make gb and make big5 will produce files in zh_CN and zh_TW directory
[manpages-zh.git] / DOCS / 00TRANSLATED
1 man1/:.1
2 man1/..1
3 man1/[.1
4 man1/a2p.1
5 man1/ab.1
6 man1/ac.1
7 man1/access.1
8 man1/ali.1
9 man1/alias.1
10 man1/apm.1
11 man1/apropos.1
12 man1/ar.1
13 man1/arch.1
14 man1/at.1
15 man1/autorun.1
16 man1/basename.1
17 man1/bash.1
18 man1/bg.1
19 man1/biff.1
20 man1/bind.1
21 man1/break.1
22 man1/builtin.1
23 man1/builtins.1
24 man1/bunzip2.1
25 man1/bzcat.1
26 man1/bzip2.1
27 man1/bzip2recover.1
28 man1/cal.1
29 man1/cat.1
30 man1/cce.1
31 man1/cd.1
32 man1/charset.1
33 man1/chattr.1
34 man1/chfn.1
35 man1/chgrp.1
36 man1/chmod.1
37 man1/chown.1
38 man1/chroot.1
39 man1/chsh.1
40 man1/chvt.1
41 man1/cksum.1
42 man1/clear.1
43 man1/clusterdb.1
44 man1/col.1
45 man1/comm.1
46 man1/command.1
47 man1/compgen.1
48 man1/complete.1
49 man1/continue.1
50 man1/cp.1
51 man1/cpio.1
52 man1/createdb.1
53 man1/createlang.1
54 man1/createuser.1
55 man1/cut.1
56 man1/date.1
57 man1/dd.1
58 man1/deallocvt.1
59 man1/declare.1
60 man1/df.1
61 man1/diff.1
62 man1/dig.1
63 man1/dircolor.1
64 man1/dircolors.1
65 man1/dirname.1
66 man1/dirs.1
67 man1/disown.1
68 man1/dnskeygen.1
69 man1/dnsquery.1
70 man1/dropdb.1
71 man1/droplang.1
72 man1/dropuser.1
73 man1/du.1
74 man1/dumpkeys.1
75 man1/echo.1
76 man1/ecpg.1
77 man1/egrep.1
78 man1/eject.1
79 man1/emacs.1
80 man1/enable.1
81 man1/env.1
82 man1/eval.1
83 man1/ex.1
84 man1/exec.1
85 man1/exit.1
86 man1/expand.1
87 man1/export.1
88 man1/false.1
89 man1/fc.1
90 man1/fg.1
91 man1/fgrep.1
92 man1/file.1
93 man1/find.1
94 man1/findsmb.1
95 man1/finger.1
96 man1/fmt.1
97 man1/fold.1
98 man1/free.1
99 man1/ftp.1
100 man1/gcc.1
101 man1/gedit.1
102 man1/getopts.1
103 man1/git.1
104 man1/gnroff.1
105 man1/grep.1
106 man1/groff.1
107 man1/groups.1
108 man1/gunzip.1
109 man1/gview.1
110 man1/gvim.1
111 man1/gzip.1
112 man1/hash.1
113 man1/head.1
114 man1/help.1
115 man1/history.1
116 man1/host.1
117 man1/hostid.1
118 man1/hostname.1
119 man1/iconv.1
120 man1/id.1
121 man1/info.1
122 man1/initdb.1
123 man1/initex.1
124 man1/initlocation.1
125 man1/install.1
126 man1/install-info.1
127 man1/intro.1
128 man1/ipcclean.1
129 man1/jobs.1
130 man1/kbd_mode.1
131 man1/kill.1
132 man1/killall.1
133 man1/last.1
134 man1/ld.1
135 man1/ldd.1
136 man1/let.1
137 man1/listalias.1
138 man1/ln.1
139 man1/loadkeys.1
140 man1/local.1
141 man1/lockfile.1
142 man1/logname.1
143 man1/logout.1
144 man1/ls.1
145 man1/lsattr.1
146 man1/mail.1
147 man1/mailto.1
148 man1/makeinfo.1
149 man1/make_smbcodepage.1
150 man1/man.1
151 man1/md5sum.1
152 man1/mencoder.1
153 man1/mesg.1
154 man1/minicom.1
155 man1/mirror.1
156 man1/mkdir.1
157 man1/mkfifo.1
158 man1/mknod.1
159 man1/mkpasswd.1
160 man1/mktemp.1
161 man1/mode.1
162 man1/more.1
163 man1/mpg123.1
164 man1/mplayer.1
165 man1/mv.1
166 man1/newgrp.1
167 man1/nice.1
168 man1/nmblookup.1
169 man1/nohup.1
170 man1/nroff.1
171 man1/octave.1
172 man1/octave-bug.1
173 man1/octave-config.1
174 man1/paste.1
175 man1/perl.1
176 man1/perlbook.1
177 man1/perlboot.1
178 man1/perlcn.1
179 man1/perlcompile.1
180 man1/perldata.1
181 man1/perlfaq.1
182 man1/perlfaq1.1
183 man1/perlfaq2.1
184 man1/perlfaq3.1
185 man1/perlfaq7.1
186 man1/perlfaq8.1
187 man1/perlfaq9.1
188 man1/perlform.1
189 man1/perlfunc.1
190 man1/perlnumber.1
191 man1/perlsec.1
192 man1/perlstyle.1
193 man1/perltw.1
194 man1/pg_config.1
195 man1/pg_controldata.1
196 man1/pg_ctl.1
197 man1/pg_dump.1
198 man1/pg_dumpall.1
199 man1/pg_resetxlog.1
200 man1/pg_restore.1
201 man1/pgtclsh.1
202 man1/pgtksh.1
203 man1/popd.1
204 man1/postgres.1
205 man1/postmaster.1
206 man1/printf.1
207 man1/psfaddtable.1
208 man1/psfgettable.1
209 man1/psfstriptable.1
210 man1/psql.1
211 man1/pushd.1
212 man1/pwd.1
213 man1/quota.1
214 man1/read.1
215 man1/readonly.1
216 man1/return.1
217 man1/rgview.1
218 man1/rgvim.1
219 man1/rlogin.1
220 man1/rm.1
221 man1/rmdir.1
222 man1/rvi.1
223 man1/rview.1
224 man1/rvim.1
225 man1/scp.1
226 man1/set.1
227 man1/setleds.1
228 man1/setmetamode.1
229 man1/sh.1
230 man1/shift.1
231 man1/shopt.1
232 man1/showfont.1
233 man1/showkey.1
234 man1/size.1
235 man1/sleep.1
236 man1/smbclient.1
237 man1/smbcontrol.1
238 man1/smbrun.1
239 man1/smbsh.1
240 man1/smbstatus.1
241 man1/smbtar.1
242 man1/sort.1
243 man1/source.1
244 man1/split.1
245 man1/sq.1
246 man1/ssh.1
247 man1/stat.1
248 man1/strings.1
249 man1/stty.1
250 man1/su.1
251 man1/subst.1
252 man1/sum.1
253 man1/suspend.1
254 man1/svn.1
255 man1/svnadmin.1
256 man1/svndumpfilter.1
257 man1/svnlook.1
258 man1/svnversion.1
259 man1/sync.1
260 man1/tac.1
261 man1/tail.1
262 man1/tar.1
263 man1/tclsh.1
264 man1/tee.1
265 man1/testparm.1
266 man1/testprns.1
267 man1/tex.1
268 man1/texi2dvi.1
269 man1/texindex.1
270 man1/times.1
271 man1/touch.1
272 man1/trap.1
273 man1/troff.1
274 man1/true.1
275 man1/tty.1
276 man1/type.1
277 man1/typeset.1
278 man1/ulimit.1
279 man1/umask.1
280 man1/unalias.1
281 man1/uname.1
282 man1/unicode_start.1
283 man1/unicode_stop.1
284 man1/uniq.1
285 man1/unset.1
286 man1/unsq.1
287 man1/uptime.1
288 man1/usleep.1
289 man1/uuencode.1
290 man1/vacuumdb.1
291 man1/vi.1
292 man1/view.1
293 man1/vim.1
294 man1/vimtutor.1
295 man1/virtex.1
296 man1/vt-is-UTF8.1
297 man1/w.1
298 man1/wait.1
299 man1/wall.1
300 man1/wbinfo.1
301 man1/wc.1
302 man1/whatis.1
303 man1/who.1
304 man1/wish.1
305 man1/xargs.1
306 man1/xmodmap.1
307 man1/xpdf.1
308 man1/xxd.1
309 man1/yacc.1
310 man1/yes.1
311 man1/ypchfn.1
312 man1/ypchsh.1
313 man1/yppasswd.1
314 man1/zcat.1
315 man1/zipinfo.1
316 man1/zless.1
317 man2/accept.2
318 man2/bind.2
319 man2/close.2
320 man2/create_module.2
321 man2/execve.2
322 man2/init_module.2
323 man2/listen.2
324 man2/open.2
325 man2/query_module.2
326 man2/read.2
327 man2/send.2
328 man2/write.2
329 man3/basename.3
330 man3/bindtextdomain.3
331 man3/bzero.3
332 man3/clearerr.3
333 man3/exec.3
334 man3/exit.3
335 man3/fclose.3
336 man3/fcloseall.3
337 man3/fdopen.3
338 man3/feof.3
339 man3/ferror.3
340 man3/fflush.3
341 man3/fileno.3
342 man3/flockfile.3
343 man3/fopen.3
344 man3/freopen.3
345 man3/iconv_close.3
346 man3/iconv_open.3
347 man3/Object.3
348 man3/setbuf.3
349 man3/setbuffer.3
350 man3/setlinebuf.3
351 man3/setlocale.3
352 man3/setvbuf.3
353 man3/stderr.3
354 man3/stdin.3
355 man3/stdio.3
356 man3/stdout.3
357 man3/strcoll.3
358 man3/strxfrm.3
359 man3/ulimit.3
360 man3/unlocked_stdio.3
361 man4/console_codes.4
362 man4/fifo.4
363 man4/hd.4
364 man5/acct.5
365 man5/aliases.5
366 man5/environ.5
367 man5/fs.5
368 man5/ftpaccess.5
369 man5/group.5
370 man5/host.conf.5
371 man5/info.5
372 man5/inittab.5
373 man5/ipc.5
374 man5/issue.5
375 man5/keymaps.5
376 man5/lilo.conf.5
377 man5/lmhosts.5
378 man5/locale.5
379 man5/man.conf.5
380 man5/man.config.5
381 man5/motd.5
382 man5/nologin.5
383 man5/nscd.conf.5
384 man5/nsswitch.5
385 man5/passwd.5
386 man5/proc.5
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388 man5/resolver.5
389 man5/rpc.5
390 man5/securetty.5
391 man5/services.5
392 man5/shells.5
393 man5/smb.conf.5
394 man5/smbpasswd.5
395 man5/svnserve.conf.5
396 man5/termcap.5
397 man5/texinfo.5
398 man5/ttytype.5
399 man5/tzfile.5
400 man5/utmp.5
401 man6/zic2xpm.6
402 man7/abort.7
403 man7/alter_aggregate.7
404 man7/alter_conversion.7
405 man7/alter_database.7
406 man7/alter_domain.7
407 man7/alter_function.7
408 man7/alter_group.7
409 man7/alter_language.7
410 man7/alter_operator_class.7
411 man7/alter_schema.7
412 man7/alter_sequence.7
413 man7/alter_table.7
414 man7/alter_trigger.7
415 man7/alter_user.7
416 man7/analyze.7
417 man7/arp.7
418 man7/ascii.7
419 man7/begin.7
420 man7/bootparam.7
421 man7/charsets.7
422 man7/checkpoint.7
423 man7/close.7
424 man7/cluster.7
425 man7/comment.7
426 man7/commit.7
427 man7/copy.7
428 man7/create_aggregate.7
429 man7/create_cast.7
430 man7/create_constraint_trigger.7
431 man7/create_conversion.7
432 man7/create_database.7
433 man7/create_domain.7
434 man7/create_function.7
435 man7/create_group.7
436 man7/create_index.7
437 man7/create_language.7
438 man7/create_operator.7
439 man7/create_operator_class.7
440 man7/create_rule.7
441 man7/create_schema.7
442 man7/create_sequence.7
443 man7/create_table.7
444 man7/create_table_as.7
445 man7/create_trigger.7
446 man7/create_type.7
447 man7/create_user.7
448 man7/create_view.7
449 man7/deallocate.7
450 man7/declare.7
451 man7/delete.7
452 man7/drop_aggregate.7
453 man7/drop_cast.7
454 man7/drop_conversion.7
455 man7/drop_database.7
456 man7/drop_domain.7
457 man7/drop_function.7
458 man7/drop_group.7
459 man7/drop_index.7
460 man7/drop_language.7
461 man7/drop_operator.7
462 man7/drop_operator_class.7
463 man7/drop_rule.7
464 man7/drop_schema.7
465 man7/drop_sequence.7
466 man7/drop_table.7
467 man7/drop_trigger.7
468 man7/drop_type.7
469 man7/drop_user.7
470 man7/drop_view.7
471 man7/end.7
472 man7/execute.7
473 man7/explain.7
474 man7/fetch.7
475 man7/glob.7
476 man7/grant.7
477 man7/hier.7
478 man7/icmp.7
479 man7/insert.7
480 man7/ip.7
481 man7/LDP.7
482 man7/lilyfaq.7
483 man7/listen.7
484 man7/load.7
485 man7/locale.7
486 man7/lock.7
487 man7/mailaddr.7
488 man7/man.7
489 man7/mdoc.samples.7
490 man7/move.7
491 man7/netdevice.7
492 man7/netlink.7
493 man7/notify.7
494 man7/packet.7
495 man7/prepare.7
496 man7/raw.7
497 man7/regex.7
498 man7/reindex.7
499 man7/reset.7
500 man7/revoke.7
501 man7/roff.7
502 man7/rollback.7
503 man7/samba.7
504 man7/select.7
505 man7/select_into.7
506 man7/set.7
507 man7/set_constraints.7
508 man7/set_session_authorization.7
509 man7/set_transaction.7
510 man7/show.7
511 man7/signal.7
512 man7/socket.7
513 man7/start_transaction.7
514 man7/suffix.7
515 man7/tcp.7
516 man7/truncate.7
517 man7/udp.7
518 man7/unicode.7
519 man7/unix.7
520 man7/unlisten.7
521 man7/update.7
522 man7/utf-8.7
523 man7/vacuum.7
524 man7/x25.7
525 man8/badblocks.8
526 man8/bdflush.8
527 man8/blockdev.8
528 man8/chat.8
529 man8/chpasswd.8
530 man8/convertquota.8
531 man8/cron.8
532 man8/dmesg.8
533 man8/edquota.8
534 man8/exportfs.8
535 man8/fdisk.8
536 man8/fsck.8
537 man8/groupadd.8
538 man8/groupdel.8
539 man8/groupmod.8
540 man8/halt.8
541 man8/hdparm.8
542 man8/ifconfig.8
543 man8/imapd.8
544 man8/inetd.8
545 man8/init.8
546 man8/iptables.8
547 man8/iptables-restore.8
548 man8/iptables-save.8
549 man8/lilo.8
550 man8/losetup.8
551 man8/lspci.8
552 man8/mailstats.8
553 man8/MAKEDEV.8
554 man8/makemap.8
555 man8/mingetty.8
556 man8/mkfs.8
557 man8/mkswap.8
558 man8/modinfo.8
559 man8/named-bootconf.8
560 man8/netstat.8
561 man8/nmbd.8
562 man8/ntsysv.8
563 man8/ping.8
564 man8/pppd.8
565 man8/printcap.8
566 man8/quotacheck.8
567 man8/quotaoff.8
568 man8/quotaon.8
569 man8/quotastats.8
570 man8/ramsize.8
571 man8/rdev.8
572 man8/repquota.8
573 man8/rootflags.8
574 man8/route.8
575 man8/rpm.8
576 man8/setclock.8
577 man8/setquota.8
578 man8/setserial.8
579 man8/showmount.8
580 man8/shutdown.8
581 man8/smbd.8
582 man8/smbmnt.8
583 man8/smbmount.8
584 man8/smbpasswd.8
585 man8/smbspool.8
586 man8/smbumount.8
587 man8/svnserve.8
588 man8/swapoff.8
589 man8/swapon.8
590 man8/swat.8
591 man8/sync.8
592 man8/tcpdump.8
593 man8/tzselect.8
594 man8/umount.8
595 man8/useradd.8
596 man8/userdel.8
597 man8/usermod.8
598 man8/vidmode.8
599 man8/vmstat.8
600 man8/xinetd.8
601 man8/zdump.8
602 man8/zic.8
603 man9/cmanexample.9
604 man9/cmanformat.9
605 manl/cbdsqr.l
606 manl/lapack.l
607 manl/zdrot.l
608 manl/zdrscl.l
609 mann/after.n
610 mann/append.n
611 mann/array.n
612 mann/ArrowButton.n
613 mann/bell.n
614 mann/bgerror.n
615 mann/binary.n
616 mann/bindtags.n
617 mann/break.n
618 mann/Button.n
619 mann/catch.n
620 mann/cd.n
621 mann/chooseColor.n
622 mann/chooseDirectory.n
623 mann/ckalloc.n
624 mann/ckfree.n
625 mann/clipboard.n
626 mann/clock.n
627 mann/close.n
628 mann/ComboBox.n
629 mann/concat.n
630 mann/continue.n
631 mann/cursors.n
632 mann/dde.n
633 mann/destroy.n
634 mann/Dialog.n
635 mann/encoding.n
636 mann/eof.n
637 mann/error.n
638 mann/eval.n
639 mann/exec.n
640 mann/exit.n
641 mann/expr.n
642 mann/fblocked.n
643 mann/fconfigure.n
644 mann/fcopy.n
645 mann/fileevent.n
646 mann/file.n
647 mann/filename.n
648 mann/flush.n
649 mann/focusNext.n
650 mann/foreach.n
651 mann/format.n
652 mann/for.n
653 mann/gets.n
654 mann/global.n
655 mann/glob.n
656 mann/history.n
657 mann/html.n
658 mann/Http.n
659 mann/if.n
660 mann/incr.n
661 mann/info.n
662 mann/interp.n
663 mann/join.n
664 mann/keysyms.n
665 mann/LabelFrame.n
666 mann/lappend.n
667 mann/library.n
668 mann/lindex.n
669 mann/linsert.n
670 mann/list.n
671 mann/llength.n
672 mann/load.n
673 mann/loadTk.n
674 mann/lower.n
675 mann/lrange.n
676 mann/lreplace.n
677 mann/lsearch.n
678 mann/lsort.n
679 mann/MainFrame.n
680 mann/memory.n
681 mann/messageBox.n
682 mann/msgcat.n
683 mann/namespace.n
684 mann/Notebook.n
685 mann/open.n
686 mann/optionMenu.n
687 mann/option.n
688 mann/package.n
689 mann/packagens.n
690 mann/PagesManager.n
691 mann/palette.n
692 mann/PanedWindow.n
693 mann/pid.n
694 mann/pkgMkIndex.n
695 mann/popup.n
696 mann/proc.n
697 mann/ProgressBar.n
698 mann/puts.n
699 mann/pwd.n
700 mann/raise.n
701 mann/read.n
702 mann/regexp.n
703 mann/registry.n
704 mann/regsub.n
705 mann/rename.n
706 mann/resource.n
707 mann/re_syntax.n
708 mann/return.n
709 mann/safe.n
710 mann/scan.n
711 mann/ScrollableFrame.n
712 mann/ScrolledWindow.n
713 mann/seek.n
714 mann/selection.n
715 mann/send.n
716 mann/set.n
717 mann/socket.n
718 mann/source.n
719 mann/SpinBox.n
720 mann/split.n
721 mann/string.n
722 mann/subst.n
723 mann/switch.n
724 mann/Tcl.n
725 mann/tclvars.n
726 mann/tell.n
727 mann/time.n
728 mann/TitleFrame.n
729 mann/tk_dialog.n
730 mann/tkerror.n
731 mann/tk.n
732 mann/tkvars.n
733 mann/tkwait.n
734 mann/trace.n
735 mann/unknown.n
736 mann/unset.n
737 mann/update.n
738 mann/uplevel.n
739 mann/upvar.n
740 mann/variable.n
741 mann/vwait.n
742 mann/while.n