initial version
[lwes-erlang.git] / src / lwes.erl
1 %%%
2 %%% Light Weight Event System (LWES)
3 %%%
4 %%% Creating Events
5 %%% Event0 = lwes_event:new ("MyEvent"),
6 %%% Event1 = lwes_event:set_uint16 (Event0, "MyUint16", 25),
7 %%%
8 %%% Emitting
9 %%%
10 %%% Channel = lwes:open (emitter, Ip, Port)
11 %%% ok = lwes:emit (Channel, Event1).
12 %%%
13 %%% Listening via callback
14 %%%
15 %%% Channel = lwes:open (listener, Ip, Port)
16 %%% lwes:listen (Channel, Type, Fun, Accum).
17 %%%
18 %%% Fun is called for each event
19 %%%
20 %%% Closing channel
21 %%%
22 %%% lwes:close (Channel)
24 -module (lwes).
26 -include_lib ("lwes.hrl").
28 -ifdef(HAVE_EUNIT).
29 -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
30 -endif.
32 %% API
33 -export ([ open/3,
34 emit/2,
35 listen/4,
36 close/1 ]).
38 %%====================================================================
39 %% API functions
40 %%====================================================================
41 open (Type, Ip, Port) ->
42 try check_args (Type, Ip, Port) of
43 { T, I, P } -> lwes_channel:open (T, I, P)
44 catch
45 _:_ -> {error, cant_open}
46 end.
48 emit (Channel, Event) ->
49 lwes_channel:send_to (Channel, lwes_event:to_binary (Event)).
52 % Callback function - function is called with an event in given format
53 % and the current state, it should return the next
54 % state
56 % Type is one of
58 % raw - callback is given raw udp structure, use lwes_event:from_udp to
59 % turn into event
60 % list - callback is given an #lwes_event record where the name is a
61 % binary, and the attributes is a proplist where keys are binaries,
62 % and values are either integers (for lwes int types), binaries
63 % (for lwes strings), true|false atoms (for lwes booleans),
64 % or 4-tuples (for lwes ip addresses)
65 % tagged - callback is given an #lwes_event record where the name is a
66 % binary, and the attributes are 3-tuples with the first element
67 % the type of data, the second the key as a binary and the
68 % third the values as in the list format
70 % Initial State is whatever you want
71 listen (Channel, CallbackFunction, EventType, CallbackInitialState)
72 when is_function (CallbackFunction, 2),
73 EventType =:= raw ; EventType =:= tagged ; EventType =:= list ->
74 lwes_channel:register_callback (Channel, CallbackFunction,
75 EventType, CallbackInitialState).
77 close (Channel) ->
78 lwes_channel:close (Channel).
80 %%====================================================================
81 %% Internal functions
82 %%====================================================================
84 check_args (Type, Ip, Port) ->
85 { normalize_type (Type), lwes_util:normalize_ip (Ip), normalize_port (Port) }.
87 normalize_port (Port) when is_integer (Port), Port >= 0, Port =< 65535 ->
88 Port;
89 normalize_port (Port) when is_list (Port) ->
90 list_to_integer (Port);
91 normalize_port (_) ->
92 erlang:error (badarg).
94 normalize_type (Type) when Type =:= emitter; Type =:= listener ->
95 Type;
96 normalize_type (_) ->
97 erlang:error (badarg).
99 %%====================================================================
100 %% Test functions
101 %%====================================================================
102 -ifdef(EUNIT).
104 -endif.