Switch back to dexador in download-file.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / images.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.images
2 (:use #:cl #:iterate #:split-sequence #:lw2.conditions #:lw2.html-reader #:lw2.utils #:lw2.hash-utils #:lw2.lmdb)
3 (:import-from #:alexandria #:when-let #:when-let*))
5 (in-package #:lw2.images)
7 (sb-ext:defglobal *image-convert-semaphore* (sb-thread:make-semaphore :count 2))
9 (defun image-statistics (image-filename)
10 (let* ((result-list (with-semaphore (*image-convert-semaphore*)
11 (uiop:run-program (list "choom" "-n" "1000" "--" "convert" image-filename "-format" "%w %h\\n" "info:")
12 :output (lambda (stream)
13 (let ((width-height (split-sequence #\Space (read-line stream)))
14 (animation-frames 1))
15 (iter (while (read-line stream nil))
16 (incf animation-frames))
17 (list* animation-frames width-height))))))
18 (mime-type (uiop:run-program (list "file" "--brief" "--mime-type" image-filename) :output (lambda (stream) (read-line stream)))))
19 (destructuring-bind (animation-frames width height) result-list
20 (alist :width (parse-integer width)
21 :height (parse-integer height)
22 :animation-frames animation-frames
23 :mime-type mime-type))))
25 (defun string-to-brightness (color-string)
26 (let ((color-value (parse-integer color-string :radix 16)))
27 (cond ((= (length color-string) 8) ; 8-bit rgba
28 (* 3 (ldb (byte 8 24) color-value)))
29 ((= (length color-string) 6) ; 8-bit rgb
30 (+ (ldb (byte 8 0) color-value)
31 (ldb (byte 8 8) color-value)
32 (ldb (byte 8 16) color-value)))
33 ((= (length color-string) 16) ; 16-bit rgba
34 (floor
35 (* 3 (ldb (byte 16 48) color-value))
36 256))
37 ((= (length color-string) 12) ; 16-bit rgb
38 (floor
39 (+ (ldb (byte 16 0) color-value)
40 (ldb (byte 16 16) color-value)
41 (ldb (byte 16 32) color-value))
42 256)))))
44 (defun image-invertible (image-filename)
45 (let ((histogram-list nil)
46 (background-pixels 0)
47 (background-brightness 0)
48 (total-pixels 0)
49 (total-brightness 0.0d0))
50 (with-semaphore (*image-convert-semaphore*)
51 (uiop:run-program (list "choom" "-n" "1000" "--" "convert" image-filename "-format" "%c" "histogram:info:")
52 :output (lambda (stream)
53 (iterate (for line next (read-line stream nil))
54 (while line)
55 (multiple-value-bind (match? strings) (ppcre:scan-to-strings "^\\s*(\\d+):" line :sharedp t)
56 (when match?
57 (let ((pixel-count (parse-integer (svref strings 0))))
58 (push pixel-count histogram-list)
59 (incf total-pixels pixel-count)
60 (multiple-value-bind (match? strings) (ppcre:scan-to-strings "#([0-9a-fA-F]+)" line :sharedp t)
61 (when match?
62 (let ((brightness (string-to-brightness (svref strings 0))))
63 (incf total-brightness (* pixel-count (/ brightness (* 3 255.0d0))))
64 (when (> pixel-count background-pixels)
65 (setf background-pixels pixel-count
66 background-brightness brightness))))))))))))
67 (setf histogram-list (sort histogram-list #'>))
68 (let ((tenth (first (nthcdr 10 histogram-list))))
69 (and histogram-list
70 (> (/ (float background-pixels) (float total-pixels)) 0.3333333)
71 (> (/ total-brightness total-pixels) 0.5d0)
72 (> background-brightness (* 3 192))
73 (or (not tenth)
74 (> (first histogram-list) (* 10 tenth)))))))
76 (defun invert-image (input output)
77 (with-semaphore (*image-convert-semaphore*)
78 (uiop:run-program (list "choom" "-n" "1000" "--" "convert" input "-colorspace" "Lab" "-channel" "R" "-negate" "-gamma" "2.2" "-colorspace" "sRGB" output))))
80 (defun download-file (uri target)
81 (sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 60)
82 (with-open-file (out-stream target :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
83 (with-open-stream (in-stream (dex:get uri :want-stream t :force-binary t :keep-alive nil :connect-timeout 30 :headers '((:accept . "image/*,*/*"))))
84 (alexandria:copy-stream in-stream out-stream)))))
86 (defun download-file-with-wayback-fallback (uri target)
87 (handler-case
88 (download-file uri target)
89 (error (c)
90 (let ((wayback-uri (lw2.legacy-archive:wayback-unmodified-url uri)))
91 (if wayback-uri
92 (download-file wayback-uri target)
93 (error c))))))
95 (define-cache-database 'lw2.backend-modules:backend-lmdb-cache "dynamic-content-images" "cached-images")
97 (sb-ext:defglobal *image-threads* (make-hash-table :test 'equal :synchronized t))
98 (defparameter *current-version* 3)
100 (defun process-image (uri)
101 (let* ((filename (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2) (city-hash:city-hash-128 (babel:string-to-octets uri)) (format nil "~32R" (dpb r1 (byte 64 64) r2))))
102 (proxy-uri (format nil "/proxy-assets/~A" filename))
103 (pathname (format nil "www~A" proxy-uri)))
104 (download-file-with-wayback-fallback uri pathname)
105 (let* ((image-statistics (image-statistics pathname))
106 (inverted-uri (and (eq 1 (cdr (assoc :animation-frames image-statistics)))
107 (image-invertible pathname)
108 (format nil "~A-inverted" proxy-uri)))
109 (inverted-pathname (and inverted-uri (format nil "www~A" inverted-uri))))
110 (when inverted-uri (invert-image pathname inverted-pathname))
111 (alist* :version *current-version*
112 :uri uri
113 :filename filename
114 :proxy-uri proxy-uri
115 :inverted-uri inverted-uri
116 image-statistics))))
118 (defun image-uri-data (uri)
119 (let ((key (hash-string uri)))
120 (labels ((make-image-thread ()
121 (let ((thread
122 (sb-ext:with-locked-hash-table (*image-threads*)
123 (or (gethash uri *image-threads*)
124 (setf (gethash uri *image-threads*)
125 (lw2.backend::make-thread-with-current-backend
126 (lambda ()
127 (log-and-ignore-errors ; FIXME figure out how to handle errors here
128 (unwind-protect
129 (let ((result (process-image uri)))
130 (cache-put "dynamic-content-images" key result :key-type :byte-vector :value-type :json)
131 (alist-bind ((filename string) (mime-type string)) result
132 (cache-put "cached-images" filename (alist :mime-type mime-type) :value-type :json))
133 result)
134 (remhash uri *image-threads*))))
135 :name "image processing thread"))))))
136 (sb-thread:join-thread thread))))
137 (let ((cached-data (cache-get "dynamic-content-images" key :key-type :byte-vector :value-type :json)))
138 (if (and cached-data (eql (cdr (assoc :version cached-data)) *current-version*))
139 cached-data
140 (make-image-thread))))))
142 (defun dynamic-image (uri container-tag-name container-attributes)
143 (declare (simple-string uri container-tag-name))
144 (let ((image-data
145 (log-and-ignore-errors
146 (sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 5)
147 (image-uri-data uri)))))
148 (alist-bind ((proxy-uri (or null simple-string))
149 (inverted-uri (or null simple-string))
150 (width (or null fixnum))
151 (height (or null fixnum)))
152 image-data
153 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
154 (write-char #\< stream)
155 (write-string container-tag-name stream)
156 (with-delimited-writer (stream delimit :begin " " :between " ")
157 (when (and width height)
158 (delimit)
159 (format stream "style='--aspect-ratio: ~F; max-width: ~Dpx'"
160 (/ (float width)
161 (float height))
162 width))
163 (iter (for (attr . value) in container-attributes)
164 (declare (type (or null simple-string) attr value))
165 (unless (string-equal attr "style")
166 (delimit)
167 (write-string attr stream)
168 (write-string "='" stream)
169 (plump:encode-entities value stream)
170 (write-char #\' stream))))
171 (let ((encoded-uri (plump:encode-entities uri)))
172 (if inverted-uri
173 (format stream "><picture style='display: var(--invertible-display)' data-original-src='~A'><source srcset='~A' media='(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'><img src='~A'></picture><img style='display: var(--inverted-display)' src='~A'>"
174 encoded-uri
175 inverted-uri
176 (or proxy-uri encoded-uri)
177 inverted-uri)
178 (format stream "><img src='~A' data-original-src='~A'>"
179 (or proxy-uri encoded-uri) encoded-uri)))
180 (format stream "</~A>" container-tag-name)))))