Tornat a fer que no sigui jerarquic, pq diu q es experimental
[makerl.git] / src / mkrl_getopt.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% @author Juan Jose Comellas <>
3 %%% @copyright (C) 2009 Juan Jose Comellas
4 %%% @doc Parses command line options with a format similar to that of GNU getopt.
5 %%% @end
6 %%%
7 %%% This source file is subject to the New BSD License. You should have received
8 %%% a copy of the New BSD license with this software. If not, it can be
9 %%% retrieved from:
10 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -module(getopt).
12 -author('').
14 -export([parse/2, usage/2, usage/3, usage/4]).
17 -define(TAB_LENGTH, 8).
18 %% Indentation of the help messages in number of tabs.
19 -define(INDENTATION, 3).
21 %% Position of each field in the option specification tuple.
22 -define(OPT_NAME, 1).
23 -define(OPT_SHORT, 2).
24 -define(OPT_LONG, 3).
25 -define(OPT_ARG, 4).
26 -define(OPT_HELP, 5).
28 -define(IS_OPT_SPEC(Opt), (tuple_size(Opt) =:= ?OPT_HELP)).
31 %% Atom indicating the data type that an argument can be converted to.
32 -type arg_type() :: 'atom' | 'binary' | 'boolean' | 'float' | 'integer' | 'string'.
33 %% Data type that an argument can be converted to.
34 -type arg_value() :: atom() | binary() | boolean() | float() | integer() | string().
35 %% Argument specification.
36 -type arg_spec() :: arg_type() | {arg_type(), arg_value()} | undefined.
37 %% Option type and optional default argument.
38 -type simple_option() :: atom().
39 -type compound_option() :: {atom(), arg_value()}.
40 -type option() :: simple_option() | compound_option().
41 %% Command line option specification.
42 -type option_spec() :: {
43 Name :: atom(),
44 Short :: char() | undefined,
45 Long :: string() | undefined,
46 ArgSpec :: arg_spec(),
47 Help :: string() | undefined
51 %% @doc Parse the command line options and arguments returning a list of tuples
52 %% and/or atoms using the Erlang convention for sending options to a
53 %% function.
54 -spec parse([option_spec()], string() | [string()]) ->
55 {ok, {[option()], [string()]}} | {error, {Reason :: atom(), Data :: any()}}.
56 parse(OptSpecList, CmdLine) ->
57 try
58 Args = if
59 is_integer(hd(CmdLine)) ->
60 string:tokens(CmdLine, " \t\n");
61 true ->
62 CmdLine
63 end,
64 parse(OptSpecList, [], [], 0, Args)
65 catch
66 throw: {error, {_Reason, _Data}} = Error ->
67 Error
68 end.
71 -spec parse([option_spec()], [option()], [string()], integer(), [string()]) ->
72 {ok, {[option()], [string()]}}.
73 %% Process the option terminator.
74 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, _ArgPos, ["--" | Tail]) ->
75 % Any argument present after the terminator is not considered an option.
76 {ok, {lists:reverse(append_default_options(OptSpecList, OptAcc)), lists:reverse(ArgAcc, Tail)}};
77 %% Process long options.
78 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [[$-, $- | OptArg] = OptStr | Tail]) ->
79 parse_option_long(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail, OptStr, OptArg);
80 %% Process short options.
81 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [[$- | [_Char | _] = OptArg] = OptStr | Tail]) ->
82 parse_option_short(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail, OptStr, OptArg);
83 %% Process non-option arguments.
84 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [Arg | Tail]) ->
85 case find_non_option_arg(OptSpecList, ArgPos) of
86 {value, OptSpec} when ?IS_OPT_SPEC(OptSpec) ->
87 parse(OptSpecList, [convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg) | OptAcc],
88 ArgAcc, ArgPos + 1, Tail);
89 false ->
90 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, [Arg | ArgAcc], ArgPos, Tail)
91 end;
92 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, _ArgPos, []) ->
93 % Once we have completed gathering the options we add the ones that were
94 % not present but had default arguments in the specification.
95 {ok, {lists:reverse(append_default_options(OptSpecList, OptAcc)), lists:reverse(ArgAcc)}}.
98 %% @doc Parse a long option, add it to the option accumulator and continue
99 %% parsing the rest of the arguments recursively.
100 %% A long option can have the following syntax:
101 %% --foo Single option 'foo', no argument
102 %% --foo=bar Single option 'foo', argument "bar"
103 %% --foo bar Single option 'foo', argument "bar"
104 -spec parse_option_long([option_spec()], [option()], [string()], integer(), [string()], string(), string()) ->
105 {ok, {[option()], [string()]}}.
106 parse_option_long(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, OptArg) ->
107 case split_assigned_arg(OptArg) of
108 {Long, Arg} ->
109 % Get option that has its argument within the same string
110 % separated by an equal ('=') character (e.g. "--port=1000").
111 parse_option_assigned_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, Long, Arg);
113 Long ->
114 case lists:keysearch(Long, ?OPT_LONG, OptSpecList) of
115 {value, {Name, _Short, Long, undefined, _Help}} ->
116 parse(OptSpecList, [Name | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args);
118 {value, {_Name, _Short, Long, _ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec} ->
119 % The option argument string is empty, but the option requires
120 % an argument, so we look into the next string in the list.
121 parse_option_next_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptSpec);
122 false ->
123 throw({error, {invalid_option, OptStr}})
125 end.
128 %% @doc Parse an option where the argument is 'assigned' in the same string using
129 %% the '=' character, add it to the option accumulator and continue parsing the
130 %% rest of the arguments recursively. This syntax is only valid for long options.
131 -spec parse_option_assigned_arg([option_spec()], [option()], [string()], integer(),
132 [string()], string(), string(), string()) ->
133 {ok, {[option()], [string()]}}.
134 parse_option_assigned_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, Long, Arg) ->
135 case lists:keysearch(Long, ?OPT_LONG, OptSpecList) of
136 {value, {_Name, _Short, Long, ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec} ->
137 case ArgSpec of
138 undefined ->
139 throw({error, {invalid_option_arg, OptStr}});
140 _ ->
141 parse(OptSpecList, [convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg) | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args)
142 end;
143 false ->
144 throw({error, {invalid_option, OptStr}})
145 end.
148 %% @doc Split an option string that may contain an option with its argument
149 %% separated by an equal ('=') character (e.g. "port=1000").
150 -spec split_assigned_arg(string()) -> {Name :: string(), Arg :: string()} | string().
151 split_assigned_arg(OptStr) ->
152 split_assigned_arg(OptStr, OptStr, []).
154 split_assigned_arg(_OptStr, [$= | Tail], Acc) ->
155 {lists:reverse(Acc), Tail};
156 split_assigned_arg(OptStr, [Char | Tail], Acc) ->
157 split_assigned_arg(OptStr, Tail, [Char | Acc]);
158 split_assigned_arg(OptStr, [], _Acc) ->
159 OptStr.
162 %% @doc Parse a short option, add it to the option accumulator and continue
163 %% parsing the rest of the arguments recursively.
164 %% A short option can have the following syntax:
165 %% -a Single option 'a', no argument or implicit boolean argument
166 %% -a foo Single option 'a', argument "foo"
167 %% -afoo Single option 'a', argument "foo"
168 %% -abc Multiple options: 'a'; 'b'; 'c'
169 %% -bcafoo Multiple options: 'b'; 'c'; 'a' with argument "foo"
170 -spec parse_option_short([option_spec()], [option()], [string()], integer(), [string()], string(), string()) ->
171 {ok, {[option()], [string()]}}.
172 parse_option_short(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, [Short | Arg]) ->
173 case lists:keysearch(Short, ?OPT_SHORT, OptSpecList) of
174 {value, {Name, Short, _Long, undefined, _Help}} ->
175 parse_option_short(OptSpecList, [Name | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, Arg);
177 {value, {_Name, Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec} ->
178 case Arg of
179 [] ->
180 % The option argument string is empty, but the option requires
181 % an argument, so we look into the next string in the list.
182 parse_option_next_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptSpec);
184 _ ->
185 case is_valid_arg(ArgSpec, Arg) of
186 true ->
187 parse(OptSpecList, [convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg) | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args);
188 _ ->
189 parse_option_short(OptSpecList, [convert_option_no_arg(OptSpec) | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, OptStr, Arg)
191 end;
193 false ->
194 throw({error, {invalid_option, OptStr}})
195 end;
196 parse_option_short(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args, _OptStr, []) ->
197 parse(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args).
200 %% @doc Retrieve the argument for an option from the next string in the list of
201 %% command-line parameters.
202 parse_option_next_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [Arg | Tail] = Args, {Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec) ->
203 % Special case for booleans: when the next string is an option we assume
204 % the value is 'true'.
205 case (arg_spec_type(ArgSpec) =:= boolean) andalso not is_boolean_arg(Arg) of
206 true ->
207 parse(OptSpecList, [{Name, true} | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args);
208 _ ->
209 parse(OptSpecList, [convert_option_arg(OptSpec, Arg) | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Tail)
210 end;
211 parse_option_next_arg(OptSpecList, OptAcc, ArgAcc, ArgPos, [] = Args, {Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help}) ->
212 % Special case for booleans: when the next string is missing we assume the
213 % value is 'true'.
214 case arg_spec_type(ArgSpec) of
215 boolean ->
216 parse(OptSpecList, [{Name, true} | OptAcc], ArgAcc, ArgPos, Args);
217 _ ->
218 throw({error, {missing_option_arg, Name}})
219 end.
222 %% @doc Find the option for the discrete argument in position specified in the
223 %% Pos argument.
224 -spec find_non_option_arg([option_spec()], integer()) -> {value, option_spec()} | false.
225 find_non_option_arg([{_Name, undefined, undefined, _ArgSpec, _Help} = OptSpec | _Tail], 0) ->
226 {value, OptSpec};
227 find_non_option_arg([{_Name, undefined, undefined, _ArgSpec, _Help} | Tail], Pos) ->
228 find_non_option_arg(Tail, Pos - 1);
229 find_non_option_arg([_Head | Tail], Pos) ->
230 find_non_option_arg(Tail, Pos);
231 find_non_option_arg([], _Pos) ->
232 false.
235 %% @doc Append options that were not present in the command line arguments with
236 %% their default arguments.
237 -spec append_default_options([option_spec()], [option()]) -> [option()].
238 append_default_options([{Name, _Short, _Long, {_Type, DefaultArg}, _Help} | Tail], OptAcc) ->
239 append_default_options(Tail,
240 case lists:keymember(Name, 1, OptAcc) of
241 false ->
242 [{Name, DefaultArg} | OptAcc];
243 _ ->
244 OptAcc
245 end);
246 %% For options with no default argument.
247 append_default_options([_Head | Tail], OptAcc) ->
248 append_default_options(Tail, OptAcc);
249 append_default_options([], OptAcc) ->
250 OptAcc.
253 -spec convert_option_no_arg(option_spec()) -> compound_option().
254 convert_option_no_arg({Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help}) ->
255 case ArgSpec of
256 % Special case for booleans: if there is no argument we assume
257 % the value is 'true'.
258 {boolean, _DefaultValue} ->
259 {Name, true};
260 boolean ->
261 {Name, true};
262 _ ->
263 throw({error, {missing_option_arg, Name}})
264 end.
267 %% @doc Convert the argument passed in the command line to the data type
268 %% indicated by the argument specification.
269 -spec convert_option_arg(option_spec(), string()) -> compound_option().
270 convert_option_arg({Name, _Short, _Long, ArgSpec, _Help}, Arg) ->
272 {Name, to_type(arg_spec_type(ArgSpec), Arg)}
273 catch
274 error:_ ->
275 throw({error, {invalid_option_arg, {Name, Arg}}})
276 end.
279 %% @doc Retrieve the data type form an argument specification.
280 -spec arg_spec_type(arg_spec()) -> arg_type() | undefined.
281 arg_spec_type({Type, _DefaultArg}) ->
282 Type;
283 arg_spec_type(Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
284 Type.
287 %% @doc Convert an argument string to its corresponding data type.
288 -spec to_type(arg_type(), string()) -> arg_value().
289 to_type(binary, Arg) ->
290 list_to_binary(Arg);
291 to_type(atom, Arg) ->
292 list_to_atom(Arg);
293 to_type(integer, Arg) ->
294 list_to_integer(Arg);
295 to_type(float, Arg) ->
296 list_to_float(Arg);
297 to_type(boolean, Arg) ->
298 LowerArg = string:to_lower(Arg),
299 case is_arg_true(LowerArg) of
300 true ->
301 true;
302 _ ->
303 case is_arg_false(LowerArg) of
304 true ->
305 false;
306 false ->
307 erlang:error(badarg)
309 end;
310 to_type(_Type, Arg) ->
311 Arg.
314 -spec is_arg_true(string()) -> boolean().
315 is_arg_true(Arg) ->
316 (Arg =:= "true") orelse (Arg =:= "t") orelse
317 (Arg =:= "yes") orelse (Arg =:= "y") orelse
318 (Arg =:= "on") orelse (Arg =:= "enabled") orelse
319 (Arg =:= "1").
322 -spec is_arg_false(string()) -> boolean().
323 is_arg_false(Arg) ->
324 (Arg =:= "false") orelse (Arg =:= "f") orelse
325 (Arg =:= "no") orelse (Arg =:= "n") orelse
326 (Arg =:= "off") orelse (Arg =:= "disabled") orelse
327 (Arg =:= "0").
330 -spec is_valid_arg(arg_spec(), nonempty_string()) -> boolean().
331 is_valid_arg({Type, _DefaultArg}, Arg) ->
332 is_valid_arg(Type, Arg);
333 is_valid_arg(boolean, Arg) ->
334 is_boolean_arg(Arg);
335 is_valid_arg(integer, Arg) ->
336 is_integer_arg(Arg);
337 is_valid_arg(float, Arg) ->
338 is_float_arg(Arg);
339 is_valid_arg(_Type, _Arg) ->
340 true.
343 -spec is_boolean_arg(string()) -> boolean().
344 is_boolean_arg(Arg) ->
345 LowerArg = string:to_lower(Arg),
346 is_arg_true(LowerArg) orelse is_arg_false(LowerArg).
349 -spec is_integer_arg(string()) -> boolean().
350 is_integer_arg([Head | Tail]) when Head >= $0, Head =< $9 ->
351 is_integer_arg(Tail);
352 is_integer_arg([_Head | _Tail]) ->
353 false;
354 is_integer_arg([]) ->
355 true.
358 -spec is_float_arg(string()) -> boolean().
359 is_float_arg([Head | Tail]) when (Head >= $0 andalso Head =< $9) orelse Head =:= $. ->
360 is_float_arg(Tail);
361 is_float_arg([_Head | _Tail]) ->
362 false;
363 is_float_arg([]) ->
364 true.
367 %% @doc Show a message on stdout indicating the command line options and
368 %% arguments that are supported by the program.
369 -spec usage([option_spec()], string()) -> ok.
370 usage(OptSpecList, ProgramName) ->
371 io:format("Usage: ~s~s~n~n~s~n",
372 [ProgramName, usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList), usage_options(OptSpecList)]).
375 %% @doc Show a message on stdout indicating the command line options and
376 %% arguments that are supported by the program. The CmdLineTail argument
377 %% is a string that is added to the end of the usage command line.
378 -spec usage([option_spec()], string(), string()) -> ok.
379 usage(OptSpecList, ProgramName, CmdLineTail) ->
380 io:format("Usage: ~s~s ~s~n~n~s~n",
381 [ProgramName, usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList), CmdLineTail, usage_options(OptSpecList)]).
384 %% @doc Show a message on stdout indicating the command line options and
385 %% arguments that are supported by the program. The CmdLineTail and OptionsTail
386 %% arguments are a string that is added to the end of the usage command line
387 %% and a list of tuples that are added to the end of the options' help lines.
388 -spec usage([option_spec()], string(), string(), [{string(), string()}]) -> ok.
389 usage(OptSpecList, ProgramName, CmdLineTail, OptionsTail) ->
390 UsageOptions = lists:foldl(
391 fun ({Prefix, Help}, Acc) ->
392 add_option_help(Prefix, Help, Acc)
393 end, usage_options_reverse(OptSpecList, []), OptionsTail),
394 io:format("Usage: ~s~s ~s~n~n~s~n",
395 [ProgramName, usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList), CmdLineTail,
396 lists:flatten(lists:reverse(UsageOptions))]).
399 %% @doc Return a string with the syntax for the command line options and
400 %% arguments.
401 -spec usage_cmd_line([option_spec()]) -> string().
402 usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList) ->
403 usage_cmd_line(OptSpecList, []).
405 usage_cmd_line([{Name, Short, Long, ArgSpec, _Help} | Tail], Acc) ->
406 CmdLine =
407 case ArgSpec of
408 undefined ->
410 % For options with short form and no argument.
411 Short =/= undefined ->
412 [$\s, $[, $-, Short, $]];
413 % For options with only long form and no argument.
414 Long =/= undefined ->
415 [$\s, $[, $-, $-, Long, $]];
416 true ->
418 end;
419 _ ->
421 % For options with short form and argument.
422 Short =/= undefined ->
423 [$\s, $[, $-, Short, $\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>, $]];
424 % For options with only long form and argument.
425 Long =/= undefined ->
426 [$\s, $[, $-, $-, Long, $\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>, $]];
427 % For options with neither short nor long form and argument.
428 true ->
429 [$\s, $<, atom_to_list(Name), $>]
431 end,
432 usage_cmd_line(Tail, [CmdLine | Acc]);
433 usage_cmd_line([], Acc) ->
434 lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)).
437 %% @doc Return a string with the help message for each of the options and
438 %% arguments.
439 -spec usage_options([option_spec()]) -> string().
440 usage_options(OptSpecList) ->
441 lists:flatten(lists:reverse(usage_options_reverse(OptSpecList, []))).
443 usage_options_reverse([{Name, Short, Long, _ArgSpec, Help} | Tail], Acc) ->
444 Prefix =
445 case Long of
446 undefined ->
447 case Short of
448 % Neither short nor long form (non-option argument).
449 undefined ->
450 [$<, atom_to_list(Name), $>];
451 % Only short form.
452 _ ->
453 [$-, Short]
454 end;
455 _ ->
456 case Short of
457 % Only long form.
458 undefined ->
459 [$-, $- | Long];
460 % Both short and long form.
461 _ ->
462 [$-, Short, $,, $\s, $-, $- | Long]
464 end,
465 usage_options_reverse(Tail, add_option_help(Prefix, Help, Acc));
466 usage_options_reverse([], Acc) ->
467 Acc.
470 %% @doc Add the help message corresponding to an option specification to a list
471 %% with the correct indentation.
472 -spec add_option_help(Prefix :: string(), Help :: string(), Acc :: string()) -> string().
473 add_option_help(Prefix, Help, Acc) when is_list(Help), Help =/= [] ->
474 FlatPrefix = lists:flatten(Prefix),
475 case ((?INDENTATION * ?TAB_LENGTH) - 2 - length(FlatPrefix)) of
476 TabSize when TabSize > 0 ->
477 Tab = lists:duplicate(ceiling(TabSize / ?TAB_LENGTH), $\t),
478 [[$\s, $\s, FlatPrefix, Tab, Help, $\n] | Acc];
479 _ ->
480 % The indentation for the option description is 3 tabs (i.e. 24 characters)
481 % IMPORTANT: Change the number of tabs below if you change the
482 % value of the INDENTATION macro.
483 [[$\t, $\t, $\t, Help, $\n], [$\s, $\s, FlatPrefix, $\n] | Acc]
484 end;
485 add_option_help(_Opt, _Prefix, Acc) ->
486 Acc.
490 %% @doc Return the smallest integral value not less than the argument.
491 -spec ceiling(float()) -> integer().
492 ceiling(X) ->
493 T = erlang:trunc(X),
494 case (X - T) of
495 % Neg when Neg < 0 ->
496 % T;
497 Pos when Pos > 0 ->
498 T + 1;
499 _ ->
501 end.