test: doctest: rest/docs/domains.rst: Sort owners by user_id
[mailman.git] / src / mailman / testing / documentation.py
1 # Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 # This file is part of GNU Mailman.
5 # GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7 # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
8 # any later version.
10 # GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
13 # more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16 # GNU Mailman. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 """Harness for testing Mailman's documentation.
20 Note that doctest extraction does not currently work for zip file
21 distributions. doctest discovery currently requires file system traversal.
22 """
24 import os
25 import sys
27 from click.testing import CliRunner
28 from contextlib import ExitStack
29 from importlib import import_module
30 from mailman.testing.helpers import call_api
31 from mailman.testing.layers import SMTPLayer
32 from public import public
33 from subprocess import PIPE, run, STDOUT
34 from urllib.error import HTTPError
37 DOT = '.'
38 COMMASPACE = ', '
41 def stop():
42 """Call into pdb.set_trace()"""
43 # Do the import here so that you get the wacky special hacked pdb instead
44 # of Python's normal pdb.
45 import pdb
46 pdb.set_trace()
49 def dump_msgdata(msgdata, *additional_skips):
50 """Dump in a more readable way a message metadata dictionary."""
51 if len(msgdata) == 0:
52 print('*Empty*')
53 return
54 skips = set(additional_skips)
55 # Some stuff we always want to skip, because their values will always be
56 # variable data.
57 skips.add('received_time')
58 longest = max(len(key) for key in msgdata if key not in skips)
59 for key in sorted(msgdata):
60 if key in skips:
61 continue
62 print('{0:{2}}: {1}'.format(key, msgdata[key], longest))
65 def dump_list(list_of_things, key=str):
66 """Print items in a string to get rid of stupid u'' prefixes."""
67 # List of things may be a generator.
68 list_of_things = list(list_of_things)
69 if len(list_of_things) == 0:
70 print('*Empty*')
71 if key is not None:
72 list_of_things = sorted(list_of_things, key=key)
73 for item in list_of_things:
74 print(item)
77 def call_http(url, data=None, method=None, username=None, password=None):
78 """'Call a URL with a given HTTP method and return the resulting object.
80 The object will have been JSON decoded.
82 :param url: The url to open, read, and print.
83 :type url: string
84 :param data: Data to use to POST to a URL.
85 :type data: dict
86 :param method: Alternative HTTP method to use.
87 :type method: str
88 :param username: The HTTP Basic Auth user name. None means use the value
89 from the configuration.
90 :type username: str
91 :param password: The HTTP Basic Auth password. None means use the value
92 from the configuration.
93 :type username: str
94 :return: The decoded JSON data structure.
95 :raises HTTPError: when a non-2xx return code is received.
96 """
97 try:
98 content, response = call_api(url, data, method, username, password)
99 except HTTPError as ex:
100 print(ex)
101 return
102 if content is None:
103 # We used to use httplib2 here, which included the status code in the
104 # response headers in the `status` key. requests doesn't do this, but
105 # the doctests expect it so for backward compatibility, include the
106 # status code in the printed response.
107 headers = dict(status=response.status_code)
108 headers.update({
109 field.lower(): response.headers[field]
110 for field in response.headers
112 # Remove the connection: close header from the response.
113 headers.pop('connection')
114 for field in sorted(headers):
115 print('{}: {}'.format(field, headers[field]))
116 return None
117 return content
120 def _print_dict(data, depth=0):
121 for item, value in sorted(data.items()):
122 if isinstance(value, dict):
123 _print_dict(value, depth+1)
124 print(' ' * depth + '{}: {}'.format(item, value))
127 def dump_json(url, data=None, method=None, username=None, password=None,
128 sort_entries=None):
129 """Print the JSON dictionary read from a URL.
131 :param url: The url to open, read, and print.
132 :type url: string
133 :param data: Data to use to POST to a URL.
134 :type data: dict
135 :param method: Alternative HTTP method to use.
136 :type method: str
137 :param username: The HTTP Basic Auth user name. None means use the value
138 from the configuration.
139 :type username: str
140 :param password: The HTTP Basic Auth password. None means use the value
141 from the configuration.
142 :type password: str
143 :param sort_entries: The key to sort entiries.
144 :type sort_entries: str
146 results = call_http(url, data, method, username, password)
147 if results is None:
148 return
149 for key in sorted(results):
150 value = results[key]
151 if key == 'entries':
152 entries = value
153 if sort_entries:
154 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x[sort_entries])
155 for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
156 # entry is a dictionary.
157 print('entry %d:' % i)
158 for entry_key in sorted(entry):
159 print(' {}: {}'.format(entry_key, entry[entry_key]))
160 elif isinstance(value, list):
161 printable_value = COMMASPACE.join(
162 "'{}'".format(s) for s in sorted(value))
163 print('{}: [{}]'.format(key, printable_value))
164 elif isinstance(value, dict):
165 print('{}:'.format(key))
166 _print_dict(value, 1)
167 else:
168 print('{}: {}'.format(key, value))
171 @public
172 def cli(command_path):
173 """Call a CLI command in doctests.
175 Use this to invoke click commands in doctests. This returns a partial
176 that accepts a sequence of command line options, invokes the click
177 command, and returns the results (unless the keyword argument 'quiet')
178 is True.
180 package_path, dot, name = command_path.rpartition('.')
181 command = getattr(import_module(package_path), name)
182 def inner(command_string, quiet=False, input=None): # noqa: E306
183 args = command_string.split()
184 assert args[0] == 'mailman', args
185 assert args[1] == command.name, args
186 # The first two will be `mailman <command>`. That's just for
187 # documentation purposes, and aren't useful for the test.
188 result = CliRunner().invoke(command, args[2:], input=input)
189 if not quiet:
190 # Print the output, with any trailing newlines stripped, unless
191 # the quiet flag is set. The extra newlines just make the
192 # doctests uglier and usually all we care about is the stdout
193 # text.
194 print(result.output.rstrip('\n'))
195 return inner
198 @public
199 def run_mailman(args, **overrides):
200 """Execute `mailman` command with the given arguments and return output."""
201 exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'mailman')
202 env = os.environ.copy()
203 env.update(overrides)
204 run_args = [exe]
205 # When running tests as root, just add the flag to force run mailman
206 # command without errors.
207 if os.geteuid() == 0:
208 run_args.append('--run-as-root')
209 run_args.extend(args)
210 proc = run(
211 run_args, env=env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
212 return proc
215 @public
216 def setup(testobj):
217 """Test setup."""
218 # In general, I don't like adding convenience functions, since I think
219 # doctests should do the imports themselves. It makes for better
220 # documentation that way. However, a few are really useful, or help to
221 # hide some icky test implementation details.
222 testobj.globs['smtpd'] = SMTPLayer.smtpd
223 testobj.globs['stop'] = stop
224 # Add this so that cleanups can be automatically added by the doctest.
225 testobj.globs['cleanups'] = ExitStack()
228 @public
229 def teardown(testobj):
230 testobj.globs['cleanups'].close()