New dark mode implementation, part 2.
[lw2-viewer.git] / lw2.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2-viewer
2 (:use #:cl #:sb-thread #:flexi-streams #:djula #:iterate
3 #:lw2-viewer.config #:lw2.utils #:lw2.lmdb #:lw2.backend #:lw2.links #:lw2.clean-html #:lw2.login #:lw2.context #:lw2.sites #:lw2.components #:lw2.html-reader #:lw2.fonts
4 #:lw2.csrf
5 #:lw2.graphql
6 #:lw2.conditions
7 #:lw2.routes
8 #:lw2.response
9 #:lw2.schema-type
10 #:lw2.interface-utils
11 #:lw2.user-context
12 #:lw2.web-push
15 #:lw2.client-script
16 #:lw2.resources)
17 (:import-from #:alexandria #:with-gensyms #:once-only #:ensure-list #:when-let #:when-let* #:if-let #:alist-hash-table)
18 (:import-from #:collectors #:with-collector)
19 (:import-from #:ppcre #:regex-replace-all)
20 (:unintern
21 #:define-regex-handler #:*fonts-stylesheet-uri* #:generate-fonts-link
22 #:user-nav-bar #:*primary-nav* #:*secondary-nav* #:*nav-bars*
23 #:begin-html #:end-html
24 #:*fonts-stylesheet-uris* #:*fonts-redirect-data* #:*fonts-redirect-lock* #:*fonts-redirect-thread*
25 #:postprocess-conversation-title
26 #:map-output
27 #:*earliest-post*
28 #:*extra-external-scripts* #:*extra-inline-scripts*
29 #:site-stylesheets #:site-inline-scripts #:site-scripts #:site-external-scripts #:site-head-elements
30 #:unwrap-stream
31 #:sort-comments
32 #:*html-head*
33 #:with-open-tag)
34 (:recycle #:lw2-viewer #:lw2.backend))
36 (in-package #:lw2-viewer)
38 (named-readtables:in-readtable html-reader)
40 (add-template-directory (asdf:system-relative-pathname "lw2-viewer" "templates/"))
42 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-legacy
43 "auth-token-to-userid" "auth-token-to-username" "user-ignore-list")
45 (defvar *read-only-mode* nil)
46 (defvar *read-only-default-message* "Due to a system outage, you cannot log in or post at this time.")
48 (defparameter *default-prefs* (alist :items-per-page 20 :default-sort "new"))
49 (defvar *current-prefs* nil)
51 (defun get-post-sequences (post-id)
52 (when-let (sequence-ids (get-post-sequence-ids post-id))
53 (with-collector (col)
54 (dolist (sequence-id sequence-ids)
55 (let* ((sequence (get-sequence sequence-id))
56 (posts (sequence-post-ids sequence)))
57 (multiple-value-bind (prev next)
58 (loop for prev = nil then (car current)
59 for current on posts
60 when (string= (car current) post-id)
61 return (values prev (second current)))
62 (when (or prev next)
63 (col (list sequence
64 (and prev (get-sequence-post sequence prev))
65 (and next (get-sequence-post sequence next))))))))
66 (col))))
68 (defun rectify-post-relations (post-relations)
69 (remove-if-not (lambda (pr) (cdr (assoc :--id (cdr (first pr))))) post-relations))
71 (defun post-nav-links (post post-sequences)
72 <nav class="post-nav-links">
73 (schema-bind (:post post (target-post-relations source-post-relations) :context :body)
74 (let ((target-post-relations (rectify-post-relations target-post-relations))
75 (source-post-relations (rectify-post-relations source-post-relations)))
76 (when (or target-post-relations source-post-relations)
77 <div class="related-posts">
78 (dolist (relations `((,source-post-relations "Parent question")
79 (,target-post-relations "Sub-question")))
80 (destructuring-bind (related-posts relation-type) relations
81 (when related-posts
82 <div class="related-post-group">
83 <div class="related-post-type">("~A~A" relation-type (if (second related-posts) "s" ""))</div>
84 (dolist (post-relation related-posts)
85 (post-headline-to-html (or (cdr (assoc :source-post post-relation))
86 (cdr (assoc :target-post post-relation)))))
87 </div>)))
88 </div>)))
89 (loop for (sequence prev next) in post-sequences do
90 (progn
91 <div class="post-nav-item sequence">
92 <a class="post-nav sequence-title" href=("/s/~A" (cdr (assoc :--id sequence)))>
93 <span class="post-nav-label">Part of the sequence:</span>
94 <span class="post-nav-title">(safe (clean-text-to-html (cdr (assoc :title sequence))))</span>
95 </a>
96 (labels ((post-nav-link (direction post)
97 <a class=("post-nav ~A" (string-downcase direction)) href=(generate-item-link :post post)>
98 <span class="post-nav-label">(case direction (:prev "Previous: ") (:next "Next: "))</span>
99 <span class="post-nav-title">(safe (clean-text-to-html (cdr (assoc :title post))))</span>
100 </a>))
101 (when prev (post-nav-link :prev prev))
102 (when next (post-nav-link :next next)))
103 </div>))
104 </nav>)
106 (defun rectify-conversation (conversation)
107 (alist-bind ((title (or null string)))
108 conversation
109 (if (or (null title) (string= title ""))
110 (acons :title "[Untitled conversation]" conversation)
111 conversation)))
113 (defun conversation-message-to-html (out-stream message)
114 (alist-bind ((user-id string)
115 (created-at string)
116 (highlight-new boolean)
117 (conversation list)
118 (content list)
119 (contents list)
120 (html-body (or string null)))
121 message
122 (let ((conversation (rectify-conversation conversation)))
123 (multiple-value-bind (pretty-time js-time) (pretty-time created-at)
124 (format out-stream "<div class=\"comment private-message~A\"><div class=\"comment-meta\"><a class=\"author\" href=\"/users/~A\">~A</a> <span class=\"date\" data-js-date=\"~A\">~A~A</span><div class=\"comment-post-title\">Private message in: <a href=\"/conversation?id=~A\">~A</a></div></div><div class=\"body-text comment-body\">"
125 (if highlight-new " comment-item-highlight" "")
126 (encode-entities (get-user-slug user-id))
127 (encode-entities (get-username user-id))
128 js-time
129 pretty-time
130 (pretty-time-js)
131 (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :--id conversation)))
132 (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :title conversation)))))
133 (labels ((ws (html-body) (let ((*memoized-output-stream* out-stream)) (clean-html* html-body))))
134 (cond
135 (contents (ws (cdr (assoc :html contents))))
136 (html-body (ws html-body))
137 (t (format out-stream "~{<p>~A</p>~}" (loop for block in (cdr (assoc :blocks content)) collect (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :text block))))))))
138 (format out-stream "</div></div>"))))
140 (defun conversation-index-to-html (out-stream conversation)
141 (alist-bind ((conversation-id string :--id)
142 (title (or null string))
143 (created-at (or null string))
144 (participants list)
145 (messages-total fixnum))
146 (rectify-conversation conversation)
147 (multiple-value-bind (pretty-time js-time) (if created-at (pretty-time created-at) (values "[Error]" 0))
148 (format out-stream "<h1 class=\"listing\"><a href=\"/conversation?id=~A\">~A</a></h1><div class=\"post-meta\"><div class=\"conversation-participants\"><ul>~:{<li><a href=\"/users/~A\">~A</a></li>~}</ul></div><div class=\"messages-count\">~A</div><div class=\"date\" data-js-date=\"~A\">~A~A</div></div>"
149 (encode-entities conversation-id)
150 (encode-entities title)
151 (loop for p in participants
152 collect (list (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :slug p))) (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :display-name p)))))
153 (pretty-number messages-total "message")
154 js-time
155 pretty-time
156 (pretty-time-js)))))
158 (defun collection-to-contents (collection &optional (heading-level 1) (used-anchors (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
159 (alist-bind ((title (or string null)))
160 collection
161 (let ((subcollections (cdr
162 (find-if (lambda (x) (member (car x) '(:books :sequences :chapters) :test #'eq))
163 collection)))
164 contents-head contents-tail)
165 (labels ((add-contents (c)
166 (when c
167 (if contents-head
168 (setf (cdr contents-tail) c)
169 (setf contents-head c))
170 (setf contents-tail (last c)))))
171 (cond
172 ((and title (not (cdr (assoc :books collection))))
173 (add-contents (list (list heading-level title (title-to-anchor title used-anchors))))
174 (dolist (subcollection subcollections)
175 (add-contents (collection-to-contents subcollection (1+ heading-level) used-anchors))))
176 (:otherwise
177 (dolist (subcollection subcollections)
178 (add-contents (collection-to-contents subcollection heading-level used-anchors)))))
179 contents-head))))
181 (defun collection-to-html (collection &optional (heading-level 1) (used-anchors (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
182 (alist-bind ((title (or string null))
183 (subtitle (or string null))
184 (number (or fixnum null))
185 (contents list)
186 (posts list))
187 collection
188 (let* ((subcollections (cdr
189 (find-if (lambda (x) (member (car x) '(:books :sequences :chapters) :test #'eq))
190 collection)))
191 (html-body (cdr (assoc :html contents))))
192 (cond
193 ((or html-body title posts)
194 <section>
195 (when (or html-body title)
196 <div class="body-text sequence-text">
197 (when title
198 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
199 (format stream "<h~A id=\"~A\" class=\"sequence-chapter\">~@[~A. ~]~A</h~A>"
200 heading-level
201 (title-to-anchor title used-anchors)
202 number
203 (clean-text-to-html title)
204 heading-level)))
205 (when (assoc :books collection)
206 (contents-to-html (collection-to-contents collection) 1 *html-output*))
207 (when subtitle
208 <div class="sequence-subtitle">(safe (clean-text-to-html subtitle))</div>)
209 (when html-body
210 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
211 (let ((*memoized-output-stream* stream)) (clean-html* html-body))))
212 </div>)
213 (if posts
214 (dolist (post posts)
215 (post-headline-to-html post))
216 (dolist (subcollection subcollections)
217 (collection-to-html subcollection (1+ heading-level) used-anchors)))
218 </section>)
219 (:otherwise
220 (dolist (subcollection subcollections)
221 (collection-to-html subcollection heading-level used-anchors)))))))
223 (defun sequence-to-html (sequence)
224 (labels ((contents-to-html (contents &key title subtitle number)
225 (let ((html-body (cdr (assoc :html contents))))
226 (when (or html-body title subtitle)
227 <div class="body-text sequence-text">
228 (when title
229 <h1 class="sequence-chapter">(safe (format nil "~@[~A. ~]~A" number (clean-text-to-html title :hyphenation nil)))</h1>)
230 (when subtitle
231 <div class="sequence-subtitle">(clean-text-to-html subtitle)</div>)
232 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
233 (when html-body
234 (let ((*memoized-output-stream* stream)) (clean-html* html-body))))
235 </div>)))
236 (chapter-to-html (chapter)
237 (alist-bind ((title (or string null))
238 (subtitle (or string null))
239 (number (or fixnum null))
240 (contents list)
241 (posts list))
242 chapter
243 <section>
244 (with-html-stream-output
245 (contents-to-html contents :title title :subtitle subtitle :number number)
246 <section>
247 (with-html-stream-output
248 (dolist (post posts)
249 (post-headline-to-html post)))
250 </section>)
251 </section>)))
252 (alist-bind ((sequence-id string :--id)
253 (title string)
254 (created-at string)
255 (user-id string)
256 (chapters list)
257 (contents list))
258 sequence
259 (multiple-value-bind (pretty-time js-time) (pretty-time created-at)
260 <article>
261 (if chapters
262 <h1 class="post-title">(safe (clean-text-to-html title :hyphenation nil))</h1>
263 <h1 class="listing"><a href=("/s/~A" sequence-id)>(safe (clean-text-to-html title :hyphenation nil))</a></h1>)
264 <div class="post-meta">
265 <a class=("author~{ ~A~}" (list-cond ((logged-in-userid user-id) "own-user-author")))
266 href=("/users/~A" (get-user-slug user-id))
267 data-userid=user-id>
268 (get-username user-id)
269 </a>
270 <div class="date" data-js-date=js-time>
271 (safe pretty-time)
272 (safe (pretty-time-js))
273 </div>
274 </div>
275 (with-html-stream-output
276 (when chapters
277 (contents-to-html contents)
278 (dolist (chapter chapters)
279 (chapter-to-html chapter))))
280 </article>))))
282 (defun abort-response ()
283 (throw 'abort-response nil))
285 (defun abort-response-if-unrecoverable (condition)
286 (when (html-output-stream-error-p condition)
287 (abort-response)))
289 (defmacro with-error-html-block (() &body body)
290 "If an error occurs within BODY, write an HTML representation of the
291 signaled condition to *HTML-OUTPUT*."
292 `(block with-error-html-block
293 (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (c)
294 (abort-response-if-unrecoverable c)
295 (error-to-html c)
296 (return-from with-error-html-block nil))))
297 (log-conditions (progn ,@body)))))
299 (defun make-comment-parent-hash-real (comments)
300 (let ((existing-comment-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
301 (hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
302 (dolist (c comments)
303 (if-let (id (cdr (assoc :--id c)))
304 (setf (gethash id existing-comment-hash) t)))
305 (dolist (c comments)
306 (let* ((parent-id (cdr (assoc :parent-comment-id c)))
307 (old (gethash parent-id hash)))
308 (setf (gethash parent-id hash) (cons c old))
309 (when (and parent-id (not (gethash parent-id existing-comment-hash)))
310 (let ((placeholder (alist :--id parent-id :parent-comment-id nil :deleted t)))
311 (setf (gethash parent-id existing-comment-hash) t
312 (gethash nil hash) (cons placeholder (gethash nil hash)))))))
313 (maphash (lambda (k old)
314 (setf (gethash k hash) (nreverse old)))
315 hash)
316 (labels
317 ((count-children (parent)
318 (let ((children (gethash (cdr (assoc :--id parent)) hash)))
319 (+ (length children) (apply #'+ (map 'list #'count-children children)))))
320 (add-child-counts (comment-list)
321 (loop for c in comment-list
322 as id = (cdr (assoc :--id c))
323 do (setf (gethash id hash) (add-child-counts (gethash id hash)))
324 collecting (cons (cons :child-count (count-children c)) c))))
325 (setf (gethash nil hash) (add-child-counts (gethash nil hash))))
326 hash))
328 (defparameter *comment-parent-hash-cache* (make-hash-table :test 'eq
329 :weakness :value
330 :synchronized t))
332 (defun make-comment-parent-hash (comments)
333 (or (gethash comments *comment-parent-hash-cache*)
334 (setf (gethash comments *comment-parent-hash-cache*) (make-comment-parent-hash-real comments))))
336 (defun comment-thread-to-html (out-stream emit-comment-item-fn)
337 (format out-stream "<ul class=\"comment-thread\">")
338 (funcall emit-comment-item-fn)
339 (format out-stream "</ul>"))
341 (defun comment-item-to-html (out-stream comment &key extra-html-fn with-post-title level level-invert)
342 (with-error-html-block ()
343 (let ((c-id (cdr (assoc :--id comment)))
344 (user-id (cdr (assoc :user-id comment))))
345 (format out-stream "<li id=\"comment-~A\" class=\"comment-item~{ ~A~}\">"
346 c-id
347 (list-cond
348 (t (if (let ((is-odd (or (not level) (evenp level)))) ;inverted because level counts from 0
349 (if level-invert (not is-odd) is-odd))
350 "depth-odd" "depth-even"))
351 ((and *current-ignore-hash* (gethash user-id *current-ignore-hash*)) "ignored")))
352 (unwind-protect
353 (comment-to-html out-stream comment :with-post-title with-post-title)
354 (if extra-html-fn (funcall extra-html-fn c-id))
355 (format out-stream "</li>")))))
357 (defun comment-tree-to-html (out-stream comment-hash &key (target nil) (level (if target 1 0)) level-invert)
358 (let ((comments (gethash target comment-hash)))
359 (when comments
360 (comment-thread-to-html out-stream
361 (lambda ()
362 (loop for c in comments do
363 (comment-item-to-html out-stream c
364 :level level
365 :level-invert level-invert
366 :extra-html-fn (lambda (c-id)
367 (if (and (= level 10) (gethash c-id comment-hash))
368 (format out-stream "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"expand-~A\"><label for=\"expand-~:*~A\" data-child-count=\"~A comment~:P\">Expand this thread</label>"
369 c-id
370 (cdr (assoc :child-count c))))
371 (comment-tree-to-html out-stream comment-hash :target c-id :level (1+ level) :level-invert level-invert)))))))))
373 (defun sort-items (items sort-by)
374 (multiple-value-bind (sort-fn key-fn)
375 (ecase sort-by
376 ((:old :new) (values (if (eq sort-by :old)
377 (lambda (a b) (ignore-errors (local-time:timestamp< a b)))
378 (lambda (a b) (ignore-errors (local-time:timestamp> a b))))
379 (lambda (c) (ignore-errors (local-time:parse-timestring (or (cdr (assoc :posted-at c))
380 (cdr (assoc :created-at c)))))))))
381 (sort items sort-fn :key key-fn)))
383 (defun comment-chrono-to-html (out-stream comments)
384 (let ((comment-hash (make-comment-parent-hash comments))
385 (comments (sort-items comments :old)))
386 (comment-thread-to-html out-stream
387 (lambda ()
388 (loop for c in comments do
389 (let* ((c-id (cdr (assoc :--id c)))
390 (new-c (acons :children (gethash c-id comment-hash) c)))
391 (comment-item-to-html out-stream new-c)))))))
393 (defun comment-post-interleave (list &key limit offset (sort-by :date))
394 (multiple-value-bind (sort-fn sort-key)
395 (ecase sort-by
396 (:date (values #'local-time:timestamp> (lambda (x) (local-time:parse-timestring (cdr (assoc :posted-at x))))))
397 (:date-reverse (values #'local-time:timestamp< (lambda (x) (local-time:parse-timestring (cdr (assoc :posted-at x))))))
398 (:score (values #'> (lambda (x) (cdr (assoc :base-score x))))))
399 (let ((sorted (sort list sort-fn :key sort-key)))
400 (loop for end = (if (or limit offset) (+ (or limit 0) (or offset 0)))
401 for x in sorted
402 for count from 0
403 until (and end (>= count end))
404 when (or (not offset) (>= count offset))
405 collect x))))
407 (defun identify-item (x)
408 (typecase x
409 (cons
410 (if-let (typename (cdr (assoc :----typename x)))
411 (find-symbol (string-upcase typename) (find-package :keyword))
412 (cond
413 ((assoc :message x)
414 :notification)
415 ((assoc :comment-count x)
416 :post)
418 :comment))))
419 (condition :condition)))
421 (defun write-index-items-to-html (out-stream items &key need-auth (empty-message "No entries.") skip-section)
422 (if items
423 (dolist (x items)
424 (with-error-html-block ()
425 (ecase (identify-item x)
426 (:condition
427 (error-to-html x))
428 (:notification
429 (format out-stream "<p>~A</p>" (cdr (assoc :message x))))
430 (:message
431 (format out-stream "<ul class=\"comment-thread\"><li class=\"comment-item depth-odd\">")
432 (unwind-protect
433 (conversation-message-to-html out-stream x)
434 (format out-stream "</li></ul>")))
435 (:conversation
436 (conversation-index-to-html out-stream x))
437 (:post
438 (post-headline-to-html x :need-auth (or need-auth (cdr (assoc :draft x))) :skip-section skip-section))
439 (:comment
440 (comment-thread-to-html out-stream
441 (lambda () (comment-item-to-html out-stream x :with-post-title t))))
442 (:sequence
443 (sequence-to-html x)))))
444 (format out-stream "<div class=\"listing-message\">~A</div>" empty-message)))
446 (defun write-index-items-to-rss (out-stream items &key title need-auth)
447 (let ((full-title (format nil "~@[~A - ~]~A" title (site-title *current-site*)))
448 (items (firstn (sort-items items :new) 20)))
449 (xml-emitter:with-rss2 (out-stream :encoding "UTF-8")
450 (xml-emitter:rss-channel-header full-title (site-uri *current-site*) :description full-title)
451 (labels ((emit-item (item &key title link (guid (cdr (assoc :--id item))) (author (get-username (cdr (assoc :user-id item))))
452 (date (pretty-time (cdr (assoc :posted-at item)) :format local-time:+rfc-1123-format+)) body)
453 (xml-emitter:rss-item
454 title
455 :link link
456 :author author
457 :pubDate date
458 :guid guid
459 :description body)))
460 (dolist (item items)
461 (ecase (identify-item item)
462 (:post
463 (let ((author (get-username (cdr (assoc :user-id item))))
464 (is-event (cdr (assoc :is-event item))))
465 (emit-item item
466 :title (clean-text (format nil "~A by ~A" (cdr (assoc :title item)) author))
467 :author author
468 :link (generate-post-auth-link item :absolute t :need-auth need-auth :item-subtype (if is-event "event" "post"))
469 :body (clean-html (or (cdr (assoc :html-body (get-post-body (cdr (assoc :--id item)) :revalidate nil))) "") :post-id (cdr (assoc :--id item))))))
470 (:comment
471 (schema-bind (:comment item (comment-id post-id user-id html-body))
472 (when post-id ; XXX fixme
473 (emit-item item
474 :title (format nil "Comment by ~A on ~A" (get-username user-id) (get-post-title post-id))
475 :link (generate-item-link :post post-id :comment-id comment-id :absolute t)
476 :body (clean-html html-body)))))))))))
478 (defun search-bar-to-html (out-stream)
479 (declare (special *current-search-query*))
480 (let ((query (and (boundp '*current-search-query*) (hunchentoot:escape-for-html *current-search-query*))))
481 (format out-stream "<form action=\"/search\" class=\"nav-inner\"><input name=\"q\" type=\"search\" ~@[value=\"~A\"~] autocomplete=\"off\" accesskey=\"s\" title=\"Search [s]~@[&#10;Tip: Paste a ~A URL here to jump to that page.~]\"><button>Search</button></form>" query (main-site-title *current-site*))))
483 (defun inbox-to-html (out-stream user-slug &optional new-messages)
484 (let* ((target-uri (format nil "/users/~A?show=inbox" user-slug))
485 (as-link (string= (hunchentoot:request-uri*) target-uri)))
486 (multiple-value-bind (nm-class nm-text)
487 (if new-messages (values "new-messages" "New messages") (values "no-messages" "Inbox"))
488 (format out-stream "<~:[a href=\"~A\"~;span~*~] id=\"inbox-indicator\" class=\"~A\" accesskey=\"o\" title=\"~A~:[ [o]~;~]\">~A</a>"
489 as-link target-uri nm-class nm-text as-link nm-text))))
491 (defmethod site-nav-bars ((site site))
492 '((:secondary-bar (("archive" "/archive" "Archive" :accesskey "r")
493 ("about" "/about" "About" :accesskey "t")
494 ("search" "/search" "Search" :html search-bar-to-html)
495 user-nav-item))
496 (:primary-bar (("home" "/" "Home" :description "Latest frontpage posts" :accesskey "h")
497 ("recent-comments" "/recentcomments" "<span>Recent </span>Comments" :description "Latest comments" :accesskey "c")))))
499 (defmethod site-nav-bars ((site lesswrong-viewer-site))
500 '((:secondary-bar (("archive" "/archive" "Archive" :accesskey "r")
501 ("sequences" "/library" "Sequences" :description "Sequences" :accesskey "q")
502 ("about" "/about" "About" :accesskey "t")
503 ("search" "/search" "Search" :html search-bar-to-html)
504 user-nav-item))
505 (:tertiary-bar (("questions" "/index?view=questions" "Questions")
506 ("events" "/index?view=events" "Events")
507 ("shortform" "/shortform" "Shortform" :description "Latest Shortform posts")
508 ("alignment-forum" "/index?view=alignment-forum" "Alignment Forum")
509 ("alignment-forum-comments" "/recentcomments?view=alignment-forum" "AF Comments")))
510 (:primary-bar (("home" "/" "Home" :description "Latest frontpage posts" :accesskey "h")
511 ("featured" "/index?view=featured" "Featured" :description "Latest featured posts" :accesskey "f")
512 ("all" "/index?view=all" "All" :description "Latest posts from all sections" :accesskey "a")
513 ("tags" "/tags" "Tags" :description "All tags" :accesskey "v")
514 ("recent-comments" "/recentcomments" "<span>Recent </span>Comments" :description "Latest comments" :accesskey "c")))))
516 (defmethod site-nav-bars ((site ea-forum-viewer-site))
517 '((:secondary-bar (("archive" "/archive" "Archive" :accesskey "r")
518 ("about" "/about" "About" :accesskey "t")
519 ("search" "/search" "Search" :html search-bar-to-html)
520 user-nav-item))
521 (:primary-bar (("home" "/" "Home" :description "Latest frontpage posts" :accesskey "h")
522 ("all" "/index?view=all" "All" :description "Latest posts from all sections" :accesskey "a")
523 ("tags" "/tags" "Wiki" :description "Wiki pages and tags" :accesskey "v")
524 ("shortform" "/shortform" "Shortform" :description "Latest Shortform posts")
525 ("recent-comments" "/recentcomments" "<span>Recent </span>Comments" :description "Latest comments" :accesskey "c")))))
527 (defun prepare-nav-bar (nav-bar current-uri)
528 (list (first nav-bar)
529 (map 'list (lambda (item) (if (listp item) item (funcall item current-uri)))
530 (second nav-bar))))
532 (defun nav-item-active (item current-uri)
533 (when item
534 (destructuring-bind (id uri name &key description html accesskey nofollow trailing-html override-uri) item
535 (declare (ignore id name description html accesskey nofollow trailing-html))
536 (string= (or override-uri uri) current-uri))))
538 (defun nav-bar-active (nav-bar current-uri)
539 (some (lambda (x) (nav-item-active x current-uri)) (second nav-bar)))
541 (defun nav-bar-inner (out-stream items &optional current-uri)
542 (maplist (lambda (items)
543 (let ((item (first items)))
544 (destructuring-bind (id uri name &key description html accesskey nofollow trailing-html override-uri) item
545 (declare (ignore override-uri))
546 (let* ((item-active (nav-item-active item current-uri))
547 (nav-class (format nil "nav-item ~:[nav-inactive~;nav-current~]~:[~; nav-item-last-before-current~]"
548 item-active (and (not item-active) (nav-item-active (cadr items) current-uri)))))
549 (format out-stream "<span id=\"nav-item-~A\" class=\"~A\" ~@[title=\"~A\"~]>"
550 id nav-class description)
551 (if html
552 (funcall html out-stream)
553 (link-if-not out-stream item-active uri "nav-inner" name :accesskey accesskey :nofollow nofollow))
554 (if trailing-html
555 (funcall trailing-html out-stream))
556 (format out-stream "</span>")))))
557 items))
559 (defun nav-bar-outer (out-stream class nav-bar &optional current-uri)
560 (format out-stream "<nav id=\"~A\" class=\"nav-bar~@[ ~A~]\">" (string-downcase (first nav-bar)) class)
561 (nav-bar-inner out-stream (second nav-bar) current-uri)
562 (format out-stream "</nav>"))
564 (defun nav-bar-to-html (out-stream class current-uri)
565 (let* ((nav-bars (map 'list (lambda (x) (prepare-nav-bar x current-uri)) (site-nav-bars *current-site*)))
566 (active-bar (or (find-if (lambda (x) (nav-bar-active x current-uri)) nav-bars) (car (last nav-bars))))
567 (inactive-bars (remove active-bar nav-bars)))
568 (dolist (bar inactive-bars)
569 (nav-bar-outer out-stream (format nil "~@[~A ~]inactive-bar" class) bar current-uri))
570 (nav-bar-outer out-stream (format nil "~@[~A ~]active-bar" class) active-bar current-uri)))
572 (defun user-nav-item (&optional current-uri)
573 (if *read-only-mode*
574 `("login" "/login" "Read Only Mode" :html ,(lambda (out-stream)
575 (format out-stream "<span class=\"nav-inner\" title=\"~A\">[Read Only Mode]</span>"
576 (typecase *read-only-mode*
577 (string *read-only-mode*)
578 (t *read-only-default-message*)))))
579 (if-let (username (logged-in-username))
580 (let ((user-slug (encode-entities (logged-in-user-slug))))
581 `("login" ,(format nil "/users/~A" user-slug) ,(plump:encode-entities username) :description "User page" :accesskey "u"
582 :trailing-html ,(lambda (out-stream) (inbox-to-html out-stream user-slug))))
583 `("login" "/login" "Log In"
584 :html ,(lambda (out-stream)
585 (write-string "<form action='/login' id='login-button-form'><input type='hidden' name='return' value='" out-stream)
586 (encode-entities current-uri out-stream)
587 (write-string "'></form><button class='nav-inner' form='login-button-form' accesskey='u'>Log In</button>" out-stream))))))
589 (defun sublevel-nav-to-html (options current &key default (base-uri (hunchentoot:request-uri*)) (param-name "show") (remove-params '("offset")) extra-class)
590 (declare (type (or null string) extra-class))
591 (let ((out-stream *html-output*))
592 (format out-stream "<nav class=\"sublevel-nav~@[ ~A~]\">" extra-class)
593 (loop for item in options
594 do (destructuring-bind (param-value &key (text (string-capitalize param-value)) description) (if (atom item) (list item) item)
595 (let* ((param-value (string-downcase param-value))
596 (selected (string-equal current param-value))
597 (class (if selected "sublevel-item selected" "sublevel-item")))
598 (link-if-not out-stream selected (apply #'replace-query-params base-uri param-name (unless (string-equal param-value default) param-value)
599 (loop for x in remove-params nconc (list x nil)))
600 class text :title description))))
601 (format out-stream "</nav>")))
603 (defmacro set-script-variables (&rest clauses)
604 (with-gensyms (out-stream name value)
605 `(with-html-stream-output (:stream ,out-stream)
606 ,.(loop for clause in clauses
607 collect (destructuring-bind (name-form value-form) clause
608 `(let ((,name ,name-form)
609 (,value ,value-form))
610 (declare (dynamic-extent ,name ,value))
611 (write-string ,name ,out-stream)
612 (write-string "=" ,out-stream)
613 (json:encode-json ,value ,out-stream)
614 (write-string #.(format nil ";~%") ,out-stream)))))))
616 (defun html-body (out-stream fn &key title description social-description current-uri content-class robots extra-head)
617 (macrolet ((for-resource-type ((resource-type &rest args) &body body)
618 (with-gensyms (resource)
619 `(dolist (,resource page-resources)
620 (when (eq (first ,resource) ,resource-type)
621 (destructuring-bind ,args (rest ,resource)
622 ,@body))))))
623 (with-html-stream-output
624 (let* ((session-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "session-token"))
625 (csrf-token (and session-token (make-csrf-token session-token)))
626 (hide-nav-bars (truthy-string-p (hunchentoot:get-parameter "hide-nav-bars")))
627 (preview *preview*)
628 (page-resources (nreverse *page-resources*))
629 (site-domain (site-domain *current-site*)))
630 (setf *page-resources* nil)
631 (write-string "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en-US\"><head>
632 <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">
633 <meta name=\"HandheldFriendly\" content=\"True\" />"
634 out-stream)
635 (with-delimited-writer (out-stream delimit :begin "<script>" :end "</script>")
636 (when site-domain
637 (delimit)
638 (set-script-variables ("document.domain" site-domain))) ; Requires origin-agent-cluster header, see below
639 (unless preview
640 (delimit)
641 (when (typep *current-site* 'login-site)
642 (set-script-variables
643 ("loggedInUserId" (or (logged-in-userid) ""))
644 ("loggedInUserDisplayName" (or (logged-in-username) ""))
645 ("loggedInUserSlug" (or (logged-in-user-slug) ""))))
646 (set-script-variables
647 ("applicationServerKey" (get-vapid-public-key))
648 ("GW" (alist "useFancyFeatures" (not (typep *current-site* 'arbital-site))
649 "secureCookies" (to-boolean (site-secure *current-site*))
650 "csrfToken" csrf-token
651 "assets" (alist "popup.svg" (generate-versioned-link "/assets/popup.svg"))
652 "sites" (if site-domain
653 (loop for site in *sites*
654 when (let ((sd (site-domain site))) (and sd (string-equal sd site-domain)))
655 collect (cons (site-host site) t))
656 (alist (site-host *current-site*) t)))))
657 (for-resource-type (:inline-script script-text)
658 (write-string ";" out-stream)
659 (write-string script-text out-stream))))
660 (unless preview
661 (funcall lw2.resources::*script-tags* out-stream)
662 (for-resource-type (:script uri)
663 (format out-stream "<script src=\"~A\"></script>" uri))
664 (funcall lw2.resources::*async-script-tags* out-stream)
665 (for-resource-type (:async-script uri)
666 (format out-stream "<script src=\"~A\" async></script>" uri)))
667 (funcall lw2.resources::*style-tags* out-stream)
668 (for-resource-type (:stylesheet uri &key media class)
669 (format out-stream "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"~A\"~@[ media=\"~A\"~]~@[ class=\"~A\"~]>" uri media class))
670 (generate-fonts-html-headers (site-fonts-source *current-site*))
671 (format out-stream "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"~A\">"
672 (generate-versioned-link "/assets/favicon.ico"))
673 (format out-stream "<title>~@[~A - ~]~A</title>~@[<meta name=\"description\" content=\"~A\">~]~@[<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"~A\">~]"
674 (if title (encode-entities title))
675 (site-title *current-site*)
676 description
677 robots)
678 (unless preview
679 (when title
680 <meta property="og:title" content=title>)
681 (when social-description
682 <meta property="og:description" content=social-description>
683 <meta property="og:type" content="article">))
684 (with-delimited-writer (out-stream delimit :begin "<style>" :between #.(format nil "~%") :end "</style>")
685 (unless (and (typep *current-site* 'login-site) (logged-in-userid))
686 (delimit)
687 (write-string " { display: none }" out-stream))
688 (when *memoized-output-without-hyphens*
689 ;; The browser has been detected as having bugs related to soft-hyphen characters.
690 ;; But there is some hope that it could still do hyphenation by itself.
691 (delimit)
692 (write-string ".body-text { hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; }" out-stream)))
693 (when preview
694 (format out-stream "<base target='_top'>"))
695 (when extra-head (funcall extra-head))
696 (format out-stream "</head>")
697 (unwind-protect
698 (progn
699 (format out-stream "<body class=\"~{~A~^ ~}\"><div id=\"content\"~@[ class=\"~{~A~^ ~}\"~]>"
700 (let* ((theme (nonempty-string (hunchentoot:cookie-in "theme")))
701 (dark-mode (nonempty-string (hunchentoot:cookie-in "dark-mode"))))
702 (list-cond (t (format nil "theme-~A" (or theme "default")))
703 (dark-mode (format nil "force-~A-mode" dark-mode))))
704 (list-cond (content-class content-class)
705 (hide-nav-bars "no-nav-bars")
706 (preview "preview")))
707 (unless (or hide-nav-bars preview)
708 (nav-bar-to-html out-stream "nav-bar-top" (or current-uri (replace-query-params (hunchentoot:request-uri*) "offset" nil "sort" nil)))
709 (when (and (typep *current-site* 'login-site) (logged-in-userid))
710 (call-with-server-data 'process-user-status "/current-user-status")))
711 (activate-client-trigger "navBarLoaded")
712 (funcall fn))
713 (format out-stream "</div></body></html>"))))))
715 (defun replace-query-params (uri &rest params)
716 (let* ((quri (quri:uri uri))
717 (old-params (quri:uri-query-params quri))
718 (new-params (loop with out = old-params
719 for (param value) on params by #'cddr
720 do (if value
721 (if-let (old-cons (assoc param out :test #'equal))
722 (setf (cdr old-cons) value)
723 (setf out (nconc out (list (cons param value)))))
724 (setf out (remove-if (lambda (x) (equal (car x) param)) out)))
725 finally (return out))))
726 (if new-params
727 (setf (quri:uri-query-params quri) new-params)
728 (setf (quri:uri-query quri) nil))
729 (quri:render-uri quri)))
731 (defun pagination-nav-bars (&key offset total with-next (items-per-page (user-pref :items-per-page)))
732 (if *preview*
733 (lambda (out-stream fn)
734 (declare (ignore out-stream))
735 (funcall fn))
736 (lambda (out-stream fn)
737 (labels ((pages-to-end (n) (< (+ offset (* items-per-page n)) total)))
738 (let* ((with-next (if total (pages-to-end 1) with-next))
739 (next (if (and offset with-next) (+ offset items-per-page)))
740 (prev (if (and offset (>= offset items-per-page)) (- offset items-per-page)))
741 (request-uri (hunchentoot:request-uri*))
742 (first-uri (if (and prev (> prev 0)) (replace-query-params request-uri "offset" nil)))
743 (prev-uri (if prev (replace-query-params request-uri "offset" (if (= prev 0) nil prev))))
744 (next-uri (if next (replace-query-params request-uri "offset" next)))
745 (last-uri (if (and total offset (pages-to-end 2))
746 (replace-query-params request-uri "offset" (- total (mod (- total 1) items-per-page) 1)))))
747 (if (or next prev last-uri)
748 (labels ((write-item (uri class title accesskey)
749 (format out-stream "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"button nav-item-~A~:[ disabled~;~]\" title=\"~A [~A]\" accesskey=\"~A\"></a>"
750 (or uri "#") class uri title accesskey accesskey)))
751 (format out-stream "<nav id='top-nav-bar'>")
752 (write-item first-uri "first" "First page" "\\")
753 (write-item prev-uri "prev" "Previous page" "[")
754 (format out-stream "<span class='page-number'><span class='page-number-label'>Page</span> ~A</span>" (+ 1 (/ (or offset 0) items-per-page)))
755 (write-item next-uri "next" "Next page" "]")
756 (write-item last-uri "last" "Last page" "/")
757 (format out-stream "</nav>")))
758 (funcall fn)
759 (nav-bar-outer out-stream nil (list :bottom-bar
760 (list-cond
761 (first-uri `("first" ,first-uri "Back to first"))
762 (prev-uri `("prev" ,prev-uri "Previous" :nofollow t))
763 (t `("top" "#top" "Back to top"))
764 (next-uri `("next" ,next-uri "Next" :nofollow t))
765 (last-uri `("last" ,last-uri "Last" :nofollow t)))))
766 (format out-stream "<script>document.querySelectorAll('#bottom-bar').forEach(bb => { bb.classList.add('decorative'); });</script>"))))))
768 (defun decode-json-as-hash-table (json-source)
769 (let (current-hash-table current-key)
770 (declare (special current-hash-table current-key))
771 (json:bind-custom-vars
772 (:beginning-of-object (lambda () (setf current-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
773 :object-key (lambda (x) (setf current-key x))
774 :object-value (lambda (x) (setf (gethash current-key current-hash-table) x))
775 :end-of-object (lambda () current-hash-table)
776 :aggregate-scope '(current-hash-table current-key))
777 (json:decode-json-from-source json-source))))
779 (defun get-ignore-hash (&optional (user-id (logged-in-userid)))
780 (if-let (ignore-json (and user-id (cache-get "user-ignore-list" user-id)))
781 (decode-json-as-hash-table ignore-json)
782 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
784 (defmacro with-outputs ((out-stream) &body body)
785 (with-gensyms (stream-sym)
786 (let ((out-body (map 'list (lambda (x) `(princ ,x ,stream-sym)) body)))
787 `(let ((,stream-sym ,out-stream))
788 ,.out-body))))
790 (defun call-with-emit-page (out-stream fn &key title description social-description current-uri content-class (return-code 200) robots (pagination (pagination-nav-bars)) top-nav extra-head)
791 (declare (ignore return-code))
792 (ignore-errors
793 (log-conditions
794 (html-body out-stream
795 (lambda ()
796 (when top-nav (funcall top-nav))
797 (funcall pagination out-stream fn))
798 :title title :description description :social-description social-description :current-uri current-uri :content-class content-class :robots robots :extra-head extra-head))))
800 (defun set-cookie (key value &key (max-age (- (expt 2 31) 1)) (path "/"))
801 (hunchentoot:set-cookie key :value value :path path :max-age max-age :secure (site-secure *current-site*)))
803 (defun set-default-headers (return-code)
804 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/html; charset=utf-8"
805 (hunchentoot:return-code*) return-code
806 (hunchentoot:header-out :link) (let ((output
807 (with-output-to-string (stream)
808 (with-delimited-writer (stream delimit :between ",")
809 (funcall lw2.resources::*link-header* stream delimit)))))
810 (when (> (length output) 0)
811 output)))
812 (unless lw2.resources::*push-option* (set-cookie "push" "t" :max-age (* 4 60 60))))
814 (defun user-pref (key)
815 (or (cdr (assoc key *current-prefs*))
816 (cdr (assoc key *default-prefs*))))
818 (defun set-user-pref (key value)
819 (assert (boundp 'hunchentoot:*reply*))
820 (if value
821 (setf *current-prefs* (remove-duplicates (acons key value *current-prefs*) :key #'car :from-end t))
822 (setf *current-prefs* (remove key *current-prefs* :key #'car)))
823 (set-cookie "prefs" (quri:url-encode (json:encode-json-to-string *current-prefs*))))
825 (defmacro emit-page ((out-stream &rest args &key (return-code 200) &allow-other-keys) &body body)
826 (once-only (return-code)
827 `(progn
828 (set-default-headers ,return-code)
829 (with-response-stream (,out-stream)
830 (dynamic-flet ((fn () ,@body))
831 (call-with-emit-page ,out-stream
832 #'fn
833 ,@args))))))
835 (defmethod call-with-backend-context ((backend backend-token-login) (request (eql t)) fn)
836 (let ((*current-auth-status* (safe-decode-json (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-status"))))
837 (multiple-value-bind (*current-auth-token* *current-userid* *current-username*)
838 (let* ((auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token"))
839 (expires (cdr (assoc :expires *current-auth-status*))))
840 (when (and (nonempty-string auth-token)
841 (not *read-only-mode*)
842 (or (null expires)
843 (and (integerp expires) (<= (get-unix-time) (- expires (* 60 60 24))))))
844 (with-cache-readonly-transaction
845 (values
846 auth-token
847 (cache-get "auth-token-to-userid" auth-token)
848 (cache-get "auth-token-to-username" auth-token)))))
849 (let ((*current-user-slug* (and *current-userid* (get-user-slug *current-userid*)))
850 (*enable-rate-limit* (if *current-userid* nil *enable-rate-limit*)))
851 (funcall fn)))))
853 (defmethod call-with-site-context ((site ignore-list-site) (request (eql t)) fn)
854 (call-next-method
855 site request
856 (lambda ()
857 (let ((*current-ignore-hash* (get-ignore-hash)))
858 (funcall fn)))))
860 (defun call-with-error-page (fn)
861 (with-response-context ()
862 (let* ((*current-prefs* (safe-decode-json (hunchentoot:cookie-in "prefs")))
863 (*preview* (string-equal (hunchentoot:get-parameter "format") "preview")))
864 (multiple-value-bind (*revalidate-default* *force-revalidate-default*)
865 (cond ((ppcre:scan "(?:^|,?)\\s*(?:no-cache|max-age=0)(?:$|,)" (hunchentoot:header-in* :cache-control))
866 (values t t))
867 (*preview*
868 (values nil nil))
870 (values t nil)))
871 (when (not *revalidate-default*)
872 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :cache-control) (format nil "public, max-age=~A" (* 5 60))
873 (hunchentoot:header-out :vary) "cookie"))
874 (when (site-domain *current-site*)
875 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :origin-agent-cluster) "?0")) ; Allow document.domain in Chrome:
876 (let ((*memoized-output-without-hyphens*
877 ;; Soft hyphen characters mess up middle-click paste and screen readers, so try to identify whether they are necessary.
878 ;; See
879 (if-let ((ua (hunchentoot:header-in* :user-agent)))
880 (regex-case ua
881 (" Chrome/(\\d+)"
882 (declare (regex-groups-min 1))
883 (or (> (parse-integer (reg 0)) 87)
884 (ppcre:scan "Macintosh|Android" ua)))
885 (" Edge/(\\d+)"
886 (declare (regex-groups-min 1))
887 (> 19 (parse-integer (reg 0))))
888 (t t))
889 t)))
890 (with-page-resources
891 (catch 'abort-response
892 (handler-bind
893 ((fatal-error (lambda (condition)
894 (abort-response-if-unrecoverable condition)
895 (let ((error-html (with-output-to-string (*html-output*) (error-to-html condition))))
896 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Error" :return-code (condition-http-return-code condition) :content-class "error-page")
897 (write-string error-html out-stream)
898 (when (eq (hunchentoot:request-method*) :post)
899 <form method="post" class="error-retry-form">
900 (loop for (key . value) in (hunchentoot:post-parameters*)
901 do <input type="hidden" name=key value=value>)
902 <input type="submit" value="Retry">
903 </form>))
904 (return-from call-with-error-page)))))
905 (log-conditions
906 (if (or (eq (hunchentoot:request-method*) :post)
907 (not (and (boundp '*test-acceptor*) (boundp '*hunchentoot-taskmaster*)))) ; TODO fix this hack
908 (funcall fn)
909 (sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds (expt 1.3
910 (min (round (log 30 1.3))
911 (- (hunchentoot:taskmaster-max-thread-count (symbol-value '*hunchentoot-taskmaster*))
912 (hunchentoot:acceptor-requests-in-progress (symbol-value '*test-acceptor*))))))
913 (funcall fn))))))))))))
915 (defmacro with-error-page (&body body)
916 `(dynamic-flet ((fn () ,@body)) (call-with-error-page #'fn)))
918 (defun output-form (out-stream method action id heading csrf-token fields button-label &key textarea end-html)
919 (format out-stream "<form method=\"~A\" action=\"~A\" id=\"~A\"><h1>~A</h1>" method action id heading)
920 (loop for (id label type . params) in fields
921 do (format out-stream "<label for=\"~A\">~A:</label>" id label)
922 do (cond
923 ((string= type "select")
924 (destructuring-bind (option-list &optional default) params
925 (format out-stream "<select name=\"~A\">" id)
926 (loop for (value label) in option-list
927 do (format out-stream "<option value=\"~A\"~:[~; selected~]>~A</option>" value (string= default value) label))
928 (format out-stream "</select>")))
930 (destructuring-bind (&optional (autocomplete "off") default) params
931 (format out-stream "<input type=\"~A\" name=\"~A\" autocomplete=\"~A\"~@[ value=\"~A\"~]>" type id autocomplete (and default (encode-entities default))))))
932 do (format out-stream ""))
933 (if textarea
934 (destructuring-bind (ta-name ta-contents) textarea
935 (format out-stream "<div class=\"textarea-container\"><textarea name=\"~A\">~A</textarea><span class='markdown-reference-link'>You can use <a href='' target='_blank'>Markdown</a> here.</span></div>" ta-name (encode-entities ta-contents))))
936 (format out-stream "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf-token\" value=\"~A\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"~A\">~@[~A~]</form>"
937 csrf-token button-label end-html))
939 (defun page-toolbar-to-html (&key title new-post new-conversation logout (rss t) ignore enable-push-notifications)
940 (unless *preview*
941 (let ((out-stream *html-output*)
942 (liu (logged-in-userid)))
943 (format out-stream "<div class=\"page-toolbar~@[ hide-until-init~]\">" enable-push-notifications)
944 (when logout
945 (format out-stream "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/logout\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf-token\" value=\"~A\"><button class=\"logout-button button\" name=\"logout\">Log out</button></form>"
946 (make-csrf-token)))
947 (when ignore
948 (funcall ignore))
949 (when enable-push-notifications
950 (format out-stream "<script>document.currentScript.outerHTML='<button id=\"enable-push-notifications\" class=\"button\" style=\"display: none\" data-enabled=\"~:[~;true~]\">~:*~:[En~;Dis~]able push notifications</button>'</script>"
951 (find-subscription *current-auth-token*)))
952 (when (and new-conversation liu)
953 (multiple-value-bind (text to)
954 (typecase new-conversation (string (values "Send private message" new-conversation)) (t "New conversation"))
955 (format out-stream "<a class=\"new-private-message button\" href=\"/conversation~@[?to=~A~]\">~A</a>"
956 to text)))
957 (when (and new-post liu)
958 (format out-stream "<a class=\"new-post button\" href=\"/edit-post~@[?section=~A~]\" accesskey=\"n\" title=\"Create new post [n]\">New post</a>"
959 (typecase new-post (string new-post) (t nil))))
960 (when (and title rss)
961 (format out-stream "<a class=\"rss\" rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"~A RSS feed\" href=\"~A\">RSS</a>"
962 title (replace-query-params (hunchentoot:request-uri*) "offset" nil "format" "rss")))
963 (format out-stream "</div>"))))
965 (defun view-items-index (items &key section title current-uri hide-title need-auth extra-head (pagination (pagination-nav-bars)) (top-nav (lambda () (page-toolbar-to-html :title title))) (content-class "index-page") alternate-html)
966 (alexandria:switch ((hunchentoot:get-parameter "format") :test #'string=)
967 ("rss"
968 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8")
969 (with-response-stream (out-stream)
970 (write-index-items-to-rss out-stream items :title title)))
972 (emit-page (out-stream :title (if hide-title nil title) :description (site-description *current-site*) :content-class content-class
973 :current-uri current-uri :robots (if (hunchentoot:get-parameter :offset) "noindex, nofollow")
974 :pagination pagination :top-nav top-nav :extra-head extra-head)
975 (if alternate-html
976 (funcall alternate-html)
977 (write-index-items-to-html out-stream items
978 :need-auth need-auth
979 :skip-section section))))))
981 (defun link-if-not (stream linkp url class text &key accesskey nofollow title)
982 (declare (dynamic-extent linkp url text))
983 (if (not linkp)
984 (format stream "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"~A\"~@[ accesskey=\"~A\"~]~:[~; rel=\"nofollow\"~]~@[ title=\"~A\"~]>~A</a>" url class accesskey nofollow title text)
985 (format stream "<span class=\"~A\"~@[ title=\"~A\"~]>~A</span>" class title text)))
987 (defgeneric main-site-link (site item-type item-designator &key)
988 (:method ((site lw2-frontend-site) (item-type (eql :post)) (post-id string) &key slug comment-id direct-comment-link)
989 (merge-uris
990 (format nil "/posts/~A/~A~[~;#~A~;?commentId=~A~]" post-id slug (if comment-id (if direct-comment-link 2 1) 0) comment-id)
991 (main-site-uri *current-site*)))
992 (:method ((site lw2-frontend-site) (item-type (eql :tag)) (slug string) &key comment-id direct-comment-link)
993 (when (not (and comment-id direct-comment-link))
994 (merge-uris
995 (format nil "/tag/~A~@[/discussion#~A~]" slug comment-id)
996 (main-site-uri *current-site*)))))
998 (defun postprocess-markdown (markdown)
999 (if (typep *current-site* 'alternate-frontend-site)
1000 (regex-replace-body
1001 ((concatenate 'string (regex-replace-all "\\." (site-uri *current-site*) "\\.") "posts/([^/ ]{17})/([^/# ]*)(?:(#comment-|/comment/|/answer/)([^/ ]{17}))?")
1002 markdown)
1003 (main-site-link *current-site*
1004 :post (reg 0) :slug (reg 1) :comment-id (reg 3)
1005 :direct-comment-link (and (reg 3) (reg 2) (string= "/" (reg 2) :end2 1))))
1006 markdown))
1008 (defun redirect (uri &key (type :see-other) preserve-query)
1009 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) (ecase type (:see-other 303) (:permanent 301))
1010 (hunchentoot:header-out "Location") (if-let ((query (and preserve-query (hunchentoot:query-string*))))
1011 (quri:render-uri (quri:make-uri :defaults uri :query query))
1012 uri)))
1014 (defun main-site-redirect (uri &key (type :see-other))
1015 (redirect (merge-uris uri (main-site-uri *current-site*)) :type type))
1017 (defmacro request-method (&body method-clauses)
1018 (with-gensyms (request-method)
1019 `(let ((,request-method (hunchentoot:request-method*)))
1020 (cond
1021 ,.(loop for method-body in method-clauses
1022 collect (destructuring-bind (method args &body inner-body) method-body
1023 `(,(if (eq method :get) `(member ,request-method '(:get :head)) `(eq ,request-method ,method))
1024 ,(make-binding-form (mapcar (lambda (x) (append (ensure-list x) `(:request-type ,method))) args)
1025 inner-body))))))))
1027 (defmacro define-page (name path-specifier additional-vars &body body)
1028 (labels ((make-lambda (args)
1029 (loop for a in args
1030 collect (if (atom a) a (first a)))))
1031 (multiple-value-bind (path-specifier-form path-bindings-wrapper specifier-vars)
1032 (if (stringp path-specifier)
1033 (values path-specifier #'identity)
1034 (destructuring-bind (specifier-type specifier-body &rest specifier-args) path-specifier
1035 (ecase specifier-type
1036 (:function
1037 (values `(lambda (r) (funcall ,specifier-body (hunchentoot:request-uri r)))
1038 (if specifier-args
1039 (lambda (body) `(ignorable-multiple-value-bind ,(make-lambda specifier-args) (funcall ,specifier-body (hunchentoot:request-uri*)) ,body))
1040 #'identity)
1041 specifier-args))
1042 (:regex
1043 (let ((fn `(lambda (r) (ppcre:scan-to-strings ,specifier-body (hunchentoot:request-uri r)))))
1044 (values fn
1045 (lambda (body)
1046 (with-gensyms (result-vector)
1047 `(let ((,result-vector (nth-value 1 (funcall ,fn hunchentoot:*request*))))
1048 (declare (type simple-vector ,result-vector)
1049 (ignorable ,result-vector))
1050 (let
1051 ,(loop for v in (make-lambda specifier-args) as x from 0 collecting `(,v (if (> (length ,result-vector) ,x) (aref ,result-vector ,x))))
1052 ,body))))
1053 specifier-args))))))
1054 `(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (,name :uri ,path-specifier-form) ()
1055 (with-error-page
1056 (block nil
1057 ,(funcall path-bindings-wrapper
1058 (make-binding-form (append (mapcar (lambda (x) (append (ensure-list x) '(:passthrough t))) specifier-vars) additional-vars)
1059 body))))))))
1061 (define-component sort-widget (&key (sort-options '((:new :description "Sort by date posted")
1062 (:hot :description "Sort by time-weighted score")
1063 (:active :description "Sort by date posted or last comment")
1064 (:old :description "Sort by date posted, oldest first")))
1065 (pref :default-sort) (param-name "sort") (html-class "sort"))
1066 (:http-args ((sort :real-name param-name :member (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (listp x) (first x) x)) sort-options))
1067 (sortedby :real-name "sortedBy" :type string)
1068 &without-csrf-check))
1069 (if sortedby
1070 (progn
1071 (renderer () nil)
1072 sortedby)
1073 (let ((sort-string (if sort (string-downcase sort))))
1074 (if sort-string
1075 (set-user-pref :default-sort sort-string))
1076 (renderer ()
1077 (sublevel-nav-to-html sort-options
1078 (user-pref pref)
1079 :param-name param-name
1080 :extra-class html-class))
1081 (or sort-string (user-pref pref)))))
1083 (defun handle-last-modified (last-modified)
1084 (when last-modified
1085 (let ((last-modified (max last-modified (load-time-value (get-universal-time)))))
1086 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :last-modified) (hunchentoot:rfc-1123-date last-modified)
1087 (hunchentoot:header-out :vary) "cookie")
1088 (hunchentoot:handle-if-modified-since last-modified))))
1090 (define-component view-index ()
1091 (:http-args ((view :member '(:all :new :frontpage :featured :alignment-forum :questions :nominations :reviews :events) :default :frontpage)
1092 before after
1093 (offset :type fixnum)
1094 (limit :type fixnum :default (user-pref :items-per-page))
1095 (karma-threshold :type fixnum)
1096 &without-csrf-check))
1097 (when (eq view :new) (redirect (replace-query-params (hunchentoot:request-uri*) "view" "all" "all" nil) :type :permanent) (return))
1098 (component-value-bind ((sort-string sort-widget))
1099 (multiple-value-bind (posts total last-modified)
1100 (get-posts-index :view (string-downcase view) :before before :after after :offset offset :limit (1+ limit) :sort sort-string :karma-threshold karma-threshold)
1101 (handle-last-modified last-modified)
1102 (let ((page-title (format nil "~@(~A posts~)" view)))
1103 (renderer ()
1104 (view-items-index (firstn posts limit)
1105 :section view :title page-title :hide-title (eq view :frontpage)
1106 :pagination (pagination-nav-bars :offset (or offset 0) :total total :with-next (and (not total) (> (length posts) limit)))
1107 :content-class (format nil "index-page ~(~A~)-index-page" view)
1108 :top-nav (lambda ()
1109 (page-toolbar-to-html :title page-title
1110 :new-post (if (eq view :meta) "meta" t))
1111 (funcall sort-widget))))))))
1113 (defmacro route-component (name lambda-list &rest args)
1114 `(lambda ,lambda-list
1115 (with-error-page
1116 (component-value-bind ((() (,name ,@args)))
1117 (when ,name
1118 (funcall ,name))))))
1120 (defmacro define-component-routes (site-class &rest clauses)
1121 `(progn
1122 ,@(iter
1123 (for clause in clauses)
1124 (destructuring-bind (name (route-class &rest route-args) route-bindings (component-name &rest component-args)) clause
1125 (collect `(define-route ',site-class ',route-class
1126 :name ',name ,@route-args
1127 :handler (route-component ,component-name ,route-bindings ,@component-args)))))))
1129 (define-component-routes forum-site
1130 (view-root (standard-route :uri "/") () (view-index))
1131 (view-index (standard-route :uri "/index") () (view-index)))
1133 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1134 (view-site-routes
1135 :uri (lambda (req)
1136 (declare (ignore req))
1137 (with-site-context ((let ((host (or (hunchentoot:header-in* :x-forwarded-host) (hunchentoot:header-in* :host))))
1138 (or (find-site host)
1139 (error "Unknown site: ~A" host))))
1140 (call-route-handler *current-site* (hunchentoot:script-name*)))))
1141 nil)
1143 (define-page view-post "/post" ((id :required t))
1144 (redirect (generate-item-link :post id) :type :permanent))
1146 (define-page view-post-lw1-link (:function #'match-lw1-link) ()
1147 (redirect (convert-lw1-link (hunchentoot:script-name*)) :preserve-query t :type :permanent))
1149 (define-page view-post-ea1-link (:function #'match-ea1-link) ()
1150 (redirect (convert-ea1-link (hunchentoot:script-name*)) :preserve-query t :type :permanent))
1152 (define-page view-post-lw2-slug-link (:function #'match-lw2-slug-link) ()
1153 (redirect (convert-lw2-slug-link (hunchentoot:request-uri*)) :type :see-other))
1155 (define-page view-post-lw2-sequence-link (:function #'match-lw2-sequence-link) ()
1156 (redirect (convert-lw2-sequence-link (hunchentoot:request-uri*)) :type :see-other))
1158 (define-page view-feed "/feed" ()
1159 (redirect "/?format=rss" :type :permanent))
1161 (define-page view-allposts "/allPosts" ()
1162 (redirect (format nil "/index~@[?~A~]" (hunchentoot:query-string*)) :type :see-other))
1164 (define-page view-nominations "/nominations" ()
1165 (redirect "/index?view=nominations" :type :see-other))
1167 (define-page view-reviews "/reviews" ()
1168 (redirect "/index?view=reviews" :type :see-other))
1170 (define-page view-review-voting "/reviewVoting" ()
1171 (redirect "" :type :see-other))
1173 (define-page view-coronavirus-link-database "/coronavirus-link-database" ()
1174 (redirect "" :type :see-other))
1176 (defun post-comment (&key need-auth ((:post-id post-id-real)) ((:tag-id tag-id-real)) shortform)
1177 (request-method
1178 (:post (text answer nomination nomination-review af post-id tag-id parent-answer-id parent-comment-id edit-comment-id retract-comment-id unretract-comment-id delete-comment-id)
1179 (let ((lw2-auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1180 (assert lw2-auth-token)
1181 (let* ((post-id (or post-id-real post-id))
1182 (tag-id (or tag-id-real tag-id))
1183 (question (when post-id (cdr (assoc :question (get-post-body post-id :auth-token lw2-auth-token)))))
1184 (new-comment-result
1185 (cond
1186 (text
1187 (let ((comment-data
1188 (list-cond
1189 (t :body (postprocess-markdown text))
1190 ((and post-id (not (or edit-comment-id (and shortform (not parent-comment-id))))) :post-id post-id)
1191 ((and tag-id (not edit-comment-id)) :tag-id tag-id)
1192 (parent-comment-id :parent-comment-id parent-comment-id)
1193 (answer :answer t)
1194 (nomination :nominated-for-review "2020")
1195 (nomination-review :reviewing-for-review "2020")
1196 (parent-answer-id :parent-answer-id parent-answer-id)
1197 (af :af t)
1198 ((and shortform (not parent-comment-id)) :shortform t))))
1199 (if edit-comment-id
1200 (do-lw2-comment-edit lw2-auth-token edit-comment-id comment-data)
1201 (do-lw2-comment lw2-auth-token comment-data))))
1202 (retract-comment-id
1203 (do-lw2-comment-edit lw2-auth-token retract-comment-id '((:retracted . t))))
1204 (unretract-comment-id
1205 (do-lw2-comment-edit lw2-auth-token unretract-comment-id '((:retracted . :false))))
1206 (delete-comment-id
1207 (do-lw2-comment-remove lw2-auth-token delete-comment-id :reason "Comment deleted by its author.")
1208 nil))))
1209 (when post-id
1210 (ignore-errors
1211 (get-post-comments post-id :force-revalidate t)
1212 (when question
1213 (get-post-answers post-id :force-revalidate t))))
1214 (when text
1215 (alist-bind ((new-comment-id simple-string :--id)
1216 (new-comment-html simple-string :html-body))
1217 new-comment-result
1218 (mark-comment-replied (alist* :parent-comment-id parent-comment-id :user-id *current-userid* new-comment-result))
1219 (setf (markdown-source :comment new-comment-id new-comment-html) text)
1220 (redirect (merge-uris (quri:make-uri :fragment (format nil "comment-~A" new-comment-id)
1221 :query (list-cond (need-auth "need-auth" "y")))
1222 (hunchentoot:request-uri*))))))))))
1224 (defun output-comments (out-stream id comments target &key overcomingbias-sort preview chrono replies-open)
1225 (labels ((output-comments-inner ()
1226 (with-error-html-block ()
1227 (if target
1228 (comment-thread-to-html out-stream
1229 (lambda ()
1230 (comment-item-to-html
1231 out-stream
1232 target
1233 :level-invert preview
1234 :extra-html-fn (lambda (c-id)
1235 (let ((*comment-individual-link* nil))
1236 (comment-tree-to-html out-stream (make-comment-parent-hash comments)
1237 :target c-id
1238 :level-invert preview))))))
1239 (if comments
1240 (progn #|<div class="comments-empty-message">(safe (pretty-number (length comments) id))</div>|#
1241 (if chrono
1242 (comment-chrono-to-html out-stream comments)
1243 (let ((parent-hash (make-comment-parent-hash comments)))
1244 (when overcomingbias-sort
1245 (setf (gethash nil parent-hash)
1246 (sort-items (gethash nil parent-hash) :old)))
1247 (comment-tree-to-html out-stream parent-hash))))
1248 <div class="comments-empty-message">("No ~As." id)</div>)))))
1249 (if preview
1250 (output-comments-inner)
1251 (progn (format out-stream "<div id=\"~As\" class=\"comments~:[~; replies-open~]\">" id (and *enable-voting* replies-open))
1252 (unless target
1253 <script>initializeCommentControls\(\)</script>)
1254 (output-comments-inner)
1255 (format out-stream "</div>")))))
1257 (define-json-endpoint (view-karma-vote-post forum-site "/karma-vote/post")
1258 (let ((auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1259 (request-method
1260 (:get (post-id)
1261 (hash-cond (make-hash-table)
1262 (post-id "Post" (sethash (make-hash-table) post-id (get-post-vote post-id auth-token)))
1263 (post-id "Comment" (get-post-comments-votes post-id auth-token))
1264 (post-id "Tag" (get-post-tag-votes post-id auth-token)))))))
1266 (define-page view-post-lw2-link (:function #'match-lw2-link post-id comment-id * comment-link-type post-type)
1267 (need-auth
1268 chrono
1269 (show-comments :real-name "comments" :type boolean :default t)
1270 (format :type string))
1271 (request-method
1272 (:get ()
1273 (when (hunchentoot:get-parameter "commentId")
1274 (redirect (format nil "~A/comment/~A" (generate-item-link :post post-id) comment-id))
1275 (return))
1276 (let* ((lw2-auth-token *current-auth-token*)
1277 (preview (string-equal format "preview"))
1278 (show-comments (and (not preview) show-comments))
1279 (*enable-voting* (not (null (logged-in-userid)))))
1280 (multiple-value-bind (post title condition)
1281 (handler-case (nth-value 0 (get-post-body post-id :auth-token (and need-auth lw2-auth-token)))
1282 (serious-condition (c)
1283 (setf *enable-voting* nil)
1284 (values nil "[missing post]" c))
1285 (:no-error (post)
1286 (values post (cdr (assoc :title post)) nil)))
1287 (let* ((is-event (cdr (assoc :is-event post)))
1288 (correct-subtype (if is-event "event" "post")))
1289 (when (string/= post-type correct-subtype)
1290 (redirect (generate-item-link :post post :comment-id comment-id :item-subtype correct-subtype))
1291 (return)))
1292 (labels ((extra-head ()
1293 (when-let (canonical-source (or (and (not comment-id)
1294 (cdr (assoc :canonical-source post)))
1295 (and (always-canonical *current-site*)
1296 (main-site-link *current-site* :post post-id :slug (cdr (assoc :slug post))
1297 :comment-id comment-id :direct-comment-link t))))
1298 <link rel="canonical" href=canonical-source>)
1299 <script>postId=(with-html-stream-output (:stream stream) (json:encode-json post-id stream))</script>
1300 <script>alignmentForumPost=(if (cdr (assoc :af post)) "true" "false")</script>
1301 (when (logged-in-userid)
1302 (call-with-server-data 'process-vote-data (format nil "/karma-vote/post?post-id=~A" post-id))))
1303 (retrieve-individual-comment (comment-thread-type)
1304 (let* ((comments (case comment-thread-type
1305 (:comment (get-post-comments post-id))
1306 (:answer (get-post-answers post-id))))
1307 (target-comment (find comment-id comments :key (lambda (c) (cdr (assoc :--id c))) :test #'string=)))
1308 (values comments target-comment))))
1309 (if comment-id
1310 (let ((comment-thread-type (if (string= comment-link-type "answer") :answer :comment)))
1311 (multiple-value-bind (comments target-comment) (retrieve-individual-comment comment-thread-type)
1312 (unless target-comment
1313 ;; If the comment was not found, try as an answer, or vice versa.
1314 (setf comment-thread-type (if (eq comment-thread-type :comment) :answer :comment)
1315 (values comments target-comment) (retrieve-individual-comment comment-thread-type))
1316 (unless target-comment
1317 (error 'lw2-not-found-error)))
1318 (let* ((*comment-individual-link* t)
1319 (display-name (get-username (cdr (assoc :user-id target-comment))))
1320 (verb-phrase (cond
1321 ((and (eq comment-thread-type :answer)
1322 (not (cdr (assoc :parent-comment-id target-comment))))
1323 "answers")
1324 (t "comments on"))))
1325 (emit-page (out-stream :title (format nil "~A ~A ~A" display-name verb-phrase title)
1326 :content-class "individual-thread-page comment-thread-page"
1327 :social-description (when-let (x (cdr (assoc :html-body target-comment))) (extract-excerpt x))
1328 :extra-head #'extra-head)
1329 (unless preview
1330 (format out-stream "<h1 class=\"post-title\">~A ~A <a href=\"~A\">~A</a></h1>"
1331 (encode-entities display-name)
1332 verb-phrase
1333 (generate-item-link :post post-id)
1334 (clean-text-to-html title :hyphenation nil)))
1335 (output-comments out-stream "comment" comments target-comment :chrono chrono :preview preview)))))
1336 (let ((post-sequences (get-post-sequences post-id)))
1337 (emit-page (out-stream :title title
1338 :content-class (format nil "post-page comment-thread-page~{ ~A~}"
1339 (list-cond ((cdr (assoc :question post)) "question-post-page")
1340 (post-sequences "in-sequence")
1341 ((not show-comments) "no-comments")))
1342 :social-description (when-let (x (cdr (assoc :html-body post))) (extract-excerpt x))
1343 :extra-head #'extra-head)
1344 (cond
1345 (condition
1346 (error-explanation-case (error-to-html condition)
1347 (lw2-not-allowed-error
1348 <p>This probably means the post has been deleted or moved back to the author's drafts.</p>)))
1350 (post-body-to-html post)))
1351 (when (and lw2-auth-token (equal (logged-in-userid) (cdr (assoc :user-id post))))
1352 (format out-stream "<div class=\"post-controls\"><a class=\"edit-post-link button\" href=\"/edit-post?post-id=~A\" accesskey=\"e\" title=\"Edit post [e]\">Edit post</a></div>"
1353 (cdr (assoc :--id post))))
1354 (alist-bind (fm-crosspost foreign-post) post
1355 (alist-bind (is-crosspost hosted-here) fm-crosspost
1356 (when is-crosspost
1357 (if-let (crosspost-site-host (backend-magnum-crosspost-site *current-backend*))
1358 (let* ((*current-site* (find-site crosspost-site-host))
1359 (crosspost-site-title (main-site-title *current-site*)))
1360 (alist-bind (comment-count base-score) foreign-post
1361 <a class="crosspost" href=(generate-item-link :post foreign-post :absolute t)>Crossposted (if hosted-here "to" "from") (progn crosspost-site-title)
1362 \ \((safe (pretty-number (or base-score 0) "point")), (safe (pretty-number (or comment-count 0) "comment"))\)</a>))
1363 (error "Could not retrieve crossposted post. magnum-crosspost-site not configured.")))))
1364 (post-nav-links post post-sequences)
1365 (activate-client-trigger "postLoaded")
1366 (when show-comments
1367 (write-string "<script> </script>" out-stream)
1368 (finish-output out-stream)
1369 (with-error-html-block ()
1370 ;; Temporary hack to support nominations
1371 (let* ((real-comments (get-post-comments post-id))
1372 (answers (when (cdr (assoc :question post))
1373 (get-post-answers post-id)))
1374 (posted-at (and (typep *current-backend* 'backend-lw2)
1375 (cdr (assoc :posted-at post))))
1376 (posted-timestamp (and posted-at (local-time:parse-timestring posted-at)))
1377 (now (local-time:now))
1378 (nominations-open nil)
1379 (reviews-eligible (timerange "2020-01-01" posted-timestamp "2021-01-01"))
1380 (reviews-open (and reviews-eligible (timerange "2021-12-14" now "2022-01-11"))))
1381 (labels ((top-level-property (comment property)
1382 (or (cdr (assoc property comment))
1383 (cdr (assoc property (cdr (assoc :top-level-comment comment)))))))
1384 (multiple-value-bind (normal-comments nominations reviews)
1385 (loop for comment in real-comments
1386 if (top-level-property comment :nominated-for-review)
1387 collect comment into nominations
1388 else if (top-level-property comment :reviewing-for-review)
1389 collect comment into reviews
1390 else
1391 collect comment into normal-comments
1392 finally (return (values normal-comments nominations reviews)))
1393 (unless (or nominations reviews)
1394 (setf normal-comments real-comments)) ;for caching
1395 (loop for (name comments open) in (list-cond ((or nominations nominations-open)
1396 (list "nomination" nominations nominations-open))
1397 ((or reviews reviews-open)
1398 (list "review" reviews reviews-open))
1399 ((cdr (assoc :question post))
1400 (list "answer" answers t))
1402 (list "comment" normal-comments t)))
1403 do (output-comments out-stream name comments nil
1404 :replies-open open
1405 :overcomingbias-sort (cdr (assoc :comment-sort-order post)) :chrono chrono :preview preview))))))))))))))
1406 (:post ()
1407 (post-comment :post-id post-id :need-auth need-auth))))
1409 (defparameter *edit-post-template* (compile-template* "edit-post.html"))
1411 (define-page view-edit-post "/edit-post" (title url section tags post-id link-post)
1412 (request-method
1413 (:get ()
1414 (let* ((csrf-token (make-csrf-token))
1415 (post-body (if post-id (get-post-body post-id :auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token"))))
1416 (section (or section (loop for (sym . sec) in '((:draft . "drafts") (:meta . "meta") (:frontpage-date . "frontpage"))
1417 if (cdr (assoc sym post-body)) return sec
1418 finally (return "all")))))
1419 (emit-page (out-stream :title (if post-id "Edit Post" "New Post") :content-class "edit-post-page")
1420 (render-template* *edit-post-template* out-stream
1421 :csrf-token csrf-token
1422 :title (cdr (assoc :title post-body))
1423 :url (cdr (assoc :url post-body))
1424 :question (cdr (assoc :question post-body))
1425 :tags-supported (typep *current-backend* 'backend-accordius)
1426 :tags (when (and post-id (typep *current-backend* 'backend-accordius)) (do-wl-rest-query (format nil "posts/~a/update_tagset/" post-id) '()))
1427 :post-id post-id
1428 :section-list (loop for (name desc) in '(("all" "All") ("meta" "Meta") ("frontpage" "Frontpage") ("drafts" "Drafts"))
1429 when (or (string= name section) (member name '("drafts" "all") :test #'string=))
1430 collect (alist :name name :desc desc :selected (string= name section)))
1431 :lesswrong-misc (typep *current-backend* 'backend-lw2-misc-features)
1432 :submit-to-frontpage (if post-id (cdr (assoc :submit-to-frontpage post-body)) t)
1433 :markdown-source (or (and post-id (markdown-source :post post-id (cdr (assoc :html-body post-body)))) "")))))
1434 (:post (text question submit-to-frontpage)
1435 (let ((lw2-auth-token *current-auth-token*)
1436 (url (if (string= url "") nil url)))
1437 (assert lw2-auth-token)
1438 (let* ((post-data
1439 (list-cond
1440 (t :body (postprocess-markdown text))
1441 (t :title (or (nonempty-string title) "Untitled"))
1442 (link-post :url url)
1443 (t :meta (or (string= section "meta") :false))
1444 ((not post-id) :is-event nil)
1445 (t :draft (or (string= section "drafts") :false))
1446 ((typep *current-backend* 'backend-lw2-misc-features) :submit-to-frontpage (and submit-to-frontpage t))
1447 ((not post-id) :question (if question t :false))))
1448 (post-unset
1449 (list-cond
1450 ((not link-post) :url t)))
1451 (new-post-data
1452 (if post-id
1453 (do-lw2-post-edit lw2-auth-token post-id post-data post-unset)
1454 (do-lw2-post lw2-auth-token post-data)))
1455 (new-post-id (cdr (assoc :--id new-post-data))))
1456 (assert new-post-id)
1457 (when (typep *current-backend* 'backend-accordius)
1458 (do-wl-rest-mutate :post
1459 (format nil "posts/~a/update_tagset/" post-id)
1460 (alist "tags" tags)
1461 lw2-auth-token))
1462 (setf (markdown-source :post new-post-id (cdr (assoc :html-body new-post-data))) text)
1463 (ignore-errors (get-post-body post-id :force-revalidate t))
1464 (redirect (if (js-true (cdr (assoc :draft post-data)))
1465 (concatenate 'string (generate-item-link :post new-post-data) "?need-auth=y")
1466 (generate-item-link :post new-post-data))))))))
1468 (define-json-endpoint (view-karma-vote forum-site "/karma-vote")
1469 (let ((auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1470 (request-method
1471 (:post (target target-type (vote-json :real-name "vote"))
1472 (let ((vote (safe-decode-json vote-json)))
1473 (multiple-value-bind (current-vote result)
1474 (do-lw2-vote auth-token target-type target vote)
1475 (alist-bind (vote-count base-score af af-base-score extended-score) result
1476 (let ((vote-buttons (vote-buttons base-score
1477 :as-text t
1478 :af-score (and af af-base-score)
1479 :vote-count (+ vote-count (if (member (cdr (assoc :karma current-vote)) '(nil "neutral") :test #'equal)
1482 :extended-score extended-score))
1483 (out (make-hash-table)))
1484 (loop for (axis . axis-vote) in current-vote
1485 do (setf (gethash axis out) (list* axis-vote (gethash axis vote-buttons))))
1486 out))))))))
1488 (delete-easy-handler 'view-karma-vote)
1490 (define-json-endpoint (view-user-status login-site "/current-user-status")
1491 (let ((auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1492 (request-method
1493 (:get ()
1494 (if (lw2-graphql-query (graphql-query-string "currentUser" nil '(:--id)) :auth-token auth-token)
1495 (sethash (make-hash-table)
1496 "notifications" (check-notifications (logged-in-userid) auth-token)
1497 "alignmentForumAllowed" (member "alignmentForum" (cdr (assoc :groups (get-user :user-id (logged-in-userid)))) :test #'string=))
1498 (with-cache-transaction
1499 (cache-del "auth-token-to-userid" auth-token)
1500 (cache-del "auth-token-to-username" auth-token)))))))
1502 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (view-check-notifications :uri "/check-notifications") (format)
1503 (with-error-page
1504 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1505 (if *current-auth-token*
1506 (let ((notifications-status (check-notifications (logged-in-userid) *current-auth-token* :full (string= format "push"))))
1507 (json:encode-json-to-string notifications-status)))))
1509 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (view-ignore-user :uri "/ignore-user") ((csrf-token :request-type :post) (target-id :request-type :post) (state :request-type :post) return)
1510 (with-error-page
1511 (check-csrf-token csrf-token)
1512 (let ((user-id (logged-in-userid)))
1513 (unless user-id (error "Not logged in."))
1514 (with-cache-transaction
1515 (let ((ignore-hash (get-ignore-hash user-id)))
1516 (if (string= state "ignore")
1517 (setf (gethash target-id ignore-hash) t)
1518 (remhash target-id ignore-hash))
1519 (cache-put "user-ignore-list" user-id ignore-hash :value-type :json))))
1520 (when return
1521 (redirect return))))
1523 (client-defun comment-controls (&key standalone parent-comment-id parent-answer-id edit-comment-id)
1524 (flet ((inner ()
1525 <form method="post" id="conversation-form" class="aligned-form">
1526 <div class="textarea-container">
1527 <textarea name="text" oninput="enableBeforeUnload();"></textarea>
1528 <span class="markdown-reference-link">You can use <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown</a> here.</span>
1529 <button type="button" class="guiedit-mobile-auxiliary-button guiedit-mobile-help-button">Help</button>
1530 <button type="button" class="guiedit-mobile-auxiliary-button guiedit-mobile-exit-button">Exit</button>
1531 </div>
1532 <div>
1533 (macrolet ((hidden-var (name)
1534 `(when ,name <input type="hidden" name=,(string-downcase name) value=,name>)))
1535 (hidden-var parent-comment-id)
1536 (hidden-var parent-answer-id)
1537 (hidden-var edit-comment-id))
1538 <input name="csrf-token" value=(make-csrf-token) type="hidden">
1539 <input value="Submit" type="submit">
1540 </div>
1541 </form>))
1542 (if standalone
1543 <div class="posting-controls standalone with-markdown-editor" onsubmit="disableBeforeUnload();">(with-html-stream-output (inner))</div>
1544 (inner))))
1546 (define-json-endpoint (view-karma-vote-shortform shortform-site "/karma-vote/shortform")
1547 (let ((auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1548 (request-method
1549 (:get ((offset :type fixnum :default 0))
1550 (sethash (make-hash-table)
1551 "Comment" (get-shortform-votes auth-token :offset offset))))))
1553 (define-component view-comments-index (index-type)
1554 (:http-args ((offset :type fixnum)
1555 (limit :type fixnum)
1556 (view :member '(nil :alignment-forum))))
1557 (request-method
1558 (:get ()
1559 (let* ((want-total (not (or (typep *current-backend* 'backend-lw2) (typep *current-backend* 'backend-ea-forum)))) ; LW2/EAF can't handle total queries. TODO: handle this in backend.
1560 (shortform (eq index-type :shortform))
1561 (with-voting (not (null (and shortform (logged-in-userid))))))
1562 (multiple-value-bind (title query-view top-nav)
1563 (cond
1564 (shortform (values "Shortform" "shortform" (if (logged-in-userid) (lambda () (comment-controls :standalone t)))))
1565 (t (values (case view (:alignment-forum "Alignment Forum recent comments") (t "Recent comments")) "allRecentComments" nil)))
1566 (multiple-value-bind (recent-comments total last-modified)
1567 (if (or (not (eq index-type :recent-comments)) offset limit view (/= (user-pref :items-per-page) 20))
1568 (let ((*use-alignment-forum* (eq view :alignment-forum)))
1569 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :comment :list
1570 (remove nil (alist :view query-view
1571 :limit (or limit (user-pref :items-per-page)) :offset offset)
1572 :key #'cdr)
1573 :context (if shortform :shortform :index)
1574 :with-total want-total)))
1575 (get-recent-comments :with-total want-total))
1576 (handle-last-modified last-modified)
1577 (renderer ()
1578 (view-items-index recent-comments
1579 :title title
1580 :extra-head (lambda ()
1581 (when with-voting
1582 (call-with-server-data 'process-vote-data (format nil "/karma-vote/shortform?offset=~A" (or offset 0)))))
1583 :content-class (if shortform "index-page shortform-index-page comment-thread-page" "index-page comment-index-page")
1584 :pagination (pagination-nav-bars :offset (or offset 0) :with-next (not want-total) :total (if want-total total))
1585 :top-nav (lambda () (page-toolbar-to-html :title title) (when top-nav (funcall top-nav)))
1586 :alternate-html (if (eq index-type :shortform)
1587 (lambda ()
1588 (let ((*enable-voting* with-voting))
1589 <div class="comments">
1590 (comment-tree-to-html *html-output*
1591 (make-comment-parent-hash
1592 (flatten-shortform-comments recent-comments)))
1593 </div>)))))))))
1594 (:post ()
1595 (post-comment :shortform t))))
1597 (define-component-routes forum-site (view-recent-comments (standard-route :uri "/recentcomments") () (view-comments-index :recent-comments)))
1598 (define-component-routes shortform-site (view-shortform (standard-route :uri "/shortform") () (view-comments-index :shortform)))
1600 (delete-easy-handler 'view-recent-comments)
1602 (defun tag-to-html (tag &key skip-headline)
1603 (schema-bind (:tag tag :auto :context :body)
1604 (alist-bind (edited-at html user-id) description
1605 (unless skip-headline
1606 <h1 class="post-title">(safe (clean-text-to-html name))</h1>
1607 <div class="post-meta">
1608 <span>(if core "Core ")(if wiki-only "Wiki" "Tag")</span>
1609 (when (and (nonempty-string edited-at) (nonempty-string user-id))
1610 <span>Last edit: (pretty-time-html edited-at)
1611 \ by <a class="author" href=("/users/~A" (get-user-slug user-id))>(get-username user-id)</a>
1612 </span>)
1613 </div>)
1614 (when html
1615 <div class="tag-description body-text">(with-html-stream-output (:stream stream) (let ((*memoized-output-stream* stream)) (clean-html* html)))</div>))))
1617 (defun tag-list-to-html (tags)
1618 <ul class="tag-list">
1619 (iter (for tag in tags)
1620 (schema-bind (:tag tag :auto :context :index)
1621 <li><a class="post-title-link" href=("/tag/~A" slug)>(safe (clean-text-to-html name))(if wiki-only
1622 " (wiki)"
1623 (if post-count (format nil " (~A)" post-count)))</a></li>))
1624 </ul>)
1626 (define-json-endpoint (view-user-autocomplete forum-site "/-user-autocomplete")
1627 (request-method
1628 (:get (q)
1629 (lw2-search-query q :indexes '("test_users")))))
1631 (define-json-endpoint (view-karma-vote-tag forum-site "/karma-vote/tag")
1632 (let ((auth-token *current-auth-token*))
1633 (request-method
1634 (:get (tag-id post-id)
1635 (hash-cond (make-hash-table)
1636 (tag-id "Post" (get-tag-post-votes tag-id auth-token))
1637 (tag-id "Comment" (get-tag-comments-votes tag-id auth-token))
1638 (post-id "Tag" (get-post-tag-votes post-id auth-token)))))))
1640 (define-component view-tag (slug tail)
1641 (:http-args ((sort :default :relevant :member '(:relevant :new :old))))
1642 (when (nonempty-string tail)
1643 (redirect (format nil "/tag/~A" slug))
1644 (return))
1645 (let ((tag (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :tag :list (alist :view "tagBySlug" :slug slug) :context :body)))))
1646 (unless tag
1647 (error 'lw2-not-found-error))
1648 (request-method
1649 (:get ()
1650 (let* ((posts (get-tag-posts slug))
1651 (posts (if (eq sort :relevant) posts (sort-items posts sort))))
1652 (schema-bind (:tag tag :auto :context :body)
1653 (renderer ()
1654 (view-items-index posts
1655 :title (format nil "~A tag" name)
1656 :extra-head (lambda ()
1657 (when-let (canonical-source (and (always-canonical *current-site*)
1658 (main-site-link *current-site* :tag slug)))
1659 <link rel="canonical" href=canonical-source>)
1660 (when (logged-in-userid)
1661 (call-with-server-data 'process-vote-data (format nil "/karma-vote/tag?tag-id=~A" tag-id))))
1662 :top-nav (lambda ()
1663 (page-toolbar-to-html :title name :rss (not wiki-only))
1664 (tag-to-html tag)
1665 (when (and posts (not *preview*))
1666 (sublevel-nav-to-html '(:relevant :new :old)
1667 sort
1668 :default :relevant
1669 :param-name "sort"
1670 :extra-class "sort")))
1671 :content-class "index-page tag-index-page"
1672 :alternate-html (lambda ()
1673 (unless wiki-only
1674 (write-index-items-to-html *html-output* posts))
1675 (when (typep *current-backend* 'backend-lw2-tags-comments)
1676 (finish-output *html-output*)
1677 (let ((*enable-voting* (not (null (logged-in-userid))))
1678 (comments (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :comment :list (alist :view "tagDiscussionComments" :tag-id tag-id)))))
1679 (output-comments *html-output* "comment" comments nil :replies-open t)))))))))
1680 (:post ()
1681 (schema-bind (:tag tag (tag-id))
1682 (renderer ()
1683 (post-comment :tag-id tag-id)))))))
1685 (define-component-routes forum-site (view-tag (regex-route :regex "^/(?:tag|topics)/([^/?]+)(/[^/?]*)?") (slug tail) (view-tag slug tail)))
1687 (define-route 'ea-forum-viewer-site 'regex-route :name 'view-tags-redirect :regex "^/tag/" :handler (lambda () (redirect (ppcre:regex-replace "^/tag/" (hunchentoot:request-uri*) "/topics/"))))
1689 (define-component view-tags-index ()
1690 (:http-args ())
1691 (multiple-value-bind (all-tags portal)
1692 (lw2-graphql-query-multi
1693 (list (lw2-query-string* :tag :list (alist :view "allTagsAlphabetical"))
1694 (lw2-query-string* :tag :list (alist :view "tagBySlug" :slug "portal") :context :body)))
1695 (let ((core-tags
1696 (iter (for tag in all-tags)
1697 (schema-bind (:tag tag (core))
1698 (when core (collect tag)))))
1699 (title (if (typep *current-site* 'lesswrong-viewer-site) "Concepts Portal" "Tags Portal")))
1700 (renderer ()
1701 (emit-page (out-stream :title title)
1702 <article>
1703 <h1 class="post-title">(safe title)</h1>
1704 (tag-to-html (first portal) :skip-headline t)
1705 </article>
1706 (iter (for (title . tags) in (alist "Core Tags" core-tags "All Tags" all-tags))
1707 (progn
1708 <h1>(safe title)</h1>
1709 (tag-list-to-html tags))))))))
1711 (define-component-routes forum-site (view-tags-index (standard-route :uri "/tags") () (view-tags-index)))
1712 (define-component-routes forum-site (view-tags-index-alt (standard-route :uri "/topics") () (view-tags-index)))
1714 (define-route 'forum-site 'standard-route :name 'view-tags-index-redirect :uri "/tags/all" :handler (lambda () (redirect "/tags")))
1715 (define-route 'forum-site 'standard-route :name 'view-tags-index-redirect :uri "/topics/all" :handler (lambda () (redirect "/topics")))
1717 (define-route 'alternate-frontend-site 'standard-route :name 'view-tags-voting-redirect :uri "/tagVoting" :handler (lambda () (main-site-redirect "/tagVoting")))
1718 (define-route 'alternate-frontend-site 'standard-route :name 'view-tags-dashboard-redirect :uri "/tags/dashboard" :handler (lambda () (main-site-redirect "/tags/dashboard")))
1720 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (view-push-register :uri "/push/register") ()
1721 (with-error-page
1722 (let* ((data (call-with-safe-json (lambda ()
1723 (json:decode-json-from-string
1724 (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :force-text t :external-format :utf-8)))))
1725 (subscription (cdr (assoc :subscription data)))
1726 (cancel (cdr (assoc :cancel data))))
1727 (cond
1728 (subscription
1729 (make-subscription *current-auth-token*
1730 (cdr (assoc :endpoint subscription))
1731 (cdr (assoc :expires *current-auth-status*)))
1732 (send-notification (cdr (assoc :endpoint subscription)) :ttl 120))
1733 (cancel
1734 (delete-subscription *current-auth-token*)))
1735 nil)))
1737 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (view-inbox-redirect :uri "/push/go-inbox") ()
1738 (with-error-page
1739 (redirect (format nil "/users/~A?show=inbox" *current-user-slug*))))
1741 (define-page view-user (:regex "^/users/(.*?)(?:$|\\?)|^/user" user-slug) (id
1742 (offset :type fixnum :default 0)
1743 (show :member '(:all :posts :comments :drafts :conversations :inbox) :default :all)
1744 (sort :member '(:top :new :old) :default :new))
1745 (let* ((auth-token (if (eq show :inbox) *current-auth-token*))
1746 (user-info
1747 (let ((ui (get-user (cond (user-slug :user-slug) (id :user-id)) (or user-slug id) :auth-token auth-token)))
1748 (if (and (not (cdr (assoc :deleted ui))) (cdr (assoc :--id ui)))
1750 (error 'lw2-user-not-found-error))))
1751 (user-id (cdr (assoc :--id user-info)))
1752 (own-user-page (logged-in-userid user-id))
1753 (display-name (if user-slug (cdr (assoc :display-name user-info)) user-id))
1754 (show-text (if (not (eq show :all)) (string-capitalize show)))
1755 (title (format nil "~A~@['s ~A~]" display-name show-text))
1756 (sort-type (case sort (:top :score) (:new :date) (:old :date-reverse))))
1757 (multiple-value-bind (items total last-modified)
1758 (case show
1759 (:posts
1760 (get-user-page-items user-id :posts :offset offset :limit (+ 1 (user-pref :items-per-page)) :sort-type sort-type))
1761 (:comments
1762 (get-user-page-items user-id :comments :offset offset :limit (+ 1 (user-pref :items-per-page)) :sort-type sort-type))
1763 (:drafts
1764 (get-user-page-items user-id :posts :drafts t :offset offset :limit (+ 1 (user-pref :items-per-page)) :auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token")))
1765 (:conversations
1766 (let ((conversations
1767 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :conversation :list
1768 (alist :view "userConversations" :limit (+ 1 (user-pref :items-per-page)) :offset offset :user-id user-id)
1769 :fields '(:--id :created-at :title (:participants :display-name :slug) :----typename))
1770 :auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token"))))
1771 (lw2-graphql-query-map
1772 (lambda (c)
1773 (lw2-query-string* :message :total (alist :view "messagesConversation" :conversation-id (cdr (assoc :--id c)))))
1774 conversations
1775 :postprocess (lambda (c result)
1776 (acons :messages-total result c))
1777 :auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token"))))
1778 (:inbox
1779 (error-explanation-case
1780 (prog1
1781 (let ((notifications (get-notifications :user-id user-id :offset offset :auth-token (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token")))
1782 (last-check (ignore-errors (local-time:parse-timestring (cdr (assoc :last-notifications-check user-info))))))
1783 (labels ((check-new (key obj)
1784 (if (ignore-errors (local-time:timestamp< last-check (local-time:parse-timestring (cdr (assoc key obj)))))
1785 (acons :highlight-new t obj)
1786 obj))
1787 (check-replied (comment)
1788 (let* ((post-id (cdr (assoc :post-id comment)))
1789 (comment-id (cdr (assoc :--id comment)))
1790 (reply-comment-id (check-comment-replied comment-id user-id)))
1791 (if reply-comment-id
1792 (acons :replied (list :post post-id :comment-id reply-comment-id) comment)
1793 comment))))
1794 (lw2-graphql-query-map
1795 (lambda (n)
1796 (alexandria:switch ((cdr (assoc :document-type n)) :test #'string=)
1797 ("comment"
1798 (lw2-query-string* :comment :single
1799 (alist :document-id (cdr (assoc :document-id n)))
1800 :context :index))
1801 ("post"
1802 (lw2-query-string* :post :single (alist :document-id (cdr (assoc :document-id n)))))
1803 ("message"
1804 (lw2-query-string* :message :single (alist :document-id (cdr (assoc :document-id n)))
1805 :fields *messages-index-fields*))
1807 (values n t))))
1808 notifications
1809 :postprocess (lambda (n result)
1810 (if result
1811 (funcall (if (string= (cdr (assoc :document-type n)) "comment") #'check-replied #'identity)
1812 (check-new
1813 (alexandria:switch ((cdr (assoc :document-type n)) :test #'string=)
1814 ("comment" :posted-at)
1815 ("post" :posted-at)
1816 ("message" :created-at))
1817 result))
1819 :auth-token auth-token)))
1820 (do-user-edit
1821 (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token")
1822 user-id
1823 (alist :last-notifications-check (timestamp-to-graphql (local-time:now)))))
1824 (lw2-not-allowed-error
1825 <p>This may mean your login token has expired or become invalid. You can try <a href="/login">logging in again</a>.</p>)))
1827 (get-user-page-items user-id :both :offset offset :limit (+ 1 (user-pref :items-per-page)) :sort-type sort-type)))
1828 (handle-last-modified last-modified)
1829 (let ((with-next (> (length items) (+ (if (eq show :all) offset 0) (user-pref :items-per-page))))
1830 (interleave (if (eq show :all) (comment-post-interleave items :limit (user-pref :items-per-page) :offset (if (eq show :all) offset nil) :sort-by sort-type) (firstn items (user-pref :items-per-page))))) ; this destructively sorts items
1831 (view-items-index interleave :title title
1832 :content-class (format nil "user-page~@[ ~A-user-page~]~:[~; own-user-page~]" (string-downcase show) own-user-page)
1833 :current-uri (format nil "/users/~A" user-slug)
1834 :section :personal
1835 :pagination (pagination-nav-bars :offset offset :total total :with-next (if (not total) with-next))
1836 :need-auth (eq show :drafts) :section (if (eq show :drafts) "drafts" nil)
1837 :top-nav (lambda ()
1838 (page-toolbar-to-html :title title
1839 :enable-push-notifications (eq show :inbox)
1840 :rss (not (member show '(:drafts :conversations :inbox)))
1841 :new-post (if (eq show :drafts) "drafts" t)
1842 :new-conversation (if own-user-page t user-slug)
1843 :ignore (if (and (logged-in-userid) (not own-user-page))
1844 (lambda ()
1845 (let ((ignored (gethash user-id *current-ignore-hash*)))
1846 <form method="post" action="/ignore-user">
1847 <button class=("button ~A" (if ignored "unignore-button" "ignore-button"))>(if ignored "Unignore user" "Ignore user")</button>
1848 <input type="hidden" name="csrf-token" value=(make-csrf-token)>
1849 <input type="hidden" name="target-id" value=user-id>
1850 <input type="hidden" name="state" value=(if ignored "unignore" "ignore")>
1851 <input type="hidden" name="return" value=(hunchentoot:request-uri*)>
1852 </form>)))
1853 :logout own-user-page)
1854 (alist-bind ((actual-id string :--id)
1855 (actual-slug string :slug)
1856 (karma (or null fixnum))
1857 (af-karma (or null fixnum)))
1858 user-info
1859 <h1 class="page-main-heading"
1860 (when (not own-user-page)
1861 (format nil "data-~:[~;anti-~]~:*kibitzer-redirect=~:[/users/~*~A~;/user?id=~A~]"
1862 user-slug actual-id actual-slug))>
1863 (progn display-name)
1864 (let ((full-name (get-user-full-name user-id)))
1865 (when (and user-slug (stringp full-name) (> (length full-name) 0))
1866 <span class="user-full-name">\((progn full-name)\)</span>))
1867 </h1>
1868 <div class="user-stats">
1869 Karma:
1870 <span class="karma-type">
1871 <span class="karma-total">(if user-slug (pretty-number (or karma 0)) "##")</span>(if af-karma " (LW),")
1872 </span>\
1873 (when af-karma
1874 <span class="karma-type">
1875 <span class="karma-total af-karma-total">(if user-slug (pretty-number (or af-karma 0)) "##")</span> \(AF\)
1876 </span>)
1877 </div>
1878 (when-let (html-bio (cdr (assoc :html-bio user-info)))
1879 <div class="user-bio body-text">
1880 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
1881 (let ((*memoized-output-stream* stream))
1882 (clean-html* html-bio)))
1883 </div>))
1884 (sublevel-nav-to-html `(:all :posts :comments
1885 ,@(if own-user-page
1886 '(:drafts :conversations :inbox)))
1887 show
1888 :default :all)
1889 (when (member show '(:all :posts :comments))
1890 (sublevel-nav-to-html '(:new :top :old)
1891 sort
1892 :default :new
1893 :param-name "sort"
1894 :extra-class "sort"))))))))
1896 (defparameter *conversation-template* (compile-template* "conversation.html"))
1898 (define-page view-conversation "/conversation" (id to subject)
1899 (request-method
1900 (:get ()
1901 (cond
1902 ((and id to) (error "This is an invalid URL."))
1904 (multiple-value-bind (conversation messages)
1905 (get-conversation-messages id (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token"))
1906 (let ((conversation (rectify-conversation conversation)))
1907 (view-items-index (nreverse messages) :content-class "conversation-page" :need-auth t :title (encode-entities (cdr (assoc :title conversation)))
1908 :top-nav (lambda () (render-template* *conversation-template* *html-output*
1909 :conversation conversation :csrf-token (make-csrf-token)))))))
1911 (emit-page (out-stream :title "New conversation" :content-class "conversation-page")
1912 (render-template* *conversation-template* out-stream
1913 :to to
1914 :subject subject
1915 :csrf-token (make-csrf-token))))))
1916 (:post ((text :required t))
1917 (let* ((id (or id
1918 (let ((participant-ids (list (logged-in-userid) (cdar (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :slug to) :fields '(:--id)))))))
1919 (do-create-conversation (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token") (alist :participant-ids participant-ids :title subject))))))
1920 (do-create-message (hunchentoot:cookie-in "lw2-auth-token") id text)
1921 (redirect (format nil "/conversation?id=~A" id))))))
1923 (defun search-result-markdown-to-html (item)
1924 (cons (cons :html-body
1925 (handler-case (nth-value 1 (cl-markdown:markdown (cdr (assoc :body item)) :stream nil))
1926 (serious-condition () "[Error while processing search result]")))
1927 item))
1929 (define-page view-search "/search" ((q :required t))
1930 (let ((*current-search-query* q)
1931 (link (presentable-link q :search))
1932 (title (format nil "~@[~A - ~]Search" q)))
1933 (declare (special *current-search-query*))
1934 (if link
1935 (redirect link)
1936 (multiple-value-bind (tags posts comments) (lw2-search-query q)
1937 (let ((tags (map 'list (lambda (tag)
1938 (alist* :----typename "Tag" tag))
1939 tags)))
1940 (view-items-index (nconc
1941 (map 'list (lambda (post) (if (cdr (assoc :comment-count post)) post (alist* :comment-count 0 post))) posts)
1942 (map 'list #'search-result-markdown-to-html comments))
1943 :top-nav (lambda ()
1944 (page-toolbar-to-html :title title :rss t)
1945 (when tags
1946 <h1>Tags</h1>
1947 (tag-list-to-html tags)))
1948 :content-class "search-results-page" :current-uri "/search"
1949 :title title))))))
1951 (define-page view-login "/login" (return cookie-check
1952 (login-username :request-type :post) (login-password :request-type :post)
1953 (signup-username :request-type :post) (signup-email :request-type :post) (signup-password :request-type :post) (signup-password2 :request-type :post))
1954 (labels
1955 ((emit-login-page (&key error-message)
1956 (let ((csrf-token (make-csrf-token)))
1957 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Log in" :current-uri "/login" :content-class "login-page" :robots "noindex, nofollow")
1958 (when error-message
1959 (format out-stream "<div class=\"error-box\">~A</div>" error-message))
1960 (with-outputs (out-stream) "<div class=\"login-container\">")
1961 (output-form out-stream "post" (format nil "/login~@[?return=~A~]" (if return (url-rewrite:url-encode return))) "login-form" "Log in" csrf-token
1962 '(("login-username" "Username" "text" "username")
1963 ("login-password" "Password" "password" "current-password"))
1964 "Log in"
1965 :end-html (when (typep *current-backend* 'backend-websocket-login) ;other backends not supported yet
1966 "<a href=\"/reset-password\">Forgot password</a>"))
1967 (output-form out-stream "post" (format nil "/login~@[?return=~A~]" (if return (url-rewrite:url-encode return))) "signup-form" "Create account" csrf-token
1968 '(("signup-username" "Username" "text" "username")
1969 ("signup-email" "Email" "text" "email")
1970 ("signup-password" "Password" "password" "new-password")
1971 ("signup-password2" "Confirm password" "password" "new-password"))
1972 "Create account")
1973 (when-let (main-site-title (main-site-title *current-site*))
1974 (when (typep *current-site* 'ea-forum-viewer-site)
1975 <div class="error-box"><span style="font-weight:bold">WARNING:</span> EA Forum recently switched to a new single sign-on system. Accounts created with the new system do not currently work with GreaterWrong.\
1976 Accounts created before the new system and accounts created through GreaterWrong continue to work.</div>)
1977 (format out-stream "<div class=\"login-tip\"><span>Tip:</span> You can log in with the same username and password that you use on ~A~:*. Creating an account here also creates one on ~A.</div>"
1978 main-site-title))
1979 (format out-stream "</div>"))))
1980 (finish-login (username user-id auth-token error-message &optional expires)
1981 (cond
1982 (auth-token
1983 (set-cookie "lw2-auth-token" auth-token :max-age (if expires (+ (- expires (get-unix-time)) (* 24 60 60)) (1- (expt 2 31))))
1984 (if expires (set-cookie "lw2-status" (json:encode-json-to-string (alist :expires expires))))
1985 (cache-put "auth-token-to-userid" auth-token user-id)
1986 (cache-put "auth-token-to-username" auth-token username)
1987 (redirect (if (and return (ppcre:scan "^/[^/]" return)) return "/")))
1989 (emit-login-page :error-message error-message)))))
1990 (cond
1991 ((not (or cookie-check (hunchentoot:cookie-in "session-token")))
1992 (set-cookie "session-token" (base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string (ironclad:make-random-salt)))
1993 (redirect (format nil "/login?~@[return=~A&~]cookie-check=y" (if return (url-rewrite:url-encode return)))))
1994 (cookie-check
1995 (if (hunchentoot:cookie-in "session-token")
1996 (redirect (format nil "/login~@[?return=~A~]" (if return (url-rewrite:url-encode return))))
1997 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Log in" :current-uri "/login")
1998 (format out-stream "<h1>Enable cookies</h1><p>Please enable cookies in your browser and <a href=\"/login~@[?return=~A~]\">try again</a>.</p>" (if return (url-rewrite:url-encode return))))))
1999 (login-username
2000 (cond
2001 ((or (string= login-username "") (string= login-password "")) (emit-login-page :error-message "Please enter a username and password"))
2002 ((lw2.dnsbl:dnsbl-check (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr)) (emit-login-page :error-message "Your IP address is blacklisted."))
2003 (t (multiple-value-call #'finish-login login-username (do-login login-username login-password)))))
2004 (signup-username
2005 (cond
2006 ((not (every (lambda (x) (not (string= x ""))) (list signup-username signup-email signup-password signup-password2)))
2007 (emit-login-page :error-message "Please fill in all fields"))
2008 ((not (string= signup-password signup-password2))
2009 (emit-login-page :error-message "Passwords do not match"))
2010 ((lw2.dnsbl:dnsbl-check (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr)) (emit-login-page :error-message "Your IP address is blacklisted."))
2011 (t (multiple-value-call #'finish-login signup-username (do-lw2-create-user signup-username signup-email signup-password)))))
2013 (emit-login-page)))))
2015 (define-page view-logout "/logout" ()
2016 (request-method
2017 (:post ()
2018 (set-cookie "lw2-auth-token" "" :max-age 0)
2019 (do-logout *current-auth-token*)
2020 (redirect "/"))))
2022 (defparameter *reset-password-template* (compile-template* "reset-password.html"))
2024 (define-page view-reset-password "/reset-password" ((email :request-type :post) (reset-link :request-type :post) (password :request-type :post) (password2 :request-type :post))
2025 (labels ((emit-rpw-page (&key message message-type step)
2026 (let ((csrf-token (make-csrf-token)))
2027 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Reset password" :content-class "reset-password" :robots "noindex, nofollow")
2028 (render-template* *reset-password-template* out-stream
2029 :csrf-token csrf-token
2030 :reset-link reset-link
2031 :message message
2032 :message-type message-type
2033 :step step)))))
2034 (cond
2035 (email
2036 (multiple-value-bind (ret error)
2037 (do-lw2-forgot-password email)
2038 (declare (ignore ret))
2039 (if error
2040 (emit-rpw-page :step 1 :message error :message-type "error")
2041 (emit-rpw-page :step 1 :message "Password reset email sent." :message-type "success"))))
2042 (reset-link
2043 (ppcre:register-groups-bind (reset-token) ("(?:reset-password/|^)([^/#]+)$" reset-link)
2044 (cond
2045 ((not reset-token)
2046 (emit-rpw-page :step 2 :message "Invalid password reset link." :message-type "error"))
2047 ((not (string= password password2))
2048 (emit-rpw-page :step 2 :message "Passwords do not match." :message-type "error"))
2050 (multiple-value-bind (user-id auth-token error-message) (do-lw2-reset-password reset-token password)
2051 (declare (ignore user-id auth-token))
2052 (cond
2053 (error-message (emit-rpw-page :step 2 :message error-message :message-type "error"))
2055 (with-error-page (emit-page (out-stream :title "Reset password" :content-class "reset-password")
2056 (format out-stream "<h1>Password reset complete</h1><p>You can now <a href=\"/login\">log in</a> with your new password.</p>"))))))))))
2058 (emit-rpw-page)))))
2060 (define-page view-library "/library"
2061 ((view :member '(:featured :community) :default :featured))
2062 (let ((sequences
2063 (lw2-graphql-query
2064 (lw2-query-string :sequence :list
2065 (alist :view (case view
2066 (:featured "curatedSequences")
2067 (:community "communitySequences")))
2068 :fields '(:--id :created-at :user-id :title :----typename)))))
2069 (view-items-index
2070 sequences
2071 :title "Sequences Library"
2072 :content-class "sequences-page"
2073 :current-uri "/library"
2074 :top-nav (lambda ()
2075 (sublevel-nav-to-html '(:featured :community)
2076 view
2077 :default :featured
2078 :param-name "view"
2079 :extra-class "sequences-view")))))
2081 (define-page view-sequence (:regex "^/s(?:equences)?/([^/?#]+)(?:/?$|\\?)" sequence-id) ()
2082 (let ((sequence (get-sequence sequence-id)))
2083 (alist-bind ((title string))
2084 sequence
2085 (emit-page (out-stream
2086 :title title
2087 :content-class "sequence-page")
2088 (sequence-to-html sequence)))))
2090 (define-component view-collection (collection-id) ()
2091 (let ((collection (get-collection collection-id)))
2092 (renderer ()
2093 (emit-page (out-stream :title (cdr (assoc :title collection)) :content-class "sequence-page collection-page")
2094 (collection-to-html collection)))))
2096 (define-component-routes lesswrong-viewer-site (view-sequences (standard-route :uri "/sequences") () (view-collection "oneQyj4pw77ynzwAF")))
2097 (define-component-routes lesswrong-viewer-site (view-codex (standard-route :uri "/codex") () (view-collection "2izXHCrmJ684AnZ5X")))
2098 (define-component-routes lesswrong-viewer-site (view-hpmor (standard-route :uri "/hpmor") () (view-collection "ywQvGBSojSQZTMpLh")))
2099 (define-component-routes ea-forum-viewer-site (view-handbook (standard-route :uri "/handbook") () (view-collection "MobebwWs2o86cS9Rd")))
2101 (define-component-routes forum-site (view-tags-index (standard-route :uri "/tags") () (view-tags-index)))
2103 (define-page view-archive (:regex "^/archive(?:/(\\d{4})|/?(?:$|\\?.*$))(?:/(\\d{1,2})|/?(?:$|\\?.*$))(?:/(\\d{1,2})|/?(?:$|\\?.*$))"
2104 (year :type (mod 10000))
2105 (month :type (integer 1 12))
2106 (day :type (integer 1 31)))
2107 ((offset :type fixnum :default 0))
2108 (local-time:with-decoded-timestamp (:day current-day :month current-month :year current-year :timezone local-time:+utc-zone+) (local-time:now)
2109 (local-time:with-decoded-timestamp (:day earliest-day :month earliest-month :year earliest-year :timezone local-time:+utc-zone+) (earliest-post-time)
2110 (labels ((url-elements (&rest url-elements)
2111 (declare (dynamic-extent url-elements))
2112 (format nil "/~{~A~^/~}" url-elements))
2113 (archive-nav ()
2114 (let ((out-stream *html-output*))
2115 (with-outputs (out-stream) "<div class=\"archive-nav\"><div class=\"archive-nav-years\">")
2116 (link-if-not out-stream (not (or year month day)) (url-elements "archive") "archive-nav-item-year" "All")
2117 (loop for y from earliest-year to current-year
2118 do (link-if-not out-stream (eq y year) (url-elements "archive" y) "archive-nav-item-year" y))
2119 (format out-stream "</div>")
2120 (when year
2121 (format out-stream "<div class=\"archive-nav-months\">")
2122 (link-if-not out-stream (not month) (url-elements "archive" year) "archive-nav-item-month" "All")
2123 (loop for m from (if (= (or year current-year) earliest-year) earliest-month 1) to (if (= (or year current-year) current-year) current-month 12)
2124 do (link-if-not out-stream (eq m month) (url-elements "archive" (or year current-year) m) "archive-nav-item-month" (elt local-time:+short-month-names+ m)))
2125 (format out-stream "</div>"))
2126 (when month
2127 (format out-stream "<div class=\"archive-nav-days\">")
2128 (link-if-not out-stream (not day) (url-elements "archive" year month) "archive-nav-item-day" "All")
2129 (loop for d from (if (and (= (or year current-year) earliest-year) (= (or month current-month) earliest-month)) earliest-day 1)
2130 to (if (and (= (or year current-year) current-year) (= (or month current-month) current-month)) current-day (local-time:days-in-month (or month current-month) (or year current-year)))
2131 do (link-if-not out-stream (eq d day) (url-elements "archive" (or year current-year) (or month current-month) d) "archive-nav-item-day" d))
2132 (format out-stream "</div>"))
2133 (format out-stream "</div>"))))
2134 (multiple-value-bind (posts total)
2135 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :post :list
2136 (alist :view (if day "new" "top") :limit 51 :offset offset
2137 :after (if (and year (not day)) (format nil "~A-~A-~A" (or year earliest-year) (or month 1) (or day 1)))
2138 :before (if year (format nil "~A-~A-~A" (or year current-year) (or month 12)
2139 (or day (local-time:days-in-month (or month 12) (or year current-year))))))))
2140 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Archive" :current-uri "/archive" :content-class "archive-page"
2141 :top-nav #'archive-nav
2142 :pagination (pagination-nav-bars :items-per-page 50 :offset offset :total total :with-next (if total nil (> (length posts) 50))))
2143 (write-index-items-to-html out-stream (firstn posts 50) :empty-message "No posts for the selected period.")))))))
2145 (define-page view-about "/about" ()
2146 (emit-page (out-stream :title "About" :current-uri "/about" :content-class "about-page")
2147 (alexandria:with-input-from-file (in-stream "www/about.html" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
2148 (alexandria:copy-stream in-stream out-stream))))
2150 (define-page misc-pages (:regex "^/misc-pages/.+") ()
2151 (let ((pathname (hunchentoot:request-pathname)))
2152 (unless (probe-file pathname)
2153 (error 'lw2-not-found-error))
2154 (emit-page (out-stream :title "Misc page" :content-class "misc-page")
2155 (alexandria:with-input-from-file (in-stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
2156 (alexandria:copy-stream in-stream out-stream)))))
2158 (define-page view-generated-script (:regex "^/generated/([^/]+)\\.js" (name :type string)) ()
2159 (when-let ((package (find-package (string-upcase name))))
2160 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out "Content-Type") "text/javascript")
2161 (let ((stream (make-flexi-stream (hunchentoot:send-headers) :external-format :utf-8)))
2162 (write-package-client-scripts package stream))))
2164 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
2165 (view-proxy-asset
2166 :uri (lambda (r)
2167 (with-error-page
2168 (multiple-value-bind (match? strings) (ppcre:scan-to-strings "^/proxy-assets/([0-9A-Za-z]+)(-inverted)?$" (hunchentoot:script-name r) :sharedp t)
2169 (when-let* ((base-filename (and match? (svref strings 0)))
2170 (image-data (cache-get "cached-images" base-filename :value-type :json)))
2171 (let ((inverted (svref strings 1)))
2172 (alist-bind ((mime-type simple-string)) image-data
2173 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out "X-Content-Type-Options") "nosniff"
2174 (hunchentoot:header-out "Cache-Control") #.(format nil "public, max-age=~A, immutable" 600))
2175 (hunchentoot:handle-static-file (concatenate 'string "www/proxy-assets/" base-filename (if inverted "-inverted" "")) mime-type)
2176 t)))))))
2177 nil)