* Mailing list subscription policy work flow has been completely rewritten.
[mailman.git] / src / mailman / utilities / tests / test_import.py
1 # Copyright (C) 2010-2015 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 # This file is part of GNU Mailman.
5 # GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7 # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
8 # any later version.
10 # GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
13 # more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16 # GNU Mailman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 """Tests for config.pck imports."""
20 __all__ = [
21 'TestArchiveImport',
22 'TestBasicImport',
23 'TestConvertToURI',
24 'TestFilterActionImport',
25 'TestMemberActionImport',
26 'TestPreferencesImport',
27 'TestRosterImport',
31 import os
32 import mock
33 import unittest
35 from datetime import timedelta, datetime
36 from enum import Enum
37 from mailman.app.lifecycle import create_list
38 from mailman.config import config
39 from mailman.handlers.decorate import decorate
40 from mailman.interfaces.action import Action, FilterAction
41 from mailman.interfaces.address import InvalidEmailAddressError
42 from mailman.interfaces.archiver import ArchivePolicy
43 from mailman.interfaces.autorespond import ResponseAction
44 from mailman.interfaces.bans import IBanManager
45 from mailman.interfaces.bounce import UnrecognizedBounceDisposition
46 from mailman.interfaces.languages import ILanguageManager
47 from mailman.interfaces.mailinglist import (
48 IAcceptableAliasSet, SubscriptionPolicy)
49 from mailman.interfaces.member import DeliveryMode, DeliveryStatus
50 from mailman.interfaces.nntp import NewsgroupModeration
51 from mailman.interfaces.templates import ITemplateLoader
52 from mailman.interfaces.usermanager import IUserManager
53 from mailman.testing.layers import ConfigLayer
54 from mailman.utilities.filesystem import makedirs
55 from mailman.utilities.importer import import_config_pck, Import21Error
56 from mailman.utilities.string import expand
57 from pickle import load
58 from pkg_resources import resource_filename
59 from zope.component import getUtility
63 NL = '\n'
66 class DummyEnum(Enum):
67 # For testing purposes
68 val = 42
71 def list_to_string(data):
72 return NL.join(data).encode('utf-8')
76 class TestBasicImport(unittest.TestCase):
77 layer = ConfigLayer
79 def setUp(self):
80 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
81 pickle_file = resource_filename('mailman.testing', 'config.pck')
82 with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as fp:
83 self._pckdict = load(fp)
85 def _import(self):
86 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
88 def test_display_name(self):
89 # The mlist.display_name gets set from the old list's real_name.
90 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.display_name, 'Blank')
91 self._import()
92 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.display_name, 'Test')
94 def test_mail_host_invariant(self):
95 # The mlist.mail_host must not be updated when importing (it will
96 # change the list_id property, which is supposed to be read-only).
97 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.mail_host, 'example.com')
98 self._import()
99 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.mail_host, 'example.com')
101 def test_rfc2369_headers(self):
102 self._mlist.allow_list_posts = False
103 self._mlist.include_rfc2369_headers = False
104 self._import()
105 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.allow_list_posts)
106 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.include_rfc2369_headers)
108 def test_no_overwrite_rosters(self):
109 # The mlist.members and mlist.digest_members rosters must not be
110 # overwritten.
111 for rname in ('members', 'digest_members'):
112 roster = getattr(self._mlist, rname)
113 self.assertFalse(isinstance(roster, dict))
114 # Suppress warning messages in test output.
115 with mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
116 self._import()
117 self.assertFalse(
118 isinstance(roster, dict),
119 'The %s roster has been overwritten by the import' % rname)
121 def test_last_post_time(self):
122 # last_post_time -> last_post_at
123 self._pckdict['last_post_time'] = 1270420800.274485
124 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.last_post_at, None)
125 self._import()
126 # convert 1270420800.2744851 to datetime
127 expected = datetime(2010, 4, 4, 22, 40, 0, 274485)
128 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.last_post_at, expected)
130 def test_autoresponse_grace_period(self):
131 # autoresponse_graceperiod -> autoresponse_grace_period
132 # must be a timedelta, not an int
133 self._mlist.autoresponse_grace_period = timedelta(days=42)
134 self._import()
135 self.assertTrue(
136 isinstance(self._mlist.autoresponse_grace_period, timedelta))
137 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.autoresponse_grace_period,
138 timedelta(days=90))
140 def test_autoresponse_admin_to_owner(self):
141 # admin -> owner
142 self._mlist.autorespond_owner = DummyEnum.val
143 self._mlist.autoresponse_owner_text = 'DUMMY'
144 self._import()
145 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.autorespond_owner, ResponseAction.none)
146 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.autoresponse_owner_text, '')
148 def test_administrativia(self):
149 self._mlist.administrivia = None
150 self._import()
151 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.administrivia)
153 def test_filter_pass_renames(self):
154 # mime_types -> types
155 # filename_extensions -> extensions
156 self._mlist.filter_types = ['dummy']
157 self._mlist.pass_types = ['dummy']
158 self._mlist.filter_extensions = ['dummy']
159 self._mlist.pass_extensions = ['dummy']
160 self._import()
161 self.assertEqual(list(self._mlist.filter_types), [])
162 self.assertEqual(list(self._mlist.filter_extensions),
163 ['exe', 'bat', 'cmd', 'com', 'pif',
164 'scr', 'vbs', 'cpl'])
165 self.assertEqual(list(self._mlist.pass_types),
166 ['multipart/mixed', 'multipart/alternative', 'text/plain'])
167 self.assertEqual(list(self._mlist.pass_extensions), [])
169 def test_process_bounces(self):
170 # bounce_processing -> process_bounces
171 self._mlist.process_bounces = None
172 self._import()
173 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.process_bounces)
175 def test_forward_unrecognized_bounces_to(self):
176 # bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner
177 # -> forward_unrecognized_bounces_to
178 self._mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to = DummyEnum.val
179 self._import()
180 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to,
181 UnrecognizedBounceDisposition.administrators)
183 def test_moderator_password(self):
184 # mod_password -> moderator_password
185 self._mlist.moderator_password = b'TESTDATA'
186 self._import()
187 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.moderator_password, None)
189 def test_moderator_password_str(self):
190 # moderator_password must not be unicode
191 self._pckdict['mod_password'] = b'TESTVALUE'
192 self._import()
193 self.assertNotIsInstance(self._mlist.moderator_password, str)
194 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.moderator_password, b'TESTVALUE')
196 def test_newsgroup_moderation(self):
197 # news_moderation -> newsgroup_moderation
198 # news_prefix_subject_too -> nntp_prefix_subject_too
199 self._mlist.newsgroup_moderation = DummyEnum.val
200 self._mlist.nntp_prefix_subject_too = None
201 self._import()
202 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.newsgroup_moderation,
203 NewsgroupModeration.none)
204 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.nntp_prefix_subject_too)
206 def test_msg_to_message(self):
207 # send_welcome_msg -> send_welcome_message
208 # send_goodbye_msg -> send_goodbye_message
209 self._mlist.send_welcome_message = None
210 self._mlist.send_goodbye_message = None
211 self._import()
212 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.send_welcome_message)
213 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.send_goodbye_message)
215 def test_ban_list(self):
216 banned = [
217 ('anne@example.com', 'anne@example.com'),
218 ('^.*@example.com', 'bob@example.com'),
219 ('non-ascii-\xe8@example.com', 'non-ascii-\ufffd@example.com'),
221 self._pckdict['ban_list'] = [b[0].encode('iso-8859-1') for b in banned]
222 self._import()
223 for _pattern, addr in banned:
224 self.assertTrue(IBanManager(self._mlist).is_banned(addr))
226 def test_acceptable_aliases(self):
227 # This used to be a plain-text field (values are newline-separated).
228 aliases = ['alias1@example.com',
229 'alias2@exemple.com',
230 'non-ascii-\xe8@example.com',
232 self._pckdict['acceptable_aliases'] = list_to_string(aliases)
233 self._import()
234 alias_set = IAcceptableAliasSet(self._mlist)
235 self.assertEqual(sorted(alias_set.aliases), aliases)
237 def test_acceptable_aliases_invalid(self):
238 # Values without an '@' sign used to be matched against the local
239 # part, now we need to add the '^' sign to indicate it's a regexp.
240 aliases = ['invalid-value']
241 self._pckdict['acceptable_aliases'] = list_to_string(aliases)
242 self._import()
243 alias_set = IAcceptableAliasSet(self._mlist)
244 self.assertEqual(sorted(alias_set.aliases),
245 [('^' + alias) for alias in aliases])
247 def test_acceptable_aliases_as_list(self):
248 # In some versions of the pickle, this can be a list, not a string
249 # (seen in the wild).
250 aliases = [b'alias1@example.com', b'alias2@exemple.com' ]
251 self._pckdict['acceptable_aliases'] = aliases
252 self._import()
253 alias_set = IAcceptableAliasSet(self._mlist)
254 self.assertEqual(sorted(alias_set.aliases),
255 sorted(a.decode('utf-8') for a in aliases))
257 def test_info_non_ascii(self):
258 # info can contain non-ascii characters.
259 info = 'O idioma aceito \xe9 somente Portugu\xeas do Brasil'
260 self._pckdict['info'] = info.encode('utf-8')
261 self._import()
262 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.info, info,
263 'Encoding to UTF-8 is not handled')
264 # Test fallback to ascii with replace.
265 self._pckdict['info'] = info.encode('iso-8859-1')
266 # Suppress warning messages in test output.
267 with mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
268 self._import()
269 self.assertEqual(
270 self._mlist.info,
271 self._pckdict['info'].decode('ascii', 'replace'),
272 "We don't fall back to replacing non-ascii chars")
274 def test_preferred_language(self):
275 self._pckdict['preferred_language'] = b'ja'
276 english = getUtility(ILanguageManager).get('en')
277 japanese = getUtility(ILanguageManager).get('ja')
278 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.preferred_language, english)
279 self._import()
280 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.preferred_language, japanese)
282 def test_preferred_language_unknown_previous(self):
283 # When the previous language is unknown, it should not fail.
284 self._mlist._preferred_language = 'xx'
285 self._import()
286 english = getUtility(ILanguageManager).get('en')
287 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.preferred_language, english)
289 def test_new_language(self):
290 self._pckdict['preferred_language'] = b'xx_XX'
291 try:
292 self._import()
293 except Import21Error as error:
294 # Check the message.
295 self.assertIn('[language.xx_XX]', str(error))
296 else: # pragma: no cover
297 self.fail('Import21Error was not raised')
299 def test_encode_ascii_prefixes(self):
300 self._pckdict['encode_ascii_prefixes'] = 2
301 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.encode_ascii_prefixes, False)
302 self._import()
303 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.encode_ascii_prefixes, True)
305 def test_subscription_policy_open(self):
306 self._mlist.subscription_policy = SubscriptionPolicy.confirm
307 self._pckdict['subscribe_policy'] = 0
308 self._import()
309 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.subscription_policy,
310 SubscriptionPolicy.open)
312 def test_subscription_policy_confirm(self):
313 self._mlist.subscription_policy = SubscriptionPolicy.open
314 self._pckdict['subscribe_policy'] = 1
315 self._import()
316 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.subscription_policy,
317 SubscriptionPolicy.confirm)
319 def test_subscription_policy_moderate(self):
320 self._mlist.subscription_policy = SubscriptionPolicy.open
321 self._pckdict['subscribe_policy'] = 2
322 self._import()
323 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.subscription_policy,
324 SubscriptionPolicy.moderate)
326 def test_subscription_policy_confirm_then_moderate(self):
327 self._mlist.subscription_policy = SubscriptionPolicy.open
328 self._pckdict['subscribe_policy'] = 3
329 self._import()
330 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.subscription_policy,
331 SubscriptionPolicy.confirm_then_moderate)
335 class TestArchiveImport(unittest.TestCase):
336 """Test conversion of the archive policies.
338 Mailman 2.1 had two variables `archive` and `archive_private`. Now
339 there's just a single `archive_policy` enum.
341 layer = ConfigLayer
343 def setUp(self):
344 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
345 self._mlist.archive_policy = DummyEnum.val
347 def _do_test(self, pckdict, expected):
348 import_config_pck(self._mlist, pckdict)
349 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.archive_policy, expected)
351 def test_public(self):
352 self._do_test(dict(archive=True, archive_private=False),
353 ArchivePolicy.public)
355 def test_private(self):
356 self._do_test(dict(archive=True, archive_private=True),
357 ArchivePolicy.private)
359 def test_no_archive(self):
360 self._do_test(dict(archive=False, archive_private=False),
361 ArchivePolicy.never)
363 def test_bad_state(self):
364 # For some reason, the old list has the invalid archiving state where
365 # `archive` is False and `archive_private` is True. It doesn't matter
366 # because this still collapses to the same enum value.
367 self._do_test(dict(archive=False, archive_private=True),
368 ArchivePolicy.never)
370 def test_missing_archive_key(self):
371 # For some reason, the old list didn't have an `archive` key. We
372 # treat this as if no archiving is done.
373 self._do_test(dict(archive_private=False), ArchivePolicy.never)
375 def test_missing_archive_key_archive_public(self):
376 # For some reason, the old list didn't have an `archive` key, and it
377 # has weird value for archive_private. We treat this as if no
378 # archiving is done.
379 self._do_test(dict(archive_private=True), ArchivePolicy.never)
381 def test_missing_archive_private_key(self):
382 # For some reason, the old list was missing an `archive_private` key.
383 # For maximum safety, we treat this as private archiving.
384 self._do_test(dict(archive=True), ArchivePolicy.private)
388 class TestFilterActionImport(unittest.TestCase):
389 # The mlist.filter_action enum values have changed. In Mailman 2.1 the
390 # order was 'Discard', 'Reject', 'Forward to List Owner', 'Preserve'.
392 layer = ConfigLayer
394 def setUp(self):
395 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
396 self._mlist.filter_action = DummyEnum.val
398 def _do_test(self, original, expected):
399 import_config_pck(self._mlist, dict(filter_action=original))
400 self.assertEqual(self._mlist.filter_action, expected)
402 def test_discard(self):
403 self._do_test(0, FilterAction.discard)
405 def test_reject(self):
406 self._do_test(1, FilterAction.reject)
408 def test_forward(self):
409 self._do_test(2, FilterAction.forward)
411 def test_preserve(self):
412 self._do_test(3, FilterAction.preserve)
416 class TestMemberActionImport(unittest.TestCase):
417 # The mlist.default_member_action and mlist.default_nonmember_action enum
418 # values are different in Mailman 2.1; they have been merged into a
419 # single enum in Mailman 3.
421 # For default_member_action, which used to be called
422 # member_moderation_action, the values were:
423 # 0==Hold, 1=Reject, 2==Discard
425 # For default_nonmember_action, which used to be called
426 # generic_nonmember_action, the values were:
427 # 0==Accept, 1==Hold, 2==Reject, 3==Discard
429 layer = ConfigLayer
431 def setUp(self):
432 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
433 self._mlist.default_member_action = DummyEnum.val
434 self._mlist.default_nonmember_action = DummyEnum.val
435 self._pckdict = dict(
436 member_moderation_action=DummyEnum.val,
437 generic_nonmember_action=DummyEnum.val,
440 def _do_test(self, expected):
441 # Suppress warning messages in the test output.
442 with mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
443 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
444 for key, value in expected.items():
445 self.assertEqual(getattr(self._mlist, key), value)
447 def test_member_hold(self):
448 self._pckdict['member_moderation_action'] = 0
449 self._do_test(dict(default_member_action=Action.hold))
451 def test_member_reject(self):
452 self._pckdict['member_moderation_action'] = 1
453 self._do_test(dict(default_member_action=Action.reject))
455 def test_member_discard(self):
456 self._pckdict['member_moderation_action'] = 2
457 self._do_test(dict(default_member_action=Action.discard))
459 def test_nonmember_accept(self):
460 self._pckdict['generic_nonmember_action'] = 0
461 self._do_test(dict(default_nonmember_action=Action.accept))
463 def test_nonmember_hold(self):
464 self._pckdict['generic_nonmember_action'] = 1
465 self._do_test(dict(default_nonmember_action=Action.hold))
467 def test_nonmember_reject(self):
468 self._pckdict['generic_nonmember_action'] = 2
469 self._do_test(dict(default_nonmember_action=Action.reject))
471 def test_nonmember_discard(self):
472 self._pckdict['generic_nonmember_action'] = 3
473 self._do_test(dict(default_nonmember_action=Action.discard))
477 class TestConvertToURI(unittest.TestCase):
478 # The following values were plain text, and are now URIs in Mailman 3:
479 # - welcome_message_uri
480 # - goodbye_message_uri
481 # - header_uri
482 # - footer_uri
483 # - digest_header_uri
484 # - digest_footer_uri
486 # The templates contain variables that must be replaced:
487 # - %(real_name)s -> %(display_name)s
488 # - %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s -> %(fqdn_listname)s
489 # - %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s
490 # -> %(listinfo_uri)s
492 layer = ConfigLayer
494 def setUp(self):
495 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
496 self._conf_mapping = dict(
497 welcome_msg='welcome_message_uri',
498 goodbye_msg='goodbye_message_uri',
499 msg_header='header_uri',
500 msg_footer='footer_uri',
501 digest_header='digest_header_uri',
502 digest_footer='digest_footer_uri',
504 self._pckdict = dict()
506 def test_text_to_uri(self):
507 for oldvar, newvar in self._conf_mapping.items():
508 self._pckdict[str(oldvar)] = b'TEST VALUE'
509 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
510 newattr = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
511 text = decorate(self._mlist, newattr)
512 self.assertEqual(text, 'TEST VALUE',
513 'Old variable %s was not properly imported to %s'
514 % (oldvar, newvar))
516 def test_substitutions(self):
517 test_text = ('UNIT TESTING %(real_name)s mailing list\n'
518 '%(real_name)s@%(host_name)s\n'
519 '%(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s')
520 expected_text = ('UNIT TESTING $display_name mailing list\n'
521 '$fqdn_listname\n'
522 '$listinfo_uri')
523 for oldvar, newvar in self._conf_mapping.items():
524 self._pckdict[str(oldvar)] = str(test_text)
525 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
526 newattr = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
527 template_uri = expand(newattr, dict(
528 listname=self._mlist.fqdn_listname,
529 language=self._mlist.preferred_language.code,
531 loader = getUtility(ITemplateLoader)
532 text = loader.get(template_uri)
533 self.assertEqual(
534 text, expected_text,
535 'Old variables were not converted for %s' % newvar)
537 def test_keep_default(self):
538 # If the value was not changed from MM2.1's default, don't import it.
539 default_msg_footer = (
540 '_______________________________________________\n'
541 '%(real_name)s mailing list\n'
542 '%(real_name)s@%(host_name)s\n'
543 '%(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s'
545 for oldvar in ('msg_footer', 'digest_footer'):
546 newvar = self._conf_mapping[oldvar]
547 self._pckdict[str(oldvar)] = str(default_msg_footer)
548 old_value = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
549 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
550 new_value = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
551 self.assertEqual(old_value, new_value,
552 'Default value was not preserved for %s' % newvar)
554 def test_keep_default_if_fqdn_changed(self):
555 # Use case: importing the old a@ex.com into b@ex.com. We can't check
556 # if it changed from the default so don't import. We may do more harm
557 # than good and it's easy to change if needed.
558 test_value = b'TEST-VALUE'
559 for oldvar, newvar in self._conf_mapping.items():
560 self._mlist.mail_host = 'example.com'
561 self._pckdict['mail_host'] = b'test.example.com'
562 self._pckdict[str(oldvar)] = test_value
563 old_value = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
564 # Suppress warning messages in the test output.
565 with mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
566 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
567 new_value = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
568 self.assertEqual(old_value, new_value,
569 'Default value was not preserved for %s' % newvar)
571 def test_unicode(self):
572 # non-ascii templates
573 for oldvar in self._conf_mapping:
574 self._pckdict[str(oldvar)] = b'Ol\xe1!'
575 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
576 for oldvar, newvar in self._conf_mapping.items():
577 newattr = getattr(self._mlist, newvar)
578 text = decorate(self._mlist, newattr)
579 expected = u'Ol\ufffd!'
580 self.assertEqual(text, expected)
582 def test_unicode_in_default(self):
583 # What if the default template is already in UTF-8? For example, if
584 # you import it twice.
585 footer = b'\xe4\xb8\xad $listinfo_uri'
586 footer_path = os.path.join(
587 config.VAR_DIR, 'templates', 'lists',
588 'blank@example.com', 'en', 'footer-generic.txt')
589 makedirs(os.path.dirname(footer_path))
590 with open(footer_path, 'wb') as fp:
591 fp.write(footer)
592 self._pckdict['msg_footer'] = b'NEW-VALUE'
593 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
594 text = decorate(self._mlist, self._mlist.footer_uri)
595 self.assertEqual(text, 'NEW-VALUE')
598 class TestRosterImport(unittest.TestCase):
599 """Test that rosters are imported correctly."""
601 layer = ConfigLayer
603 def setUp(self):
604 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
605 self._pckdict = {
606 'members': {
607 'anne@example.com': 0,
608 'bob@example.com': b'bob@ExampLe.Com',
610 'digest_members': {
611 'cindy@example.com': 0,
612 'dave@example.com': b'dave@ExampLe.Com',
614 'passwords': {
615 'anne@example.com' : b'annepass',
616 'bob@example.com' : b'bobpass',
617 'cindy@example.com': b'cindypass',
618 'dave@example.com' : b'davepass',
620 'language': {
621 'anne@example.com' : b'fr',
622 'bob@example.com' : b'de',
623 'cindy@example.com': b'es',
624 'dave@example.com' : b'it',
626 'usernames': { # Usernames are unicode strings in the pickle
627 'anne@example.com' : 'Anne',
628 'bob@example.com' : 'Bob',
629 'cindy@example.com': 'Cindy',
630 'dave@example.com' : 'Dave',
632 'owner': [
633 'anne@example.com',
634 'emily@example.com',
636 'moderator': [
637 'bob@example.com',
638 'fred@example.com',
641 self._usermanager = getUtility(IUserManager)
642 language_manager = getUtility(ILanguageManager)
643 for code in self._pckdict['language'].values():
644 if isinstance(code, bytes):
645 code = code.decode('utf-8')
646 if code not in language_manager.codes:
647 language_manager.add(code, 'utf-8', code)
649 def test_member(self):
650 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
651 for name in ('anne', 'bob', 'cindy', 'dave'):
652 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
653 self.assertIn(addr,
654 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses],
655 'Address %s was not imported' % addr)
656 self.assertIn('anne@example.com',
657 [a.email for a in self._mlist.regular_members.addresses])
658 self.assertIn('bob@example.com',
659 [a.email for a in self._mlist.regular_members.addresses])
660 self.assertIn('cindy@example.com',
661 [a.email for a in self._mlist.digest_members.addresses])
662 self.assertIn('dave@example.com',
663 [a.email for a in self._mlist.digest_members.addresses])
665 def test_original_email(self):
666 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
667 bob = self._usermanager.get_address('bob@example.com')
668 self.assertEqual(bob.original_email, 'bob@ExampLe.Com')
669 dave = self._usermanager.get_address('dave@example.com')
670 self.assertEqual(dave.original_email, 'dave@ExampLe.Com')
672 def test_language(self):
673 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
674 for name in ('anne', 'bob', 'cindy', 'dave'):
675 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
676 member = self._mlist.members.get_member(addr)
677 self.assertIsNotNone(member, 'Address %s was not imported' % addr)
678 code = self._pckdict['language'][addr]
679 if isinstance(code, bytes):
680 code = code.decode('utf-8')
681 self.assertEqual(member.preferred_language.code, code)
683 def test_new_language(self):
684 self._pckdict['language']['anne@example.com'] = b'xx_XX'
685 try:
686 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
687 except Import21Error as error:
688 self.assertIn('[language.xx_XX]', str(error))
689 else: # pragma: no cover
690 self.fail('Import21Error was not raised')
692 def test_username(self):
693 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
694 for name in ('anne', 'bob', 'cindy', 'dave'):
695 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
696 user = self._usermanager.get_user(addr)
697 address = self._usermanager.get_address(addr)
698 self.assertIsNotNone(user, 'User %s was not imported' % addr)
699 self.assertIsNotNone(address, 'Address %s was not imported' % addr)
700 display_name = self._pckdict['usernames'][addr]
701 self.assertEqual(user.display_name, display_name,
702 'The display name was not set for User %s' % addr)
703 self.assertEqual(address.display_name, display_name,
704 'The display name was not set for Address %s' % addr)
706 def test_owner(self):
707 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
708 for name in ('anne', 'emily'):
709 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
710 self.assertIn(addr,
711 [a.email for a in self._mlist.owners.addresses],
712 'Address %s was not imported as owner' % addr)
713 self.assertNotIn(
714 'emily@example.com',
715 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses],
716 'Address emily@ was wrongly added to the members list')
718 def test_moderator(self):
719 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
720 for name in ('bob', 'fred'):
721 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
722 self.assertIn(addr,
723 [a.email for a in self._mlist.moderators.addresses],
724 'Address %s was not imported as moderator' % addr)
725 self.assertNotIn('fred@example.com',
726 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses],
727 'Address fred@ was wrongly added to the members list')
729 def test_password(self):
730 #self.anne.password = config.password_context.encrypt('abc123')
731 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
732 for name in ('anne', 'bob', 'cindy', 'dave'):
733 addr = '%s@example.com' % name
734 user = self._usermanager.get_user(addr)
735 self.assertIsNotNone(user, 'Address %s was not imported' % addr)
736 self.assertEqual(
737 user.password, '{plaintext}%spass' % name,
738 'Password for %s was not imported' % addr)
740 def test_same_user(self):
741 # Adding the address of an existing User must not create another user.
742 user = self._usermanager.create_user('anne@example.com', 'Anne')
743 user.register('bob@example.com') # secondary email
744 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
745 member = self._mlist.members.get_member('bob@example.com')
746 self.assertEqual(member.user, user)
748 def test_owner_and_moderator_not_lowercase(self):
749 # In the v2.1 pickled dict, the owner and moderator lists are not
750 # necessarily lowercased already.
751 self._pckdict['owner'] = [b'Anne@example.com']
752 self._pckdict['moderator'] = [b'Anne@example.com']
753 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
754 self.assertIn('anne@example.com',
755 [a.email for a in self._mlist.owners.addresses])
756 self.assertIn('anne@example.com',
757 [a.email for a in self._mlist.moderators.addresses])
759 def test_address_already_exists_but_no_user(self):
760 # An address already exists, but it is not linked to a user nor
761 # subscribed.
762 anne_addr = self._usermanager.create_address(
763 'anne@example.com', 'Anne')
764 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
765 anne = self._usermanager.get_user('anne@example.com')
766 self.assertTrue(anne.controls('anne@example.com'))
767 self.assertIn(anne_addr, self._mlist.regular_members.addresses)
769 def test_address_already_subscribed_but_no_user(self):
770 # An address is already subscribed, but it is not linked to a user.
771 anne_addr = self._usermanager.create_address(
772 'anne@example.com', 'Anne')
773 self._mlist.subscribe(anne_addr)
774 # Suppress warning messages in test output.
775 with mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
776 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
777 anne = self._usermanager.get_user('anne@example.com')
778 self.assertTrue(anne.controls('anne@example.com'))
780 def test_invalid_original_email(self):
781 # When the member has an original email address (i.e. the
782 # case-preserved version) that is invalid, their new address record's
783 # original_email attribute will only be the case insensitive version.
784 self._pckdict['members']['anne@example.com'] = b'invalid email address'
785 try:
786 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
787 except InvalidEmailAddressError as error:
788 self.fail(error)
789 self.assertIn('anne@example.com',
790 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses])
791 anne = self._usermanager.get_address('anne@example.com')
792 self.assertEqual(anne.original_email, 'anne@example.com')
794 def test_invalid_email(self):
795 # When a member's email address is invalid, that member is skipped
796 # during the import.
797 self._pckdict['members'] = {
798 'anne@example.com': 0,
799 'invalid email address': b'invalid email address'
801 self._pckdict['digest_members'] = {}
802 try:
803 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
804 except InvalidEmailAddressError as error:
805 self.fail(error)
806 self.assertEqual(['anne@example.com'],
807 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses])
809 def test_no_email_sent(self):
810 # No welcome message is sent to newly imported members.
811 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.send_welcome_message)
812 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
813 self.assertIn('anne@example.com',
814 [a.email for a in self._mlist.members.addresses])
815 # There are no messages in any of the queues.
816 for queue, switchboard in config.switchboards.items():
817 file_count = len(switchboard.files)
818 self.assertEqual(file_count, 0,
819 "Unexpected queue '{}' file count: {}".format(
820 queue, file_count))
821 self.assertTrue(self._mlist.send_welcome_message)
825 class TestPreferencesImport(unittest.TestCase):
826 """Preferences get imported too."""
828 layer = ConfigLayer
830 def setUp(self):
831 self._mlist = create_list('blank@example.com')
832 self._pckdict = dict(
833 members={'anne@example.com': 0},
834 user_options=dict(),
835 delivery_status=dict(),
837 self._usermanager = getUtility(IUserManager)
839 def _do_test(self, oldvalue, expected):
840 self._pckdict['user_options']['anne@example.com'] = oldvalue
841 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
842 user = self._usermanager.get_user('anne@example.com')
843 self.assertIsNotNone(user, 'User was not imported')
844 member = self._mlist.members.get_member('anne@example.com')
845 self.assertIsNotNone(member, 'Address was not subscribed')
846 for exp_name, exp_val in expected.items():
847 try:
848 currentval = getattr(member, exp_name)
849 except AttributeError:
850 # hide_address has no direct getter
851 currentval = getattr(member.preferences, exp_name)
852 self.assertEqual(
853 currentval, exp_val,
854 'Preference %s was not imported' % exp_name)
855 # XXX: should I check that other params are still equal to
856 # mailman.core.constants.system_preferences?
858 def test_acknowledge_posts(self):
859 # AcknowledgePosts
860 self._do_test(4, dict(acknowledge_posts=True))
862 def test_hide_address(self):
863 # ConcealSubscription
864 self._do_test(16, dict(hide_address=True))
866 def test_receive_own_postings(self):
867 # DontReceiveOwnPosts
868 self._do_test(2, dict(receive_own_postings=False))
870 def test_receive_list_copy(self):
871 # DontReceiveDuplicates
872 self._do_test(256, dict(receive_list_copy=False))
874 def test_digest_plain(self):
875 # Digests & DisableMime
876 self._pckdict['digest_members'] = self._pckdict['members'].copy()
877 self._pckdict['members'] = dict()
878 self._do_test(8, dict(delivery_mode=DeliveryMode.plaintext_digests))
880 def test_digest_mime(self):
881 # Digests & not DisableMime
882 self._pckdict['digest_members'] = self._pckdict['members'].copy()
883 self._pckdict['members'] = dict()
884 self._do_test(0, dict(delivery_mode=DeliveryMode.mime_digests))
886 def test_delivery_status(self):
887 # Look for the pckdict['delivery_status'] key which will look like
888 # (status, time) where status is among the following:
889 # ENABLED = 0 # enabled
890 # UNKNOWN = 1 # legacy disabled
891 # BYUSER = 2 # disabled by user choice
892 # BYADMIN = 3 # disabled by admin choice
893 # BYBOUNCE = 4 # disabled by bounces
894 for oldval, expected in enumerate((
895 DeliveryStatus.enabled,
896 DeliveryStatus.unknown, DeliveryStatus.by_user,
897 DeliveryStatus.by_moderator, DeliveryStatus.by_bounces)):
898 self._pckdict['delivery_status']['anne@example.com'] = (oldval, 0)
899 import_config_pck(self._mlist, self._pckdict)
900 member = self._mlist.members.get_member('anne@example.com')
901 self.assertIsNotNone(member, 'Address was not subscribed')
902 self.assertEqual(member.delivery_status, expected)
903 member.unsubscribe()
905 def test_moderate(self):
906 # Option flag Moderate is translated to
907 # member.moderation_action = Action.hold
908 self._do_test(128, dict(moderation_action=Action.hold))
910 def test_multiple_options(self):
911 # DontReceiveDuplicates & DisableMime & SuppressPasswordReminder
912 # Keys might be Python 2 str/bytes or unicode.
913 members = self._pckdict['members']
914 self._pckdict['digest_members'] = members.copy()
915 self._pckdict['members'] = dict()
916 self._do_test(296, dict(
917 receive_list_copy=False,
918 delivery_mode=DeliveryMode.plaintext_digests,