[2796] Applied MaNGOS coding style (see trunk/bcpp.cfg).
[mangos-git.git] / src / game / AuctionHouse.cpp
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2005,2006 MaNGOS <http://www.mangosproject.org/>
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 #include "WorldPacket.h"
20 #include "WorldSession.h"
21 #include "Opcodes.h"
22 #include "Log.h"
23 #include "World.h"
24 #include "ObjectMgr.h"
25 #include "Player.h"
26 #include "UpdateMask.h"
27 #include "AuctionHouseObject.h"
29 //pls DO NOT use iterator++, because it is slowlier than ++iterator!!!
30 //post-incrementation is always slowlier than pre-incrementation !
32 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionHelloOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
34 uint64 guid; //NPC guid
35 recv_data >> guid;
37 Creature *unit = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, guid);
38 if (!unit)
40 sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: HandleAuctionHelloOpcode - NO SUCH UNIT! (GUID: %u)", uint32(GUID_LOPART(guid)) );
41 return;
43 if( unit->IsHostileTo(_player)) // do not talk with enemies
44 return;
45 if( !unit->isAuctioner()) // it's not auctioner
46 return;
48 SendAuctionHello(guid, unit);
51 static uint8 AuctioneerFactionToLocation(uint32 faction)
54 return 7; // neutral
56 switch (faction)
58 case 29: //orc
59 case 68: //undead
60 case 104: //tauren
61 return 6;
62 break;
63 case 12: //human
64 case 55: //dwarf
65 case 79: //Nightelf
66 return 2;
67 break;
68 default: /* 85 and so on ... neutral*/
69 return 7;
73 void WorldSession::SendAuctionHello( uint64 guid, Creature* unit )
75 WorldPacket data;
76 data.Initialize( MSG_AUCTION_HELLO );
77 data << (uint64) guid;
78 data << (uint32) AuctioneerFactionToLocation(unit->getFaction());
79 SendPacket( &data );
82 //this function inserts to WorldPacket auction's data
83 bool WorldSession::SendAuctionInfo(WorldPacket & data, AuctionEntry* auction)
85 Item *pItem = objmgr.GetAItem(auction->item_guid);
86 if (!pItem)
88 sLog.outError("auction to item, that doesn't exist !!!!");
89 return false;
91 data << auction->Id;
92 data << pItem->GetUInt32Value(OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY);
93 data << (uint32) 0; //0 - HighBidder, 1 - outbid, BID TYPE - not sure
94 data << (uint32) 0; //unknown constant 0 ?
95 data << (uint32) 0; //not pItem->GetCreator();// 4a d0 64 02, 0, unknown
96 data << (uint32) pItem->GetCount(); //item->count
97 //item->charge FFFFFFF
98 data << (uint32) pItem->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES);
99 data << (uint32) auction->owner; //Auction->owner
100 data << (uint32) 0; //player_high_guid
101 data << (uint32) auction->startbid; //Auction->startbid
102 data << (uint32) auction->outBid; //minimal outbid...
103 data << (uint32) auction->buyout; //auction->buyout
104 data << (uint32) (auction->time - time(NULL)) * 1000; //time
105 data << (uint32) auction->bidder; //auction->bidder current
106 data << (uint32) 0; //0 ? .. player highguid
107 data << (uint32) auction->bid; //current bid
108 return true;
111 //call this method when player bids, creates, or deletes auction
112 void WorldSession::SendAuctionCommandResult(uint32 auctionId, uint32 Action, uint32 ErrorCode, uint32 bidError )
114 WorldPacket data;
115 data.Initialize( SMSG_AUCTION_COMMAND_RESULT );
116 data << auctionId;
117 data << Action;
118 data << ErrorCode;
119 if ( !ErrorCode && Action )
120 data << bidError; //when bid, then send 0, once...
121 SendPacket(&data);
124 //this function sends notification, if bidder is online
125 void WorldSession::SendAuctionBidderNotification( uint32 location, uint32 auctionId, uint64 bidder, uint32 bidSum, uint32 diff, uint32 item_template)
127 WorldPacket data;
129 data << location;
130 data << auctionId;
131 data << (uint64) bidder;
132 data << bidSum;
133 data << (uint32) diff;
134 data << item_template;
135 data << (uint32) 0;
136 SendPacket(&data);
139 void WorldSession::SendAuctionOwnerNotification( AuctionEntry* auction)
141 WorldPacket data;
143 data << auction->Id;
144 data << auction->bid;
145 data << (uint32) 0; //unk
146 data << (uint32) 0; //unk
147 data << (uint32) 0; //unk
148 data << auction->item_template;
149 data << (uint32) 0; //unk
150 SendPacket(&data);
153 //this function sends mail to old bidder
154 void WorldSession::SendAuctionOutbiddedMail(AuctionEntry *auction, uint32 newPrice)
156 uint32 mailId = objmgr.GenerateMailID();
157 time_t etime = time(NULL) + (30 * DAY);
159 std::ostringstream msgAuctionOutbiddedSubject;
160 msgAuctionOutbiddedSubject << auction->item_template << ":0:" << AUCTION_OUTBIDDED;
162 Player *oldBidder = objmgr.GetPlayer((uint64) auction->bidder);
163 if (oldBidder)
165 oldBidder->GetSession()->SendAuctionBidderNotification( auction->location, auction->Id, _player->GetGUID(), newPrice, auction->outBid, auction->item_template);
166 oldBidder->CreateMail(mailId, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location, msgAuctionOutbiddedSubject.str(), 0, 0, 0, etime, auction->bid, 0, NOT_READ, NULL);
169 sDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `mail` (`id`,`messageType`,`sender`,`receiver`,`subject`,`itemPageId`,`item_guid`,`item_template`,`time`,`money`,`cod`,`checked`) "
170 "VALUES ('%u', '%d', '%u', '%u', '%s', '0', '0', '0', '" I64FMTD "', '%u', '0', '%d')",
171 mailId, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location, auction->bidder, msgAuctionOutbiddedSubject.str().c_str(), (uint64)etime, auction->bid, NOT_READ);
174 //this function sends mail, when auction is cancelled to old bidder
175 void WorldSession::SendAuctionCancelledToBidderMail( AuctionEntry* auction )
177 uint32 mailId = objmgr.GenerateMailID();
178 time_t etime = time(NULL) + (30 * DAY);
180 std::ostringstream msgAuctionCancelledSubject;
181 msgAuctionCancelledSubject << auction->item_template << ":0:" << AUCTION_CANCELLED_TO_BIDDER;
183 Player *bidder = objmgr.GetPlayer((uint64) auction->bidder);
184 if (bidder)
186 // unknown : bidder->GetSession()->SendAuctionBidderNotification( auction->location, auction->Id, _player->GetGUID(), newPrice, newPrice - auction->bid, auction->item_template);
187 bidder->CreateMail(mailId, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location, msgAuctionCancelledSubject.str(), 0, 0, 0, etime, auction->bid, 0, NOT_READ, NULL);
190 sDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `mail` (`id`,`messageType`,`sender`,`receiver`,`subject`,`itemPageId`,`item_guid`,`item_template`,`time`,`money`,`cod`,`checked`) "
191 "VALUES ('%u', '%d', '%u', '%u', '%s', '0', '0', '0', '" I64FMTD "', '%u', '0', '%d')",
192 mailId, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location, auction->bidder, msgAuctionCancelledSubject.str().c_str(), (uint64)etime, auction->bid, NOT_READ);
195 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem( WorldPacket & recv_data )
197 uint64 auctioneer, item;
198 uint32 etime, bid, buyout;
199 recv_data >> auctioneer >> item;
200 recv_data >> bid >> buyout >> etime;
201 Player *pl = GetPlayer();
203 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, auctioneer);
204 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
206 return;
209 uint16 pos = pl->GetPosByGuid(item);
210 Item *it = pl->GetItemByPos( pos );
212 // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equiped empty bag to auction)
213 if(!it || !it->CanBeTraded())
215 //5b 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 -- -- : [.............
216 //sure
218 return;
221 uint32 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
222 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
223 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
225 //we have to take deposit :
226 uint32 deposit = objmgr.GetAuctionDeposit( location, etime, it );
227 if ( pl->GetMoney() < deposit )
230 return;
232 pl->ModifyMoney( ((int32) deposit) * -1 );
234 AuctionEntry *AH = new AuctionEntry;
235 AH->Id = objmgr.GenerateAuctionID();
236 AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer);
237 AH->item_guid = GUID_LOPART(item);
238 AH->item_template = it->GetEntry();
239 AH->owner = pl->GetGUIDLow();
240 AH->startbid = bid;
241 AH->bidder = 0;
242 AH->bid = 0;
243 AH->outBid = 0;
244 AH->buyout = buyout;
245 time_t base = time(NULL);
246 AH->time = ((time_t)(etime * 60)) + base;
247 AH->deposit = deposit;
248 AH->location = location;
250 sLog.outDetail("selling item %u to auctioneer %u with inital bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in minutes) in location: %u", GUID_LOPART(item), GUID_LOPART(auctioneer), bid, buyout, GUID_LOPART(time), location);
251 mAuctions->AddAuction(AH);
253 // DB can have outdate auction item with same guid
254 objmgr.RemoveAItem(GUID_LOPART(item));
256 objmgr.AddAItem(it);
257 pl->RemoveItem( (pos >> 8),(pos & 255), true);
258 it->RemoveFromUpdateQueueOf(pl);
259 it->DeleteFromInventoryDB();
260 it->SaveToDB();
261 sDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `auctionhouse` (`id`,`auctioneerguid`,`itemguid`,`item_template`,`itemowner`,`buyoutprice`,`time`,`buyguid`,`lastbid`,`startbid`,`deposit`,`location`) "
262 "VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '" I64FMTD "', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u')",
263 AH->Id, AH->auctioneer, AH->item_guid, AH->item_template, AH->owner, AH->buyout, (uint64)AH->time, AH->bidder, AH->bid, AH->startbid, AH->deposit, AH->location);
265 SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK);
266 //pl->SaveToDB() - isn't needed, because item will be removed from inventory now, only money are problem
269 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionPlaceBid( WorldPacket & recv_data )
271 uint64 auctioneer;
272 uint32 auctionId;
273 uint32 price;
274 WorldPacket data;
275 recv_data >> auctioneer;
276 recv_data >> auctionId >> price;
278 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, auctioneer);
279 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
280 return;
281 uint32 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
283 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
284 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
286 AuctionEntry *auction = mAuctions->GetAuction(auctionId);
287 Player *pl = GetPlayer();
288 if ((auction) && (auction->owner != pl->GetGUIDLow()))
290 if (price < (auction->bid + auction->outBid))
292 //auction has already higher bid, client tests it!
293 //SendAuctionCommandResult(auction->auctionId, AUCTION_PLACE_BID, ???);
294 return;
296 if (price > pl->GetMoney())
298 //you don't have enought money!, client tests!
299 //SendAuctionCommandResult(auction->auctionId, AUCTION_PLACE_BID, ???);
300 return;
302 if ((price < auction->buyout) || (auction->buyout == 0))
304 auction->outBid += 5; //this line must be here
306 if (auction->bidder > 0)
308 if ( auction->bidder == pl->GetGUIDLow() )
310 pl->ModifyMoney(((uint32)(price - auction->bid)) * -1);
312 else
314 // mail to last bidder if there's one... + return money
315 SendAuctionOutbiddedMail( auction , price );
316 pl->ModifyMoney(((int32) price) * -1);
319 else
321 pl->ModifyMoney(((int32) price) * -1);
323 auction->bidder = pl->GetGUIDLow();
324 auction->bid = price;
325 if ( auction->outBid > 10000 ) //one gold
326 auction->outBid = 5;
328 // after this update we should save player's money ...
329 sDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `auctionhouse` SET `buyguid` = '%u',`lastbid` = '%u' WHERE `id` = '%u';", auction->bidder, auction->bid, auction->Id);
331 SendAuctionCommandResult(auction->Id, AUCTION_PLACE_BID, AUCTION_OK, 0 );
333 else
335 //buyout:
336 if (pl->GetGUIDLow() == auction->bidder )
338 pl->ModifyMoney(-int32(auction->buyout - auction->bid));
340 else
342 pl->ModifyMoney(-int32(auction->buyout));
343 if ( auction->bidder ) //buyout for bidded auction ..
345 SendAuctionOutbiddedMail( auction, auction->buyout );
348 auction->bidder = pl->GetGUIDLow();
349 auction->bid = auction->buyout;
351 objmgr.SendAuctionSuccessfulMail( auction );
352 objmgr.SendAuctionWonMail( auction );
354 SendAuctionCommandResult(auction->Id, AUCTION_PLACE_BID, AUCTION_OK);
357 else
359 //you cannot bid your own auction:
364 //will be fixed soon , but now it's not used....
365 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionRemoveItem( WorldPacket & recv_data )
367 uint64 auctioneer;
368 uint32 auctionId;
369 recv_data >> auctioneer;
370 recv_data >> auctionId;
371 sLog.outDebug( "Cancel AUCTION AuctionID: %u", auctionId);
373 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, auctioneer);
374 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
375 return;
376 uint32 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
378 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
379 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
381 AuctionEntry *auction = mAuctions->GetAuction(auctionId);
382 Player *pl = GetPlayer();
384 if (auction && auction->owner == pl->GetGUIDLow())
386 Item *pItem = objmgr.GetAItem(auction->item_guid);
387 if (pItem)
389 if (auction->bidder > 0) // If we have a bidder, we have to send him the money he paid
391 uint32 auctionCut = objmgr.GetAuctionCut( auction->location, auction->bid);
392 if ( pl->GetMoney() < auctionCut ) //player doesn't have enought money, maybe message needed
393 return;
394 //some auctionBidderNotification would be needed, but don't know that parts..
395 SendAuctionCancelledToBidderMail( auction );
396 pl->ModifyMoney( ((int32) auctionCut) * -1 );
398 // Return the item
399 std::ostringstream msgAuctionCanceledOwner;
400 msgAuctionCanceledOwner << auction->item_template << ":0:" << AUCTION_CANCELED;
402 uint32 messageID = objmgr.GenerateMailID();
403 time_t etime = time(NULL) + (30 * DAY);
405 pl->CreateMail( messageID, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location, msgAuctionCanceledOwner.str(), 0, auction->item_guid, auction->item_template, etime, 0, 0, 0, pItem);
406 sDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `mail` (`id`,`messageType`,`sender`,`receiver`,`subject`,`itemPageId`,`item_guid`,`item_template`,`time`,`money`,`cod`,`checked`) "
407 "VALUES ('%u', '%d', '%u', '%u', '%s', '0', '%u', '%u', '" I64FMTD "', '0', '0', '0')",
408 messageID, AUCTIONHOUSE_MAIL, auction->location , pl->GetGUIDLow() , msgAuctionCanceledOwner.str().c_str(), auction->item_guid, auction->item_template, (uint64)etime);
410 else
412 sLog.outError("Auction id: %u has non-existed item (item guid : %u)!!!", auction->Id, auction->item_guid);
413 SendAuctionCommandResult( 0, AUCTION_CANCEL, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR );
414 return;
417 else
419 SendAuctionCommandResult( 0, AUCTION_CANCEL, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR );
420 //this code isn't possible ... maybe there should be assert
421 sLog.outError("CHEATER : %u, he tried to cancel auction (id: %u) of another player, or auction is NULL", pl->GetGUIDLow(), auctionId );
422 return;
425 //inform player, that auction is removed
426 SendAuctionCommandResult( auction->Id, AUCTION_CANCEL, AUCTION_OK );
427 // Now remove the auction
428 sDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM `auctionhouse` WHERE `id` = '%u'",auction->Id);
429 objmgr.RemoveAItem( auction->item_guid );
430 mAuctions->RemoveAuction( auction->Id );
431 delete auction;
434 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionListBidderItems( WorldPacket & recv_data )
436 uint64 guid; //NPC guid
437 uint32 listfrom; //page of auctions
438 uint32 outbiddedCount; //count of outbidded auctions
440 recv_data >> guid;
441 recv_data >> listfrom;
442 recv_data >> outbiddedCount;
443 if (recv_data.size() != (16 + outbiddedCount * 4 ))
445 sLog.outError("Client sent bad opcode!!! with count: %u and size : %d", outbiddedCount, recv_data.size());
446 outbiddedCount = 0;
449 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, guid);
450 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
451 return;
452 uint32 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
454 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
455 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
457 WorldPacket data;
459 Player *pl = GetPlayer();
460 data << (uint32) 0; //add 0 as count
461 uint32 count = 0;
462 uint32 totalcount = 0;
463 while ( outbiddedCount > 0) //add all data, which client requires
465 outbiddedCount--;
466 uint32 outbiddedAuctionId;
467 recv_data >> outbiddedAuctionId;
468 AuctionEntry * auction = mAuctions->GetAuction( outbiddedAuctionId );
469 if ( auction && SendAuctionInfo(data, auction))
471 totalcount++;
472 count++;
475 for (AuctionHouseObject::AuctionEntryMap::iterator itr = mAuctions->GetAuctionsBegin();itr != mAuctions->GetAuctionsEnd();++itr)
477 AuctionEntry *Aentry = itr->second;
478 if( Aentry && Aentry->bidder == pl->GetGUIDLow() )
480 if ((count < 50) && (totalcount >= listfrom) && SendAuctionInfo(data, itr->second))
481 count++;
482 totalcount++;
485 data.put( 0, count ); // add count to placeholder
486 data << totalcount;
487 SendPacket(&data);
490 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionListOwnerItems( WorldPacket & recv_data )
492 uint32 listfrom;
493 uint64 guid;
495 recv_data >> guid;
496 recv_data >> listfrom; // page of auctions
498 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, guid);
499 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
500 return;
501 uint32 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
503 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
504 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
506 WorldPacket data;
507 data.Initialize( SMSG_AUCTION_OWNER_LIST_RESULT );
508 data << (uint32) 0;
509 uint32 count = 0;
510 uint32 totalcount = 0;
511 for (AuctionHouseObject::AuctionEntryMap::iterator itr = mAuctions->GetAuctionsBegin();itr != mAuctions->GetAuctionsEnd();++itr)
513 AuctionEntry *Aentry = itr->second;
514 if( Aentry && Aentry->owner == _player->GetGUIDLow() )
516 if ((count < 50) && (totalcount >= listfrom) && SendAuctionInfo(data, itr->second))
517 count++;
518 totalcount++;
521 data.put<uint32>(0, count);
522 data << (uint32) totalcount;
523 SendPacket(&data);
526 void WorldSession::HandleAuctionListItems( WorldPacket & recv_data )
528 std::string searchedname, name;
529 uint8 levelmin, levelmax, usable, location;
530 uint32 count, totalcount, listfrom, auctionSlotID, auctionMainCategory, auctionSubCategory, quality;
531 uint64 guid;
533 recv_data >> guid;
534 recv_data >> listfrom;
535 recv_data >> searchedname;
536 recv_data >> levelmin >> levelmax;
537 recv_data >> auctionSlotID >> auctionMainCategory >> auctionSubCategory;
538 recv_data >> quality >> usable;
540 Creature *pCreature = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetCreature(*_player, guid);
541 if(!pCreature||!pCreature->isAuctioner())
542 return;
544 location = AuctioneerFactionToLocation(pCreature->getFaction());
545 AuctionHouseObject * mAuctions;
546 mAuctions = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap( location );
548 sLog.outDebug("Auctionhouse search guid: " I64FMTD ", list from: %u, searchedname: %s, levelmin: %u, levelmax: %u, auctionSlotID: %u, auctionMainCategory: %u, auctionSubCategory: %u, quality: %u, usable: %u", guid, listfrom, searchedname.c_str(), levelmin, levelmax, auctionSlotID, auctionMainCategory, auctionSubCategory, quality, usable);
550 WorldPacket data;
551 data.Initialize( SMSG_AUCTION_LIST_RESULT );
552 count = 0;
553 totalcount = 0;
554 data << (uint32) 0;
555 for (AuctionHouseObject::AuctionEntryMap::iterator itr = mAuctions->GetAuctionsBegin();itr != mAuctions->GetAuctionsEnd();++itr)
557 AuctionEntry *Aentry = itr->second;
558 Item *item = objmgr.GetAItem(Aentry->item_guid);
559 if( item )
561 ItemPrototype const *proto = item->GetProto();
562 if( proto )
564 if( auctionMainCategory == (0xffffffff) || proto->Class == auctionMainCategory )
566 if( auctionSubCategory == (0xffffffff) || proto->SubClass == auctionSubCategory )
568 if( auctionSlotID == (0xffffffff) || proto->InventoryType == auctionSlotID )
570 if( quality == (0xffffffff) || proto->Quality == quality )
572 if( usable == (0x00) || _player->CanUseItem( item ) == EQUIP_ERR_OK )
574 if( ( levelmin == (0x00) || proto->RequiredLevel >= levelmin ) && ( levelmax == (0x00) || proto->RequiredLevel <= levelmax ) )
576 name = proto->Name1;
577 std::transform( name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower );
578 std::transform( searchedname.begin(), searchedname.end(), searchedname.begin(), ::tolower );
579 if( searchedname.empty() || name.find( searchedname ) != std::string::npos )
581 if ((count < 50) && (totalcount >= listfrom))
583 count++;
584 SendAuctionInfo( data, Aentry);
586 totalcount++;
597 data.put<uint32>(0, count);
598 data << (uint32) totalcount;
599 SendPacket(&data);