110 and a second argument of <TT>DIRTY</TT>.
111 Within the definition of the macro,
112 those arguments were known as <TT>x</TT> and <TT>b</TT>.
113 So in the replacement text of the macro,
114 <TT>x |= b</TT>,
115 everywhere that <TT>x</TT> appears
116 it will be further replaced by (in this case) <TT>flags</TT>,
117 and everywhere that <TT>b</TT> appears it will be replaced by
118 <TT>DIRTY</TT>.
120 the invocation
121 <pre>
122 SETBIT(flags, DIRTY);
123 </pre>
124 will result in the expansion
125 <pre>
126 flags |= DIRTY;
127 </pre>
128 Notice that the semicolon had nothing to do with macro expansion;
129 it appeared following the close parenthesis of the invocation,
130 and so shows up following the final expansion.
131 </p><p>Similarly, we can define the <TT>CLEARBIT()</TT>
132 and <TT>TESTBIT()</TT> macros like this:
133 <pre>
134 #define CLEARBIT(x, b) x &amp;= ~b
135 #define TESTBIT(x, b) x &amp; b
136 </pre>
137 Convince yourself that the invocations
138 <pre>
139 CLEARBIT(flags, DIRTY);
140 </pre>
142 <pre>
143 if(TESTBIT(flags, DIRTY))
144 </pre>
145 will result in the expansions
146 <pre>
147 flags &amp;= ~DIRTY;
148 </pre>
150 <pre>
151 if(flags &amp; DIRTY)
152 </pre>
153 as desired.
154 </p><p>Just as for a regular function,
155 parameter names such as <TT>x</TT> and <TT>b</TT>
156 in a function-like macro definition are arbitrary;
157 they're just used to indicate where in the replacement text
158 the actual argument ``values'' should be plugged in.
159 Also, those parameter names are <em>not</em> looked for
160 within character or string constants.
161 If you had a macro like
162 <pre>
163 #define XX(a, b) printf("%s is a %s\n", a, b)
164 </pre>
165 then the invocation
166 <pre>
167 XX("John", "pumpkin-head");
168 </pre>
169 would result in
170 <pre>
171 #define XX(a, b) printf("%s is a %s\n", "John", "pumpkin-head");
172 </pre>
173 It would <em>not</em> result in
174 <pre>
175 #define XX(a, b) printf("%s is "John" %s\n", "John", "pumpkin-head");
176 </pre>
177 which
178 (in this case, anyway)
179 would not have been at all what you wanted.
180 </p><p>If we remember that
181 (other than being careful
182 not to expand macro arguments inside of string and character constants)
183 the preprocessor is otherwise pretty dumb and literal-minded,
184 we can see why there must not be a space
185 between the macro name and the open parenthesis
186 in a function-like macro definition.
187 If we wrote
188 <pre>
189 #define SETBIT (x, b) x |= b
190 </pre>
191 the preprocessor would think we were defining a simple macro,
192 named <TT>SETBIT</TT>,
193 with the
194 (rather meaningless)
195 replacement text
196 <TT>(x, b) x |= b</TT>
198 and every time it saw <TT>SETBIT</TT>,
199 it would replace it with
200 <TT>(x, b) x |= b</TT>
202 (It would ignore any parentheses and arguments
203 that the invocation of <TT>SETBIT</TT> happened to be followed with;
204 that is,
205 after the incorrect definition,
206 the invocation
207 <pre>
208 SETBIT(flags, DIRTY);
209 </pre>
210 would expand to
211 <pre>
212 (x, b) x |= b(flags, DIRTY);
213 </pre>
214 where the <TT>(flags, DIRTY)</TT> part
215 passed through without modification,
216 along with the trailing semicolon.)
217 </p><p>There are a few potential pitfalls associated with preprocessor macros,
218 and with function-like ones in particular.
219 To illustrate these,
220 let's look at another example.
221 C has no built-in exponentiation operator;
222 if you want to square something,
223 the easiest way is usually to multiply it by itself.
224 Suppose that you got tired of writing
225 <pre>
226 x * x
227 </pre>
229 <pre>
230 a * a + b * b
231 </pre>
233 <pre>
234 (x + 1) * (x + 1)
235 </pre>
236 Knowing about function-like preprocessor macros,
237 you might be inspired to define a <TT>SQUARE()</TT> macro:
238 <pre>
239 #define SQUARE(z) z * z
240 </pre>
241 Now you can write things like
242 <TT>SQUARE(x)</TT> and <TT>SQUARE(a) + SQUARE(b)</TT>,
243 and this seems like it will be workable and convenient.
244 But wait:
245 what about that third example?
246 If you write
247 <pre>
248 y = SQUARE(x + 1);
249 </pre>
250 the simpleminded preprocessor will expand it to
251 <pre>
252 y = x + 1 * x + 1;
253 </pre>
254 Remember,
255 the preprocessor doesn't evaluate arguments
256 the same way a function call would,
257 it just performs textual substitutions.
258 So in this last example,
259 the ``value'' of the macro parameter <TT>z</TT> is
260 <TT>x + 1</TT>,
261 and everywhere that a <TT>z</TT> had appeared in the replacement text,
262 the preprocessor fills in <TT>x + 1</TT>.
263 But when the rest of the compiler sees the result,
264 it will give multiplication higher precedence,
265 as usual,
266 and it will interpret the result as if you had written
267 <pre>
268 y = x + (1 * x) + 1;
269 </pre>
270 which will <em>not</em> usually give you the result you wanted!
272 </p><p>How can we fix this problem?
273 We could forbid ourselves to ever ``call''
274 the <TT>SQUARE()</TT> macro
275 on an argument that wasn't a single constant or variable name,
276 but this seems like a harsh restriction.
277 A better solution is to play with the definition of the macro itself:
278 since the expansion we want is
279 <pre>
280 (x + 1) * (x + 1)
281 </pre>
282 we can achieve that by defining the macro like this:
283 <pre>
284 #define SQUARE(z) (z) * (z)
285 </pre>
287 <pre>
288 y = SQUARE(x + 1);
289 </pre>
290 expands to
291 <pre>
292 y = (x + 1) * (x + 1);
293 </pre>
294 as we wished.
295 </p><p>There's another problem, though:
296 what if we write
297 <pre>
298 q = 1 / SQUARE(r);
299 </pre>
300 Now we get
301 <pre>
302 q = 1 / (r) * (r)
303 </pre>
304 and the rest of the compiler interprets this as
305 <pre>
306 q = (1 / (r)) * (r)
307 </pre>
308 (Multiplication and division have the same precedence,
309 and by default they
310 go from left to right.)
311 What can we do this time?
312 We could enclose the invocation of the <TT>SQUARE()</TT> macro
313 in extra parentheses,
314 like this:
315 <pre>
316 q = 1 / (SQUARE(r));
317 </pre>
318 but that seems like a real nuisance to remember.
319 A better solution is to build those extra parentheses
320 into the definition of the macro, too:
321 <pre>
322 #define SQUARE(z) ((z) * (z))
323 </pre>
325 the code
326 <TT>1 / SQUARE(r)
327 </TT>expands to
328 <TT>1 / ((r) * (r))
329 </TT>and
330 we have a macro that's safe
331 against all of the troublesome invocations
332 we've tried so far.
333 </p><p>There's a <em>third</em> potential problem, though:
334 suppose we write
335 <pre>
336 y = SQUARE(x++);
337 </pre>
338 Even with all of our parentheses,
339 this expands to
340 <pre>
341 y = ((x++) * (x++));
342 </pre>
343 and this is a distinct no-no,
344 because we're incrementing <TT>x</TT> twice within the same expression.
345 We might end up with <TT>y</TT> containing the value
346 <TT>x * x</TT>,
347 as we wanted,
348 but it's somewhat more likely that we'll end up with
349 <TT>(x + 1) * x</TT>
351 <TT>x * (x + 1)</TT>,
352 instead.
353 (We're now worried not
354 just
355 about what the macro expands to,
356 but what the resultant expression <em>evaluates</em> to.)
357 Furthermore,
358 since expressions like <TT>x++ * x++</TT>
359 are <dfn>undefined</dfn> according to the ANSI/ISO C Standard,
360 they can actually result in anything,
361 even complete nonsense.
362 So <TT>SQUARE(x++)</TT> simply isn't going to work.
363 (The explicit parentheses,
364 by the way, don't make the expression any
365 less undefined.)
366 </p><p>There's no good fix for this third problem.
368 are going to
369 have to remember that when we invoke
370 function-like
371 macros,
372 the macro might expand one of its arguments multiple times,
373 so we had better not ever give it an argument with a side effect,
374 such as <TT>x++</TT>,
375 or else the side effect might end up happening multiple times,
376 with undefined results.
377 (That's one reason we always use capital letters for macro names,
378 to remind ourselves that they are special,
379 and that we might have to be careful when invoking them.)
380 </p><p>The other way around the third problem
381 is not to use a function-like preprocessor macro at all,
382 but instead
384 use a genuine function.
385 If we defined
386 <pre>
387 int square(int x)
389 return x * x;
391 </pre>
392 then we wouldn't have <em>any</em> of these problems.
393 (Of course,
394 then we'd have the limitation
395 that we could only use this <TT>square</TT> function
396 on arguments of a certain type,
397 in this case, <TT>int</TT>.
398 We could declare it as accepting and returning type <TT>double</TT>,
399 but then we might worry
400 that it was doing needless floating-point conversions
401 in the cases where we handed it integer values...)
402 </p><p>When should you use a function-like macro
403 and when should you use a real function?
404 In most cases,
405 it's safer to use real functions.
406 Generally,
407 you use function-like macros
408 only when the code they expand to is quite small and simple,
409 and when defining and using a real function would for some reason be awkward,
410 or when the code will be executed so often
411 that the overhead of calling a real function
412 would significantly impact the program's efficiency.
413 </p><p>As an example of how a real function might be awkward,
414 notice that we couldn't write <TT>SETBIT()</TT>
415 and <TT>CLEARBIT()</TT> as conventional functions,
416 because functions can't modify their arguments,
417 yet <TT>SETBIT()</TT> and <TT>CLEARBIT()</TT>
418 are supposed to.
419 (That is,
420 <TT>SETBIT(flags, DIRTY)</TT> modifies <TT>flags</TT>.)
421 </p><p>To summarize the important rules of this section,
423 whenever defining a function-like macro, remember:
424 <OL><li>Put parentheses around
425 each instance of each macro parameter in the replacement text.
426 <li>Put parentheses around
427 the entire replacement text.
428 <li>Capitalize the macro name to remind yourself that it is a macro,
429 so that you won't call it on arguments with side effects.
430 </OL>Remember, too, not to
431 put a space between the macro name
432 and the open parenthesis in the definition.
433 </p><p>Rewriting our first three examples to follow these rules,
434 we'd have:
435 <pre>
436 #define SETBIT(x, b) ((x) |= (b))
437 #define CLEARBIT(x, b) ((x) &amp;= ~(b))
438 #define TESTBIT(x, b) ((x) &amp; (b))
439 </pre>
440 (It's harder to see how <TT>SETBIT()</TT>
441 and <TT>CLEARBIT()</TT> might fail if they weren't parenthesized,
442 but unless you're really sure of yourself,
443 there usually
444 isn't a reason
445 not to use the extra parentheses.)
446 </p><p>A few final notes about function-like preprocessor macros:
447 Sometimes,
448 people try to write function-like macros
449 which are even more like functions
450 in that they expand to multiple statements;
451 however,
452 this is considerably trickier than it looks
453 (at least, if it's not to fall victim to additional sets of pitfalls).
454 Also, people sometimes wish for macros
455 that take a variable number of arguments
456 (in much the same way that the <TT>printf</TT> function
457 accepts a variable number of arguments),
458 but there's
459 not yet a
460 good way to do this, either.
462 </p><hr>
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