Reduce revalidation timeout.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / conditions.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.conditions
2 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:lw2.utils #:lw2.html-reader)
3 (:export #:*debug-mode*
4 #:*error-explanation-hook* #:error-explanation-case
5 #:fatal-error
6 #:condition-http-return-code
7 #:error-to-html
8 #:lw2-error
9 #:csrf-check-failed
10 #:lw2-client-error #:lw2-not-found-error #:lw2-user-not-found-error #:lw2-not-allowed-error #:lw2-login-required-error #:lw2-server-error #:lw2-connection-error #:lw2-unknown-error
11 #:html-output-stream-error-p
12 #:log-condition #:log-conditions
13 #:log-and-ignore-errors
14 #:abort-response
15 #:abort-response-if-unrecoverable
16 #:with-error-html-block)
17 (:recycle #:lw2.backend #:lw2-viewer))
19 (in-package #:lw2.conditions)
21 (named-readtables:in-readtable html-reader)
23 (defvar *debug-mode* nil)
24 (defvar *error-explanation-hook*)
26 (deftype fatal-error () `(or serious-condition usocket:ns-condition usocket:socket-condition))
28 (defgeneric condition-http-return-code (c)
29 (:method ((c condition)) 500))
31 (defmethod error-to-html :around ((condition condition))
32 <div class="gw-error">
33 <h1>Error</h1>
34 (call-next-method)
35 (when (boundp '*error-explanation-hook*)
36 (funcall *error-explanation-hook* condition))
37 (when *debug-mode*
38 <h2>Backtrace</h2>
39 <code><pre>
40 (with-output-to-string (outstream)
41 (sb-debug:print-backtrace :stream outstream :from :interrupted-frame :print-frame-source t))
42 </pre></code>)
43 </div>)
45 (defmethod error-to-html ((condition condition))
46 <code><pre>(princ-to-string condition)</pre></code>)
48 (define-condition lw2-error (error) ((http-return-code :allocation :class :reader condition-http-return-code :initform 503)))
50 (defmethod error-to-html ((condition lw2-error))
51 <p>(princ-to-string condition)</p>)
53 (define-condition lw2-client-error (lw2-error) ((http-return-code :allocation :class :initform 400)))
55 (define-condition csrf-check-failed (lw2-error) ()
56 (:report "CSRF check failed."))
58 (defmethod error-to-html ((condition csrf-check-failed))
59 <p>CSRF check failed.</p>
60 <p>You may need to adjust your browser settings to allow cookies.</p>)
62 (define-condition lw2-not-found-error (lw2-client-error) ((http-return-code :allocation :class :initform 404))
63 (:report "Document not found."))
65 (define-condition lw2-user-not-found-error (lw2-not-found-error) ()
66 (:report "User not found."))
68 (define-condition lw2-not-allowed-error (lw2-client-error) ((http-return-code :allocation :class :initform 403))
69 (:report "LW server reports: not allowed."))
71 (define-condition lw2-login-required-error (lw2-client-error) ((http-return-code :allocation :class :initform 403))
72 (:report "This document is only visible to logged-in users."))
74 (define-condition lw2-server-error (lw2-error)
75 ((message :initarg :message :reader lw2-server-error-message)
76 (introduction :allocation :class :reader condition-introduction))
77 (:report (lambda (c s)
78 (format s "~A:~%~A" (condition-introduction c) (lw2-server-error-message c)))))
80 (define-condition lw2-connection-error (lw2-server-error)
81 ((introduction :allocation :class :initform "Unable to connect to LW server")))
83 (define-condition lw2-unknown-error (lw2-server-error)
84 ((introduction :allocation :class :initform "Unrecognized LW server error")))
86 (defmethod error-to-html ((condition lw2-server-error))
87 <p>(condition-introduction condition):</p>
88 <code><pre>(lw2-server-error-message condition)</pre></code>)
90 (defmacro error-explanation-case (expression &rest clauses)
91 (with-gensyms (condition)
92 `(let ((*error-explanation-hook* (lambda (,condition)
93 (typecase ,condition ,@clauses))))
94 (declare (dynamic-extent *error-explanation-hook*))
95 ,expression)))
97 (defun html-output-stream-error-p (condition)
98 (and (typep condition 'stream-error)
99 *html-output*
100 (compare-streams (stream-error-stream condition) *html-output*)))
102 (defun interesting-condition-p (condition)
103 (not (or (typep condition 'lw2-client-error)
104 (html-output-stream-error-p condition))))
106 (defun log-condition (condition)
107 (handler-case
108 (with-open-file (outstream "./logs/error.log" :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
109 (format outstream "~%~A: ~S ~A~%" (local-time:format-timestring nil (local-time:now)) condition condition)
110 (sb-debug:print-backtrace :stream outstream :from :interrupted-frame :print-frame-source t))
111 (serious-condition ()
112 nil)))
114 (defmacro log-conditions (&body body)
115 `(block log-conditions
116 (handler-bind
117 (((or warning serious-condition) (lambda (c) (when (interesting-condition-p c) (log-condition c)))))
118 ,@body)))
120 (defmacro log-and-ignore-errors (&body body)
121 `(block log-and-ignore-errors
122 (handler-bind
123 ((fatal-error
124 (lambda (c)
125 (when (interesting-condition-p c) (log-condition c))
126 (return-from log-and-ignore-errors (values nil c)))))
127 ,@body)))
129 (defun abort-response ()
130 (throw 'abort-response nil))
132 (defun abort-response-if-unrecoverable (condition)
133 (when (html-output-stream-error-p condition)
134 (abort-response)))
136 (defmacro with-error-html-block (() &body body)
137 "If an error occurs within BODY, write an HTML representation of the
138 signaled condition to *HTML-OUTPUT*."
139 `(block with-error-html-block
140 (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (c)
141 (abort-response-if-unrecoverable c)
142 (error-to-html c)
143 (return-from with-error-html-block nil))))
144 (log-conditions (progn ,@body)))))