Add account age and karma to autocomplete display.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / backends / accordius.lisp
1 (in-package #:lw2.backend)
3 ;;; REST API
5 (defun do-wl-rest-query (endpoint filters &key auth-token)
6 (lw2-graphql-query (lambda () (values endpoint filters)) :auth-token auth-token))
8 (defclass accordius-query (closer-mop:funcallable-standard-object) ()
9 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
11 (defmethod run-query ((query accordius-query))
12 (lw2-graphql-query query :return-type :string))
14 (define-backend-operation lw2-query-string backend-accordius (query-type return-type args &rest rest)
15 (declare (ignore rest))
16 (let ((obj (make-instance 'accordius-query)))
17 (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function
18 obj
19 (lambda ()
20 (values
21 (format nil "~(~A~)s/~@[~A/~]" query-type (if (eq return-type :single) (cdr (assoc :document-id args))))
22 (loop for arg in args
23 unless (member (car arg) '(:document-id :limit :view))
24 collect (cons (json:lisp-to-camel-case (string (car arg))) (cdr arg))))))
25 obj))
27 (define-backend-operation postprocess-query-result backend-accordius (result)
28 (if-let (data (assoc :data result))
29 (cdadr data)
30 result))
32 (define-backend-operation call-with-backend-response backend-accordius (fn query &key return-type auth-token)
33 (multiple-value-bind (endpoint filters)
34 (funcall query)
35 (call-with-http-response
37 (quri:render-uri (quri:merge-uris (quri:make-uri :path endpoint :query filters) (quri:uri (rest-api-uri *current-backend*))))
38 :additional-headers (if auth-token `(("authorization" . ,auth-token)) nil)
39 :want-stream (not return-type))))
41 (define-backend-operation get-post-body backend-accordius (post-id &key &allow-other-keys)
42 (acons :tags (lw2-graphql-query (lambda () (values "tags/" `(("document_id" . ,post-id))))) (call-next-method)))
44 (define-backend-operation lw2-search-query backend-accordius (query &key &allow-other-keys)
45 (values
46 (do-wl-rest-query "post_search/" `(("query" . ,query)))
47 (do-wl-rest-query "comment_search/" `(("query" . ,query)))))
49 (defun do-wl-rest-mutate (mutation-type endpoint post-params auth-token)
50 (call-with-http-response
51 #'identity
52 (quri:render-uri (quri:merge-uris (quri:make-uri :path endpoint :query "") (quri:uri (rest-api-uri *current-backend*))))
53 :method mutation-type
54 :content post-params
55 :headers (alist "authorization" auth-token)))
57 (defun do-wl-create-tag (document-id text auth-token)
58 (do-wl-rest-mutate :post "tags/" `((:DOCUMENT-ID . ,document-id) (:TEXT . ,text)) auth-token))
63 (define-backend-operation get-user-page-items backend-accordius (user-id request-type &key &allow-other-keys)
64 (declare (ignore user-id request-type))
65 (let ((*graphql-correct* t))
66 (declare (special *graphql-correct*))
67 (call-next-method)))
69 (define-backend-operation get-conversation-messages backend-accordius (conversation-id auth-token)
70 (declare (ignore conversation-id auth-token))
71 (let ((*messages-index-fields* (cons :html-body (remove :content *messages-index-fields*))))
72 (call-next-method)))
74 (define-backend-operation user-fields backend-accordius ()
75 (remove :groups (call-next-method)))
77 ;;;; LOGIN
79 (in-package #:lw2.login)
81 (define-backend-operation do-lw2-mutation backend-accordius (auth-token target-type mutation-type terms fields)
82 (let ((endpoint
83 (case target-type
84 (:post "posts")
85 (:comment "comments")
86 )))
87 (cond
88 ((eq mutation-type :delete) (do-wl-rest-mutate mutation-type
89 (concatenate 'string endpoint "/"
90 (cdr (assoc :DOCUMENT-ID terms)))
91 nil
92 auth-token))
93 (t (call-next-method)))))
96 (define-backend-operation do-login backend-accordius (user-designator password &key &allow-other-keys)
97 (let* ((response
98 (do-lw2-post-query nil `(("query" . "mutation Login($username: String, $password: String) { Login(username: $username, password: $password) {userId, sessionKey, expiration}}")
99 ("variables" .
100 (("username" . ,user-designator)
101 ("password" . ,password))))))
102 (user-id (format nil "~A" (cdr (assoc :user-id response))))
103 (auth-token (cdr (assoc :session-key response)))
104 (expiration (truncate (* 1000 (cdr (assoc :expiration response))))))
105 (values user-id auth-token nil expiration)))
107 (define-backend-operation do-lw2-create-user backend-accordius (username email password)
108 ;; TODO: Add actual code
109 (let (user-id auth-token error-message expiration)
110 (values user-id auth-token error-message expiration)))
112 (define-backend-operation do-lw2-forgot-password backend-accordius (email)
113 ;; TODO: Add actual code
114 (let (successfulp error-message)
115 (values successfulp error-message)))
117 (define-backend-operation do-lw2-reset-password backend-accordius (auth-token password)
118 ;; TODO: Add actual code
119 (let (user-id auth-token error-message expiration)
120 (values user-id auth-token error-message expiration)))