Remap blue to nonblue colors in dark mode.
[lw2-viewer.git] / templates / edit-post.html
1 <div class="posting-controls with-markdown-editor {% if post-id %}edit-existing-post{% else %}create-new-post{% endif %}" onsubmit="disableBeforeUnload();">
2 <form method="post" action="/edit-post" id="edit-post-form" class="aligned-form">
3 <div class="post-meta-fields">
4 <label for="title">Title:</label>
5 <input name="title" autocomplete="off" type="text" value="{{ title }}">
6 <input type="checkbox" class="link-post-checkbox" name="link-post" id="link-post"{% if url %} checked{% endif %}>
7 <label for="link-post" class="iconify">Link post</label>
8 <label for="url">URL:</label>
9 <input name="url" autocomplete="off" type="text" value="{{ url }}">
10 {% if tags-supported %}
11 <label for="tags">Tags:</label>
12 <input type="text" name="tags" id="tags-input" value="{{ tags }}">
13 {% endif %}
14 <input type="checkbox" class="question-checkbox" name="question" id="question"{% if question %} checked{% endif %}>
15 <label for="question" class="iconify">Question post</label>
17 {% if lesswrong-misc %}
18 <input type="checkbox" name="submit-to-frontpage" id="submit-to-frontpage"{% if submit-to-frontpage %} checked{% endif %}>
19 <label for="submit-to-frontpage">Moderators may promote to frontpage</label>
20 {% endif %}
22 <label for="section">Section:</label>
23 {% for section in section-list %}
24 <input type="radio" name="section" id="{{ }}" value="{{ }}"{% if section.selected %} checked{% endif %}><label for="{{ }}">{{ section.desc }}</label>
25 {% endfor %}
27 </div>
28 <div class="textarea-container">
29 <textarea name="text" oninput="enableBeforeUnload();">{{ markdown-source }}</textarea>
30 <span class="markdown-reference-link">You can use <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown</a> here.</span>
31 <button type="button" class="guiedit-mobile-auxiliary-button guiedit-mobile-help-button">Help</button>
32 <button type="button" class="guiedit-mobile-auxiliary-button guiedit-mobile-exit-button">Exit</button>
33 </div>
34 <div>
35 {% if post-id %}<input name="post-id" value="{{ post-id }}" type="hidden">{% endif %}
36 <input name="csrf-token" value="{{ csrf-token }}" type="hidden">
37 <input value="Submit" type="submit">
38 </div>
39 </form>
40 </div>