Log the queue size before and after journal rotation, to see if rotation is killing us.
[lwes-journaller.git] / src / Makefile.am
1 # BEGIN: Variables to change.
3 # any additional includes to add to the compile lines
7 # any additional files to add to the distribution
9 myextradist =
11 # any additional files to clean up with 'make clean'
13 mycleanfiles =
15 # any additional files to clean up with 'make maintainer-clean'
17 mymaintainercleanfiles = config.h.in
19 # list of source files comprising program
21 commonsource = \
22                                                                 opt.c \
23                                                                 log.c \
24                                                                 lwes_mondemand.c \
25                                                                 header.c \
26                                                                 journal_factory.c \
27                                                                 journal_file.c \
28                                                                 journal_gz.c \
29                                                                 queue_factory.c \
30                                                                 queue_mqueue.c \
31                                                                 queue_msg.c \
32                                                                 queue_to_journal.c \
33                                                                 sig.c \
34                                                                 xport.c \
35                                                                 xport_to_queue.c \
36                                                                 xport_udp.c \
37                                                                 stats.c \
38                                                                 rename_journal.c
40 journallersource = \
41                                                                 lwes-journaller.c
43 rotatesourcefiles = \
44                                                                 journaller_rotate_logs.c
46 queuejournalsources = \
47                                                                 queue_to_journal_main.c
49 xportsources = \
50                                                                 xport_to_queue_main.c
52 mysourcefiles =
54 bin_PROGRAMS = \
55   lwes-journaller \
56         lwes-journaller-rotate \
57         queue_to_journal \
58         xport_to_queue
60 lwes_journaller_SOURCES = ${commonsource} ${journallersource}
61 lwes_journaller_rotate_SOURCES = ${commonsource} ${rotatesourcefiles}
62 queue_to_journal_SOURCES = ${commonsource} ${queuejournalsources}
63 xport_to_queue_SOURCES = ${commonsource} ${xportsources}
67 lwes_journaller_LDFLAGS=-rdynamic
68 lwes_journaller_rotate_LDFLAGS=
69 queue_to_journal_LDFLAGS=
70 xport_to_queue_LDFLAGS=
72 # END: Variables to change
73 # past here, hopefully, there is no need to edit anything
75 INCLUDES = ${myincludes}
77 EXTRA_DIST =                            \
78   ${myextradist}
80 CLEANFILES =                            \
81   *.bb                                  \
82   *.bbg                                 \
83   *.da                                  \
84   *.gcno                                \
85   *.gcda                                \
86   ${mycleanfiles}
88 MAINTAINERCLEANFILES =                  \
89   Makefile.in                           \
90   ${mymaintainercleanfiles}
92 # .BEGIN is ignored by GNU make so we can use it as a guard
93 .BEGIN:
94         @echo "error: GNU Make is required, try aliasing gmake to make"
95         @exit 1