Collect the initialization of adapters into a separate method.
[mailman.git] / mailman / bin /
1 # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
16 # USA.
18 """Mailman unit test driver."""
20 from __future__ import with_statement
22 import os
23 import re
24 import grp
25 import pwd
26 import sys
27 import random
28 import shutil
29 import optparse
30 import tempfile
31 import unittest
32 import pkg_resources
34 from mailman import Defaults
35 from mailman.configuration import config
36 from mailman.i18n import _
37 from mailman.initialize import initialize_1, initialize_2, initialize_3
38 from mailman.testing.helpers import SMTPServer
39 from mailman.version import MAILMAN_VERSION
42 basedir = None
46 def v_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
47 if opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
48 delta = -1
49 elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
50 delta = 1
51 else:
52 raise AssertionError('Unexpected option: %s' % opt)
53 dest = getattr(parser.values, option.dest)
54 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, max(0, dest + delta))
57 def parseargs():
58 parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=MAILMAN_VERSION,
59 usage=_("""\
60 %prog [options] [tests]
62 Run the Mailman unit test suite. 'tests' is one or more Python regular
63 expressions matching only the tests you want to run. Prefix the regular
64 expression with '!' to specify a negative test."""))
65 parser.set_defaults(verbosity=2)
66 parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
67 action='callback', callback=v_callback,
68 dest='verbosity', help=_("""\
69 Increase verbosity by 1, which defaults to %default. Use -q to reduce
70 verbosity. -v and -q options accumulate."""))
71 parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet',
72 action='callback', callback=v_callback,
73 dest='verbosity', help=_("""\
74 Reduce verbosity by 1 (but not below 0)."""))
75 parser.add_option('-e', '--stderr',
76 default=False, action='store_true',
77 help=_('Propagate log errors to stderr.'))
78 parser.add_option('-c', '--coverage',
79 default=False, action='store_true',
80 help=_('Enable code coverage.'))
81 parser.add_option('-r', '--randomize',
82 default=False, action='store_true',
83 help=_("""\
84 Randomize the tests; good for finding subtle dependency errors. Note that
85 this isn't completely random though because the doctests are not mixed with
86 the Python tests. Each type of test is randomized within its group."""))
87 options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
88 if len(arguments) == 0:
89 arguments = ['.']
90 parser.options = options
91 parser.arguments = arguments
92 return parser
96 def search():
97 testnames = []
98 # Walk the entire tree from the current base directory. Look for modules
99 # that start with 'test_'. Calculate the full module path name to this
100 # module, append 'test_suite' and add that to testnames. This way, we run
101 # all the suites defined in the test_suite() function inside all test
102 # modules.
103 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
104 for fn in filenames:
105 if fn.startswith('test_') and fn.endswith('.py'):
106 # Start with full path
107 path = os.path.join(dirpath, fn)
108 # Convert the file path to a module path. First, we must make
109 # the file path relative to the root directory. Then strip
110 # off the trailing .py
111 path = path[len(basedir)+1:-3]
112 # Convert slashes to dots
113 modpath = path.replace(os.sep, '.') + '.test_suite'
114 testnames.append('mailman.' + modpath)
115 return testnames
118 def match(pat, name):
119 if not pat:
120 return True
121 if pat.startswith('!'):
122 # Negative test
123 return[1:], name) is None
124 else:
125 # Positive test
126 return, name) is not None
129 def filter_tests(suite, patterns):
130 if '.' in patterns:
131 return suite
132 new = unittest.TestSuite()
133 for test in suite._tests:
134 if isinstance(test, unittest.TestCase):
135 # Get the fill test name: package.module.class.method
136 name =
137 for pat in patterns:
138 if match(pat, name):
139 new.addTest(test)
140 break
141 else:
142 filtered = filter_tests(test, patterns)
143 if filtered:
144 new.addTest(filtered)
145 return new
148 def suite(patterns, randomize):
149 if patterns is None:
150 patterns = '.'
151 loader = unittest.TestLoader()
152 # Search for all tests that match the given patterns
153 testnames = search()
154 suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(testnames)
155 tests = filter_tests(suite, patterns)
156 if randomize:
157 random.shuffle(tests._tests)
158 else:
159 tests._tests.sort()
160 return tests
164 def main():
165 global basedir
167 parser = parseargs()
169 # Set verbosity level for XXX There should be a
170 # better way to do this.
171 class Bag: pass
172 config.tests = Bag()
173 config.tests.verbosity = parser.options.verbosity
174 config.tests.randomize = parser.options.randomize
176 # Turn on code coverage if selected.
177 if parser.options.coverage:
178 try:
179 import coverage
180 except ImportError:
181 parser.options.coverage = False
182 else:
183 coverage.start()
185 # Set up the testing configuration file both for this process, and for all
186 # sub-processes testing will spawn (e.g. the qrunners).
188 # Also create a logging.cfg file with values reflecting verbosity and
189 # stderr propagation. Enable it only if necessary.
190 fd, logging_cfg = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.cfg')
191 os.close(fd)
192 enable_logging_cfg = False
193 with open(logging_cfg, 'w') as fp:
194 print >> fp, '[*]'
195 if parser.options.stderr:
196 print >> fp, 'propagate = True'
197 enable_logging_cfg = True
198 if parser.options.verbosity > 2:
199 print >> fp, 'level = DEBUG'
200 enable_logging_cfg = True
202 cfg_in = pkg_resources.resource_string(
203 'mailman.testing', '')
204 fd, cfg_out = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.cfg')
205 os.close(fd)
206 with open(cfg_out, 'w') as fp:
207 fp.write(cfg_in)
208 if enable_logging_cfg:
209 print >> fp, 'LOG_CONFIG_FILE = "%s"' % logging_cfg
211 # Calculate a temporary VAR_DIR directory so that run-time artifacts of
212 # the tests won't tread on the installation's data. This also makes it
213 # easier to clean up after the tests are done, and insures isolation of
214 # test suite runs.
215 var_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
216 if parser.options.verbosity > 2:
217 print 'VAR_DIR :', var_dir
218 print 'config file:', cfg_out
219 if enable_logging_cfg:
220 print 'logging config file:', logging_cfg
222 user_id = os.getuid()
223 user_name = pwd.getpwuid(user_id).pw_name
224 group_id = os.getgid()
225 group_name = grp.getgrgid(group_id).gr_name
227 try:
228 with open(cfg_out, 'a') as fp:
229 print >> fp, 'VAR_DIR = "%s"' % var_dir
230 print >> fp, 'MAILMAN_USER = "%s"' % user_name
231 print >> fp, 'MAILMAN_UID =', user_id
232 print >> fp, 'MAILMAN_GROUP = "%s"' % group_name
233 print >> fp, 'MAILMAN_GID =', group_id
234 print >> fp, "LANGUAGES = 'en'"
235 print >> fp, 'SMTPPORT =', SMTPServer.port
236 # A fake MHonArc command, for testing.
237 print >> fp, 'MHONARC_COMMAND = """/bin/echo', \
238 Defaults.MHONARC_COMMAND, '"""'
240 initialize_1(cfg_out, propagate_logs=parser.options.stderr)
241 mailman_uid = pwd.getpwnam(config.MAILMAN_USER).pw_uid
242 mailman_gid = grp.getgrnam(config.MAILMAN_GROUP).gr_gid
243 os.chmod(cfg_out, 0660)
244 os.chown(cfg_out, mailman_uid, mailman_gid)
246 # Create an empty SQLite database file with the proper permissions and
247 # calculate the SQLAlchemy engine url to this database file.
248 fd, config.dbfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=config.DATA_DIR, suffix='.db')
249 os.close(fd)
250 os.chmod(config.dbfile, 0660)
251 os.chown(config.dbfile, mailman_uid, mailman_gid)
253 # Patch ups.
254 test_engine_url = 'sqlite:///' + config.dbfile
255 config.DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL = test_engine_url
257 # Write this to the config file so subprocesses share the same testing
258 # database file.
259 with open(cfg_out, 'a') as fp:
260 print >> fp, 'DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL = "%s"' % test_engine_url
262 # With -vvv, turn on engine debugging.
263 initialize_2(parser.options.verbosity > 3)
264 initialize_3()
266 # Run the tests. XXX I'm not sure if basedir can be converted to
267 # pkg_resources.
268 import mailman
269 basedir = os.path.dirname(mailman.__file__)
270 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=parser.options.verbosity)
271 results =, parser.options.randomize))
272 finally:
273 os.remove(cfg_out)
274 os.remove(logging_cfg)
275 shutil.rmtree(var_dir)
277 # Turn off coverage and print a report
278 if parser.options.coverage:
279 coverage.stop()
280 modules = [module for name, module in sys.modules.items()
281 if module
282 and name is not None
283 and name.split('.')[0] == 'mailman']
285 sys.exit(bool(results.failures or results.errors))
289 if __name__ == '__main__':
290 main()